RA and improvements with 5;2

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  BlueDress 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Would love to hear from people who are on the 5:2 and living with RA. have only just started the diet and i do not currently take regular medication for RA – side effects from recommended medication is scary!
    besides having certain joints that always cause problems i also have various parts of my body that will have flair ups for a while and then disapear -(currently have very sore breast bone) I am interested in seeing if the diet will help with these “one off” flair ups
    any comments or personal stories would be of great help

    Well my joints are definitely better when I have lost weight, so in that way the 5;2 diet should help.
    Have you had a look at at what you eat, is it inflammatory or anti-inflammatory, for example omega 6 is inflammatory while omega 3 is anti.

    Regards Stuart

    Hi there,
    I have what is called Palindromic Rheumatism which is not full blown RA but will more than likely lead to it in the future. I also am interested to see if this will help with “one-off” flare up’s. As I am 24 and don’t have full blown RA I am looking to do whatever I can to delay to on-set of RA – and I too have horrible side effects from medications!

    Hi…. Have just joined…. Have been looking around for a day or so and have decided that 5:2.is the way to go…. I have RA and am hoping for some improvements too… It was the health benefits that attracted me here but if weight loss follows then I will be one happy litle Bunny!

    Hi, I just joined and have RA and Hashimoto’s. I’m hoping that this gives me some improvement for both. I’ll be very interested to see how the 5:2 impacts on all of us. I’ve got over 30 kilos to loose so will be on this for a while.

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