On Target October – Monthly Challenge for October 2021: Come & Join Us :-)

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On Target October – Monthly Challenge for October 2021: Come & Join Us :-)

This topic contains 303 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  BrightonBelle 3 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 315 total)

  • Day 8 — NFD

    Yesterday was on track 😀

    @stichincarol & @penz The biopsy will take some time to come back, but our poor dear is home and unhappily wearing a cone so he doesn’t disturb the sutures. He is the least attention demanding of our kitties so we are making sure to give him lots of love and comfort. He adores being groomed, so his coat is in superb condition now, lol.

    @northgeorgia – wow you are sure doing well! Great weigh-in and your attitude shines.

    @funshipfreddie I’m AF with you this month and good going to you! Funny thing is that I don’t actually drink much, but I’m so aware that I’m NOT having alcohol that I keep wanting a digestif. So empathy and respect – you are doing great!

    Dealing with lots of in-law drama this month 🙁 and there will be at least 2 required in person in-law gatherings later on this month. Sigh. The food portion of these events will be a challenge, because the HOW and WHAT I eat is one of the many topics they like to disapprovingly bring up. As many of them are pre-diabetic and obese I simply do not understand this and will have to prepare some coping mechanisms. The only safe topic, the weather, is boringly beautiful here just now so there is little to discuss, lol

    Sending all good wishes!

    Day 9 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 🚫🍷

    I thought I’d be one of the later posters today?! I guess not 🤔

    @northgeorgia – congrats on the new low! That 217 is just around the corner 🎯

    @songbirdme – such a pity you didn’t get to see Penzance?! I love ‘Pirates of Penzance’. I was a pirate for a few days in ’79. By that I don’t mean I plundered any cargo ships; I was in a college production. I knew every song inside out. I still listen to the overture sometimes, & it always puts me in a great mood.

    @mariaelena – thanks for the encouragement. I didn’t think I was drinking so much either; but it was definitely dragging me down. I was averaging around 3 drinks per day. I would deliberately put off having the first drink until after dinner, because once I’d had that drink, well, I don’t have an ‘off’ switch’. Good luck with those in-laws. Sometimes just being blatantly rude works wonders 😈

    Have a good weekend everyone! ⛅️ 🌈

    Day 9 USA – NFD

    Doing quite well — happy Saturday! Will try to post more later on.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 9 – Rural Nebraska, NE – NFD

    Despite what felt like a huge meal last night, the scale didn’t shoot up, so that was lovely. (Not that I thought I’d gain actual pounds, but only that the sheer quantity would still sit inside me.) I still feel quite stuffed, so my goal for the day is minimal food. And, honestly, I “hope” I can pull it off. I don’t put up with such namby-pamby phrases from myself Mon-Thurs, but the weekends are so different in my mind, that resolve is nearly unknown. I’ll work on that as I go about my day, trying to build resolve and determination.

    Eldest DS turns 30 next week while we’re in upstate New York, so we’re celebrating next Sunday. He’s requested quite the menu, so I’m working hard at being all prepared before we leave so all I have to do is shop for the ingredients. Thankfully, youngest DS will be cooking with me, and that will make it far easier.

    @funshipfreddie I’m with you in astonishment that the board is so quiet today. I too have been in musicals and dramas over the years; fun times. I was actually also sort of in Pirates, and WAS a pirate, for my very first dance recital back in 1966 or so, although the fact that our costumes were for “Pirates of Penzance” is absolutely all I remember of it! 🤣😂

    @songbirdme Good luck to your ILLINI; with Michigan as our opponent, we’re a bit nervous…but if we can only play as well as we played last week, we actually have a chance!

    Okay, I’m off to be productive; I may manage to check in later.

    Day 9 – USA/GA – NFD

    Ate three meals yesterday and finished up the day with a Burger King Whopper but with just four french fries and a chicken nugget and a half serving of soft drink. It was sort of unplanned, so I tried to do damage control as much as possible. Still, my philosophy is restrict and cut way back, but don’t feel terrible for satisfying a craving once a week or so. Just don’t let it get out of control; contain the craving in a guarded fence 🙂

    I weighed in, but decided to do ZBC and weigh-in again after grocery shopping. Result: 219 lbs. This is my lowest Saturday weigh-in ever, so it appears that the bumpy ride “up five pounds, down two or three, approach but don’t cross 220” plateau over the past four months may be ending. Whew!

    Day 9 — NFD

    Yesterday on target.

    @funshipfreddie I find it difficult to stop at one drink (cocktail/wine/cider) when I drink with dinner. The more flavourful sipping digestif type drinks, I am better able to stop at one. But if I drink too late in the evening I seem to pay for it for the next 18+ hours. As I age, the effects are more pronounced so I believe I will be all the better for this scheduled time out.

    As for the in-laws, got a reprieve this weekend but not for the next two. I’m defenseless against them, they have that ability to say something “innocent” in a saccharine sweet voice and cut like a knife. I swear when they do that I can see a cartoon thought bubble above their heads with a huge eye roll 🙄 emoji. Like, “wow, all you are eating is salad, you are dieting again?” If said in a different tone, with a different emphasis and facial expression (like if my sister said that to me, it could be taken as innocuous, neutral or positive). But if I reply to the tone, emphasis or subtext, I’m “attacking them for no reason”. My clothing, interests, eating, family and beliefs are all equally berated in this manner, and I feel helpless to respond at all. But I’ll bear up, I always have. My young nieces provide a good buffer, and I’ll do my best to sit/ spend my time with them and leave the adult socializing to my DH. Basta! I’m rambling again.

    @stichincarol Like you I ease up on weekends. But I’m off for yearly bloodwork Monday AM so I’m having a paranoidly strict weekend. Paranoid because nothing in the past has been of particular concern in my bloodwork – yet I still worry. Lol at myself.

    Trying to change up my exercise for today and maybe tomorrow. Some sore muscles are needing time to recuperate. So off for brisk, boring neighborhood walking. Got my podcast loaded, so hopefully time will pass quickly!

    Good thoughts to all.

    second post

    Well done, @northgeorgia!

    I’m tidying up and came across a health insurance newsletter I’d put aside to quote to all of you:

    “Dehydration could lead to back pain. When the gel-like elastic substance inside your lumbar discs isn’t fully hydrated, the discs begin to shrink making them less able to absorb the weight of your body. As a result, the discs can flatten, putting pressure on the nerves exiting the spinal column and potentially causing pain in your lower back.”

    Given how many of us don’t always drink sufficient water when we fast, I thought this was a valuable word to the wise.

    @stitchincarol — watching your Cornhuskers having a rough time with Michigan. I’m a bit torn … would be happy for Nebraska if they could win a tough one at home all for YOU, but did I ever mention of our 4 kids #1 and #3 went to Illinois (who played horribly today against Wisconsin… 🥲 even at Homecoming…) but #2 & #4 went to Michigan for their terrific musical theater program. So my feelings right now at halftime have to lie with the Go Blue kiddos. 🏈 💙💛

    Day 10. OMAD Mazara del Vallo. Sicily

    We have moved on a bit further south to Mazara. Beautiful place, great food again. We went out for the most fantastic meal on Friday night – fancy restaurant recommended in a guide book, so quite pricey by Sicilian standards. So we both just had one course – I had pasta with lobster which was the best I’ve ever had, and DH had seafood risotto- ditto. Both smallish portions, and that was it. We both came out saying how we realise that we don’t actually need that much food, especially when it’s so good. A bit late in the day to understand that, but better late than never. So that’s our plan – to have just one item each, not padded out for the sake of it. It’s still sunny and very warm here, with ridiculous bursts of heave rain that last about a minute. We went into the supermarket yesterday, and when we came out five minutes later it had rained and stopped. Bizarre. But this part of Sicily is just lovely.

    Day 10 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 🚫🍷

    @emma-taylor – I’m green with envy 💚

    See y’all on the pocket list tomorrow

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Day 10 UK NFD

    Yes I’ll be on the lists tomorrow @funshipfreddie – celebrations behind me now so down to the serious business of shifting flab💪

    @emma-taylor you’ve inspired me, DH had his check up with his surgeon Friday and he was given the ok to travel 6 weeks after op so Sicily booked !

    @brightonbelle – amazing. I’m sure you’ll have a great time. Every time I see your name I think of all the times we go to Brighton and have fun. It’s one of my favourite places….

    Day 10 – UK – CD

    Just realised I have not posted for 6 days…….what happened to the time?

    No fasting since Day 1 and no CD either………all NFDs…..🤭 but at least plenty of exercise and walking still achieved but feeling the need to press that RESET button today 🤞 with a CD

    Went out early this morning with a couple of friends for a walk with their 🐕🐕 and we then met up with another friend for ☕️. After a low cloud cover the day cleared up to beautiful sunny weather 😎 for our walk

    @daffodil2010 and @flourbaby – lovely to see you both back with us
    @stitchincarol – great admiration for your WFDs – Re holiday food advice – I would say enjoy a light low calorie lunch with a glass of wine with your friends and then try to limit your share of the charcuterie board in the evening which might keep you to TDEE…….but if that does not work out – have no guilt as it is a holiday with friends so just enjoy and just press your RESET button when you are back home
    @funshipfreddie – great job on your sober October
    @high5 – Enjoy your visit to Cornwall – hopefully with good weather
    @brightonbelle – happy belated birthday – meal out at a Japanese restaurant sounds 😋
    @northgeorgia – 👏 on that Day 8 weigh in – bet you did a happy dance on stepping off the scales!!
    @emma Taylor – your Sicily ideal sounds heavenly…..

    I’ll be joining the FD group tomorrow too – Happy Sunday to all

    Day 10 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 220 lbs. I was not Fung-minded at all yesterday. Started off well, but then decided to make the Halloween treat bags for co-workers and my niece, nephew, and a few other kids. I came across a few candies where the glue didn’t seal off the wrapper at the factory, so of course I had to eat those — oops, then I started carb craving — had a processed frozen meal for lunch, and gobbled up two bowls of cereal at night. No no no. Satisfying a craving that has been nagging for a few days is one thing. Abandoning my body to the sugar demon is wrong.

    I think I’ll have a good egg and turkey bacon breakfast this morning and get some chores done. Then I’ll prepare some real food for later. Stay strong!

    @stitchincarol Yes, I need to seriously up my water intake today. I’m thinking this cold or whatever I had also includes some tummy bug component — have some occasional upper abdomen pain like acid reflex/indigestion and a little back pain on Friday. So I may well be a bit dehydrated!

    @at Yes, and although I’m back at 220, this is the first 220 weigh-in on a Sunday that’s been preceded by two NFDs, so I feel like I’m getting things under control and headed in the right direction 🙂

    Day 10 – NFD

    Yesterday on target.

    Wonderful morning watching neighborhood stray cat family, the kittens are curious and adorable but understandably people shy.

    Last night we caught the latest Great British Baking Show (I believe Brits original name is Bake Off). I’ve enjoyed every season but DH and I agree these are the loveliest group of people they have had in the tent yet. Good thing for me cooking shows don’t trigger my appetite.

    Quiet weekend here. A bit of yard work in the nice weather we’ve been experiencing and lots of love and attention time for our recuperating cat who watched TV nestled between us. 3 personal Halloween letters to family completed. Lots of time with DH so the weekend goes into the win column.

    Hoping all are doing well.

    Second post

    Starting point for my sleep/weight/health connections research.


    Particularly interesting :

    “ The circadian timing system may also serve as a critical link between sleep and metabolism. Circadian timing both influences and is influenced by the metabolic state of cells and organisms. Cellular energy metabolism at the molecular level is linked directly to the molecular circadian clock (88, 89). At the behavioral level, food can entrain the circadian timing system, and eating at an inappropriate circadian phase promotes weight gain and obesity in both animals and humans (6, 9, 88). Thus, restricting feeding/eating times within the appropriate circadian phase can both prevent obesity and result in weight loss (47, 59).”

    There are a lot of pseudoscience articles out there and I’m looking for some more in-depth info, anything interesting I come across I will keep sharing if there is interest.

    Day 10 USA – NFD

    Not the best day yesterday, plenty of walking, but also quite a bit of food. Don’t know if today will be any better as wel plan to see the new James Bond movie tonight. It might be more popcorn than I should… who knows.

    @stitchincarol – what a great game Nebraska and Michigan played. Too bad someone had to lose. But then we enjoyed seeing Alabama lost to Texas A & M! Coach Sagan beat our ILLINI in 2002 Sugar Bowl when he was at LSU. I respect his winning ways, but always happy when he loses. 🙂

    @emma-taylor – your vacation and food choices sound terrific! I am with @funshipfreddi in the envy. I bet October in Italy is just delightful. We did it in August, and I feared the dirty clothing I brought home would mold due to all the sweaty bodies from touring the sites.

    @northgeorgia – you’re certainly on the right paths to keep off all that weight. Congratulations! 🥂

    @mariaelena – I forget the new episodes of British Baking hit the airwaves on Friday. Will get to the latest episode today. I have enjoyed all the seasons although DH gets frustrated seeing all that beautiful food and *I* do not bake any of it! Ha ha!

    @at – always happy to see you back again.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 10 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Yesterday was a decent FD and the scale rewarded me with 143.0 this morning, so was delighted with that. We’ve had quiche, fresh blueberries and OJ for brunch and will work on our leftovers for supper, and that will hopefully leave our fridge empty since tomorrow will be a WFD for me, and we leave the house around two.

    Thanks for all the thoughts on how to approach decent eating while gone without actually feeling as if I’m depriving myself of anything. 🤣😂🤣 I’ll simply have to do my best and call that good.

    @songbirdme We were all thrilled with Nebraska’s performance last night: TWENTY-TWO points in the 3rd quarter is nothing shy of excellence. And losing by three points is disappointing, but not the embarrassment other losses have been, so it’s all good. And I well understand your loyalty to Michigan. Don’t share it, but accept it, LOL!

    Have a great one, everyone!

    Day 11, FD, Aus

    Oh boy, what an EFS weekend! Saturday’s weather was just glorious so we headed out for a picnic. Lots of food and drink. And lots of leftovers, so I spent yesterday grazing all day AND had a normal meal for dinner, with wine. Not good at all! And oddly I woke up very hungry this morning. As a natural ZBC member, this is not like me at all. So I had a piece of ham in the hope that a bit of morning protein will see me through today’s FD.

    Oh @mariaelena, your in-laws sound awful. Those seemingly innocuous, but barbed, comments, can be so wearing. Thinking of you.

    Happy Monday everyone. Day 11 pocket list (I might need the support):

    Day 11 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Quick check in. So tired today. We travelled 500 km almost non stop on the motorbike yesterday and while I am happy that it caused me no bother at all, so my recovery is complete, the miles have taken its toll on my energy levels.

    Poor DH was also out on Saturday ( it’s a rally thing where you collect points on the motorbike and closing date soon) and he clocked up 1200km this weekend. Both of us shattered today.

    Have a great Monday – Hopefully all will be ok.

    Day 11 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Had a good, controlled weekend, I think. Not missing the alcohol anymore either; not like the first 3 or 4 days anyway.

    @daffodil2010 – it just occurred to me, I’ve NEVER been on a motorbike! My mum absolutely hated them; when I was younger she told my siblings & I, ‘the day you get a bike is the day you move out’. Her first boyfriend was killed in an accident. But, I can imagine why people love them, the thrill & sense of freedom you must experience.

    @northgeorgia – no more Halloween candy for you! It’ll still be there on the 31st; get that Fung head back on; c’mon now, you’ve got this 😜

    Stronger together 💪

    Pocket List – Day 11 🎯

    Day 11 – UK – FD

    Morning all, I hope everyone’s well. I had a weekend of NFDs (no change there) but I don’t feel like they were ‘tooooo’ bad…. she says surreptitiously, while trying to forget all the chocolatey cakey things she ate…. 👀. But all in all, I only had 2 glasses of wine the entire weekend and didn’t eat a takeaway or go out for dinner so that’s something right?!

    This week is going to be a little trickier – I’m staying with my dad from tomorrow until Friday and also have a big client meeting during the week too so just planning how I’ll make it work with the FDs. Needless to say today is definitely a FD!

    A little observation – I ate a bit more dairy last week (I had a flat white on a NFD, a little bit of cheese here and there, more than enough chocolate etc) and my face has erupted in spots worse than I ever had them as a teenager so I think it’s safe to say dairy isn’t really agreeing with me at the moment. @Daffoldil2010 I’m joining you on the 80% plant based plan! I hope you manage to get a good rest today.

    @penz I always wake up hungry after EFS! It’s like my stomach’s been stretched and is crying out for more to fill it up! (Non scientific ‘fact’ for you there 😂). The good thing is that I find it passes with a stern talking to myself and a good cup of tea because it’s not actual hunger. Shows how easy it is to slip into eating a bit more and more regularly though!

    @Marinaelena – I echo what @penz said about the in-laws. Sending strength, keeping checking in here when you’re feeling frustrated / need to let off some steam.

    @stitchincarol – great on the 143! Sounds like we’re in similar situations re being able to plan this week. My thinking is it’s just one week in our lives so doing the best is definitely good. Easy on easy off, as they say.

    Have a great day!

    Pocket List – Day 11 🎯

    Day 11 UK FD

    Absolutely no distractions this week and I mean to get down to business ahhh @stitchincarol just a few months ago I was at that weight feeling good unfortunately the scales have shot up but I’m determined to get back there soon

    @emma-taylor Yes I love Brighton too , been here 35 years now and there’s still always something new

    Right ! Let’s have a good week 💪

    Pocket List – Day 11 🎯

    Day 11 Shouldn’t put OMAD because it’s not true at the moment…

    @Daffofil2010, I’ve just been reading your old posts because I wanted to know more about your 80:20 plants based diet, and I noticed your DH’s mum is due to come to Ireland in October. Is that still a plan? I hope it all goes well. Should be exciting.

    Day 11 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 222 lbs.

    I’m satisfied with that weigh-in, considering I drifted into daylong snacking yesterday and chose to eat even more carbs. Why? I don’t know. I think it’s because I discovered stuff in the freezer and pantry that need doing away with, combined with the fact that I didn’t have anything thawed to cook. I’ll definitely put some meat to thaw in the refrigerator this evening for an evening meal on Tuesday and Wednesday. Getting back on track today with hopefully a liquid FD.

    Pocket List – Day 11 🎯

    Day 11 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Since I won’t have a built-in WFD tomorrow, I’m going to do it today as we prepare to leave and then fly to upstate New York; it’ll be a bit more challenging, but a healthy dose of RESOLVE should see me through and, although I won’t have a scale to prove it, my body should be more or less back to its pre-Sunday-EFS weight. 😔 ‘Nuff said. At least I slept seven straight hours without stirring; that feels lovely!

    @penz I’m here with you!

    @daffodil2010 It’s never crossed my mind that riding a motorcycle can be exhausting, but I can see how that’s so! Hopefully you’re fully rested by tomorrow morning.

    @babs_b I sure hope you’re right about easy on/easy off after this week, but vacation weeks don’t always turn out that way for me, sadly. The friends we’re vacationing with are not dessert eaters, however, nor are they snackers, so that should help tremendously. And, in the end, it’s life, and its only one week. I’ll be thinking of you this week!

    Okay, off to finish tidying, washing up, etc–on top of traveling, our cleaning lady is coming while we’re gone! 😂🤣😂

    Pocket List – Day 11 🎯
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 11 – UK – FD500

    Yesterday’s CD just did not happen….there was some port with cheese after dinner 🤭 So pressing that RESET button with a good old fashioned FD500

    Started the day with my 7am Broga class (45mins) and will be ending with my 5pm Dynamic Yoga class (90mins)

    Drinking cups of tea and lots of water during the day and I have a bowl of Organic Japanese Miso Ramen with ginger (Clearspring) planned for tonight after yoga

    @mariaelena – 🤗 echo the sentiments already stated by others
    @songbirdme – Thank you x
    @daffodil2010 – that was some bike ride!! no wonder you’re feeling tired – you’ll sleep well tonight 😴

    Spent a couple of hours with the optician today – she is very thorough!! Contact lens check, eye test, glaucoma check, peripheral vision test…….she had a fancy new machine she is trying out that can take amazing photos of even the retinal nerve!! Photos she took of the eyes were fascinating – it is so lovely to see how fascinated by her job she is!

    Pocket List – Day 11 🎯
    @stitchincarol WF

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 11 — FD800

    Yesterday on track.

    Doing an 800 fast instead of a 500 today because I had an unplanned FD500 on Saturday.

    @songbirdme your comment about the Baking show made me chuckle, in my home my husband is the baker and fancy cook, I’m the competent everyday meal cook so I look to HIM when we watch that. We both agree he might be able to make something as yummy, but it would take far longer and never look as beautiful.

    @penz, @at and @babs_b thank you. The in-law situation is sticky and my upbringing/religion/mores being quite different from theirs has become an obvious problem since we live so close now. Or it always was, and I was intentionally oblivious. I try to focus on the wonderful family members, my DH’s brother and his daughters, but it is impossible to just completely tune the rest out. And the fact that I had to cancel my October trip to see my father is probably adding to my current frustration- so I need to remember that.

    @stichincarol I say Enjoy! I’m a firm believer that holiday vacations are the time to indulge. Not to go full gluttony – but the right time and place to live life and enjoy pleasures one may not in regular daily life.

    I’m going to close with the pocket list but repeat the wonderful and inspiring quote @at closed with. Happy thoughts to all, and a toast my mother used to give to you on holidays: Cin Cin a tutti! (Sloppily translates to Everyone Enjoy!)

    Pocket List – Day 11 🎯

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Second post

    I’ve been giving more thought to hunger v appetite and think (for me) that equation is missing something. ‘In the mood’

    If I’m not paying attention, I’m pretty much always ‘in the mood’ for certain foods. This is where the willpower/resolve comes in in my situation. I try to control access to these types of foods, limiting or eliminating from my home at least. For instance some foods I’m always in the mood for crackers, potato chips, French fries, pineapple and Oreo cookies.

    Being around these ‘I’m always in the mood for’ starts a little voice in my head ‘oh, a small amount is fine… oh, let’s indulge a little more… etc. My only good defense in these cases is limiting my exposure. Easier said than done of course, and if I were socializing now as I used to, that would be difficult indeed.

    But now that I’ve identified that as not being a hunger or even appetite impulse, I think I may have more control.

    5:2 has been such a wonderful thing for me because it allowed me to learn to say “No, not today, but let’s make that part of dinner tomorrow.” And that has helped my mojo more than anything, I think.

    Day 12, NFD, Aus

    Successful FD yesterday, thank you fellow pocket listers! How did you all go?

    Day 12 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD 800

    Yesterday was a good day food wise until tiredness overtook both of us at dinner and it was a take-out fish and chip supper that was delicious. Thoroughly needed the batter, slept for 9 hours straight, feel great this morning.

    Plus lost 2lbs overnight. Who would have thought?

    @funshipfreddie, I can sure understand your mums attitude to motorcycles. They never figured in my life growing up, but I was never averse to hopping on the back of one as a wild teenager. Then DH came along who has been passionate about motorcycles since for ever. And now it turns out that two of his newly found uncles are motorcycle mad too….so it is in the genes with him!

    @EmmaTaylor, Yes, DH’s mum AND his sister and family PLUS dog are coming over last week in October and so spending two nights with us. So lots of house cleaning and getting things ship shape to be done before then. Not sure how my cat is going to take the canine visitor as she is not used to dogs, but it will be grand. Later that week there will be the big reunion dinner with all his new family, aunts and uncles, so exciting but nerve-wracking times ahead 😄😄

    @mariaelena wise post, I was in the mood for chocolate yesterday but luckily the vending machine only had KitKats and that would not do…but I am always in the mood for crackers, crisps etc.

    Have a good day all. It’s beetroot salad with cold brown rice for lunch, then veg and lentil soup for tea and maybe a slice of sourdough.

    Day 12 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @penz – a successful FD for me too! 69.7 kgs today 🎯

    @mariaelena, @daffodil2010 – funny how we’re all so different. I’m NEVER in the mood for crisps/chips or crackers and biscuits. Never buy them. But one of my lunchtime spots always serve the cappuccino with a small cookie on the side, & 90% of the time I can’t resist. I’m sure if I had them in the kitchen it would be a different story, but I guess for me it’s ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Although, a wise man once said, “whoever said ‘out of sight, out of mind’ never had a spider disappear in their bedroom” 😳

    Day 12 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 219 lbs (barely), and I did have lots of protein for breakfast to start the day. I’m trying to be strategic — I am packing a lunch today and unfortunately am taking a sandwich (and salad). I figured it’s better to break a fast early with fat and protein than ZBC and start devouring carbohydrates right away. We’ll see.

    Yesterday’s liquid FD went well. Got to run; good luck everyone!

    Day 12 — NFD

    Yesterday’s 800 day came in at ~830, but that included 3 8oz glasses of unsweetened Almond milk (~90 cal) to get my calcium (something I do everyday except WF or F500 days) so I’m happy with that.

    Bloodwork came in first thing this morning. I always worry so, but every marker they checked is within normal range, so I have something to celebrate! No one about my age that I know has 0 daily prescription meds and I’m working hard to keep myself in that unfortunately rare category. Now if by next year’s check-up (can’t do it by next weeks checkup -lol) I could ditch the check mark in the overweight category that would be terrific.

    @Dafodil2010 I am vicariously enjoying your fish and chips with you! I got the taste for chips with vinegar when I lived in London and somehow it never tastes quite so good the few places I’ve had it on this side of the pond! I also miss the Tandoori restaurants that abound in London. I’ve gone to many an Indian restaurant in Canada and the US, and while some have been excellent, none seem to specialize in Tandoori or do those dishes quite right.

    @funshipfreddie & Dafodil2010 – For about 10 yrs of my life an off brand Vespa type scooter 🛵 was my primary mode of transportation. There is nothing I’ve done/had (except maybe being on a boat) that can compete with that ‘joyous, all is right with the world’ feeling I got, hair blowing in the wind, riding at sunset at the end of a beautiful day. Yes, this was in the days before mandatory helmet laws.

    @funshipfreddie your ‘out of site, out of mind’ spider example had me spit-take my coffee! LOL, it is a good way to start the day with a big unanticipated laugh, thank you!

    Sending good thoughts to everyone, I have a happy contented vibe today so I’m off to be productive 😀

    Day12 U.K. NFD

    It must be contagious @mariaelena as thats how I too feel today 🙂

    Hopefully going away 5 weeks today and I’ve set myself a new target and today I feel it’s perfectly achievable 💪

    Day 12, London, UK, FD

    Late on parade ………….. Again!!😬

    I’m getting a FD under my belt this week, even if it kills me!!!😂

    Actually, my workdays have always been relatively easy FDs, too busy to think about food, too lazy to get up & go get some from the downstairs kitchen anyway!!!🙄 The mediocre attempts to successfully complete a FD end here, I managed a FD at home for the 1st time during lockdown #1 and it was tricky, but I didn’t have a choice. Now, I know what awaits me if I cock up any workday FDs & I know it’ll be so much harder to fast at home, possible, but difficult …………….. the choice is mine alone!💪🏼💪🏼

    So it’s soup for lunch & soup for dinner, coming in at 398cals ………………………. Don’t you just love the vast amounts of dragon slaying filling water in soup??😍 My analytical head says there are enough cals for a slice of bread for dipping, but my inner halo polisher KNOWS that path is super slippery and ends in an entire loaf of bread, a bottle of vino & most likely a chocolate fudge cake!!!! There’s no such thing as carbs in moderation when your name is ‘FLOURbaby’🤣🤣

    I’ve skimmed recent posts, but I promise to do better in responding individually tomorrow!🙏🏼

    Keep the faith folks …………………..

    “A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.”
    — James N. Watkins

    Day 13, NFD, Aus
    It’s cold and rainy again here today. Blech.

    Day 12 – second post

    Well, I had to leave work at 10 a.m. Stomach virus. I tried to find things to help soothe it today, even if high carb. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

    Day 13 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD

    Good day food wise, slept well, but then a bit of a tummy problem whilst I was out on my morning walk with DH….just about made it home to the loo!! Sorry fir at too much information, but I wa taken by surprise 😱 Just had a banana now to help, but feel fine otherwise.

    And I see poor @northgeorgia has a stomach bug…hope you are feeling better today.

    @mariaelena…I sure do relate to the feeling of wind in the hair (😄 I was a naughty pillion not wearing a helmet when I was a teen….but it WAS the 80’s and I don’t think it was law…even if it was I didn’t think about it 😨). And totally love that freedom of being in a fast boat in the Med or on a sailboat….ahh memories.

    Today is my usual cold brown rice (for reconstituted starchy carbs), with olives, beetroot, my own tomatoes and red onions, greens, and a splash of olive oil. I know the olive oil bumps up calories but I feel it is doing something good for my joints as I don’t have any aches. Tonight will be either soup or a small veggie stir fry with konjac rice.

    Happy hump day 🐫

    Day 13, London, UK, FD

    Normal service has been resumed …………………. I’m posting with my fellow early bird @daffodil2010!!!

    Yesterday was a relatively good FD, I was so busy at work I didn’t have my lunch-soup so only had my dinner-soup (and a sneaky couple of crackers as I prepped my mums bedtime snack😬) Definitely below the 500cal mark, so I’m patting myself on the back! I’m not quite feeling the PFDS yet, it’s far to early on this new journey for that!!!
    Anyway, I’ll be banking another FD today💪🏼, I may as well since I’m at work & busy enough not to be constantly thinking about food, so it’s a B2B and possibly a B2B2B as tomorrow is my final work day for the week. We’ll see🤷🏼‍♀️

    There seem to be a couple of dicky tummies around, I hope it settles down for you both or just use the opportunity for a true WFD!! Silver lining⛅ & all that jazz!!!

    I hope my fellow AF/Sober Octoberites are feeling the (immediate) benefits as much as I am!! Who knew that sluggish morning head wasn’t normal!!!🤣🤣 I jest of course, but truly, I know booze is a poison, but I suppose it’s in the same box as the other poison, sugar, which we can’t say NO to😩😩.

    I’m hoping October will be my turn around month, getting back on track, staying focussed & posting & fasting, perhaps November will be when Leslie reappears in my life!!!🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

    Keep the faith folks, we’ve got this!!!!

    Day 13 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 221. Stomach bug kind of hanging on this morning. Going to delay going into work and see how it goes. Soda crackers, normally banished, will be on the menu today.

    Day 13 USA – OMAD

    Hope everyone is doing well enough. I’m doing okay in maintenance.

    @northgeorgia – so sorry the stomach bug has hit you. Ugh. I hate those! May you heal soon.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 13 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Oops?! Almost forgot to post; not that I usually have much to say, but…

    I slept great – until Boo Boo decided to wake me at 5:30 am?!! She’s so contrary with food. I fed her, she had one sniff & then decided she was no longer hungry. I was livid, & then found myself googling, ‘vivisectionists near me’. 😠

    @flourbaby – You’re on a roll! Good luck with that hat trick! Almost half-way through Sober October; or is that wishful thinking? 😜
    I’m still labouring through Jason Vale’s book. Damn, but it’s dull. I know it’s supposed to be repetitive & all that, but it’s almost driving me to drink. Maybe I should read Allen Carr again.

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Day 13 UK NFD

    Sounds to be going well for you abstainers out there ⛔️🍸I can do mon-thurs relatively easily , I might have to try a dry weekend too 🤔

    Happy 🐫day all See you for the Thursday FD list

    Day 13 – FD

    How has October almost 1/2 passed already? Wow.

    Ok, did fine yesterday.

    Since restarting 5:2 in August, and being strict about no snacking my appetite and hunger on NFD has gone way down. 🤔. This was not my experience last time, I struggled with both my 500 days and to keep my eating down on my regular days. The biggest difference I can point to is not restricting fat on my veg. A couple of years ago my veg sauces and salad dressings were all low fat, and often processed high sugar ones. Now, with lots of olive and avocado oil, they fill me up plenty.

    On the downside, since starting 5:2 and exercising again, my skin was looking great. Unhappily my rosacea has flared and my face is cringeworthy right now. I’m gonna be very glad for that mask next week when I see the in-laws if it doesn’t clear up. The unending comments and ‘helpful suggestions’ about my skin when this flares are unwelcome and unavoidable in their presence. (“You know, if you just change your pillowcases every day that would probably clear right up” — “Yes, I do change them every night.”— “ Are you SURE? Because that worked for so&so”). Argh. I’m just gonna cross my fingers that it clears up quickly.

    @Dafodil2010 – I use the cool the starch post cooking to increase the resistant starch tip too! But since the last time I looked into it I believe research was beginning to show that reheating the cooked then cooled starchy food (rice, pasta, potatoes) did not reduce the benefit. I know the benefit is small, but now I bake my potatoes in the morning in the toaster oven, cool on the countertop then refrigerate. I pull the potato out at dinner and microwave it. Since this also helps with meal planning and not spending extra time in the kitchen I will be keeping it up, but it is time for me to check into that research again.

    @northgeorgia, I hope you are on the mend!

    @funshipfreddie I’m well acquainted with that living pre-dawn alarm clock. Mine is of the feline variety and usually results with lots of objects on the floor, hopefully not broken. 😂

    Wishing all a good day!

    Day 14, FD, Aus

    I’m taking tomorrow off work so it feels a little like a Friday. But! It really is Thursday and that’s my second FD of the week so I will stick with it. Channelling last month’s RESOLVE!

    Day 14 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Feeling good today, one of those “I feel great” days, for no reason, so I will take it! Perhaps it’s because my foot pain is diminishing, perhaps because I am sleeping well, perhaps because I am eating well….whatever it is, I will take it!

    @funshipfreddie…Alan Carr is how I stopped smoking overnight back in 2002….does he have a book on going sober? I might look into that. I also read his book in losing weight way back then and became a vegetarian for two years because of it so his methods do work.

    @mariaelena…ugh for rosacea. I get it on my nose, green tinged makeup needed, but I hate it. DH suffers badly a couple of times a year too. It’s usually stress with him, but my red nose? No idea.

    Halfway through October already. Go for it @flourbaby with your B2B2B!

    Day 14 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @mariaelena – my dysfunctional alarm clock is also feline; the most contrary cat who ever lived!

    @daffodil2010 – yes, Allen Carr’s book is ‘Easy Way to Control Alcohol’. I read it a couple of years ago & stopped for almost 7 months; so I can’t say the book didn’t work. Apparently Jason Vale is an ex-pupil of Allen Carr & the books are remarkably similar, but reading Carr’s book didn’t feel like a chore. I think the best book on the subject is ‘This Naked Mind’, by Annie Grace & I may read it again.

    It’s a scorcher here today. 10 am & already 36C?! 😰

    Let’s make it a good one, Thursday fasters! 🎯

    Pocket List – Day 14 🍋

    Day 14 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 223 lbs. Well, the recommendations for eating after tummy troubles is mostly carb! And soda crackers, bread, pasta, rice, and carbonation were all on the menu. So welcome Thursday morning bloat. Still, I’m more amused than disappointed. Until I started this Fung-based approach, I had no idea how disproportionate a role carbohydrates played in weight gain.

    I’m headed back to work as I think the worst is over, and trying for another liquid FD today.

    Pocket List – Day 14 🍋

    Day 14 Melb Aust NFD

    Just dropping in to say “Hi!” Persevering here in our Melbourne lockdown. Weight inching off by painful degrees, but better than up.

    “Out damned weight, out I say” (with apologies to Macbeth! 🙂 )

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