On Target October – Monthly Challenge for October 2021: Come & Join Us :-)

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On Target October – Monthly Challenge for October 2021: Come & Join Us :-)

This topic contains 303 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  BrightonBelle 3 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 315 total)

  • Day 14, London, UK, FD

    I’m definitely going for my first B2B2B for a long, long time!!! Everything is prepped & ready so as long as nobody wafts a hot buttered slice of toast my way, I’ll be grand!!!👍🏼🤞🏼🤣

    @funshipfreddie, I’m not counting any chickens just yet as I’m out for a pub lunch this Sunday😲I’m 99% sure they don’t serve sparkling water, honestly!!!😜
    I gave up smoking about 8 years ago with a drug called Zyban (perfect for those of us with ZERO willpower!) and you continue smoking throughout the withdrawal period …………………… I don’t suppose JV recommends sipping as you read?😂 That would either help you get through the boredom or send you to sleep!!! I think there’s a Nobel prize (and £££££$$$) awaiting the first person to invent the drug that slowly & painlessly weans you off of carbs!!!

    I think I’ll expand my reading to include Annie Grace, I don’t actually WANT to give up the booze, but I ought to try doing it for more than a month at a time!! Perhaps 1month + 1 day? Baby steps, baby steps!!!🤣

    Looking forward to my 2 pm breakfast of cucumber, tomatoes, gherkins & a babybel cheese, that should hold me until I get home for my dinner soup at 7pm. I’ve a toothache at the moment which is helping enormously with my fasting resolve, again …………………….. silver linings & all that jazz😂😁😂

    Stay strong folks, you can have that bagel tomorrow!!

    Pocket List – Day 14 🍋

    Good morning, all! My WF was successful on Monday, our days since then have been delightful, I’ve not snacked a bit, and a lovely meal at noon and charcuterie in the evening (both with wine, of course) feels reasonable. And today is our eldest’s 30th! We’ll celebrate this Sunday (we get home Saturday as it’s a tiny vacation).

    So sorry to hear of the tummy troubles and the rosacea, and delighted to hear of the fasting successes!

    Today we go to the Norman Rockwell museum; looking forward to it!

    Day 14 – 16:8 day

    My resolve way low yesterday and I had to be forceful with it but goal accomplished food wise. Took a big exercise break yesterday tho. Back on that wagon today.

    @northgeorgia -so glad you are on the mend, listen to your body today to keep mending. I’ve learned for my body, chicken broth is the best thing when my stomach is in turmoil. My DH is strictly toast when he has a stomach bug. My best guess is the microorganism biome in each of us needs different things, and can let us know what is best. Feeling better needs to take priority.

    @Dafodil2010 what a wonderful gift – those unexpected’I feel great’ days! Enjoy! About rosacea- Dr’s have proscribed many different topical remedies, but none out-performed the advice an older lady friend of my Mother’s: wash your face with Head & Shoulders dandruff shampoo, she told me. My weeks or month long outbreaks usually get under control with that remedy in a much shorter time. I don’t know if that shampoo is available on your side of the pond, but if so, I recommend trying it. It is also so much less expensive than the prescribed remedies!

    @funshipfreddie 😺 My furry alarm clock malfunctioned from 5:00am to 7:30 am this morning and my technological one had to awake me. LOL that doesn’t happen much!

    Hello and enjoy! to all you traveling folk if you happen to check in!

    We are getting much needed rain the past few days. With the fall days getting shorter as well, it is so dark in the house in the morning. I enjoy changing seasons except for the less daylight hours change.

    Not much to say today, with the calm soft drizzle of rain in the background pleasantly keeping me and the cats company while I finish my coffee. I must overcome this lazy feeling and charge into action, but I’m going to let myself just relax into the feeling for a few more minutes.

    Happy thoughts to all

    Day 14. Sciacca. Sicily

    For those that don’t know, this place is pronounced Shakka. A pretty town on the south coast of Italy. Trains are very unreliable here – the last one we got managed to just pull out of the station then stopped for half an hour to recover. So it’s buses for us at the moment. We are staying in the cutest Airbnb on the seafront, by the harbour. It’s an old fisherman’s cottage, beautifully modernised with lovely views out to sea from the front window. Sicily is a strange place – it’s got so much going for it, but it does feel somewhat broken. There are hot springs and thermal baths here but they’ve been closed for about 6 years, with no plans to reopen. Thank goodness the restaurants are still ok! Food nearly always amazing, but not massively overeating. I’m hoping my body knows about trying to get back to its preferred weight when we get home. Thank you Jason Fung for that piece of information.

    Day 14 UK FD

    Hoping to see some reward on the scales soon

    Ahhh those lovely fish restaurants in Sciacca @emma-taylor
    I’m not sure it’ll still be there but bar Roma is worth finding for the best lemon granita ever – but it’s a rather unique experience

    Pocket List – Day 14 🍋

    Day 14 UK FD

    Hoping to see some reward on the scales soon

    Ahhh those lovely fish restaurants in Sciacca @emmataylor
    I’m not sure it’ll still be there but bar Roma is worth finding for the best lemon granita ever – but it’s a rather unique experience

    Pocket List – Day 14 🍋

    Day 14. Sciacca. Sicily

    @brightonbelle – I’ve just looked up Bar Roma and it’s just along the way from us, so we are going to have a look tomorrow. DH loves granita – I’m more of a gelato girl myself – especially nocciola – hazel nut ice cream. I know this is a fasting website but at the moment I’m not fasting…..

    Day 14 USA – NFD

    Decided I need a day of fairly normal eating, and yes, it will include carbs. I make a delicious French toast with raisin bread (sugar free syrup) that was my breakfast (well, brunch) indulgence.

    @stitchincarol – that Norman Rockwell museum sounds just delightful! His iconic artwork can’t help but remind me of the “good old days” in the U.S.A. 🇺🇸 Oh, and Saturday Evening Post. 😊 We love hearing about your travels so please tell us more!

    @brightonbelle – had to look up lemon granita recipe. Oh yes, on a hot summer day, I bet that is delicious! We never made it to Sicily, but did bring back limoncello from the Amlafi Coast.

    @emmataylor – it’s so fun to read about your vacation in Sicily! It sounds so wonderful.

    @mariaelena – Head and Shoulders for rosacea? I will have to tell my friend about that remedy!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 15 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Beautiful crisp Autumn morning, really puts a spring in the step with rising sun shining of the red and golden yellow leaves on the tree. Love this time of year, don’t even mind it being darker in the morning and evening.

    Busy weekend of housework and redecorating ahead. Getting the place ready for an influx of visitors next weekend.

    @mariaelena, good tip for Head & Shoulders, we normally have a bottle of that knocking about the bathroom, I will try it out next time rosacea hits.

    @funshipfreddie, I will try to get Allen Carrs book, he was my lifesaver for the cigarettes so he could help wean me off weekend boozing.

    Have a great weekend.

    Day 15 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Easiest FD ever yesterday. Didn’t give food a thought until 6 pm. And the scales show exactly the same as the morning after my last FD; so if that’s not maintaining, I don’t know what is! 🎯

    @flourbaby – JV (& Allen Carr) DOES say you should continue drinking while you read the book! – unless you’ve already stopped; which I had, but only by about 24 hours. Drat! He does emphasize ‘drinking’ though, & not getting blotto to the point where you won’t remember what you’ve read.

    @daffodil2010 – Allen Carr’s book, definitely worth a read. His pitcher plant analogy, to describe how alcohol traps us, is brilliant. I also quit smoking – 16 years ago – with the help of Gillian Riley’s book – How to Stop Smoking (& stay stopped for good). It’s interesting how smoking was so ubiquitous not so long ago. I cringe now at the thought of how unpleasant my smoking must’ve been for nearby non-smokers. I wonder if drinking will ever be frowned upon to the extent that smoking is now.

    An article in the UK Mail about a new ‘food compass’ developed by a university:

    Day 15 – 16:8

    Probably ate too many carbs yesterday but I’m still gonna count it as a win because no refined carbs and plenty of fiber, fats and protein with them.

    Thanks for the heads up on that food compass @funshipfreddie – Tried to look into the food compass beyond the obvious covered in media (veg and fruit score well, sugary snacks don’t) but even though many articles say this: “The researchTrusted Source was funded by the National Institutes of Health and supported by both Danone, a food company, and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.“

    But they don’t allow public access to the research article. I don’t understand how it works, it is funded publicly research and then the results are under lock and key in an expensive scientific journal.

    My questions: (they emphasize LIGHT mayonnaise over regular, why? How do you apply “pizza” rating to all the different types of pizza? Why do they score beef so low? Carrot juice rates very high, so did they consider fiber at all in these ratings? Etc) can’t be answered in the superficial media coverage I see and this “new compass” becomes useless IMO. Essentially all it says is ‘eat more veg and fruit’ – the same messaging the public has been getting for years. It frustrates me. Basta!

    I was extraordinarily fatigued and tired yesterday- but all other indicators were healthy, so I will do my best not to worry. My mid month weigh in down only 1.5 pounds since last day of September so that is in the right direction but a bummer for October goal. I’m trying to hold on to the fact I always seem only able to lose ~.5 a week no matter what I do and stay positive. The turtle slow weight loss is the main reason I do not weigh myself more often, that can depress and derail me.

    Well, exercise beckons, need to get that in before my list of errands. The light drizzle rain continues here, so I think I’ll pass on walking and stick to indoors.

    Wishing all well!

    Second post

    Re: Head and Shoulders shampoo face washing for rosaeca- make sure it is the classic formula, not the shampoo conditioner combo or newer fancy/fancy with aloe Vera or apple cider vinegar shampoos

    Evidence is only anecdotal (but I am personally one with anecdotal experience of it helping) but here is an article https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/can-you-clear-rosacea-with-dandruff-shampoo in case someone interested

    Day 15 New Hampshire, US MFD

    Today we were supposed to go up to Bennington, Vermont, to a museum with a Grandma Moses exhibit. Unfortunately, DH has been fighting vertigo all night and had been sick with it this morning; poor guy!

    So who knows what we’ll do, other than an evening drive to our hotel a little over an hour away so we can catch our 6am flight. Assuming, of course, DH can fly by then. He’s feeling better, so we’re all hopeful he’s on the mend now.

    Sadly, that museum also had the Jane Stickle quilt on exhibit–until this past Monday. As a quilter, I’m so sad to have missed it by mere days. https://benningtonmuseum.org/portfolio-items/1863-jane-stickle-quilt-2/ I guess that means we have to come back another year!

    I’m feeling quite chubby, so I’m terrified I’ve packed on a few pounds; they’re too hard to get off not to hate their return, after all. Overall, however, my food choices have been good, so I’m not bothering with guilt or shame; I’ll simply hit the reset button on Monday morning. Talk to you all then!

    Day 15 NFD

    Going to Silver Sneakers shortly then lunch at a senior citizens center. They often have more carbs than I generally eat, but likely the baked chicken will be just fine. Happy to say I lost .5 pound despite eating more yesterday than I generally eat. Go figure.’

    @funshipfreddie – somehow I doubt people will view drinking in the future much like we do smoking now. I just cannot fathom how people pay for ciagarettes these days! And it does seem that I see people in the drugstore buying them then going out to a vehicle that is rusty or falling apart. Am I ever glad I was able to quite some 40 years ago! But stop drinking wine? Prolly won’t.

    @stitchincarol – sure do hope your DH is much better so your flight home will still be fine. I bet you would have loved seeing that quilt display. So sorry you missed it.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 15 – USA/GA – NFD

    Fasted for about 42 hours and broke it with pizza this afternoon *horror!*

    Anyway, weigh-in before the pizza: 219 lbs.

    Happy weekend

    Day 16 UK NFD

    Bit disappointed that no loss after a successful week, but I’m hoping it’s like the tanker turning mid Atlantic analogy ? Any way sticking with it hoping for a controlled weekend and then back on it big time Monday- must dash off out for the day Sorry to hear about your DH @stitchincarol Hope you get home ok

    Day 16 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @mariaelena – it’s always an eye-opener when you see who funds these studies. No doubt there’ll be another one soon, telling us margarine is a ‘super food’.

    @songbirdme – I’m sure you’re right, drinking will most likely always be socially acceptable. But I can’t help wondering if it would even be legalized if it had only been discovered in the last few decades, knowing what we know now. Especially when you consider statistics like this: “In 2016, 3 million deaths, or 5.3 percent of all global deaths (7.7 percent for men and 2.6 percent for women), were attributable to alcohol consumption.” In 2020 well under 2 million people died as a result of Covid 19. Makes you think…

    Wishing everyone a good weekend ⛅️ 🌈

    Day 16, London, UK, NFD,

    Toothache is still kicking my a*se, but it also makes me feel sorry for myself and turn to the not so great foods …………….. they aren’t called comfort foods for nothing!!!

    Anyway it’s a quick check in from me, stay strong everyone, especially over the dangerous, ‘let your hair down’, ‘no work tomorrow’ weekend!!

    By the way @funshipfreddie, those stats are almost enough to make me give up booze permanently ………………… I did say Almost!!!🤣🤣🤣

    Day 16 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: mmmm, unsure. But as it kept going back and forth, we’ll choose the better number: 219 lbs.

    Good luck to all today. I just found the Obesity Code Cookbook in eBook format from my library. I’m going to check out some of the ideas.

    Day 16 — 16:8

    Yesterday fine on target. Today busy as a bee so good wishes to all and I’m off.

    Day 17, U.K.- NFD

    I’m back from my holidays 😊 and I’m excited to catch up with all your posts!

    We got back yesterday and yesterday was also a successful FD for me!
    PFDS !!!!!
    Epic smugness actually as it was a super easy FD due to being full of holiday food!!!!!

    Cornwall was very beautiful and the sea was warm! It’s true!

    Surfing was brilliant – I’m totally hooked now!!

    I’m very proud to report (drum roll please) that while on hols I skipped :-

    • 1 x dinner
    • 2 x lunch (though I had a packet of nuts on one of them)
    • 1 x breakfast

    This is the stuff of legends!!!!!

    So I’m really pleased as I feel like I probably only put on 2-3 pounds 😊

    However skipping meals on holiday is HARD 😢
    I did NOT enjoy it all and felt real FOMO !!!

    So I’m not sure whether that’s a long-term holiday strategy for me or not … 🤔

    I think in future I’ll just try harder to get 3 pounds under my goal weight before I leave ! #ILoveEating 😄

    Right… I’m going to read through all your posts now!


    @flourbaby – toothache! Yikes poor you! Comfort foods all the way in my book – you can’t fast whilst in pain 🥲
    Get Better Soon 🦷

    @stitchincarol – waterfast whilst travelling! RESPECT!
    Sorry to hear about DH vertigo – absolutely horrible.

    @mariaelena – what a beautiful description you wrote of the rain in the background and your cats lazing in the house with you! Very atmospheric…

    @emma Taylor – You are beautiful descriptions of Sicily are so inspiring! You have quite convinced me and my DH that we should go to Sicily very soon… ! Definitely during 2022!

    It sounds like such an intriguing place and of course the pull of the fab food is just huge!

    Do you think that May would be a good time to visit or would it be too hot already and too touristy?

    Perhaps October or even November would be a better time of year?

    Anyway I just love hearing about your Sicilian adventures….

    @brightonbelle – I too am no stranger to scale-plateaus … I’m sure your body is simply getting ready to surprise & delight you with a Big Dipper very soon!!!!

    @daffodil2010 – Me too re Allen Carr’s smoking book! I was in my late 20s when I read it and I would be reading it in bed at night and then have to get out of bed to go and have a cigarette!!! 😵‍💫🤦‍♀️
    But it worked!
    Hope the booze book does too??!!

    @funshipfreddie – Hello Starship!
    YAY for maintenance!! Go you 🏆!

    @northgeorgia – Let us know how you get along with the Dr Jason Fung cookbook! I love a new recipe 😍

    I’m now not scheduled for another fast until Wednesday but will check in again soon (now that I’m back) …. Xx

    Day 17 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @high5 – welcome back! Star-ship – that’s me! 😂 🛸 🚀 Your Cornish vacation sounds wonderful. I’ve only ever been there in August, so it was always hectic, even 40+ years ago. Even the drive down from Manchester – which seemed to take forever – was a big adventure.

    Boo Boo has decided she WILL curl up my lap, despite the fact that my laptop is already there 🤨 Back on the list tomorrow – for On Target October, Part 2 🎯

    Have a great S🌞nday

    Day 17. Sciacca Sicily

    @high5 – I think so long as you avoid July and August you will be fine. When I was a teacher we came for a month to Sicily in August and I thought I would die. We used to eat at midnight, outside, and the heat would be blasting out of the surrounding paving stones and buildings. DH is reading his way round the island – currently reading On Persephone’s Island, where the author points out it is ALWAYS warmer outside than inside in Sicily. Now we know.
    I managed to lose my footing on a weird uphill corner with cars whizzing past, and fell onto my hand, which started pouring blood. Not drunk 😳 . People shot out from all directions to help, find me antiseptic, check I was alright. So sweet. Hand is badly bruised and swollen, but otherwise I think I’m ok. Shook me up a bit.
    Off to Agrigento tomorrow, then Ragusa, then Ortigia where we meet up with a friend from London, then Catania, then home. Phew.

    Day 17 UK NFD

    Sorry to hear of your tumble @emma-taylor I do hope you weren’t running from my “unique” recommendation What a fantastic few stops you have lined up , some of my absolute faves ahhh💭

    Making the most of the reasonable weather today as feel winters drawing in

    Good to have you back with us @high5

    Day 17. Second post

    @brightonbelle – we had just left Bar Roma! It was closed, sadly, but the granita looked fantastic. So that’s for next time.

    I’ve definitely put on some weight, despite being reasonably careful, but when I look back on my time doing 5:2 and various versions of it, I know the only time I consistently lost weight, about 1lb a week, was when I did two 500 calorie days, and dry till Fri. I really enjoyed OMAD, it was easy and I could forget about food, but I didn’t really lose any weight, probably because I still had cream with my morning coffee and ate too much in the evenings. Soooo, when I get home I’ll have a rethink. Maybe go back to basics and try to drop some of this Sicilian weight😳😳😳

    Day 17 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: wonky again, but 219 lbs. Still, lowest Sunday weigh-in ever.

    Just skimmed through the cookbook. Will go back later today to get a few ideas. Got two potlucks this week, so I’m going to do the cooking today.

    Last night, I made one of our family traditional recipes: chicken stew — a dish my grandmother made from the days of Southern poverty. As I was cooking chicken in the crockpot to use in the potluck this week, I thought about what to use the broth in. I knew my mom was sick with that cold/sinus bug going around, so I used half of the broth for this recipe. The recipe is simple:

    * One part fresh chicken broth, strained. (2 cups is good)
    * a small portion of shredded dark meat from the chicken (if using 2 cups broth, maybe 1/3 cup or so of chicken — not a lot needed)
    * One part milk (can do a can of evaporated and a cup of whole, I used 2 cups whole milk)
    * One or two tbsp butter
    * Salt and pepper

    My broth is hot, but if yours is cold, skim most of the fat from the top. Add shredded chicken and milk. Begin heating. Add butter, salt and pepper. Heat through until warmed and serve. Adjust milk to broth ratio to taste.

    Usually served with soda crackers (saltines), but can use egg noodles. We ate with soda crackers (also easier to limit your carbs this way). You can dress this up as you like. Some use flour as a thickener (again, crackers are better as you can control the carbs). I have sprinkled in garlic and other spices before. But this time I just made the broth with whole onion, carrot, and celery for flavoring.

    Day 17 – 16:8

    Busy, and on target food wise. Exercise goals suffered last week, so trying to start this week out better.

    Last week’s rains brought coolth with them, it is a nice change of pace.

    Our recuperating cat longs to get his sutures removed and put that protective cone behind him. Scheduled for tomorrow.

    Nothing much to say here, but warm thoughts for all.

    day 18, FD? Aus

    Struggling with Mondayitis. I know I sd do a FD today but struggling with mojo.

    Will need to re-read @northgeorgia‘s posts re fabulous new long wait. Time for Wesley and co to make an appearance?

    @mariaelena – love the word coolth. We use it a lot in our family but I don’t know why it doesn’t enjoy wider use.

    Day 18 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Had a good, controlled weekend. I don’t know if abstaining from alcohol has anything to do with it, but I’m definitely not wanting to snack as much as usual.

    @penz – I hope you persevered, & will be experiencing PFDS come Tuesday morning. My mojo is always lacking on Mondays too, but it’s good to get a FD out of the way early in the week.

    @mariaelena – I’ve NEVER heard the word ‘coolth’? I thought it was a typo until I read the post from @penz 😅

    @northgeorgia – congrats on the new Sunday record low! Plenty of October left to make it even lower 💪

    We’ve got this, Monday fasters!

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍓

    Day 18 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Despite takeaway food this weekend I am lower this Monday than last so that’s good. Busy week ahead, so go to go….but first @mariaelena and @penz what does “coolth” mean? 🤔

    Day 18, UK, NFD

    @maria Elena and @penz

    We use the word coolth in our family as well! Very much more used when we were living abroad – not a word needed so much now we live back in the U.K.!!

    It’s almost onomatopoeic isn’t it?!

    Today and tomorrow are both NFDs for me, but fasting on Wednesday and Friday this week…..

    Day 18 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 222 lbs. Yay for today’s FD, and once again, going for a liquid fast for today.

    I should have behaved better this past weekend, but here we are:

    FRIDAY (morning after FD)

    Scales: 219 lbs. Well done!
    Me: Too bad I didn’t get 218 again this week. Oh well, I’m happy with that.

    SATURDAY (after NFD)

    Scales: Oooh, almost 220, but I’ll give you 219.
    Me: Very kind. I had pizza. I’m sorry.

    SUNDAY (after NFD)
    Scales: It’s iffy. 220? Nah, I’ll do 219 again.
    Me: What? I snacked a lot. So sorry, but I thank you.

    MONDAY (FD; after NFD)

    Scales: 223.
    Me: NOOOOOO!!
    Scales: Fine. 222. Get off.
    Me: But, but… come on — why not another 219?
    Scales: Go away. I’m cold. It’s early. It’s dark outside.

    I look down at my watch. Nearly ten o’clock and no sign of the wedding party or couple anywhere.

    “Do you think we were scammed,” Wesley says seriously.

    I give him a concerned looked.

    “But we haven’t given them any money.”

    “No, but what if they paid with a stolen credit card?”

    “No,” Lola says. “They paid with cash at the boutique. I saw them.”

    “Counterfeit bills?” Wesley suggests.

    Lola looks down at the floor. We all slump back in the back row of chairs in the altar area.

    “Well, we’ve already checked out of the hotel, so there’s no problem there.”

    “Until they plaster our faces all over the evening news as scam artists,” Wesley says.

    “No, this can’t be,” I say. I shake my head in disbelief. “What if something terrible has happened?”

    “You mean they got abducted?” Lola asks. “Oh my goodness! Maybe a limo drove up at the hotel and it was a planned kidnapping! They may be in some far flung metropolis being forced to withdraw all their funds from ATMs all around town!”

    “Oh my goodness, Lola! Maybe we need to call the police!”

    Wesley looks at us. “What? And file a missing person report on total strangers for not attending an event on time that they themselves organized?”

    “Well, we’re going to have to do something soon.”

    The Rev. Smith comes up to us. “Look, I’m going out for breakfast for an hour. If the couple shows up, tell them I’ll be at Edward’s Pancake House and will be back as soon as I’m done.”

    “But, we don’t have a clue where they are,” Lola says.

    “I’ve seen this kind of thing before. I suspect they got cold feet and either called off the ceremony rather quickly or eloped out of nervousness.”

    We look at each other. No, surely that didn’t happen. Did it?

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍓

    Day 18 – UK – FD

    This month has just got away from me – seems I last posted on Day 11 which did end up as a FD500 but no fasting since so aiming for another today 🤞

    Sad news that the husband of a member of our walking group felt unwell and ended up in hospital last week, only to find that he is terminally ill (he’s a fit chap normally) and to make matters worse he has tested positive for Covid since going in hospital and his poor wife has to self isolate at home for 5 days with daily lateral flow tests…….life can be so unfair…..😢😢😢

    Keeping busy with routine life – enjoying baking for friends and trying new recipes out on DH 🤗

    Lovely to read all your posts and very envious of @emma-taylor Sicilian idyll

    Managing to keep up with my regular classes and going out walking when the weather is dry – I’m definitely a fair weather walker….but probably eating and drinking a tad too much – time to pull back and aim for a positive 2nd half of this October Challenge!

    I have booked in for some Pilates and Yoga workshops over the next couple of months – On Saturday morning I had a “Twist and Turn” Pilates workshop working on the spinal column, hips and shoulders – felt so much looser and flexible at the end of the session!

    Yoga teacher is away for 2 weeks but looking forward to her return with a gentle and restorative Yoga afternoon on Sunday 31st October with local singer and songwriter, Olivia Fern performing her soulful live music to us during the afternoon 🙏

    Right must get myself sorted out as meeting up with a group of volunteers for a tea/coffee and catch up this afternoon – on track for my FD so far……must stay focused and stick to tea only

    For the rest of this month I’m reminding myself that “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍓

    Day 18 UK FD

    Coolth- Never heard that before I’ll be looking for opportunities to sneak it into conversation

    pleasantly low temperature.
    “the coolth of the evening”
    the quality of being fashionable.
    “the pinnacle of 1960s coolth”

    Usual Monday reset
    Pocket List – Day 18 🍓

    Day 18 — FD500

    On target yesterday

    LOL re: coolth. As a youngster in the 1970’s one author’s books were ubiquitous and available in English, even when we were in foreign speaking lands – Agatha Christie. She cemented my taste for early 20th century crime Fiction, Dashiel Hammet, Dorothy Sayers, Richard and Francis Lockridge etc. I’m afraid my vocabulary never recovered and a smattering of archaic or odd words pop out of me quite frequently. I must reread the Mr and Mrs North series, it has been decades!

    I was also a good, but not excellent, Scrabble player but many family members are in the excellent tournament playing category. A robust vocabulary was my only weapon. 😀 I never won in the family games, but was determined not to disgrace myself. As I was the often the winner in other word games we played such as Jotto and Perquackey, my sub-par Scrabble performance does not mar my memories of many a happy game night growing up.

    My mother, and even my father for a time, were teachers, and although monetary economies were practiced at all times (my parents being depression era children) any and all books we children might be interested in reading where obtained, either via budgeting or library loans. Indeed, until the advent of inexpensive VHS tapes (usually movie classics like The Maltese Falcon, Citizen Kane etc), the most coveted gifts were books.

    Rambling. Sorry. My mum passed away this week 10 years ago, so I’m awash in memories lately.

    Happy Note, I’m off now to take my cat to have his sutures removed. He will be so pleased to have the protective cone a mere memory in a few hours.

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍓

    Day 18 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    After our lovely days away, I was up a few pounds yesterday morning to 147.2; after how well (and how much) we ate yesterday for our eldest’s birthday celebration, I’m too afraid to get on the scale this morning, LOL! The food was glorious, however, and I don’t regret a bite of it; now for the water fast to start taking me back to feeling lovely in my gut again.

    @high5 Welcome back; you have my deepest respect that you tried and loved surfing! And keep in mind that my water fast “on vacation” only lasted at the very START, while flying and sleeping, before we met up with our friends! 😂🤣😂 And, thankfully, DH truly did recover completely and our day was only a slightly later (or not?) start than if he’d been entirely fine.

    @flourbaby Toothaches are possibly the absolute worst! Have you gone to a dentist??

    @emma-taylor How awful! So glad you didn’t fall into traffic! Are you sure nothing is broken?

    @mariaelena} I also thought it was a typo, then realized it was the opposite of “warmth.” Great word, and funny!

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍓

    I actually started this post about four hours ago, but got distracted by a long research on how to do a proper Keto diet. I’ve borrowed several ebooks from my library (sadly, @northgeorgia, the Fung cookbook isn’t available to me via the library), bought one from Amazon, and have read half of it already!

    Tell me what you all think: in the end, as long as I eat whole foods, little or nothing that requires a label on it, and mostly meats and veggies, and continue fasting–extended water-only fasts when possible–I should do terrifically, lose weight, and lower my cholesterol. As I go, I’ll figure out what fasts work best for me, and I’ll continue to lose weight at some rate. Right??

    I have so much information racing through my brain, but I haven’t yet figured out what the “this is what I should do” answer is other than: FAST. What I do know, however, is that I love, love, love how I feel when I fast.

    Day 19 Melb Aust NFD

    I know, for some of you it’s still day 18, but I’m on the computer early today, that’s all! 🙂

    Love reading all the posts. Happy holidays @EmmaTaylor, despite the fall. Good to have you back, @stitchincarol.

    @northgeorgia, good to see the re-appearance of Wesley et al. I chuckled at your scales conversation with you. Mine would be saying “why do you bother, your weight’s not changing”. However, I’m re-reading “The Obesity Code” and being re-inspired, even though I realise now why I didn’t like it all that much the first time. I still become quite irritated at all the repetition. We are not stupid! However, there is important information among all that, so I’m taking note.

    So, onward and downwards everyone!

    Day 19, NFD, Aus

    Thanks @funshipfreddie – it is indeed a PFDS today!

    Cool is to coolth like warm is to warmth.

    Thank you @northgeorgia, both for your funny scale conversation and for the return of Wesley and Lola. The plot is thickening!

    Ugh, @at – so sorry to hear about your friend(s).

    Day 19 CD country west Australia
    I went to sleep one day and woke up 2 weeks later!!! Where has the yer gone???
    Anyway keeping on track. Not losing at present but holding …. just.
    Too many birthdays, parties, events at this time of year.
    Back on track with weighing and plugging the figures to keep a lid on what I eat.
    Those pesky calories do hide themselves in the most unexpected places – and then pop up on my hips.😳
    A weekend of post-catching-up planned.
    Have a good day all. Onward and downward.

    Day 19 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Off to see a physio after work for this darn plantar fasciitis. It came back in waves over the weekend. I am throwing money at it now with all my orthotics, doctors, gels, physios…..hopefully something will start to work. I could have a couple of weeks of mild irritation or none at all, then bam, super searing burning pain.

    Having the extra weight does not help. Can’t seem to do proper FD’s anymore , but I will stick to my 80/20 plant based diet as that does make me feel well.

    Have a good Tuesday.

    Day 19 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Another easy FD done & dusted, & down another 0.4 kg. It’s good to have some wiggle room but, no more!

    @penz – so glad you persevered 💪 Coolth/warmth – now it makes sense!

    @stitchincarol – I wouldn’t want to give any advice re keto/low carb because I tried it & it wasn’t for me. Although I think my diet is fairly low-carb most of the time anyway. I just found it too restrictive. But I think one of the best resources for keto info is the http://www.dietdoctor.com site. You don’t have to sign up for any of the trials/programmes; plenty of free info on there. Jason Fung is one of the contributors.

    @daffodil2010 – so sorry to hear you’re still having problems with that foot?! I really hope you find a solution soon 🤗

    Yet another fasting-related article:- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10103993/Fasting-cutting-calories-key-living-longer-staying-slim.html

    Day 19 Agrigento Sicily

    @stitchincarol – thanks for your concern. I don’t think anything is broken. My middle finger on my left hand took my weight – no mean feat! so it is still swollen but coming down. I’m quite clumsy, and the slip on sandals didn’t help.

    Re your fasting plan, I think it sounds a great idea and I’m going to copy you. I’ve never done a long water fast, but I’m going to try. And I’m going to copy @brightonbelle and try for a largely vegetarian diet. I also feel great when I fast, even if I’m not losing weight…
    BTW Agrigento is beautiful. I’ve been to look at the temples before, which are astonishing, but we are staying in the most amazing, and reasonable, Airbnb in the old town, hugger mugger with other apartments but with a delightful roof terrace. There are steps here!!! Big time. We set out to find a supermarket yesterday, walked uphill for ages, then looked at a flight of steps which disappeared almost into the clouds, and gave up. We found a little alimentari instead. Lots of walking being done. About 7 or 8 miles a day, give or take. Ragusa on Friday.

    Second post

    @funshipfreddie – interesting article. Thank you. But I notice that there is also a reference to the ‘Eatwell ‘ diet, which says to base your meals on carbohydrates. Which is the exact same wrong advice our governments were pumping out in recent years which is largely to blame for people piling on weight and being unable to lose it. Honestly! Why do they still think that is good advice?

    Day 19 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: after a short debate, 218 lbs.

    Good liquid fast again yesterday. Doing ZBC this morning. Packing a lunch, but considering extending the fast and doing OMAD today after work. We’ll see how I fare. If it’s too much, I have some options for lunchtime.

    @stitchincarol I think the advice Fung et al provides is valid, but if you listen carefully, even these folks say “restricted” or “reduced.” So, I think of sugar and overprocessed carbs as similar to “poison” or “drugs,” as they say in their presentations (which I don’t think is really a fair comparison, but I’ll go with it for this one point): You don’t want to overdo it and allow it to build up in your system or for it to become habit forming. I don’t begrudge myself a slice of pizza, a doughnut, a piece of cake or candy, or especially rice, pasta, a piece of bread, and fruit. I just have to be very careful with how much and how often. I reduce and restrict. If I prohibit, I’ll hoard and overeat. If I tell myself (and prove to myself) that they won’t satisfy me past an hour or two, I’ll probably choose something else for the main meal. The other point that seems to be of even more importance that is often overlooked in Fung et al is that the low carb/high fat piece is the smaller piece of advice. The bigger piece of advice is #1 Fasting (well-done!), and #2 Limiting food intake to between two and three meals a day (stop snacking).

    I have two potlucks this week. I made authentic tacos on Sunday for tomorrow’s event, and depending how many are eaten, I may have to make a tater tot cheesy breakfast casserole tonight for Friday morning’s potluck. Going to work can be so time consuming in the kitchen some days LOL! Anyway, it’s a great opportunity for me to get rid of some of the extra carbs not being eaten as often here at home.

    Haven’t broken my fast yet, but my next FD is Thursday.

    Day 19 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Well, yesterday fell far short of even a FD, let alone the WFD I had planned. I simply didn’t feel good, and finally decided it was because my body was asking for food. In the end, I even–GASP!!–opened a beer and drank most (but not all!) of it: that’s the first beer I’ve had in well over a month, which is some sort of a record since I’ve always loved beer more than wine. Then at my meeting last night, I gave up the thought of finding a graceful way to skip the dessert, and chose the less “naughty” option. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and was two pounds down this morning, to 145.6. Today I’m feeling more like my normal self, so I’m hoping that lasts so I can teach my piano lessons and get by just on water.

    I’ve been avoiding sugar and fat for most of my adult life. Donuts? Nope, don’t do them. (Until I’m tempted beyond resistance, and then I’ll take half of one.) Candy bars? Perhaps two a year…except at Halloween, lol. Potato chips? I simply don’t buy them since there’s no redeeming nutritional benefit. Desserts are a challenge to me, because I love to bake and I love to eat the results. Bread? Ahh, now we’ve hit my weak spot. I LOVE bread. It seems truly cruel that I can now eat butter, since I’m supposedly doing HFLC, but I can’t have bread to put it on!!

    But, sugar pops up in the strangest places. I was nibbling on some fake crab on Saturday, and it suddenly hit me how sweet it tasted. I looked at the label, and sure enough, it has sugar added. Good grief. So, back to the notion of whole foods: if it requires a label, I probably don’t want to eat it.

    All this is to say HFLC should be reasonably easy for me, but I’m certain I’m not getting macronutrient proportions correct. Thanks, @funshipfreddie, for the link to dietdoctor.com; I actually signed up for the one free month of menus, and immediately realized there’s no way I’ll cook what they say to cook, so I’ll cancel that. Bottom line? I think I need to remember my mom’s oft-repeated advice: “moderation in all things.”

    So today I’m hitting the reset button, focusing on moderation in all things, and doing a water fast.

    Something’s wrong there…..


    Day 19 – 16:8

    I contemplated a water fast yesterday but ended up doing a salad and some almonds so successful 500 day. I will do another multi day fast in November and listen to my body for the remainder of October- if I feel like it I’ll turn a regular 500 day into a WF but if I don’t, I’ll just stick to 500 days.

    Wrenched my back on Sunday, it was quite painful but is mending well. I think my hula hoop exercising must wait a few more days however.

    I have little Keto advice, I keep my eye on carbs, but mostly I just eliminate the processed ones and try to keep my added sugar to 0. I allow myself fruits and starchy veg – if I did not, there is simply no way I’d even get near the recommended amount of fiber. You are so right, @stitchincarol, about the sneaky added sugars – does canned tomato soup really need 5 teaspoons (20 grams) of added SUGAR?!? I’ll save the sugar for something sweet, like my rare homemade ice cream.

    Wishing everyone a great day!

    Second Post… Somehow I went 46 hours before breaking my liquid fast! Just had a banana and a boiled egg at work and about to head home. Don’t know if I will ever do that again but it wasn’t as difficult as I imagined.

    Day 20, NFD, Aus

    Still failing at DTF!!!

    Day 20 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Hee hee @penz, I giggled when I saw your post re failing at DTF……though I shouldn’t of course….I know how you feel though!!

    Still on the dry for me and when I am on the DTF it’s at thus time of the week I wonder why I ever really drink….then comes the weekend and by Friday/Saturday I am sooooo looking forward to relaxing with wine or a g@t. Hey ho.

    My FD was good until DH made tea and toast at bedtime and I could NOT resist the hot buttered toast 😨

    Crazy week ahead….my father is coming to mine Friday night for his 85th birthday, then DH and I have to get the house ready for arrival of his birth mum and family who are staying in ours Monday and Tuesday. Then next Thursday we go to his birth Aunt’s house to meet all his uncles and aunts, and next Friday he will be shown around the family farm and the locality where they are from. Exciting but SO stressful contemplating what has to be done 😱

    I want it all to be over but for everyone to have had a good time!!

    So I am doing well staying DTF and mostly FD!

    Oh my physio yesterday…..the plantar fasciitis and neck pain is directly related to a trapped nerve in my back. When she touched a particular part of my lower back the pain went straight down my leg into my foot. She can fix it she says 👍

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