Day 16= FD
had a 23/1 eating window- and ate between 1:30 and 2:30 in the afternoon. Felt great! Went for a nice walk later in the day and drank lots of tea instead of eating in the evening.
This topic contains 221 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by Adaline 8 years ago.
Day 17 | FD – good one
Day 18 | NFD – OK. Really grateful for IF because it has more than once stopped me from stuffing my face on a NFD from early in the morning to late at night. Today was a very stressful morning and I couldn’t shake that “unsettledness” all day. Really wanted to eat for the sake of eating/ soothing myself from 8am onwards. Stayed strong and fasted until 1pm instead. I did eat chocolate and sweets but at least it was only at meal times and I didn’t let it take over my whole day!
Day 19 | NFD
Another stressful day saved by IF. It is interesting how quickly my body goes into “let’s eat something” response when stress occurs. Managed to fast till 1pm and then had a healthy lunch. The bus journey home however was a major trigger and combined with all the stress, I had much chocolate and sweets…
@violetp enjoy your holiday and I hooe you knee gets better soon!
@adaline, adjusting yourself when something isn’t working is an excellent idea. Hope eating two small meals in 4 hours will qo well for you!
@will, a change within yourself is fantastic and I hope you body is naturally making healthier choices…Although no grapefruit for me thank you very much!
Day 19 = IF
Today will be my first fast day with exercise. Curious to see how that goes. I had more energy and felt better during my workout thanks to this WOE.
HealthyTanja IF is a great tool isn’t it? It feels like the way humans are meant to eat instead of that three meals a day and snacks nonsense I was raised on.
Adaline – hope the adjustment is working well for you.
Marc and Violet way to go on your fast and IF.
thanks WWFH!
Day 20 is a FD for me.
My biggest realization is success at fasting is in part building momentum by not just forgiving myself when I fail, but by praising myself when I succeed.
good read on mindfulness:
I say to myself often, let it go- youll eat again another time.
Day 22 | NFD
Can’t believe I made it to lunchtime today! Got up at 6am and dropped the kids off at 9am. Couldn’t face breakfast with them, too early, but took some berries with me to eat while out.
I took many different busses today and on the first one I immediately had the urge to eat the berries but instead I read a book. I was feeling quite hungry at 9.30am and was looking to buy something for breakfast somewhere. Instead however I got stuck into my errands.
Not only did I make it to 12 noon, I fasted until 2.15pm! I had food with me and could have eaten it on the bus after 12pm but instead decided to wait until home and prove to myself that not eating on the bus is perfectly OK. Little triumphs 🙂
Ended up going to a German bakery and getting my Love and me yummy bread for lunch.
Good day! Happy going everyone 🙂
Day 23 | NFD
Made it to lunchtime again but missed the 8pm cut off again also. At school tomorrow until 8.30pm so will definitely meet my deadline then. Start of a good week!
Still feeling like my digestion is buggered up but I have now bought a fiber aid which will hopefully keep me more regular again….
Good start to the week everyone!
Day 24 | FD
No posts today? How weird!
FD for me. Went well, although I got a fiber supplement, pysillum husk or some such thing and tried to mix it into my soup and yoghurt today instead of drinking it with water. Bad call!
Overall the husk works well though and my insides are moving again 🙂 What a relief!
Hope you’re all well!!!
Day 24 IF 18/6
Completed 40 hour wf today at lunchtime but I overdid the food in the 6 hours and this was down to not planning ahead and just grabbing a quick bite….bitesssss on the run……well no running due to my knee…you get my drift!!
Today will be a good 18/6 with wise planning…I think!
Good luck guys.
Day 24 I was able to water fast and am still going (from the evening of the 23rd)
If I can get to day three when the liver is depleted of glucose I may keep going – for me energy usually returns then and hunger and cravings go way down.
WillWorkForHealth – exercise is something that really varies when I fast. there are times I feel energetic and work out hard, and others I just relax. Listening to your body is my key.
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1:56 am
17 Oct 16