OCTOBER 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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OCTOBER 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,058 replies, has 73 voices, and was last updated by  Bellyblast 6 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 1,059 total)

  • Last post today I promise.
    I’m finally catching up! When I was working, I prided my self on my computer skills. Three years out and not really using Excel since then I can’t believe how slow I was! Hopefully I’ve the sheet sorted.

    @lolastarr – a climbing holiday sounds exciting. Where are you climbing?
    @moukinator – well done on getting on top of that holiday excess baggage
    @raymondphilippe – nothing like having a bit of breathing space to start a new routine. Good luck!
    @ClaireSuzanne – your wedding? How exciting! There’s nowhere better for support and encouragement.
    @beththenew – Congratulations on your very impressive weight loss last month.
    @michelinme, @ Cornish-Jane and @fatfingers – you are an inspiration! And many others too, of course!
    Good to see you @fivetwofan5252
    @bert1802 another great wacky ending! You always make me laugh!
    @songbirdme – I always love to see your posts
    @yellowandblue – you’ll get there!
    @rainbowsmile -I’m behind on last month’s posts. Surely that toe rag isn’t still in your village? And how spooky that his footprints are in your garden. What is he thinking?
    Thanks for the link @beththenew. Eventually I went to the one I posted last year and just edited that. For some reason, they two were sheets were quite different. Hopefully though the job is done.
    @Daffodil2010- if your track record is anything to go by, those extra pounds will be gone in no time. Also forgot to say thank you for hosting last month’s challenge.
    @happymargo – an impressive drinks list (or lack of it!)
    @ciren2 – you’re back on the wagon!
    @snowflake56 – on my copy your name is highlighted in green. Is it not in yours?
    Good to see you @mishty

    The kitchen is now closed.

    Day 1 – Eastern WA USA – LFD

    Great to start a new month alongside older friends and new! I’m a 68 yr old female recently retired from full-time teaching and now working part-time for a local university,supervising university students as they get their field experience to become teachers. My highest weight was 245 lbs and I’m now at 207.4 lbs. The first weight came off quickly but have then bounced around. September was a reset month and the scale moved down 6.2 lbs. I’m hoping for another 5 lbs this month. But as @debster251 says, 1/2 a lb a week makes a total of 26 for the year. I’d be glad to take that.

    Starting the month with a liquid fast day.

    @Strawberriesandcream – glad to have you back and will honour your request to not be put on the FD pocket list. Everyone has their own journey 🙂

    @rainbowsmile – thanks for clarifying about the FB hack situation. Good work getting back to pre foot injury weight!

    @bellyblast – how wonderful for you to have some jeans fitting again!

    Pocket list for day 1

    @sarahbob (Day 1 of b2b2b….
    @rainbowsmile MFD

    Glad we’re on this journey together!

    3rd post

    @debster251 it’s highlighted now. I think I can see your name on the top of the spreadsheet, perhaps better to take it out?

    Thanks snowflake

    @debster251 you’re welcome! Did you do your planks today? I forgot about it this morning but did it later on the day.

    Oops I forgot! off now to do them….

    go for it!

    2nd post

    @debster251 thanks for hosting this month. This is my 2nd month on the challenge, so I have found my footing and really enjoyed the support last month. Hopefully I will be able to be more a part of the thread this month.

    @Bethanew I think we both started together last month, I just wanted to wish you good luck with your 2nd challenge month too. I hope you are getting more of a hang of it all as well. Congratulations on your cracking loss last month.

    @annemarilyn I think you added me to the pocket list, thanks, much appreciated. If it wasn’t you, thanks to whomever it was. I leave fairly early so cannot do it on my phone, and am full throttle ahead once I arrive at work.

    So glad to start becoming familiar with posters names, feels like I am starting to get to know the ‘fasting family’ on here.

    Good luck to all the newbies starting this month. There will always be someone who has been where you are, and can answer your questions. Mostly, one thing I am learning, is that this is your journey, everyone is different, but here you will find the support whether you are sailing through, hitting a bump, or ramming into a solid wall, or just camping out on Mt. Plateau.

    Fabulous to start the month on a FD. I am also into week 2 of my 13 week personal challenge of 13kg in 13weeks, here we gooo……


    Today my I am thinking of how happy my future self will be with my past self for making the right decision

    Hi @debster251
    I think i did something wrong as I’m not on your spreadsheet? 🙁

    Hi, how do i sign up for the October monthly challenge please? back on fast after a 3 year break! did really well the first time round but gradually piled on my loss plus some more so decided this time i need to stick to it once im at target weight!

    Hi @debster251 i don’t think i am on the spreadsheet either. Once my name is added do i go in and update it with information about weight etc?

    Thanks @rainbowsmile for adding me to pocket list….maybe if I use the tablet this will be easier than on my phone?

    Day 1 – USA – NFD

    Glad to be part of the October challenge with old and new cyberfriends! This month I’m putting my nose to the grindstone, as my schedule will become a little more familiar and I will plan my meals better on FDs. FDs will be Wednesday and Friday until I lose the last few pounds. 150 has been my goal and I am presently 154.8, but I think a “range” of 147-150 would be ideal, and give me a little wiggle room. Planning to spend the next day off reading posts from 9/24, as I’ve never gone this long without reading/reporting, and hope to catch up on all your news!

    Claire Suzanne – I can see you on my copy and there are details filled in?
    .Yellowandblue – I’ve added you to the list now. Please add you details or not, as you choose!
    PamH81 welcome. I’ve qdded you to the spreadsheet too.

    You should be able to edit now. Let me know if you can’t!

    Can anyone tell me how I make my settings private so my details aren’t open to view?

    Sorry Becs2011 I didn’t welcome you. I’ve added your name to the spreadsheet now to use if you wish

    Day 2 – NFD – New Zealand

    Day 1 – Goals – 10,000 steps – tick; Water – 2 litres – tick; Sleep – 10.45pm to bed – so not quite a tick, still adjusting to Daylight Saving (Summer time) which came in over the weekend. Fast day went ok, planning a controlled day today. Thanks Debster251 for hosting this months challenge.

    Day 1, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Hello old friends and newbies! 🌻🌼🌺

    I am in maintainance since last summer with a weight range allowance of 120-125 pounds. Starting October at 122 pounds. Goal is to get to the low end of maintainance. I am going to Austria in 3 weeks from today and need all the wiggle room that I can get. 😊😄😉

    Have a good Monday/Tuesday! 😊😊😊

    I’m in too, time to stop pretending it’s still summer holidays.

    Day 1 Minnesota, USA NFD

    Under TDEE today. Plan to Fast tomorrow and Thursday. Goal is to lose 4-5 lbs this month (2kg+).
    Best of luck everyone! Stay strong and optimistic!

    Day 1 Ohio, US — FD (#15)

    FD went well — it was super busy, so I wound up very tense when I went to a previously scheduled massage this evening. Things are feeling better now.

    Last week there was a New York Times article on activities that boosted children’s mental performance. The three main activities were: at least 1 hour of physical activity a day, 9-11 hours of sleep a night, and no more than 2 hours of recreational screen time a day.

    My goals for the month: Being faithful to the 5:2 WOL; working toward an hour of physical activity a day; working toward getting 8 hours of sleep a night, and limiting screen time a little; eating only my TDEE on NFD’s; and, last, but not least, curtailing sweets/desserts. A tall order?!! I’ll take the goals one day at a time and will be happy if I make any small step in the right direction.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Thank you for hosting and I’m in! Planning on 16:8 daily and two fast days. I’m usually OK for the first few weeks then drop off because I’m not losing weight but my goal is to continue until Christmas no matter what happens. I do 16:8 for 5 days a week without any weight loss but hoping the extra fast days will trigger weight loss. I’m hoping joining this group will help and am on a fast day today.😀

    Day 2: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Well….I DID IT….survived yesterday on a small piece of cheese, some beetroot and some nuts. Yes, back on the wagon. Giving myself a gold star!
    Managed to borrow a van from work to get home, but it’s only for one day (at the moment).
    The plantar Fasciitis I’ve put up with since the end of May, held up well at work yesterday after a week on holiday and rest. I’m now back on full rounds…yesterday VERY busy.
    Back later.

    Day 2, Emden Germany, NFD

    Day 2 UK 2nd B2B

    Starting tge Pocket list for today.


    Good luck everyone

    Day 2, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Up early and off to yoga – my drug of choice – apparently the body releases some sort of feel-good hormone. It works big-time for me! Just musn’t buy sourdough bread from the nice bakery on the way home as a reward…

    Day 2 Tasmania, Australia FD 😊
    I’m loving today’s fast!
    Adding myself to today’s pocket list-

    Day 2: Leeds, UK: NFD

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

    @debster251 I’m off to Fontainebleau in France to climb – beautiful place.

    First fast day went okay, survived work on a can of soup then a little egg sandwich for tea. Not being able to sit and snack all night means I go to bed early, so even getting close to 8 hours sleep!

    Good luck everyone fasting today!

    Day 2 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    First FD in over 3 weeks and I am so ready for it. Already lost a couple of pounds of holiday weight gain as I have substantially increased my water intake back to 3litres a day. As we were doing a lot of traveling on holiday I deliberately cut back my water intake to stop having to find places to go to the loo whilst en route 😨

    September I had every good intention but it fully the wayside. October will be a new start.

    And speaking of new starts, I go back to my contract work today but starting in a new role…(I was sent a note while on holiday that I am going to the dealing team)……I haven’t a clue what I will be doing, and dealing sounds scary and Gordon Gekko Wall Street…so I am quite nervous of the day ahead. Feel the fear and do it anyway.

    Wish me luck guys.

    Thanks @debster251 for hosting. Did you get your privacy settings sorted?

    Day 2 Belfast NFD
    Just checking on. Will post later

    Don’t know @daffodil – can you still see my details on the spreadsheet? Good luck in your new job

    Day 2 UK FD 2nd of B2B2B2B

    Yesterday’s fast day went really well and wasn’t a struggle at all. I was pleasantly surprised after my carbtastic weekend.

    However, I have woken up with a headache so hopefully that will fade over the day.

    Wishing you all an awesome Tuesday.

    Today’s pocket list:

    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B2B2B

    Day 2, UK, ?

    Well, the cockles of my heart are well and truly warmed! Good to be back amongst like-minded friends. It seems that September has been a difficult month in one way or another for quite a few of us – but I’m already feeling October is going to be a different story.

    I hope your foot is on the mend @rainbowsmile – I can empathise with your missing jive dancing and other exercise – that’s definitely contributed to my massive weight gain this year. However, the year is not over yet….
    Lovely to see you back @snowflake56 – good to hear your OH has joined you in this WOE.
    Thanks @michelinme for removing me from the pocket list – I just have to accept that my brain is wired to rebel right now. Hoping my strategy of no self pressure will help. Thanks for understanding @annemarilyn – and congrats on your new part-time role.
    The pavements around here are in such bad condition that all my runs are a fartlek @johnnyr! (Had to google that one!!!! :-))

    So the good news is that I can call yesterday’s ? a successful start – although not an official FD as calories reached 937. Who knows what today will bring! 🙂

    Day 2, London, UK, FD

    Looking forward to todays’ FD ( newbies, that isn’t a typo, you WILL eagerly look forward to a FD too!!) as the weekends indulgences have left me feeling a bit “Meh”, soup and peppermint tea at the ready!!! 1lb down since yesterdays’ weigh-in (water?, ‘stuff’ in transit? Who knows, I’ll take it!!!)

    @bert1802, TLC came on the radio this morning on my way to work, I had a much needed chuckle to myself, Cheers for that!!!!

    Sad to say @happymargo, your monthly alcohol intake was about the same as my average weekend!!!!…………….. (Oh, the shame!!!) Sober-for-October it is then!!! Any other takers?????

    Whoop-Whoop!!!! Congratulations @ciren2 ………………. You’ve GOT this!!!!!!

    @daffodil2010, I hope the shoulder pads are comfy!!!! What a change from the greenhouse!!!!

    @sarahbob, I’m soooo with you on the headache ………………….. I’m in carb withdrawal, I’m sure there’s a place for giraffe bread, beans on toast, mashed potato, crisps, biscuits and red wine…………………. Clearly that place is NOT my tummy!!!!

    “Somedays we eat salad & go to the gym, somedays we eat cake for breakfast & refuse to put on pants ………………. It’s called balance!!!!!”

    Pocket List for today:
    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B2B2B

    Day 2 Norfolk (UK) FD

    Woken up to join in with my OH doing his sit-ups & crunches etc.
    Had my Fast Day Muesli for brekkie and some black coffee. Have my jelly on hand in case I feel the need for something before dinner tonight.

    I have recently started on the Couch25k programme so may have a go at that later if I feel energised!

    Plan on keeping busy today. I’m job hunting at the mo and have lots to do around the house so I’m hoping I can distract myself away from any hunger.

    Thank you all for your supportive words that you post on here.

    typed my own name wrong – duh!

    Pocket List for today:
    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B2B2B

    Day 2 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    So after a long weekend of extra treats and excessive red wine drinking and a 5lb gain showing on the scales yesterday morning, I did my Monday FD and ‘appear’ to have lost 4lbs overnight 😀 so comfortably back in happy maintenance range. I don’t normally weigh in on a Monday so it could be that my weight is always at its highest after the weekend. Newbies take note……the scales are cruel and fickle…..don’t get hung up on the fluctuations and never let them discourage you.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Day 2 – NFD – Michigan

    Yesterday’s fast day went better than expected because I had some chicken broth around lunch time. I feel like my body goes into salt withdrawal on fast days…. My dogs got me up in the night and I ate 3 chocolate covered digestive biscuits. So, that happened. Looking forward to savoring flavors today on this happy NFD.

    I have work this morning, then class all afternoon. Studying for an exam Thursday, writing a paper due Wednesday and another paper due Friday, and studying for an epic quiz on Friday as well. Whew. Time to get cracking.

    I love reading everyone’s updates! I hope everyone has a lovely day today.


    Day 2, UK, NFD

    Im in between places, and on my phone so exuse any typos/autocirrects 😆
    I managed to keep my FD yesterday during the travel, just about. But pleased with that 🙂 . I don’t know if I’ll manage a proper FD now for the next 2 weeks, I will try, or at least do 16:8. Not putting pressure on myself though because its already hard enough dealing with issues at hand.
    More later ….. for now have a great day everyone 🌹

    Day 2 UK CD

    Yesterday’s post-carbtastic weekend FD went surprisingly well, tho fell off the WFD waggon at 8.30pm bc hungry & headache. My strange snacking (tiny leftovers rice & peas with hot vegemite & cheese, yogurt with hot banana, cacao & almonds) brought me in under 400 calories, so I’ll take that.

    This morning I’m back to 144lbs again but aiming to live happily and consciously on the plateau and let my body do what it needs to do. Today I’m going to remember to drink plenty of water even tho my body seems to dislike the idea – perhaps peppermint tea instead? – then either push through to a OMAD evening or break for sustaining late lunch salad.

    Definitely reset my head with yoga & meditation yesterday, made sensible choices about evening routine, and got going a bit better this morning. Yesterday I ploughed through a fair bit of backlog so another seriously focused day should have me ready enough for tomorrow’s meetings. Making an effort to let go of anxiety and work hard in hope, letting go of the outcomes

    @ciren2 – yay! well done!
    @wacm – sounds like a great start to the month
    @cornish-jane hello! so that’s why a yoga day is a happy day 🙂
    @daffodil2010 welcome back, and good luck with your new job!
    @sarahbob @flourbaby yes to carb withdrawal and headaches 🙁 Yay to good fasting resets 🙂
    @strawberriesandcream my brain rebels when constrained too, great idea to reset the framework to be an invisible one 🙂

    Here’s to a day of looking after our future selves 🙂

    Day 2 NC USA NFD

    Down to 185.9 after yesterdays fast day which was a almost 800 FD. Not worried it is barely down considering it is only two days away from my last weight in. It seems like my lose after my second FD on Fridays is usually bigger since I have more days between it and my Monday FD/Saturday weight in.

    Day 2……Florida……FD

    Well, yesterday was a bust! Completely enjoyed my day of nothingness but it did have its down falls as well but that mostly consisted of food in my mouth. Oh and it was mostly carbs…….
    I’m back to work today, and seeing it’s only a three day week for me. I will be doing all my FD B2B.

    @flourbaby…….I’m glad you like mt ending. A friend of mine told me that in Sept., so I had to hold onto it a minute but .i couldn’t wait to use it this month.

    Welcome to all the new faces we have……I so enjoy see the new one pop on.

    @daffoldil…….good luck my friend, you got this!

    @cornish……. oh my, we love sour dough bread and salt risin bread not sure if you’ve heard or tasted it but, we just can’t get those types of breads here in Florida. I think because where I’m from they are considered an Amish bread. Ive even heard them referred to as cold weather bread. And those are two things, Florida doesn’t seem to have.

    @saltwater…….Welcome! I understand how frustrating it is to change you WOE and see not results. But if I can be completely honest with you, in hopes I can get you to stick around for the long haul, 5:2 can help you lose the numbers on the scale but sometimes even though the numbers are not moving does not mean that 5:2 is not working and that you should stop. I not sure if it is odd or just a super natural thing but sometimes okay more than likely when the numbers stop moving, the inches on our bodies start dropping. Which means that 5:2 is working. So, I would not get so hung up on what mean ole Cruella has to say. She lies…… but more over find yourself other tools to measure success such as a pair of jeans, a dress…..etc. those will be your true indicators that 5:2 is working.
    We have all been there in one way or another, so we completely understand but I think a lot can said with just looking at how long some of us have stayed around, and sharing our experiences. You got this!

    Okay well….I’m off! Apparently the clock stops for no one!

    A nurse friend asked me where to find scrubs….. I said probably hanging out on the passenger side of his best friends ride…..

    Day 2 NSW Australia NFD

    Day 2. Belfast NFD

    A good fast day yesterday to start the month. I’m making a huge effort to fight that sugar dragon this month.

    Welcome @onein7bn and @saltwater120 I’ve added you to the spreadsheet if you want to use it.
    We’re right behind you @shinything. ((Hugs))

    Off now to Pilates and the a few extra planks .. anyone care to join me and @snowflake for a plank this month?

    Stay strong everyone!

    IF Intermittent Fasting
    WOL Way of Life

    FD Fast Day (500 cals)
    MFD Modified Fast Day (800 cals)
    WFD Water Fast Day (Water only)
    CFD Controlled Fast Day (1200 cals)
    NFD Non Fast Day
    LFD Liquid Fast Day (liquids only)

    5:2 5 days NFD:2 days IF
    ADF Alternate Day Fast, FD, NFD
    DAFD: Day after fast day
    16:8 16 hours fast 8 hours non fast
    20:4 Warrior 20 hours fast 4 hours window
    B2B Back 2 Back (days of FD or WFD)
    OMD One Meal a Day usually 23:1 Or 20:4
    Feast Day: planned day of eating over TDEE
    Refeed follow WFD B2B gradual increase in food

    DD, DS, DH Darling Daughter,Son, Husband
    OH, Other Half
    LOL Laughing Out Loud
    EFS Epic Face Stuffing
    Tortoise Club: for those looking weight very very slowly
    Pocket List: put in your pocket list for support
    Challenge: gauntlet thrown down for food or exercise
    Cruella: those pesky scales
    MFP: My Fitness Pal (app)
    Fitbit: recording for exercise wrist band

    Keto, way of eating that generates Ketones
    LC, Low Carb way of eating
    LCHF, Low Carb High Fat way of eating
    TDEE: Total Daily Energy Expenditure

    Day 2 USA (Illinois) – CD

    Our Choral Society social was last evening after rehearsal. That always consists of grazing around a table of wonderful savory & sweet treats. (At least we don’t do wine!) That evening is always a challenge to add to MFP. I always leave plenty of calories of my TDEE for that spread. Really need a good FD but am having a friend over for lunch today, so won’t be today. Going to make it a CD (OMAD?) with not too many carbs.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 2 – UK – NFD

    A good FD yesterday of under 500cals and a strong yoga class in the evening saw me have a good night sleep and weight this morning back under 55kg at 54.8kg so aiming for a controlled day today.

    Did a lot of walking on the weekend 🏃‍♀️ a brisk climb on Saturday of 6.78km and around 400m height gain and on Sunday a longer 16.58km but flatter hike gaining only 325m. Today went for a shorter walk of around 4km with my usual walking group – sun was shining and good company with lots of chat = perfect way to start a Tuesday 😊

    So lovely to see familiar faces – a big welcome back everyone 🤗

    A little bit about myself for those new to this WOL – I am a 60 y.o. female, married, with a grown up daughter. Height = 163cm/5ft 4in and I started this WOL on my own in January 2016 – joined the challenges in November 2016 as I had plateaued for around 3 months and reached maintenance in early December 2016 and have been in maintenance 53-55kg/116.8-121.2lbs since then!
    Health improvement markers since starting this WOL:-
    1. Total weight loss = 22kg/3st 7lbs
    2. Full of energy!
    3. Mental health changes = sleeping well, waking up feeling good in myself and happy with my life☺
    4. My Asthma is controlled to the extent that I no longer use any inhalers either treatment or preventative!
    5. My blood cholesterol has improved so much that currently it is just above normal range

    And a huge welcome to all the new faces to the monthly challenge @lolastarr @eddieanne @wacm (I seem to remember you from March 2017? welcome back x) @raymondphilippe @yellowandblue
    @claire-suzanne @keeper @pthomp @becs2011 @kpdino50 @pamh81 @onein7bn @saltwater120

    @ciren2 – you will make it back on that wagon remember that TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER – great job in completing that first FD of the month xx
    @foodfreedomgirl – the challenge if for everyone to use to get the most benefit out of it – checking in and posting regularly is great for accountability and we are here to support in any way we can x
    @snowflake56 – great job in getting back into maintenance so promptly – what strength you showed in September x
    @bert1802 – what a very encouraging post especially for those new to this WOL or who are struggling 🤗
    @songbirdme – I’m in awe – never missing a challenge since May 2016!
    @happymargo – you are doing a great job – congratulations on getting below the 150 mark!
    @emma Taylor – what a great job not gaining any weight whilst on holidays in Greece but as you say it is nice to get back into the rhythm of this WOL
    @mogaman – nice to have you back – you were a bit like me – going AWOL for most of September
    @Strawberriesandcream – I was a bit like you with September with too many feast days and mentally not with WOL for some reason but so glad to be back on board for October 🤗
    @moukinator – wishing you and the fiancé a strong October – you both can do this!
    @rainbowsmile – I promise not to disappear again 🤗 Thank you for the rainbows – gratefully received into my life xx
    @flourbaby – thank you for thinking of me 🤗 I need these challenges in my life they keep me focused and remind me as to why I started this WOL
    @daffodil2010 – welcome back from your holidays – you know what you need to do to dispatch those 9lbs – hold on tight to us and we will get you back to where you were – Hope the first day in the new department went well xx
    @johnnyr – great to see that you rejoined us in the September challenge and still with us for October – I went a bit AWOL after the first week of September but so good to be back!

    Best advice I can give to anyone new to this WOL/WOE is to:-
    *Stick to the basic plan for the first couple of months – it works!!
    *On NFD eat to the TDEE for the weight you want to be and not your current weight and you will lose weight faster!
    *Don’t overestimate your exercise level!!!
    *Don’t add the calories lost due to exercise into your daily calorie allowance as it is already taken into account when you work out your TDEE!
    *Try to drink at least 2L of water daily

    If I could lose the weight and remain in maintenance then anyone can – The following quote is my personal mantra for this WOL and whenever I stray I remind myself of where I used to be!!


    @daffodil2010: Good Luck for the “dealing” role. What do you deal in?
    @bert1802: Like you I have to be busy at work to be able to have any chance of a successful FD…..that’s another reason why I can’t retire yet!!
    @debster251: Thanks for the medal (early days yet…not counting any chickens).
    @at: good to see you. Lucky you having all those wild hills nearby to climb! Fantastic that you’ve successfully maintained for so long. Makes my few months in 2016 look a bit puny….must get there again. I expect it to take four months of continuous effort though. Fingers tightly crossed.
    Good luck today’s fasters out there.

    Day 2, Gozo, Malta, mfd

    Hi Debster251 please count me in the October challenge.

    Yesterday I did a mfd but didn’t have time to post.

    Today I made a cobbs salad with chicken breasts, avocado, beetroots, onions, lettuce, bacon and tomatoes and served it with cesear salad dressing as blue cheese dressing was not good for my pregnant daughter. I also baked a chicken broccoli, pasta and cheese bake for this evening.

    I had a half slice of pizza so it will have to be a cereal bar or yogurt for me this evening.

    Onwards and downwards, have a great Tuesday everyone.

    Day 2, Rocky Mountains, US, MFD

    Agenda: Fighting the sugar dragon 🐉(staying away from the Danish pumpkin kringle!!!), drinking enough water, doing OMAD (20:4)!!!

    Distractions: Harvesting my (last) tomatoes 🍅🍅🍅 (never had them that late and still tasting superb), grocery shopping, delivering some of my tomatoes to my elderly friends, later waiting for the Comcast dude, walking my dog 🐕, doing some light house chores and Qigong in the evening! 😊😊😊

    Have a good Tuesday everyone!!! ⚘⚘⚘

    Day 2 Canada FD

    Boy oh boy I demolished a loaf of sour dough at lunchtime yesterday, seriously not a good idea!

    @at we are a similar age and height, you are my role model. Thanks for sharing your story, I am not much of a calorie counter but will give your tips on TDEE a try
    @missybear a good reminder that the scales are fickle and can trick us into giving up!
    @strawberriesandcream great to have you back

    Day 2, Idaho USA FD

    Off to a poor start, just mindlessly eating yesterday. Waiting on a medical referral since September 14th just finally found out yesterday that the referral was somehow lost. My dr said they sent it, new clinic say they have never heard of me. I just sort of lost it! Picking up today, moving on. Waiting. But trying to remember that eating well and fasting while waiting will set me up for better than if I eat junk and quit fasting and stress eat!

    Pocket List for today:
    @sarahbob 2nd of B2B2B2B

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 1,059 total)

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