OCTOBER 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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OCTOBER 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,058 replies, has 73 voices, and was last updated by  Bellyblast 6 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 901 through 950 (of 1,059 total)

  • Day 26 – Japan – WFD

    This will be water fast 76 in 2018 which is a mile stone of sorts since it means I only have 2 weeks of water faster left in 2018 to meet my goal.

    I’m still fighting a cold a bit, but feeling better.

    Day 26 – Melbourne AUS – NFD

    @annemarilyn I measure it at the gym, they have some super-duper electrode machine. It’s not 100% accurate as some other tests available, but over the past 6 months or so the measurements don’t jump around too much, and it’s just another way to track what’s going on I guess! I did notice that during my mega plateau my BFP dropped (which was in line with how my clothes were fitting).

    @ciren2 where is your daughter going to be? Being from Melbourne, I’ve done a fair bit of travel around Victoria (though I am very much a city girl) but happy to help in any way!

    @at thanks! I’m feeling very fit and toned at the moment, the consistency has paid off and happily very confident in my own skin so I’m just going to enjoy the next few weeks  hens party is tomorrow so I’m sure that will involve a few too many champagnes…!

    @ccco I also love a wine, and I know that my weekends are my weak point (and probably slow down progress). I do try and limit it to 3 drinking days a week (though sometimes it more like 4…) a work in progress as always!

    Happy Friday everyone!

    Day 25 Ohio, US — NFD

    Usually Thursday is my second weekly FD, but since tonight was Trick-or-Treat night I decided to move it to Friday. Here T-or-T lasts from 5:30-7:30 in the evening. People signal that they’re participating by turning their outside porch lights on and we sit out on the porch or drive-way and hand out candy there. Around 7:30 the village police chief drives down the street and everyone goes in/home for the night. Remarkably orderly! Tonight it was pretty warm 45 F (7 C), but still chilly if you’re just sitting. I find that there is nothing like sitting out in the cool handing out candy for a couple of hours to work up an appetite. And now I do need a fast day tomorrow!

    @daffodil2010 I also have a cut-off rule for giving out candy: If they’re taller than me, no candy!!

    Day 26, Emden Germany, FD

    @debster251 and @at thanks for the comments on my MIL, it’s just so sad.

    @at selfcare is so important, most of us aren’t very good at it. I’m glad your friend found things that comfort her.

    Somehow my head is so full of thoughts it’s hard to respond on posts, my English and other things seems to vanish from my mind sometimes.

    Pocket list day 26


    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 26 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    To all of us losing our mojo, @debster241, @shinything in particular, hand out from the wagon, we have got you……though I am hanging over the edge too. However, the smart decision to go back to basics and 2 FDs a week and no other funny stuff has really helped me this week. I came home from work all set for yoga but DH was there like the devil with a glass of wine in hand. I was so tempted…then I reminded myself I was only doing 2 FDs and I could have wine tomorrow……and off to yoga I went. Result 👍

    My boss only wanted to ask me would I join a committee re my friends retirement party 😀 Worrying about nothing.

    It’s the bank holiday weekend here in Ireland. My workplace have a tradition whereby they provide a late cooked breakfast for staff on the bank holiday Friday. It’s an NFD so I look forward to that(although I don’t normally have breakfast during the week)

    Happy Friday

    Day 26 UK

    I don’t think I’ve had a mojo all month so it could be mine that has led @debster251 and @shinything yours astray! Hopefully we will find them waiting for us in November!
    I tried imagining being a happy bunny yesterday but that image disappeared down a rabbit hole pretty quickly, a shame as he was cute! @missybear I think you are right routine and rhythm are the key, restore that and things might flow.
    @snowflake56 bless you for your offer, I know I can get through this with yours and others support, that pocket list once I commit really works for me. There is something in my psyche which means I can do things for others but not myself, need to learn to reverse that and employ @michelinme ‘s approach to the importance of self care.
    House hunting has become torture, I don’t think I can bear the thought of another winter in a studio flat! House hunting when there are distances involved is challenging enough but when you want that elusive dream as well it’s doubly hard, wishing you good luck with your search.
    How did your MIL break her pelvis? She has had tough time these past few weeks, as have you all – hope her routine is restored quickly and she’s not distressed for too long and life for all of you is restored to a happier place.

    @michelinme – sending you lots of best wishes for restorative powers with lots of pep and pick me up. Take care.

    @flourbaby enjoy your party you’ll look amazing.

    I need to get some self control and self respect back, probably best achieved with an FD but reluctant to formally declare as I know today is going to be stressful with other things going on. Sounds like I’ve already given in but I promise I will try very hard to not let other things get in the way of how I want to live my life. With all you pocket fasters in sprit today. Stay focussed and your eye on the prize – health and happiness!
    Apologise for the down beat flavour of this post, tense times here.
    Good luck to all.
    Ta x

    Day 26 UK FD

    Hello, I’m really sorry I haven’t checked in for a while I’ve pretty much been hibernating and doing abit of self care. I have been doing 2-3 fast days a week and keeping up with my exercise. My shoulder is much better and I’m hoping to do some bodypump this afternoon 🏋️‍♀️

    Looking forward to Ripped in 30 in November😁

    Feeling much perkier and more sociable.

    Sending you all love and positive vibes.

    Pocket list day 26


    Day 26, Gozo, Malta, cd

    Daffodil2010 happy belated birthday 🎁 to your dad. Enjoy him while you can. My dad passed away over 24 years ago. I still miss him.

    These past two days I didn’t post. I cooked for my family as usual and instead of fds I overate. It was more of cds.

    Today I made a blueberry and feta cheese salad with sunflower seeds, avocados cranberries, spinach leaves, Greek yogurt, mayonnaise, lemon juice, and paprika for lunch. For this evening it’s going to be fish fillets filled with tomatoes and shrimps drizzled with olive oil and seasoning. Actually the filling was made by the fish monger. I’m serving the fish with jasmine rice. For my son who doesn’t eat fish I’m cooking him Italian beef rump today.

    Weight is 68.1 kilos. I’v been this weight for a few months now but wish to go lower by three kilos to maintain. I need more willpower not to snack or eat extra. Over the weekend I usually eat more. I’ll try to do tomorrow a cd and Sunday when we’re celebrating my granddaughter s birthday 🎂 I’ll eat more. My granddaughter is going to be three years on 1 st November but her birthday 🎁 party will be next Sunday.

    Onwards and downwards, keep the faith everyone and have a great Friday.

    Day 26, UK, FD (hopefully!)

    I say hopefully as I can’t be sure these days, any day, including FD can turn into EFS day. This 🐢 has turned into a 🐷 lately.

    @debster251 and @daffodil2010 yep, that’s it! Our mojos have run away together 🙊 And now we can see that its all @dingping‘s mojo fault 🙊 But our mojo catcher @at is here to help with it 😂

    Sending all of you a huge hug 🤗

    Pocket list day 26


    Day 26 Belfast NFD

    Just a quickie.
    The scales showed 2lb above my maximum maintenance amount. That is the second month I’m a little too heavy, so come Monday I will knuckle down and try to despatch a couple of pounds before the end of the month. And I thought maintenance would be easy.🤔

    We were due to go away yesterday, but my friend, (her and her husband also caravan with us) was admitted to hospital, so plans had to change a little. We are going away anyway but just for two nights. One night less to do weight damage! Then that. Mojo catcher had better do his work and return things back to normal.

    Instead of perusing this forum first with my cup of tea first thing, I spend half an hour spending a considerable amount of money on tickets for the Fleetwood Mac gig next June. I’m usually not successful in those silly situations, however, with my OS in Dublin, we managed to get tickets for the whole family, so that will be great! It’s a long time to be excited though!

    Off now for a bit of rather cold mountain/and or beach walking.

    Have a good day my Fellow Fasters!

    Day 26 UK FD

    2nd post

    My day just got a whole lot better with some good news in a phone call less than half an hour ago and with it came my mojo.

    Sorry @debster251, @shinything and @daffodil2010 for hijacking yours but sending them back and hopefully in full working order!

    Joining you @snowflake56 and all the other pocket fasters in a definite FD today.

    Thank you all for putting up with my gloom, things might have just turned a corner here!

    Love, peace and harmony to all.

    Ta x

    Pocket list day 26


    2nd post

    @debster251 I hope your friend will get well soon!

    @dingping I’m so glad to hear this, I really hope things will get better for you. My MIL just seems to have stumbled on her way to the bathroom, without anything standing in her way, it happens.We will find a house someday, we’re not in a hurry. We do like the house that we’re in now, just want to go back to the Netherlands eventually.

    Day 26 UK FD

    Yesterday’s FD slid into a CD, narrowly missing an EFS. Mojo still absent and not all about the virus/fatigue – going to make a determined effort to lassoo it back today. Small steps count!

    My 2 wks off waggon have resulted in a Friday weigh day gain of 2lbs, back to 147lbs for the first time since pre-pneumonia in July. Also realising the fat-suit-shifting properties of the plateau, I’ve put 0.5″ back on my hips and 1″ on my carbtastic tum. Today has to be a mindful FD, with lots of water or herbal tea, careful planning of supper and some gentle yoga & meditation.

    I’m definitely in cross patch mode – serious fatigue and virus, not meditating, feeling v behind with project work and under time pressure. But rather than self-compassion I’m beating myself up, which makes me more prone to criticise others too. Somehow a 2lb gain becomes an epic fail and I find myself responding as tho I’ve achieved nothing over the last 11 months, rather than still holding onto a 6″ fat suit shrinkage and 33lb loss.

    MUST sort out head today bc I’ll be letting people down if I don’t make a start. Plus tomorrow is 7hr Strategy Day planning 3yr priorities. I’m going to have to spend a long day playing nicely with others, even tho I’m feeling no brain capacity, last minute information dump from colleagues and confused by lack of comprehensible structure. Need to move from grrrrr to ommmm 🙂

    Hoping to kickstart my brain now with lunchtime stretching, meditating, drinking lots of water and focusing on my fast – nine hours til bedtime and anything is possible! Everything else falls into place when we can change our minds.

    @shinything @dingping @debster251 i’m so with you on the low mojo, hoping we can draw on wisdome of experience to find our way back. Baby steps!

    Pocket list day 26


    Day 26, Surrey (UK), FD, 153lb

    Well…I WAS supposed to be in maintenance mode, ha ha!! This is my first FD since hitting my 150lb target last week. It’s a tad depressing to see a 3.6lb gain in one week. HOW can it take 3m to lose 3lb and just 1 week to gain it back again??? Anyhow, this is a scheduled FD so I’m hoping for an easy-on, easy-off outcome! I may just have to switch back to 5:2 if needed.

    I feel positive thoughts are in order to avoid the self-beating-up: echoing @michelinme, “Somehow [an xlb] gain becomes an epic fail and I find myself responding as tho I’ve achieved nothing over the last 11 months” – yep, I sure can identify with that! And like you say, it’s important to keep things in perspective and look instead to the bigger picture of what we’ve achieved over the last few months. It has been truly fantastic, for you, me, and others, and we mustn’t forget that.

    More positive thoughts: I had the results of my NHS health check this week. Blood pressure: 114/67. Cholesterol: 4.9 with ratio 2.7. HbA1C 35mmol. FBC and liver function all fine. That has all got to be worth celebrating!

    Pocket list day 26

    Day 26 North Canton OH Healthful eating Day

    @annemarilyn Dr. Fung is the expert and I am sure he’s right when he said sweeteners raise insulin. That being said, sustainability is more important for me than perfection. Following a LCHF no-sugar lifestyle in combination with basic 5:2 has been a winner for me. Prior to that I was bingeing on beer, pizza and sweets on my NFD, because I had to have something. This is more manageable for me and I am not tempted to over eat because it’s almost impossible to overeat these sugar free desserts and pastries – they are too filling.
    @at thanks, I am so sorry about your friend
    @emmataylor, the later I start eating, the more successful my FD are – so that’s a good strategy that could work for you
    I am so glad it’s Friday, I can’t wait to sleep in tomorrow.
    The mojo reset police is on the prowl, we can all use some  Hang in there ladies and gents – you are all worth the effort.

    USA DAY 26 FD

    Pocket list day 26

    Just checking in and adding myself to the pocket list. My intention is to fast without wine! Stay strong everyone!

    Day 26: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD.
    I seem to have left the wagon far, far away…
    @gretta: Interesting that you come from Melbourne. My daughter will be at a Dairy Research centre called Ellinbank, apparently set in the foothills of the rolling Strzecki Ranges….home to a National centre for Dairy Research and Development…..lifted straight from the website!! Don’t know if you’ve heard of it but she reckons it’s about a 40 minute drive from Packenham (or somewhere on the western outskirts of the city) where she’s hoping to rent shared accommodation to start with, until she gets her bearings in a new country.
    Brave girl…but then I suppose we all were at that age, eh?

    Day 26 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Late check in, busy productive day and looking forward to starting the weekend with a glass of red this evening. Developing a habit of 5:2 eating, 2:5 exercise (some activity at least 5 days a week) and 4:3 (or 3:4) wine drinking. It’s going well.

    @fatfingers during my first couple of months of maintenance my weight was up and down and drove me mad. I’ve learnt that to hold steady I need to stick with 5:2. You will probably need a few months of practice to find what is right for you. Congratulations on your brilliant test results.

    Keep on keeping on everyone 🙂

    day 26 NFD
    I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. I had been so busy at night this week. I had a tough time with my fast days, last party tonight. I am looking forward to Monday…. XO

    Day 26 London UK FD

    I have a full page of posts to catch up on as I didn’t read or check in yesterday. A day away feels like ages! Will look forward to reading up.

    Had a couple of NFDs (Wed and Thurs) which were great. Packed lots into my 1550 TDEE and it seemed less tricky because I was aware of the TDEE amount. I read something on the maintenance thread recently that rings true “Maintenance is yoyoing in a narrow range, constantly gaining and losing the same couple of kilos.” That couple of kg is my wiggle room and I’ve stayed within it so far. Really proud of that. This week I’ve learned that being conscious of my TDEE and calorie counting throughout the day makes life easier for me for now. Otherwise I find I’m worrying I’ve eaten too much or start overthinking it all! Definitely feeling happier and more in control.

    Decided on an 800 cal FD today to set myself up for the weekend. Not having breakfast and not eating until early afternoon (usually around 1:30/2pm) means plenty of calories for the hours remaining. My two year old kept me so busy that the morning flew by and I didn’t eat until after 2pm. Lunch was sweet potato falafel (shop bought, am looking for a good recipe!) and hummus. Supper was a roast cauliflower curry soup. So flavoursome and really creamy, without any cream involved! Calorie count was pretty low (255) so I thought I’d get my omega 3 in and ovenbaked a salmon fillet (another 145 calories). I flaked 2/3 of it in to the soup. A real winner! Toddler had the other bit for his supper with sweet potato and broccoli mash. A happy healthy household this evening! This time of the evening is when sugar (chocolate!!) cravings start so I had some melon, raspberries and mango with 50g of full fat Greek yoghurt (total 122 calories). No it didn’t hit the chocolate spot (nothing but chocolate could do that!) but I have been having fruit and yoghurt the past few nights and it’s interesting how it does seem to be getting more and more satisfying. That said, there WILL be chocolate consumed this weekend! 🎉

    Sorry it’s been all about me today! Hope to catch up on posts and get round to replying during the weekend.

    Hope everyone is well – and remember, together we are stronger!

    Day 26 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Broke yesterday’s LFD at about 39 1/2 hours. I have to remember that it doesn’t take as much to satisfy my tummy. I’m trying to stop when satiated period.

    @basyjames – I agree that sustainability is important. I’m trying to juggle getting the weight off and the sustainable piece. Long term, I definitely see making keto friendly treats that include healthy sweeteners on occasion.

    @murph58 – enjoy today with your party!

    @snowflake – praying for strength for you as you support MIL and friend in tough stretches. About the language – you know it’s a funny thing how our brains work. Recently as I was fighting a bug and feeling a little off, I found Spanish coming to the fore while I was trying to find a word in English. Spanish popped out in the middle of my English. As I got better, my English got better again.

    @daffodil2010 – isn’t it something that most of what we worry about doesn’t come true! Glad things worked out well at work.

    @sarahbob – so glad you’re doing better!

    @Michelineme – yes, “Everything else falls into place when we can change our minds.” May that be so for you today as you continue on your FD.

    One thing to all struggling at the moment, it doesn’t change your worth. We care about you here and will continue on the journey with you. Sometimes it’s a trudging through some mud. This too shall pass. As some pointed out, at least you’re at a better place now than you were 11 months ago. Keep on keeping on!

    Day 26, London, UK, NFD (CD)

    Late, late check-in!! Today has had to be controlled because there’s some unattractive bloating going on!!! I’m looking forward to my night out tomorrow; it may well be a great event, but at the moment it will be sponsored, aided and assisted by Spanx!!!! In all honesty, I might just nibble at dinner ‘cause I’m soooooooooo looking forward to the main attraction ………………. that glass of red!!!! (I’ll still be Sober-ish for October!!) Those in the know will recall, I’m a sucker for an Australian shiraz!!!

    @debster251, @dingping, @michelinme & @shinything, I’m sending some mojo your way!!!! @daffodil2010, your so right, I think we forget to keep saying “I can have that tomorrow”, in the 1st few months it was my mantra, I’m not sure when, why or how I started saying, I’ll have it today and fast tomorrow…………………… not good to play fast & loose with the BASICS!!!!

    I saw the Fat-Fairy this morning, heading my way in the form of a fresh out of the oven croissant…………………… I blew her out of the sky with my shotgun (in my head of course!!) before she got within sniffing distance, it was either shoot her or run screaming from the room like a nutter!!!!!

    @dykask, good to hear from you, our unofficial Master of the WFD!!!! I hope that cold gets better soon.

    Stay strong everyone, don’t give up on October just yet …………………………. There’s no need to add extra work to Novembers’ challenge!!!!

    Day 26 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Almost forgot to check in. Doing well at dispatching the 5 pounds over my maintenance – scale was back to 162.4 this morning. 160 is what I want to maintain.

    @debster251 you sound like we are both in the same boat. Really trying to watch my carbs and sugars.

    @flourbaby — congrats to you for your self control and will power at that croissant!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 26 Ohio, US — FD(#22)

    A Friday FD went amazingly well. Fridays are my lowest energy days of the week, so I wasn’t sure how things would turn out, but I was able to stay on task all day. Amazing!

    @annemarilyn Something similar happens to my accent when I’m sick and/or very tired. When I was growing up, my family moved around a lot. My parents were strict about us not picking up the local accent, but kept us speaking a “neutral” accent. But when I’m physically low, the accents I heard in childhood just pop out, but as I get better, so does my speaking accent.

    @michelinme Hang in there! As Mary Pickford said, “Falling down is not a failure, it’s not getting up again.” Hope you survive your Strategy Day in good style!

    Day 26 Minnesota, USA NFD
    Day 25 (Thursday) CD
    Day 24 ( Wednesday) FD (under 500 cal)

    Down 1 lb after being up last week. Total since mid-August now 5Kg. Not quite what I wanted for this month but I haven’t been very strict with calories this month, so the slower loss is fine with me.
    Tomorrow should be another FD.
    Good luck to everyone on their journey! Stay strong and stay determined.

    Day 23 24 25 and 26 – NFDs

    Hello all! New job training and weird hours dominate life atm…..gaining n losing the same 1 lb….reading every post and emoting with all of you. Eating so sporadically. Hoping to come up for air soon. Not complaining in the least…life is good!

    Day 27, Emden Germany, FD

    @annemarilyn itn’t it interesting how the brain works? When my DH and I are very tired we tend to speak a mix of Dutch and German. One of my favourite writers is Oliver Sacks, a British neurologist. He wrote a lot of books about neurological disorders, only one small disorder can be lifechanging.

    @metatauta “life is good”, great to hear!

    Pocket list day 27


    Have a nice day everone!

    Day 27 UK FD

    Going to nurture my mojo and coax it along, so doing a gentle FD probably aiming for 800 cals rather than the 500 I would normally do.

    Thanks @snowflake56, yes things might have turned a corner, daren’t breath a word just in case!
    Your knowledge in literature is amazing, you must read in several languages I’m guessing? I’m a typical Brit with just a smattering of poor school book French and Spanish, OH is self teaching himself Italian with the hope that one day we will live there (that’s never going to happen)!

    @metatauta – hope you get a lung full of air soon pleased to hear you are swimming in the right direction.

    @fatfingers – keeping things in perspective, I’m great at catastrophising, keeping things balanced in mind and body is so important.

    It’s the end of summertime with the clocks moving back, signals the run up to Christmas and then winter proper, embracing this timeline and will use the downhill run to the end of the year as a positive spur for adaptation and change so the new year starts with positivity and a definite newness.

    Have a great w’end wishing you all success and happiness.

    Ta x

    Day 27
    2nd post

    Forgot the pocket list, I need that support so adding myself.
    Pocket list day 27


    Day 27 UK FD

    Going for another fast day today but I am already struggling as my tummy will not stop rumbling. It must be due to all the exercise I did yesterday. I must stay strong….I must stay strong!!!

    Pocket list day 27


    Day 27 Wales NFD

    Definitely a NFD for me, theatre trip this evening with pre show dinner out.

    Wishing the Saturday fasters a successful day, stay strong together.

    @flourbaby enjoy your evening wearing that fab dress.

    @dingping – your comment ‘OH is self teaching himself Italian with the hope that one day we will live there (that’s never going to happen)! ‘ could’ve been written by me! Except I’ve been tasked with learning Italian because I suspect my OH thinks it might be hard work. I love Italy, but I’m pretty sure that unless I do all the organising, we won’t be moving there. So that’s settled.
    Need to be a bit more organised on FD. Yesterday was OK but I ate too much. Must try harder…
    Happy weekend all. H 😎

    Day 27: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    What IS wrong with me?…I fell off the wagon after a reasonable start to the month and never really got back on.
    @dykask: 76 water fasts this year….and counting…you’re a marvel!
    @matpi: well done yesterday.
    @sarahbob: good luck today.

    Day 27 UK
    3rd post

    My mojo is being surely tested today. Just had a difficult conversation with someone and immediately want to go and comfort eat! I won’t, I won’t resort to my usual behaviours, got to learn new ways of dealing with this stuff. Staying accountable here will help plus a walk to clear my head.

    @ciren2 – I feel your disbelief and distress. Maybe you just need to run alongside for a bit, our heads are hard to battle with.

    @emma-taylor – I love Italy, we have so many lovely fond memories of times there (just for holidays). OH has a romantic image of living on a Tuscan hillside writing, pure fantasy!

    Thanks @missybear for the support and @flourbaby for some of your mojo. @sarahbob hope you’re slaying those hunger dragons and @snowflake56 you’re staying strong as well? Positivity to all those battling and fasting and wishing everyone a beautiful day.

    Ta x

    USA Day 27

    Pocket list day 27


    Adding myself to the pocket list today for accountability! I am happy this morning as weight down l lb. I will get back to where I started as quickly as possible. Congratulations to everyone who lost weight this week and good luck to every who is struggling! My thoughts are with you!

    Day 27 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Going to work a trick-or-treat event for our Children’s Museum this morning. Generally I am able to avoid eating candies, so don’t expect it will be a problem handing them out. Did pretty well yesterday about 350 calories under TDEE at 1430. I love MFP for helping me stay accountable.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 27 – USA – NFD

    Day 27 UK CD

    Checking in for accountability – keeps me on the straight and narrow. Yesterday’s MFD morphed into CD again but only just – which is definitely progress.

    I finally, finally got my head into meditation mode last night Don’t know how it works, but it does – the stress melts away – and don’t know why i resist it, but I do 🙁 There’s something about meditation – and especially after adapted yoga – that simply resets my whole being and enables me to live more lightly, letting go and being more fully present. It’s an amazing gift!

    Today’s strategy day was so much better than I thought it would be, much more creative and interactive. Very long day but glad to have been part of it. Lunch was a quinoa salad with egg, avocado & hummus, followed by fruit. So apart from two late morning gf chocolate biscuits I did pretty well!

    Popped into cafe for “surviving the strategy day” treat on the way home – and straight out again. Went round supermarket and came out with cherry tomatoes on the vine and a soya coconut yogurt for my tofu masala.(Sadly forgot I’d already eaten the tofu but now have all the other ingredients!) Much healthier treat.

    I need to write something this evening for tomorrow, then supper, bath and bed. Yay for clocks going back but still hoping to be in bed by 10pm, my body needs me 🙂

    @fatfingers woohoo on health results
    @beedoo fab job on successful start to the maintenance yoyo
    @annemarilyn @flourbaby @matpi thank you! I’m feeling wonderfully restored now head en route to better place, and all it took was the courage to let go and be still 🙂
    @matpi me too re parents and neutral accent – as a result everyone thinks i’m very posh!
    @metatauta hope the new job training is going well – and gives you breathing space soon 🙂
    @dingping hold that mojo!

    There are difficult days, down days, and days when we simply can’t get our heads to cooperate with our long-term goals. All we can do is make a small step in the right direction – it all adds up. And if that feels like too much, find a way to be wonderfully gentle with yourself – love wins in the end 🙂

    2nd post

    FD went well, will take my book and go to bed to read. @dingping I studied German and English literature for a few years, long, long ago. Very, very boring. I had to read a lot then, don’t read very much nowadays. Never thought of living in Italy, we thought about living a year in Canada after retirement. Not going to happen, can’t leave the cat alone.

    @flourbaby I hope you’ll have a fabulous night out!

    @missybear enjoy your evening!

    @dingping please don’t give in and turn to comfort food. Stay strong, you’re not alone.

    @ciren2 why not try to relax the rest of the month and try again next month. Please don’t put yourself under so much pressure.

    Day 27 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    So loving living on the eastern side of Washington state! Yes, there are clouds and rain, but the sun is out in no time! Glad to be on the sunny side of the state!

    @snowflake56 & @matpi – the brain is pretty amazing! The language piece is one aspect. I’m Canadian living in the USA. Every time I’m back in Canada, I slip back into the melody of English up there. Recently I went to a presentation on the brain and music by a researcher and musician. He had the audience participate in a few experiments during the evening. It was quite interesting to see how we all responded though it was a very diverse group.

    @michelinme – glad you’re doing better today! Yes, meditation is so helpful. I try to start my day with a quiet time with God and it makes all the difference.

    Hallowe’en wise, I don’t think it’ll be an issue for me. Today my daughter & I plan to participate in a “Hobbit” themed event that is also a fundraiser for a couple of things. One piece is having folks who come by bring new or gently used books for foster kids. As for my neighborhood, I still need to ask my neighbor what usually happens to I can make my plans. If I buy candy, I’ll buy a kind that doesn’t tempt me 🙂

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 27, Gozo, Malta, cd

    AnneMarilyn I too start my day with God by attending mass in our village church first thing in the morning. It does make all the difference to the day ahead. After mass I say more prayers quietly most of them spontaneous in church then I leave to go to the grocer shop and then home.

    Today was a cd.

    Tomorrow is my second granddaughter s birthday 🎁 party.
    I’m having my eldest daughter sleeping at home tomorrow because she’s coming to the party and staying Monday working in Gozo.

    Onwards and downwards. Keep on keeping on.

    Day 28 NSW Australia NFD
    8am Sunday

    Hi everyone

    It’s been a while since I checked in, and was surprised to see I am not alone in how I’ve been feeling lately – I really feel for all those who have lost their mojo and are finding life a little difficult just now – big group hug to you all.

    Won’t go into detail but feeling that 2018 is not the best of years! Like some of you, I need to refind my happier self. Usually get on top of setbacks very easily, but currently turn a corner and something else happens!

    Bring on November, or even January – new year, new beginnings!

    Must get back on the 5:2 wagon! The last 12 months have not been in vain! We can all achieve wonderful results together.
    Sorry this post is ‘all about me’ – was not my intention.
    I’m just happy there are others out there who really understand – thank you so much.

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now xx

    Day 28 UK NFD

    A walk yesterday diverted my attention on dwelling on unhelpful thoughts, walking does that but I have a habit of not doing what I know will reset my equilibrium, my brain is warped! Need to nurture my self care button, I’ve neglected it for far too long.

    @michelinme – as I read your posts I realise you write what’s in my head but expressed so clearly and untangled. So pleased yesterday was a better day. Baby steps and kindness to ourselves needed for me and many at the moment. Thank you for your words.

    @anna6 – enjoy your g’daughters birthday celebrations.

    @arelkade – A group hug much appreciated and I’m sending one back just for you, it’s been a difficult year for you and I hope whatever has been found around this last corner is nothing to be too concerned about, take care and best wishes. X

    @snowflake56 – I got through the day!
    Such a shame all that academic studying blunted your joy.
    I guess anything in excess will, shame eating doesn’t work that way!!

    Feelings of melancholy around, is it the time of year? Beautiful blue sky autumn days are making way to bitterness in the air, winter can’t be far behind. Will embrace the season and enjoy a walk rustling through all the fallen leaves in a London park and soak up the early twinkling lights of the London skyline and then return to warmth and comfort. Seems a good way to spend today.

    Best wishes to all

    Ta x

    Day 28 Belfast NFD

    2 wheels fell off the wagon yesterday. Had a bit of a collision with a lemon drizzle cake. I’ll be starting my FD on Monday as a big reset. Oops! However on a positive note I’ve only drunk alcohol 2 days this month.

    @dingping – glad your mojos back. Mine is definitely missing and I’m going searching tomorrow.
    @ Ciren2 November is just around the corner so take the pressure off. Coast till the end of this month and start afresh on the 1st Nov.
    @snowflake56.Thanks for your thoughts for my friend. She’s been unwell on and off for a while so I’m hoping this’ll help to resolve her problems.
    @michelinme – you’ve really been through the mill recently and yet you stoically soldier on. Hats off to you and hope your virus goes soon. Never underestimate your achievement so far. It’s so easy to fall into that negative trap of gloom and doom. You’ve done so well regardless of what the scales say so let’s capture those wayward mojos and get stuck in to the last few days.
    @fatfingers – if you consider the last little while where the scales were up and down the same pound or two, what’s the difference between that and maintenance? Just a number on the dial and a bit of food in transit or fluid. Surely your stats are a testament to your success? As @bert1802 has often said, those scales tell lies!
    BTW we’re missing you @bert and a few others. If you’re lurking out there drop in and say hello!
    @missybear – I love the way you’ve translated the 5:2 into exercise and drinking.
    @beedoo you should be very proud of staying inside you wriggle room. I’ve yet to really manage that but I WILL.. You’ve really got it taped.
    @annemarilyn – I loved your inspirational ending. Yes, this WOL can be like trudging through mud but that will pass.
    @flourbaby – I saw the fat fairy too but I decided to go for a whirl with her lol! Hope you enjoyed wearing that beautiful dress!
    @northerndawn – 5kg is a fantastic achievement. Well done you!
    @metatauta – glad life is good 👍
    @dingping – I always find this time of year a bit depressing. I love your positive take on the clocks going back.
    @sarahbob – hope that willpower held up yesterday!
    @songbirdme – I’m taking inspiration from your determination!
    Interesting conversation re accents and yes @michelinme it could be said I have quite a posh accent for the very same reason!
    @anna6 happy birthday to your granddaughter!
    @arelkade – no apologies needed. We all have our dark times and many of us cover it up well. The joy of this forum is the love and support here. Your dark days WILL pass although I’m sure it seems like they’ve been there forever. One day you’ll wake up and the sun will be out and the clouds will have passed. ((hugs))

    I detect a certain melancholy running through some of the posts. Summer sunshine days are in retreat for us Northern hemisphere, so its important to practice some self care to counteract those coming grey days. Today dawned sunny and cloudless with a thick frost so for me I shall put on my coat and go and kick up the autumn leaves and feel the sun on my face while it lasts.

    Be kind to yourself wherever you are I. Your journey and here’s an extra hug for those struggling. 🤗

    Stay strong everyone and have a good Sunday.

    Day 28: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD.
    Not putting any pressure on myself to fast right now….I suppose I have always used food for all sorts of reasons other than nourishment, eh?
    To all who are struggling ((hugs)); to all who are doing well…great stuff and congratulations xx
    I have my long weekend and I know why I shouldn’t retire….I quickly get bored and spend my time snacking. because I have back pain as well as a troubled knee and feet, I lack energy and inspiration to get out there. Though I do walk the dog (for her sake!). My husband has a constant ache in his legs and can’t walk more than half a mile in one go….doctors’ have not found anything to explain it. I blame the statins he used to take regularly. Wrongly, in my view, as he’s never had heart trouble.

    Day 28 USA (Illinois) NFD

    We have a church potluck at noon today following services. Always a great assortment of dishes. I love how MFP even has “potluck plate” as an option! (450 calories per plate it says – I expect dessert would be more!)

    @debster251 – I bet that lemon cake was worth the wheels off the wagon! Refreshments at intermission of the local college musical included a delicious sugar cookie with coconut and salted caramel on the icing. I could have eaten a dozen, but managed with just one. 🙂 Patting myself on the back for that!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 28, London, UK, NFD
    Day 27, London, UK, NFD

    So yesterdays’ party went well, lots of Oohs & Aahs over my dress, lots of guys I hadn’t seen for years (I no longer work on-site) were there & my weight loss was a topic of conversation (guys tend to feel free to comment, ………….. loudly!!) I didn’t really mind though!!! Heels are definitely NOT my thing, luckily I changed into sparkly wedge sandals for the dancing, which I did until 1am to burn off the 3 course dinner & …………… yes, I can say it WINE!!!! However, I was driving so just 2 small glasses of red, then tonic water for the evening, this morning I’ve had a 3lb whoosh …………………… don’t ask me ……………………….. I’ve NO idea what’s happened!!!! Maybe last week’s gain was just ‘fake news’ or the scales weren’t quite level!!!!

    Lots of missing mojo this month, I seem to have some spare, so I’m sending it all ‘out there’ for whomever needs it, no doubt I’ll need to borrow some from you guys next month or more likely, during the minefield that IS December, I might try to skip out on Xmas this year, just until my self-control button works properly!!!!

    Without counting chickens, I really think having an end of month aim (Goodness knows ‘I’ am not worth the effort of doing this just for ‘me’!!) and remaining Sober-for-October has had the greatest effect on this months’ success (6lbs so far). Next month might be dry too, with the focus on self-love, self-worth and eradicating my self-sabotaging tendencies!!!

    @debster 251, you’re practically a member of the Sober-for-October club……………….. 2 drinking days this month!!!!

    @arelkade, if you can’t use us to sound off all about yourself, where can you???? This year has dealt you some blows, but you’re still here, still aware and still keeping a hold of the wagon. You know we’ve got you, right????

    @songbirdme, you better be polishing that halo after just one cookie, I’ve already eaten a dozen in my head after reading your description!!!!

    Not got a lot planned for today, my dancing feet are recovering (the dogs are barkin’ as they say!!), so today is rest & relaxation and carb avoidance!!!

    Stay strong everyone and stick with me in remembering ……………………………

    “Whatever the problem is, the answer is not in the fridge”

    Day 28 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Enjoyed a lovely meal out last night of foods I don’t normally eat, beef main course and cheesecake dessert…..the sugar monster had a rare outing and scoffed some wine gums during the theatre performance…..she is back in her cage now so shouldn’t be any harm done.

    Its a beautiful blue sky, sunny day here in Pembrokeshire. I’ve been for a walk and now planning to do a little internet shopping, nothing exciting, just the weekly groceries….. and if I get it done quickly it should still be sunny enough to sit in the garden with a 🍷😎.

    Sending positive vibes and spare mojo to all in need. Just hang on and stay with us 🤗

    Day 28 – UK – NFD
    Day 27 – EFS 👿👿
    Day 26 – CD

    The last three days just went by so fast – no time to post – body weight on the lower end of maintenance on Friday morning so did not do a FD and ended up with a CD BUT then Saturday ended up being an EFS day…….@Debster251 I too had a collision yesterday but with mixed nuts, wine and lots of other things including small Portuguese tarts……..shall I just say that more than a couple was inhaled……….so trying hard to rein it in today with a CD but going out for an Indian tonight followed by Bohemian Rhapsody with my film group so not sure how that will go……but tomorrow will definitely be a FD 😇

    Rather cold up here but blue skies and sunshine so no complaints 😎

    @sarahbob – lovely to hear from you and that all is going well x
    @anna6 – your granddaughter’s birthday is on the same day as my wedding anniversary! Happiest of 3rd birthday’s to her 🎂🎁🎈for Thursday xx
    @debster251 @daffodil2010 @shinything @michelinme – I’m holding on tight to your mojos ready for a last effort for this October Challenge – why don’t you all join me for a FD tomorrow and Together We Will Do It! and @ciren2 why don’t you join us for a CD and we will hold on tight to you too 🤝
    @debster251 and @fatfingers – Maintenance is not easy and certainly needs to be worked at…….I have found that I have to stay vigilant………great results on your NHS health check by the way @fatfingers
    @basyjames – thank you – my friend is a half glass full gal and has such a positive mindset – she is set to enjoy her life to the fullest and takes each day as it comes xx
    @songbirdme – you will be back to that 160 mark before the end of this October challenge!
    @flourbaby – Great to hear that you enjoyed your evening and felt fab in your dress! perhaps all that dancing contributed to that Whoosh…….😉
    @arelkade – hello good to hear from you and here’s hoping that you end 2018 on a strong note – Join our little group (see above) for a FD tomorrow and let’s go forward to a positive November and December 🤗

    For those who have lost their mojo or just struggling at the moment just remember why you started this WOL and that the struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow – DON’T GIVE UP🤗

    Have we got someone setting up the November Challenge???? I’m happy to host the December one if no one else is keen to host that one as it will be my 2nd year anniversary at my target weight 💃

    “Weight loss is not impossible. Weight loss is hard, but hard is not the same as impossible.” – Author Unknown

    Second post

    @songbirdme – 😇 well done to you!
    @flourbaby – it must have been the dancing!
    @at – oh my, those Portuguese tart are so lush! I look forward to your opinion on the film. I’m going with OH during the week. @basyjames has volunteered to take over the reins in November. Thank you for keeping the continuity by hosting December. We will succeed despite many of us being in the doldrums!


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