Day 20, London, UK, FD (1st of B2B2B2B)
So yesterdays’ CD went a little (a little???) out of control, I seem to have hurled myself off the wagon…………. Again. This month was supposed to be my chance to stop making up for bad weekends with B2B2Bs, to stop see-sawing between control (FDs) and out of control (NFDs). It hasn’t all been bad, but the poor choices I see in MFP are standing out like a sore thumb!!!!
Congratulations @bigviking, your achievement is inspirational!!!! Do you think your biggest losses were during booze-free challenges??
Although I know the reset button is ALWAYS there, I don’t want to rely on it and just make this WOL work for me. Hoping for a better final 1/3 to this challenge than the previous 2/3!!!!!
9:37 am
20 Nov 17