No Country for Old Women

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  sonunda 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I am 75 and have been trying to lose weight for 4 years. Now, god bless you Michael I have lost 1 stone and plan to lose another stone by Easter. I am very lame with arthritus, so can do very little exercise, but it still works.
    Feel so much better already, not as tired or out of breath. I am very over weight, so there is a long way to go. But! It isn’t hard to do. I stick with fish for my two fasting days, fishy breakfast and a fishy supper plus lots of veg. I really hope the GPs will take this idea on board. I have been to dieticians etc and no one suggested a diet that would work for someone of my age. Infact they don’t even take age into it.
    Anyway, onwards and downwards I say!
    Thank you thank you thank you

    Welcome to the ‘country for women of every age’. Well done on your 1 stone loss.

    I too hope the medical profession take this way of eating on board.

    It seems that some people equate the word ‘fasting’ with ‘starving’ and issue dire warnings about the terrible things that are going to happen…..our bodies will go into ‘starvation mode’ etc. I’m surprised not to have been told I’ll go purple and turn into a turnip – or something equally as ridiculous.

    On the other hand there are many advocates of this – in one of our daily papers yesterday there was a booklet called ‘The Two Day Diet’….jumping on the bandwagon perhaps but who cares…it works!!

    It may take the dieticians a while to come round as it’s against everything they are taught but they’ll get there eventually.

    Hi Mo, WELCOME !!!! congratulations on your great loss already!! I can’t exercise either and it’s working just fine for me too. so glad it’s helped with your fatigue and breathlessness. looking forward to hearing how you get on. Onward and downward indeed! Phyllis

    Hi Mo- welcome! My mother is now 82 years old and slightly diabetic. She is very interested in learning from me how to do 5:2, less fo weightloss than the other benefits.

    In my humble opinion there is no age limit to try to feel better!

    Take care and keep us in the loop.

    Hello from me too. Many of us meet on the HELP ladies of a certain age…… thread. Enjoy reading their posts,success stories and even their struggles. It all helps to have the support of others. Good luck on your new way of eating.

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