Nausea on waking

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  dmhdc 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I’ve been on 5:2 going into my 6th week. I’ve lost 3 pounds, not happy about the slow going.. but still focused. Question. recently I’ve woke up several days feeling nausea. Not daily , but when it happens its worst each time. I’m 57 and not pregnant so ???

    best to speak to your GP

    redflame625 – Did you get to the bottom of your “nausea on waking” problem? I’ve experienced something similar on and off. Like you, I started 5:2 six weeks ago. Also in my 50s. Lost 5 lbs so far. Slow but steady.

    I noticed this after fast days but attributed it to my black tea…started calculating a teaspoon or two of cream into the tea and it stopped (for me)

    I am three weeks in and I’ve started feeling nauseous after fast days. I wake up nauseous in the middle of the night. After an hour I fall back to sleep and then wake up nauseous in the morning. It is low level and pretty much goes away after I eat. I’m hoping it will go away with time.

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