Moroccan Chick Pea Soup

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  AKAEKB 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I have made myself a batch of Moroccan Chick Pea Soup, 148 calories per portion, and absolutely gorgeous.

    It’s a great soup for Fast days as the Broad Beans and Chick Peas help to make you feel full, and the light spice in it helps your body to burn fat.

    I got the recipe from the BBC Food Website.

    1 tbsp olive oil
    1 medium onion , chopped
    2 celery sticks, chopped
    2 tsp ground cumin
    600ml hot vegetable stock
    400g can chopped plum tomatoes with garlic
    400g can chickpeas , rinsed and drained
    100g frozen broad beans
    zest and juice ½ lemon

    Heat the oil in a large saucepan, then fry the onion and celery gently for 10 mins until softened, stirring frequently. Tip in the cumin and fry for another min.

    Turn up the heat, then add the stock, tomatoes and chickpeas, plus a good grind of black pepper. Simmer for 8 mins. Throw in broad beans and lemon juice, cook for a further 2 mins. Season to taste, then top with a sprinkling of lemon zest and chopped herbs. Serve with flatbread.

    Try This to Spice it up.

    Spice it up further with a spoonful of harissa paste. Curry lovers can swap the cumin for 1 tsp of garam marsala. Or for a more hearty dish, fry 4 sliced chorizo sausages along with the onions and celery.

    How many servings would this recipe be?

    I make a similar one to this (also from BBC Food) which is lentil, chickpea and spinach. Yum!

    Most of the recipes on the BBC food site are for 4 portions. These quantities look like they are for 4

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