Momentous March

This topic contains 420 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  AT 2 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 434 total)

  • Day 22 NFD country west Australia
    As predicted yesterday was actually a FD….W !!!
    After the massive breakfast I resolved not to eat anything more – then headed to the bakery and bought a sausage roll !!!!!!!๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ
    I haven’t had one in such a long time. Brain temporarily left the body somehow….๐Ÿ˜”
    Today however is a new day and although a NFD – we go to dinner with friends every Tuesday at a restaurant which doesn’t really offer small portions or the healthiest options- I RESOLVE not to repeat yesterday’s performance.๐Ÿ˜‡
    @stitchincarol and Linda.b, oh the dreaded plateau. Way back in 2017 I sat on that plateau for 3 months!!!! So long that I called in the decorators.
    I ate strictly to or under TDEE. I plugged the numbers. I exercised. I did 5:2 with proper FDs under 500 calories and the scales WOULD. NOT. BUDGE. ๐Ÿ˜ก
    That’s when I eventually had a major dummy spit and stopped doing 5:2 with any conviction – and then not at all.
    Fast forward 5 years and an extra 19 kgs !!!!๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฆ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑand that is why I beg and plead you – do NOT follow my foolish example. Stay with the programme and it will eventually yield the results. ๐Ÿ˜‡
    And that is why I am back on this forum. I have started to lose some of the fat, get fitter and am being motivated by all my friends on here. ๐Ÿ’
    @caoimhe and @babs_b so sorry to hear about you both having Covid. Get well soon.๐ŸŒบ
    @betsylee, good to hear from you and well done on the downward trend.๐Ÿ‘
    Have a good day everyone and Enjoy your day today.๐Ÿ˜Ž

    Day 22 โ€“ Gold Coast Queensland Australia โ€“ NFD
    Well hallelujah!๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜„ the sun is shining and the scales have dropped 500g (1/2 kilo)!
    Not the kilo I anticipated but at least it is DOWNWARDS at last! Plateau begone!๐Ÿ‘ฟ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    Just three more FDs for this month, so I will keep applying myself and perhaps the genie in the scales will play ball some more!

    Sorry to hear about all the COVID infections…. it is a dreadful lurgy and hope you all feel well sooner rather than later…. and also hope you have family and friends around who can fetch for you while you isolate. Obviously you cannot focus on FD when you’re not well but we look forward to you rejoining the challenge when you’re all better.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿฅฐ

    It is sad to see pictures of people on Facebook who I knew when they were 20, 30, 50 pounds lighter. No, I don’t know these people well enough as friends to suggest they try 5:2 and our WOL, but boy… sure do wish I could. ๐Ÿ™

    Day 22 second post
    A while ago Some wise person on this forum wrote that we are not rubbish bins๐Ÿ˜ฏ
    SO, today I decided to … eat the frog….
    As a procrasti- baker extraordinaire I have been putting off cleaning out my pantry properly for years!!!
    I was thinking about doing a whole lot of cooking but decided it was time to stop procrastinating and eat the frog!!๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”
    A book on business I read some time ago said that you should start the day or the week doing the job you least wanted to do. He referred to it as ‘ eating the frog’.
    Once you have done the job you really really really don’t want to do then it frees up the rest of your day or your week for the more pleasant tasks.
    Today it FINALLY resonated with me and I put off the procrastibaking and cleaned out most of the pantry.
    It was quite a shock to have to get rid of several opened half eaten packets of biscuits.
    Especially as I don’t usually eat processed biscuits. I Usually cook my own from scratch so I know what is in them. I think I bought them for when we had visitors a few times and I didn’t have time to cook anything.
    Lesson learned. If we have visitors and nothing baked then we will just have scones or something.
    What makes me feel quite bad is that I saw a programme last night on people in Ukraine who are starving and have been without food for some days.๐Ÿฅบ
    I also must admit that I did a little cooking whilst cleaning the pantry and have Ottolenghi’s Roasted Aubergine with curry sauce filling the house with a lovely aroma.
    Off to finish eating the frog…….

    @songbirdme – sadly I probably am in that group ๐Ÿ˜ข as the unidentifiable person due to excess baggage on my frame. But thankfully I am back on the wagon ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Day 22 – WLG, NZ – modified FD
    So tried to fast yesterday (Monday) and ate around 900 calories. So I tried to do an normal fast day (500cals) today (Tuesday) and I’ve had about 900 calories again lol. I really did mean to have an FD on Monday. I feel hungover today haha.
    Anyway will do FD again Thursday.

    Hope everyone is keeping well.

    Day 22 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – FD

    Weigh In: 164.5lbs

    Whoops, that extended bank holiday, preceded by a weekend away for our anniversary has put up a few pounds, but today is an FD, so ZBC as usual, salad for lunch (I crave my FD mixed salad with bits of pepper, beetroot, cucumber, black olives and some days I put in a small bit of protein…it’s yummy), then Brocolli and cauliflower soup for dinner.

    @jaifaim, meant to tell you, we have taken your advice from last summer and have booked ourselves a 4 night break on the Shannon at Easter with a two berth cruise craft. It looks fun! Though I think I will be busy hopping around thing up the boat when we moor. DH of course insists on being captain. We are going from Carrick on Shannon. Where did you go last year?

    Feeling the lurgy myself like a lot of you, hope the Covid is not too bad with you guys @at, @caoimhe, sorry if anybody else. I was negative the other day but might need to take another one.

    Have a good Tuesday.

    Day 22 – South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – NFD

    PFDS for me!

    @lilymartin – ‘eat the frog’?! Funny & revolting! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    @fastingto58kgs – I think you missed the start of the Challenge? We agreed – the words ‘try’ & ‘hope’ are banned! You have to substitute ‘RESOLVE’. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I was sort of bemused by this article from yesterday’s UK Mail. People being teased or even mocked for being a normal weight?! Although it doesn’t really surprise me.

    Off to the ‘Jewel of India’ ๐Ÿ˜‹

    Pocket List – Day 22 ๐Ÿ’
    @fastingto58kgs (sort of)

    Day 22 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Getting into my stride again in the garden, ticking jobs off quite quickly. The birds are in full song here, especially the blackbirds, maybe a shortage of females, but they seem to be more vocal this year? We spotted an Osprey as well, circling at height, they nest just at the other side of the estuary and they are just returning from Africa!

    Hope those who are recovering from covid are improving quickly.

    Take care all

    Day 22 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 210 lbs. Didn’t sleep well last night and not sure why. Anyway, I am going to take Friday off work for a well-deserved rest. Good luck to those on the pocket list today!

    Day 22 UK NFD

    Want to set the tone for the rest of my week , ridiculously I often feel I should reward myself after a FD so just aiming for a steady day today , the weather seems to be improving so should make the move to salads easier

    @lilymartin – love it ๐Ÿธ

    @funshipfreddie – I really wouldnโ€™t take anything in the DM as a guide to how things really are ๐Ÿง

    USA. Day 22. FD

    Pocket List โ€“ Day 22 ๐Ÿ’
    @fastingto58kgs (sort of)

    Day 22 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Good FD yesterday at about 280 calories.

    @lilymartin – yes, I understand how that can be. I bet people said the same of me as my weight crept up to nearly 200 pounds. Whew. Cannot believe I actually weighed that much, but I know I did. Thank the Good Lord for 5:2!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 22 โ€” 16:8 CD

    Accountability: weekly weigh-in 137. Cardio and eating/fasting on track. Tho last night I really had to push into that RESOLVE as I wanted to eat eat eat and stopping at 800 was rough.

    My imagined goal when I started in August last year was somewhere between 135 and 138 (DONE! Yay!) but I remain unsure where I think my weight will best be. No matter how I look, I know I donโ€™t want to go below 125 (to give me a buffer in healthy weight range) but Iโ€™m now inclined to try to make 130 the center point for my maintenance. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ Hard to know, Iโ€™m certainly in healthy weight range, but I wouldnโ€™t mind looking better.

    I cleverly figured out how to fix plumbing problem with husbandโ€™s shower without needing plumber (had kept old parts from a removed sink from over a decade ago and an extra unobtainable broken part was among them). Feeling smug, because we certainly donโ€™t need the expense of a plumber right now.

    Still trying to work out a way to respond to otherโ€™s messages without resorting to pen and paper notes while reading, as I can only work one app at a time on this phone.

    But Iโ€™m reading and wishing all well!

    Day 22 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Today I am feeling PFDS because yesterday went perfectly. I’m also mulling over lots and lots of thoughts. I found myself saying to DH last night how very, very sorry I was feeling for myself that I couldn’t have a snack or two and perhaps a beer, or at least a glass of wine. I mean, I felt truly put upon that I “couldn’t” have those things. And then I literally froze in place. I think those thoughts are the exact reason why we all have awful days, that we forget it’s a CHOICE we’ve made, and instead turn it into something we’re being FORCED to do. So we rebel and eat whatever it is we’re wanting.

    And the reason we’re feeling forced at any given moment? It is because our WHY isn’t front and center and unforgettably clear to ourselves.

    Thinking about it in more detail, it’s my inner 2 year old who fights me on food choices…the one who screams and throws tantrums when she isn’t getting what she wants. Thankfully, unlike real two year old children, mine responds to logic, so last night, I explained to my inner 2 year old that I actually CAN have any of those things, so there’s no reason to feel sorry for herself, but that I am CHOOSING not to, because I have a goal. “Remember that lovely linen skirt in robin’s shell blue? Remember how it’s a bit snug? Remember how we want to wear that for Easter, and to have it fit beautifully, and so we have to skip some of the treats we like? Remember?”

    And the crisis was averted and I came away from the experience a bit wiser. Back when I started this journey the second time around (first was in 2013-2015, second began 2-26-20), I wanted a new dress for Easter. So I made myself a deal: when I dropped from 166 to 159, I could go buy a new dress. And I could buy any dress I wanted, however expensive, and could buy it, and didn’t have to sew it. But only once I hit 159. That was a very tangible goal, and it worked: I got the new dress and loved it then and love it now; thankfully what I loved is a flare design that still fits my far-thinner body.

    So, is your goal front and center? No, not the goal to lose 48 pounds, or to get to a BMI of 22, or whatever is the daunting goal, but your short term goal–in my case, it will take five or six pounds to have that skirt fit nicely. What will five or six pounds do for you? Put you in the next stone? Be the lowest you’ve weighed since some point? Be enough down to make some item of clothing again fit you? You have to find the goal, and it has to be specific enough to gently argue down your inner 2 year old. As you think it through, do share that goal!

    Okay. I did NOT mean to launch into a long essay, LOL, but hope my thinking out loud is helpful for you all. As @basyjames often said, the key to losing weight is getting your mind in the right place. (Although she was more eloquent and pithier when she said it!)

    And I think I’ll post this now and then do a second post to respond to people!

    2nd post!

    Argh! Car dealer said it no longer services cars over 10 yrs old.

    What? If you canโ€™t afford a brand new car every decade you should just ____ ???


    Second post

    @ccco Tell us about the clothes you’re wanting to buy! How much weight will you need to lose to be ready to order them?

    @daffodil2010 It’s so frustrating to have a day off, and then really pay for it with extra work. I’ll bet you tame that backlog quickly, however, and get back on track with eating just as quickly! And your trip at Easter sounds delightful, and I do hope you feel better very, very quickly and it’s NOT covid.

    @lilymartin Yeah, it’s astounding how we can make such blatantly contrary choices, isn’t it? Today is indeed a new day, and you’ll tame your inner 2 year old!! And what a huge accomplishment to have cleaned out your pantry. I’m slowly working on mine by forcing myself to cook recipes that use up stuff…it’s amazing what’s on those shelves, isn’t it??

    @linda.b Congratulations on that drop!

    @songbirdme I’m so with you on that! There are actually two men at church who are dreadfully overweight, and have awful knees and backs to prove it, and I keep wishing there were some way to take charge of their eating until they saw how well this works and took it over themselves. Their wives are also overweight, although not as badly as the men. Sad, sad, sad.

    @fastingto58kgs We’ve ALL had days like that. Two important points: 1. You didn’t have an EFS day (epic face-stuffing), and your total calories was actually quite good, so rejoice. 2. WHY? What was going on that kept you from keeping your word to yourself? If you’d promised someone else to do something, you’d have done it, right? So what kept you from doing this thing you’d promised yourself? My experience says learning the answer to that will be key for getting to 58kgs. And in case you glossed right over point #1, CONGRATULATIONS on sticking to 900 calories each day!!

    @funshipfreddie Wow, fascinating article, indeed. Do tell us about what you ate at Jewel of India!

    @i-hate-lettuce Someday, you’ll need to figure out a way to post pictures of your garden so you can share the beauty of all your hard work!

    @northgeorgia I’ve been sleeping badly–wild, wild dreams, non-stop all night–for a week or more. Can we still chalk it up to the time change???

    @brightonbelle Yeah, my inner 2 year old also thinks good behavior deserves a treat, LOL! If it’s early enough in the day, I like to get a Starbucks Nitro, a cold espresso with zero calories but LOADS of caffeine; it’s a definite treat.

    @mariaelena WOW, well done on fixing the plumbing issue with an old part you’ve had lying around; I’m quite impressed! I’m also delighted to have had actual chatter from you; so glad to hear more from you. And your steadily declining weight is most impressive. Would it be possible to reply in the evening when your DH is around, and read on his phone and reply on yours?? Or, just chatter, and don’t worry about replying to specific chatter. ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿค— Just read your second post. That is truly UNBELIEVABLE. So, so sorry for all the stress this is giving you!!

    Okay, I’m off to start the rest of this day; have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 22, London, UK, FD800

    Late check-in from me โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. again!!๐Ÿ˜œ Feeling positive about doing this 800 cal thing properly, Iโ€™m keeping protein high, carbs low, low low and aiming to close the kitchen somewhere in the vicinity ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃof 800cals! The food isnโ€™t an issue, after-all Iโ€™m a veteran faster!! The thing I keep having to remind myself is to DRINK MORE WATER!!!! My trick of keeping my pretty (donโ€™t I look good swigging from โ€˜thisโ€™!๐Ÿ˜Ž) water bottle handy isnโ€™t working!! I keep putting it down then finding it 4hrs later (Doh!!). Iโ€™m in need of a water bottle with a nifty shoulder (or neck!!) strap!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    @penz, if youโ€™re never going to see those folks again, no need to save face, just up sticks & get out of there!!!! โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ Obviously after you work your notice period!!!๐Ÿ™„

    @northgeorgia, I absolutely agree (like we donโ€™t know already!!!) Some foods may taste fabulous but may be devoid of ALL nutrition!! They just spike our insulin & make us ravenous to the point of madness!!๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿท Itโ€™s ALL cr*p, and I refuse to put cr*p in MY body!!!

    @stitchincarol, itโ€™s funny, I was musing the other day about my early success with 5:2 โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ I truly was as svelte as a gazelle!!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I recall spending the 1st 6 months continuously reminding myself that those things I really, truly, desperately wanted to shove down my neck โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ I could have TOMORROW, the beauty & perfection of this of 5:2 WOL!!! Perhaps your inner toddler would benefit from a little delayed gratification? I havenโ€™t said those WORDS for AGES, probably never this time around, Iโ€™ve just been putting myself into a continuous loop of deprivation, FDWs = depression = try again= deprivation & on, & on, &on!!! Anyway, FD800 is going to launch me back into the groove, then 5:2 here I come!!!๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ

    @mariaelena, your car dealer is a ๐ŸŽ (supposed to be a donkey/ass or perhaps a donkeyโ€™s ass๐Ÿ˜)!!! As a frequent user, I think there should be a donkey emoji, perhaps an ๐Ÿ‚ works???

    Right, time to complete some work due tomorrow โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ procasti-listing has taken itโ€™s toll today!!!

    The task is not to see what has never been seen before, but to think what has never been thought before about what you see everyday. – Schrรถdinger

    Day 22 – FD – UK

    Late checkin for me as well

    Feeling very hungry this evening And it reminded me that I have not posted yet this week

    Hope everyone is doing well

    Day 23 country west Australia FD
    Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! 85.5 kgs!!! Cruella does not miss a trick.
    But it shows what a few days of injudicious eating can do.๐Ÿ˜ณ
    So, I am ‘ eating the frog’ today and having an unscheduled FD to get back on track.๐Ÿคž
    @stitchincarol, yes I am trying to tame my inner foot stamping ‘ I’m gonna do it anyway’ 2 year old regarding the consequences of poor eating.๐Ÿ˜
    My goal since February has been to have my haircut when I get under and stay under 83 kgs!!! I told my DH for accountability.
    Well I had better hurry up as I am starting to look like a shaggy English sheepdog!!๐Ÿฉ( no emojis for sheepdogs)
    I may even have to tie my hair up which I have not done for years ( even in Covid and restrictions it didn’t get this long!!) but I am DETERMINED not to get it cut until I have reached that goal ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿฆณ
    @mariaelena, I am very impressed at your plumbing ability.
    Sorry to hear about your car. We always used to keep our cars well past 10 years until very recently.
    So we have actually not had many vehicles since we got married!๐Ÿ˜
    Off for a RESOLVED FD workday.

    Day 22 Ohio US — MFD

    Hi Everyone!
    Last time I posted was in June, 2020, so it’s been a while.
    Since then my weight stayed level, but in January I got a sinus infection that just lingered and lingered and only got cleared up a couple of weeks ago. Since the infection really wiped me out, I wasn’t able to keep up my exercise routine and the pounds came on big time.
    Following 5:2 seems like the best way to reverse that weight trend.
    So I hope you’ll let me join you all at the tail end of “Momentous March”!

    @mariaelena I know how you feel about being forced to make decision about a car only 10 years old! My current car is 9 years old, so I’m going to have to face that dilemma in a year or so. The last time I had to buy a car at the 10 year mark was because somebody saved me from considering the decision by driving into me and totalling my car. Apart from the shock value, it was a somewhat amusing situation.

    @stitchincarol Thanks for that great post! That’s exactly what I need as I’m getting back into the 5:2 swing of things. Right now my weight is about 184 lb (about 83.5 kg) and in the short term would like to get under 180 lb (about 81.5 kg). After that it’ll be time to set a new short-term goal.

    Day 23 โ€“ Gold Coast Queensland Australia โ€“ NFD
    @stitchincarol & @lilymartin … just love your posts ladies!

    Goal setting is so apt for us all and lilymartin, I too have set the goal of a new hair-cut and hairstyle BUT ONLY WHEN I’VE ACHIEVED MY GOAL……. grrrr๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ so at the moment, and, believe me, it is still very hot here in Queensland, my lengthening locks are atop of my head in a very school-girlish ponytail with scrunchie (is that what they’re called in UK & USA?)…. nevertheless not quite the look I’m after at my age๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž. ha ha!
    So 3 more FDs for me till the end of March. I’ve renamed FDs as FUN DAYS in my diary! Making light of it (that’s a pun!๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜€)

    Onwards and downwards – take care everyone!

    Day 23 โ€“ Gold Coast Queensland Australia โ€“ NFD
    2nd post… welcome onboard @Mapti ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ–

    Day 23 – UK – NFD

    Hi all, thanks for the Covid well-wishes. I’m sitting here clutching my morning cup of tea in one hand and a partially-developed lateral flow test in the other, praying that the 2nd line doesn’t appear on it. If it stays negative, I can take a stroll down to the post box to get some birthday cards in the post. My first time putting shoes on and standing outside in over a week! Yesterday was my first day properly back on the laptop with work. I felt fine for a few hours then a crazy wave of tiredness swept over, which stayed with me until bedtime. I have an important meeting scheduled for last thing this afternoon, so I’m planning on having a long break before that.

    Still definitely not back in a place where a FD feels like what I need, but my appetite isn’t all that great so no EFS going on here either.

    @linda.b – great re-framing of the fast days to fun days! I used to refer to them as my ‘low calorie days’ because the word fast / fasting had too much of a deprivation connotation attached to it for me in the early days
    @matpi Welcome back! Sorry to hear you’ve been struggling with such a long sinus infection but pleased it’s cleared up now, you must feel quite relieved.
    @caoimhe – I hope you’re also starting to turn a corner with your covid infection!
    @stitchincarol – My goal is the same as yours…. a new dress when I get 7lbs off. I weighed myself yesterday morning and haven’t gained anything during this spell of illness / bedroom isolation. in fact I was 1lb lighter than last week and back where I was at the end of Feb. I’m right at the top of a stone bracket (but this was the stone bracket that had been alluding me by the same 3-4lbs for the past few years so I’ve definitely broken that cycle), so the goal once I’m back in good health is to get myself a new dress for a family gathering coming up in May and I’ll do that when I’m 7lb lighter.

    Wishing everyone a good day!

    Day 23 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    @stitchincarol – Goal/incentives etc – I’m in a pretty good place these days, as many of you recall a couple of years ago I had a bit of a health battle. Well winning that battle has sort of re-booted my brain! I like where I am nowadays, I got to a good weight thanks to the 5:2 WOL and my friends on this forum pre cancer. Then afterwards had to put weight on, (dieticians eh, spent years saying you need to lose weight, then suddenly “eat as much as you can, high calorie and high fat” ….)

    However, got to a weight which was agreeable to all, now I’m almost on automatic pilot most of the time, 2 FD’s a week and a day off. Maintaining where I am seems pretty easy. Especially the way I feel, the way I move around (just doing jobs round the garden, walking, fishing etc) feel a whole lot better. Blood pressure, excellent, been on meds for years, no more. I joke about ‘the Inner Warthog’ has migrated elsewhere, but I still love my food and drink (I’ve a brewery in the den for goodness sake ๐Ÿ˜‰ )
    Taken a few years, but found out a WOL that works and as long as you don’t give up and don’t try and kid yourself, keep a ‘buffer zone’ where you don’t panic, mines just 2lb, if I hit the buffers, extra care, it soon goes down.

    Fabulous forum and group of friends.

    So my goal, pretty much sorted, just stay where I am, if I do lose a bit more, excellent, will move the goalposts, but only ever in a downward direction.

    Take care all

    @matpi – welcome back!

    @mariaelena – very frustrating re getting your car serviced?! Can’t you find anyone to do it?

    @stitchincarol – unfortunately the Jewel of India’s chef was a no-show when we got there at noon. They said we could only eat at 1:30 pm. The Jewel of India restaurant is at the Sibaya Casino, Hotel & Entertainment Kingdom, so we only had to walk about 100 metres to find another restaurant We finished up eating at a steakhouse called Butcher Block. The whole complex is at the top of a hill & is designed to look like an ancient Zulu kingdom. It’s quite spectacular. Here are a few pics:

    Happy Hump Day! ๐Ÿซ

    Pocket List – Day 23 ๐Ÿ‰

    Day 23 – Wellington, NZ -NFD
    Been a pretty good day. Went back to the gym tonight which was great!

    I would like to change my username but I can’t. I’m actually aiming for 80kgs at the moment. I know what happened this week – my partner offered me food and I gave in to eating it. I may just let him know I’m doing 5:2 and certain days don’t offer me food or bug me haha. I feel like I have a short fuse on fast days ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Feeling ready for a FD tomorrow

    Day 23 UK NFD

    Just a quick check in for accountability

    Good fast day yesterday, except that unusually I was starving in the evening after my 500-cal dinner, so I went to bed early!

    Fast day tomo…

    Day 23 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. I did well, not eating lunch until 3 pm, but then got tempted with “leftovers from mom” by 6, and… anyway, I got to commit to better control. Still, plenty of time left in the month.

    Day 23 UK NFD

    Gradually getting back in to my daily exercise, strange how a few weeks gap can really throw you, did some Pilates and a good old Leslie Sansome 5k yesterday, felt good

    I WILL now being exercising daily , I donโ€™t think it will have an impact on the scales but it helps in so many other ways

    Happy ๐Ÿซ day all. Wow @funshipfreddie what an amazing place to be able to visit for a lunch

    Day 23 Melb Aust CD

    Managing okay. Two things I’ve recently had re-emphasised to me – it’s better to not do anything really vigorous on low calorie eating days. Yesterday I had a very heavy day of vacuuming and then sweeping and other stuff, and by evening meal time I was ready to collapse in a heap. I used to be able to do it, but I think it’s time to respect my age (72). The second is a reminder that I HAVE to get a good night’s sleep. It is much harder for me to control my eating when I’m overtired. Adequate sleep = better control.

    Good to read all the posts. My sympathies to those either with or trying to recover from Covid. Yay for the strong RESOLVE people are showing.

    @lilymartin, I recently started to clean out my pantry, thinking I could donate some items to the foodbank at church. It was shocking to see how many items were well past their “best before” date, especially canned food. Eeek!
    It does mean I’ll be scheduling a couple of weeks of mainly pantry eating. The canned food is still fine to eat, just not suitable for donation. It’s mostly food acceptable to 5:2, such as canned vegetables, tuna, salmon, soups, etc. They may be a bit salty, but otherwise should be okay.

    By the way, could someone post their recipe for cauliflower and broccoli soup, please? As winter approaches, it would be nice to have a few more soup options. Thanks.

    Onward and downwards, only 8 days left till the end of the month.

    Day 23 – FD 800

    Doing fine eating/exercise wise, but still confused as to how/when to approach maintenance. That little voice in my head still thinks I have 20-30 lb to shed and I have to actively remind it that Iโ€™ve actually reached goal and any more loss is a good thing, but not a necessity.

    We will be traveling in early April (hard to call it a vacation, but any change of pace after two long Covid years is certainly welcome). So, Iโ€™m not fretting that my headspace is still weight-loss instead of maintaining- any extra loss will probably be a good thing because away-from-home eating will not be as purposeful and good as it has been at home.

    Hoping all the Covid suffererโ€™s are on the mend. And, Iโ€™ve never heard of broccoli and cauliflower soup but that sounds yummy. Homemade soups are my 5:2 fast day mainstays- tomato, chicken, lentil and bean, vegetable and bean and a minestrone (sort of, can one still call it minestrone if there is no pasta in it?).

    I had been getting lots of canned soups for convenience but the sugar content in them appalled me – and then I started reading up on trans fats and worrying about how many hidden trans fats I was consuming. So I should follow the boardโ€™s lead and sweep a considerable amount of pantry cans to the local food donation places. Certainly DH wonโ€™t be consuming them!

    Finding a reliable mechanic in the area I live is ridiculously difficult. Notoriously shysters, no govโ€™t regulation โ€œcaveat emptorโ€ situation here. I wish we could afford to move to a more civilized place, but โ€œif wishes were horsesโ€ I wouldnโ€™t need an automobile lol.

    Reading and wishing all well.

    Day 23 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD500

    Okay, I’m not sure about that 500-calorie goal, but I believe it’s doable. The deal is, with an actual 500 calorie day on Monday, and a WFD yesterday, and a busy, busy day today, and another WFD tomorrow…?? Plus, I didn’t get to sleep until 4am, so my body’s not exactly going into the day with vigor. See why I hesitate? And yet my 139.6 this morning (the first dip below 140 since, I think, December) is giving me all sorts of motivation and encouragement…that lovely skirt I want to wear for Easter while still breathing is finally looking entirely doable, and I don’t want to lose the progress. And yet… So, I hesitate, and figure I’ll listen to my body. One thing I promise you all: NO carbs today, and certainly no desserts at the potluck tonight before worship service. ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

    @flourbaby As a general rule it’s the TOMORROWs that get me in serious trouble–those, and the life things, where I have family here or am visiting family there, or…and etc., etc., etc. I mean, clearly, the fact that I can do a FD500 on Monday, a WFD on Tuesday, and then seriously consider a FD500 on Wednesday while preparing for another WFD on Thursday shows I have some serious RESOLVE. However, one of the things I’ve noticed over the last few weeks is how icky I feel after indulging something on Fri-Sun, my NFDs. If I eat too much of something, my stomach feels completely blech…a scientific word, you understood, for pukey. So I’m keeping that in mind as much as possible to help minimize my treats on tomorrows. ๐Ÿ˜œ

    @lilymartin May you get your hair cut soon, then!!! GREAT goal!

    @matpi Welcome back! We’re delighted to have another voice in our daily chatter to share our victories and our challenges.

    @linda.b You too are a hair cut woman, eh? But which goal?? And I think you’re being too hard on yourself to think a scrunchie isn’t good for a “woman [your] age”–my DD tells me such style shows a youthful heart that presents well to the world. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ (Can you tell I also use scrunchies when I don’t want to deal with making my hair look nice??) So enjoy your Fun Days, because you’re clearly making great progress to your goal!

    @babs_b Aww, so sorry covid is getting so much in the way of your life! Hopefully it improves enough soon that you can once again employ your RESOLVE and resume fasting and get to the weight where you can buy your dress. I spent lots of time looking online when that was my goal, and that helped motivate me to follow through with appropriate food choices; are you doing the same?

    @i-hate-lettuce I often think of you on a day I’m struggling and urge myself to be as disciplined as you are…I’m endlessly dazzled by both your cancer victory and your eating RESOLVE that you don’t go nuts on NFDs.

    @funshipfreddie Bummer on the chef being a no-show at Jewel of India!

    @fastingto58kgs I know that you CAN make a new profile, but you have to start all over, so I sympathize with the frustration. Will 58kgs ever be a goal and 80kgs is your for-now goal? The thing you said that had me speechless is that you “might” tell you partner…does he not know you’re doing 5:2???? I couldn’t do this without DH’s support, I know that for certain.

    @high5 LOL, great solution when terribly hungry: just go to bed! Been there, done that!

    @northgeorgia On the other hand, you didn’t actually eat 14,000+ calories, so didn’t actually gain 4 pounds…yeah, controlling our impulses to eat can be quite the challenge! Say, how’s your dad doing?

    @brightonbelle Well done on the exercise yesterday! Is the painting/carpeting/decorating all complete now? Are you loving it??

    @betsylee Yeah, my pantry has similar outdated issues: fine to eat but not appropriate to donate. It’s a good feeling to reduce all the cans that I don’t seem to use with any regularity any more.

    @mariaelena You’re going to Chicago, right? To see your dad? And, I imagine, other family? I bet you’re getting pretty impatient!

    Okay, off to start whittling down my to-do list. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 24 – Wellington, NZ – FD

    I was meant to say I WILL tell my partner, he does know about 5:2 and does know I’ve done it before. I started 5:2 2 weeks ago and I guess it just hasn’t come in conversation. But yes he has always been supportive of whatever I do.
    I could make the new profile, I’m not sure if I will look healthy at 58kg, I have got done to 62kg before and had comments from family friends that I looked sick but I thought I looked fine, I definitely felt great! My goal really is to be in a healthy weight range and feel good doing day to day things I’ve noticed with the extra weight it is harder to do simple things like tie my shoelace ๐Ÿ˜…

    Day 24 country west Australia B2B FD 84.3 kg
    Yay! yesterday’s FD went well๐Ÿ˜‡
    Cruella gave me a 1.2 kg loss ( I don’t even care if it IS mostly water weight).
    Just 400 gms off a haircut so I am really revolved to make today another proper FD without cheating.
    In the meantime off to scrounge, hopefully, a scrunchie from my DD’s old room.
    Hoping she has one lurking somewhere in a drawer or something.
    The only problem now is that I have very thick hair and it is keeping my neck warm on these cooler mornings.
    If I get it cut in a week or so I will need to start wearing clothes with collars.
    Decisions. Decisions. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”( and yes I am aware that these are very much first world problems when considering the state of the world in general.)
    @stitchincarol, thinking of you in the vacillating . I know what that can be like!
    @mariaelena, after the past 2 years ‘ a change is as good as a holiday’ so I hope you get to enjoy the time away.๐Ÿš˜
    @betsylee, re sleep. Having enough good quality sleep has become a real focus in recent years in the health professions.
    All the research is showing that for good health, weight loss, healing of tissues, mental health etc sleep is absolutely vital.๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด
    As a real night owl myself ( anyone else iron at 1 am ??) I find I need to be very disciplined re going to bed earlier.
    To stop the munchies I went to bed last night at 9.30 pm. Almost a record for me!!๐Ÿ˜ณ
    Have a resolved day everyone.๐Ÿ˜ƒ And don’t let those NFDs sabotage the FDs.

    Day 23 Ohio US — NFD

    Just an ordinary NFD more or less according to plan.
    Thanks for all the welcome backs!

    @betsylee Some place I read recently of a study where people who got at least 8 hours of sleep a night ate about 100 calories less during the day than those who slept less than that. So you are definitely right on with your equation!

    I chuckled when I read about your canned food backlog. Recently I discovered a stash of cans of cranberry sauce left over from Thanksgivings long gone. I started to use a spoonful of the stuff as a seasoning for supper meals and it only took about a month to use up the whole lot!

    @brightonbelle I’ve discovered that I need about 50 minutes of exercise a day, 7 days a week, to keep from gaining weight if I’m not doing fasting. So when I couldn’t exercise for almost 8 weeks — well, the results aren’t pretty.

    @babs_b Keep up the good recovery! Hope the meeting went well. When I finally decided to call to see a doctor, as soon as I said I had a sinus infection, they wouldn’t let me come into their office. Instead I had to do a televisit. It seemed to me that the doctor felt hampered by not being able to palpate the sinuses to see what was going on. Their caution about Covid convinced me to keep wearing my mask for a few more weeks.

    Have a great one!

    Day 24 – Lake district UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Where has this week disappeared to! Mind you the amount of jobs around the house and garden I’ve got done recently has been brilliant.
    Heading out to one of our angling club waters this morning for a couple of hours to give a hand with a working party. Then back home and finish fitting a blind, funny how some companies work, head rail arrived yesterday, slats (it’s a vertical blind) will arrive today. The frustrating part of it is they charged for ‘next day delivery’ parcel tracking shows the second parcel was only sent yesterday afternoon, grrr!

    However, once that jobs done, time off for good behaviour I think, second Fd of the week, should be an easy one, being busy certainly helps.

    Take care all.

    Day 24 Pocket list


    Day 24 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – NFD

    Weigh in: 163.6

    @stitchincarol, my short term goal is to get back into the 150’s. One more week to do this in March, if not March then April, but it WILL be done.

    Super super busy at work, starting early and finishing late to get rid of the backlog.

    Yesterday though was something else………so the office us getting back to normal and from next week all the many who had to WFH are coming back. So all of us who had to stay in the socially distanced office are all moving back to normal desk arrangements first. I moved yesterday and it was so great to be sitting in a busy office with the hub bub of voices…I was thrilled with my new desk and the banter.

    Then there was a meeting with sales guys who flew over from the UK…a meeting in a meeting room, unmasked, we all shook hands…….it’s as though the last two years of Covid hadn’t happened.

    It felt GREAT!!!

    Haven’t had time to read all posts but will soon, have to get rid of that work backlog. DH off to UK tomorrow fir his first Mothers Day with his birth Mum, so I am looking forward to a ME weekend ๐Ÿ’ƒ

    Good luck today fasters. Xx

    Day 24 – South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ – FD

    Day 24 – Pocket List ๐Ÿ

    Day 24 Melb Aust CD

    Weigh-in this morning (I’m a daily weigh-er) had me 1.4 kg down on the start of the month, which is very pleasing. I’ll manage a FD eventually, but if what I’m doing currently continues to work, with relatively little stress, why stop? That, of course, is because I’m still way overweight though pleased to have moved form the moderately obese to the mildly obese category, BMI now about 34.7. It would be fine if only I were 6 inches taller! ๐Ÿ™

    @lilymartin, I too am a real night owl, unfortunately. It’s worse when we’re in daylight saving. It’s rare for me to be in bed by midnight, but I make up for it in the morning.
    And yes, I know it’s said that “an hour before midnight is worth two after”, but I also fit in with my cat, who wakes me around 5 a.m. each morning for me to let him out. I then go back to sleep for a further 3-4 or so hours. If I go to bed at 10-11 p.m., I wake for a bathroom visit around 3 a.m. After that, I either get wakened from a sound sleep by the cat around 5 and find it hard to drop off again, or stay awake between 3 and 5, then sleep once he’s outside. Sigh, sigh, sigh! Oh to have a cat I’d trained from babyhood to fit into my schedule (and use the kitty litter) than a rescue cat I got when he was 3 years old and set in his ways.

    Okay, sorry, I should be used to it by now.

    @stitchincarol, from next week I’ll start putting all those cans to use.

    @matpi, sorry, I should have said welcome back when you posted a couple of days ago. I think you left the monthly forum a year or so after I first started (which was November 2018).
    Yes, I’m sure the cans will disappear fairly quickly once I start putting them to use. I’ll probably end up buying some more, but will try to use them more quickly.

    One week left, let’s make it count!

    Day 24 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. Get me off this plateau! LOL; actually, no worries. It will happen. I have to go back a month to observe a similar number pattern in February, which showed a woosh was only a week or two away. It does require control over the weekend. I have a great aunt’s birthday to celebrate Saturday, and I’ll take the day off work tomorrow for mental sanity.

    @stitchincarol Both of my parents have some sort of respiratory thing sticking around. The pollen has started here, but isn’t at legendary levels yet. My dad is getting fluid on his lungs again or something, which is concerning — although not to heart doctors who say the numbers are “fine.” That’s of cold comfort because they were “fine” before they discovered the blockages, too. We’ll keep on him to see a pulmonologist if it doesn’t clear up soon.

    Day 24 โ€“ Pocket List ๐Ÿ

    Day 24, London, UK, FD800

    I think I spoke too soon yesterday about sticking to 800cals, you see, there was this malted milk biscuit โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. Say no more!!!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Hey-Ho, today IS another day & my RESOLVE is fixed in place!!

    Welcome back @matpi, Iโ€™m still here, but recent stresses & strains have me in a similar location on the dreaded scales as you are!! Nothing for it but to keep on keeping on & just get on with it!!!

    Wow, @funshipfreddie, what a complex, โ€˜Kingdomโ€™ is the right name for it, itโ€™s HUGE!! Did you have your heart & tastebuds๐Ÿ˜‹ set on the curry?? I hope the steak was as satisfying as the curry would have been anyway.

    @betsylee, just a thought ………… Catflap????? This is my favourite cauliflower soup as itโ€™s so simple โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.3 ingredients, but really tasty!! Courtesy of James Martin (I usually skip the cream & olive oil, it really doesnโ€™t need it!)

    1 small cauliflower chopped into small florets
    1 tbsp curry powder
    1 l full fat milk
    To serve 2 tbs double cream
    1 tbsp olive oil
    1. Pop the cauliflower florets, curry powder and milk into a pan and bring to the boil. Then simmer for 5 minutes.
    2. Blitz in a food processor until smooth pour into a clean pan and warm through
    3. To serve, spoon the soup into bowls, drizzle in cream and a little olive oil

    Aww, @daffodil2010, I hope your DH has a fabulous 1st Motherโ€™s Day. Such special times, particularly for her, I imagine every MD up until now hasnโ€™t been โ€˜quiteโ€™ right in her heart!๐Ÿ’”

    Happy fasting folks, chicken salad & an omelette on the menu today to keep me under that magic number๐Ÿคž๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿฝ

    โ€œAt the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.” – Frida Khalo

    Day 24 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Have a pretty busy day and then going to Milwaukee for the weekend. There is a car club we belong to that is having its national convention there, and since it is only about 90 minute drive from us, we will enjoy their activities.

    Heard an interesting statistic from TriviaCrack (a game I am addicted to) about average weight in the USA. I am right on it at 162# – that surprised me! Here is more about the whole idea:

    Onward and downward.

    Second post, Day 24

    @flourbaby, Thanks so much for the recipe. Very simple to make. I think I could add broccoli to the cauliflower for “greens”, and probably crushed garlic in place of the curry powder as I don’t care for curry, but in general it sounds easy and doable. I’ll definitely give it a go.

    Day 24 โ€” 16:8 CD

    Fast day went well, scale still happy, and plenty of cardio yesterday.

    Making more chicken broth today. I have read so much positive to say about collagen that homemade broths have become a regular part of my eating habits. I am allergic to eggs, so I generally โ€œbreakfastโ€around noon with broth and get an early start on protein intake that way. (DH finds this quite amusing and peculiar behavior. ๐Ÿ˜‚) I freeze the broth in ice cube trays – and DH does love having homemade chicken stock to cook with, so he does benefit along with his chuckles. It is also frugal, stretching any chicken purchase for a few extra meals.

    @stitchincarol, you have a remarkable memory. Yes, we go to Chicago to visit my father and managed to schedule it so we will be there on his actual 90th birthday. My siblings who live on the coasts will join my local siblings and my husband and I for the birthday weekend, so we all will be there except my nephew who cannot take leave from his internship. We lived in Chicago for a decade, and have so many beloved friends we hope to see while there. Ever COVID conscious- we will spend four or five days with my father before we venture more widely – I will not risk any exposure to him, COVID is certainly not something to take lightly with the health of a 90 year old on the line.

    My understanding is that Chicagoland has taken masking and distancing precautions seriously (unlike where I live) so I may consider a haircut – lol, mine has been self cut since Feb 2020 – but knowing me, I probably wonโ€™t want to spend money on it with so many unexpected expenses we are currently juggling. Iโ€™m so glad the travel was paid for months ago and grateful we can stay at my brotherโ€™s apartment. Also unbelievably grateful that my eldest niece (husbandโ€™s side) will be house sitting so no worries about my kitty family while we are gone.

    Chicago is a fabulous place to walk! And the weather likely to be cool enough to make that even more attractive. Iโ€™m a photographer and love wandering around taking photos in an urban landscape so I am getting excited about that as well.

    Today is sunny with a pleasant coolth (๐Ÿ˜) so time to stop admiring the cats in sunbeams and get to it!

    I still find this phone confounding to my fumble fingers, but am as always eagerly reading everyoneโ€™s updates with my coffee! Well wishes to all.

    Day 24 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    I didn’t quite pull off my goal of 500 calories, getting closer to 630, but I did swerve carbs, including all the yummy-looking desserts at the potluck, and I was down another 1/2 pound this morning (139.2), so I’m quite delighted with my progress this week.

    @fastingto58kgs Yeah, back in the days (centuries ago…) when I weighed 112 and was still 5’4″ I was often told, with a worried expression, that I was TOO thin…but I felt terrific and (truly!) ate like a horse. So the weight you settle on has to be a weight that feels good to you. How many pounds are you wanting to lose before you go get that haircut you’re coveting?

    @lilymartin You iron at 1am? Well, just the other night, I was searching for a piece of fabric in my sewing room at 3am, and tidying things up a bit, LOL! But that was only because I couldn’t sleep. I’ve read the same thing, however, that good sleep plays a huge role weight loss. I’m thrilled for you that you dropped so much, and look forward to hearing a positive report on today’s FD!! ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช

    @matpi “Iโ€™ve discovered that I need about 50 minutes of exercise a day, 7 days a week, to keep from gaining weight if Iโ€™m not doing fasting.” I read that sentence four times, trying to imagine how you would have figured that out, and realizing it was only because you actually DO exercise that much (and sometimes more?) every single day. I’d be a moose if it were true for me, and my hat’s off to you for being so disciplined about exercise; your body is clearly in an excellent place exercise-wise!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    @i-hate-lettuce Being busy sure does help make a successful FD, and you get lots of brownie points for all the chores you’ve been accomplishing!

    @daffodil2010 I know that joy of getting back to normal and celebrate with you! I was SO startled when I got to my new adult piano student’s house on Tuesday and she met me at the door wearing a mask. So I hurriedly hunted up my mask from my purse and wore that during our lesson; it was sure unexpected. And how lovely for DH that he gets to do Mother’s Day with his birth mom…and that you get a YOU weekend! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ˜

    @betsylee I fully understand your reluctance to mess with success, and simply applaud you!

    @northgeorgia That was the great benefit of masks, and of isolating, that colds and sinus infections and respiratory issues in general never happened, wasn’t it? I do hope they both get healthy soon, and that your dad doesn’t have some far-more-serious underlying problem.

    @flourbaby Thanks for the recipe; I’ll try it soon!

    @songbirdme The chart I found the most surprising was the one that showed the lowest weight average for women above age 60! Is that because there are more of us in that category who remember when being thin was normal, and we’re all still striving for that??

    @mariaelena My impression of the US is that the east coast is still particularly rigid about masking, and that the large cities across the country are partly rigid; the rural areas are pretty much back to pre-covid masking attitudes. I hope you find enough masking and distancing in Chicago to keep you comfortable and safe!

    I just looked at the time and realized I should have been out the door a half hour ago; oops!! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ Time flies when you’re chatting with your friends, right? Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 24 โ€“ Pocket List ๐Ÿ
    @flourbaby FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day24 U.K. FD

    Donโ€™t know why I forgot to post this morning, fasting going ok , but have guests at the weekend and got some of the cooking prep done today , had to taste as I went but very difficult not to eat more than a tiny bit

    Sounds a great trip @mariaelena

    You certainly do have a great memory @stitchincarol Yes jobs all finished , great to get back to normal

    Day 24 โ€“ Pocket List ๐Ÿ
    @flourbaby FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 25 – WLG NZ – NFD

    I made it through yesterday’s FD haha. Loss this week: 200g. It doesn’t seem like much but for one successful FD I would say it’s pretty darn good.

    I don’t really have a ultimate Goal weight I just would like to feel comfortable again doing every day things and have more energy. I’ve noticed being a bigger gal I’m more exhausted or get tired easily ๐Ÿ˜’

    Day 25 country west Australia 83.2 kgs ( 183.04 lbs) NFD
    Haircut here I come!!!! ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡
    I am now the lowest weight I have been since Jan 9th 2019 !!! Wow. It was a bit of a shock to look back and see that I have been overweight/obese for so long.
    At last my BMI is under 30 so feeling VERY motivated to keep going.
    Next goal for April is to get back in to the 70kgs.
    A really big THANK YOU to everyone on this forum. ๐Ÿ’
    It really is the posting, accountability and chatting with you guys which has helped keep me on the wagon. ๐Ÿ™‚
    The only downside is that I am nursing a really really bad headache after a B2B.๐Ÿ˜ข
    I have never in my life been able to do water fasts or even to do the 40 hour Famine and similar. I always end up with a very serious migraine – and today is no different.
    But SO worth the effort for finally having the numbers heading south. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    Will be vigilant today as out to lunch with friends.
    @fastingto58kgs. Well done on the 200g loss – Any loss is worth taking!! Being bigger certainly affects the way one feels and moves.
    @brightonbelle, glad to hear you can now just enjoy the fruits of your labours.
    @stitchincarol. I must admit days of ironing at 1 am are mostly over. But when the children were younger I was often up at that time doing ironing or officework. No interruptions!!
    @mariaelena, enjoy your visit to Chicago. It sounds like a wonderful city. Here in WA we are just istarting to get Covid as our state was absolutely locked down for 2 years. So just as most places are coming out of Covid, we are starting to get more cases.
    Several apparently in our local town now so will be very careful when in town for lunch today.๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ˜ท
    @songbirdme, interesting to read about weight and trends. In Australia I think the stats are something like women being about 8-10 kgs heavier than they were 20 years ago.
    Certainly looking at people walking in the streets people are bigger than they were years ago. ( look at movies from the 50s and 60s, how slim most people were ).
    And I can never ever remember my parents eating or drinking when they were walking around town.
    But it is the most common sight these day to see people having their coffee or snack whilst walking .
    I too am guilty of it!๐Ÿ˜ฒ
    Resolving not to eat or drink in the street nor in the car. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
    Have a good day all.

    @mariaelena – Illinois is more open in the past weeks. Masks seem only to be required in medical centers or on public transportation.

    Enjoy Chi-town! (City of my birth, “my kind of town”). Feel free to write me at if there is anything I can do for you from about 2.5 hours west of there.

    Day 24 Ohio US — MFD

    A good MFD — the body feels good doing fasting again.

    @mariaelena Chicago is certainly a great place! At one time I lived close by and have fond memories of seeing some plays there. When you mentioned how serious Chicago took masking and distancing precautions, a recent article in The Guardian came to mind. The article’s author, a scientist from Cambridge, found a strong connection between how well a country has done in the pandemic and the level of interpersonal trust. The more people trust each other, the more they act responsibly toward each other. Trust level even pre-empts the level of scientific expertise.

    @stitchincarol It’s not that hard to keep track of how much I exercise each day — I keep a detailed daily log of everything I do. And actually it’s not really that much exercise: 20 minutes of yoga (usually first thing in the morning) and a half-hour’s walk sometime during the day. With regular weekly weigh-ins it becomes pretty clear how important exercise is for me to control weight.

    Day 24 โ€“ Pocket List ๐Ÿ
    @flourbaby FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

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