Momentous March

This topic contains 420 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  AT 2 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 434 total)

  • Day 7, FD, Aus

    Sorry – no time to read posts this morning but thinking of you all.

    Today WILL be a FD!

    Day 6 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Doing just OMAD today since I indulged yesterday. The music contest site had donuts for us judges for breakfast (I would say I have maybe two donuts in a calendar year… yesterday was one). Then BBQ with sides (salad included) for lunch. We had dinner with a couple we haven’t seen in quite a while at our fave restaurant. Oh well, just up a pound.

    Our college basketball team is having a very good season, and they play tonight. I will have leftovers from our Italian dinner last night (seafood alfredo) with a salad. May have to celebrate if we win with some dessert. The win means winning our college conference – Big Ten – which would be terrific. And worthy of celebration!

    Plus tomorrow I give blood – my every-8-week pint donation. Have to eat and drink around the giving.

    @stitchincarol – we haven’t done a Disney park since our ILLINI were at the Rose Bowl in 2008. Maybe we need to do it again with son Chris as our guide, but really we have so many other places we want to go!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 7 country West Australia FD
    Feeling the need for a FD after too much feasting on the weekend.
    It was mainly roast lamb and salads but still feeling quite bloated.
    There is already an autumnal feel to the mornings despite the day temp reaching 34ºC.
    Looking for a balmy 27ºC today which should be good for gardening – or housework…..🤔
    I LOVE the procasti-bake !! I knew there was a word for it. 😂
    I told my DH and he couldn’t believe there were other people who did the same as I do!!😳
    He too loved the word .🤣🤣
    Have a good day all whether fasting or not.

    Day 7 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Weigh In: 164.8
    Up a pound from the weekend but that’s good, I have moved from continually seeing 166 every Monday morning!!

    It was a beautiful weekend of sunshine, calm conditions, and very cold temperatures in the morning, but the Sun is high enough now to sit outside in my glass covered patio enjoying a gun and tonic watching the bird shenanigans on the feeder. Love this time of year.

    Today its an FD….it’s an LFD too but that’s cos I am sort of cheating at dinner by having liquidised lentil and carrot soup 😆 That’s liquid eh?

    Felt very sad reading the newspapers yesterday regarding the conflict in Ukraine., Life may seem difficult but it’s a good life for us really.

    Have a great Monday
    Pocket List day 7


    Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Easy FD yesterday; staying busy works wonders. @northgeorgia – hope yours was too.

    So no Monday FD for me! Almost feels like playing truant 😅 But I’ll be back on the list tomorrow, & then my usual FD on Thursday.

    Sending RESOLVE to today’s fasters 💪

    “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” ~ Jim Rohn

    second post.
    Just loved the image of @daffodil2010 having a ‘ gun and tonic’ whilst watching the birds!!😂
    I’m guessing it was a gin and tonic – unless it is like here in my garden where the rabbits and the parrots have decimated my plants , 😡 in which case a gun and tonic would be entirely sensible and appropriate !! 🙃
    @songbirdme, well done on the constant donations of blood . So necessary. I am unable to give blood as I was living in the UK in the 80s when they had the ‘ mad cow’ scare and have not been able to donate blood since.
    @funshipfreddie, I do like your quote. Will keep it in mind for the rest of the week.
    My FD today has not been realised as I was cooking for the family and doing quite well until the remnants of the Irish Apple cake made an appearance at morning tea and then drumstick for dessert at lunch….🤪

    Day 7 – UK – FD800

    Morning all! Checking in ready for a good week. Mr & the DH had a chat and pulled ourselves up by the bootstraps yesterday evening after some little snacks / bigger meals have crept in along with not keeping our eyes on the calorie intake too.

    Yesterday was a better day – I was in under TDEE but it wasn’t a FD800. We’re having another long weekend this weekend so I’m just doing a 4 day FD800 push before that. What’s 4 days eh?! (This is what I keep telling myself).

    Weight has stayed static this weekend which I am pleased with. Now it’s b2bFD800s today – Thursday and Fri – Sun will be NFDs. We have plenty of soup in the fridge and dinners planned from the F800 recipe book for dinner. Realistically, on a good day I’m coming in around 600cals rather than 800 cals but in my head I like to feel I have that slight wiggle room.

    @funshipfreddie – what I brilliant quote. I actually might make a print out of that one, it really resonated. Well done on the Sunday FD too!

    @lilymartin – wow I had no idea the ‘Mad Cow Disease’ thing was still a ‘thing’ and affected blood donations! I remember that constantly being in the news back then.

    @stitchincarol – My procrasticleaning makes it sound like my place is gleaming. The problem I have with it is that I tend to focus on one area and it doesn’t evolve into a full scale deep clean of the entire house! Case in point: when I got home from the office on Friday I decided I’d use some amazing limescale removing gel to rid my shower screen of marks and my taps of the tiny bit of limescale I’d spotted underneath (y’know, where literally no-one visiting would ever look….). I went to town on them, used my ‘sonic scrubber’ (basically a giant electronic toothbrush for household cleaning), polished everything up after. I was dedicated to that cause for a good hour or so…. but that was it! 😂 So I can’t say it’s a particularly useful trait.

    @daffodil2010 – it’s definitely feeling a lot like spring here too. I’m thinking of you as I sit with my daffodils to my side. The daffodils are in my nan’s old blue vase and I’ve spotted a few neighbours also displaying the colours of yellow and blue in different ways in their windows. I agree, the news out of Ukraine is simply shocking, my heart goes out to each & every person affected by this invasion & war.

    Wishing everyone a good Monday 🙂

    Pocket List day 7


    Day 7 – Lake district UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Slightly late this morning after an excellent weekend topped off yesterday afternoon with a ‘phone call and another holiday booked for August 2023, great discounts booking so far ahead!
    As others have had, great spring weather over the weekend and likewise, the birds are busy around here. Really feels as though things are waking up around here. Glad its a FD today, feeling a bit bloated after the weekend so gives me a bit more momentum for a FD today.

    @funshipfreddie – I’m in a similar position as you really, inside my ‘buffer zone’ with my weight’ so only need to keep half an eye on NFD’s knowing any blip on the scales on a Friday can very soon be rectified. Think one of the things I’m most pleased about is chasing the ‘Inner Warthog’ off the premises, but knowing he could return if I turn my back!

    Take care all


    Day 7 – UK – FD800

    After a great Day 1 FD500 I fell off the March wagon badly – met none of my Momentous March targets except for the exercise one which I exceeded as I completed 3 x Yoga – 1 x HIP – 1 x mat pilates – 1 x aerobic class and did 4 walks totalling over 46km distance during those first 6 days – the gorgeous spring weather was great encouragement to get out on the fells

    Aiming to RESET today on all targets……it’s never too late….. @stitchincarol – I’m still here but returning with 🤭

    Welcome back on board @fastdietkeith @caoimhe – quiet a few old timers still here

    Setting off for a walk soon so adding myself to the pocket list for motivation and support 🤗

    Pocket list Day 7 🎯

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 7 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 210 lbs. Another WFD planned for today.

    @stitchincarol I saw the horrible storms that went through your area. I hope you and your family are OK.

    Pocket list Day 7 🎯

    Day 7-FD- VA USA
    Please include me on pocket list today. Like @at, may have fallen off wagon a few times, climbing back on!

    Day 7- FD 500

    Yesterday Accountability

    – [x] Cardio
    – [x] 16:8 CD

    Was a nice weekend and good to see friends. Cool here today, and after a warm humid weekend it is very welcome.

    @lilymartin WOW – me too! I spent a year in London in the 80’s (actually during the mad cow disease scare- so I ate pretty much no beef that year) and am turned away from giving blood donations due to the old regulations on the books about mad cow disease. This regulation is still on the books in the U.S. it makes no sense to me. 🤷🏽‍♀️.

    Pocket list Day 7 🎯


    Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD500

    I wanted to say “hopefully” when I labeled today, but that’s a forbidden word this month. Here’s the deal: we have leftover breakfast casserole, meatballs, ricotta-stuffed shells and more that need eating, and some broccoli to steam, and the hopefully is that I can eat something in that list and hit 500 calories. I won’t eat an unreasonably large serving, but if it goes over 500 calories, it goes over, because the leftovers need eating. 🤷‍♀️

    I apologize for being MIA yesterday. I spent just shy of the entire day in the kitchen on Saturday (and showed amazing and complete restraint!) and then still had company on Sunday, and by the time my day was my own, I was completely done with socializing; even this chatty woman has her limits. 😜

    Wow, @i-hate-lettuce, to catch the aurora borealis! What a treat that must have been. I’m toying with whether I could ever invite some friends over for a “catch-up natter” without them staring at me with dropped jaws, LOL. I do entirely adore the different phrases we learn on this forum!

    Ahh, @funshipfreddie, didn’t realize you were a smidge up on your goal weight, and you’re simply being entirely responsible and cautious. Got it! And GREAT Monday morning quote.

    @northgeorgia Your poor family and you with all the upheaval; may it settle soon! And we’re all fine here; the rain on Friday night pounded, which was music to my ears, and the heavy dusting of snow we got last night has been a rare sight this winter.

    @caoimhe LOL, best laid plans, eh? I’m sure it was wonderful to have your son and his crew show up, but it’s sometimes tough to stick to 5:2 in the middle of real life! Sounds like you did a decent job of it, however, so well done!

    @penz Yay for you! How’s the FD gone?

    @songbirdme Congratulations on your Illini last night! I’m sure you’re thrilled!!

    @lilymartin It hit me as I was reading your post that, while I’m neither a procrasti-baker nor a procrasti-cleaner, I’m absolutely a procrasti-organizer. Case in point: my Easter menu is planned, and guests are invited. They, of course, have no idea what their plans are and won’t get back to me for a month or more, but I’m ready to go! 🤣🤣🤣 I usually plan Memorial Day celebrations in April, DH’s August b-day in June, and Christmas meals in September, generally on some day when I have other things to do and don’t wanna. It really is a disease, this procrasti-whatever, huh?? 😜

    @daffodil2010 Well done; it’s a joy to see your steady progress! But…do the birds behave better because of what you do? “… the Sun is high enough now to sit outside in my glass covered patio enjoying a gun and tonic watching the bird shenanigans on the feeder…” I laughed for five minutes, honey!

    @babs_b We all have our things we obsess over, huh? Oh well, I’m sure you’re justifiably enjoying that spot that’s entirely free from lime deposits!! 🤪

    @at I was worried that your silence this time had more to do with motivation than visiting friends; welcome back on the wagon, and we’ll do our best to hold you tight!

    @mariaelena You’re doing a stellar job of keeping up with the exercise goals you’ve set for yourself!

    Pocket list Day 7 🎯

    DD and SIL are moving from Colorado to Indiana (about 1200 miles for those of you not familiar with the States) and leave Colorado this weekend, SIL to drive the moving van straight to Indiana, and DD and the girls (DGD1month and DGD29months) here for a few days. But for her to drive this far with two youngsters is too much, so I’m getting on the train in Lincoln (just 50 minutes south) at midnight on Thursday, and arriving in Denver at 7:15am on Friday where DD will pick me up and we’ll drive here. I can spell her in the driving, and take the elder potty while DD’s nursing the younger, etc., etc. So I have groceries to buy, cookies to bake, sheets to wash and beds to make, shelves/tables to toddler-proof, etc., etc. FUN stuff to do, actually. We’ll go see my MIL while they’re here, and the people at church are all so excited to see them. Only sad thing is that SIL won’t be here. 😞

    Day 7 UK NFD TRE
    My DD met me for a dog walk on the beach this morning as she doesn’t work on Mondays. The beach is my usual place for the morning walk but again the wind was bitter. The sun was out though so that made it enjoyable. I am finding with DH away skiing that I am clocking up well over 10,000 steps just a on the two dog walks a day. Usually we do the morning one together and then one or the other does the afternoon one. Doing the two seems to leave little time for much else but I did manage to do some more painting in the hall. The new flooring is being laid on Wednesday and I just can’t wait. The inherited carpets with this house are quite grim hence my excitement! However, with all that is happening in Ukraine I think myself very blessed that I have a home. The biggest exodus since WW2. How my heart goes out to them!
    Tomorrow will be a FD.
    @stichincarol what a busy life you lead!
    @daffodil2010 a “gun and tonic” it cheered me up no end to have a good chuckle. Thank you for that!

    Day 8, NFD, Aus

    Day 2 of winning streak. I had a successful LFD yesterday. I was surfing recipes online last night (WHO does that on a FD?!?!) and came across a Thai broccoli and spinach soup at only 230 cal per serving. I could cook that! I thought. But then I did the mental body check and I was NOT hungry. So I stayed put and will cook the soup tonight. I use the Duo app (learning French) and it tracks your winning streaks so I am going to adopt a similar mentality with 5:2. Not only daily accountability but tracking the long term success too.

    I had to back-track posts to work out what procasti-bake was. I thought it was a type of pasta dish!

    @songbirdme – I once rocked up to donate blood saying “I’m here to give you a pint” to which one of the nurses firmly stated “oh no, we only take 470mls!’ Which prompts me to ask you Brits, if we (Aussies) can’t donate blood if we’ve lived in the UK for more than 6 months because of Mad Cow disease, does that mean that local blood donations in the UK don’t have the same concern?

    Day 8 NFD country West Australia
    Whilst yesterday was not a FD it was a very much more controlled day than would have been the case a few months ago.😇
    I even threw out some left over scones ( biscuits, I think, in the USA ) which had become like bricks and some cake.
    It really goes against the grain to throw out food but it all goes into my compost bin ( we don’t have chooks ) so nourishes the garden. 🌸🌷
    @stitchincarol, you are one busy lady!! Good luck with the train and car drive. Hope all goes well Thursday/Friday.
    We are just getting to ‘ toddler proofing’ house stage. One forgets what wonderful eyesight little ones have and what great pincer grip in picking up EVERYTHING on the floor!! 😳
    @northgeorgia, the number are looking good for you this month so far. Well done.👏
    @Ihatelettuce, you sound very organised with your holidays !!
    Due to different things happening on the farm we have to be very flexible re holidays and they are often organised fairly spontaneously so don’t always get the nice discounts. 🙄
    However as many have previously said, given what is happening in Ukraine it puts much in our own lives in perspective.
    @penz, congratulations on your winning streak with FDs. 👏
    I am not on a winning streak with FDs BUT I have a 30 day streak with Wordle.
    Got today’s offering in only 2 goes!!!and feeling very smug. 🙃
    I too love to look at recipes and froth over what I am going to cook during the week – even on FDs !! 🤔🙄
    Beautiful autumn morning so off for a walk around the paddocks.
    My DH is trail feeding the sheep. 🐑🐑
    So I will go with him to open some of the gates. He drops me down the paddock and then I walk home. Ensures I get at least one walk in today!
    I RESOLVE to be DISCIPLINED this week thanks to @stitchincarol and @funshipfreddie and @at and their inspirational quotes.
    Go well all.🙂

    Day 7 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Was sorry I was unable to donate my pint of blood today as my hemoglobin was just under the required level (12.5, mine was 12.3) so I will take daily iron pills and make it up in a week. This has happened before, so not really a big deal. As they say, donations require “richer” blood than is often necessary for healthy living.

    @lilymartin – I had a dear Aussie friend who is also deferred due to living in England during “mad cow” — so I fully understand. I am just ever so glad I am healthy enough to donate. AND, I do believe it keeps me healthier!

    @stitchincarol – your Huskers made our ILLINI co-championship possible by doing the “upset of the season” by beating those nasty Wisky Badgers! Thank you!

    Onward and downward

    Day 8 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Weigh in: 165.6

    LFD was going great until late afternoon when my colleagues came around with cake for one of our team who turned 30, and, it’s terrible to admit, but I felt really obliged to have a slice of raspberry roulade. Very strange thing to break a fast with! Then evening meal became take out due to a business deal going on, and DH and I opened a bottle of wine too!!!

    Will take it well today, have t worked out calories but should be ok, that lentil soup is on for tonight.

    Ha ha, I didn’t realise about my gun and tonic on the patio 😆 Now I have visions of me on my rocking chair on the porch with the rifle across my lap 😆

    Have a good safe day everyone.

    Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Going to need all my RESOLVE today. For some reason I’m already thinking about lunch tomorrow, but I’m not even hungry? So maybe I’ll think about stepping on the scales tomorrow instead 😅

    @daffodil2010 – now I’m thinking about raspberry roulade 😋

    @caoimhe – putting you on the list! 😉 Do you pronounce your name Queeva? Or Keeva? I read somewhere that both pronunciations are correct, but differ in the north/south of Ireland?

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍏

    Day 8 – Lake district UK NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Another glorious, but a bit cool, spring morning. Off out for a wander this morning, it seems we’re either doing very little walking or lots! Some days seem to be lazy days, but doing things at home, the others we’re walking miles, rather odd. No routine at the moment for some strange reason. However, feeling good after yesterdays FD, so all is well.

    I’m another who used to donate blood regularly, but sadly no more, the glow anyone would get from mine wouldn’t be a healthy one 🙁

    @lilymartin – Odd, I’ve never realised you’re in farming! I’m very much an outdoors bod and almost bought a smallholding a few years ago when I retired. Then a few health issues took over, so maybe a good job it didn’t work out. I’m not sure some people realise how much hard work is involved and ever changing, especially if you have livestock!

    Take care all

    Day 8 UK NFD

    Morning – reporting in slightly late this month , haven’t got weighed yet , going to try to get back to normal today , will catch up on posts and will be fasting Thursday

    Day 8 – UK – FD800

    Yesterday went relatively to plan…. other than a slice of cake! Argh. I had thai green chicken soup for lunch and cooked a lovely spinach, feta, bacon & pine nut spaghetti dish last night from the F800 recipe book – the pasta is a small qty of wholewheat spaghetti combined with ‘courgetti spaghetti’ (I’m not sure what the US version of this would be… zoodles? zucchini noodles). Anyway, was lovely and didn’t feel at all like a low cal meal but it came in at 450cals. So, with the soup I was at 600cals but I had a slice of Victoria sponge. Still a low cal day overall compared to TDEE but obvs not great to have cake.

    Anyway, back in the office today with far fewer temptations kicking about – we have a cauliflower soup in the fridge and that’s about it. This eve will be Chinese style chicken from the F800 recipe book. Weight this morning was exactly where it was yesterday morning which I’m pleased about. I aim to see that move downwards before we have our long weekend this weekend. (Blimey @stitchincarol – not saying ‘hope’ there was difficult!!).

    @brightonbelle – good to see you!
    @penz – as far as I’m aware, there isn’t anything here in the UK stopping people from donating if they were alive in the 80s. I’m pretty certain they’d lose 99.9% of their donors if that was the case. It’d be interesting to look into it.
    @i-hate-lettuce enjoy your wander. It’s a beautiful spring morning here in the SE too. I’m cooped up in this office but planning on getting out to stretch my legs at lunchtime. I am actually going to take a lunch break today!
    @funshipfreddie – You can do it!

    Going to have to dash! Have a good day all

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍏

    Day 8 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 207 lbs. A new record low! March goal met (to be fair, I set lower expectations this month with next week’s conference coming up). Another mini-milestone met, and only 6% remaining on my “obesity meter.” 72 lbs lost in total and 53 to go. Even my sleeping shorts felt looser on my waist this morning.

    Day 8 Melb Aust TDEE

    Quietly persevering here. I’ve upped my exercise a bit, and aagh, the weight went up slightly. It’s not from more food, just exchanging fat for muscle, which is a positive, but the scales can’t tell the difference, sigh! Just this past week I’ve been feeling better and more energetic, so something is going right.

    I’ll try to post more consistently. Love reading of everyone’s progress and events.

    Onward and downwards we go!

    Day 8- 16:8 CD

    Yesterday Accountability

    – [x] Cardio
    – [x] FD 800

    I have a mental alarm in my head reminding me that something had me aware of March 8 and for the life of me I can’t figure out what it was. Infuriating lol.

    Went outside this morning to feed the neighborhood felines who drop by our ‘restaurant’ and while out there it started to hail! Little hailstones, no worry about damage but the cats (especially the youngsters) were distressed. It was a short time, so they are fine now, but it sure seems they all look at me accusingly whenever the weather isn’t to their likening. To be fair, the youngsters haven’t experienced hail before. I told them, in the song song voice I reserve for them, that the weather isn’t under my control, but 😀

    Busy here. Have a good day all.

    Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Yesterday’s FD went fine. I did very little throughout the day but knit and read, but sometimes my body and mind just want/need a break, you know? Starting today, I’ll do plenty, so it all evens out! 🤣

    @lilymartin I am in awe that you do so well on Wordle, as I don’t at all! Did you enjoy your (forced) walk yesterday? How many steps does that end up being for you? It sounded lovely, whatever the motivation!

    @songbirdme Bummer on the deferral yesterday. I often buy one of those large clamshells of spinach and sautee them in a bit of olive oil or butter, sprinkled with garlic powder a week or so before a blood drive to help ensure my count is high enough. I’m always startled that the entire thing is a good amount for DH and me since it cooks down so dramatically. And you are very welcome that Nebraska had the good grace to win against those pesky Badgers, LOL!

    @daffodil2010 Ahh, life. Lovely when it happens, huh?? I’m sure today will turn out great!

    @funshipfreddie I’ve got you in my pocket to help, but I’ll just bet your own resolve gets you through the day just fine!

    @i-hate-lettuce I think that’s what retirement is all about: no rigid routine. I’ll just bet you and Mrs IHL get plenty of steps, even with no routine to it.

    @brightonbelle Welcome back! We’ll be glad to have your chatter again!

    @babs_b I laughed out loud at your “Blimey” about not saying “hope!” It’s a real mindset that lets us off the hook if we don’t succeed, however, don’t you think? Well done, then, for avoiding the dreaded h-word!

    @northgeorgia SWEET!!! I was wondering what sort of glorious number you’d have after your two WFDs. Sweet, sweet, sweet!

    @betsylee The big question is how your clothes are fitting. Removing fat and replacing with muscle generally gives smaller measurements…at least in some parts of our bodies. Persevere and you’ll drop the pounds!

    @mariaelena You are a MACHINE, the way you simply follow through on the fitness goals you have; well done.

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍏
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 8, London, UK, FD800,

    Sticking to FD800 over the weekend wasn’t as bad as expected!!! There was temptation 🧀🧀and I indulged😳, but closed the kitchen at 978cals and very low carb, thank goodness!! Cheese really is addictive, I’ve no idea where ‘that’ genius came up with a portion size of 30g ………………….. in my mind that’s just a nibble whilst I prepare the cheese board!!!!!🤣🤣

    I’m whooshing at the moment, -4lbs so far, ALL water weight of course, but I’ll bank it and keep on keeping on!!!

    @babs_b 🤣🤣 – ‘procrasti-clean ……………………………. If only!!!!! I’m with you @stitchincarol ……………………. Cleaning allergy!!! However, I might just be a procrasti-lister though ……………. Of course, nothing on the list ever gets done, that’s why I’m a procras…..🤣😂🤣

    I was flat out this morning trying to meet a deadline as I knew I was out to lunch with 7 female colleagues to celebrate International Women’s Day!!! Sensible sea bass & salad at 650cals for me, lots of chit chat and setting the world to rights and lots of sympathy/empathy for Ukrainian colleague who was present, but clearly thinking about her mum😢😢😢

    Anywho, I must dash, will catch-up & comment later.

    “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

    2nd post!

    @flourbaby! THANK YOU! March 8 is International Women’s Day and I have a remote conference to watch tonight! I might have never remembered if not for your post! Awesome!

    Day 8 USA (Illinois) OMAD

    Sun shining setting some new snow (from yesterday) a glowing. Spring around the corner here.

    @northgeorgia – congratulations on your new low! Oh so happy for you! We all knew you could do it!

    @stitchincarol – we love spinach. I use it in a egg scramble of mushrooms, ham, cheese, and garlic (sometimes onion). Amazing how it cooks down. I will try your ‘spinach saute’ for added iron. Generally I love to steam it and add cream cheese & sour cream, but your recipe is healthier.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 9, NFD, Aus

    Long weekend coming up and I’m taking Friday off so 4 days of temptation! Must get my head in the right space and plan…

    Day 9 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @babs_b, & @stitchincarol – I made it! 💪

    @flourbaby – well done on the 4 lb down! Interesting article re the ‘whoosh’. The whoosh is eluding me so far this month 🥴

    @northgeorgia – awesome, congrats on the new record! 🏋♂️

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Day 9 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Weigh In: 164.2

    Slept like a log last night, was asleep by 9pm and woke to DH’s alarm at 5.45am and felt so rested. Completed a Leslie walk, then we battled the strong winds for our morning walk around the village, having a cup of home made chicken bone broth now to start the day.

    Feeling and looking leaner although scales are sloooooooow and measurement still the same-ish, no fitting into smaller sizes yet, but I DO feel healthier. Today it’s a mackerel and olives salad for lunch, and chicken and veg for dinner.

    @northgeorgia – Way to go!!!! Well done. Soon hitting Onederland no doubt.

    Well done @flourbaby on the Whoosh.

    Have a great Wednesday all.

    Day 9 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Busy days doing ‘bitsa’ ie bitsa this and bitsa that! Amazing where the days just disappears to. Jobs to do and things to organise.

    @stitchincarol – You’re right about ‘unorganised steps’ take yesterday, needed to collect replacement valve for radiator, round trip of 12 miles, so then went for a walk along the promenade on the way home. Morecambe, victorian seaside resort, the prom goes for miles, very wide very flat easy walk. Late afternoon, once round the village as well, so racked up another 12000 steps!

    @flourbaby – whoosh – great when that happens.

    My delivery from the seed merchant arrived in the post yesterday, so amongst plumbing job today must clean greenhouse and get things ready, in fact the seeds can be sown in pots and tubs in the greenhouse for early salad greens, just need horticultural fleece putting over them each night.

    Take care all

    Day 9, London, UK, FD800

    Morning All! No dinner last night after my seabass salad for lunch …………. this morning, ……………..I’m starving!!! I’ll hold out until my lunch, I just need to pump up my resolve!!

    It’s my mum’s birthday tomorrow, so I’m expecting visitors bearing sweet gifts of biscuits, chocolates and wine (Rose thankfully)!!! I’ll do my best to swerve the sugar, but I MUST have a slice of cake with my mum, such is life!!!

    I’m a bit under pressure at work, too many deadlines piling up, so I’m ever so slightly overwhelmed today!!! Hence the short post!

    Stay strong & we’ll catch-up later.

    Day 9 Melb Aust NFD

    Ate a tub of ice-cream this evening that “somehow” snuck into my freezer = NFD. However, I’ve decided that ice-cream and me are a poor match, so that won’t be happening again (fingers crossed! 🙂 ).

    Tomorrow is another day, so onward and downwards again.

    Day 9 – UK – FD800

    @funshipfreddie – Yes!! Great job! 💪
    @flourbaby – I am also a procrasti-lister 🙈 – the notes app on my phone is filled with them. Since I discovered the checklist function in the notes app there’s no stopping me! Sorry to hear you’re overwhelmed, I know that feeling well. Out of interest have you ever tried the Pomodoro Technique for work? The principle is 25mins of deep work followed by a quick 5 min break, which is supposed to reflect how our brains naturally operate. I use this site to set my to-do list and do the Pomo timer: .
    You can tick off your tasks there too which is very motivating. I use this a lot when I’m on crazy deadlines and feel overwhelmed because sometimes I can become so overwhelmed it’s tricky to focus or prioritise.
    @northgeorgia – CONGRATULATIONS!! It is so motivating and uplifting to see your progress! 🎉
    @stitchincarol – a day of knitting and reading sounds blissful and I know exactly what you mean. Life can get so hectic and we really do need quiet moments/day in amongst it
    @daffodil2010 – it’s so good that you’re feeling healthier and leaner. The measurements will reflect that soon, I’ve definitely followed similar patterns in the past.
    @penz – I’ve also got a long weekend away coming up this weekend, so I’m here in solidarity with you! Already telling myself I don’t actually need to eat any differently while we’re away and it’ll also include more walking than I’m managing to get during the working week at the mo so that’ll help.

    I’m another 0.75lb down today (why my body can’t lost whole numbers each weigh in I’lll never know 😂). Cooked such a nice dish for dinner last night – Chinese style chicken drumsticks with a pickled cucumber salad and some pak choi. I know I’m mentioning the F800 recipe book on a daily basis (it has fast become our kitchen’s Bible), but we’ve not had a bad meal from it. So many of the recipes would be perfect for a OMAD approach so definitely worth looking into if you’re stuck for inspiration.

    I see that Michael Moseley has a new documentary on Channel 4 here in the UK tonight about the obesity crisis, so that’ll be an interesting watch hopefully.

    @flourbaby I’m popping you on the pocket list with me!

    Pocket List Day 9 🍋

    Day 9 – USA/GA – 16:8

    Weigh-in: 211 lbs. Today, I’m having a meeting with my employees and I know a few would like to go to lunch. So, I was planning a NFD today and tomorrow a FD. Then someone reminded me that Thursday’s evening meeting is actually a dinner (OH NO!). I thought, “I won’t eat. No problem.” But that’s more easily done if it’s buffet style. Unfortunately, if it is organized like a banquet, it will be considered rude to refuse to eat what’s presented. So, not knowing what I’ll face tomorrow evening, I’m going to try an imperfect but better than nothing strategy. I’ll do a 16:8 today, starting with a small breakfast and ending with a filling lunch. Then fast until the supposed dinner tomorrow evening at 6 pm. A FD that “crosses” between two days. If I can fast tomorrow night, then I will. Yes. That should work (fingers crossed).

    Day 9 UK NFD TRE
    Beautiful morning. Stopped at the Beach Cafe for a coffee after dog walk. It’s situated right by the beach and a real sun trap so enjoyed the warmth of the sun on my face. Just lovely. Yesterday’s FD went well. I am using a recipe book I purchased from EBay called “5:2 Vegetarian” by Celia Brooks. Lots of easy Fast Day meals. The scales showed a 1lb loss this morning so very chuffed. Did lots of walking yesterday with the dog also a Pilates class. Not sure how I will get on once DH comes home from skiing. Just hope he is not bearing gifts of Swiss chocolate. Think I had better warn him off before he leaves! Tonight I plan to watch Michael Moseley’s obesity documentary. Should be interesting.
    Love reading all the posts. Hope everyone is having a good day.

    Day 9 – Rural Nebraska, USA – TRE 21/3

    Okay, shall we talk about torture? When I got home from teaching lessons last night around 7pm, I needed to make the red sauce for the lasagna for tonight’s Lenten supper at church so it could “age” overnight. So I did. And didn’t nibble a thing. But the aromas!!! LOL. I’m getting the hang of this business of only eating when I choose to, not when temptation is in front of me. Now to see if I can do it this weekend when I have family all gathered and it feels like a holiday; my hugest temptation is to eat freely when it’s a holiday.

    @flourbaby Interesting article about whooshes; thanks for sharing. And well DONE on skipping supper last night after your lovely lunch out! Did you truly make it to lunch before eating, and then not over-eat as a result? That’s always the challenge for me…

    @songbirdme Likewise, your egg scramble sounds lovely; I’ll make that soon!

    @penz Are you doing something special on your long weekend? Going somewhere? Socializing?

    @funshipfreddie Well done 💪 …and I’m not the least surprised you did it! 👏

    @daffodil2010 Lovely, lovely weigh-in! You and DH must be having so much fun taking this journey together.

    @i-hate-lettuce Thanks for describing your walk; it sounds lovely. And am I the only one who’s entertained by I-HATE-LETTUCE planting lettuce seeds???? (I know the origin of your moniker, but it still makes me giggle.)

    @betsylee I always shake my head when I consume things I know I will regret…and consume them anyway. Why do we never learn???

    @babs_b I LOVE that you’re talking about the recipes from the F800 book; one of these days, I think I might buy it. I’m cooking so much less now, however (because of the WFDs and other schedule things) and also have a stack of recipes in queue to make, and the cookbook from Jason Fun, so I’m making myself ignore it for now. But reading the recipes is lovely!! 🤣😜

    @northgeorgia I love that your “up” weight, after eating, is only 211. You’re doing well. And, truly, no need to cross your fingers: your inner determination and resolve HAVE this!

    @caoimhe Your morning walk and coffee in the sun sounds divine. Our temps are still quite frigid, but in a month or so, we’ll have the same sort of mornings!

    Pocket List Day 9 🍋

    And, compliments of David: “It always seems impossible until it’s done” ~ Nelson Mandela

    Day 9, OMAD, uk

    I am still struggling with my injuries and feeling quite up-and-down… But determined to do an OMAD today and hopefully for the rest of the week!

    Fasting completely is just not appealing to me at the moment…

    Trying to look on the bright side, I have been really good with my ZBC policy

    ZBC for me is now quite an ingrained habit… So I’m trying to focus on the positives

    Good luck to everyone fasting today

    Day 9 UK NFD

    Small victory – first alcohol free day yesterday in a week or so ✅

    Great to read about so many great results – very inspiring
    Braced myself and stepped on the scales , not too bad a couple of pounds up , so sticking to my original March target , I’ll just have to work extra hard 💪

    Happy 🐫day all

    Day 9- FD 800

    Yesterday Accountability

    – [x] Cardio
    – [x] 16:8 CD

    Weekly weigh in at 139.4 so I’ve not lost weight this week but not gaining is a win in my book. Having trouble with mind set, ate perfectly within CD but had bread carbs and it made me feel guilty. I want to eat all foods – moderately – in maintaining my healthy weight so I need to get over this. It was a good roll and I made a delicious pizza topping and nothing was remotely problematic (I even had a large lunch salad and soup so my day was overall healthy eating) but my ‘need to lose weight’ mind focus needs to calm down! Silly me.

    Today is my regularly scheduled Wednesday FD and due to calendar commitments I won’t be having my regularly scheduled FD next Monday, and have not yet decided is just skipping it, or it rescheduling next week’s FD is the better course. I should decide soon, I seem to do much better with a plan.

    Pocket List Day 9 🍋

    USA. Day 9. FD

    I know I haven’t been able to post in a few days but I have been reading. I congratulate everyone’s successes this week so far and I love to read about the different recipes from everyone! I don’t do ZBC anymore because I started to eat three small meals, plus two snacks. My son thinks I eat one meal that takes all day to eat! LOL. Probably it comes close to that but I discovered that doing this stabilizes my sugar level, which keeps me from getting hungry. It seems to be working.

    For anyone who is struggling or up a few ounces or pounds, I know by following this lifestyle will get you right back on track.

    Adding myself to pocket list:

    Pocket List Day 9 🍋

    Have a great day!

    Day 9 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Doing pretty well. Got to Silver Sneakers this morning. Leftovers for supper.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 0 USA/PA-FD first post ever on this forum. I am brand new to fasting but excited to see if this WOL can jump start my success. I recently lost 30 lbs in 4 months due to a medical issue. I could only eat about 5 foods day in and out. I was 230 lbs and was considered extremely obese. Now after losing those 30lbs I’m just obese, so I am making progress. I have plateaued at 200.6 lbs and I have not moved the scale down in over 2 weeks with just a low carb diet. I know that doesn’t seem too long of a plateaued but when I don’t see the scale move in the right direction I get impatient and then want to jump ship. I am an “all or nothing” personality type so sometimes I’ll think “if this isn’t working (low carb) and I am killing myself in the process let me just give up and be fat. I know if I give up, I’ll put those 30lbs right back on. I’ve kept the weight off for 3 months now but don’t want to maintain, I want to keep losing. I am doing a 5:2 plan along with 16:8 to resolve to losing something. As long as that scale is moving in the right direction, I consider that a success for me. Bare w me I am brand new and I’m sure have lots of questions.

    Can someone tell me if I can see my journal entries? I see my profile entry but I do not know where to go to see my journal entry. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this question but TIA

    Welcome @sarahsbold. Yes, we can see your post. Welcome! I think take a deep breath, don’t worry about the weight plateau, and welcome to the 5:2 lifestyle! I would say just focus on those two fast days and double check the calories — be sure you get plenty of water and stay under or at the 500 (or 800, depending on the type of 5:2), limit. I think just continue on the low carb — not a bad habit at all! But on your NFDs, be sure to get your protein and healthy fats in!

    I was on a plateau for most of last year (two weeks is nothing!!), and FINALLY in the fall last year, I began creeping downward, losing 10 lbs., then plateauing AGAIN around the holidays, and since then lost about five more. I could possibly be losing faster, but life gets in the way. The way I look at it — it took me a good 25 years to move from a “healthy weight” to “extremely obese,” so why should I be upset that the weight loss stalls a bit or slows when I’ve only seriously committed to lose weight for two years? I certainly didn’t gain all the weight in two years, so I shouldn’t expect it to come off that fast. Thankfully, it won’t take 25 years! But I’m in for the long-haul, even if it takes five years or so! Since starting seriously trying to lose weight, I went from “extremely obese” to “obese” by losing about 10 lbs before discovering 5:2, and now, I’m just a few pounds away from moving from “obese” to “overweight,” having lost a total of 72 lbs (more or less, obviously we gain a little back after NFDs) in the past two years.

    So, welcome, don’t give up, and don’t despair! Commit to 5:2 for the long-haul. And yes, you can do 16:8 or water fasts, CD days, or 4:3’s and other variations, but always default to a basic 5:2 every week possible (I exclude a vacation, but not seasonal holidays, for example). You will see results 🙂

    Day 10, FD, Aus

    checking in.

    Just remember that our bodies like to maintain the status quo, it’s called homeostasis. Keep going, try on some clothes, see if they are becoming loose, get the tape measure out and take some measurements regularly. Put the scales away for a couple of weeks and make sure that you get out for a walk every day, walk a bit faster, walk up a hill.
    A quote that I see regularly on this forum is, if I give up now then I will be back where I was and when I was there I wanted to be where I am now.
    I have lost 10lb since 1st January which is hardly speedy and currently seem to be stuck. But then I remembered about homeostasis. I know that I just have to keep going and the 3 inches that I have lost may well increase before the scales budge again. I am trialling skipping an evening meal to reduce total carb intake. I prefer it and find in fat easier than 2 FD.

    Day 10 UK OMAD

    A successful OMAD yesterday, phew!

    I am going to try to be kind to myself and not expect too much whilst I am going through all of these shenanigans waiting for surgery etc

    So I’m just gonna try to do an OMAD Until the end of the week

    So that would be three OMADs in total and that would be a huge improvement on what I have been doing recently!

    @daffodil2010 – How exciting that you are feeling Leaner!

    @sarahsbold – Welcome !

    @brightonbelle – Well done on the booze front! So enjoyable and so difficult to give it up!

    @babs_b – I love that book too! It really is amazing… In fact a friend of mine came round for a weekday supper and I cooked a recipe from there and she was amazed That I had got the recipe from a “diet book!”

    @northgeorgia – 207! REALLY well done and ciOngrats!

    @high5 – OMAD

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