Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

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Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

This topic contains 5,051 replies, has 218 voices, and was last updated by  vendor 3 years ago.

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  • Good Morning!

    Yet another night with the cat sleeping thru till 4, which is fine as I’m typically up at 4:15. Much better than her getting us up at 2-3AM.

    I have a good idea for fast days. Promise yourself that the only thing you’re allowed to eat is chicken feet! I’d have no problem not eating! Of course, I’m a chicken snob and will only eat boneless, skinless chicken breast.

    Not sure what the scale would say if I hopped on it now. I have a feeling it wouldn’t show a loss, but I feel thinner, so I’m going with that. Why depress myself by knowing the truth? LOL!

    My husband’s brother is coming tonight to stay for a couple nights. They will go deer hunting tomorrow and Saturday. Have I mentioned that I hate this time of year? BIL does not sleep well and will be prowling around the house half the night. Because of that, I won’t sleep well and will be grouchy! He’ll be on his own Friday evening as we have my company Christmas party to attend. When he called to say he was coming, my husband told him that we had those plans, but he said he was coming anyway. Whatever.

    Not sure what I’ll eat today. I’m planning my protein shake when I open my window at noon or so. DH is having spaghetti & meatballs for dinner…maybe I’ll just have some meatballs without the pasta. Last night after my hair cut, I just had a piece of cheese and some pretzels with hummus. Not exactly a balanced diet, is it? I did have veggies yesterday as I had shrimp with broccoli at our local Chinese restaurant for lunch.

    Well, it’s nearly time to get ready for boot camp. Wonder what the torture of the day will be? 😉

    Hope you all are starting to feel better. Hugs all around.

    Hello all. Well, hoped for a fast day today but then my lover made me a cheese omelet for breakfast. Oh well, maybe over the weekend. Loved the omelet.

    Makica, you have the best hairdressers in that part of the world. I found an absolute wizard in Sarajevo who made my hair look so good I’d stop and look at my reflection in every store window on the way home. I’ve never been able to find anyone in Minnesota like that.

    Milena, if you write that book (at our urging) and get Colin Firth to act in it you have to invite all of us to the premier.

    Glad everyone is getting better. Good luck to today’s fasters.


    Yaayyy!! FD over (or almost) and I stuck to it.
    Feeling very proud of myself..
    However, Lori, what I would do right now for some cheese and wine. I am also avoiding the scales but sticking to the EWM (Eating Window Method). 2-8 is my window and I have just closed it. I am also avoiding dairy and am feeling lighter and better.

    Makica.. I love having my hair done. Hairdressers here are not expensive (relatively speaking). You can have a blow dry for around $10 (about BP8) which means I can have the luxury of hardly ever having to do my own hair. Bliss! I have been with my hairdresser for 17 years or so.. he finishes in 15 minutes and I am off. I don’t have to explain or complain..MM.. Lebanese hairdressers are also renowned for how good they are. We are lucky.. good food and good hairdressers, oh.. and did I mention sunshine? 🙂

    I read somewhere that the 3 most difficult services to find in a new place are: a good dentist, gynaecologist and hairdresser. I fully agree!

    The series I am watching (The Killing – American version) is quickly deteriorating on the story line. They are grasping at straws. Don’t you find that when a series goes on and on, it simply becomes the Bold and the Beautiful? One wonderful series I would very strongly recommend to anyone who has not watched it is the Danish series “Borgen” (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1526318/) ; truly well written, executed and acted. Highly recommended. Otherwise, we simply have to wait for Milena’s.

    Have a good evening everyone.


    Hello, ladies!

    Today I am turning 53 so I guess I’m officially mid-fifties!! Don’t really want to but that’s how it is, haha.

    I’ve been hanging out on the Little Voices thread and it’s great but most people are losing three or so pounds a week while I’m thrilled to get one pound a month!! I do like how they start a monthly thread with numbers because it helps me stay accountable. Otherwise I’ll start fudging.

    Anyway, I’m going to follow the advice to read the first few pages for tips, etc. I’m interested in the window eating. I’ve been doing a bit of that if I understand it correctly, and I think if I combine that with fasting during the week (weekends are still my free times), I will make a little more impressive progress.

    In any event, I am actually happy with this WOL. I can sustain it and as long as I’m going in the right direction, I’m happy. In a year I should be in the healthy weight zone! And I’ve noticed I have a lag between what I do and putting on/taking off weight, so even though I went off the deep end for Thanksgiving Break (my son was home from college, it was my daughter’s birthday, etc), I have recovered with two fast days this week!!! I’m doing a third tomorrow and hope to start making progress again. In the past this would have been the beginning of another upward holiday trend.

    So if it’s okay I’ll hang out here in addition to Little Voices? I see several kindred souls. I’m a cat person, obviously, but not too crazy, haha. We do have an ongoing cat saga at the moment I can share later. I’m a writer with one novel, a few stories and lots of miscellaneous non-fiction. I’m very interested in the meditation practices…

    I was happy that I went on a “walk and talk” with my friend for my birthday rather than taking her up on her offer for lunch…..my family is going out tonight but I’m going to be mindful and pick a healthy place.

    Good luck and healing vibes to all! Elizabeth in NC

    Welcome Elizabeth! We are glad to see anyone who pops in here! We do tend to ramble about many different subjects, but that is part of the fun! 😉

    Will look forward to getting to know you and hearing your cat saga!

    Oh……..and a very Happy Birthday to you Elizabeth!

    Hi Elizabeth and welcome. Happy Birthday 😀 As Lori says we talk about a lot of stuff and it is great. I would personally go crazy reading only about what who ate and when. As someone here said the important thing is that here we have somebody to listen to us ranting about the hard times. I found a lot of wonderful funny, witty and caring people here. Such a treasure these days.

    MM and Salma I go to my hairdresser all the time because it is very cheap about 8 Euro. And I have a very unruly main that has turned untameable since the grays came. It is like I grow wire not hair and a lot of it. So my whole life I have tried to find something to tame it. Not complaining. But because my body sends all of it there I have the worst thin nails in the world. Tried everything. Doing the gel now.

    So I am keeping inside my window. I usually open it about 1pm and finish before 6 pm.

    Still not over the flue 100% so I am staying home and not going to work until Monday. My butt hurts from lying and sitting all the time. I have been listening to great audio books on meditation and the logic behind it. It is all falling into place like a puzzle slowly after some time now. I want to slap myself for starting and quitting so many times during the years. Meditation is good as it effect is the accumulation of practice. It does not work if you do it once a week for an hour or two but has a much better effect if you do it even just 10 minutes a day.

    Lori so good the cat is behaving and it would be a good way of curbing you appetite it seems if you would imagine you were eating chicken legs all the time. LOL

    Milena we are waiting for the first bit of your book, show, sitcom…. you know we are not giving up.

    Loving kindness to all

    Hi Makica

    let me get January out of the way – minor things like mortgage to earn – think the idea of the motor home for next year is out of the window, pity as I was thinking of touring Europe – all welcome if I can get Colin Firth (as if!) but if I manage Henry Cavill – no chance of sharing him!!!

    Have you tried jelly cubes for your nails?

    Elizabeth, most welcome – I am on little voices too! And a cat person – though all I have is my ghosts at the moment (bugger, scared her off already by showing her I actually am a crazy cat lady!!! heck, if she stays, then she is worthy of us!!! lol) and a writer too – I think you will do well here, though if they like my feeble efforts, a true wordsmtih will be ambrosia to their spirits!

    Its snowing outside, the trees are beautifully decked with virgin snow and we are watching Jurassic World – in our house Christmas is films, Christmas day is whatever son has in his stocking, boxing day is, this year, all of the Hobbits, LOTR and – probably Pirates of the Caribean, probably Bourne too! So we are lounging on the settee in our jimjams, and there is a box of Christmas chocs open!!!!

    Though by January, I’ll wish we did long walks, zero chocs and wine and one slice of turkey!!!


    Hi Salma

    doing so well!!

    I do a 70 mile round trip to my hairdresser – though he is a brilliant cutter and colourist – was a top guy at one of the expensive places in Glasgow, opened his own wee shop about 23 years ago, took my son for his first haircut at 6 months, promised to do son’s hair for nothing if he only went to him, son is 20 now, never paid once! I pay between 55 and 65 pounds, depends if I just have fringe cut, trim or proper cut, but included OH having wash and cut, every 5 weeks or so, and my hair is always lovely- not bragging, just acknowledging a good professional – when it is shorter the cut means exactly one minute with hairdryer and style is perfect – at moment it is halfway down my back, so 20 secs with hairdryer – apparently it is in wonderful condition mainly because I ignore it! About 3 years ago sis in law and a friend were diagosed with breast cancer in the same week, for some strange reason decided to grow my hair, my friend had long, very fine hair, could always have sent her mine! – had it cut a few times but it is halfway down my back at the moment, I suspect that the next time it is cut properly, it will be the last time I have long hair. Sad eh?

    Jurassic World is a great film, but – as my son pointed out – if they hadn’t made the gate to the tyranosaurus Rex/velocirapto cross thingy – the same height of the dinosaur, he may not have got out!!!!

    Milena Henry is taken. I took him but as a good sister you will get him to play the part. But that is that.

    Kidding, too much bulging muscle for my liking.

    I have no clue wha that jelly cubes are. So my answer wold be nope, didn’t try them.

    The snow and the settee sound lovely. I think the same movies are on TV all over the world now.

    January it is for you in many ways. So the fast starts on the 3rd and we can see the manuscript on the…??? Give us something to look forward to.

    Good night ladies.

    Have a wonderful evening and dream sweet dreams.

    Love m

    Good morning everyone from sunny Melbourne.
    Welcome Elizabeth! Happy Birthday!
    You are officially mid-fifties and very good to have you here.
    Luckily there is no end to the mid-fifties… so I was told when I got scared I would be booted out next birthday.

    I had a lovely fast day yesterday and it will be a social day today, so we will see how ‘normally’ I will manage to eat!

    Cheers to all the hairdresser talk! I’ve got a gorgeous one who manages to tame my thick thick hair. It took me ages to find her!

    Cheers to you all for a lovely day.

    PS woke up in the night to the sound of Miso the cat throwing up. Luckily she did it on the kitchen lino. She doesn’t have long hair, but still manages a hairball every so often. Sigh. So that was the start to my day. It can only get better right?

    Oh Cinque, nothing like the sound of a cat yaking early in the morning… Ugh!
    Luckily, my cat almost never gets sick, so I don’t have to deal with it often. Yes, your day can only get better.

    I’m happy with the girl who does my hair too. Especially since she hands me a glass of wine when I walk in!

    Dinner is over and I’m under my warm, fuzzy blanket where I’ll be until bed time. Exciting, right? 😉

    See you tomorrow!

    Hi everyone,

    Happy to report the chicken feet soup was a hit ( thank you Makica & Cinque for your support ?). Darn thing is after using it to make chicken noodle soup for family, there wasn’t too much left! I have to have 12 ounces 3 times/ day for a week! So guess what I’m doing right now.? Making more soup of course!

    Sadly I have no great hairdresser stories- mine is good but not great and because she’s become such a good friend over the years , I just can’t think of moving on! Luckily I have thick hair and she does do a decent job of coloring- the cut is just ok.

    Welcome to another U.S. girl, Elizabeth! Nice, helpful bunch of gals here.

    I’m sure you’ve all seen the act of terrorism that took place just about an hour north of me in San Bernardino, California. Just horrible! A man & wife on a killing rampage,- 14 dead, many more injured and after being killed by police, leaving their 6 month old baby now without parents! Unbelievable! I’m so sad at the world my kids are inheriting . Please keep the families impacted in your prayers!

    Off to finish soup!

    excuse me Makica – we could be heading for a fall out – only one thing can decide this and sister’s should never ever fall out – the elder sister gets him!!!!

    Right then, who is the elder – I think I am being very fair as I do not know the answer to this.


    Does this mean I get Kili all to myself now? 🙂

    But he’s Irish!!!!! My bottom lip is trembling ……..

    How about – me Henry, you Aidan – then we swop!

    Only pleased Viggo hasn’t been mentioned – I’m keeping him hidden!!!!

    Everyone, of course we are only thinking of these men as mentors and inspiration to lose weight – of course we are!

    Hi Sherry

    just watched TV News, – utterly pointless -what a world we live in, I despair.

    Hi Lori

    a squirt of evening primrose oil down your cats throat or put onto food might help hairballs (if you feed cats tinned tuna, get olive oil, same reason), if that is the reason for the chucking up, added bonus is it gives a lovely shine to the coat – and every couple of days, wet your hands throughly and stroke the cat, pulling at the hairs VERY gently – wet your hands a few times if the cat lets you continue, you’ll get tons of hairs off, then finish with a chamois leather. Your cat will be breathtakingly gorgeous!

    If its not cat hair, then look at the positive, cats plumbing works to chuck iffy things out of the mouth most of the time rather than the other end, and I always think putting your bare feet in chuck up in the middle of the night, even if you think you have stood on a wet rat, is far far better than the alternative. Of course, if its just food, and the cat has just eaten to quickly, always decide to sort it later, and it will all just be eaten again, isn’t that wonderful?

    Maybe I should written that in another order – then the last impression would have been of a gorgeous cat????

    Nah – they are gross creatures!!

    Ok now I know everything about hairball and cats fur. I am a specialist now. This is fascinating stuff because my daughter has first cat.

    I started with this so my sis Milena does not chop my head of. Do not care too much about going around without a head. So I am born on January 24th of the great year of 1960. Milena please tell me I don’t have to keep him. Told you I don’t like bulging muscle. I like more of a Jamie Dornan kind of a girl.

    Sherry keep on knocking and being healthier. Leave the non believers being meat snobs. They will come around. Maybe in a newt life but they will. Trust me. I am the karma expert on chicken legs around here.

    Lori stick to your wine giving hairdresser. Mine only offers rakija which is a shnaps/bransy kind of evil spirit. It makes your hair fall out.

    Still under the weather. Even questioning my Saturday morning with my BF, a tradition that goes back to the dinosaurs. She just came back from Paris with her HO.

    I am being a good girl keeping inside my window but not fasting. Next week I will do it. Window fasting. haha I have to write a book about it.

    Milena I hope we solved our little cat fight????? Did we, did we???

    😀 kisses and hugs

    I am fine with Benedict to. My life long wish was always to become a Cunberbitch. Don’t know how I would live with out it. 😉

    Hiya all and welcome Elizabeth. The mid-fifties is a warm and comfortable place to be, and as Cinque says, no one is ever kicked out 🙂

    Sherry, I cringe every time I hear something horrible like that. I just do not understand how the brains of these people function. Human beings can be so awful.. the world is so full of both beauty and ugliness, kindness and hate. Allowing them to distort it for all of us means allowing them to win. Another incident in Cairo as well yesterday. Simply awful.

    Lori, how kind of your hairdresser to supply wine.. mine is my go-to reference for everything from the best fish to buy/eat (he is crazy about fishing) to what car to buy to an analysis of the political situation. He is a real estate agent in his spare time and a fountain of all kinds of advice 🙂 However, I have not managed as good a deal as Milena .. I always have to pay, albeit not the earth as in the UK, for his the blow dry/cut/colour. Another thing I like is that he has a manicurist working for him, so I can always get a manicure or nail polish touch up often without an appointment. As I have psoriasis in 3 of my nails, I need to keep them covered at all times as they can get unsightly. The result is that I look like I spend my life in nail salons.

    All the talk about cats is making me miss mine. I had two adorable cats but had to give them up as I am asthmatic and turns out I was very allergic to cat hair. I still love cats though, but I find that looking after pets is too much of a responsibility. After having raised two kids, I am rather enjoying the freedom of not looking after anyone but myself. Having said that, my parents have just moved back here and..well.. that is going to be an interesting journey. They don’t live with me, but close by. This will mark a new phase in my life, I guess, and I do hope they don’t drive me to distraction (&/or binging) and they can be quite trying. I love them to bits but they can be hard work. Ah well.. silver lining and all that.

    In the meantime, I am just enjoying being a total lay-about and doing nothing. I have not experienced this for a long time.. and it feels wonderful. I am sure that I would get sick of it if it continued, but for now.. great! My sons are visiting for Christmas, so there will be a lot of activity from mid Dec onwards, and of course, the new job in January; but now.. I REST.

    Love to y’all.


    Makica.. I am also 1960.. Oh, the joys of 55! Bang in the middle of mid fifties 🙂

    Good Morning!

    Makica…we were born a mere 20 days apart! My birthday is Feb. 13, 1960. We’ll soon be…gulp….56! How did that happen? 😉

    Well, had a fairly good night here. BIL was up prowling around at 2AM and came downstairs, but let his room light on, which made light in our room. Sigh…I was able to sleep anyway, off and on. I came down at 4:15 and he was sitting here in my recliner. Now he’s upstairs, not sure what he’s doing. He was in a terrible motorcycle accident nearly 2 years ago and his left lower leg was pretty much shattered. He has a couple of rods in it and has a lot of discomfort. He is also a rather tortured soul from his experiences years ago during the Viet Nam War. Night terrors and all that. It’s really a shame.

    Anyway, I’m off for boot camp and the “boys” will go hunting. Then it’s to work for me and then the company Christmas party tonight. It is a low key affair with good food and drink, but it wraps up early. We’ll probably be home by 9.

    I’m going to try to stick to my window today. Yesterday I had to open it a bit early as I was starving! I opened it with coconut oil in a cup of tea about 11 and then had lunch around 1. I’m not holding out too much hope for today as I’m feeling hungry already and it’s not even 5AM.

    Well good grief….now husband has gotten up already! He’s usually still in bed when I leave for boot camp. The whole household is in an uproar!

    Hoping work is a bit busier today so the day goes quickly. Auditors will only be there for a few hours this morning. One of them talked to me for about 10 minutes yesterday and that was it. Once I tell them that I’ve been there for over 30 years, they sort of leave me alone. LOL!


    My dear Salma the best vintage is 1960.

    And just to add my parents moved back in 2003 from Australia. It has been a challenge. But they did move in with us. We have a huge place and they did have a big part for themselves but it was a challenge to adapt to a new situation. Mine were quit trying. As they lived alone more of their life without me, on their own so coming into a family with 4 kids, dogs, housekeeper… my mother has passed but my dad is still a bit of a challenge.

    I hope all goes smooth and good for you.

    I am like you. Love my solitude. My hubby is going to a Christmas cocktail to the capital in about 2 hours. Can’t wait to be alone for a little while.

    And Lori I am appalled at all atrocities all over the world. Sometimes I don’t comment as I have gone cold turkey on all news, specially bad after my first cancer operation. It is a kind of coping mechanism so please don’t think that I don’t empathize. On the contrary. May all the souls of the children, women and men that died yesterday and every day by another human being, intent on harming them, rest in peace.

    I think the main pollution we should be fighting at this moment in history is hatred.

    So lets spread love and understanding and forgive and star all over again.


    Hi Makica..
    Interesting that you went through the same transition.. I may lean in for some advice.
    My parents lived for 30 years in Montreal and loved it there. They are not terribly thrilled about coming back, but all their children are in the region and they have maintained a flat here. I renovated the place for them in the last couple of months or so and put in new bedrooms, furniture, etc (you can imagine what fun THAT was coupled with my own move). So, now they have a nice place to move into. They are not really used to being here, a place of chaos and noise (did I also mention, I put in double glazing for all the windows in the flat). My dad loves his gardening and had a lovely garden, but now there is no garden. On the positive, my mom is extremely sociable (dad definitely not) and here she has family and friends galore. She also has the spirit of an artist and loves music and art, so she will have a lot to look forward to here. On the negative side, she seems to be forgetting a lot of things and I am worried. So, the first order of business will be to get her to see a specialist here to see if it is only the stress of the move or something more serious. I will get round to all that when I am able to be up and about next week.

    It just seems like it never stops. First its kids, then it is parents, then it’s one’s own failing health. Better make the most of being a lay-about while I can, eh? 🙂 I so agree about world news Makica.. it seems to bring nothing but horror and darkness.. We can’t DO anything about it.. it just poisons our days and thoughts. Sometimes I do not watch the news for several days as I feel I can’t take anymore of it.

    Lori, I know too well how disruptive it is to have a difficult person stay with you. It really throws your routine out of the window. However, I have found (or am trying to find the place in me that says that) that when I cannot change a situation, the best thing is to try to change how I am looking at it and to focus on the positive (my parents as a case in point). e.g. maybe your husband likes and enjoys his brother, maybe you can feel virtuous about putting up with him, maybe you can get him to tell you fascinating stories from his chequered past. I hope I am not being too simplistic, but if you can’t change his being there, getting upset about it will only add to the frustration. I KNOW.. I had to put up with my obnoxious sister in law for years. I hope all goes well for you with the auditors and you have a lovely Xmas do at work.

    Spreading positivity all around (I can afford to as I am not doing much else) 🙂


    Dear Salma what can I say. Your mother sounds just like my late mother. Her dementia started pretty early when she was 73-74. It was a slow slide down the path to another person I didn’t understand at first. The kindest women who shared everything with everybody, generous completely turned into a “it’s all about me” person. So the first thing you need to do si take her to the doctor. Medicine has gone far since a decade ago when my mother was at the early stages. And one more thing for you to know is a move at that age is a stress as big as loosing somebody dear. They take it very hard. If you are their only support system as I was (only child) then you are in for a ride you need to be ready for.

    Living 30 years apart means you are totally different people to begin with. And in their mind you are still a child that needs to obey. No matter how liberal and non strict parents they were. You are frozen in their minds, and they in yours at a certain stage in life. Not easy to unfreeze. I had a few sessions with a psychiatrist dealing in old age to understand the dynamic with my parents.

    My father was a big famous soccer coach, international known. A living legend. Still is. The worst for him as a classical alpha mail was that he was not in charge of everything. I could write essays on him and our struggle to clear up who makes the decisions in this home.

    They too came from a nice quiet place on this planet to a crazy, loud and no too tidy Serbia. I had a huge challenge to readapt the last time I came back from the US after just one academic year. So arm yourself with tons of patience and understanding for what they are getting through.

    And you are right. It never ends. We are somehow appointed to be the caretakers and caregivers. Not easy. Here for you when ever you need somebody to listen and you to vent.

    To be on topic of this forum and thread I am so hungry. My window opens in 20 min. Not even sure what I am going to eat.

    Love m

    Thanks Makica.. your insight is much appreciated.
    My window opens in 40 minutes and I am STARVING!

    Oh what I would give for an open window in 20 or 40 minutes! I’m staring at 4 hours! I’m may be “cheating” with some coconut oil again this morning.

    Yes, I try to go with the flow when BIL is here. He is the husband’s only sibling and it is important for them to be together. I do my best to make everything smooth sailing when he is here. He really tries not to be intrusive(that wasn’t always the case), but just his nocturnal habits really throw things into a whirl. They stayed out of my way this morning for the most part and I made it to boot camp in plenty of time.

    Now sitting in my office with a cup of coffee and waiting for the paperwork of the day to hit my inbox. Whatever the outside crews did yesterday is what I have to deal with today. I work for an electric utility, did I ever mention that? Anyway….

    I, too, know the problems of aging parents. My Mother went down the dementia road and my MIL had lung cancer and lived with us until the end. Funny when your parents pass away, it pushes you right up to the front of the line, know what I mean? :-O

    Have healing and peaceful days, my friends.

    Thanks Lori. Such beautiful wishes.. healing and peaceful days. So to the point.

    Coconut oil is really cheating. So you opened your window then and you know it. LOL it is so funny how we tel tales to ourselves. We all do it. Very guilty as charged myself. But unfortunately the truth is the truth. So my dear partner in crime. Own it and move on. You can do it. I know you can. It’s the stress, all the accumulated stress of life.

    So right back at you dear Lori – healing and peaceful days with tons of compassion for your self.

    Love m

    Makica…thanks for keeping me on the straight and narrow and making me own up to my cheating! I’m so, so weak. ((Hugs))

    I don’t know Lori.. I think coconut oil can be discounted. It is not really FOOD 🙂
    You are so right about the being ‘next in line’.. more of a reason to live the best lives we can right now, eh?

    Take care girls.

    Salma is this one of Milena’s rules? Coconut oil not counting as food??? Now if you said that about hot chocolate as it is liquid…. I could agree. But we should analyse this more… Window up, window down… 😉

    Oh my…….I have opened a can of worms, haven’t I? 😉 Thanks to Makica’s scolding, my window stayed closed until my planned time of Noon today. I thank you, Makica, for bolstering my resolve!

    I went to have my protein shake as planned, but discovered that I had brought my unsweetened almond milk, but forgot the protein powder! Sigh…..I drank the milk and will have a Greek yogurt a bit later.

    Sun is shining and I’m going to pop out for a few minutes on my lunch break. Just to get out of the office and into the sunshine for a few minutes.


    I didn’t mean to scold you Lori. No way. But we here in this part of the world have a bad habit of calling things by their real name. So sorry if I made anybody feel bad. 🙁

    I was only kidding! No bad feelings here!

    I need emoticons happy happy happy 😀 😀 😀

    Good morning everyone,

    Lori I feel for you with the disruption of your nights, but I also feel for your BIL who must be living such a hard life with pain and trauma he can’t escape. I am glad you can give him an easy time when he is with you.

    Sherry I also can barely bear to watch the news with the horrors our world is experiencing. And to think of that little baby left behind !
    My consolation is in things like these threads where people care and support, and understand and respect, and look after themselves and each other.

    Hello you 1960ers! I was a whole three years old when you were born! Makes me feel so old! 😉

    I am having a nice gentle slow day (fingers crossed it remains that way!). Fast Day tomorrow!

    Hi Cinque

    me too!!! 59 on the 22nd of this Month – looks like its up to me and you to keep these babies in hand!!

    Makica, more I know about you, more I like you, baby sister!!!

    Audrey, love to your mum, coming over sometime in the New Year, we need her to get well before I descend upon you both – we need her on top form!!! Plenty of time, so take it steady Audrey’s mum!!!

    I think I should revamp THE RULES!!!! I have coconut oil most mornings, do the teeth pulling thing with it – and my hair sometimes – and I use it as a moisturiser – wouldn’t like to swallow it though! But coconut oil is supposedly so good for us it deserves a special dispensation.

    (Hiding from Makica now!!!!!!!!)

    I love coconut oil for a lot of things. even takin my makeup of. When my youngest daughter was in Malaysia she would use it to treat yeast infections. But I’m just saying big sis that when you put it coffee it gives it added calories 117 to be exact and then you say it is nothing? Not food? OK if you say so. I am going to be the good little sister.

    And Lori my hat down for all the true loving kindness you are giving your husband. What true devotion.

    I am not as a nice person as you are. Hate when my daily routine is disrupted by anybody. Sigh must be old age hahahah but no really. We work and then come home and do some more work and then somebody comes into our lies and we somehow think we are obliges to do some more work for them too. Sheez I just want to sit down into my spaceship armchair that just arrived and chill out.

    As most of you I have a bad back from all the sitting at work and the sports I did as an teen and adolescent. So I decided that change is what I need apart from Pilates and Yoga I needed to strengthen my spine and relax it in the right way outside the gym. So I bought a Spinals chair http://www.spinalis.be/SPINALIS/_images/Hacker_all.jpg for work (our of my own pocket) that looks very professional but is like sitting on a Pilates ball. It does wonders for your lower back muscles that are working out all the time. Then I got a Varydesk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKrVByT6pq8 so I can stand for at least half the time in the office. But then when I came home I had these wonderful soft armchairs that would almost hug and cuddle you which is a nono for the back. So then I found ReVive Natuzzi armchairs https://www.google.rs/search?q=revive+natuzzi&client=safari&channel=mac_bm&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiHpZ78n8TJAhWB7xQKHebjDgwQsAQIJQ&biw=1280&bih=739 that recline to the perfect 136 degrees and are considered zero gravity for the spine. We have to wait for them to be delivered from Italy for more than 3 months and that are here.

    All of this cost me a little fortune but this is the space I spend more than 15-16 hours a day. I really don’t have to have leather seats in my car where I seat my tush for a much shorter time than in my house or work. And the ReVive are not leather just the same price as they would be for the car. I read i a smart book on irrationality what you consider a good investment and that somehow you spend the least on your closest environment as in beds and what you sit in. Well I suppose there comes an age when it becomes important that pasts of you don’t hurt if you can help it.

    Totally ranting and off topic. I opened my window very early today as I got up early. I was hungry and had some acid reflux going on from the moment I opened my eyes. Need to see someone about it. Can’t seem to find a natural remedy.

    This is me signing of for the morning.

    See you all later.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


    Good Morning Friends!

    I stayed in bed until the hunters cleared out this morning. BIL was up at 11 or so and then I heard him again at 1:30AM. He will be going home today, so tonight should be a bit more peaceful for all of us.

    My company Christmas party was a nice affair, as usual. Good food and a few drinks. Today features a day out with some of my golfing girlfriends. We’re going to a small(10 vendor) craft show and then off for some other shopping. Not my favorite activity, but it’ll get me out of the house for a bit. The weather is supposed to be quite nice so it will be pleasant to be out and about.

    I’m not planning a window today as I have no idea where or when I would get to eat around my normal opening time of noon or 1. There was no mention of going out for lunch by my friends, so I can’t depend on that. I’ll just eat a bit of breakfast here around 9 before I go meet up with them at 10.

    I woke up with a bit of a headache this morning. Hmmm….could have been the raspberry vodka from last night? Just 2 drinks, but I’m not used to it.

    Makica…interesting about your new chairs. It is true, we hesitate to spend the money on the things we use most. Why is that? We must change our perspective. I have a standing desk at work and then a high stool to pull up when I do want to sit for a bit. It is not very comfortable, so it makes me stand more.

    Off for more coffee. Have a lovely day.

    Hi girls,

    Lori.. I am glad you had a nice time out yesterday and hope the shopping isn’t too gruesome. I hate shopping, specially when I NEED to get something. If I find something I like, I get it because I know when I need it, I won’t be able to find it. I only go shopping around twice a year and that’s it! On the gifts front, I stash away unwanted gifts to re-gift. I also get perfumes on special (you know, 50% off or 2 for 1 in dutyfrees) so as to have something ready to give when I need to. It always comes in handy. I hate going around the stores TRYING to find an appropriate gift.

    Mattresses! I spend a fortune on those. I am with you Makica all the way. We spend at least a third of our lives in bed (notwithstanding the tossing and turning half the night) so it stands to reason to get the best. It has made such a difference in my life. I WAIT to get into bed.. it is such a pleasure. I will check out the chairs you mentioned.. I am not sure they would be available here though.

    Today was not an FD, but I am being sensible. I did have some chocolate (only the good stuff, Milena) but that’s okay. My window closes in a couple of hours, so how much damage can I still do? Ok… don’t answer that.

    I do feel that I am lighter and that I am back into the fold as it were. I hope this lasts. I have not stepped back on the scales, but will do so around mid-Dec and will report. I imagine I will have lost some of the extra 4 kgs I have put on since my lowest weight.. seems a bit like an exercise in futility. I hope I don’t keep doing that.

    I am spending this weekend with the remaining boxes. My carpenter has not finished my bookcase yet so I still have mountains of books on the floor, but I am hoping that I will, at least, have put all the rest of the stuff away. Wish me luck!


    Dear girls I am officially out of the sick zone. Not 100% myself but usable. I just had a nap. I do not remember taking one it has been so long. No I feel like a goose on booze. I woke up not knowing what time of day it was and my head is all hungover. No napping for me in the future.

    Closed my window ages ago because i was so hungry this morning that I had breakfast. Now my regular window opens not in 19 hours as it would be advised but in 24 so I will count it as a total fast day if I get there that is.

    A on that note I will not mention the fine, sinful double chocolate cake with cherries I am supposed to be allowed when inside the window. Right Milena??? Salma help please.

    And my very good mattress is now a years older than it should be so it is the next to be replaced! I calculated that I spend much more money on therapy when I don’t buy these things than they cost. So space mattress it will be.

    Milena I see there are terrible storms over there. Are you OK?

    Good morning,
    It is Sunday Fast Day!

    Makica, so glad you are feeling so much better! Were you battling something too Milena? I hope you feel better, and safe from storms!
    Salma have fun unpacking, but don’t overdo it!
    Lori, good wishes for the best sleep tonight!

    I managed a pretty slow day yesterday, although I did manage to fill it up with some shopping, two big loads of clothes washed, dried and even ironed. Plus I made a big pot of lamb stew.
    But O I wish I could fit a couple more days in between today and tomorrow!
    It is hot here too, and so the garden needs more care, and so do I! I wilt.

    Anyway, I know I can make a lovely day of it, so don’t mind my whinging.

    The nice thing is that I got to the Asian grocery and bought miso and seaweed and tofu for my Fast Day soup. (Just looked up the brand and I think it is a good one. Phew).

    Off to make vegetarian dashi stock!

    Hi Cinque

    still coughing ad hiding under the duvet, weather is so awful not missing going anywhere, though I do feel tied to the laptop at the moment!

    Hi Salma

    is it me? I love shopping but rarely get the chance – well do spend half my life shopping for jewellery so not too bad, I suppose, we are deciding whether or not to go to Copenhagen in January, we have the tickets but it may not be a good business option to go, apparently – ha! OH is deciding, I’m packing!!!!

    Hi little sis Makica!

    FA (foodies anonymous – Salma started this site for us) dictates that, whilst indeed coconut oil is calorie laden, and fattening etc etc etc – once its down, not use feeling the guilt, it MUST be enjoyed! Personally, give me chocolate anytime – with you there Salma. Its not the transgression, its the feeling of guilt I have a problem with, I am perfectly happy to send hair shirts to anyone who wants to feel guilty, but it ain’t gonna change things!

    If I haven’t done it already, I think I will have a rule that GODIVA chocolates can be eaten anytime!!!

    Of course, the ferryman MUST be paid, so I am about to make up for eating chocolates yesterday and today (OH brought them out!!!!, together with the coconut cookies and the pain au chocolat – eek!!!!!!!) by doing THREE liquid fasts next week.

    So I hope you choc eaters and coconut imbibers – having had the HUGE benefits of your goodies – must now decide what you are going to do to make up for it!!!!

    I know Paretos law takes a bit of getting your head around but everything in life meets this law!!!

    You poor thing Milena. I hope you get better soon.
    Cinque.. fasting on a Sunday? .. and Tofu for dinner? Girl.. you are a glutton for punishment 🙂
    Not my cup of soup, I am afraid. For me, it is Godiva all the way.. I am with you on this new rule Milena.. sounds good to me.
    I faltered yesterday and had a bit of a binge.. ok.. confession over. A ‘normal’ day today – day off from the Window eating too – and FDs on Monday and Wed next week. We plough on..
    Down to 4 remaining boxes.. I should be done today if all goes well.

    Have a great Sunday one and all.

    Good luck with those last boxes Salma, won’t it be lovely when they are done!

    Milena that dreaded lurgy is taking its time! I so hope it is gone soon, it must be so wearing.

    I’m one who likes shopping – when I am in the mood!

    I do love Sunday Fasting! It is bliss to do it on a day when I have nothing else on. I can just cruise.
    Miso soup is the first thing I eat, usually about 1pm. Usually with chicken: and the chicken is my preference, but tofu was ok.
    I have now had my evening soup: much heartier, with pumpkin and lentils and tomato, and even a bit of kabanos.

    No chocolate for me, but luckily I can remember its wonderful taste!

    It is 9pm here so the day is pretty well done… but the cat hasn’t come in yet! She does love a warm night, so she might be wicked and stay out.
    I hope the young birds stay safe.

    Hi everybody, just back from getting my hair colored and cut so that would be it for my Sunday rituals. The nail girl is out of town.

    I can see that the rules are there to be broken and to hell with it! Godiva it is. Should’t have cut my hair for that matter.

    Anyway, Milena so happy you are safe, sorry for the cough. I think hot chocolate would make it better. I men you need to stay hydrated and hot chocolate is liquid as we all agreed. If you add some kind of healthy berries there is the vitamin C and so on ….. I would make a great doctor. 😉

    So Salma no overdoing anything after a surgical intervention! Leave those boxes. The theory of chaos has proven they will not go anywhere.

    I have come to a realization scientifically. You can not stay in your window and eat double trouble sinful chocolate cakes and lose weight! So from tomorrow no more of that. I will be of sick leave and have to behave accordingly. The kid in me is very sad but the adult is proud although the parent is suspicious of me being able to keep that resolve. To many of us in this mind of mine. Psychology sucks. I should meditate more!

    Still keeping the window closed. It will be opened in 2 hours after 24 hours of fasting!

    Love ya all t bits.

    Cinque you sound like your overdoing it too! Only Milena and I are responsible and are hiding under the duvet.


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