Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

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Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

This topic contains 5,051 replies, has 218 voices, and was last updated by  vendor 3 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Yes, I need some quiet time like you two sensible ones! Maybe soon?
    But tomorrow will be very busy.

    You’d better stick with your adult persona Makica, it is the wisest one. Chocolate is SOMETIMES food!!!!!!! And you aren’t allowed to melt it down and call it a drink! Not if you want your health, anyway!
    Open that window in two hours and eat beautiful vegetables!

    (This is the other big sister speaking!)


    Yes mam! Will do. Cabbage ok? And btw we all have the 3 in ourselves. Just depends how often you let the kid out and does the parent nag too much. 😀

    Good Morning friends!

    A blissful night with the cat not hopping down off the bed till nearly 5:30! I had gone to bed at 9, so plenty of uninterrupted sleep. Ahh…….

    I was quite a naughty girl yesterday with my eating. I threw a rock thru my window early and then proceeded to eat anything and everything right thru until 8PM. Sigh……. Today will be different and I mean to fast until at least Noon. I’m making a pot of beef noodle soup for dinner tonight. The husband loves it and puts a big spoonful of mashed potatoes in the bowl with his soup. Carbs anyone? The noodles I use are thin and chewy, it’s a hearty soup. I will have a bowl for dinner tonight, and must find some sort of veggie to go on the side. I may go to the market and make a lovely salad for lunch…..think I’m needing some veggies.

    I have a mountain of laundry staring me in the face. My husband’s brother shot a deer yesterday morning and now I have a pair of hunting pants to wash that are totally disgusting. They are currently soaking in a bucket of cold water and detergent. They certainly weren’t going into my washer first!

    Aha…washer is chiming, 1 load done!

    Have a wonderful Sunday….or whatever day it is where you are!

    Hi Lori, nothing better than a long snugly sleep! Good for you. I am here today as my last day of sick leave so don’t be surprised if I post all the time. I will miss this when I go back to real life tomorrow. Totally different bunch of mail is going to occupy my day.

    I am in two minds in going back to training next week. It might be too soon but then the festive seasons start and nothing will be seriously happening until mid January here. So I may postpone the whole Pilates and yoga till then. What do you think?

    Hi Makica. If I were you, I wouldn’t rush back into any strenuous exercise after you’ve been ill for so long. Maybe some gentle yoga if you feel up to it? Some light walking perhaps? What you don’t want to do is push yourself and have a relapse. Listen to your body and be gentle with yourself.

    Ok…remind me where it is you live again. I have a general idea, but not sure. Are you near Montenegro or Dubrovnik? We were there in 2014 on a Med cruise. Maybe I have you in the wrong part of the world? I post on several different forums and sometimes I get people mixed up! When you were here in school, where did you go? I just love getting to know people from everywhere!

    Look who’s talking boot camp lady!!! Love your determination for yourself and love and caring for us. I live in Serbia. Dubrovnik a city in Croatia and the tiny state of Montenegro used to be a part of former Yugoslavia. we were all in the same beautiful country.

    I live in a the second biggest town in the north Novi Sad. It used to be a part of Hungary until the end of First World War.

    Hello all. Cinque, I’m with you, fasting today. And jealous because my day is just starting while you are pretty much through.

    I need the fast day to make up for a bad weekend. Friday night I went with colleagues to my alma mater, St. Olaf College, for their annual Christmas concert. Almost 700 student musicians in six choirs and a huge orchestra. About a quarter of the student population. At St. Olaf, music is more important than sports. Pretty unusual here in the US. Anyway I was a music major there in what now seems like another lifetime and it was fun to revisit the past. But we stopped at a Greek restaurant on the way down–tsatsiki, hummus, fried calamari, spanakopita, saganaki, all washed down with copious amounts of retsina. Oh my! And last night, though I started off being good, I got into the seasonal chocolate covered marzipan log. So I may have to look for three fast days this week.

    Cinque, Milena I think I’m the biggest sister here, having turned 59 back in September. I’m still pretending to be in my middle 50s, but won’t be able to do that after the next birthday. Hope you won’t all kick me out.

    Milena, Makica, Salma sending good wishes your way for continued healing. So glad to hear you’re all doing better. And, welcome, Elizabeth. What’s the magic on the other page that lets them lose up to 3 lbs a week?????

    Hi Suzy, Sherry, Lori, and everyone else.


    Caution – explicit whining content in post below!!!!

    I ate so much during my window that I can’t breath! It’s like there will be no more food on the planet if I don’t eat all of this here and now!? W*????? I had to take some digestion medicine I felt so bad. I am so ashamed of myself. So not like me. So not from tomorrow but right now non of that. There has to be a sensible measure of thing and to things! We all love good food but to stuff oneself like this is unacceptable.

    The end

    MM so glad you had such a wonderful time at your alma mater. Greek food is yum said the woman who just ate for 5 men! Big men.

    Forgive but not forget.

    Love m

    I am eating too much today too. I threw a rock through my window again this morning and have been eating this and that all morning. Sigh…it’s a cold, dreary day and I’m eating out of boredom and trying to get warm.

    Tomorrow is another day. Let’s not beat ourselves up and just look ahead to better days.

    Oh dear my mid fifties sisters,
    Your window program doesn’t seem to be working very well for any of you at the moment.
    I hope you are feeling better. ?

    Makica I heard just a little bit of disparagement in your talk of cabbage, but surely you love vegetables! ???? including beautiful cabbage dishes! I just love shopping for the best ones, and making yummy recipes with them.

    MissM I hope you are having a lovely fast day. Your two feast days sound absolutely delicious, but I bet the fast day will be a lovely break. So glad you had an enjoyable reunion too!

    Lori good luck with cleaning those hunting trip clothes. Sounds ghastly! I hope you can find some warming, caring and not boring things to do.

    How do you manage eating in that window ( on good days! ). Do you fit in three meals?

    I’m sitting in bed with my iPad and a cup of tea, fitting in some chat before my busy day begins. Cheers to you all.

    During the week I have no problem sticking to my eating window. I go to boot camp and then to work and before I know it, it’s noon and I eat my small lunch. Then I usually have a Greek yogurt around 3 and then dinner before 6. Easy! When I’m at home, it’s much more difficult for some reason.

    I’ve just started my beef soup. It smells lovely already.


    Welcome, the end and later, or is it later and the end?

    Tomorrow is another day!!!

    I think I will rename my self ‘the week that was’ cos I have put on pounds, refusing to see how many and anyway we don’t record gains, so I won’t weight but I can feel them, so tomorrow back on the horse – if I can get the blood animal to stand still – my sisters have had horses for nearly 40 years, never learned to ride, well more like I can ride, but hate it – so I suppose I have enough knowledge to get on it and get it moving!!! So no excuses, going out on my birthday, so thats just two weeks to get myself sorted out!!!

    Chicken soup tomorrow!

    Starting tomorrow too

    Welcome Biba,
    best wishes for tomorrow. Is it your very first Fast Day?

    Go Milena, tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life. And isn’t chicken soup the best thing to have on a Fast Day!
    I bet it will be good for kicking that cough too.
    Maybe it isn’t getting on the horse, maybe it is getting off that skittish horse and having your two feet firmly on the ground!

    Your beef soup sounds perfect too Lori. Good luck with sorting out those home days!

    I’ve done two of my morning things, but hungry at 11am so I am having an early lunch! And then getting ready for dear daughter and granddaughter!

    Good Morning!

    Monday again! I’m almost relieved to be getting back to my routine. Makes me worry about how I’ll handle being retired this coming November? I’ll sure have to come up with a new routine that works instead of the eating with abandon that seems to happen on weekends now.

    I think I’ll have a busy day at work, so fasting until Noon or 1 should not be a problem. I need to give it 4 good days as Thursday evening, I’m driving 2.5 hours to my sister’s for the weekend. Weekends with her always lead to eating and drinking more than usual, but we have such fun that it is totally worth the extra calories. 😉 She does the eating window too, so at least I’ll be able to stick to that part of the plan.

    My beef noodle soup was SO good for dinner last night. Noodles are not the best thing for me, but once in a while, you just have to do it, you know? It is the husband’s favorite, so it makes me feel good to make something that he really loves. It is a food from his childhood that his Mom always made, so that makes it special.

    Well, it will be time to leave for boot camp soon. I had kind of a restless night, so I think I’ll be ready for bed early tonight. My cat stayed in bed until I got up….I think it’s been at least 4 nights in a row that she’s been a good girl!

    Ok…a bit more coffee and then off I go. Have a lovely day everyone!

    Good morning everyone. Hi Biba and welcome.

    Back to work. Not 100% well but getting there.
    Cinque I only have one real meal during my window and a snack or some fruit. So I don’t cramp the 3 whole meals into 5 hours. It is suiting me very well, well except yesterday when I overate at that one meal.

    See you all later have a great fast day.

    Milena keep your horses still. 😉

    Love m

    Boy you guys are busy in this thread! Whenever I’m busy for a couple of days and can’t get on, I get so behind that it’s almost impossible to catch up/comment on everything!

    Makica, glad you’re feeling better if not 100%. Take it as easy as you can getting back into the work groove.

    Milena, so sorry you’re down and out now! Tis the season after all for all the nasty bugs to hit unfortunately! Btw, re: the kitty saga – you will not believe this but the blooming vet left an IV tube in the female’s arm which we discovered when we cut the bandages off that were also btw, cutting off her circulation! When we were carefully pulling them off, out comes the tube & blood splurted everywhere! Called vet & they were freaking out that they did that – betting they’re thinking we’re going to sue. Going in today w/bloody bandages/tube & denand they refund us her surgery fees!

    Lori, glad the bro-in-law has finally left you with some peace to get back in your routine-

    Cinque, I think you & I would have a great time cooking together?! We seem to both love to make soups & other healthy foods! Someday I’m going to go Down Under! We met a lovely couple from Melbourne when we were in Italy many years ago and still keep in touch at Christmas time, vowing we will visit each other still some day!

    MM, thank you for the shout out! I think of you often and wonder if (despite the crazy Greek dinner ?) you’re getting any closer to your goal of hitting the “two’s”? Do you have a lot of snow there in MN now? My kids would die to live somewhere where it snowed- of course everyone wants what they don’t have and they don’t know about having to shovel it, etc.!

    Salma, glad you’re getting some relaxation in, and how nice your sons are coming for Christmas! How old are they again? Where do they live? Any serious girlfriends?

    Well, I am on day 5 of my 7 day cleanse today- almost to the finish line. I’m down to 125 even- lowest I’ve been in a few years! Would be lovely if I can break into the 124’s or dare I say it, the 123’s by the time I’ve finished this cleanse.

    Ok off to shower & get to my chiropractor appointment! Have a blessed day ladies!


    Good morning everyone ?????
    It is a warm still morning after a warm night. I slept well though.

    So lovely you could get here for a good catch up Sherry. It is interesting the way it is so disappointing if the thread is too slow, and so overwhelming if it is going quickly.

    Congratulations on being nearly at the end of your cleansing days! I hope you do say farewell to 125, just after you have said hello!
    I would love to cook with you! It would be such fun talking food and making it. I want Lori’s beef noodle soup recipe too!
    Definitely come out to Australia!?, and how I wish I could come over and visit you.
    A round the world trip to visit everyone!

    Makica, best wishes for your first day back at work. I hope it is a gentle one. So glad your ‘window’ eating suits you so well.

    Pats to Lori’s cat for being so good. Gentle pats to Sherry’s cat for its trauma! My cat Miso hasn’t been seen since yesterday morning. It has been hectic here, and then her favourite warm nights… But it is not like her to not be in for food, so I am a bit worried. I’ll go looking for her soon.

    My daughter and granddaughter are here. My little flat is full. Little miss 16 month old is such fun. ( no wonder Miso disappeared).

    Best wishes to you all today, especially if you are Fasting. It is lull day for me.

    Sherry.. WELL DONE!!!

    I am so happy when someone else reaches their target or mini-target.. it gives ME hope! I am excited for you and hope you reach the magical 123 before Christmas. What a wonderful present that would be. By the way, what is your cleansing regimen? I don’t remember. Your poor cat, though.. how irresponsible of the vet.. you should put the fear of God into him and his people.. and definitely get a refund. Yikes!

    To answer your question I have two boys: 29 and 27 years old (almost). They both live in the States. One is a professor (and I still can’t take him seriously) and the younger is finishing his Masters this year; he went back to school after a few years of work. They are good kids and great fun although completely different people. One is dark and serious the other is blond and a clown. Go figure! Both have serious girlfriends but I think I have to wait a bit before I am graced with grandchildren.. but you never know. I am jealous of Cinque enjoying her 16 month old granddaughter.. it sounds like fun.. you can always hand them over to the parents when it all gets too much.. a lot easier than BEING the parent I would think. I think you would readily agree Sherry 🙂 What are your thoughts Cinque from sunny Melbourne? I bet you are totally tired at the end of a day with your granddaughter.

    As for me.. I am slowly on the mend.. now I am developing a cold though.. I think I caught it from either Makica or Milena 🙂 I also finished unpacking all boxes. I still have some tidying up to do, but no more cartons in the flat .. yaaaayyy!!

    On the food front.. I did so well today, until about 3 hours ago.. I caved. According to Milena’s rules, I have to confess a great meal. I am not one for hamburgers, but we have a Burgers & Co place here and I was invited for dinner.. so the whole caboogle.. burger, fries, beer finished off with chocolate ice cream. I am trying to feel guilty, but am not feeling it. It is probably the sugar rush.. I thoroughly enjoyed it (their ice cream is to die for, but I only had half a portion). So, to atone for my sins, I will do double penance and will fast tomorrow AND Wednesday. I will attempt Thursday as I am invited to dinner on Friday. I am not too impressed with my efforts of late, I have to say.

    Lori, I am so glad you are back to your routine and you are looking forward to some time with your sister. I wouldn’t worry too much about retirement.. it is SO nice not to have to get up early to go to work.. I have dreams of retiring early.. if only!

    Milena and Makica.. I hope your colds are better.. I know Makica is back at work and am hoping you are taking it slow and Milena’s cold sounds bad.. Zinc is great to stave off colds at the first sign of them.. it is a great immunity booster and helps you recover more quickly. Research, apparently, has proved its efficacy.. much better than vitamin C and it seems to work for me.

    Take care everyone and stay well.

    Good Morning!

    I worked hard yesterday getting all my report finished and now here I sit! Why do I do that to myself? When I have a project, I work like a demon until it’s finished. I need to learn to pace myself.

    Another boot camp session this morning. Man, I’m beat! I’m taking tomorrow off and am looking forward to it. I’ll go back on Thursday morning and then in the afternoon I’m heading for my sister’s. YAY!

    Sherry…congratulations on the new low weight! WOW! I think each of my legs weighs 123 lbs! Great work!

    Salma…congrats on getting everything unpacked! Great feeling, right? Your dinner out sounds awesome. No guilt and move on.

    Makica..hope your first day back to work went well. Don’t push yourself too hard now.

    Kept to my eating window yesterday and I’ll be doing it again today. My stomach was growling a few minutes ago, but I shut it up with some hot coffee. 😉 I have some errands to run at lunch time and I’m already looking forward to going home. I really am ready to be retired, I just hope my bank account is ready too!

    Hugs to all!

    Sherry, I am soooooooooo jealous! If I’d kept up with you I’d be a goal by now. Actually, I haven’t been on the scale for two months. But I have lost weight. I can tell by my stomach being flatter when I lie on my back (unfortunately I don’t have the muscle tone to keep it that way when I stand up) and by how a few of my skirts fit. But I’d imagine I’ve only lost a few pounds. Still, slow and steady, right? What is the cleanse you are on? I’m thinking after the holidays I might do something like that to kick my progress up a bit.

    Lori and others, though I never intended to join you on the eating window it seems I have. I keep having aborted fast days where I skip breakfast and either have a late snack lunch or no lunch at all, but fall off the 500 limit at dinner. So I’m doing the window thing, right? And, oddly enough, it may be working. Guess I have to get my courage up and get on that old scale to find out.

    So glad some of you are feeling better. There’s a lot of sickness going around here and I’m just crossing my fingers that I stay healthy till the term is over. One more week to go.

    Good luck to everyone who is fasting today. I’ll be celebrating my lover’s birthday. Since he’s a Russian scholar, it’s pelmeni and vodka tonight.

    Salma, are you the Salma YK my facebook is suggesting? If so, you’re a lovely woman and I’ll send off a friend request.

    Hugs to all,

    Good morning everyone!

    The scale happily surprised me with a big loss this morning! I’m down to 123.6!!!!? As for the dancing bunny ladies, that was all I could find to describe the happy dance I’m doing ?! Today is day 6 of the cleanse- one more day after this & I’m done! Have to admit I’m a little scared to go back to normal eating ( even though my norm is pretty healthy), because you know how that goes after you’ve lost a fair amount on these types of things…it usually slowly creeps back up . We will see! If anyone is interested in potentially doing the cleanse after the holidays like MM, I’ll post it. My wellness counselor gave it to me so not sure if it’s out there on the Internet- probably is.

    Salma, how funny that your two boys are so different, huh? So does each take after either you or your ex with the dark vs blonde hair and tempraments? What does the professor one teach and what is the other getting his masters in? Yes, kids at my age are definitely a challenge- people ask me how I do it ( at 52 with 4) and I honestly don’t know sometimes! You just keep moving forward! The hardest thing I think is that at our ages, there’s so much more upkeep and maintenance that needs to be done ( at least for me!) in terms of eating right, pilates, chiropractor, etc. and it’s hard to find that time/balance when you have others to care for. The funny things is, at our kids’ school, for he most part, I’m smack dab in the middle in terms of age between the other kids’ moms and their grandmas! The bright side is at least I can relate in some way to either generation when we’re on field trips, etc.!

    Lori , you’re too funny! I’m sure your legs are nowhere near 123 lbs. each- if anything there’s got to be a bunch of muscle there from all those boot camp workouts! REALLY wish I could do them ?- darn back!

    MM, bravo! I’m sure you’ve lost weight if you’re tummy feels flatter & you’re into skirts you couldn’t fit in before! Yes, however fast it goes, it’s just good it’s going in the right direction. If we can even just maintain during this crazy holiday eating season, that would be a blessing in and of itself! Happiest of birthday wishes to your boyfriend! ?
    How interesting that he’s from Russia! I think I mentioned that we adopted my son from there? Ask your boyfriend if he’s familiar with the Tver region of Russia- I think it was 1-2 hrs. east of Moscow. That’s where our lodging was located when we were there but we had to travel for 2 hrs. down bumpy country roads to get to his orphanage in a town called Kashan.

    Hi to all he other ladies as well- squeezing in a pilates session before I help a friend shop for an outfit for a fancy Christmas party she’s attending ( I really don’t have the time, but a friend in need….).


    Wow–you guys are busy indeed!! I”m going to have to come back on later to catch up but for now I thought I better post to keep the mo ….. I’m still down only half a pound this month but I’m okay with it. We went out on the town for the first time in a lonnnggggg time this weekend. My husband and I went out to dinner and it was great but pretty rich. Then we went to a Christmas comedy with friends and afterward we all went to the chocolate lounge. Yes. I had a chocolate creme brulee and my husband had a cup of melted chocolate or whatever that is. It was salted caramel chocolate and it was fantastic!!!! Sunday I should have done better but ended up eating too much around the house. That’s my only regret–the rest was worth it!

    Anyway, I had a good fast yesterday and I’m doing pretty well today. I will fast again Thursday and I’m going to try my best to do well on the other days. Friday I take my daughter and friends to the Nutcracker and out to eat and then Saturday is our company party at our house…so I’m going to fast Sunday to make up for those!!!! I have a weigh in at the doctor Monday with the body composition and all, so I am motivated to contain the damage!!!!! Will be back soon, Elizabeth

    Good morning, it is a lovely sunny morning, with fresh cool air. Perfect!

    Miso the cat came in after everyone else had gone to bed. Ate heaps, went to sleep and started crying to be let out at 5am. I let her out at 6. I think she has worked out the little miss is here and wants no part of it!

    You can tell I live in a place of grams and kilograms, I had to look up 123lbs to see what it converted to. I’m hoping I might be nearly there too. I am also unable to exercise so I have no muscle adding healthy weight. I wish I did.

    I looked up Dr Amanda Sainsbury, I am pretty sure I have heard her interviewed about her research. She was good.

    I got interested in the whole issue of healthy eating early. I loved “Fat is a Feminist Issue” that I read back in the 80’s that talks about it. Then as a teacher, being interested to see how kids eat naturally.

    This all made me all the more horrified when I kept putting on weight in my forties. It seems with me that sugar sends messages to the brain that stop it from feeling the normal feelings. (A combination of things led to me eating more sugar and doing less activity). Even when I cut out sugar, and lost 20kg, I stayed about 10kg above the normal weight, and it is the Fast days that seem to be switching my brain signals back to normal.

    I’m just at the tweaking stage now! And what a pleasure that is!

    Miss Minn have a wonderful birthday celebration with your Russian Scholar Lover!

    Biba, how did your Fast go?

    Salma, I hope your virus went away before it took hold! (So glad Makica and Milena gave it to you and not me! 😉 )

    Makica did you survive being back at work?

    Sherry, so interesting to hear of your Russian trip! What a journey your son has had!

    Cheers to todays Fasters, windowers and bootcampers.
    Nothing for me but to prepare for tomorrows Fast. I want to make a big beautiful soup, so there is enough to freeze for next week too.

    Hi Elizabeth, I take so long to write a post, that yours came in during my composing. Cheers for your successes and good philosophy. Sympathy for the mistakes and frustrations. I’m joining your Thursday Fast! ?

    Elizabeth, what a fun, festive Christmas season you’re having! OMG the dessert you had sounds so delish!

    Cinque, so do we weigh about the same when you looked up pounds vs kilograms? Yes, the journey to adopt my son was so interesting- had to take two trips there actually-one to meet him and say we wanted to go through with the adoption and a second three weeks after we returned to go to court & finalize it and bring him home. Btw, MM Tver is 2 hrs west of Moscow not east ( confirmed with hubby).


    Hi Sherry,
    An amazing journey for you as well as your son!

    A few months ago I weighed 57 on my daughter’s dodgy scales, that may say a kilo less than I really am. So maybe I was 58 then. But I have got skinnier since then. So maybe I am around 56. That would be 123.5
    Can’t know for sure until I come across some scales that aren’t dodgy, and who knows when that will be?
    I know, I see my doctor on the 18th. I will ask her to weigh me.
    If I remember!

    Good Morning!

    My cat’s streak of being good and sleeping in is over. She never came up to bed with us, but came into our room at 3:30 and began scratching at a piece of furniture to wake me up. I was awake anyway, so just got up. Now here I sit at 4AM. And so it goes.

    I feel like a giant among all you tiny girls! Ah well…we are all different and wouldn’t it be boring if we all looked the same?

    I stretched my window a bit yesterday, but all is well. I really need to improve the quality of my diet in the new year. I have to take the time and effort to eat more veggies. I like them, but I just don’t take the time to prepare them. If someone sits them in front of me, I will gladly eat them. It’s just easier to grab a piece of cheese and some pretzels. I need more discipline!

    I have to drop my car off at the garage for inspection today, so the husband will pick me up and take me to work. I hate not having my “wheels”! Hopefully, I’ll be able to get someone from work to take me to pick it up around lunch time as I have some errands to run. Tonight I’ll finish packing for my long weekend at my sister’s. The weather is supposed to be unseasonably warm, so it’ll be nice for running around. I’m not sure what all we’ll do, we just have fun hanging out.

    Hope you all have a great day!

    Wow ladies you are something! All of you. The losers hahaha this is a compliment around here and the ones that stayed in their window and the beautiful Sherry that adopted her son. When was this Sherry? This is the thing that brings back my hope in humanity.

    I have survived coming back to work but my nerves have not. I have a young CEO that is facing his first mini, really mini crisis in his life at work. He is in state of panic and a bit stuck so he is very negative in all communication and a very intense person anyway. I love him to bits, know him long and I know how much he wants everybody to succeed but is being a pain in the ass these past few weeks. So I would rather be home sick that to deal with this a the moment.

    Fortunately I have a nice project with 2 of my daughters going on so I have some good news coming in from time to time. If it works out as planned I will be free of all of this corporate stuff in about a year.

    I am keeping inside my window but not taking care about what or how much I eat. Like Milena will do that after New Years. Too much going on now. Haven’t even gone back to Pilates and yoga. Feeling very lazy. Not like me at all. My training sessions were always the priority. But sometimes you have to be lazy just a bit. Right?

    MM have some Vodka for me too. 😉

    I bid you farewell as I have headphones in my ears with a soothing loving and healing mantra coming through.

    Love m

    Cinque! How funny we weigh the same! How tall are you? I’m a shorty- used to be 5 foot 2 but know I’ve shrunken with the years! So Lori, this is why the weight sounds so low to you! For shorty’s, this isn’t super light! I’m sure you’re much taller and should weigh more! I “should” weigh 110, but THAT is never going to happen !

    Lori I understand the quality of the diet issue- as much as I wanted to just eat whatever on my NFD’s, it just wasn’t working for me until I cleaned up my diet. At my age and weight, there just isn’t a lot of wiggle room.

    Makica, we adopted our son, Mikhail, in 2006 when he was about 9 1/2 months old.. When we got him he had a terrible cough/cold, a skin rash over various parts of his body, and didn’t crawl- and he came from a relatively nice orphanage. We were lucky in that he’s cute so the caretakers picked him up a lot- so there were no attachment issues. Babies there that weren’t as desirable or cried a lot weren’t handled as much and many times were given sleeping medications so they didn’t have to deal with them as much- so sad! We were lucky too that his birth mom wasn’t addicted to anything and had no disease she’d passed on to him, unlike was the case for other adoptive parents and their children we met on the trip. I’d like to say I’m some great humanitarian but I was just a woman wanting another child. My fertility doc suggested an egg donor at my age but I said if we didn’t get pregnant with my eggs ( which thank the Lord we did- twins! Take that doctors!), we would give a home to a child that needed one- the miracle was while we were working on the adoption, we found out our gestational surrogate was pregnant with the twins and 2 months later got the referral from Russia! People ask me all the time why we continued with the Russian adoption given that we knew the twins were on the way, and I tell them I think it was God’s plan for us and perhaps we were blessed with the twins because of our intention to adopt our son. I don’t know but within 3 months time we went from one child to four! It was a roller coaster ride!

    Ok, on to Christmas present wrapping – ugh! Have a good one girls!

    Oh and Makica, I meant to add that I’m wishing you all the luck in the world with regard to your potential
    venture with your daughters! You’re such a smart cookie, you deserve to work for yourself!?

    I had too many ACK!!! moments today. I’m ready to go home for a glass of wine! The moments were nothing to get upset about, but just little problems that needed sorted.

    Yes, I’m quite tall 5’8″ I would look like a broom stick at 120 lbs. LOL! I have 3 sisters and they are all short like our Mother was, right around 5 feet. I got all the height in the family. My Dad was around 5’11”

    Makica, I’m looking forward to being free of all this office stuff in about 10 months. After 31 years, I’m just tired of it all. I will want to find a part-time job doing something fun, just not sure what. I’d love to work in a cute little boutique selling lovely clothing & jewelry. A girl can dream, can’t she?

    Ok…just about time to head home for that glass of wine. Have a good evening lovelies!

    Hi all. Sherry and Cinque, you guys are motivating me to try harder to join the 123-124 club. I’m just under 5’3″ so that’s just within my “ideal” range (115-125), and while I’d love to get back to 118-120 where I was for most of my 30s and 40s, I’m trying to be realistic here. Heck, I’ll settle for 125. Do send that cleanse, Sherry. I’m serious about wanting to try it, either over our break or sometime in January.

    Sherry, what a lovely story about your son. I’m sure he must be as much of a blessing to you as you are to him. My lover is an American, just a Russian scholar. I’ll ask him about Tver. And not too much snow here yet. Missing it–it’s way too warm for a Minnesota winter.

    Hope you’re enjoying that glass of wine, Lori. I’m on the wagon the next few days to make up for last night’s celebration. Was really surprise not to wake up with a headache this morning.

    Makica, though I’ve been standing at work, my treadmill desk is starting to sniff and ask what it did wrong to make me so neglectful these last few weeks. I explain about the stress of the end of the semester, but know it’s right and time for us to renew our acquaintance.


    Good morning,
    It is grey and cool here. Miso the cat came in last night, slept on my bed, and didn’t make a peep until I got up in the morning. Such a well behaved cat, you had better send yours here for lessons Lori!
    On the other hand, the young people in the flat next door partied out the front til about 2:30. I think they are too young to think of people sleeping just behind the window next to them. Sigh. I bet everyone else (we are a block of 8 small apartments) will be thinking what we can say to them, constructively!

    Sherry, your story just gets more amazing! Going in search of one new little family member, and ending up with three! Omg the baby and toddler years must have been frenetic! What a wonderful housefull though!

    I love the name Mikhail!

    I’m 5’4″, or I used to be 😉 I’m interested to see what my healthy weight will be. I figure I have a couple more kilos to lose. It is going slower, but I am so ‘in the normal range’ now that I don’t get frustrated (much). The only time I have gone backward is after that feast with my sisters, and I won’t do that again. (She says!)

    Makica congratulations on your back to work day. I hope you can rest and then go back in with enough vigor to get the CEO in line. I do hope the project you are hatching with your daughters works out.

    Just get back to your exercising gradually after being so knocked around by that virus. Build yourself up first!

    Fast day here! All set!

    Wrote that post with interruptions like getting fruit and cooking toast for little Josie’s breakfast, changing her nappy and getting her dressed. So no surprise that I missed incoming posts!

    Hi Lori! Hi Miss M!
    Lori I do so hope you can get a job you love when you finish up there!
    How lovely and tall you are.
    It is wonderful all the different shapes we come in! Tall, short, narrow shoulders or broad, a whole variety of breast shapes, bums and proportions! It means we can have so much fun choosing styles and fabrics and designs that suit us!
    MissM good luck with the continuing end of semester stress!
    Over here it is all combined with summer holidays, so every school and work place and organisation are having end of year concerts and parties at the same time as everyone is trying to organise holidays and do christmas shopping and decorating and cooking. On top of that the weather can be hot and exhausting, so what you get is everyone busy, stressed and irritable.
    I hide from it as much as I can!

    Having my coffee early today so I can have the pleasure of drinking it with my daughter (we love our coffee). I’m just about to go and make it.

    I might have another one this afternoon 😉

    Best wishes all!

    PS (Just one more post! and I will go and tidy up!) 😉
    I was thinking about you saying you found veggies so time consuming to make Lori.
    I have been collecting a set of recipes as I like to shop, cook up all the veggies so they don’t go off in the fridge, and then eat them over the week. So I have been looking for recipes that are delicious, and keep well, and freeze well.

    I think the quickest and easiest is to do a big tray roast. Chop them up to chunks that will cook in half an hour, put in a bowl while the tray is heating up in the oven. Include potatoes, carrot, pumpkin (squash), carrots, sweet potato, onion, garlic in skin, eggplant, mushroom, pieces of sweet corn… so many possibilities! Drizzle a little oil and soy sauce, and maybe sprinkle herbs, give them a good mix. Tip them on the tray (sizzle sizzle) and then 1/2 an hour in the oven! They cope with freezing, and are easily heated up in the microwave.

    I’d be glad to hear of other ideas!

    Hi girls, tall and not too tall, we are all just the right height! Well except me. I have the kilos just not the height for them 😉 So because I am not going to grow in the foreseeable future I will have to get rid of some of the kilos put on by some hard core eating no-no food as my grandson would call it. I mean it was not easy eating all those scrumptious and nyumptious dishes and desserts! Yeah right! Didn’t enjoy it at all 😉

    Sherry my absolute respect. I raised 2 children that I didn’t given birth to, raised them as my own, but your situation, your story is really great. That little kid was truly lucky to get you guys as parents.

    Thanks for your wishes for the success of our little venture – my girls and mine. We need them. A lot of positive energy.

    Lori I understand you completely. I am fed up with the office stuff too and I work in a great environment, at least it used to be just a month ago. Haven’t got a clue what happened. Like I live in a parallel universe. Or a play is being shown around me and I, and my team are the only audience.

    MM haven’t been standing for some time now. Since I cam back from sick leave. We do need to get moving don’t we?!

    Cinque in my next life I promise I will love vegetables!

    Be well and happy,

    Good Morning!

    Final day of boot camp done for the week. Only 3 sessions this week, but it’s all good. Just 6 or so hours to work and then I’m off for my sister’s. I really need to decompress. I’m not usually someone who has a lot of stress, but for the past couple weeks, I just feel overwhelmed by the simplest things. A few days of sister bonding time will be just the tonic I need.

    Cinque…thank you for the veggie suggestions. I have been meaning to learn to roast them, but I just never seem to take the time. What a poor excuse! I guess I’m just basically a lazy person. When I get home from work, I just want dinner over with as quickly as possible as my evening is short since I go to bed by 9. When you get up at 4:15, you have to be in bed early!

    I’ll open my window with a nice salad(veggies!) at about Noon today. I’ll probably have a Greek yogurt before I leave work around 3. Once I get to my sister’s all bets are off. I KNOW there will be a cold beer waiting for me! 😉

    Have a good day!

    Hi everyone,

    Well, my pilates got cancelled today- got a text from the instructor at 9am saying he was ill & couldnt make our 10 am appointment- right! Kind of late notice. I bet he double booked! Anyhow, took a walk instead so all is good I guess.

    Yes Cinque, I agree on the big sheet of roasted veggies! I’ll make two big ones with onions, bell peppers, zucchini, and potatoes, a little olive oil, salt & pepper. Also super yummy is to cut up a cauliflower in small chunks & toss it with olive oil, salt and grated FRESH nutmeg & roast at 450 degrees (Fahrenheit), tossing every 15 minutes or so until nicely browned and a bit crunchy I know the nutmeg sounds strange, but trust me! My kids cannot get enough of this and that’s saying something! And then you can also never go wrong with a big pot of mixed veggie soup to which you can add any protein, noodles, potatoes, etc.

    Thank you Makica for your kind words! Are the two non-biological children you raised part of the 4 you mentioned you had? That’s so wonderful! Interestingly, in Hawaii, I’ve learned from my employees that there’s a concept called ” hanai” where families adopt/ take care of (either formally or non formally ) needy children and even entire families! For instance the woman I have managing my office there told me when her grandfather died and she and her little brother were at the funeral, her brother grabbed on to the leg of a friend of her grandfather’s who looked a lot like him, and kept calling him “Grandpa”. When the family tried to pull him off and correct him telling him that this was not grandpa , the man said, “No, from now on I am his grandpa; your who,e family is my “hanai”! And so he was ( and a great one at that!) till the day he died!

    Lori, if you’re like me the name of that stress is ” the holidays”! I have a love/hate relationship with them because there’s just too much to do! You know that pile of presents I was going to wrap yesterday? I wrapped ONE ?! Ok, it was a BIG one though! Ok, now I’m feeling guilty- guess I’d better get off of here and get wrapping.

    On the pleasant side, the three younger kids have their Christmas program tonight where they’ll be singing carols and my son will be playing “Joy to the World” on his ukelele. Is there anything better at Christmas time than the sweet voices of little children singing carols?


    Hello ladies,

    Sherry.. What a wonderful story. It really lifted my spirits. Full respect to you and your husband.
    All you svelte ladies are within earshot of ideal weights, while I am still using sign language 🙂
    You keep me hopeful.

    I love being part of this group.. Sending everyone positive vibes.. And no.. I am not drunk (yet) 🙂


    Lori, I understand exactly what you say about the time and energy it takes to cook a good meal. You may have noticed me talking about my food project? The idea is that everyone should be able to access delicious, nutritious meals they can afford. I want little cafes that are even more ubiquitous than MacDonalds, making it easy for people who are ill, disabled, busy, stressed or just bad cooks. We haven’t even got our first one open yet, but we are on the way.
    Then we can roast your veggies for you! 🙂

    You must be at your sister’s now, so have fun!

    I was showing off my granddaughter to my neighbour and noticed she had some digital scales, so I got on them and I was 57:8kg. Not as svelte as I thought I was? Or more proof that weighing scales are stupid things? Best avoided?
    She thinks her scales add about a kg, and my daughter thinks her scales lose a kg, so all in all I am probably about 57. That’s it, no more scales talk from me for a while!

    Sherry I am sure it will be a most gorgeous concert! And I am keen to try that cauliflower!

    Salma, your svelteness will come! And won’t you enjoy it! Thanks for the vibes. I love this group too!
    (I’m not quite svelte yet, but almost normal feels bl^^dy fantastic).

    Hello everyone,

    Slow around here lately! Busy here decorating the tree with the kids, getting the three girls haircuts, and then leaving soon to get pics with Santa. We do the whole family on or around Santa’s lap ??! After that we are off to take a family photo for our Christmas card in front of a heavily decorated/lit up house. Tomorrow will probably be more present wrapping and maybe getting a jump on making dough for various Christmas cookies in advance and freezing it since we will be going on our trip to the snowy mountains soon and I won’t have much time when we return.

    Since ending the cleanse a couple of days ago, my weight initially went up a pound but then back in the 123’s today so I’m hoping it sticks!

    Sign language! You are so funny Salma! I’m so happy to know you too! Hopefully some day you will join me in Hawaii?! We would have fun!

    Cinque, your cafe idea sounds wonderful! How far off are you from opening one? Will you do most of the cooking or have a cook using your recipes ? What will the menu be? How fun!

    Well, hi to everyone else who is missing! Have a wonderful weekend!


    Too true Sherry.. everyone has gone AWOL.. why the silence ladies?
    The time of holidays is the time we need each other most.. all those temptations and hiccups.
    One of my sons arrives tomorrow and the second one the day after.. I am really excited to see them and give them a huge hug and see them squirm 🙂

    My Sunday is beginning with a cup of milky coffee (I allow myself this on a Sunday). Last week and a bit of next week was filled with meetings for the new job. They are having executive board meetings and it was expected that I attend although I do not start before January. There goes my idea of two carefree months. I fully intend to be ‘on holiday’ for the last two weeks of December, but we’ll see.

    Stay well.. have fun and keep on losing.


    p.s. Sherry.. you’re on for Hawaii .. the thought of getting into a swimsuit is enough to give me incentive to stay on track 🙂

    Good morning friends!

    Where do I sign up for the Hawaii retreat? 😉 l love Hawaii!

    Sorry for my silence, I’ve had a fun weekend with my sister. Spent money on some clothes, some make-up etc. Nothing that I needed, but it was fun. Ate a bit more than I should have, but not too far off the rails. I’ll be heading home around noon today.

    I’m getting my mind in the right place for a good eating restart after the holidays. I love the eating window method, but must be more careful about what I eat within the window. Sugar has got to go, and veggies have got to be increased dramatically.

    Okay, typing on my phone is tedious. I’ll be in touch later today or tomorrow.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Cinque you idea sounds great. Please sell the franchise to Europe too! I would be a regular. And a lot of my friends.

    Salam it is slow. And to be honest these ladies are doing such a good job at losing all those kilos that I am a bit shamed to say the I am all over the place. I have a very good excuse but that is no the point. As you said we should be her to give and receive support and understanding.

    Sherry and Lori you rock!

    Love ya all,


    Good morning everyone. It is a sunny day in Melbourne today, and a hot day to follow. A hot week in fact.

    Sherry, it sounds like Christmas time is fun time at your place! I hope it was lovely haircuts all round! My daughter and I had one too, the other day.

    Lori, so glad you had a lovely and frivolous time with your sister!

    Salma, so delighted your sons will be home. I bet they love that hug, even if they squirm!

    Makica, you seem to be doing really well under difficult circumstances. I hope you get a good run soon!

    Thanks for the lovely feedback re my YamDaisy Cafe. Yes we would love to open a Cafe near you! One day. The good thing about the model is that it can respond to the tastes of the local community.
    Our hardest trick is to keep the food affordable, while being delicious and healthy, and easy for the chef to make. Luckily lots of seasonal vegetables, and only small amounts of meat, make this possible. http://www.yamdaisy.com/food/ Oh dear Makica, you may turn up your nose!

    It is my bad health that is holding us back, but we have made a start with a lovely local chef, and food at our local Neighbourhood House (Small Community Centre). We will build from there!

    My daughter and granddaughter went home yesterday. I miss them already, but I was SO tired. I made my way through yesterdays fast day. I slept long last night, and now I need to slowly get the house in order and make some lists for shopping, Christmas and a hundred other things.

    Good evening girls! Took a walk this morning and then spent a good chunk of the day Christmas shopping. I had a few odds & ends/stocking stuffers to still get and (whoops!) had forgotten about a gift for one of the newer great- nephews! So strange seeing my nieces and nephews that I babysat not too long ago now having babes of their own! So, as usual, my plans for the day (of making cookie dough) went by the wayside.

    Salma, I’m laughing at the visual of your grown sons wiggling out of mom’s bear hug! Like Cinque says, I’m sure that they actually love it! Salma, what does your new job entail?

    Yes, we can have the group reunion in Hawaii, Lori! Glad you and your sister had a blast! Have you two always gotten along well or more so as you’ve gotten older?

    Makica, hoping life/ weight loss gets more steady for you soon! Will you be taking any vacation time during the holidays?

    Cinque, the YamDaisy Cafe sounds so yummy- I checked out the menu, and I’d be a regular if I had one by me! Are most of the ingredients organic too? I wish you much success and hope your health issues ease up so that you can get it going.

    Ok, time to put kids to bed. Next week is a crazy busy one for us!


    Dear Sherry, no I will be working through it. We only have a day off for Christmas and 2 for New Years so I will be celebrating on the job. After that we have a day off for Orthodox Christmas and so it looks like, stop and go for 2 weeks.

    Thanks for the which of finding my ready pace. I think I will.

    Cinque I will not turn up my nose promises. I will just be a little picky and choosy. 😀

    My middle daughter is coming on Friday. So happy. The youngest and I are picking her up at the airport and gong for a nice dinner somewhere really good, maybe even fancy. For my girls. If the oldest one can join that would be great but she has 2 toddlers, maybe my son in law could watch the kids.

    Anyway, of to work.

    Fasting today with chicken soup.

    Love ya all

    For MM by request ( you better love me for this- it’s lengthy!):
    4-7 day Cleanse

    Upon rising drink 16oz tea made with fresh ginger & tumeric roots if you can find them
    and juiced lemon/limes and water

    Breakfast: 12 oz homemade bone broth with 1 cup greens boiled in it for 1 minute- I used spinach, 2 poached eggs ( leave yolks uncooked)

    Mid- morning: 8-10oz green juice ( preferably homemade)- no sugar/fruit juice in it

    Lunch: 12oz bone broth, 3oz wild fish or organic chicken/ turkey or grass fed beef, 1 cup lightly steamed cruciferous veggies ( I used either broccoli & cauliflower or cabbage)

    Mid afternoon: green juice

    Dinner: 12oz bone broth, 3oz fish, chicken/turkey/ beef ( see above), 1c steamed cruciferous veggies, 1/2 cup organic berries

    Only use organic ingredients for all of above!

    You can use 1/2 tsp coconut oil to eggs or greens
    Can use fresh herbs, lemon/ lime liberally; also sea salt/pepper & other natural seasonings
    May have 8-12oz fresh, raw organic coconut water daily after exercise
    Don’t eat out during cleanse

    Tea recipe:
    10 c filtered wAter
    6″ fresh tumeric root (best) or 3 tsp tumeric powder
    6″ fresh ginger (best) or 3 tsp ginger powder
    7 limes or lemons juiced & added after tea cools

    Blend 4 c water plus roots or powder u til pureed & pour into large pot with remaining water. Simmer herbs in waster for 8-10 min then strain. Tumeric stains so be careful as to what you store it in- glass is best

    Get a good recioe for bone broth from Internet – I added carrots, celery , onions, garlic, thyme twigs, parsley (after cooked)

    Green juice: cucumber, celery, kale, parsley are essential ( I added lime juice & fresh coconut water, mint leaves & stevia which helped make it palatable!). To make it even more healthy add: daikon, green leaf lettuce, cilantro, ginger & tumeric. Blend all

    Best of luck!

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