Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

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Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

This topic contains 5,051 replies, has 218 voices, and was last updated by  vendor 3 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,151 through 2,200 (of 5,077 total)

  • Good Morning!

    Salma…I loved your “gem of wisdom” for the day! You are certainly correct. With all the horrific things that happen in the world, our struggles with some extra pounds seem quite trivial.

    I took the day off boot camp but am still up at 4:15AM! I seem to have lost the ability to sleep in. When we’re on holiday, we’ll be in a different time zone and will probably be wide awake by 2AM. There’s a 3 hour time difference between here and there. Which also means I’ll be ready for bed by 6PM! On the flip side, when we come home after 2 weeks, it’ll be hard to get up in the morning!

    I’ll be having a low calorie day today. Not exactly a fast, but low for me. I have an appointment after work for a hair cut & color and a pedicure, so no dinner for me. The salon always gives me a glass of wine, so that will be my dinner! πŸ˜‰

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!

    Oh my gosh! I just experienced the deleting of all the stuff I just wrote that some of you had happen recently! It happened when I scrolled over to the prior page to read someone’s comments, I came back to my little comment box and all had vanished! Geez! They really need to fix this problem!

    On the way home today it registered 101F degrees in my car! We are under cloudy humid skies. Our kids’ school kept them in at lunch and recess today to the “extreme heat index”. It is MISERABLE! We are not sending kids to soccer practice this evening either due to the heat.

    I stupidly didn’t drink water (because I hadn’t visited the loo yet prior to weighing in) and took a walk at 7:30 to try and avoid the heat. It didn’t work- already cooking out! Got home and felt sick so drank a ton of water after weigh in. How stupid is that? Just so that I can weigh in at the optimum “lightness”! Any of you crazy with your weigh-ins like me? ;).

    Well, my weight is finally inching downward. Fluctuated between 130.8 and 131 this morning. Of course some of that could be dehydration!!! This was after two NFDs in a row. I ate somewhere between low calorie and normal (still not counting my cal’s yet). I’m finding that being I have only about 10 lbs to lose (could really stand to lose 15-20 but am happy with 10), I have to be especially careful on those NFDs! Tomorrow I fast so I’m hoping I will be more solidly under 131 after that!

    So Salma, from your comment I’m thinking you are from Lebanon then and experienced the civil war or have family over there? If so, how frightening! I can’t read back to your comments because then this website might lose my comments again, but hoping the holiday weigh is coming off for you!

    Lori, enjoy your wine “dinner”! I had my pedi today too!

    Hi to all the other girls out there (Milena and MM, where are you?). It’s kind of quite on here today! Hope you’re all doing well, fasting or not!


    Quiet not quite! That’s what happens when you don’t proofread and hit send!

    Good morning everyone (or afternoon, or evening..),

    Hi Sherry, yes, I am from Lebanon and did experience the civil war and I did and do have family here, but I was luckier than most in that I left for a part of it and went to the UK. One of my uncles was shot dead leaving behind 5 small children and one infant. No.. civil war is a gruesome and ugly affair. Not recommended!

    On a lighter note (although, I am not sure ‘lighter’ is the right adjective), I had what was supposed to be an FD yesterday, but it deteriorated towards the evening as I was meeting a cousin, and she ordered food. I tried to stick to soup, but was tempted by the nuts. Contrary to my usual, I also had a 200 cal or so lunch because I had a business lunch, so all in all, my FD went, if not quite out of the window, under the door. It was still a low cal day (probably around 1000 cals) which means I have to sneak in another low cal day this week to balance things out. Not happy!!

    As for weight, it is being VERY stubborn. I am now at 85 kgs (having left for the vacation at 82.5 Kgs). It is not letting go all that easily. I also have a couple of trips coming up, so this will e a challenge. I am aiming to be at pre-vacation weight by the end of September, and hope I will make it. This leaves 3 months to try to geet some more weight off. My target is 78 Kgs by the end of the year (it used to be 72 Kgs..Ah, well!!)

    Hope y’all are having a good day.


    Hello all,

    Thanks for the welcome. I finished my first FD yesterday. It wasn’t so bad. Maybe that’s because I was already doing 16:8. Who knows? Anyway the scale budged down 3 lbs. I know it’s not necessary fat, but I’ll take it! Going to do a second tomorrow though I can’t say I’m looking forward to it.

    I have noticed that some of you set targets for, say, Christmas. How do you pick your numbers? Is it a mathematical formula or something you think is possible from experience?

    Sunshine to everyone, Pam

    Hello all! Welcome, and well done, Pam! Do you have 2 black dogs? I do–two big standard poodles. Love them, though not this morning, as one of them peed on the carpet during the night.

    Salma, I’m in the same boat as you. Between Vienna and birthday celebrations I’m back up to 135 lbs, almost where I started. Sherry, it doesn’t look like I’ll make 129 by the end of summer (only 2 weeks away). But I’ll try to at least get the scale heading in that direction. Like you, I have only 10 lbs. to lose, and they just don’t want to come off. One more “birthday” dinner tonight, then some serious fasting. I’ll see if I can do 4:3 for the next two weeks in order to budge a few pounds, though I’ve found it difficult to find three days that work. Next fast day is tomorrow.

    Sherry, I hope your heat wave lightens up soon. Ours finally broke on Monday. I took that as a birthday present from the weather gods. We’re now having delightful sunny days in the 60s. Much more appropriate for Minnesota.

    Greetings to all and strength to today’s fasters.


    Hi MM. I do have two black dogs. Their names are Ladybird and Butterbean, lab-mix girls from the same litter and adopted from the SPCA in Wake Co. NC. I love them slavishly! There is almost no unhappiness that a cuddle with them won’t mitigate.

    Thanks for the encouragement. Pam

    I am well and truly in vacation mode! I went to boot camp this morning and it was so hard that I said “That’s it! I’m done for the next 2 weeks!” I was going to go tomorrow, but I’m just not “feeling” it. What’s one more day? πŸ˜‰

    As for diet……HA! Actually, I haven’t been doing “bad”, just not counting calories as closely as I will once I return from my trip.

    I wish all of you many successful fasting days while I’m away. I’m sure that you’ll be reporting losses while I’m piling pounds on! No matter……this trip has been planned for a year and I aim to enjoy every minute!

    I may pop in Saturday to say good-bye. We fly out early Sunday morning.

    Hi everyone!

    Hope you all are doing well! We are still sweltering with a chance of a slight break in the weather by this weekend and next week’s temps definitely heading down.

    Went to the naturopath MD this morning. Went through some lab results. Apparently all is pretty good with the following exceptions: I have basically no estrogen/progesterone on board (could have told her that…menopause hit 7 yrs ago!); high LDL cholesterol but ALSO high good HDL cholesterol which is supposed to be protective and can negate the bad LDL a bit?- I’m going to do that lipid density test (to see if it’s really a problem) before I get on any natural cholesterol reducing formulas since they can also have some negative impacts on your body like the pharmaceutical ones do. Also, apparently I’m really low on serotonin! Geez, didn’t need a blood test to tell me that one! So I’ve been prescribed 5HTP at bedtime, and L-theanine to improve sleep and increase serotonin. Oh, and also Inositol for that purpose.

    Also discussed the value of using bio-identical progesterone cream. I’m still on the fence. She said if you don’t use much it shouldn’t cause weight gain and a lot of times the weight gain happens in people who use it before they’re officially through menopause. I also read online that progesterone taken topically can accumulate in your fat cells since your body can’t easily get rid of it? So confusing!

    I also have a common genetic condition where my body doesn’t properly utilize (or methylate) B vitamins which can cause a whole host of issues from cardio to inability of your liver to detoxify, etc. so I have to take special methylated B’s.

    Today is a fast day and a crazy one at that! Came home just now to eat a quick, light lunch and then head to kids’ school for a teacher conference and to pick up at least 3 of the kids, then back again for the 4th when he finishes rehearsals, then back yet again for high school Back to School Night.I should just set up a tent at that flipping school!

    Salma, so sorry for your experiences/loss in Lebanon. So thankful you were able to get out and start a new life in the UK! I don’t know why weight is so stubborn at our ages?! It is just frustrating! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve marked off what my weight loss should be on a calendar going forward and I almost never make those goals even figuring just 3-4 lbs a month! We have to just keep concentrating on the fact that overall it’s going in the right direction and like many of you’ve said, at least you’re better off now than you would’ve been had you not been doing this!

    Great job Pam! 3 lbs is wonderful! Your babies sound beautiful! I love black labs.

    Lori, if we don’t hear from you, have a wonderful trip. Other than seeing Jayney, any particular things/sights you’ll be doing/seeing while in Seattle?

    Have a great day all!


    It is a glorious morning in Melbourne. Hello everyone.
    Congrats 2BD on your first fast day. Is it just like 16:8 except you have less in the 8?
    Hello to all the dogs! Especially the black ones!
    I am a cat lady (thanks to my daughter having a cat she couldn’t take with her when she moved interstate). She is black with gorgeous golden highlights, and her name is Miso.
    So much sympathy for people caught in civil war and conflict. How I wish it could stop!

    I hope everyone who is struggling to get the scales moving, has a really good run this month.
    Best wishes for a wonderful trip Lori!

    Thanks everyone for your great and interesting posts. I dont have anything particularly great or inspiring to say except I am persevering with the 2 days a week fasts. I have no idea my weight as I hate and get very depressed by numbers on the scale , so prefer to go by clothes. I have just done my 4th week of 5:2 and I put on a nightgown which, as my usual size of medium we TIGHT in the tummy 4 weeks ago…. and last night it was a teeny bit LOOSE. I still am not believing that I have actually lost weight. But I think it is true….. Its not huge change , some of my other clothes feel about the same, but because of what everyone else keeps saying… slow, steady, stick with it, ,,,,,, I will! I actually am liking the fast days! BUT as much as I vow to fast ( on eating days) until the 16:8 time period, I still find myself eating earlier! I just wonder if I could eliminate that earlier eating and just go till the 16 hour mark on eating days, and then also reign in the cals……BUT maybe I am thinking too much. Maybe just fasting 2 days and relaxing on eating days, not being so hard on self…..maybe that is the trick to make it a lifelong way of life.
    Well sorry I have been going on and on
    On another note. ….I have 4 cats, all were strays at some point. No I am not a crazy cat lady , I never meant to have 4! BUT they all found me recently…. and I am hoping and planning to get my own place ( to be free of a relationship that is not working for me at all) ….and 2 of the cats do not get along. One attacks the other. I am ready to get a cat behaviorist in the picture!
    SO maybe the stress of wanting a different life is not good for the weight….
    Well thanks for “listening” … Bye everyone! Opal

    Good morning all. The heat here in Maine has finally broken and there is a glorious drizzle. Love it. Today is my second FD. Sitting here drinking black tea (Oh, how nice a tiny cube of sugar would be!) and having read the world news and thinking of the significance of September 11, I am feeling very lucky indeed, lucky, as some of you have said, to have only the little worries of ordinary life.

    Cinque, for me, fast days are different from 16:8 in that I don’t eat until 7 PM and then, at 500 cals, the meal is smaller. I also do not have my customary glass of wine (or two!). I starting fasting hoping to improve my health by, among other things like losing weight, activating SIRT1, increasing BDNF, avoiding Insulin resistance, and lowering IGF-1 etc. I was already eating low-carb but that wasn’t creating much weight loss for me. Earlier this year, I added in fasting 16:8 and, while that is working, it is only at a rate of 1 pound or so a month. I have quite a lot to lose, and at that rate, I’d be in my 60’s before I am a “normal” weight! I’m so, so tired of being fat, wearing +sized clothing and having my knees hurt, so, I really hope this will work for me.

    I love cats, too. I only have one now. She came into our garden in NC, a poor, wild, little, starving black kitty. My husband trapped her and she has lived with us for 6 years. Her name is “Little Black Kitty” and she answers to “LBK” or simply “Little”. She is an absolute love and believes with all her heart that she is a dog. The dogs are clicker-trained and LBK comes running whenever she hears the clicker.

    Congrats on the loose nightgown Opal! If the relationship you are in is not good for you, do get out of it. Easy to say I know but you have to take care of you.

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day! I feel very lucky to have found you all.


    Hi Pam, welcome.. I only joined earlier this week too….

    Best of luck…

    Hi all,

    Up a tad today in weight after my fast day…go figure! I was down after my NFD yesterday! To be fair though I do think a lot of yesterday’s weight loss was dehydration. So, looking back at my weigh loss, I’m in the same spot I was about a month ago. Don’t know what to think about that but it is what it is!

    Ok, I have four cats too and am definitely not a crazy cat lady! My kids might be crazy cat kids though because every time someone we know has kittens, they want one! We have two adult males, a white one with a few black spots named “Patchy” and his brother, a grey one that looks like a Russian Blue except that he has a white patch on his chest and white feet named “Smokey” (as you can tell, we are very inventive with our names…it’s usually based on how they look!). We also have two kittens, an orange tiger striped male named Simba or Pumpkin (depending on which kid you ask) and his sister, Nahla that looks like a Maine Coon. We used to have a Shih Tzu who passed away from old age a few years back, but the hubby always claimed he was allergic. So, much to the chagrin of my children, we can’t get a dog.

    Opal, congrats on the looser fitting jammies! I truly think that once stress you’re experiencing now goes bye bye and you have your own place, the weight loss should get easier! Praying for you that it all goes smoothly!

    Good luck to newbie, Typhoon!

    Our hot weather is supposed to ease up next week. I can’t wait!


    Hi all. Fasting today. Actually I’m trying a different window, skipping lunch and having only a light dinner, then skipping breakfast and fasting till a late lunch tomorrow. Salma, Sherry those pounds are stubborn, aren’t they. Sherry, like you, I was really surprised that the scale actually went up after my last fast day. We’ll see what it does tomorrow. I just keep telling myself that, overall, I’m down a few pounds which is an improvement from having the scale keep inching up.

    Good luck Typhoon and Pam and congrats to Opal for the looser clothes. Hope those of us who weigh can get that scale moving again.


    Keep on trying everyone! I’ll be rejoining you all in a couple weeks!


    Have a wonderful time, Lori!


    Bye Lori, Have a wonderful time!

    Hello all the not-crazy cat ladies! (The more cats the better! I think, – or maybe The more pets, kids and other loves, the better!)

    I hope your new regime goes well Miss M!

    Cheers for your second day Pam. I also have chronic illness and even a diet where I cut out all sugar, including fruit, plateaued about 8 kg above my healthy weight. I am so glad to have found 5:2.
    I agree with what you say about bad relationships.
    I hope you find your own place soon Opal!

    I am one for looking at clothes rather than scales. I see scales less as a scientific contraption and more as an evil sarcastic demon with one aim in life, which is to do your head in! True!
    I am trying to make 5:2 an easy normal way of life and I am keeping clear of scales! But after saying all that I hope yours give a nicer result next time!

    I Fasted yesterday, nice day, but next week is so busy I might need to fit a Fast day in tomorrow. I will have a think.

    More soon but I wanted to say thank you my dear friends for your comments! This is such a wonderful group of amazing people! I wish you all the best and success, and will write more this weekend! Stay cool ladies! ?????

    Hello ladies. Just had a quick skim through all of your messages. Busy and interesting group you are! Sherryann, do be careful with the 5HTP; I was on it for a little while,actually for rotten old fibromyalgia, but I found I was really hungry all of the time and ate like a crazy woman who had not seen food before! I had to come off them and go back on prescribed meds because I put weight on hand over fist. I am still trying to lose that weight gain too!

    We too are doggy people, like some of you out there. Into German shepherds and now a chihuahua. It’s so funny to have a tiny dog after such large ones,but we love him to bits.

    Anyway,so I got back from my break yesterday, during which we were crazily house hunting. I am all housed out and keep getting confused as to which one was where. I liked a few of the ones we saw and am taking my daughter and her family back next weekend to show them the most suitable ones for our needs. Needless to say, being so all over the shop, I ate ridiculously. We also had a bit of a day off and thursday, being a lovely hot day, we all went to Poole in Dorset. We enjoyable ate and drank at the beach, had a very quick look at another new house and then all went for pizza. It’s no wonder I am fat, even without this annoying menopause nonesense! I just love food! So, I put on 4 more annoying lbs. Today I fasted. Actually, although I did get a little light headed and had a headache by the time i ate,not eating for about 18 hours felt good. This was my 3rd fasting day since starting, but as you see, I am not consistent, so I guess it’s like starting over. With two months to my cruise it looks like I am going to have to buy bigger dresses instead of smaller ones. If only I could hibernate until we go I might lose some weight! Just laying wide awake in bed right now. It’s about 4.30 am and I can’t sleep for sweating buckets. Since plunging into the menopause I have started to call myself the Dragon lady because they must be full of fire too..I even feel like my eyes are hot….am I going nuts? Methinks not, just exhaustion speaking. I’m going to stop boring you all now. Have a lovely day, where ever in the world you may be. Keep safe and enjoy your fasting. Just off for a cold bath!

    Hi Girls,

    Ate a little badly late yesterday. Can’t exactly say why? Tired (haven’t been sleeping well due the back and heat), which may explain throwing caution to the wind.

    Going to a family diabetes conference today to learn advanced ways to utilized my daughter’s new insulin pump. Hoping we get some good tips because so far, the thing has been a bit of a PITA sometimes. My eldest daughter was volunteered by her parents πŸ˜‰ to help babysit children of the parents attending. She stomped up and down about that, but we reminded her that her school requires 30 hours of volunteering per kid each year and she is never good at setting these things up for herself. Let her bring a friend who also needs the hours so now she’s relatively happy. Ugh! Teens!

    Afterwards, heading to the beach where my mom’s newish husband is having his family reunion with people coming from all over the States. They rent beach condos and hang out for a couple weeks and eat and drink…sounds fun! I will have to watch that I don’t overdo the food (the drink I could take or leave).

    Bea, I will do more investigating into the 5HTP and all the other stuff the Dr. prescribed before I go forth with it. I just haven’t had time this week yet to do so. Thanks for the heads up! Yes, the hot flashes are devilish. If you can get your neck and feet cool, I’ve found it makes all the difference. If I just kick off my shoes and put my hair up in a clip, I can avert most flashes. I have a friend with MS who swears by this towel that you “snap” so that it gets cold and she puts it around her neck. There are also pillows out there that have some sort of cooling material that helps with night sweats. Best of luck in the house hunt!

    MM, I’m going to try a different little eating experiment next week too to get the momentum going. I think part of the above bad eating episode was due to the frustration I’ve been feeling with regard to moving the needle downward on the scale. I can do anything well for quite a while as long as it’s working for me and based on staying the same for the last month, I need to do something different (especially with Hawaii looming next month). I’ll report back as to how it’s going!

    Opal, Cinque, Pam, Hope you are all doing well! Milena and Salma, where are you?…don’t you love that I’m always checking up on you? You two are the fearless leaders of our site, you can’t be MIA!

    Have a great weekend ladies! πŸ™‚


    Wow I guess we can all use Dr Solution to lose weight and never fast diet again heehee.
    That was some sales pitch!

    It is a lovely sunny morning full of birdcalls here
    I missed Dr Solution!

    Menopause moment: When I was having bad hot flushes I felt them snap on, mainly across my chest and, as well as throwing off a layer of clothes, I found a cold drink of water, even just a mouthful or two, helped enormously.

    Not Fasting today, I think I can manage it tomorrow. I have had such a busy week, today is going to be as quiet as I can make it. I think the only thing I have to do is buy some milk.

    Cheers everyone and best wishes for a good day!

    Hi Cinque. Admin must have removed it.
    Love bird calls!
    Just had an evening out with sister and mom. Great restaurant wine bread pasta. Oh my!!
    Back on track tomorrow!
    Sherry ann what is you new eating experiment?

    Hi all,

    What is “Doctor Solution”?! I must have missed that one? Something someone posted and then was pulled?

    Opal, Firstly, I hate to even mention the word “diet” here, because most of us on this site are just “done” with doing diets (myself included). I love the idea of the fasting way of life/eating. It’s so simple and liberating. That being said, I need something at this point in time to kick my butt into gear! We all have to do what we think is individually best. I’ve had some good success in the past with the Fast Metabolism Diet…I just got bored with it and I think that’s because I went on and off of it for quite a while. You can google it if interested but basically you eat a lot of healthy veggies and protein throughout the week but Mon & Tues you concentrate on higher carb low glycemic grains, and higher sugar fruits (no fat), Wed and Thurs no grains/fruit/fat, just veg and protein (can’t lie, this is the hard part!), and Fri-Sun is higher in good fats like nuts, olive and coconut oils, smaller amounts. of low glycemic grains and less sugary fruits. This is in an effort to confuse your body which leads to weight loss. I think I will incorporate the fasting on Thurs and Sun. Btw, I also noticed when I was eating this way that my LDL cholesterol was a lot lower, possibly because I ate a good deal of steel cut oats.

    I’m hoping that in combination with fasting two days a week that this will give me the kick start I need. When I get bored, I might go back to traditional fasting. We’ll see. All I know is I need to make a change. Like I’ve said in the past, I’ve noticed a few people on here, Jayney included, put their own spin on this fasting plan and have been super successful, so I’m going to try mixing it up too.

    So that’s my plan! I’m going to start tomorrow and do it until I leave for Hawaii October 9th. We will see how it goes!

    I was going to fast today, but just got an invite from my sister who’s camping at the beach to come down with the kids to ride jet ski’s (can I even fit my fat butt into board shorts at this point? I think not!) and bbq. So the fast may not happen.

    Have a great Sunday ladies!

    Hi All,

    I’ve been quiet lately because I don’t think my input has been called for so much. Suffice it to say, despite the lengthy holiday/birthday weekend last weekend, despite getting just over goal during that weekend, I emerged the day after that weekend slightly UNDER goal (a minor miracle for me–and probably a first). Yes, it CAN be done! I prepared for that by throwing in an extra fast day the week before, and two extra exercise days the week before AND after. I know that seems extreme, but apparently I have to pay the piper to indulge, and I quite enjoyed indulging! I could have increased my water intake as well, but didn’t this time–perhaps another time.

    Sherryann, I think you’ll have great success doing what works for you–the trick is figuring out just what that is! However, I’m glad to hear you’ve got a plan in place. Please let us know how it goes, and all the best to everyone!


    Hi everyone

    Aw, how nice to be missed, just had a busy week standing at the local antiques fair, Friday set up and two days, on top of all the preparation, I think I did too much.

    Someone shouted a really snarky, nasty comment to me, usually I’m queen of the putdown to rude people, but I was almost in tears, when she came to my stall I had to walk away. So not like me, felt I’ll all weekend, doing too much too soon.

    Sherry, I try to mix things up too. Since 1st September the plan has been 2 or 3 fasts, 2 or 3 semi fasts, total 5 days. 2 days normal but very mindful. Until Christmas. First two weeks not finished yet, but I think it will be 4/5lb lost. Trying to stop yoyoing, have another trip to Copenhagen in a month, hopefully I can do two semi fasts and two normal days while away, and come back without a gain. That’s the plan, it will be interesting to know if it works.

    Hope everyone is ready for a new week, enjoy the rest of Sunday, then tuck in your chin and make this week count!!!

    Hope Lori and Jayney are having a great time!!!!

    Jayney, you are my inspiration! I hope to get to your point before the year’s out!

    Milena, glad to hear you mix things up too. I think we all just need to do what works for us. So great you think you’re already down 4-5 lbs! Is that in addition to the weight you lost after the surgery? Why would someone shout something nasty at you?! You know, I’ve found in life that the mean people are just so unhappy that they make it a point to try to make others’ lives miserable too. Take solace in the fact it’s probably not about you, but more about his/her problems! Btw, do you know who Nicky Butler is? He’s a Brit who’s jewelry I’ve purchased in the past and he claims he used to hit all the flea markets and antique stores in London and now makes his own based on that inspiration. Love his stuff!

    Good night! πŸ™‚

    PIFF!!! so, this month has been a discovery about what a maintenance regime would look like…. about 20 kgs too early, I have to admitt. I eat too much, plain and simple. I am O+ blood which is theorised to not shed wieght easily when there are wheat carbs and sugar carbs. I have to drink even less alcohol than I have been lately, and am eating hardly any rice, and no pasta, PIZZA off the agenda, and my favorite, homepopped popcorn… It is not the butter, but the starch that my body seems to store immediately. So, it is as much greens and protein as possible. No beer. I have poached my cod fillets in beer in the microwave!! I drink plant ‘milk’in my tea on ‘healing’ days to allow me more calories for the pure protein, and greens.
    I am still cold water swimming and walking 40 mins, and trimming up quite delightfully if not rapidly.
    I, as does Opalshine, prefer to stay off the scales for the most part. I rather assess by clothes that fit again or new ones that look better than could even be hoped for…
    One ‘top’ that I bought off the rack on sale was not a tunic top but actually a short linen dress which actually, I could’ve worn as a dress if the weather had been warmer!!!
    I had a brief period of rebellion against the 500 kcal days. I have found that drinking teas and liquids are the best intake for starting off a feeding day after a fast/healing day. I got nauseous when I had a chewable breakfast right off the bat early morning. Many people mentioned eating dates, and they have been a godsend for the toilet visits and keeping me going in a regualar fashion.
    Both my husband and I are doing 4:3. It keeps us reined in, and helps us when 1 day does not really go to plan.
    yesterday’s fasting day went very well. No cravings. All the best to you, fingers crossed for us all!

    Good morning everyone! After 2 days of sun, Melbourne is cold, and grey, and wet again. I had a good Fast Day yesterday, and I have a busy day today!

    I am still trying different things and learning every week about how to make 5:2 work best for me…. but in the meantime, every day is a success!

    Milena, so sorry you had that snarky comment. I’m so glad you aren’t the person who says that kind of thing (that would be hard to put up with here!).

    I hope everyone has a particularly good day today!

    HI Cinque

    I am usually the queen of the pithy comebacks though – not on form unfortunately, I think my OH was more surprised than me that I just walked away from her. Though on the bright side, my son and are are best pals at the moment, he must be eaten up with boredom cos he can’t do anything, and when he is bored he usually spends his time arguing black is white just for the fun of it.

    Hi Ladyfilosopher – I so agree, I think its the idea that there is no going back is liberating – and sad. I think maintenance will be interesting, if we ever get there. I’ve had a few rebellions myself – the veggies in the kitchen still quake when I go in, and I can’t always be trusted with a cucumber, they do snap in half so well!

    Hi Sherryan, yup, in addition to the enforced fast last month – bloating is going down too, so I can finally see a bit of a difference. Just need to start the fitbit steps.

    Christmas stuff in the shops already, it will be here before we know it – and Bea – a cruise, how lovely. Tuck that chin in and plan to do it – its the only way – in 8 weeks you CAN make a difference, and that means in eight weeks you will be so very pleased. Go for it! Then you can enjoy the cruise, and you will have another few weeks to sort out Christmas! Have you tried cold showers for the hot flushes, well not all cold, just turn it to cold after your shower and count to 100 out loud – as fast as you like – try it – it only feels like masochism the first dozen times!

    Jayney, your imput is always welcome – you are our success story, we need to know you are managing maintenance!

    Take care everyone – and travel hopefully!

    Nice to read some positive thoughts. On a FD and feeling starved despite eating an enormous quantity of homegrown broccoli and zucchini. Why does this feel like just another “starve’ to be thin diet?

    Maybe the light is already degrading here in Maine and I need to whip out the light therapy box. Sigh. Seems a bit early. But I’ll do it tomorrow just in case.

    Perhaps I have the wrong attitude and I need to think of something good to eat tomorrow.

    Sorry to be such a downer! I hope everyone is doing well. pam


    LadyF, nice to see you pop back in! Glad the weight loss is going so well! Also, since you are enjoying your dates, here’s an easy recipe I just tried that the kids love!

    Date Brownie Bites

    1 cup pitted, chopped dates
    1 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
    pinch of salt
    1 tsp. vanilla
    1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (not Dutch)

    Add walnuts and salt to food processor. Mix until finely ground. Add the dates, vanilla and cocoa powder and mix all until well combined. With motor running, add a couple drops of water at a time until the mixture starts to stick together. Transfer mixture to a bowl and form into small balls. Store in an airtight container in the frig for up to a week.

    Hope you enjoy it!

    Milena, you keep reminding us of Christmas right around the corner (I know…to keep our eye on the ball!)! It stresses me out just thinking about it. From October through the end of the year I have all my kids’ birthdays, Thanksgiving, and all the stuff that goes with Christmas. While fun, it’s always too much going on for me in a short period of time. Btw, no comment from you on the Nicky Butler question?

    Pam, sorry you are down! We All have days like that I think on this plan and in general! I think you have the right idea in thinking about what you really want to eat when you can eat it and satisfying yourself. I can’t remember, are you able to exercise at all? Because that can help in lifting the spirits too.

    Well our heat is mostly gone and we have stormy skies forming. Expecting much needed rain tonight into tomorrow…YAY!

    Husband leaving soon on long business trip…not YAY! It’s a lot of work for one person with four kids and one of them not well. You don’t get a lot of sleep many nights when you’re up constantly checking blood sugar levels. Please keep me in your prayers if you are the praying type! πŸ˜‰

    G’Night ladies!

    Just read that Gemma Collins lost 3 1/2 stone in three months to the end of April, after being hypnotised into thinking she had had a gastric band fitted. And she has lost three stone just recently, in just a month, at a Juicing and rigorous exercise – at a cost of twenty thousand pounds. This stuff just makes me mad – she said she she was a size 18 still before going into the ‘retreat’ for a month.

    I’m mad because some poor sod will emulate that regime, and juice for a month – and probably fail when they restart old eating habits.

    I’m mad she gets reams of newprint about these reductions – the rest of us try soo hard to lose each pound and she makes it sound so easy.

    And I’m mad that she is trying to kid everyone she has lost 6 stone, when it is patently clear she hasn’t – but it is clear she has been photo shopped!

    Hi Sherryann

    I did reply, but it must have gone into the ether! I have a couple of pieces, amazing what you get on ebay! Check out Pat Cheney, Norman Grant and Ola Gorie. And of course Georg Jensen, Tone Vigeland, Laponnia and David Andersen. I specialise in Scottish and Scandinavian. Going to see a collection of Scottish Agates next week – bores the pants of me! lol !

    Sorry to stress you re Christmas – my busy time workwise, it goes ballistic, and tax returns to do as well, but my favorite time of year. Love it!

    Heck it won’t be so difficult – Mary had to go miles and miles on a donkey, heavily pregnant, no chance of a postal registration so she could have stayed home – and Joseph obviously forgot to book the hotel – where’s lastminute.com when you need it? And who wants three royals turning up when you have just shoved out a bairn – sorry, brought the Lord Jesus in the world – bet it was no less painful though! AND she had to go through the ritual of thanking them for totally inappropriate presents,the start of another Christmas ritual, smiling and thinking ‘Really? You saw that and thought of me?’

    Ok the gold was welcome, but frankincense and myrhh? A babygrow and a hat would have been MUCH better, whats the good of smelling nice when there was only swaddling for that bairn – and a proper cot would have gone down well too! And all the shepherds turning up for a keek as well, with their smelly sheep, just when all she would have wanted was a nice cuppa and a quiet night. And if anyone had remarked the baby looked exactly like his father Joseph – well that might have started the first Christmas family fallout – a tradition kept to this day in many a household! Aye, I’ll bet we will have an easier time than the first Christmas!

    Milena, I don’t know who Gemma Collins is but I always thought, if people with vast amounts of money struggle to be thin, what are my odds? I look at someone like Oprah Winfrey, who has millions and has to fight it constantly, and I am disheartened.

    I have this fantasy: I am terribly rich and I have a cook who always serves me tasty but zero-calorie food. I also have a trainer who, after I have had my tea and strawberries in the morning, comes to take me hiking through the Alps. Later, after my massage and a young and handsome opera singer has serenaded me on my balcony overlooking Lake Como, my cook brings me my lunch and, though it tastes just like fat-laden risotto (and of course a salad), it is actually completely calorie-free, like air. Did I mention champagne? I am also surrounded by adoring dogs and my ironed, lavender-scented sheets are changed every day. I could go on…

    But I’m going to bed hungry tonight. And tomorrow I will be a fat as ever. That said, I do feel that I’m a very lucky woman with a very good life. I just wish I could be thin-ish again. I know that this wish is shallow, but there it is. P

    That’s why I try as best as I can to avoid fashion magazines or celebrity magazines. I lived a long time in Los Angeles and the craze to be thin was just so much stress. It was in your face at every turn. In some ways it was inspiring but in most ways discouraging because our variety of body shapes and bones was not ever allowed. Men yes. They can be big boned or slim boned but women. Gotta be in the size 2 to 0 jeans ( of which I never ever ever could wear because I am not built that way!) sooooo long story I now just avoid anything celebrity. I live in a small town and it’s a little easier. But I still want to take care of myself and look nice as I know we all do
    I remember weight watcher always said just aim for 5 lbs. and so if we try just one more time to have 2 good fast days I am going on week 5 I believe fasting tomorrow. And it is getting a little easier. Maybe if we could take our weight or size out of the picture for a while and just feel better. Feel better with some hunger pangs etc. I am really trying to do that and believe me I get very down when I’m at the mirror. But I try to say something nice to myself to break the evil mirror spell. LOL.
    Hang in there everyone. We can all help each other stay happy and positive one posting at a time !!???

    Hi 2Blackdogs

    in my dreams I look like a really good mix of marilyn monroe, bridget bardot and Raquel welsh, with a slight cast of Keira Knightly – bloody gorgeous!!! And obviously thin but curvy. With better hair than any of them! Costs nowt to dream, so ditch the calorie free stuff, and instead dream of working it off with Henry Cavill instead – but keep the champagne!!! And the thing about dogs is that they are adoring, no matter what you look like – if god was a woman she would have made men very like dogs!

    But don’t be disheartened – the hunger abates, it really does. I am still up at 4am, I’m off in a minute as I have to be out of the house at 9am – and my tummy is rumbling, but nowadays I can just ignore it. Hasn’t always been this easy, but 8 months in and its is not nearly as troublesome as at the beginning. I does get easier and the weight does come off – kicking and screaming I grant you, and it runs back a lot, but this WOL really does work. Heck, I would love to say it is a doddle, really easy, but its not. Sometimes it feels like you can’t keep it up, like the 2 fast days come around before you are ready. You will sometimes eat well over what you should, and still feel cheated. Then eat well under, not lose weight and STILL feel cheated. But it does work, the pounds do go – you just have to keep shaking yourself down, and keep starting, eventually you will find you are further down the road than you have ever been. Yes, tomorrow you might be just as fat a today, and the next day and the next, but give it your best shot and some of those days there will be losses. Baby steps, ounces to pounds, pounds to stones. Have faith. Do the legwork, measure and tell yourself that there is always tomorrow to eat.

    You are right Opal – sometimes you have to get away from it – to take a break and get ready for the next onslaught! 5 stones is too much to do – but 5 lbs IS attainable – and when you have done it once, you know you can do it again. Perhaps even 20 or 30 times, if you need to! Then, you will find you are finally not as fat as you every were!

    And if you ever think its easier for some than for others – I think everyone thinks that!

    2BlackDogs, Well done getting through a hard day! It does make a difference, and you will lose weight much more quickly than you put it on (presuming that was over a few years).

    Hunger pangs are so hard, but notice how they come and go. You will work out strategies to get though the difficult times, and once you start noticing clothes fitting better, and getting looser, you will know it is worth it. Only two days a week! We can manage that!

    How are you feeling this morning?

    Evening here! So good evening!

    Hi all,

    I have been reading all your posts on my email and so have not posted for awhile. Someone on this forum recommended me a book “Eating Less – Say Goodbye to Overeating” by Gillian Riley. I have found it really helpful. It changes the emphasis to eating for health and not to lose weight. I find I read small sections at a time so I can think about what is being said and then try to put the ideas into practice.
    I know it is hard but at our age (lol) health is so important. This is my focus at the moment as I am hoping I will have grandchildren at some point and I want to be a fun Grandma.
    I have been seriously obese for over 40 years so its no wonder trying a new WOL is so hard. The fast days are only two days though and I keep thinking of the benefits.
    Good luck everyone. Rome was not built in a day.

    Morning all. Much happier today. Thanks for all the supportive words. I’ve been out in the sun drinking tea with the dogs. It’s a beautiful day full of glistening spider webs and birdsong. I’ll definitely get my light box going today to stave off any further funks.

    Milena, I see myself as a cocktail of Michelle Pfeiffer, Catherine Zeta-Jones and a large dollop of Judy Garland in The Good Old Summer Time, wearing that red dress, arms flinging wildly, singing “I Don’t Care.” I’ll take a sprinkle of that cast of Keira Knightly, if you don’t mind. Thanks for the idea. It amused me greatly while I lay in bed with my belly grumbling at 2 AM.

    I hope everyone has a wildly happy and successful day. P

    Hi all. What a lovely bunch of posts yesterday and this morning. Milena, I just loved your version of the Christmas story! So true! And everyone’s fantasies of the perfect morning, or the perfect body/face/hair. Someone once said I looked like Meryl Streep in the French Lieutenant’s Woman and I’d be happy to go back to that. Maybe throw in a bit of Laura Linney and Juliette Binoche.

    I managed to stretch my birthday out for a full week. Now I have to undo the damages. My last month has been pretty much maintenance. I’ve never managed more than one real fast day a week, the others getting aborted for one reason or another. Thanks for your words about starting again, Milena. I’m starting over as of today with a real fast and another on Thursday. And, while the scale’s not going down, at least it’s not going up so that’s progress. I hope for the next month, till I go away for a weekend in mid-October, I can really stick with 5:2 and turn things around, even if it’s just a few pounds.

    Take care everyone and hang in there.


    Ok so I have to jump in on this conversation! Hmmm, I think I would choose Sofia Vergara as the main course with a side of Angelina Jolie and I like the idea of Keira Knightly too! Sofia’s body style is more to my liking (as I tend to be more hourglass shaped with a bit of a pear emphasis) than Angelina and Keira who are more waif-like. Interesting I chose all brunettes being that I’m blonde (well, I was as a child and am now chemically blonde!). Come to think of it, Sofia is a blonde in real life and dyes her hair brunette!

    MM, I loved Meryl Streep in the French Lieutenant’s Woman! You must be a classical beauty to have been compared to her! And, your extended birthday now being over, I’m sure this week will get you right back on track.

    And yes, I’d love to be one of those celebrities that checks themselves into the fat farm for a month of luscious low cal meals, exercise, and massages/facials and emerges at the end of the month 10 lbs. lighter! But alas, we live in the real world where we have to slog along and do our best! We live not 10 minutes away from one of the most famous of those spas, “the Golden Door” and whenever I drive by I crane my neck up toward the hiking paths on the hill hoping to see some poor celebrity at their sweaty worst! πŸ˜‰

    Milena, you need to add your version of the Christmas Story to your comedy bit!

    The revised eating plan is going “according to plan”. I don’t feel like weighing at this point, so I’m not. That’s my plan and I’m sticking to it (for now at least!).

    Adios for now!


    Hi all. Well, I made it through a successful fast day yesterday. First one since my birthday. Of course, it helped that my boyfriend has a really bad cold and didn’t want to eat anything more than chicken soup. That kept me well within 400 cals. Today I have a hint of a sore throat. Hoping it’s not his cold. And telling myself that, if it is, at least I’ll have a week in which I won’t feel like eating much or drinking at all. Bright side to everything, right?

    Sherry, I think the FLW comparison was just that I had long curly red hair at the time, along with the very fair complexion that goes with it. And I have dreamed of the spa solution myself, knowing that 10 lbs is just what I need to lose. On a teacher’s salary, dream on. I keep telling myself I could do everything they do at home, but it ain’t that easy in the real world.

    Pam, I’ve noticed that if I fast on a day I’m really busy I don’t notice the hunger much at all. If I try to fast on a day I’m working at home I think about food all day. I’ve also noticed fewer hunger pangs if I don’t have breakfast than if I do. Go figure. A plus to that is that I have 500 calories for dinner, which, while not a feast, is a reasonable meal.

    I’ve found a great product for fast days at the office. It’s called True Lemon and is crystallized lemon in a packet. Zero calories and a nice change from drinking tea all day. Also comes in lime, orange, and grapefruit. I found it once in a store and then not again, but you can get it from Amazon.

    Good luck to all of today’s fasters. I’m on again tomorrow.


    MM, I’m sure there’s more to the comparison on the FLW than the red hair and complexion! Btw, my almost 15 year old has curly red hair and very fair skin. She was complaining to me last summer as we sat on Kailua beach as to why is she the only one in the family that has to be “so white” and afraid of burning in the sun. I told her, “Sorry, that’s just the way it is for redheads, they’re typically fair skinned.” No sooner did I say this than two little BRIGHT red headed very tan Hawaiian boys ran by us into the water! She then looked at me like “really’?! Thinking they dyed their hair, I just had to ask. The one boy rolled his eyes and said, “Everyone asks me where I got my hair…it’s from my Grandpa.”

    Re: the potential cold, I start popping Cold-eez zinc lozenges whenever my kids start getting sick and usually (knock on wood) avoid getting sick. That plus a Chinese herbal formula called Gan Mao Ling works wonders. Might give it a go!


    I love everyones posts!!!
    OK well I have to say I do love Marilyn M…She was curvy but not boney. But not true that she was a 12, ( nothing wrong with women being a 12 but she was more slender than that ) – she was ahead of her time in using weights and staying fit…
    I also like Andie MacDowell because she is in our age range and she is adorable I think ( not the best actress but has a certain charm) …
    I think too, the actresses are motivated because it is exciting to be in a movie and to know you will be on celluloid ( or digital) for perpetuity , so the pressure is on to look as society – sanctioned – good as possible . There was a time as a musician in LA , I was in 3 bands, and boy, was that exciting, busy, and motivating. I was too nervous to eat most of the time, and I am sure the celebs go through that with the competition etc… not good, really, not a healthy way to live in my book. BUT I am just saying this so we do not feel bad about ourselves. They seem to
    have totally different motivations than we do
    So I did my fast day yesterday, I just can not seem to stick to the 500 cals ugh, I tend to go a little over each time, but I figure its still less than I would normally eat, and I am really gonna try my best again tomorrow.

    PS Minnesota Miss, I too once had long curly red hair * but I was not born that way πŸ™‚
    I still have a love for red hair!!

    PS Sherryann if only your 15 year old could realize how gorgeous red hair and fair skin IS! She is so lucky!

    Good morning everyone,

    Opal I usually go over 500 calories (but always well below the 800 calories they used for 5:2 on ‘What’s the Right Diet for You?’). I figure that it is working, so I don’t give myself a hard time, and as I go on I get more of an idea how to manage, and what I can manage and I am getting closer to 500 each Fast Day. It suits me, and I figure that I will need to eat less as I lose weight (and my TDEE goes down) so I am doing it the right way round!

    Fast Day today and I am off to have my little bowl of oat porridge.

    Re all those beautiful actresses, I can’t decide. So many ways of being beautiful! I like faces with lots of character, and I really like the people who aren’t afraid to let themselves look older (although I understand all the pressure not to!).

    I hope today is a good day! Best wishes

    Thank you Cinque! I like what you said. Where is β€˜What’s the Right Diet for You?’ Is that a book or a forum here? I will look….
    I will be more forgiving, as this is a process
    Thank you to all the people here , you all really make it more fun and interesting!
    Take care everyone!

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