Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

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Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

This topic contains 5,051 replies, has 218 voices, and was last updated by  vendor 3 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,501 through 1,550 (of 5,077 total)

  • Good morning lassies. My 4th week weigh in this morning and am down 1. It’s gone 3-2-2-1 so total of 8. Two blast out social occasions this past weekend I think explains that, but will take it. Kate, what a delightfully gobsmacking number, and ooh a garden convention….. sigh, I am green with envy! I have moved from zone 8 Victoria to zone 3 central BC.
    Milena, somehow I missed your posted results — ‘quite pleased’ is the understatement of the year. Great work! 🙂 Enjoy your well deserved wine! I too hate black coffee [cream] and tea [1% milk] but find Lady Grey tea by Twinings has a lovely flavour, better than Earl Grey and it’s my favourite black……I do try green from time to time [at gunpoint] but tastes rather grassy to me, so best I can say is feeling virtuous when I drink it.
    Applepie – you have ruined my imagination! Over the years I have read about fairy cakes in some Brit novels, and had them quite built up in my head to be elaborate glorious airy confections…. beyond the standard cupcake, though your apple ones do sound very tasty [ and healthier too!].
    Re the frozen thread, I am all for frozen, but more in the real food only camp, without extra sauces or weird additives [but think leftover home made portions are a great tool].
    Have a good week all. I am heading out to my garden soon sans corset. Gasp.

    Hi ladies

    All good intentions of getting focused and down to work, and the gods are against me. Out at the antiques centre, stuck in traffic, but a nice coffee and cake, back home and internet down. Hey ho, so a few minutes of sipping my kit royal with the fizz left over from last night. Can’t believe I left a glass in the bottle!!!

    All is not lost, off for my walk in a minute, just scanning the site for HIIT info, thank goodness for phone internet.

    Beldyboop, yes – the wine was a miss, this thread was originally for the foodies among us. FA. Foodies Anonymous, as Salma and I had no intention of giving up the good things in life – Salman. I see you mentioned my rule, eat and tell! Good job you and Appliepie are still here, otherwise we are in danger of all becoming goody two shoes!!!! Though not sure my visit to pizza express tonight quite reaches the category of gourmet, but extra raisins, extra olives and extra pine nuts might help it along!!!

    Still pondering red or white – safe in the knowledge it’s not stopping Apple pie morph into gorgeously skinny, then it must be good for us!

    Salma, looks like another Copenhagen trip is in the offing, so must get my head down to earn the cash for it, Appliepie, perhaps see you on face book at the weekend, rest of you, be kind to yourselves and well done on the losses!!!

    Hi. I’m new to these forums, but have enjoyed reading your posts. I’m another mid-fifties foody who’s fighting the weight that has come slowly, a pound or two each year. Problem is, by this age, that all adds up. Anyway, the doctor told me I need to lose 10 to 15 pounds. Not all that much, but those pounds are pretty stubborn. I’ve been on the 5:2 for just over a month and lost 3 or 4 of them. Doesn’t seem like much for all the effort, but reading your posts has helped me see that the start might be kind of slow.

    Milena – Red! No contest. With pizza? white would be sacrilege. And it will be WESC after all your hard work. Very well deserved. Skinny? moi? not there yet.

    Phoebe – the fairy cakes you imagined sound much better than the real thing, that made me laugh 🙂

    MM – Welcome!! At our time of life we do have to make that little bit more effort to shift any extra pounds but as you are finding it does come off, slowly but surely. Stay with us and let us know how you get on.

    Well I didn’t go in the pool. I am just dreading all the neighbours looking me up and down, examining every inch of me and voicing their opinions on MY body. They certainly wouldn’t like it if I did the same back. I will have to go in one day or I will just melt.

    Whew! I’m away one day from this thread and am hopelessly lost! 😉

    Congrats to all the “losers”. I hope to join your ranks one of these days. I had 2 terrible eating days in a row, so am having a fast day today.

    The golf tournament yesterday was SO frustrating. Play was slow and it was just so irritating. I’m not sure the group in front of us was sure which end of the clubs to hold on to! The round should not take more than 4 hours or a bit more and yesterday’s took 5 1/2!!! At least we didn’t get rained on which was nothing short of a miracle. Rain all around us! That would have been the straw that broke the camel’s back if we had gotten wet on top of being out there so long. It all worked out and no one got hurt, that’s the main thing.

    I’m drowning in a sea of paperwork here at work as no one has time to do any of my work when I dare to take a day off. Just imagine when I’m off for 2 weeks in September! OY!

    Have a lovely day!

    Applepie – as you can see given up on the work front, dunno whether to be thankful or annoyed!! Always red? Other choice is prosecco (sp?), which tastes lovely with pizza. Will give OH the choice, Scottish laws being what they are in this one party nanny state, you get taken away for just sniffing wine! So probably a whole bottle to me. Choices choices!

    MinnesotaMiss. Hi!!! Another foodie, my kind of gal! 3 or 4 pounds a month is right on schedule, so you are doing well!

    What are you going to do in September Lori? Did you mention a holiday? They are letting women play the Old Course now. Though Groucho Marx quote about clubs (places, not sticks), comes to mind!!!! Often an Indian Summer in September.

    Salma, just did it – joined the Gym, induction Thursday, some kid will show me how to use equipment I was using before he was born. Last time I was induced I had a baby, hope this time it hurts less, though somehow the idea of a team of doctors looking at my vejayjay – I think that’s the modern parlance, pales into insignificance compared to walking into gym in my leggings and trainers this week.

    Reminds me of when I was a young girl – you can tell I’ve nowt to do, can’t you – anyway, aged eleven and a fan of the Russian gymnasts, Olga Corbett or maybe even before her, and definitely before the days of Nintendo and Wii, when children used imagination and anything could be a prop to transform in one’s minds eye, decided to improvise a balance beam – using the wooden headboard on my bed.

    Became very proficient, and considering the beam is 4 inches wide and my headboard an inch, excelled at the discipline!!!

    Except when I tried to jump up into the splits.

    Mislanding was fine, as long as I hit the mattress – but inevitably misjudged and instead of mid air splits, did the splits onto the headboard.

    Much consternation trying to explain to Mum the frankly scary amount of blood gushing from the resultant wound was not a visit from mother nature- I even had the wearwithall to lie and say I had caught myself on the steel sides. And she believed me.

    999 call, siren journey to RVI in Newcastle – there was LOTS of blood. But any slight embarrassment at my situation paled into insignificance when, lying in theatre, a young – male – surgeon who looked uncannily like David Cassidy – well I was eleven – asked me where I had hurt myself. Forty plus years later I still blush as much as I did then, despite losing so much blood, when it dawned on me that perhaps it wasn’t really called a fairy after all!

    Worse still, he told me the proper name, and even spelt it for me!!!!

    No way any young whippersnapper at the Gym is going to make me embarrassed about being overweight!!!

    Olga Corbett! loved her

    Well 99% of the time it has to be red. Isn’t white just for the fruit course? It was when I lived in Italy.

    Remind us of the Groucho Marx quote………. please. I always loved Harpo best.

    Lori – sorry I just can’t get excited about golf, not my thing

    Milena! Loved your story about your trip to the hospital after your gymnastics exploits! Ahh…memories! 😉 Made me cringe just thinking about how much that must have hurt!

    Yes, going on vacation in September. We will be 5 days in Seattle WA and then a week traveling the Oregon coast. Quite a trip for us as we live on the East coast. Well, not on the coast, actually about 5 hrs drive West.

    I understand golf is not for everyone, but once bitten by the “bug” you are well and truly hooked. I’ll try not to post about it all the time. Although it is a big part of my life this time of year.

    Have to attack the next pile of paperwork. I’m working my way thru it slowly.

    Have a good evening!

    Good evening foodies and non-foodies alike..

    So glad you could joing our Foodaholics Anonymous (FA) ranks MM.. welcome to the club.
    Milena.. no chance of ME turning into a goody two shoes.. I like my food too much..This has always been my failing.. Not too good at being good :).. Life without the good things in it would just be too bleak.. Not for moi the starvation and deprivation, I ‘m afraid.

    Ouch.. and double ouch!! Your story had me cringing in pain and embarrassment on behalf of your 11-year old self. Poor thing.. mortifying!!! and painful. Reminds me when I had a colonoscopy for the first time. This BEAUTIFUL doctor, Clooney-like, walked in and performed it. I was mortified and a little more than embarrassed.

    Listen, after childbirth, any pain is a joke.. GYM?? Piece of cake. Just ignore everyone and go for it. These boys think we are ancient anyway.. anyone over 30 is OLD as far as they are concerned, so what difference do a couple of decades make? Focus on yourself and imagine everyone else as decor. That’s what I do (when I DO go the gym, that is.. haven’t been for ages now).

    Lori.. you have CAMELS on your gold course? How odd.. what are they doing there? :).. and for that matter, where did the camel get the straw? Think of the silver lining.. there was no cloud/rain!

    Phoebe.. your weight loss is great. Well done.. and so is yours MM.. truly, I would be over the moon if I lost a couple of kilos (around 4 Lbs) a month. You can take one or two more months to get to your target.. what’s the hurry. Applepie.. we saw your picture.. you look great and you are doing it so well.. wine, moussaka and all.. a lesson for all of us.

    Have a great evening everyone. Good luck to fasters tomorrow.. I am opting for Thursday. I do not want to get into the habit of 3 FDs per week.. to much pain. Not good with pain.

    Good night.

    Hi Milena,
    Just wanted to thank you for the laugh, thoroughly enjoyed your tale, then felt a bit homesick when you mentioned the RVI , or was it when you said you had “nowt to do” ! I live in Scotland but originally come from the North East – Wylam just between Hexham and Newcastle.
    Hi Applepie, would still like to live in Spain especially with the weather we have had so far this year, I do sometimes read this thread, and know you are doing really well! Congratulations Gooseylucey.

    Oh Milena…laugh? I thought my pants would never dry….
    Well done re gym membership. I must say I agree with Salma, after thirty you’re pretty well invisible anyway, at least in a gym setting. Or just do what I do and pretend I’m not with me.
    I’ve never totally ‘got’ golf Lori, perhaps because I was a pony kid and we used to fantasise about galloping all over the local golf course. Luckily for us it remained a fantasy. I do love watching the Masters on tv though if I get a chance, especially Augusta. As a garden girl, it’s the azaleas that make me swoon though!
    I have given up wine -just for a while. Which is a major lifestyle change for me I may say – but empty calories and worse, makes me a little too relaxed about my food choices! OH says our grocery bill has halved, I feel that’s more than a little unkind.

    OMG, Milena, I am laughing so hard at your story, I have tears running down my face!

    Hi Beldyboop,

    Yes that was with my Fitbit, I love it and set challenges with friends, I feel like I’m cheating a bit this week as I’m dog sitting so taking her out a couple of times a day.

    Ginette, thanks for the link, I’ll have a look.
    Hope everyone is doing well with FDs and NFDs I’ve had a NFD today and have probably over eaten but am going to have another FD tomorrow, so hopefully will kickstart my body into loosing weight.
    Bye for now.
    Debbie x

    Hey, telling you all my most embarrassing moment and you find it funny???? You’re a hard lot!!!!!

    Anyway, Applepie, had another Kir Royale as aperitif, large glass of Savignon Blanc with the starter, Vapolicella with the pizza, and rasperberry magnum for dessert. Salma will be proud of me!!

    Kste, you paint a picture – are we Tenna ladies already. Giving is wine is good, but Applepie is evidence of the opposite, and the antics of our most successful lsdy must be ignored at your peril.

    She has found a claim that wine helps weightloss. Coincidentally, one of the ladies on the aussie thread has started a thread about a book she has read. Apparently 50% of what we are told is wrong – hard part is working out the 50%. I hope the stuff about wine helping weightloss is in the 50% correct.

    Ive ordered the book from ebay – it has sections on weightloss – althoughI think the Aussie lady was laughing at the part that claims to show you how to have fifteen minute orgasms – now that might be the best £10.64 Ive ever spent!!!

    Gooseylucy, why hinny, ah wes chuffed tae lorn ye was a Geordie!! Ya knaa, ah live in Scotland as weel!!! Ah knaaa, Hadaway and shite, yer say, but nah, its true!!! De yer gan y’hem much? Its bin a lang tiem since ah wus at the toon, ah miss Fenwick’s!

    Soory, goosy, losing the plot now!!!!!!

    Hi Norlandlass, spooky, just trying to find a fitbit, think Im going with the charge, which one do you have? Why give a choice, I wonder, my eyes are glazing ovet. Reminds me of choosing a washing machine, why do I go for the one with 50 programmes when I know I will only ever use 2 of them???

    Milena.. was that Gordie or just the wine 🙂
    I truly AM proud of you.
    I am now feeling like a bit of a tipple myself.

    I’ve got the Fitbit charge and love it, if you get one you can add friends or even friends of friends and set challenges between you all, it’s a great way of getting fit, I try and get my 10,000 steps every day, I had a bad week last week so didn’t manage to get them every day, but am determined to get them she’s week and also Win the work week challenge this week. You can even track food on the app for your phone, but I don’t often use that as I don’t have Internet access on my phone while I’m in work.
    I deffinately think you should get one if your wanting to get more active, it’s addictive trying to beet your daily goal, I sometimes dance and run around my living room just to get my steps.
    Sorry for going on but I love mine.
    Debbie x

    Hi Salma

    I’m not even a Geordie, but I was brought up there, most of my family make Cheryl Cole thingy whatsit sound sophisticated.

    Yorkshire and proud, and I can do that accent quite well, tha’ knoos

    Hi all

    What an evening you have had. Milena’s Internet is down so she has hit the bottle. At least one by the sound of it. Kate needs Tena ladies from laughing too much. Yes I have been reading it all while I was out.

    Now all is quiet…….. Or is it?

    Hi Phoebe

    Yes a great loss for the month especially as you had social occasions.

    Earl grey is one one tea I can’t drink, or green tea….yes, it tastes like something out of the garden!!

    Hi Milena

    Yes this post was the start of a descent into what sounded like pure enjoyment with food, drink and the forum. I laughed as all the different posts came in. Nice to see you relaxing.

    Hi MM

    Welcome to the thread, you must think us all a little crazy, you are right but we are losing at the same time and that surely is the idea, to enjoy ourselves with this way of life.

    Yes you may gather pace. A lot of people eat too much on non fasting days. Have you tried my Fitness pal app. You input your weight and what you want to be. Put in how much you want to lose a week and then it calculates daily calorie allowance.

    I would always advise counting calories of all food and drink for at least two weeks. If you have tried calorie counting in the past, this will refresh you memory and if you haven’t it is good to know. Personally I know my calories quite well now and on fast days weigh and count everything. I found that calorie counting for me had some surprises good and bad. 6 potato wedges 100 calories, 300 gems of mixed veg 95 calories. I may have both, even on a fast day, but I usually just stick to protein and fruit and/or yoghurt.

    Calorie counting I found made me far more aware of foods that I was eating, I started to make better more informed choices. This led to 1-3lb a week weight loss.

    But if you are happy without this then it is up to you. I am just trying to help with a reason that you are not losing a little more. Really between 5/8lb a month is a good amount to lose. You are in control.

    If you don’t feel this yet then perhaps you are absentmindedly eating things out of habit. Listen to you body. I don’t eat breakfast two reasons, firstly I never really enjoyed it and secondly it starts my body thinking about food.

    Just ask for help and you will get it.

    This is a lovely thread with the best of people on it. All quite different in our approach to this WOL and all working towards a common goal.

    Hi Applepie

    You just look straight back at them, head held high. Who are they to criticise.

    Milena well done on joining the gym, I know I will be heading there soon. They will see what a trouper you are and when you put your mind to it how determined you are.

    I wasn’t a David Cassidy devotee although I likes him, for me it was David Bowie and David Essex.

    I hope you aren’t going to try balancing anywhere tonight. Might end up in A &E again!!

    Hi Lori

    Yes I have been bitten by the bug and have played at Augusta a few times, but only in my living room on the Wii now we play it once a week – it was about 4 times a week. My neighbour then suggested we play scrabble so I am hooked on that now.

    Salma I didn’t read anything about Lori having camels on the golf course. ?! Ok I went back and re read it.

    No no camels.

    Hi Goosey Lucy

    How are you?

    Hi Kate

    I’m looking forward to having some empty calories myself tomorrow!!

    Hi Fitnfast

    Oh Milena the raspberry magnum…..now when can I fit that in…maybe next week.

    Hi Milena and Debbie

    I used a tracker once. I had to march up and down in the kitchen just to complete a certain number of steps. You will find yourself doing things like that Milena if you get a Fitbit.

    Well I feel a little too sober at the moment, especially as I am on a fast day. Tomorrow is NFD so I can enjoy myself then.

    I am off to bed now as I actually feel tired, I imagine as soon as I get in I will wake up. Just the way it normally happens. Let me hope it doesn’t.

    See you all tomorrow. Need to take the washing out of the machine before I go to bed.

    Night all.


    Those we know me better on this thread will, of course, know that my musings earlier was certainly NOT because I had ‘hit the bottle’, no even the one! if fact the kir royale I had made was, at the time, untouched. Interesting that my whitterings could be interpreted as drunken craziness, when I was stone cold sober.

    Must be more careful in future.

    Apologies if anyone finds my meanderings out of place on a diet forum, well this is the foodies forum, so an occasional detour from sensible calorie/fasting advice strikes me a well, sensible!!!

    Of course my second post may have looked a little strange to those unfamiliar with the language of the land of the magpies, the five bridges and broon ale, May have thought my keyboard had gone awry. Except goosey, of course.

    Good morning all..

    Milena.. please don’t change a thing. We love your musings! ..and apologies.. I did mean Geordie not Gordie.
    I hsincerely hope that this is NOT a “diet” forum.. Food is a very big part of life and enjoying it is a very big part of MY life. I would be very sad indeed if you thought to change anything to suit anyone!! Definitely a detour is well in order.. as you may guess, you might find this old banger taking a breather on a hard shoulder a little too often, or meandering down a country path, enjoying the view, rather than racing down the highway.

    Do get a fitbit.. it is a lot of fun as norlandlass says… Mine is in a drawer at the moment, but I have been known to go around the dining table many times just to get the number of steps in. Anyone watching would think I was mad.. It gets you to compete with yourself, and if that is your inclination, with others.

    Must get mine out..

    Hi all,

    Just completed another FD (long) but done, so happy NFD today, as still have a pile of 20 more essays to mark..buuu! but it’s sunny here today, makes or the difference. Happy clothing moment, although no-one has commented on my weight loss (grrrrrr) I’ve noticed my “gilet” I wear to run, is giving me less of the sausage look, and more of the Ursula Andress (in my mind) so will go for a run with head held high.

    Debbie, my sister has a fitbit, so I may get one for my birthday if I’m lucky, they look cool, I like how it can measure sleep, I used to have a Nikefit for running, but it wasn’t so sophisticated.
    MM 4 Ibs is great, I suppose it depends how much you have to lose, I have another 21 Ibs to go, my goal is October (bday) but have a few mini-goals in between.
    Kate well done on giving up the wine, I’m trying but usually succumb at the w/e, so better than nothing..might go for every other w/e
    Phoebe 8Ibs that’s amazing, congrats!
    Ginette David Essex any day, also love Bowie!
    Milena like the ramblings and also your quotes..
    Salma I’ve just bought some Molasses, making your thing at the weekend, a girl has to have some sweetness in her life..
    hi Lori and anyone else I’ve missed!

    Happy FD and NFD!

    I have remembered what white wine is for …. fish! But since we tend to have fish on fast days I never drink it.

    David Bowie, David Essex or David Cassidy? No, none of them. For me it was Davy Jones out of the Monkees. He lived near me in Gorton. If only we had the internet in those days I would have been a stalker for sure. I was also partial to Donny Osmond, saw them in concert in Manchester. Then when I grew up a bit and started going to football, all the girls were swooning over Georgie Best, but my hero was, and still is, Denis Law.

    Goosey – if you want to live in Spain, do it! You only get one life, and it is very short, so live your dreams.

    Milena – brilliant as always, haha, washing machines, so true. Not laughing at all about your acrobatics 🙂

    Salma – With you there on loving food (and the occasional vino) I wouldn’t dream of dieting. This WOL suits me fine.

    Goosey and anyone else wanting to join our select Facebook group just see my profile.

    P.S Milena of course I also mean your musings…not to be misconstrued 🙂

    I love popping in here to see what you all are up to! Please don’t change Milena…you brighten our days!

    All caught up at work, so today will just be same old, same old. I was busy all day yesterday and it was nice to have a fast day fly by. Speaking of fast day..the wheels sort of came off last night with a bit of choc, but what’s done is done. Did boot camp yesterday and am dressed and ready to go again this morning. Tomorrow will be a 30 minute run/walk. DH said he’ll come with me….I’ll believe it when I see it! Uh oh…I hear him stirring upstairs. I bet he thinks running is today! He’s on his own today..it’s boot camp for me.

    I think I’ll go out for lunch today. It’s been a long time since I went out during the week. There is a place nearby that makes the best tuna melt. That sounds like lunch!

    Have a good day everyone!

    Hi beldy, I do ramble, I start posts and meander right off the point, and usually back on again.

    White wine is good with anything! So is rose. Obviously red for weightloss!!!

    This ole banger is here to keep you company as always, Salma. Im rsther fond of laybys, shall we stay awhile and bring out the picnjc hamper? What would be in yours?

    Davy Jones? for me it was Mike Nesbith, George was my favorite beatle – always! Still know every word to every Bowie song, saw him in’72. Neil Diamond and Rod the mod – still my favourites today,

    Aren’t men sweet? My friend Nessie is boarding a flight to Jamaica, a surprise destination for her hols, planned by her hubby. She is thrilled at the surprise, hubby is apparently beaming that he managed to keep the secret, but he is a policeman, said it was easy for him!!

    Arent men guillible? We did a quick flight search the other day, worked out the only possible destination for Thomsons, from Manchester, requiring an early start from Edinburgh, was Montego Bay.

    Took an hour to rehearse the ‘surprised and delighted’ look, but luckily she has great acting skills. Though she has just texted me to warn me if he doesn’t shut up there will be a death in paradise.

    And he hasn’t commented on her weightloss – policemen are supposed to be observent too !!! Justifiable homicide methinks!

    Hi Milena

    No, I was only joking when I made that flippant comment, I was glad that you sounded as if you were enjoying yourself. Yes I understood most of that Geordie talk. We had someone once who worked with us and I had to interpret for him as no one else could understand him.

    Hi Salma

    Yes I am pretty strict with myself a lot of times especially on the FBD but I pushed the boat out yesterday and had two midget gems, (5 calls each) yes, on a fast day. I am out for lunch today and in a quandary as one of the desserts I can have free is chocolate fudge cake…….this is loaded with calories and I know I want to enjoy myself but I think I shouldn’t go this far!!

    Hi Beldyboop

    Yes Ursula Andress is a much better look than a sausage.

    Ah yes, I loved the monkees I never missed their show. I also liked Ralph Mctell, James Taylor, Cat Stevens and Sacha Distel.

    The first record I ever bought was The Banner Man. Not sure who by. I couldn’t stop singing around the house and like any teenager I had the music up too high.

    My Dad was more Jim Reeves and Perry Como. I love those too for nostalgic reasons.

    Hi Applepie

    What was your first record bought? I can remember years ago I was too embarrassed to say who I liked, now I say what I want, within reason. I hate to offend, but I must tell the truth so I usually try and say something that seems as if I have answered. This seems to work and I haven’t offended everybody, I don’t think that Jeremy Paxman would let me get away with it though!

    Hi Lori, enjoy boot camp.

    Hi Milena

    No don’t change, it makes you who you are, I am fond of going away from the subject with my long ramblings as well, just can’t help myself…..

    I am feeling really tired this week. I keep falling asleep at the drop of a hat. Let’s hope it is only a few days. Even housework seems an effort. Maybe it is the relief that my meeting is over, who knows…….

    I wish I had some of that energy you have had Milena!

    Ah well it will sort itself out…..

    Off to get ready to go out now……

    See you all later.



    I dont think so – perhaps you might think before being flippant in future, when you write things about me, such as I have hit the bottle or I have been telling porkies, is not my idea of a joke. But hey, sticks and stones.

    Appliepie, the Groucho Marx quote was along the lines of “I would’t want go join any club who would let me in”

    Todays quote – thought long and hard about this one but here goes!!

    ” The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared woman on the planet”

    Hi Milena

    I am so so so sorry, I really was, maybe that comment didn’t come over so well in writing. I will really be more careful in the future. I don’t know how I can convince you otherwise.

    To all of the other posters here. Please don’t take me seriously. Obviously just my wry sense of humour. Of course I don’t think that you have hit the bottle and I was enjoying the posts as much as the next person.

    Sorry again. X


    Good morning all, and thank you for the encouragement. Another fast day finished yesterday and, while the scale refused to budge this morning (at least it’s not going up), I did notice while lying on my back in bed that my rib cage seems to be making a reappearance, sort of like rocks that have been long under water. Pelvic bones still submerged, but hey, it’s a start. I know I should be grateful to my doctor for shaking me up before I had too much to lose–been seeing him since I was in college so I think he still thinks of me as that slender girl. He’s 75 now and retiring this summer. 🙁

    Love the lightness to your posts and that this isn’t that dreaded word, a diet. And that I can still drink wine four of five nights a week.

    As for the David, David, or David question, I’ll pick “all of the above.” Why do young men these days (at least here in the states) chop off all their hair and go around in baggy jogging pants or shorts? Not nearly as much fun to look at.


    Hi All

    I thought is about time I had a break from the forum. I have loved the banter but I don’t like upsetting people. Maybe about time I payed a little attention to the things I need to do at home. I wish you all the best and hope to be back at some point. I was so sorry to have hurt and offended Milena that at this time I think this is the best thing I can do.

    I shall hopefully be strong and carry on my good work. I hope I have the strength without you helping me along the way which you really did. Many thanks for your support

    Sorry again if anybody took this the wrong way.


    hello all, and welcome MM. Don’t worry re scale if you are seeing/feeling other changes… sometimes the scales will be frustratingly stubborn then suddenly shift in the most delightful way!
    And Ginette, I really must commend you on always giving such support and details to the newbies. In the wine voting, reds are year round my #1, but a crisp dry rose or NZ sauv blanc in summer is very refreshing! I ordered light kettle bells and workout dvd today to find a way to get HIIT easily at home, so I can channel my inner Ursula. Who doesn’t recall that iconic image?!
    Salma, I know what you mean re ‘what’s the hurry’, and in any other circumstance I would agree fully, as it certainly took a while to layer on…… but as I will have major surgery [double mastectomy] in July, and not really very mobile for 6 weeks after, I am wanting to get in as much fighting form before as I can.
    Ginette – just saw your last post. Please please don’t go. Online, it can be a challenge to interpret things in the way they are meant sometimes, without the face-face expressions, and I know I suffer unintentionally from hoof in mouth on occasion, as can we all.

    Ginette and Milena I do wish there was a way you could work this out. I am actually getting stomach pains reading these posts. Painful to see.

    We are going to a Variety night tonight at a local bar. 5 acts on, and we are having a roast beef meal. I can’t wait! I shall buy a bottle of red wine, it’s only 5 Euros for the bottle, which will last me the night plus some to share. Possibly photos tomorrow, I will be too tiddly tonight.

    Isn’t the Alton Towers crash terrible?! Those poor people, my heart goes out to them.

    Hello ladies..

    Ginette, you are absolutely not allowed to leave this forum!! What would the newbies do without your sage advice. You can not abandon them to the winds. No , no no.

    People have misunderstandings, sister, friends.. then they make up and carry on. As Phoebe says, it is very difficult sometimes to transmit the ‘tone’ intended electronically without facial expressions or voice intonations. Forgive and forget, I say.. Both you guys are essential to this thread.. what would we do without either of your ways of supporting and uplifting the rest of us.

    Please please please, don’t wither leave.. and let us just chalk this up to a misunderstanding.

    My son is arriving from abroad in half an hour.. I wonder if he will notice there is less of me? I live in hope.

    What happened with Alton Towers.. I have not heard any news today?

    Tragic. So sorry to hear it Applepie.

    Melina, the golden triangle, Fenwick,Marksies,Bainbridges, heaven on earth! Ya dina in Cafe Royal, or many many years ago a battered spam samwich from the green market, or a pot pie from the big market, oh dear showing my age and browtins up now.
    Send flappy gob a cyber clip arund the lug ‘n let a stay. Ya allreet pet.
    Love Goosey

    Hi goosey

    ya ken tek the wife ooooot of the Toon, but ya canna stop hor shoppin!

    How man – A spam samwich, the wifeys here will thin thiv deed and gan te hivan if the et wan o thoos.

    Reet me marras, iv given Ginnette a clip arund the lugs,it wus Goosey ideeaah, we alus de that in Geordieland, an iv telt hor to git hor skinny ass beck hea, reet now, iv sed ta for seyin she was in thu wrang.

    Ya might hav thort skinny ass wus a bit tae farr but ah kna wi al wud cunsida it a vury nice thing te say, ah knaes ey wud. Ah ev

    I huop av dun the reet thing, ah wes consorned aboot Applepie greetin’ aboot hor belly!

    Translation: Geordies are great shoppers – mentioning span sandwiches might encourange our friends – especially foodie Salma – to try them, not suitable for fast days – followed Gooseys advice and had a work with Ginnette – accepted apology – paid her a compliment and suggested she returns straight away, because I am concerned for Applepie’s stomach!

    Now dying to know what a spam sandwich is.. not THE spam? you got me intrigued. I had eye fatigue trying ter figr oot what you were talking about.
    Predictably, son noticed nothing.. nada.. zilch. Ah well. I guess I will have to almost disappear before anyone notices anything. Sigh!

    I am so glad the problem is sorted. *sigh of relief*

    Milena and Ginette – Glad you two are ‘on terms’ again because you are both simply amazing with all you do for us newbies.
    Fasting tomorrow – does anyone else find the FDs easier than the NFDs? Today I met a friend for lunch, ordered a caesar salad as the least damaging thing on a panini type menu. It came with a roll, which I didn’t have to eat, I know (although of course i did), but then I seemed to be absolutely starving for the rest of the day. I wonder if I have some sort of problem with wheat or carbs or gluten or something. They seem to trigger hungry bingey feelings for me.
    I managed to behave not too badly for the rest of the day, but had a big lump of cheese about 4 oclock – that time of day is very triggery for me at the best of times. Luckily I don’t have chocolate in the house or it would have been a disaaaaster!Limped through today, hoping tomorrow is easier with food just ‘off the table’ until night. Busy day planned, that should help!

    Hi Kate.. that is still not such a bad day. Not too calorie heavy despite the roll and the cheese. You are supposed to eat normally on these days. Why just order salad? I would go for some good protein, pass over the carbs and some steamed or grilled vegetables. It is probably best not to just eat salads on NFDs.

    I am also fasting tomorrow. Soup for dinner. Maybe a bit of Tuna. I can’t say that I find FDs easier, it is just that you don’t have to make choices. The thing with carbs (especially simple carbs like a white roll) is that they spike your blood sugar, thereby spiking your insulin and triggering hunger pangs after the sugar is quickly removed and stored. I usually ask the wiater to take away the bread basket.. As long as it ‘sits’ there, I am bound to sample some… the smell of bread – especially freshly baked – is too painful to resist.


    Thanks Salma – I normally would have protein and veg but the type of place it was, everything seemed to be ‘bready’! And I was really looking forward to going out for lunch, bad choice of venue though. Will be a bit more careful in future.

    As you say, no real harm done I know – it was just that I felt there COULD have been a real nosh up! I’m definitely not ready to have ‘goodies’ in the house. Came home and made myself go outside and cut the grass, out of the kitchen and away from temptation.

    That is good info about the blood sugar.

    The Battered SPAM Samwich ( not sandwich, sorry,)
    Slab of Special Processed American Meat (pinker the better )about 6oz
    Stottie (large yeasty white bread bun)

    Batter SPAM -deep fry till golden, and crispy,
    Serve in stottie with ketchup or broon sauce. (Brown)

    Sorry Goosey x

    Hi Salma, yup!

    Compared to the delicacies of Scotland, deep fried pizza and deep fried mars bars, spam could be considered ‘gourmet’.

    Getting back into the saddle is difficult, I am finding. Got rid of the last of the ice cream.

    Must say I always thought people who, instead of chucking out temptation food, they eat it, were mad. Proud to say threw mine in the bin.

    Well, into the recycling.

    Well, the wrappers. Ate the ice-cream. It was lovely.

    Fast day tomorrow, will it be just Salma and I, or is there anyone else?

    Hi peeps

    I’m fasting tomorrow, so will think of you 2, and send positive vibes, I’m praying I’ll be good 😉 tend to go off the rails by thurs, tomorrow will be different is my mantra..


    Goosey and Salma

    stotties!!!! With ham and pease pudding, now that is gourmet food!!!

    I am sorry ladies, but that (Stotties and spam?) does not appeal at all!!!
    Actually, it is something to think about when I get hungry tomorrow.. will put me completely off.
    Probably tastes better than it sounds.

    Ice cream empty wrappers.. now THAT is the stuff of dream.

    On that note… I will say good night


    stottie cakes are just unleavened bread – ham on the bone – not spam, and pease pudding – wonderful!

    Think I’ll make some pease pudding this weekend – I make it now and then and take some to the manager of the local Tesco – a Newcastle lad!

    Hi Goosey

    where in Scotland, Kate is in Perthshire and I am near Edinburgh

    I can’t believe you are talking about eating Spam! I am in the U.S. and we were forced to eat that when we were kids, and I swore to myself that I would never touch it again (along with baked beans!), and I never have! But I am happy that someone found a good use for it. Goes to show you how different our cultures and tastes can be!

    I just drool over some of the foods you eat in the other countries! I really need to get a good cookbook from the UK.

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