May 2017 31-Day Challenge (1st Anniversary!)

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May 2017 31-Day Challenge (1st Anniversary!)

This topic contains 2,268 replies, has 131 voices, and was last updated by  Moammad 3 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Day 31, Germany, FD

    Today I could keep under 600 calories. So I am happy πŸ™‚ Friends thanks for your comments and posts, they were all great push to move forward πŸ™‚

    Days 27-31 NFD

    Oh well, back from the long weekend and no formal fast days, but no regrets either. @happymargo, SW Colorado has some really good food!

    @snowflake56 — So great to read about your adventures in ballet. Dance is and always has been my favorite form of exercise. I’m very glad to hear people in the class are friendly because that makes a BIG difference.

    As for May, I can put on the ‘aspirational’ pants and skirt but they’re still too tight, so will be back for another challenge. Congrats to those who reached their goals this month and for everyone else…see you in June!

    Day 31 -CARDIFF UK -FD

    @pissupoosa thanks for hosting this month. Sorry to hear about the exam, I’m sure you’ll get the results you deserve in September.

    @steve-toon-taxi-driver‘ so sorry to hear about your mam. Hope having your son’s wedding coming up will give the family something positive to focus on, at difficult times it’s good to be able to look to the future.

    Last FD today and had planned water only, until OH’s GP rang, then visited to tell him he needed to be admitted to hospital as she’d had results if his morning blood test rung through to her and his potassium is dangerously low. So put the kettle on and had a piece of KFC – still under 500 cals.

    Not sure when I’ll be able to weigh in but have tried to update the spreadsheet. Looks like I’ll be spending the night sleeping on a chair beside his bed, really going to appreciate my waterbed tomorrow night.

    2nd post
    Isn’t it wonderful that not only is this woe helping the person who signed up at the beginning but we have sons, daughters and OH’s all getting on the wagon and doing so well!

    @snowflake56 – fantastic that you are getting the chance to dance. I read that the best exercise to do is the one you enjoy. To think of things you did maybe as a child that brought you joy. Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!

    @ciren2 the best advice I can give is don’t look back. No point in beating yourself up about where you were and where you are – it is what it is, let’s move forward together and look to where we are going. Give yourself a pat on the back cus you are still here and haven’t given up.

    @mogaman Once again I believe the solution of getting over the plateau is having FD’s at 500 cals or less and NFD’s that are at goal weight of TDEE. Many people have lost up to 10lbs in the month doing the BSD 800 cals daily. I’ll have to calculate what weight has a TDEE of 800 cals.
    You probably already know it but in case anybody else has a question. Here is the link for calculating Goal Weight TDEE:

    @coda – you’re right with our experiences in this WOL influencing others! Just this morning at my gym, I ran into a friend (former Curves also) who knew about the gal I loaned my 5:2 book to a month ago, and she told me what great success she is having! I had not seen her since I loaned her my book, but I am so glad to hear she has embraced it as well!

    Came back on to report my weight and measurements.

    Weight from 68.2kgs to 65.2kgs so 3kg loss.
    B down 2cms
    W down 3cms
    H down 2cms
    T down 1cm

    So really happy with that. This last b2b2b had really helped, seemed to do it all in my first and last week!

    Thanks so much for running this challenge @pissupoosa. Hope to see all of you in the June challenge.

    Still Day 31-

    I’m keeping to a liquid fast on this last day & plan to weigh in tomorrow to face the music.

    @fatrabbit – you and your son are doing great! May has seen some wonderful results for you and him. It sounds like some good camaraderie over coffee. That sounds positive!

    @steve toon taxi driver – so sorry for the loss of your mom. No matter what, it’s always too soon.

    @bert1802 – I may be right with you with an upswing. Tomorrow we begin a new month. We can do this!

    @coda – Have a great trip! If you were passing by a little closer, I’d love to connect. Thank you for the comments regarding my family. It was very moving to see the reconciliation between my brother and father. Part of my brother’s issues involve chronic mental health challenges and more. He wasn’t a “safe” person to be around for a season. It’s so good to see him on a healthier stretch. We’re still working on what’s best for Mom. My dad & brother (not the recently reconciled one) are trying to advocate for her in the Canadian health system. Some things just seem to get decided with little or no input from the family.

    @fivetwofan5252 – horray for reaching a weight you haven’t seen in 9 yrs.

    @krisnia – life doesn’t stop. As you mentioned, people on this forum have gone through so many different challenges but we keep on. I’m glad you’re doing better again. As I’ve mentioned I believe, my daughter struggles with seizures. For some reason, they’re acting up again. She almost wasn’t able to join us on our celebration trip to Canada for my dad’s 90th birthday. She even had a mild seizure during the night on the trip. I just am so amazed at her continued positive attitude.

    @lola907 – I pray things are going better with your hubby

    @okeydokey – yay, you banished some weight this month

    @loubelles – great results in May!

    Day 31 Maine FD

    Well, had a great 2nd fast day yesterday – planning my food helped a lot! Closed the kitchen at 7. Today was very well intentioned – planned to have lobster & salad at lunch. Well, did have the white wine spritzer as planned, but also ate some bread & cheese with it. Shared some steamed mussels w/hubby & friends as our app – then the most delicious lobster….first lobster of the season is always the best! The only good thing I can say is that I stopped myself from eating the whole thing – brought 1 claw home! That is major discipline for me! Also, just a drop of butter – not the usual soaking. Felt pretty confident that I was in control – not a FD as hoped, but mindful – until tonight. Attended granddaughter’s end of year concert & we all stopped for ice cream after. I wasn’t even hungry, but odered a small cone. What’s up with that?? Social eating? Or emotional because of all the in/outlaws & ex’s that gather to support our darling granddaughter. Oh well….no need to analyze – just know I can do better!

    Weighed 175 this morning – 3 lbs burned for good in May – didn’t make my 4 lb goal, but headed in the right direction. Pushing reset for tomorrow – 1st day of the month & starting on the right foot with a FD! Plus easier when I’m working. Have many social engagements (dinners) in the next few weeks, so a little nervous…just need to stay mindful & drink a lot of water!

    Thank you all for the support & especially @pissupoosa for your leadership.

    @steve-toon-taxi-driver – I’m sorry to hear about your mother’s passing. Difficult time no matter how prepared you think you are.

    Good night all – see you in June!

    Day 31, Pacific NW USA, Liquid only FD, I felt the need to read your posts to get strength to make it through the last few hours of this challenge so I can see a reduction by my weigh in tomorrow.

    Last week Day 23 and 24 were b2b FD’s and I saw a one pound reduction that nudged my “maintenance” (read plateau) weight by a little. I attended a celebration on Day 26 so it was a NFD that probably added that pound back. I don’t regret the fun and camaraderie that was held around a great buffet though.

    I will continue to check in and get inspiration and hope you all have a great June!

    Final sign in for May
    I lost 1 kg this month so quite happy!

    Final day 🌈

    Wrote a reply then lost it – hope you don’t get this twice it was such a brilliant reply also πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ full of positivity, ho hum

    Anyway what is said was weight loss 1.4lb, not the best but will take any loss!’

    Good things:

    Loss for Mayβš–οΈ
    Posted every dayπŸ“†
    Increased exercise (so hoping muscles are forming, hence not so much loss on scales)πŸ‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸƒπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ
    Increased water πŸ‰πŸ’¦


    Oops pressed submit before I thanked our host and the rest of you, have enjoyed the stories about wagons, dragons, bunnies, pocketeers, cruella scales, holidays, birthdays, kitchen closures and many more…

    Thanks all, keep on keeping on πŸ‘ŠπŸ»June here we come πŸ‘­πŸ‘«πŸ‘­πŸ‘«

    2nd post

    Just read this short article and thought it might have a bit of inspiration for those of you still moving towards your goals.

    Just logging in for the end of May. MFP reports I lost 9lbs, hey no idea how it happened but it looks and sounds good. Jumping across the way to sign up for June.@pissupoosa. So many thanks for looking after us this month, don’t worry come September you know what to expect, forewarned is fore armed as they say. You’ll ace it.

    Final sign in for May

    Weight 64.4 Kg down from 67.5 Kg at start of May, so made my goal which was 2 Kg and actually dispatched 3.1 Kg or almost 7 pounds, so very happy with that! I think the last 3 days of b2b2b were the key… have also enjoyed all the stories… many thanks to @pissupoosa for leading us this month and also the many contributors with all the great support. See you in June!

    Last post for May. Weight 89.3kgs Waist 39″

    Nor a resoundingly successful month but nevertheless .3 kgs eradicated so moderately successful. Change of tactics for June, will switch to 5:2 and see if that is more sustainable for me.

    Final post for may (sorry 1 day late)

    Day 31 – FD- Hampshire, UK

    Weighed myself this morning (01/06/2017) – 69.5kg (starting weight was 72.2kg on the 15/05/2017) total loss 2.7kg. Sorry haven’t got round to doing my measurements after my weight loss, will do them tonight and add them tomorrow.

    I should mention that I have been doing 4:3 not 5:2 with serious gym/running, I realised this morning that i’m doing 4 days a week on average of heavy gym and running.

    More than half way there, bring on the June challenge πŸ˜€

    Final post for May.

    Well we’ve only gone and done it……….. again!!! Another challenge under my belt and although weight eradication isn’t exactly stellar, it IS, at least, in the right direction!!! Yesterdays’ FD, 3rd of B2B2B was a fitting end to May, the challenge was met and apart from a wobble or 2 it was a controlled month even if the scales LIE!!! I’m not despondent, I positively LOVE this WOL, just frustrated!!!

    My aims for May were……………………..

    1. Lose 4.6lbs+……………aiming for 166lbs or less! ………………MANAGED TO GET TO 164.4 (30LB TOTAL) MID-MAY THEN BACK UP IN THE 2ND HALF OF THE MONTH FINALLY SETTLING TODAY AT……. 168.2lbs, SO 2.4lbs ELIMINATED!!!! DAMN YOU SHIRAZ, MERLOT, MALBEC & FRIENDS!!!
    2. Continue 10,000 steps per day………. Or as close as possible……………….. CURRENTLY AVERAGING 7500, SO NOT TOO BAD!!
    3. Introduce some toning exercise to counteract the dreaded β€˜sagging’………………. THIS HAS MOVED TO BECOME A JUNE AIM.
    4. Drink 3 Litres of water per day……..NO less!!! –perhaps I can start a β€˜Pocket 3L Water’ group at some point!!??……………………. OH YES, I’M NOW AN EXPERT DRAGON DROWNER, 3L+ DAILY!!!
    5. STAY focused!!! Mindful NFDs and achievable FDs……………… FOCUSED BUT FRUSTRATED (SIGH!)
    6. QUIT the self-sabotaging and stop looking back………….I’m not going that way anyway!!!! …………… STILL WORKING ON THIS ONE, ONWARD WITH THE BRAIN TRAINING!!

    I’ll look back on this post at the end of June and see how perseverance throughout diabolical April and tricky May led to a MEGA fat eradication in June!!!! Here’s hoping!!!!!!

    Thanks @pissupoosa, helping us through a month which was, as life can be, full of ups, downs and unexpected trying times for you, stay strong and study on!!!!!

    To my global friends………… see you in June!!!

    Final post for May

    I had prepared my post and then lost it. So an abridged version:

    @steve toon taxi driver – condolences to you and your family x

    Start weight 136.6lbs
    Final weight 135.0lbs
    Didn’t meet goal of 133.0lbs but delighted with a 1.6lbs loss – despite a two week cruise. Also seeing my lowest figure yet on my biometric scales with all of the other statistics heading in a healthy direction.
    Thanks again @pissupoosa for hosting and thanks to every member of the May challenge for your incredible support of each other. Whatever our individual results, the fact that we’re here is testament to our collective intention to be fit and healthy.
    Bring on June – Together we are Stronger!

    Day 31 NFD

    I haven’t really completed on here everyday but I’ve been reading most post and it keeps me going.

    I’ve weighed myself today and have lost an incredible 11lbs in the month of May. I am so over the moon I can’t tell you. One more pound and I would’ve lost my first stone of the year. Tried all the other diets but this one just seems to suit me. I’ve want to lose another 16lbs in total that weight is right for me

    I’ll be continuing with the June challenge and although I’m not expecting the same kind of results I’ll be happy with a little bit more.

    Thanks for hosting and helping keep me on track one happy lady here.


    Hi all final post from me on this thread

    I didn’t quite make my goal of 7 lbs but am absolutely delighted to have dumped 5 lbs. So glad the sad step didn’t play mind games on the final weigh in.

    If you have posted today, you are winners no matter what! you completed the May challenge so be very proud. For some this is the longest they have ever stuck at something – give yourselves a round of applause. See you all in June and for @songbirdme and @Chiltowngal I actually mean I will see you in June!

    @back2thefuture – are you still going to be around when we hit Seattle? I have asked the tech guys here to send you my email address.

    I want to thank each and everyone of you for your support given. To all the stories be they happy, sad, angry – you are all wonderful!

    Day 31- Montreal- NFD

    I haven’t been as diligent this month, both logging in daily or controlling my NFD’s. My weight is 77.9k, far from the 76 I’d planned on reaching. I’m even more determined to get my act together in June. See you there!
    Thank ou for hosting Pissupoosa.

    Hello everyone!

    I have been traveling for work to South East Asia (Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia) in the past 19 days, things have been hectic and hence missing the log and check in.

    Regardress, I have been maintaining 5:2 schedule all the time and drinking plenty of water. Exercise was bit challenging, I did 2x cardio per week and 2x strength training per week, each session last 30-45 minutes, depending on how tired I was and how much free time I had after work and between travel.

    Surprisingly I still lost 6 lbs this month, which was what I aimed for.
    I am not sure if this is more due to 5:2 or due to travel fatigue in general. Still pretty please with the result though!


    Well, my goal was to get from 172lbs to 165lb. I weighed myself yesterday and I was at 169lbs so not totally successful…However, today is my first FD this week so I’m going to get myself back on the wagon for June. At least my weight is sliding slowly in the right direction. And I’m feeling brighter, more content, more alert. Nice πŸ™‚
    I’m sure a lot of you guys will be continuing with the June challenge. I look forward to checking in with you all there. The motivation and support that you all show is amazing. Thansk again @pissupoosa for hosting.

    See you in June!

    @scs – I’m on a FD today and reading your post has been like TORTURE!! Lobsters, lobster claws, melted butter, mussels…OMG, HEAVEN!! We have great seafood in Northern Ireland but…yummmmy!! Thanks for that πŸ˜‰


    Thanks ever so much to all of you for fun, support, and marvelous camaraderie.

    Goal has been maintenance since the end of November. That has been met! I finished the month actually down a little at 158.8 this morning. I saw 157.5 a few days ago, so keeping under 160 is perfectly thrilling.

    So excited to see @coda and @chitowngirl in just a few days!

    Moving over to June. Hope to “see” you there!

    Day 31 Final numbers
    Weight 128
    Waist 27.5
    Bust 32
    Hips 35
    Neck 12

    @AnnMarilyn I’m really sorry to hear about your daughter and glad she is doing better. It’s a tough way of life, but others who are supportive make all the difference!

    Onward and downward for June! May wasn’t my best month health wise, but I did meet my weight loss goals!

    ……May challenge wrap-up……

    Well, I’m so very pleased I finished up the 3 day b2b2b.
    It was the best & most thorough Fasting I managed since back in January! YAY!! Really feels like my mojo is back!

    Now for a great big “but.” I am unable to log a final weigh in.

    My Crohn’s disease flared up very badly over the Memorial Day weekend. I am back on massive doses of corticosteroids to decrease my intestinal inflammation.
    Instantly over night, my weight has shot up 10-11 pounds. I’m retaining water all over like crazy. My calves, ankles & feet are ginormous! I’m also getting the swollen moon-pie face….

    So…my plan is to continue with this wonderful forum into June, carry on with 5:2 & my exercising. Then hopefully when I’ve tapered completely off the Prednisone in July or August, I’ll be in for a thrilling whoosh & weight loss surprise!

    Heading over to June challenge now. See you all there.

    Day 31 country west Australia NFD 73.4 kgs
    So despite being reasonably determined over May and doing more well controlled under or to 500 calorie FDs the huge loss of … 500 gms.
    Have committed to this WOL for 12 months so still have til the end of October but can’t dismiss the disappointment of such a small loss and STILL being on the plateau after 4 months.
    Have tweaked and done things differently with fasts and NFDs to no avail so back to the drawing board for June.
    See you on the other side of the mountain.πŸ˜”

    Last May post –

    It was a bouncing around month from 197.8 – 204.2. This morning it was 201.6; a 3.8 lb gain.

    Thank you @pissupoosa for hosting May.

    Last May Post

    Well I am happy to say I disposed of 4kgs this month and I am now 74.5kg (goal 66kg).

    Bust down 6cm to 97cm
    Waist down 5cm to 90cm
    Hips down 2cm to 118 cm

    Thank you again everyone for your support and encouragement, it really is motivating to check in here every day, it keeps me focused and it is working. @pissupoosa I have updated the spreadsheet with my results, thank you for your great work again. See you all over in June

    Day 31 Belfast FD
    Final weight 158lbs
    Waist 35.5 inches
    Surprisingly, I have ended up exactly the same weight as at the beginning of the month. I am choosing to view that as a positive!

    Thank you @arvandee for that link
    Fantastic progress Saffy420, LouBelles, @okeydokey and family, @fatrabbit and son, Mia 139, fivetwofan5252,SCS (I’m salivating at the mention of your lobster), @strawberries, @flourbaby, @coda and all you losers – I’m going to stop now – there are so many I don’t think I can catch up with you all! Regardless… a very well done

    @snowflake56: it must be fate. In my 40s I went to an adult ballet class, until the teacher retired. When you posted about ballet, I totally identified with your dancing and made a mental note to look up classes and try again. This morning, I was in a friend’s house and there was a brochure for a local venue which hosts art/exercise classes, and there was ballet. So watch this space. I am unleashing my inner dancer!
    @ciren2 I’m holding your hand. WE CAN DO THIS!
    @pashaw : hope all is well with your OH. Stay Strong.xo
    @coda. A meet for the NI team later in the year would be great. The days are ticking closer to your departure. I bet you’re thrilled. Happy travelling.
    @happymargo despite your troubles you sound so up-beat. Hope you get sorted soon. You’re an inspiration!
    @lilymartin: any loss will do! We are half way down the mountain, and have just stopped for a rest. June will be a great month as we climb back on the wagon.

    Thank you all so much for your support and inspiration. I hope to see you all next month.

    Day 31 – NFD

    End of May Challenge- 10 stone 10.5lbs
    2 inch gone from waistline – now 29″ πŸ˜€
    V happy with first months results, looking forward to our June Challenge!

    @stevetoontaxidriver – so sorry to hear about your mum, kind regards to you & your family at this sad time.

    @pissupoosa – thank you for hosting May, creating the spreadsheet & encouraging all of us selflessly when you were so busy!! You are a ⭐️

    @pissupoosa – Thank you for hosting May and empowering each of us to maintain our stats on the spreadsheet. That was a very generous act of kindness while you are in school and have so much on your plate.

    @everyone – I’m terrible at remembering who said what and sometimes I get overwhelmed and can’t keep up on all the posts but sometimes I’m hanging on by my fingertips and am so grateful to all that share on this forum. Thank you for being here and holding space with me, keeping the fast with me, and lifting my spirits when I have fallen.

    I started the program at 152 lbs and today – after a non-fast day I’m 146.2. This program does work. It’s now just up to me to continue to work the program.

    See you all in the June Challenge.

    Last post fot the May challenge

    finished the month with an unintended weight loss, down from 53,6 to 52,2 kg yesterday, today 52,1 kg.

    @at, @coda, @keetseel ballet-class was real fun yesterday, I’m glad I did a lot of stretching last week to prevent acheing muscles.

    @debster251 you’re way ahead of me, I don’t even know the terminology, it seems to be a strange mix of French and English. You know what it means when the teacher says: plie or tendu now. Just start again, you know what fun it is.

    @pissupoosa thanks again for making the amazing spreadsheet, it was so easy for me to sign in there.

    Thanks to everyone for the supporting words, the virual flowers and hugs, the recipes, the stories, the funny ones (the naked gardeners) and the sad ones (Manchester and the loss of loved ones). Hope to “see” all of you at the June challenge.

    Another final post for May

    I’m hoping some kind IT literate member can advise me on how to share the spreadsheet for our June challenge. I’ve developed a very simple one on my limited Microsoft office excel starter software but it would be great if somehow I was able to utilise the format that @pissupoosa shared.

    If by chance you read this @pissupoosa, I’m aware you are going through a tough time right now and don’t want to add to that – but any help will be gratefully appreciated. I do hope you are going to join us in June?

    Many thanks.

    @strawberriesandcream would it be possible to copy and or edit the spread sheet for May ie rename it as June and delete all the info and input fresh info?

    Thank you so much for the kind words everyone. It’s been a tough week – I’m trying to rethink my exam strategy for the next attempt.

    I’ll be crunching the numbers in the next couple days and will post the final data over the weekend.

    As for me taking the June challenge – I think I’m going to take a short break and see how I feel.

    Will be in touch with the final numbers in a couple of days xx

    Sorry only just saw your message.
    Please feel free to use my spreadsheet as a template to do the June one. I don’t know if you can actually copy it from the link I posted? If not I can email you a copy. Let me know.

    3d post and question. Is there a quick way to locate the spreadsheets? I would be happy to update my own if I could find it. I have searched through posts, there are so many, and did a search in the search bar. But alas no luck! Perhaps there is a simple formula which evades me. If someone would be kind enough to enlighten me I would be most grateful.

    Managed to keep it at 507 cal today for my fast. Feeling pretty good about that. My last best day for the week. Thank you all for being here.

    Good luck to you sturdy weekend festers.

    I’m looking forward to receiving The Clever Guts diet in the mail. I just ordered it.

    @lindasue Great article, I enjoyed reading it. Burning fat … is correct. Thanks for sharing it.✨
    @strawberriesandcream I think it is possible to save @pissupoosa ‘s spreadsheet under a new name…. June Challenge. Then you can clear the FD’s and NFD’s, update the current names for the June Challenge. Then share it so we can all update it ourselves.
    It’s 1:00 AM right now in Lancaster, PA, US, but I will be glad to take a look at it in the morning when I get up.😊 Possibly @pissupoosa may read your post and send you the cleared spreadsheet with the format she used. She did a wonderful job with it. Thank-you ✨again😊 @pissupoosa βœ¨πŸ’›βœ¨

    @strawberriesandcream I just saw… @pissupoosa replied to your postβœ¨πŸ˜€

    @pissupoosa – thanks for your reply – also @coda and @okeydokey for your suggestions. I did have a look at using your spreadsheet @pissupoosa but I knew you were planning to work on final results for May after people had inputted their data – so I did not want to risk deleting all that data. I will need to wait until you have completed May results and published them. Does that all make sense?? Thanks so much for your help. Unfortunately, I don’t think my basic software will support your template if you email it to me – whereas I’m able to access it fine on shared google drive. Thanks so much for your help. It would be great to use your template rather than my much more basic sheet if possible.

    Time to close out May challenge. I got to step on my scales at home this morning. And wish I hadn’t. Closing weight for May is 92.2 kg, which means the last week and a half I’ve been going backwards. Total loss ended up at 5.1 kg rather than the 6.4 kg I wanted.

    Oh well, onwards and downwards. See you on the June challenge thread!

    Oh dear – it looks like my messing around last night has changed the May spreadsheet title to June. Sorry @pissupoosa, tried to change it back but it’s not working. This is going to confuse the heck out of folks!!

    Sorry guys, totally lost it in May. I’ll take a while to sort out my head and hope to catch up some time in the future.

    Wishing you all the best in your onward journey!

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