Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,201 through 3,250 (of 16,657 total)

  • Samm
    You are doing really well. ..97kg. You’ll get there. My reversed diabetic hubby (interesting description) finds he can get away with a bit of naughtiness on eat days as long as he definitely does 2 fasts a week. He has been squarely in his healthy weight niw fir most of thus year having lost 30kg.

    On fast days he has nothing but black coffee and water until 6.30pm when he has veg or salad and fish…don’t count the calories any more, but low as there are no starchy foods. He drinks wine on normal days. Anything too sugary (cider/beer) sends his bs up. He also finds this happens 2 days later if he has excessive wine or pigs out on a sugary dessert. P

    Hi Lizzy
    I also mostly taught infants, but anything up to high school.
    Similar stats here re new teachers. And the old ones are retiring (me). I don’t think they’ll have too many putting their hands up to teach if they don’t improve conditions and start valuing the professionalism of teachers.
    …steps down off her soapbox…. 🙂

    Because of my level of exercise Ive been choosing oatmeal as my feed dat breakfast, as I can flavor it in many ways. It can give me a spike, but I follow the recommended oatmeal guidelines for diabetics. As it helps to keep cholesterols at health levels. Very small portions with stevia instead of sugar. It trickles rathersthan gushes. Cholesterol’s are typically high in people losing weight.

    Samm, OHs cholesterol has actually dropped significantly during this process.
    I have absolutely no faith in most expert opinion on diabetes anymore 🙁
    Dr Fung is the exception. Cheers P

    Hi Lizzy

    IF has also meant I have lost all the fat from my back and shoulders. My grandma always referred to it as the widows hump. That’s why I was pleasantly surprised when it went away through intermittent fasting.

    Three cheers for this WOL. 🙂 Bay

    Morning/evening all.

    A cold, but clear and sunny morning. Thankfully those strong winds have gone.

    19lbs gone, so that is 43lbs in total and I am officially at my lowest weight for 25 years!
    I did B2B Monday and yesterday as I’m out for the day today and didn’t want to lose a fast day, and I’m so thrilled and motivated I’ve decided I’m going for another B2B tomorrow and Friday and then back to ADF until the end of November.

    Lots of posts to catch up on. I probably shouldn’t have but really laughed at the term “fatty Purple” and I bet you’re not scrawny, just slim 🙂
    I have a couple of recent photos that I like. One of them is a group photo from my South Africa trip, and it is a good photo of all members of the group, although some might disagree!
    After the discussion yesterday I went and had a good look at myself in the mirror and saw a not yet slender but definitely thinner person, so I’m happy with my progress apart from the fact that my skin needs to shrink a bit 😮

    I had a bright pink hula hoop when I was 5 which was kept behind the sofa, and I loved it! It reminded me that the Wii fit has a hula hoop module on it and a boxing exercise that I really used to enjoy. I must dust it off and take a look.

    Time to get moving, have a great day/evening everyone.

    Hello fast trackers

    Lovely sunny day here. Hope yours was/is good for you.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Morning all – busy bees as always. I’ve had a quick run throu the posts -it looks like everyone is doing well 🙂
    The cast of ‘York The Movie’ are gearing up to what looks like a great weekend. Samm is a fountain of knowledge as always. Skipping or jumprope seems to be very benificial – I have a couple of things that make it quite uncomfortable but a good sports bra should sort me out! Could I just caution every one to wear good supportive footwear and stretch and warm up a little before starting. This should avoid any nasty achilles tendon problems. Samm – a man who can dance is a rare and wonderous thing in my experience.
    Jojo – I watched Horizon last night until my eyes closed I think I have 30mins to catch up on later. This is a truely historic advance in medicine and makes my heart glad. I’m delighted you made a good recovery but your experience obviously gave you an insight to the difficulties faced by many. I think I’ve missed some posts re facebook – I am a sceptical convert to f/b over the past few years and its put me back in touch with many old friends. What is the group name?
    2nd fast of the week for me today. Hoping for some weight reward tomorrow but happy to have some clothes that feel very loose and down a size in others (I’m sometimes reluctant to go down a size because I enjoy the novelty of too big clothes – weirdo!)
    Best wishes to all

    Hi All,
    I suggest we don’t put the group Facebook nome on here. Keep it to the email link as with all York plans now
    Neurotic Jojo xx
    Speak later, dreaded dentist now

    Tartan lass, I’ve just parted with a much loved sweatshirt that was so large I could get someone else in it at the same time. I didn’t want to part with it because it is very warm and has a fleecy lining, and every time I caught sight of myself wearing it I was reminded how much smaller I am. Last but not least, I’ve spent many years finding cloths are getting tighter, and experiencing the opposite is fab!

    Jojo I totally agree – also we don’t want to put off potential new joiners by looking as if we are a ‘cliquey’ lot! Hope your dental experience isn’t too awful.

    Amazon – well done! Fantastic progress. I had a hula hoop too! x

    Trying a fast day today starting from after lunch

    Good morning fast trackers,
    I had a bad day yesterday and scales agree. Up 3 lbs. I just ate bread, lots of it, stupid really but I hadn’t eaten Sun or Monday so I thought I could get away with it. No chance. Hopefully it will vanish as quickly as it came, it usually does. Will I never learn?

    Ply, I am not sure how to link a tv programme but it is National news here so you could probably google it.
    I know this is very important to you and it is one of the reasons I was so emotional when watching the programme. It is not a quick fix. So far the Polish man who received the treatment still needs aids to walk independently 2 years after operation and he has had a daily physical workout programme. All the experts agree that this shows that spinal cord can be repaired, he is controlling his lower back and leg muscles. Feeling and control can be restored. The programme is called Panorama.
    I will see what the papers say, copy and email you.

    Fasting today – apart from slip up yesterday ADF has been going well.
    Walking and bowls today then a musical soirée tonight in a friends lounge, how old fashioned is that?

    Jojo xx

    So sweet of you to be emotional on my behalf, Jojo. Thank you.

    Hi Bayleaf
    I know we lose inches gradually from all over our body but it still amuses me to know I’ve gone down half to a whole shoe size depending on the style of shoe and that bangles that pinched my wrists are now loose. Now if I could train my dog to stop eating my socks, I could double up in my existing shoes to take up the slack. Sock shopping and being more organised about where I leave them are on my to do list.

    The amazing thing is that I used to have real trouble and pain in my wrists and now I don’t.


    Hi – sorry for barging in on your topic, but I know many people subscribe to it and get the emails. Those emails have changed a bit to make it easier to unsubscribe and also let people know that they can’t reply via email.

    If there’s anything wrong with the subscriptions, please do let me know — you should be able to reply to one to do so.

    Thanks and sorry for the off-topic post again!

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Lizzypb, I am noticing too that my feet are changing- a little less wide. And yes the aches and pain of osteo arthritis are lessening. I have one artificial knee and was thinking the other needed to be replaced. However no aches there either at present.
    One downside is that I move more quickly and twice in two weeks, I’ve tripped up onto my artificial knee- no harm done however. I’m quite clumsy and our garden is an obstacle course.

    I am really having problems doing the fast days this week. I just can’t get to the end of the day. I have been on ths FD for over 3 months and wonder if I’m not suffering from FD fatigue. I am dong the ADF.

    I would be grateful for any tips to combat ths.

    We are preparing to migrate across the world next week, so maybe stress is klling the FD. This funny cyclonic weather is also a factor maybe.

    Que faire? as the French say.

    Tangatwiwi xx

    Hi bay,

    As promised, here are a few suggestions for learning Spanish, some test-driven by Him Indoors who found them to be useful and fun. Firstly a freebee which you can start on immediately if you want to:


    It includes a little 12-episode soap called Mi Vida Loca – My Crazy Life – which deals with the sort of everyday situations that a visitor to Spain might experience, plus simple but useful vocabulary.

    OH also recommended another BBC publication:


    You’ll see the link is to Amazon UK. It may well be that you could find it on Amazon Australia. If not, this link should give enough detail for you to order it from somewhere else close to home.

    When you said you were heading towards Latin America, it occurred to me that this one, ‘Sueños’ (Dreams)’ may be even more useful as it travels around different countries and, I think, different variations of Spanish, i.e. the same language but some different usages, just like there are between you guys Down Under and us guys in the land of the other Hermaj – the one in Buck House. Hopefully, Amazon.au may have the CDs and books but the details should help you track them down elsewhere.

    http://www.amazon.co.uk/Suenos-World-Spanish-CDs-Sue%C3%B1os/dp/0563472480/ref=pd_bxgy_b_text_z (CDs)

    http://www.amazon.co.uk/Suenos-World-Spanish-Coursebook-Sue%C3%B1os/dp/0563472464/ref=pd_sim_b_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=1VFQHDTWEPXHT7VF5X5T (course book)

    A final thought. Our good friend Amazon – the lovely lady, not the online retailer 🙂 – is off to Cuba very soon and I know it’s not her first trip to Latin America. She can probably offer some useful advice based on her own experience.

    Anyway, hope this helps. 🙂

    Poor Tangatawiwi,

    You have my sympathy. I don’t have the good fortune to live 1000 metres up a mountain in the Ardèche, but I do have the dubious privilege of living in a London Borough which doesn’t see why it should keep its pavements in reasonable repair.

    Like you, as I lost weight, I felt the urge to move more rapidly. While walking along one of said pavements I decided to walk in a more aerobic fashion, so lengthened my stride and quickened my pace. Next thing I knew I was flying through the air and landing flat on my face, having tripped on a very loose paving stone sticking up by about 2 inches. Fortunately, I was wearing a thick winter coat and was still naturally well-padded round the middle, otherwise, as one friend pointed out, I would probably have broken a rib. As it was, I had badly bruised knees and grazed hands. Later I discovered that the phrase ‘blue tits’ doesn’t just refer to pretty little birds native to the UK. 🙂

    I guess new-found fitness and the ability not to trip over things don’t necessarily go hand in hand. Sometimes, it’s a choice between admiring the scenery or staring at the ground to avoid possible lumps, bumps, rocks, tree roots, the list goes on…

    As for the fast days, maybe go a bit easier on yourself. Just do as much as you can cope with. You’re a better woman than I’ll ever be, doing ADF. I can handle 5:2, but anything stricter, I don’t think so.

    Could you be feeling a bit under the weather, no pun intended, with the weird conditions Europe has been experiencing, especially the storm-force winds?

    In Swiss courts of law, the Föhn, the warm wind that blows through the mountains (Föhn is also the German word for ‘hairdryer’), is often pleaded as an extenuating circumstance in cases of murder or violent assault, especially of the domestic kind. I did get the odd ‘Föhn headache’ which may or may not have been a coincidence, but low pressure does seem to be inclined to cause headaches.

    Likewise, the Mistral blowing down the Rhone Valley is reputed to affect mental health. While living in and around Arles poor old Vincent Van Gogh was said to go even more bonkers when the Mistral was blowing. I have my own theory. Having wandered around the Alyscamps, the eerie Roman necropolis just outside the city walls, on a warm summer’s evening, I reckon it was the bloody mozzies that got to him, same as the nasty little perishers got to me. 🙂

    Seriously, though, maybe you need to revert to 5:2 or whatever you feel you can handle for a little while. And be very, very kind to yourself. xx

    Is this possible that I can Lose 2 lb per week?

    Lizzy and bay,

    We do lose weight in funny places, often bits we don’t normally measure. Though I say it myself, I now have really nice shoulders. Sadly, my truly horrible dangly bingo wings mean I can’t show them off. And I think ‘cut-outs’ – the sort that show the shoulders but discreetly cover the rest – are no longer in style and have disappeared from the shops.

    Hi Ahmed,

    I think a quick answer is some weeks yes, others, no. And it isn’t necessarily because you have done anything wrong. Bodies seem to have minds of their own.

    Good luck, though. You will definitely get there, but it might not be quite as fast as you would like. Don’t forget all sorts of other good things will be happening, e.g. reduced blood pressure, cholesterol levels and blood glucose. And you may find, as lots of us do, that the tape measure or the way clothes fit give a better indication than the scales that we are making progress.

    Hi Ahmad:

    To lose two pounds a week over time you need to cut an average of 7000 calories per week from your diet. This will help you figure out what you personally need to do to accomplish that: http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/tdee-for-the-curious-or-why-dont-i-lose-weight-faster/

    My observation is that you can only do it over time if you are totally devoted 100% of the time and are lucky – no slip ups, no ‘outside’ things happening that upend the attempt, understanding you need to eat even less as you lose weight – so many things. It helps if you are exceptionally overweight at the start because your TDEE is higher and you have a better chance to lose more initially.

    It can be done, but it is very hard, and I am aware of only a handful of people that have done it over, say, a period of nine months or more. Most quit the attempt within 3-4 months. My observation is it is better for the average person to simply do 5:2 and accept the fact their weight loss will be slow and they will reach whatever their goal is in a longer time than they want at the start. But they will stay at it, rather than start with inflated expectations and quit when the expectations are not realized.

    Good Luck!

    Hi Hermaj
    You have a way with words. Thanks for making me laugh.

    XX Tangatwiwi

    Tangatawiwi I agree with Hermaj – give yourself a break! Your focus and determination to do ADF is amazing but it would probably be good to ease up for a couple of weeks while you relocate. If you can maintain and then come back to it refreshed you’ll feel much better I’m sure.
    I love the sound of flying around the world like migrating birds. I would not miss our dark dreary winters at all !! Coincidentally I’ve had a tough fast today. I warned OH that was in a bad mood and am about to soak in a bath before retiring very early to bed. Football on TV so I won’t be missed lol.

    Thanks Tartanlass.
    Yes I will take your advice and Hermaj’s and go onto the 5:2 until we get to New Zealand.
    Thanks for your kind words, Tartanlass and Hermaj.
    XX Tangatawiwi

    Hiya everyone . The E-Mails from here were looking strange so I un-subscribed . Then I came in and saw the post .

    I fasted yesterday and felt really hungry .. was the same today . Just wondering if it could be because it is getting colder . I will stick with it though as I enjoy this WOL .
    I love all the stories on here and I look forward to reading the posts every day .

    Jojo did you get all the clothes sorted out? I hope you are feeling better and your tummy has settled down .

    keep on going down guys . I am off to subscribe again 🙂 .

    Wee xx

    Jojo just read your other post . Do you mean to eat right up to your TDEE? . I was going to try that too BUT I am so scared I would put weight on . Today is the first day I have felt I could have eaten up to the TDEE but most days I have been really happy with less .

    Wee xx

    Evening all.
    I’ve had an educational day at Tate Modern. I saw a few paintings and sculptures that I liked, I saw some that I understood but didn’t like, and I saw a few things that were bloody awful. I also saw a few that I thought I could have made a better job of 😆 On the whole it was good, and I think that appreciating modern art is a bit like your first taste of alcohol or ciggie, awful at first but eventually you get the hang of it!
    We strolled along South Bank and had an early dinner in Wahaca, For those of you who don’t know, it is one of Thomasina Myers Mexican restaurants. Very nice it was too. I didn’t go mad, just a main course and a couple of vinos, and it was so filling there was no room for any more.Now I’m home I’m going to have some hot chocolate before bed…………………or maybe a café Mocha 🙂

    Thank you, Tangatwiwi, it’s sweet of you to say so.

    Being dyspraxic – ham fists and two left feet; dyscalculic – number dyslexic and rubbish at sums; and born with a foot right in it, I guess it’s good to be good at something. I’m not a bad cook either, but there endeth my talents.

    Basically it’s what I do for a living. I’m sure you would agree that the mark of a good translator is that s/he makes the text read and sound as though it was written in English rather than translated from French, Spanish, German or whatever. It’s also helped to go back to uni to do part-time post-grad work, where writing well (and making it sound as though you know what you’re talking about 🙂 ) is par for the course. I’m now waiting with bated breath to see if I can call myself an MA.

    Also posting on this and occasionally other threads where there are so many fine wordsmiths with great turns of phrase that you automatically raise your game.

    BTW, how do you keep your wonderful 18th-century stone house warm? We spent a couple of Christmases in a house rented from a colleague in the Pyrénées-Orientales and foraging for firewood was a major occupation. Fortunately there was plenty about. There was a very effective stove that kept the kitchen cosy, but trying to be Christmas-y around the sitting-room fire was a disaster. We had to scurry away before dying of smoke inhalation.

    Finally, is there a chance that, if the Glasgow excursion comes off as a lot of us hope it will, you will be able to come along?

    Hi everyone, sorry I’ve been a little AWOL this last 24 hours. Had a semi-fast day yesterday and the day before was meant to be a FD but ended up a semi-FD. Today is to be a FD and today I WILL succeed!!

    PC was off yesterday so only had phone to respond to things and so as it’s not always easy to do I read things but didn’t respond.

    Gee some of you have a great way of describing stuff … had to LOL re the comparison to certain birds, lol, still chuckling 😆

    Tomorrow will tell me if I’ve succeeded this week or not … clothes are feeling like they fit better but the scales and tape measure will tell if it’s only in my mind 😀

    Finding this week to be a difficult week as chocolates were around (they aren’t any more) but I did have more than I should have had but I’m not going to beat myself up about it, just make sure I don’t do this again is all I can do 😀 . It could have been because I was exhausted from the weekend as it was such a busy/frantic one where everything was happening on the one weekend. Now I know I need to pace myself a bit better and not over commit to things on the one weekend at least until I’ve got myself more into the rhythm of things (thought I had a handle on it but obviously prone to a little bit left of self destruction when there’s too much on at once).

    I found that this week I was “snoozing” in the early evening and not sleeping the best at night. Last night I did not let myself “snooze” however went to bed a little earlier and I slept much better and a bit longer so feeling more energised already 🙂

    Tangatiwiwi as with the others, the relocation is probably causing a lot more that you need to get done, ie packing things up, and you may be reacting to this in a different way. Give yourself permission to not be strict with this until the relocation has been completed (this includes the unpacking etc).

    Off now to check and reply to emails 🙂 … Cheers, AO xx

    Hi Amazon,

    Sounds like you had an absolute, bog-standard art museum visit. A combination of Wow! and Ummm, not sure about that, and what the so-and-so is THAT all about? And why does he keep painting Westminster Bridge over and over again?

    After three years studying Art History, the experience is still pretty much the same for me. I guess I’ve found a few more things to like and learned to understand why I like them and why I still dislike others. And I did start to really appreciate architecture, largely due to the lovely jojo lookalike who made it so fascinating.

    Glad you enjoyed Wahaca. I haven’t been to the one on the South Bank but have eaten several times at the one near Covent Garden. It’s so easy to over-order but once you get the hang of it, it’s well worth a visit.

    I forgot to thank you for the info you posted about Westonbirt. Much appreciated.

    Hi hermaj, you’re welcome.

    I’m off to the Rembrandt exhibition at the National next week, and I know that I’ll appreciate it!

    I used to go to museums and galleries a lot when I lived in Fulham back in the early 80s, but I just got out of the habit over the years. Now that I’m a lady who does what she pleases, I’m making an effort to take advantage of what London has to offer, especially as so much of it is free. I really like Southbank, it is always so busy and alive if you know what I mean, and there are so many nice cafés and restaurants to choose from.
    Wahaca has been on my list of must eat there places for ages, so it was nice to finally get there and have a good experience.

    Hi all, am feeling relieved that my final blood results were clear re diabetes but the warning is there so I am even more determined to adopt the 5:2WOL. I am off to buy a skipping rope ( thanks Samm) as struggle with workload and finding time to consistently Oh, my school had a walkathon so had a good hour walk yesterday and it was part of work.
    I still struggle on FD keeping under 500 but I figure it is practise and letting go go entrenched habits!
    Best get ready for work so have a great day for all those in the Southern Hemisphere and trust those in the North are sleeping soundly:)

    Hello fast trackers Smiffy Amazon Weemam Bay PVE SAMM Ply Jojo Herm and my SA friends Nicky Aussie Oma and Emel and everyone else on the path to the good life
    Nicky Adelaide hills a beautiful part of the world I lived in Hahndorf from 1986-1989 then I was living between Echunga and Meadows for 5 years before heading to the South East in fact 2 of the boys where born in Mt Barker hospital and our uncle Jeff lives in Bridgewater its a small world afterall 🙂
    may the force be with us all

    Hi Wiwi

    Agree with everything already said. Have a break from strict fasting.

    Please don’t forget Samm’s post about having a break from IF every now and again being good for us. I think that we do it to ourselves naturally if we go easy when significant events are happening to us. 🙂

    Hi Jojo and AO and others,

    I am also having a doldrum ( new word alert 😆 ) and have sabotaged my last two Fast days by eating sweets. Oh, oh !

    I am sitting on 60 kg and shrinking a little, but just going up and down through each week. People are now commenting more on my weight loss than they did when I first reached goal weight about four months ago. They are interested in trying fasting as there has been more publicity recently and they can see my results.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Hermaj

    Many thanks for your helpful suggestions re Spanish. I will look up your recommendations on Sunday. We are off to Sydney today and back on Saturday. OH is working and I am going to see Sculpture by the Sea which has over 100 outdoor sculptures installed along the cliff path from Bondi to Tamarama. About 5 km walk in lovely sunshine tomorrow.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Well done, Amazon, great weight loss. Health benefits too 🙂 Bay

    Good evening all,
    Better day today and dentist fitted a new temporary cap( broke tooth on recent holiday) then broke the temporary cap they did last week. Bloody nuisance but it will be permanently sorted before my trip to Spain( bowls holiday).

    It was my book group tonight, food was great, Indian cuisine, a local chef I know. Really good food. We have just read ‘the RosieProject’ by Graeme Simsion. Good read. Next is Life after Life by Kate Atkinson. That will be my holiday read.

    Emel1962-Sounds like you are getting on your game. It is definately possible to lose 2 lb per week. However this requires struck adherence to calorie guidelines and probably a low carb diet. If you include exercise daily you are more likely to succeed. Most importantly you will need to be positive and learn from your own eating habits. It’s not all about the calorie count, some foods go through the system quicker than others. The longer you stick to this plan the more you will learn control and abstenance, powerful allies. Good luck. Weemam has lost 2 lb per week for three months I believe, I am not as strict as her. I find my dieting is like a wave, sometimes I do well, other times not so well but in the long term I keep going down. Lapses are quickly disposed of usually. Don’t look back just forward. If you have a weekly aim whether it is one or two pounds you will make it happen.

    I need to get into London to see those poppies before they are sold, anyone fancy a trip to the tower?

    Jojo xx

    Dreadful energy on this fast day.

    Tried to fast on my lightest work load of the week.
    I tried to sleep through it when I got home , but family was disappointed I stayed to myself.  Not really worth the effort when a  day of good times lost.

    Rearranging furniture now, and oh don’t you know they are not around today. Lol

    Well there two reasons to lose weight.  
    1.  To look thin.
    2. To live longer.

    Fasting, seems to help live longer as long as there isn’t malnutrition involved.
    Exercise also is proven to extend lifespan, but only walking.

    So my approach is to make fasting and walking my way of life for longevity.
     All other exercise and calorie restriction is simply for becoming thinner.

    I suspect there’s  a third factor is keep from getting or to lose visceral fat. The fat that surrounds the organs.   It’s proven that walking after meals help to lower fat in the blood, thus lowering the gain of visceral fat.  

    Thanks to Micheal Mosely it explained very well in the video eat fast live longer, and again in the truth about exercise. That HIIT. Helps with lowering the amount of fat in The blood.  taking about three minutes a week . But it’s intense  so if you have doctor. They should give you the green light to go at it.

    My approach is to use jumprope  ,but also to do jumping jacks.
    This only speeds up what walking does for time purposes.  I bought a mini trampoline . As the the jumping serves to help circulate the lymphatic system. So I multiply the benefit of exercise by both walking and jumping.
    My understanding is you double you exercise , but not the benefit.
    With that in mind I try to do the exercises that save time, but work multiple muscle groups at once. Such as jumprope, and compound lifting.

    The walking and fasting though !  
    I switched jobs taking on a position in warehouse share I can walk from 7-12 hours a day racking up big numberson the pedometer. So I don’t have to try and walk after work.  And figuring out how fast on work days where I walk so much is discouraging , but I know the focus for me is not to look thinner , but to live longer. So I keep trying to fit  the fast days into mt life, even though the amount of exercise is helping to lose weight.  I know the fasting must be the lead factor.

    It’s my approach to use this phase of weightloss. To find what the foods I really enjoy on a fast day.

    Where in the beginning I was all about  meal replacements.
    Now after the fasting experience has gone on long term.
    I want to share my insight to thinking I’ll keep fasting the rest of my life even after I’ve reach my fat ratio goal.

    When I drink diet soda. There no nutrition in it .  So I still have to eat something.

    When I drink sugary soda there still not much nutrition in it.

    When I drink herbal tea, and eat vitamin and mineral rich food.
    I’m rejuvenating.  When I learn to fit 50% of nutrition needs into 250 calories, and don’t feel feel hungry for hours.  Then I’ve found a life long meal for fasting days. IMO although there are many , I dont enjoy them all.  

    I’ve found that planting my own fast day vegetables to be incredibly good for my soul.  

    Cruciferous vegetables
    Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, collard greens, bok choy and kale) have been identified by the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) as clearly reducing the likelihood of cancer of the mouth, pharanx, larynx, esophagus and stomach. 

    Tomatoes, red sweet peppers, beans, onions, garlic,and carrot .
    My aim is be able to find 500-600 calories twice a week in mine own garden. Going as far as utilize some windows in my home for year round growing.   I did this earlier this year, in a previous dwelling and found it to be as personally inspiring as being on the forum.   Sad that I let it go, but glad that I know that want that in my life.   A little year round green house that keeps me connected to cancer fighting  fasting foods.

    Just 2-3 days a week. Then out with friends and family to enjoy life’s other pleasures.   Finding the fish  on the menu had been very gratifying as well ,  it’s supposed to extend longevity another two years.  

    Jumping for joy ! 

    The goal is to enjoy the fasting meals enough to eat them long after my belly fat is gone.

    Found this page to very good read about intermittent fasting .

    Good morning all. Finally caught up with huge backlog of posts.

    Well done everyone with losses and commiserations to remainder. Won’t mention anyone by name for fear of missing someone out. Thanks for such a positive thread everyone and especially Jojo for starting it.

    Monday fast day went well, total cals about 400 but Tuesday something else! As have mentioned, been very busy at work and Tuesday was hot – 36oC by midday. Had been out tracking down plants all morning and despite drinking plenty, came back about 12.30 to my office with headache and very shaky. Because of my colouring I always wear a hat outdoors between the September and March equinoxes but pretty sure hat is headache cause, OH said he always knew I was a hot head 😉

    Anyway, had cup of Bovril and felt less shaky, went home early as had done all that I could but then shakes returned. After that FD out the window although nothing really naughty, total about 1000C. No attempt at FD yesterday, left work at 630pm, having started about 7am so totally drained.

    All hard stuff finished so will eat moderately this week and FD Mon-Tu as usual.

    Keep up the good work all. Nicky xxx

    Hi Nicky
    Strange that you mentioned a headache. Both OH and I fasted yesterday. When he arrived home, we both said we’d had roaring headaches all day, unbeknownst to each other. And he never gets them.
    Gone today. Hope your feeling ok now. Cheers P 🙂

    Hi Nicky and Purple, wonder if you can link headache to food intake, or just random ? Look after yourselves, both of you. Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Has anyone any experience with broccoli sprouts?

    I’m very curious?

    Hi SAMM

    Do you mean sprouted broccoli seeds? Haven’t had them for years but if so, they taste very much like sprouted mustard and cress as they are in the same plant family, the brassicas (also cabbage, cauliflower, kale, swede, ….)

    Therefore probably also same nutrient profile – high in the sulphur-containing amino acids that are so good for us wrt their cancer fighting properties.

    Thanks Bay, all OK now. Probably for me due to hot weather and hot head caused by hated hat. Purple, hope you and OH OK too now.

    Take care all.

    Thanks Bay and Nicky. I wonder whether the ups and downs in temperature has meant we are getting dehydrated on the sudden hot ones. Crazy weather. Beautiful today. Hopefully tomorrow will be too. P

    I point always to simcoeluv’s advice to just get used to 500 or 600 caporie fast days. Befor trying to do more. Some folks can fast straight off. I tried and failed many times. But kept on trying. It took me almost 4 months before I could do 4:3 cobsistantly. And I still stuggle with getting all the exercise I need to 2500. But I keep at it more than focussibg on the losses. The scales has disappointed me more than nessasary. Meaning my weight fluctuates so sometimes I dont see the fatl Ioss immediately on the scale.

    To lose 2 lb weight per week,you need to burn more calories than you eat.
    You can have plain vegetables including salads as much as you want because these foods are nutritious, filling and low in calories.

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