Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

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  • I cook in bulk too as there is only me and it is very difficult to make just one portion of many things. I count calories of all bulk cooked dishes regardless of whether they are intended for feed or fast days. There is a list on the freezer door with what is inside and the calorie content of each portion. I like to ensure that there is always a choice, and if I forget to get something out of the freezer I can use the microwave.
    I used to bulk cook when I worked and put half portions in the freezer to take to work for my lunch, and full portions for dinners.
    It also means that I rarely waste any food.

    I put all the ingredients into myfitness pal than split it into portions on there too so as I know exactly how each portion breaks downs . It makes life a lot easier 🙂 .

    Wee xx

    Wee and amazon.
    I do the same for cooking. As far as counting the calories. I try to cook buy using the whole box or container . Because it’s easier to read the nutrition data on their labels to see the calories of the entire box. It very easy arithmetic to add it all up. Then divide by portions. What I tend to do is store the foods in Pyrex to make portions of 250 or 500. So when their frozen I can put in my pressure cooker and food is ready 15 minutes with very little effort on fast days. If I made it seem complicated. It’s the opposite , simplifies the chore of cooking and measuring for me. The benefit of from scratch foods. I’m not a great cook. But I can follow recipes well enough.

    When all else fails and I find myself with opportunity to turn a feed day into a fast day. I just open a can of red beans. Because it’s almost always 300 calories, and sates me for 3 hours before hunger returns. I found that cooking on fast days more often than not trigger appetite that has turned into binges. Just my experience so I share. The frozen precooked portions are my coping strategy. Not to mention clean up time is just a few minutes. So in the this way I get great variety in a minimum amount of time on feed days.
    I typically do this bulk cooking on Saturday’s because Saturday’s are almost always feed days. Gives me the chance to to put everything in the kitchen back in their places. I prefer to offer my the chance to come into a sterile and ordered kitchen on Sunday’s if she wishes to cook.

    Dont know why I’m sharing this.
    My first wife and I used to fuss over whose turn it wa to cook. Our relation ship wa good, but the fussing over simple things like cooking could turn into other issues. So I cam up with what I thought to be a fair schedule. I would cook three days in row. The take her out to dinner once a week. Then she had three days in row. Cook days meant also doing all cooking and cleaning. W both found out quickly that made shopping pretty easy . Also to keep from having the same foods back to back. My three days were steak, fish, pasta. And hers were, chicken, pork,salad . Typically we ate leftovers on our day two.
    We got fat with all those regular dinners. But what was best was it me to get my wife off the macoroni and wieners . Foods that young people tend to fix and into real cooking of home cooked foods.
    The arguments about food simply ceased.

    I still do this in my second marriage, however I still do my three days, take the family to dinner and then fuss over the other three days. As she hates routine. What I hate is dishes. I mean to say I don’t like doing dishes everyday. Just three planned days, a I do most of the other chores to. Trash,grass, sweeping, laundry,shopping. It’s a good thing too. As she’s becoming more I’ll. I’m doing it all now. I just revert back to how I used to do it with my first wife and I schedule. Ordering take out on my feed days, and cooking on Saturday’s . Sundays I leave open for her, but the buffet day out fits nicely if she’s not up to the task.
    Why this matters to me is for two weeks every month I still give a serious go at ADF. knowing my weakness is simply being in the kitchen.

    Hi fast-tracking mates.

    I have had a couple of very busy days and so much has happened here! Now I’m computerating Hermaj.

    Weemam, you poor thing. Hope black eyes, damaged nose and other bruising healing well.

    Also for you and Tartanlass, challenging time for Scotland. Can’t hope to understand all aspects of the issue and ramifications – maybe if the yes vote is successful you’ll end up with a governor-general like the rest of us colonials. Would a republic be likely?

    Thanks for one-liners Weemam and SAMM, some of them made me LOL.

    Jojo, so glad to hear your jab wasn’t as bad as you’d feared. Our imaginations can give us such a hard time on occasions. Sorry you had such a bad night, hope you’re sleeping better now.

    Amazon, couldn’t help but smile over your burnt dinner – truly black beans.

    After about 3 weeks of nothing much for me the scales have finally (grudgingly?) yielded net loss of 0.4kg but in that interval my silhouette has diminished by a total of 11.5cm overall from waist, hips, bust, thighs.

    Happy Friday all.

    My favorite  quote from those below  is 
    “Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will.” – Unknown
    When I apply this to fasting .  The one most important reason I choose fasting as my way of lowering my risk of age related diseases is because it teaches me the discipline of how to help my body get into it’s natural DNA repair states much more often than 3square meals of  health foods.   Fasting leads to the DNA repair states. The more it practiced, I believe the more the body becomes accustomed to entering.  After watching eat fast live longer, by micheal mosely. This became much clearer.  There health foods,medicine, and genetics at work.  Put them all together ,I  can believe in my hope.

    Inspirational Life Quotes
    “Just know, when you truly want success, you’ll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may get.” – Unknown

    “Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” – Les Brown

    “I don’t regret the things I’ve done, I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.” – Unknown

    “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine

    “Its hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but its harder to give up when you know its everything you want.” – Unknown

    “One of the most important keys to Success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you dont feel like doing it.” – Unknown

    “Good things come to those who wait… greater things come to those who get off their ass and do anything to make it happen.” – Unknown

    “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace & gratitude.” – Denis Waitley

    “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” – Bill Cosby

    “Go where you are celebrated – not tolerated. If they can’t see the real value of you, it’s time for a new start.” – Unknown

    Dont be afraid to stand for what you believe in, even if that means standing alone.. – Unknown

    “The best revenge is massive success.” – Frank Sinatra

    “Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will.” – Unknown

    “I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. Its because of them I’m doing it myself.” – Albert Einstein

    “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” – Steve Jobs

    “Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it.” – Unknown

    “When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means “I’m not strong enough to fight for it”. Stop saying its hard. Think positive!” – Unknown

    “Life is like photography. You need the negatives to develop.” – Unknown

    “Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.” – Jack Canfield

    “The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth.” – Unknown

    “Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” – Farrah Gray

    “The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible.” – Joel Brown

    “Self confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. how can anyone see how awesome you are if you can’t see it yourself?” – Unknown

    “We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives.. Some lessons are painful, some are painless.. but, all are priceless.” – Unknown

    “Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. it means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.” – Unknown

    “Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things are what happen when you don’t have a plan.” – Larry Winget

    “Three things you cannot recover in life: the WORD after it’s said, the MOMENT after it’s missed and the TIME after it’s gone. Be Careful!” – Unknown

    “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard

    “When the past calls, let it go to voicemail, believe me, it has nothing new to say.” – Unknown

    “Rule #1 of life. Do what makes YOU happy.” – Unknown

    “Walk away from anything or anyone who takes away from your joy. Life is too short to put up with fools.” – Unknown

    “Love what you have. Need what you want. Accept what you receive. Give what you can. Always remember, what goes around, comes around…” – Unknwon

    “Just remember there is someone out there that is more than happy with less than what you have.” – Unknown

    “The biggest failure you can have in life is making the mistake of never trying at all.” – Unknown

    “Life has two rules: #1 Never quit #2 Always remember rule # 1.” – Unknown

    “No one is going to hand me success. I must go out & get it myself. That’s why I’m here. To dominate. To conquer. Both the world, and myself.” – Unknown

    We hope you enjoyed these inspirational life quotes today. Please don’t forget to share these with your friends, family and followers to brighten their day and inspire them to live a better life.


    Thank you!

    Morning all.

    SAMM, thanks for the one liners, lots of inspirational stuff there, but the two that do it for me are

    “The biggest failure you can have in life is making the mistake of never trying at all.”

    “I don’t regret the things I’ve done, I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.”

    Fast day 4 today. I think I might struggle, but I’m going to succeed :yes:

    Good morning fast trackers,
    So the vote is ‘No’ to independence, at least it was democratic and therefore cannot be denied. 91 % turn out is very good I don’t think England could have matched that, impressive. I hope the decision gives Scotland more powers ind control over their own economy. Bloody sure they would make a better job of education for the entire nation.
    I do feel happy that we are all in the same family, stronger together and we may need to be in the future.
    Ok so I am back on track today, starting with a nice long walk and then yoga at lunchtime, possibly even a swim in the afternoon. This lack of exercise for the last two weeks has been terrible plus I haven’t been sticking to either fast or feed quotas. Result 2.5 up today. Am I disheartened? No, quickly gained quickly lost. I plan to go full steam ahead for the next 7 days before my holiday. Fast, fast and more fast – I am going for it.
    The key for me is recording, nothing will be eaten this week before it goes into fitness pal. Weeman records daily and is currently our most successful faster. Let’s join her, remember we are and will remain united. Rousing or what?
    Still not allowed to do impact exercise but I will keep active, this house will be cleaned from top to bottom this week, every drawer will be cleared out and every cupboard sorted. Autumn will start for me with an empty jobs list.
    I am personally injecting some positivity to you all, enjoy it

    SAMM- thanks for the quotes.
    My mantra is the regret what you have done rather than what you have not. I haven’t conquered my fears though, maybe I should tackle a few! Heights for example.

    Right I am booking dinner in the Shard, right now.

    Have a good fast or feed day guys, I am fasting. Don’t give up, get up!

    I’ve just weighed myself and another 2lb has disappeared 🙂
    Just what I needed to help me get through a fast on a dull damp day.
    Have a good day everyone.

    Jojo, maybe your daughter can ignore the BS and have a happy Talk Like a Pirate Day today! Arrrggghhh!

    How much did the pirate pay for his gold earrings? A buccaneer!

    Why are pirates such good singers? They can hit the High Cs!

    Amazon, well done, you deserve it.

    I just checked my scales again, just be sure, only 1. 3/4lbs up not 2.5 lbs, I put the earlier reading down to constipation, that is the trouble with pain killers. Luckily my very high fibre diet has dealt with that side effect. Sorry to be so explicit at this hour of the morning. Course have just come out of a hot shower so it could just have been dirt, you know me always gardening 🙂

    So now aiming for 9 3/4 lbs as quickly as possible, but realistically it would be a miracle now. Best I ca usually hope for is 2 lb per week. Trying to be patient, honest. Life just keeps getting in my way, I need locking up for three months, in a gym but I must have access to badminton, lawn bowls and dance classes.

    Ply- tanks for the jokes, yes she is doing ‘talk like a pirate Day’ but only for 15 mins as she has reception age. Don’t think they would understand the buccaneer joke
    As our slang for pound is quid. I liked it though.

    Simcoeluv, how it is progresstabulating, nearly done? You must be so sick of being chained to that computer.

    Weemam – are you ok, I know the Independence vote was not to your choosing.

    Tartanlass – how do you feel about this momentous decision?

    SAMM, can you pop over and do three days cooking at my place, what a lovely idea. My husband never went in the kitchen except to load the dish washer or get a cuppa.
    He did like doing BBQ’s and fry ups once every few months.

    I think I might start a monthly diners club, that would be fun. I wonder if I could get friends to sign up to it. It would probably need to be Sunday lunch as they don’t venture out after 6 pm.

    Thanks jojo.

    I’m glad to hear that you are not suffering from any injection after effects and are able to do some exercise again. As for the minor weight gain, you’re right, it’ll come off again soon enough.

    There is more good news. My back is almost better. Adding Callanetics to exercise regime has worked which means I’ll be able to start swinging that kettlebell soon 🙂

    I am so hungry today and it is proving very difficult to ignore. I’m going to have to go out for a long walk.

    My Scottish friends all voted no, so are mightily relieved and hoping that the government will work with the Scottish parliament to try to improve things in Scotland.

    Just back from my walk, time for lunch before my yoga session. Haven’t been for weeks, can’t wait.

    I think if I had lived in Scotland I would have voted Yes as promises don’t actually make for action, as we all know.

    I am so looking forward to my holiday next week, desperate.

    Keep drinking water, usually helps.

    good afternoon all .
    I bit down because everyone I know voted for a yes but we all did our best and we cant fault that.

    Well . Jojo A am glad you will get back to doing what you like .

    loving all the jokes and the one liners ,

    Well done on the weight loss Amazon

    I write EVERYTHING in myfitnesspal .
    I work out my next days food the night before .

    SAMM I cant stay out of my kitchen as I have to go through it to go into the garden , I do love cooing but mostly plain meals in this house .

    I am a bit of a neat freak lol so it doesn’t take me long to tidy up in the morning . My cupboards though are a DIFFERENT MATTER AND i NEED TO GET BACK INTO THEM . . oops my stupid hands hit caps again .

    I didn’t go to see Dad yesterday because he would have kept getting upset over and over every time he saw my bruised nose . I am looking forward to seeing him again tomorrow.

    I am going to change the bed and get the washing on the line , A bit dull here so hope the sun comes out . Not watching the TV as it is all politics and I have had enough in the last few weeks 🙂

    have a great day all of you lovely people .

    Wee xx

    Just back from my walk around Kew Gardens. It is warm and hazy with intermittent spells of scorching sunshine. It is very hot for mid September. I love Kew so much and every time I visit I see something different. I am very lucky to live so close, and my annual membership costs approximately the same as five visits so it is a real bargain.
    I decided that in order to stick with the fast today I need a treat so I’ve bought myself 350 calories worth of sirloin steak which I shall have for dinner with some mushrooms and tomatoes. I’ve been eating a lot of veggie and fish/seafood meals , so it will be a nice change, and it will take ages to digest so I won’t go to bed tonight with a rumbling stomach 🙂

    Hi Weemam. I am surprised that the vote was not closer. Hopefully the government will stick to their promises.


    I wish I lived close to Kew, lucky thing, I would be walking with you.

    Hi all hope you are well and looking forward to the weekend. I’m not very well I’m afraid nasty sore throat/ cold/ cough combo – really miserable and feeling sorry for myself. My colleague has been off sick A LOT and much as I sympathise it quite hard when you have to soldier on while she’s off yet again. Moan over! I’ve been very aware of my bad eating habits and emotional eating in particular over the past couple of days- fortunately I have very few high cal foods around because when I feel sorry for myself I could go way off course. I was fantasising about carrot cake earlier!
    Jojo- I was a NO voter – it might be more accurate to say NOT NOW. I was deterred by the lack of concrete policies eg currency and Europe . The Snp line of “trust us it will be fine” made me feel like we were all holding hands and jumping off a cliff. Given the serious global recession of recent years I would like a little more stability before we take this irreversible step. I’m a very proud scot and love my country dearly but I’ve lived in England (both our daughters were born down south ) so I also feel British. I deeply resent some quarters questioning NO voters loyalty and some of the tactics during the campaign were deeply offensive and strengthened my resolve.
    Best wishes to all

    Tartan lass, I hope you feel better soon.
    It’s OK to fantasise about carrot cake if you don’t have any in the house 😉

    I found it very difficult to understand how Scotland would manage financially if there was a Yes vote, and I am pleased that the No voters had the majority. We should be sticking together and finding a way to be fairer to everyone. The problem is that the older I get the more sceptical I have become and the less faith I have that the current government whoever they may be, are capable of organising “a p— up in a brewery” let alone run the UK.

    aww Tartan lass I hope you feel better soon . This voting is all over and like you I wish it had been done without some of the hate some people have shown . Mind you I think in life there will always be some trouble makers . I am a great believer in people getting on well together in life .

    Anyway I hope you feel better soon pal .
    I have never been to Kew gardens but it is a place I would love to visit .

    Wee xx

    I’ve been visiting Kew since I was a child and it was a penny in old money to get through the turnstile.
    When I moved to this flat almost 30 years ago, I started going there regularly and became a Friend of Kew, which gives a few perks, some discount in the shop and some exclusive events plus the opportunity to take a guest in for free. I remember walking round with my best friend in October 1987 a couple of days after the huge storm when they had lost some of their rare and beautiful trees. I’ve been when it has been cold, damp and windy, under snow, cold and frosty, and of course many times in fair weather. It is a fabulous place and I never cease to be amazed at the number of tourists that flock to the place all year round. They are always working on new projects, staging plant exhibitions, they have an annual orchid festival in the spring which is glorious. A few years ago they exhibited several Henry Moore sculptures around the gardens which was a great opportunity to see so many of his works in one place.
    A couple of Christmasses ago I went with some friends who were taking their two small boys to see Father Christmas who is there every year with a couple of reindeer, although apparently Rudolph no longer makes personal appearances 😉
    In the summer they have a week of evening open air musical concerts which started off as Jazz at Kew, but now hosts musicians and bands playing other types of music. People take picnics and sit around chatting, eating, drinking, which is often followed by dancing, and then there is a firework display to send everyone on their way home.
    I’ve seen Courtney Pine (it poured all evening), Jools Holland (several times) Bryan Ferry, a couple of tribute bands, the Bootleg Beatles and Bjorn Again (it rained but we were dancing in it), and numerous others over the years, and I am a sucker for fireworks. If I’m not attending a concert I can see the fireworks from my window as I’m just the other side of the river from the Gardens, and sometimes I can hear the music.
    They are open every day except for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

    Writing this has made me realise how much a part of my life Kew Gardens are 🙂

    Hi everyone, remember me?

    It has only been a couple if weeks, but seems a lifetime since I last posted, and so much has happened. I am desperately trying to catch up. Poor Jojo, what a lot you have been through, but I’m pleased you are feeling positive and now raring to go again, and Weemam, so sorry to hear about your fall. Hope the bruises are on the wane now. I’m sorry you are upset over the outcome of the Scottish vote. I’m afraid I am with Amazon and Tartan lass. ‘Yes’ would indeed have been an unknown quantity, and I also feel that, with all the horror going on in the rest of the world, we need to stick together as a united nation. I’m also with Amazon in the hope that the powers that be can deal sensibly with the issues.

    Amazon, you must be the only other person I know who was into Callanetics. I’ve got the book, the original video, and the advanced video from the 80’s (or was it the early 90’s? It has all become a bit of a haze!) I was an avid Callan fan and the exercises. really made a difference to my body shape. I must look out for the DVD as I’d love to do it again.

    I’ve loved reading the jokes and one liners. Samm seems to be a past master at that, which is wonderful given his circumstances.

    I’m back now from beautiful Wales, where lots of long beach and forest walks were combined with much socialising. I’m pleased to say though that I managed the requisite 2 fast days per week, and have come home just over 1lb lighter, which brings me to exactly 2 st lost altogether. I’m very, very happy about this, as it is such an easy way of losing weight without giving up (in moderation) the things I love. It’s a fast day today – a boiled egg for breakfast, no lunch and my favourite prawn stir fry tonight with, of course, Zero noodles. Can’t live without them. I’ve been shopping today (not for food!) and that usually takes my mind off eating, but tonight I’m ravenous. OH has been clearing out his workshop and garage where he keeps a couple of his old cars, so I know I will have to wait for him to come in and have a bath before we eat. I’ve just resorted to a couple of raw mushrooms. Just hope I can stay the course. May have a cup of Bovril while I am waiting.

    Everyone is doing so well. What a great bunch. I will try and wrack my brains for a few jokes…..

    Smiffy x

    Hi Smiffy.

    I started with Callanetics because someone at WW or Slimming World or whichever diet club I was wasting money on at the time, recommended it as an alternative to feeling the burn with Jane Fonda (I did that too!) I bought the video and also discovered the book aimed at looking after your back which was a godsend. The video is long gone and I have no idea where the book went. I’ve been having back problems for 3 months after many years of no more than the odd day of pain, and have tried everything I could think of to no avail, then I remembered Callanetics, so I ordered a DVD and a new copy of the book from Amazon (no relation 😉 ) It is six days since I received the DVD and as I said earlier my back is almost better and I’ve not even opened the book! Callan Pinckney passed away in 2012 so there will be no new workouts but the original stands the test of time.
    Well done for keeping to the 5;2 when on holiday, something I’ve not even thought about let alone tried.

    Hello Smithy,
    Great to hear from you, well done on your fast on holiday. I am not planning on fasting on my holiday but I will skip lunch and not drink alcohol. Plus I will be doing yoga for three hours per day.

    Anyone got any new strategies?
    Tips that help their fasting or eating day restrictions.

    Hi Smiffy. Glad to hear you again. Pleased life continues well for you. How lovely to be able to enjoy your place in Wales.

    Weemam, when Aust voted for a republic in the 90s it was not a clearcut question, like yours, but the end result was almost identical. Sadly, it killed republic discussion. Probably won’t happen until Charles takes over now.

    At the Scottish bar in Sydney last night you would not have found a single No voter 🙂 P


    My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I’ve finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake. I feel better already.


    Forgot this was supposed to be a fastday. So trying to find the humor in the fact that this little piggy had roast beef and still went wee wee wee all the home.

    The Three Little Pigs 

    Three Little Pigs went out to dinner one night. The waiter came and took their drink order.

    “I would like a Sprite,” said the first little piggy.

    “I would like a Coke,” said the second little piggy.

    “I want beer, lots and lots of beer,” said the third little piggy.

    The drinks were brought out and the waiter took their orders for dinner.

    “I want a nice big steak,” said the first piggy.

    “I would like the salad plate,” said the second piggy.

    “I want beer, lots and lots of beer,” said the third little piggy.

    The meals were brought out and a while later the waiter approached the
    table and asked if the piggies would like any dessert.

    “I want a banana split,” said the first piggy.

    “I want a cheesecake,” said the second piggy.

    “I want beer, lots and lots of beer,” exclaimed the third little piggy.

    “Pardon me for asking,” said the waiter to the third little piggy, “But why have you only ordered beer all evening?”

    The third piggy said, “Well, somebody has to go ‘Wee, wee, wee, all the way home

    Morning SAMM,
    I love the three little pigs joke particularly but I will never be able to play with my grandchildren now without thinking about beer. It’s great. Mind you it might be quite difficult to play with them when they eventually come as it is likely thy will all be ‘far, far away’ in fact my son is likely to be closer to you in San Fransisco.

    It’s a misty old day here but I still plan to do lots of walking along the coast, a slow pace with this group and a cuppa at the halfway point which is socialble.

    Fast went well yesterday so I though I might B 2 B it today. I am cooking dinner for my family tonight, get rid of some more stuff from my freezer, non plant proteins. If you had told me even one year ago I would take up a vegan diet I would never have believed you. Life is very strange but I have to be honest every meal I have eaten so far has been tasty and filling, what more can you ask for? No bloat, no stomach cramps, all good. I am not including a huge quantity of beans yet as .i have never tolerated them well. Mainly spicey dishes with quinoa, sweet potato, squash and lots of veg. Zero noodles are added for bulk when necessary.

    Still doing porridge with berries for breakfast and soup with breadsticks for lunch. I eat as much fruit as I want on non fast days and restrict to calorie level on non fast days. Still drinking 4 pints of water per day. My treat on non fast days is often ice cream.

    Have a good day guys.
    Get walking! Great for the back, standing is the killer, walking and stretching good news.
    How is the kettlebell going? I am really missing mine, muscles getting visibly floppy before my eyes. May start doing something with hand weights in the short term.

    Morning all.

    I’ve done 2 B2B fasts this week. The first one went well, but I struggled yesterday until I bought the steak for my dinner. The answer for me when it gets tough is obviously a meat treat! I couldn’t resist getting on the scales again this morning as a 2lb loss for 7 fasts and lots of exercise seemed a bit measly, and I’ve dropped another 1lb. That is 10lb since 11th August so I am a very happy bunny.
    My best friend has been very supportive but she is as thin as a stick, and trying to gain weight, and it is not quite the same as talking to someone who is in the same boat. The enthusiasm, tips, ideas and support from everyone on this thread is great and very inspiring. The kindness of strangers although I feel we are all friends in this virtual support group 🙂

    jojo, Callanetics is good for toning muscle and the exercises are designed to protect the back. As Smiffy said, it really changes your body shape. Why don’t you take a look on youtube and if it interests you the DVD is available from Amazon.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Hi Smiffy,

    Of course I remember you. Glad you enjoyed Wales. Maximum respect for actually managing to stick to fast days while on holiday. I don’t even try, although thanks to good habits instilled by 5:2 I rarely go completely over the top.

    Tartan Lass, I’m not a Scot but have quite a few connections with Scotland. I’m so glad I wasn’t faced with the Yes-No dilemma. I’m sure my heart would have said yes, but my head would have said no. Maybe that’s what happened to a lot of voters.

    Amazon, your phrase ‘WW or Slimming World or whichever diet club I was wasting money on at the time’ made me smile. You hit the nail right on the head. Not sure why, probably to avoid the ritual humiliation that some of them practise, but I’ve never been tempted to join any sort of slimming organisation.

    The nearest I came was at some health club in Zurich where we had to do pilates in an individual heated tent. I got a very public telling off for taking six weeks to lose one and a half kilos (I wasn’t all that far from target weight and I’m also plateau-prone) I was also accused of lying and cheating about what I had been eating (low carb in modest quantities) and told I had to resign myself to eating nothing but salad without dressing for the rest of my life. They never saw me again!

    SAMM, I love your piggy story. I’ve always had a soft spot for the porky ones – perhaps through a feeling of kinship. 🙂

    jojo, back in my hippy era I found myself eating a vegan diet for a while and I have to say I really enjoyed it. My OH would be whingeing big time if we were to revert to it, but I often prepare vegan dishes just for me when he is away for a day or two. Would veggie burgers or veggie sausages fit into your eating plan?

    Hi Purple, just a quick hello before I get back to dissertating. Only nine days to delivery, yikes! It’s going very well but there’s so much of it to fit into the 15K words and it has to be arranged logically and coherently. There are moments when I consider morphing into one of those old dears who sits in front of daytime telly munching chocolate biccies, apart from when she’s down at the day centre playing bingo. But then I think if I ever got to that stage I’d go somewhere quiet and slit my wrists.

    Back to the grindstone!

    Can’t see it, hermaj…
    They’ll take you out kicking and screaming! P 😉
    Hope you are ok Jojo and Weemam after your trying week. P

    Good afternoon all

    Loving the jokes . nice to smile after reading about all the nastiness going on after the NO vote . Why can’t people just try and get on together . I hate ( and hate is a word that I don’t often use) all the bullying that is going on .

    I am off to see Dad shortly . I haven’t seen him this past week as my nose was bad looking . Looking a lot better today . I just hope he is up and about today . Mind you at 96 I think he is entitled to sleep if he feels like it . I like to see him and give him cuddles and telling him jokes . I like to talk about Mam to him too . He doesn’t remember who she was but I like to keep her spirit alive .
    I have done 3 fasts this week and the scales haven’t moved yet BUT I know they will . Chicken and cabbage today for me . Home made soup and mince ( ground beef) and Tatties ( potatoes) for Jim .

    Have a great day all whatever you are doing ..Love this thread and how friendly we are 🙂 .

    Wee xx

    Hi, could I join in with you? I have a large amount to lose and started this week, so could use some tips as time goes on I’m sure.

    Hi Aussie Oma.

    Are you in Australia or are you living somewhere else?

    How did you find fasting this week?

    I’ve only been here for a few weeks, and I have to say that I know a fair amount about health and nutrition, but I’ve learnt a lot that I didn’t know from this forum and particularly from those on this thread who all seem to be doing well in their quest to be as healthy and slim as possible.

    Have you seen the documentary or read the book? I read the book when I first started and found it very interesting and helpful. I think it helps to understand the principles behind the fast diet and know that it is a long slow journey.

    I’ve been on every diet there is and always failed because I didn’t change my eating habits, and this way of eating has helped enormously in that respect.

    Good luck.

    Hi Amazon,

    I’m in Sth Aust.

    Fasting was quite easy for me this week (just finishing 2nd fast day).

    I’ve seen the full documentary (I didn’t see/watch the bit on Ch7 that apparently aired last week I only heard about it later). I’ve been researching for a while and came across this, checked out the full story (over an hour online) and felt the connection regarding the principles and methodology.

    For me size is just as important as kg’s/lb’s IMO. I’ll be happy with a couple of lb or kg per week, even a few g’s lol.

    I’m changing my fast days next week so I don’t have one on a weekend lol 🙂 but was not quite prepared to do it any sooner this week. I hear you re changing the eating habits.

    Already I’m finding it easy to do and that it fits into my life nicely so this is encouraging me to believe that this is IT for me!

    Looking forward to continuing my journey with you … also garnering information and tips, maybe even recipes along the way. I’ve checked through MyFitnessPal re some of my own recipes and worked out the cal content, my two fav’s are quite low in cals but only when I stick with correct portions 😉

    Hi JoJo

    There’s a side of me that’s very “creative” as some of teachers from the 80s put it.
    As I’m reluctant to put it out therefor the world to see , I’ll take this chance.

    As world isn’t becoming and smaller or bigger, but friends and families become more global. We find ourselves more and more online. Even here, connecting to others in a faceless forum, yet is friendships just as dear as my neighbors.great distances doesn’t mean as much to us.

    As the online speeds and bandwidths become more and more advanced. Our phones become not dick Tracy , but connect us so efficiently that when we buy an apple everyone from the clerk to the farmer knows the apple needs replaced. It’s wonderful. Another wonderful advantage is the shift in long distance relationships. When I think of my grandmother I dont think of the Internet , and it would seemed if we had that . Phones call on birthdays,sometimes just a card. Even though we lived in the very same city all our lives. So I don’t think online long distance relationships out the question any more, because children these days are so involved in the online community. That the typical relationship between grandparents and grand children isn’t dying out, rather reinventing itself online.

    I’ll point to something. Childhood emotional development. Quick read link.

    As an educator Imsure you know what kids at different stages like to do. Such as 6 year olds like to color, and ten year olds like to make clubs. Online features can or may aid a grand parent to be involved by connecting online through these features. Not to mention game site for example like

    Where the traditional board games have been made into online interface. Each game can go 28 days per move, but typically 3-4 moves per day from mobile devices. This keeps two people connected with text posts and the fun of playing checkers, chess, orthelli or battle boats. The other game sites are so much more advanced it’s mind boggling , yet the slow pace of the it’s your turn . Com Typesites keeps opportunity to speak to one another not unlike how we do on this forum.

    You may also have opportunity to live abroad for six months lease . Just to bond.
    My daughter is only 11.
    I’m 47 yesterday @ 221lbs
    I want to live longer. , but ipreparing just see to it she has enough to pay for college. And a a downpayment on home . I hope I live longer though and is why I’m very interested in intermittent fasting and ADF , And the health and healing foods on feeds days.
    I only have 3 years to go to lose the last half of my goal of 100 lbs. Fasting , exercising, and eating health and healing foods.
    Best wishes every one.

    Hi SAMM, you must be psychic, I have just ordered a chess set, haven’t played since I was a child. My father used to play with me weekly, I never won, he did n’t believe in giving children incentive by holding back. He died of a heart attack when I was 11 and I never played again, it seemed synonymous with our relationship, I didn’t want to play with anyone else. But now I have decided I must put the past behind me and develop my skills.
    I am not concerned with being a long distance granny, probably better until it gets to the stage where I am very old and need family support, it won’t be there. I am the youngest in my own family, my brothers and sisters are all much older than me.
    Aussie Oma,
    You are very welcome to join our thread. I have been doing 5:2 since January and will probably be here until next Easter minimum. I have lost over 4 stone and have another three to go. I love food, especially Thai and have completely revolutionalised my diet in the last year. I am now trying a vegan diet but the journey has been long and slow. I started last year by giving up bread because I was addicted to sugar. As time progressed I have experimented with lots of different foods and exercises. I tend to split my 500 cals to three meals but most fast until dinner. My health has improved significantly over the last year. I recently retired from teaching so I have the luxury of being able to play lawn bowls or attend the gym daily. Like most of the people on this thread I have been dieting for many years with varying amounts of success. The one message I have learnt is that if you want to succeed and maintain you have to accept that change is necessary and finally your tastes change to your benefit.
    Hi Hermajtomomi, thankyou but I am not keen on burgers and sausages, meat or vegan, I stick to curried or thai meals and casseroles/ soups.
    Amazon, well done on you weightloss, you have worked hard and deserve it.
    Weemam- how much more do you want to lose?
    PVE, thanks for your support, all good here, just looking forward to my holiday and birthday – 59 on the 27 th, I will be celebrating in Cadiz on my yoga retreat.

    [post removed]


    Is this the start of a Callanetics revival?

    Hi Smiffy, I do actually find your post offensive, and I would appreciate your removing it.

    Many apologies Ply. I have requested that it be removed.

    No worries, Smiffy, thank you!

    Hi All,
    I have reported Smithy’s joke so it should be removed. Quite often jokes are not meant to offend but they do, so in the interests of keeping this thread a happy place I would ask that we keep the jokes to ‘one liners’ of an innocent nature. Let’s say no more, please do not escalate this issue. I am absolutely sure there was no offence intended. This is not censorship but sensitivity.
    Thank you Jojo

    Hi ply and Smithy,
    Obviously posting at the same time.
    Not intervening, just peace keeping.
    Hope you are both having a great day.
    I am cooking dinner at the moment, smells delicious.

    I ate breakfast and succumbed to a sarnie at lunchtime and I’m still full. In the past I would have cooked and eaten dinner anyway but not today, I’m going to sit on the sofa and polish my halo!

    You are a shining example to us all

    Hi jojo.

    I thought you’d like to know that I sent Shosholoza to my great-nephew who is doing GCSE music which includes studying various types of music, classical, jazz, ethnic, the list goes on.

    As I thought he would, he loved it – especially, he told me ‘the key change in the middle’. I confess I didn’t notice it until he pointed it out – I’m sure you did – but I’m delighted that he is musician enough to be aware of it. At school he’s studying a piece called Yiri, from Burkina Faso, which he says is similar. Must track it down.

    Jojo thank you for your welcome. I’ll be losing for a long time, not sure of the translation but I have around 50kg (roughly translated to 7st) so around what you started needing to remove and we’re of similar ages (I’m 58). That little exercise has given me even more incentive as now I know it’s not going to take 3 or 4 years of strict calorie intake per day as I know that I cannot do that! I also know that after this first (almost) week that the 5:2 is right for me.

    I don’t know if it’s “normal” or what but I feel like changes are already commencing in that my stomach doesn’t feel so “large” (not that it’s small by any means just yet) and other minor “differences” that I’m feeling (or is it all in my head! LOL 😀 )

    I’m lucky with my grandies, they’re just 6km down the road. I see them most weeks as I go to most of the boys basketball games and play Words on Line with the eldest boy, the girls I see just before basketball or during if they go too otherwise I see them also during the week.

    Non-fast day today but won’t eat until lunchtime as that’s best for me. Will catch up more when I get back later today.

    You are a shining example to us all”

    rolls on floor laughing………………..

    I know that there’ll be days when I don’t manage to be so disciplined, like last Saturday so I’m making the most of it while it lasts.

    @aussie Oma

    Many times I see newcomers join and then just disappear. It’s ok. But sometimes I wish I had taken them the time say hello , and good luck. On the 500 calorie days I have good weeks and bad weeks. So I keep a journal of fasting days. I lost 10 lbs in two months then it really slowed. I became discouraged. I kept on for 8 months almost entirely sedentary. I lost 33 lbs. I didn’t really have a goal at that time, just looking for so etting that actually worked with having starve and keep starving. I weighed myself at the one year markof starting 5:2. I still was 27lbs lighter than 1 year prior. So with great determination I restarted after a four month abandonment.

    To your insight , it gets easier just a bit if your eating smaller portions all the time. I mean to say if you eat two small meals on a feed day then 1500 in 1 meal the next may be harder than 4 – 375 calorie meal.

    Also in the beginning if the most important thing is the scale, well hmm. The best way to put it is 5:2 can be a scale roller coaster. If you’re easily discouraged, you may want weigh in every two weeks instead of after every fast.
    The best outcome is learning confidence in Be able to be successful in just having weeks of 5:2 or 4:3 no matter what the scale says. Just the ability to do it is success! Reasoning for that is you can restart anytime in life from there on.

    Good evening my wonderful cyber friends,

    I have just had a lovely roast dinner with my daughter and ex, then we played ‘Sympathy and Vengence card game. My daughter won which cheered her up. She is looking really shattered after starting her teaching career. She has gone home now to start work again on planning. They have to hand all their plans for the week in on Monday morning which means working all weekend. I can see a burn out coming.

    Now, good news, my new cookery books arrived today so I can plan my new vegan diet. I also got a book by Sarah Wilson called ‘I quit sugar’ Australian best seller apparently. Tonight’s reading matter. I also bought ‘the quinoa cookbook’ by Penny Doyle really looking forward to that one as I am keen to use this as a protein replacement.

    Now today I bought almond milk, I discovered you cannot heat it up and use it in coffee, separates. Anyone use almond milk? How?

    Enjoyed my two hour walk today, tomorrow bowls and swimming. Best, best news – Downton Abbey is back tomorrow night- excellent.

    Hi SAMM
    Thanks for sharing about yourself. And thank you for all the inspirational one liners.
    Cheers, Bay 🙂

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