Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 1 week ago.

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  • In the absence of diet induced thermogenesis, more clothes definitely help! But increasing activity (exercise or non-exercise) would be better – it warms you up AND burns calories. Win win πŸ™‚

    Like wood fires, Happy? They warm you twice!
    Seriously, I had less trouble fasting in Scotland in winter than I do here in winter because I wore warmer clothes. ☺ P

    Thanks Purple and Happy! I am dressed as if going into the snow and trying to sit at a sewing machine making curtains – activity is limited to verbal abuse of the job at hand!! Why is everything made cheaply these days? I bought beautiful fabric and it hangs just as it should, but the string bits in the gathering tape are cr**p! They keep unravelling…… Maybe I need to get up and walk ……. Too cold and wet to go outside though!

    Ha ha Nama! I’ve just ordered some new curtains after spending the last 45 years making our own. Reduces the stress!
    Cold here too Nama (I’m fasting too…23 hours in, but who’s counting?). I’ve just lit the fire. Mr P thinks it’s a waste tonight as we won’t be able to have Kahlua. πŸ˜• P

    Even more respect. I just jogged for five minutes in the park which made my legs feel like lead and had me breathing hard. So that settles it I really need to ‘up’ my aerobic exercise. Of course it was a last minute decision so I wasn’t wearing a sports bra or carrying water, not good! However I walked it off, went back to the path and did it again (after tightening my bra straps), much easier second time around. Sorry RT ( probably too much information). Now I am thinking this could be my regular HIT. Had to take the dogs off the lead as they kept crossing my path, a bit lethal. I am sure they wondered what on earth was going on (Where ‘s the fire!)but they indulged me by keeping up. Step count 4000 already, good start.
    I am aiming for 15000 today especially as the weather is so great.(sorry Nama I am not rubbing it in, we have storms due tomorrow).
    Saved my early morning cuppa with milk for now, lush! Green tea or water for the remainder of the day. Probably doing B2B, as I haven’t done that for ages.
    Nama- I think we all underestimate what a lifetime of sugar addiction has done to us. It’s not that easy to give up without feeling deprived. It should be viewed like nicotine but that is a big step. Sugary food and carbs are so ingrained in our idea of indulgence and fun. What we really need is ‘brain washing!’ Good luck with today’s fast.
    Sarah- A special thank you to you for prompting me to get running.

    Purple I got quotes from two shops and was too stingy!!
    Jojo be careful of your knees and hips, don’t overdo it too quickly….
    I could never jog, swimming is so much easier on the joints. I still get puffed when I push myself in the pool, but the knees love it!

    I love to run, Jo and don’t have the underwear issues (the one drawback of weightloss). πŸ˜• I agree with Nama, be aware of joint damage if your body isn’t used to it. A good brisk walk, uphill with stairs included is good cardio without the pressure of jolting joints. P

    Well I’m not well endowed at all anymore! But shockabsorber essential for running πŸ˜€

    Jo, I live in a hilly area and my walks are brisk (average 4 mph) and, given the uphill sections, I think count as HIIT. So I’ve got a headstart on aerobic capacity and muscle strength.

    Building up gradually is definitely a good idea, and incorporating a few ‘sprints’ or sections of fast-paced walking (adequately supported and without trip hazards!) will quickly see results without risking injury.

    Too warm here today for running. Hoping it cools off this evening so I can get out… Sorry, upsidedowners….but how often do I get to say that 😊

    Anything over 30 is “too hot for running” Happy. Are you experiencing a heatwave? 😳😧πŸ˜₯ P

    Indeed we are P!

    While I would agree that this weekend’s temperatures (24 degrees up north) are not necessarily too warm for strenuous exercise, you have to remember that is a very sudden and significant increase in temperature (a week ago it was single figure temperatures and snowing). So we’ve had no time to acclimatise.

    Also it’s all relative of course, I’m sure if I lived in Australia I would agree with you. I count myself lucky that I don’t and we don’t experience your extreme temperatures 😎

    You are right…a sudden change of temperature is difficult for anyone. It’s amazing how we become acclimatised though, isn’t it?
    I enjoy the cooler seasons to enable more very active walking and running.
    Enjoy your warmer weather finally arriving. Long may it last for you all. Salads, sandals and summer dresses? 🌞🌞 P

    Hello from cold wet windy France

    Glad for you up north sizzling!

    A fasting Monday thought- if you are on a zero calorie fast and are cold like I am and you decide to warm up with a very big mug of hot water, aren’t you taking calories because the water is hot and calories are heat?? So the zero calorie fast isn’t that at all.

    Is there an answer to my conandrum?

    xx Wiwi

    Sorry conundrum!

    Wouldn’t you be using calories consuming it?
    The reality Wi, is that you are having zero calories so that your body can switch into fat burning mode, after it has consumed the readily available, recently eaten food.
    Enjoy your warm drink. ☺P


    Finally we have sunshine here and this week should be fine without rain.

    I started my day not motivated at all. I have this ups and downs but started reading the thread and Fast it’s on as planned. I promised myself that May and June I should not let any obstacles interfere on my goal. Doing everything as planned 10 pounds should melt down.
    My coffee today it’s a absolute treat! Put a little of 45cal per serving almond milk to keep me going and get busy.
    Yes! Everything has a price and if you can’t stop eating don’t start then.
    Be well there

    Seriously Wiwi, drink your water hot or cold don’t worry about it. I use sparkling water add a slice of cucumber put it in a posh glass and pretend it’s a gin and tonic. Only my body knows the difference, my friends assume I am drinking and I don’t spill the beans because they call me a killjoy. What can you do with friends that simply cannot accept fasting. It’s why I need this thread and my cyber buddies.
    Happy- I feel like a pig in muck- this weather is gorgeous.
    PVE- I clearly remember my return from New Zealand’s summer landing in the UK winter. It took me weeks to aclimatise and really got me down after 6 months good weather travelling from our summer. I really don’t like the cold and wet, southern softee, for sure.
    Fast Day going well, no undue effects from my jog. Nama – I am seriously considering rejoining the gym, I do miss my swimming. The public pool is so busy, it’s difficult to swim lengths as you have to share the lane with so many swimmers(some of them are none too considerate) I may try an evening.

    Good afternoon everyone . I think summer is trying hard to get here . Gorgeous day here today 19 deg . First time out without a cardigan /jacket . Loving it . I am still maintaining and only go up OR down a few pounds . I have never said never to any food ( except ice cream ) πŸ™‚ . But I never seem to think of bread now or pasta . I used to love bread . I have looked out my yonanas machine and yes it is nice but who am I kidding . Mackies honeycomb is my downfall . I don’t exercise and with the RA I don’t /not able to run or jog as I think I got 2 black eyes the last time . πŸ™‚ wink wink lol.

    Jim is due his heart scan tomorrow then hopefully it is all go for the op . He is getting fed up with all the waiting .
    Enjoy the good weather everyone xx

    Wee xx

    Thinking of you and Jim and wishing him well soon.
    Well done on the maintaining
    I never really had a thing for icecream except at the Theatre( part of the experience). I made red currant ice cream once, it was fantastic, not sure why it isn’t sold commercially.
    Just going to bed, very tired, it has been a very busy day.

    Jojo get back into the swimming! I really dont think your hip will thank you for jogging and if it flares up again it will upset everything (sleep etc). I pay the gym membership as their pool is always quiet when I want to go, plus its warmer than the public pool! Swimming is so relaxing, easy on the knees and hips and if one wants to make an effort, can challenge your aerobic capacity too!
    Wiwi trust your analytical brain to be thinking about the heat from your hot water! Sort of like the argument for eating raw celery and it taking more calories to digest than what it contains. I think research is needed! The heat from the water would be dissipated into your cold body as your body tries to warm itself. We need a physicist to tell us if that heat is the same as the heat generated by food digestion!! Even if it is, I am certain it would be used up in warming us and not interfere with our (lack of) digestion at a cellular level. Where are all the clever people- Happy? You must have some ideas about this!
    Lovely to hear from you Weemam! Glad to hear the waiting is almost over for Jim – hopefully his test results will be great and he can get rid of that aneurysm for good!
    Have a great day/night everyone. I hope Amazon is having fun in Rome!

    Hi everyone,
    Made it through 36 hours of fasting. I love it hot water.. calories and nice feeling. Jo, I agree with Nama, swimming is the best exercise ever. Last fall I jogged and fell on my face. I still am going to do my 5 minutes a morning for awhile.
    Take care everyone.

    Popping into the gym today, see how much they want. I think I really need to do early morning or early evenings, but something else will have to go, my schedule is pretty busy, decisions, decisions! Might need to cut out some bowls.
    Day 2 of fast today.
    I am going to keep on with the 2 x 5 mins jogging today but if it does effect my hip I will switch to jogging on grass as opposed to pavement. I will take great care, I used to really enjoy running I would like to get some of that feeling back. Better prepared today. As Happy says I could switch to speed walking which will be just as effective. I am looking into Nordic walking groups too but can’t find any local ones. May need to get my U3A involved.
    Weather here has reverted to type, wet and dull. Let’s hope Amazon is getting good weather. My friend rang from Southern Spain last night she reported lots of rain over the last week.

    Jojo I got a much better price by admitting I was a ‘senior’! We get a seniors card if over 60 and not working full-time. Great for discounts on things like this. Good luck! At least they dont eat sausage rolls around the pool!

    Speaking of Spain, I have been wondering about Pentimento in (?) Portugal…. hope you are ok Penti, you have been uncharacteristically quiet…..

    Nama- my gym know my age as I was a member for years. Retirement age here is 67 now, not sure if they apply a discount earlier. I have just volunteered to run a power walking group three morning per week(in at the deep end, as usual) not sure what the response will be as it has to be done at 8 am. Recommended the use of poles if they have them. It will be run for 4 Summer months so it’s a huge commitment.
    Just back from park, running much easier today, cooler and wearing sports bra, so much more comfortable.
    Trying for 15,000 steps again today.
    Last night of my ‘Bridge Course’ tonight so I will be going back to Ukulele lessons next week. I have missed this group, it’s very relaxing unlike bridge which is still mind blowing for a learner. I will still be playing bridge monthly with the U3A and I hope to join a club when I am more experienced. They don’t seem to have a beginners section or the inclination to start one. I did discover there are Bridge and Bowls combination holidays in sunny climes- perfect for me( am I sad or what?)
    Must go, hoovering necessary before bowls today, 2 hairy dogs are not the friend of the housewife.

    Well another lovely day has dawned up north! Sunny and warm, and yesterday’s galeforce wind has dropped.

    Jo, I’m pleased your running went better today. I spoke too soon about mine! Saturday was clearly just a fluke. Last night was awful, too warm really, so windy I couldn’t catch my breath or pace myself, and my legs were really heavy.

    On the upside (or down, depending on your point of view!) I might get away without a fast this week. I don’t know why, both swimming and cycling make me ravenous, but running suppresses my appetite.

    If you want to improve your bridge, you will need to play more frequently than monthly I’m afraid and immerse yourself in it. Some newspapers have a bridge column, they’re worth reading. And I don’t know if you’ve got any books on the Acol bidding system, but well worth digesting.

    Looks like we are having a beautiful day here today. I went to bed at 10:30 and woke up rested so may well hunt in the post early.

    My fast went smooth yesterday. I could only clean one room but as super detailed. Once a year I move the furniture around to do it right. With that I drank lots of liquid and was more like a 20 hour. I hate to think about to eat. Menu was the entire head of a romaine lettuce, 3 ounces of chicken and 1/4 cup of quinoa.
    I survived this one!

    Jojo you have an unbelievable full schedule.
    Sarah a water fast and 36 hours!
    Weeman hope there good news there.
    RT thanks for the links.
    GLAD everyone is doing well and trying.

    Today more cleaning and yoga.


    Another awful wet cold day in the south of France.

    Now at 40 hours into my water only fast and my head is turning a bit, as f I have been drinking wine. Not unpleasant, but a bit strange. I am going to try to maintain the fast for another 24 hours, but no longer. Strangely I feel less hungry today than yesterday.

    Any ideas on how to get rid of my floating sensation other than eating?

    Weighed in this morning, but no change.

    RT, I watched your links and I’d be frightened into fasting if I wasn’t convinced anyway. One amputation a week in Australia, because of diabetes related ulcers.

    Let me quote Amazon to remind myself

    “We fast for health, restrict calories to lose/maintain weight and exercise to tone our bodies”

    Happy Day
    XX Wiwi

    Perfect quote from Anazon there.
    Wiwi you are another brave soul! πŸ™ I don’t know if I could do it. Be strong you’ll get there 😍

    All the best with Jim’s tests today Wee. P xx

    Wee, thinking of you today. Please keep us up to date with Jim’s progress.
    XXXXX Wiwi

    I am on day 2 of zero calorie fast. If you are feeling light headed have a hot green tea. Honey and camomile got me through my 5 day fast, felt amazing, lost 8 lbs. On the negative side weight got stuck( 3 fasts in 5 days yet gained 1 lb) and have had intermittent constipation since long fast(why I m not sure as I drink gallons of water)The hunger definitely got less and I can honestly say it has been less of a problem since. Previously when I first did a B2B fast it sent me into a spin, non stop eating binge for three days post fast which had a negative effect both on morale and weight. Weird how I am changing but all for the good.
    HCB- God bless retirement. As you say I have a very full schedule. I used to be self employed so I was used to being on the go what felt like 24/7. Being busy really helps my appetite suppression. I usually have 3 hours at home during some point each day, sadly this has to consist of housework or gardening. If I sit in front of the TV I am invariable doing another activity too.
    I have 30 minutes peaceful reading either end of the day although I often fall asleep reading my book. I do know how lucky I am but I worked for 43 years often doing more than one job plus studying in the evening and bringing up two children. I don’t want a medal just to enjoy my retirement with good health, hence my attempt to help my poor old overfed and under exercised body. It may take another year to get to goal based on my slow progress but I suppose that compared to the 10 years it took to gain and the 20 odd I kept it around I should just be patient( not one of my virtues).
    Happy- if I can find players willing to play weekly I will. I am doing practice bidding on the Internet and playing four hands but it is not as satisfying as a foursome. I have found that experienced players are not that tolerant of beginners. I certainly wouldn’t contemplate hill running, you must be very fit. My legs were like lead on the flat ground. Well done you! Push through it and enjoy the good weather. I played bowls in non stop drizzle today, only four of us stupid enough to play.

    Hi Everyone,
    Tanga, when I feel like that I take a nap, sometimes I put salt in my water. Jo I want to be like you in 15 years from now, you have your act together.
    RT-watched the show, I want to send it to all my type two diabetic friends. There is hope.

    Good morning from rain-soaked southern France, where my tulips look a bit bedraggled and the lilac refuses to fully flower.

    Now 60 hours into the fast and feeling great. I will break it in about 7 hours.
    The scales were happy, showing a 800g drop( 5600 calorie deficit), though that must be because I have been plateauing, as I can’t see how that is possible in 3 days where our TDEE is about 1500 cals. I did a 200 calorie romp on the treadmill yesterday, and some walking, but not enough to account for the calorie deficit.
    Now 7 kilos from my upper range level, and BMI firmly under 30, never to rise above that again!

    It’s housework time (which is good exercise too)

    Happy Fasting
    xx Wiwi

    Good going Wi, but do make sure you balance a fast with a feast (a sensible one, obviously 😊). That is the point of intermittent fasting.
    I find a little salt in the afternoon, and magnesium, for mood, helps when fasting. Happy houseworking ☺ P

    The menu today is:
    Lunch at about 3pm- endive, walnut, apple and a little cheese salad
    Dinner at 8pm- poached egg on spinach bed with a little smoked salmon.

    Is that ok, Purple?

    Well done Wiwi, You should be very proud of your achievement, I think it’s a great method for long term Fasters like us.

    I broke my fast last night with a vat of vine tomato soup with chilli and lentils. I have found that if I have a solid meal on fast break I get a stomach ache, so it’s a better option. Looking forward to some fruit today, it’s the biggest problem about fast days, I love it and rely on its fibre on non fast days. I have tried eating carrots instead but they don’t really fulfill the need, better result on the scales though.

    Sarah103, live for today honey! Do more of what you want from your life now. I retired early because I had neither time nor energy to enjoy my life. I lost too many friends and am still losing them to Cancer and Heart problems even some of whom had led healthy lives. I am not trying to frighten you just reminding you of the importance of enjoying your free time. I spent far too much time as a couch potato, exhausted by my weight and work problems. My life is far from ideal, I don’t have a ‘significant’ other and I manage on a very small pension but I use my funds for leisure. At least fasting keeps our food bills in check.

    Had a lay in this morning, need to get going, dogs to walk, bowls to play.

    Be happy, be healthy, keep fasting, keep doing 10,000 steps daily.

    Wi, last week I went back to basics, 3 fasts, alternate days, and eating whatever I wanted in between…mind you, after 3 years, that’s pretty restrained! I dropped nearly 2kg and no risk of lowering my metabolism.
    The fasts were easy and my waist reduced by 1cm. That’s why I’m trying to remind everyone to make sure you eat well between fasts.
    P 😊


    Great result!

    And you make a very important point. There are so many people across the forum who miss the point of intermittent fasting, thinking that just eating less and less is the answer, and effectively just turning 5:2 into yet another calorie- restricted diet. And we all know how successful they are long-term!

    Yes Happy

    Good point, timely reminder. However those of us who are not at maintenance yet need calorie restriction as well as IF. If we go back to first principles so to speak and Karen Varady’s experiment that on the ADF on the up days you can eat what you like, and still lose weight.I think that the qualitative aspect is ignored.
    By doing IF, you become more attuned to what you need to eat, and not any old junk. You are eating better and not in such large quantities. The BSD is a calorie restricted diet with the old 3 meals a day which most of us have given up. However the range of things to eat is very wide and this is where it is useful.
    I analyzed my 6 week experiment with BSD and my conclusion was that the ideas are great, but yes it was all too involved to do all one’s life. Jo found this- too much kitchen time. However it keeps me on nutritional track even though I am not a slave to it, and more than anything kick started me back to maintaining 4:3, after a undisciplined 3 week stay in Italy.

    These long fasts are interesting studies, but a five day one like Jo did, rather worries me. I won’t do a 70 hour one again for a while, but a 40 hour one is fine.
    As RT reminds us: “It is easier not to eat as that opens the floodgates of hunger”

    xx Wiwi

    Hi again Wi
    We aren’t talking about maintenance but the weightloss phase.
    It does seem important to eat your TDEE on non fast days. Not the Vardy idea of ADF with unlimited hamburgers and chips!
    Daily calorie restriction runs the risk of your metabolism lowering so that you regain the weight. Fasting and feasting does not.
    My comment was to suggest people go back to basics with how they approach this wol. Balance the lows with healthy highs.
    You seem to be well and truly on the right track. Keep it up…you’re nearly there. 😊 P

    Just popping in to advise I don’t think Amazon will be thinking about food at present. Her beloved Andy has just taken the first set of the match in the second round….

    Sorry! Forgot where I was. Well done Wiwi, you are such a slogger! I love the way you travel so much and have a wonderful life and still manage to fit fasting around it all. As Purple says, you are nearly there!

    HI Jojo
    My name is Maryanne. Well done on what you’ve been able to achieve so far. I would like to join you in this quest myself as I a currently 25 kg bigger than my normal weight. been creeping up slowly since having kids over 6 years in September.
    I hope we can encourage each other!!

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi France Barata in NZ and Jojo HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Weemam Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 Pentimento pranayama and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    10660 steps in the bank this morning we have a lot of rain down here this week 15 mil the last week the land is looking green and beautiful the fire gently rolling and another fast day is here lets get our fast on people
    β€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    I haven’t received any e-mails notification from the posts today and I thought it was weird. Well that little button bellow was uncheckded, dah!

    Fast and Fest! Great point. I was always concerned how not to repordize my metabolism. I will make sure to be careful there.

    Jo thanks for reminding us about how important the now is.

    RT – I didn’t know in Australia diabetes was that bad. Looks like our SAD diet here.

    Maryanne welcome! You have very experienced Folks here to give you great tips and support.

    Fast postponed from tomorrow to Friday! The cleaning still going. Trying Zumba follows by Pilates in the morning. 😘


    Welcome Matyanneo,
    I assume you will be joining the 5:2 approach, remember to record measurements before you start a good luck. If you have any questions please ask, we have lots of experience.

    Happy and PVE, I don’t think that you appreciate the position of ‘losers’ that are here to lose a lifetimes gained weight. I am very glad you succeeded on 5:2 basic but it does not suceed for everyone. If I go over 1200 on non fast days I gain weight, simple as! I would love to do what you recommend but I would gain fast day loses, then some. I don’t retrict calories on non fast days and do longer ‘calorie free’ fast for fun you know. I am trying very hard to lose weight, I am glad you both lose easily but some of us don’t. When you have been overweight for 30 years you absolutely need to change bad habits and reduce portion sizes. FACT!

    RT we couldn’t see much at all yesterday, dense sea mist but romantic all the same.
    Wiwi, I found the 5 day fast easy and felt great but wouldn’t recommend it if you don’t have long term experience of fasting. But if you do usually regain half of the weight lost it seems that it isn’t wonderful for weightloss just longevity, giving the body time to repair and regenerate.

    Watched a programme on dementia last night. They stated that the cure is only 10 years away. Lucky for us oldies that we may be less likely to have this devastating health issue in our futures. They discussed the need for 8 hours sleep for our brain to wash away toxins. Sounds sensible! They also recommended a fish, egg diet with lots of fresh vegetables so that confirmed I am on the right path. Of course keeping those little grey cells going is very beneficial. I was shocked to discover that the genetic links are so great, some families have large numbers of suffers who get dementia in their 40’s or earlier and can trace it to four generations. They can now do a blood test to identify your risk of getting dementia. Of course watching this programme gave me a nightmare of wandering around a town completely lost wearing my nighty, really upsetting, woke up in a sweat. My brain certainly works overtime after disturbing programmes.
    Smithy and Ply, I hope you are both well and maintaining thise lost pounds.

    Fasting (450 calorie) day today as very active day planned. Sun is shining and my garden is beginning to get under control. Sadly yesterday’s heaving compost around has left me with a backache but progress was worth it.

    Nama- I am sure Amazon is having a great time and is very pleased with Andy Murray. Should explain for newbys that one of our regular contributers is a big tennis fan.

    Hi Jo,
    I am confused with what you have written – you say if you go over 1200 cals on non-fast days you gain weight, but in the next sentence you say you don’t restrict calories on non -fast days…. Sorry to nit pick, but I really am confused…

    Your dream sounds horrible. I find scary movies do that to me so I avoid them. Recently had a dream about a spider that kept coming back all night. He was friendly and just wanted to play (more of a puppy than a spider), but the weird thing was that he was growing thru the dream and kept getting bigger! I got up really early as I was so sick of the dream recurring! Must have been overdoing it that week I think!

    Good luck with you Northerners fasting today, my turn tomorrow! Still ‘undoing’ my big weekend!
    Hope your Crows thrash the Cats RT!!


    Having been reading your thread since its inception, I am well aware of the struggles you have with weight loss.

    The point P was making I think is that you need to remember the ‘intermittent’ in intermittent fasting. If you severely calorie restrict every day then you might as well be doing weight watchers as you certainly aren’t intermittent fasting!

    P is a similar age to you, and has successfully lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off. Don’t fall into that trap of thinking ‘it’s all right for you, you’re thin, you’ve got no idea what it’s like for me, and nothing of relevance to tell me’!

    And of course P’s point won’t have been intended solely for you! Do you really want newbies to think the extreme lengths you go are what everyone needs to do?!

    I am very impressed with P’s success but I can’t agree that ‘no calorie restriction’ on non fast days works for everyone, it doesn’t. Trust me if it worked I would do it.
    I like to try out all the ideas suggested in research, there is a great deal of benefit to the body in a 5 day fast in terms of cell repair. I sorry you think it extreme but times are changing. In the past I thought missing breakfast was extreme yet now I rarely eat it. I seem to remember P also has a very low TDEE and controls her eating most of the time. Correct me if I am wrong P.
    I think the best way to go is to do the minimum necessary to achieve results. If 5:2 and intermittent works then stick with it. However like everything else the body gets used to certain strategies and long term you may need to ‘step it up’ to get progress.
    I am not recommending 5 days fasting for everyone, especially newbies and I have said this in Public.
    Nama- that most should have said ‘ If I don’t restrict calories on non fast days I would gain the pound lost on fast days’ if I relax my regime on holiday, am I am not talking ‘binging’ I gain 1lb per day. Relaxing my diet might include a couple of alcoholic drinks an a latte, even the occasional ice cream.
    HealthcoachB- I have never been to a Zumba Class, it it knackering?
    It’s s beautiful day, enjoy it everyone

    Jo, I would never underestimate the huge gains you, and many others like Wi and Nicky, have made through your embracing of intermittent fasting.

    What I was raising was the topic that has been all over this forum, the internet and mainstream media in the past couple of weeks: the implications of the Biggest Losers regaining their weight due to significantly slowed metabolisms as a result of daily calorie restrictions.

    Dr Jason Fung wrote an excellent retort to the NYTs article which started the debate. His answer is that fasting, intermittently, as opposed to permanent calorie restriction allows your body to keep its metabolic rate up.
    I think it is an important issue to understand.

    5:2 and losing 30kg (me) and 33kg (him) was not easy and is still not easy to maintain. It takes a total change of diet, portion size, when to eat and regular fasting to maintain. But anything worth having is hard work.

    I wish you, and the others, continued success with whichever path you choose.
    Purple Vegie Eater


    If you gain an extra lb a day on holiday, without going ‘mad’, then you are either woefully underestimating calories consumed or your insulin level is chronically elevated (and don’t tell me you have normal blood sugar, read the Obesity Code!).

    And I wasn’t suggesting that your five day fast was extreme (you made that leap!). In fact I think you should probably be zero calorie fasting for extended periods on a more regular basis in order to get your insulin levels low.

    As P says, have a read of what’s been all over the forum (The Biggest Loser; long-term effects of constant calorie restriction; Jason Fung’s response). Food for thought πŸ˜€

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