Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • Thanks, Amazon, I will pass that on.
    Is there anything better than the virtuous feeling one gets after a morning workout? Enjoy the caffeine! Morning coffee is the one thing I will never give up!

    I’m about to have my second cup πŸ˜ƒ

    I am very hungry today but determined to get through my FD as B2B seems to work better for me.
    I’m experimenting with tofu tomorrow, I’ve found a recipe for a vegan lasagne that uses it plus a vindaloo. I thought about doing it today but realised that the need to taste would ruin my fast!

    Perth was my favourite Autralian City mainly because the temperature was more Mediterranean than tropical. Kings park is truly a wonder. There was a good tour bus also which visited a museum that was excellent. I saw some really good Aboriginal Art in a gallery in the Park. I also remeber a fis burger at the cafe there which was to die for, yummy. I did a lot of exploring outside the city. Photos on Facebook tonight.
    So I got to 1.30 pm today and had a slim soup then 6 pm and had sushi- delicious. I followed this with some high calorie chicken Thai Soup which was really good. Not a fast day originally so not to worried about going over 500, still under 800.
    If you haven’t got the MM book on BSD I would strongly recommend it, it’s fascinating. I think I will become the sugar police with my family though. It’s nothing but bloody poison. Certainly helped me get round the shops today with no temptation to buy anything off grid. I am quite cross with food manufacturers and hidden sugars.
    Thanks for the link Ply, I will read it when the Rep leaves.

    Hi there

    There is a website for the blood sugar diet and a blog with threads, just like the original 5:2 website. The BSD book is useful for us ordinary 5:2 with lots of information, plus new recipes.

    I forget who asked the question what is it like on maintenance at losing regained weight. It may be different for us all. For me, I find that if I attack the weight as soon as i gain one kg, then i lose it in the first week of two fasts. However, if I let it drift upwards to 3-4 kg extra, then it takes quite a while to lose the extra pounds.

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺

    Hi Ply
    Fremantle, Cottesloe Beach and Kings Park are the best spots with limited time. Kalamunda in the Perth Hills is another favourite. Warn him it can be VERY hot in Perth. I hope he enjoys it.

    As to losing weight in maintenance….SO much harder to drop than those initial months of 5:2!!! The quantity of food one requires, when lighter, is SO much less than upkeeping bigger bodies. I guess that’s why it’s so easy to be fat! It takes quite a shock for the body to burn up any stored fat when you have so much less to burn. πŸ˜• Patience and constant vigilance seem the way to long term losing those last kgs.
    Have a happy Hump Day folks. πŸ˜€ P

    Ooops…missed the new page, so an old post!
    Yes Bay. I agree. The usual ups and downs are handled early, within your “wriggle room” in maintenance, but a significant drop requires much more effort than the early, heady 5:2 days when it tends to peel off.
    I guess complacency gets us all, heavy or light. 😯 P

    Thanks for the Perth tourism tips, I sent them on to my brother and sister-in-law.

    Thanks also, Bay and Purple, for the maintenance loss reports. They were as I expectedl!

    Finished Day 1 of BSD. The Green Tea and Blieberry Breakfast shake was horrible, but I managed to finish it and it staved off hunger for most of the afternoon. Lunch of red peppers stuffed with tomatoes, cucumbers, cilantro, mint, pomegranate seeds, and feta was absolutely delicious, but the Aubergine with Lamb and Pomegranate was unbelievably good! I used the filling to make hubby some “tacos” on mini flatbreads with spinach, roasted tomatoes, feta, and tzatziki sauce. It is sometimes a challenge to adapt what I am eating for him, but this one was easy.

    All in all, a very satisfying 800 calories.

    Well done Ply! 😊

    I am very impressed and not know looking forward to trying the breakfast. I thought I would try a day 1 menu on Sunday as I am ver busy this week. Kitchen planner left without doing any drawings last night because we need to get a builder in first. He did plan the refit of an old bathroom though. What’s more I get the pleasure of taking off the old tiles. I love anything like that, chisel and goggles, steel toecap boots here I come.
    Perth- Tell me if your brother goes up the Helix look out, in the Park, I didn’t have time to do that, imagine the views are pretty special. My knees and legs certainly felt the effect of going up the steps to the park. Could not believe the health runners travelling up and down them without even stopping for breath when it was 35 degrees, now that is fit, I think there were about 10 flights, maybe more.
    Playing bowls this morning and this afternoon I am in a competition for the ladies team so it is going to be a busy fast day. Off to see ‘Bodyguard’ show tonight. Love the music from the original film.
    Fridge now bursting with healthy food, lots of cooking planned over the next few days. Not quite sure how I am going to fit everything in though as next three evenings booked up. My mother always used to say ‘if you want to get something done, ask a busy person’. My jobs list is growing though not shrinking.
    I can’t find my laptop charger since I returned, it’s so frustrating. I need to store my photographs from the trip as bith iPad and phone are full. I bet if I order a new one at Β£30 the old one will reappear.
    Happy Hump Day Northerners. Keep moving everyone, your body needs you to help it function properly.

    Morning/evening all.

    B2B went well and I’ve lost another 1lb πŸ˜ƒ
    I’m going out for a long walk and am treating myself to sushi for lunch.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Amazon, you are killing it lately! The halo must be shining itself! πŸ‘ΌπŸΌ

    Perhaps that breakfast recipe was just a shock due to the lack of sweetness, but all the rest of the recipes look much more promising! It’s unfortunate that it was the first day’s breakfast in the Daily Mail article. . I will give it another try as scheduled next Wednesday and see if I like it any better. If not, I will replace it with one of the other options.
    Jojo, I am sure that the moment you order another charger cord and it is too late to cancel that yours will turn up!
    Have a great day, everyone!

    Well done, Ply

    You’re a star πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’
    Re your breakfast, I can’t stand food turned into shakes. I like to chew and crunch. I’m so glad you were our Guinea pig on the BSD. I’m looking for the options that have eggs or salmon or beans etc.

    Congratulations, Amazon. 🌷🌷

    I agree completely, Bay! I would rather chew than sip my calories! The savory breakfasts with the ingredients you mention are more appealing to me as well.

    Afternoon all,

    I’ve been out for a walk in Kew Gardens and it was lovely. Daffodils, crocii and snowdrops in bloom everywhere and hundreds of bluebells poking theirleves through the grass.

    Thanks ply and Bay, I’m so pleased to have started losing weight again.

    I don’t like green tea so would have avoided the breakfast shake and gone for a savoury option.

    Evening All,
    Well done Amazon. Yes I know how you feel so good to be losing again.

    Just ended my fast with a fat free stir fry, yummy. There is a radio programme discussing sugar in chain coffee restaurants. The worst has 27 teaspoon of sugar, average still very high, over 10. Drink tea everyone, my latte days are well and truly over. I resisted biscuits and cake at bowls. I told them that sugar is poison and I am done with it. Hope I can resist the ice cream at the theatre tonight.
    Won my bowls match for the ladies team
    So feeling good.
    Have a great evening all. Ply – I will try the drink for lunch tomorrow can’t face it at breakfast

    Hi Jojo,

    I read an article this morning about the sugar in drinks from coffee chains.
    I love coffee and tea and am glad that I gave taking either with sugar when I was in my 20s.
    It seems to me that a large percentage of those who frequent coffee shops don’t actually like coffee as they opt for very milky and/or flavoured concoctions. Give me an Americano or an espresso any day.

    I had a pub lunch today, fish and chips and a beer sitting by a roaring fire. It was delicious. I’ve not had anything else today so within TDEE.
    I bought sushi for my FD dinner tomorrow πŸ™‚

    Hi Everyone,
    Just to stop by and say hello. I made it through a full day of fast with 0 calories, just tea, coffee, and water. Even went to weight training. I am so glad this forum is here. I enjoy reading all the posts and know I am not alone in this.

    Evening All,
    Just returning from the Theatre. The Singers in Bodyguard were incredible. They changed some of the story but no issue. It was great. I had plenty of time to look around at the audience during the interval. You will be shocked to hear I resisted the ice cream for the first time ever. Usually I have one in the name of ‘it’s a tradition’ not any more it isn’t. Water only consumed and feeling good about that. There were a lot of large and very large people in the audience. The young lady next to me was huge, spilling into my space quite a lot. I just feel so sad for them. Thank goodness I found this WOL I could so easily have got bigger and bigger. Three cheers for MM

    Great job, Sarah! I know there are long fasts in my future! My longest was 44 hours. RT is still the champ!

    I am a no sugar in coffee gal too, Amazon. Like you and Jojo, I can’t imagine wasting all those calories. I have definitely lost any taste for sweet drinks, but not yet sweet food!

    Congrats on the bowls, Jojo! Show those men how it’s done! And huge kudos for resisting the ice cream! The force is strong within you!

    Breakfast was sliced avocado and a poached egg today. Tasted light, yet satisfying. Lunch was a low-carb ploughman’s, which included ham, a bit of cheddar, an apple, some celery sticks, a few walnuts, and a bit of chutney. I enjoyed the variety! I made veggie curry and cauliflower rice for dinner later. So colorful and appetizing, and a huge portion is possible for low calories.

    Hope everyone had a good day!


    I didn’t find the last few lbs any harder than the first few (and I dropped 3kg below my 63kg goal before I managed to stop losing and start maintaining).

    Since getting to goal it’s mostly been pretty easy to maintain my weight, and even now at 59kg it’s still pretty easy to lose weight (hence why I don’t necessarily fast every week).

    The key for me was cutting added sugar from my diet – I didn’t have any from Jan to April 2014, when I reached goal, and now have added sugar perhaps 2 days a week max, and then below the daily recommended limit; and reducing simple carbs to a minimum – most weeks I have at most 4 slices of bread, pasta/ rice once a week and white potatoes perhaps once or twice, and then smaller portions than pre-5:2.

    Having cut them out completely to begin with, I’ve now added them back and seem to have found the level and frequency of sugar and carbs that my body can tolerate/ accommodate.

    Good to know, Happy. Sounds like you were following the BSD before it was published! Would you please share your definition of “added sugar”?

    Hi Ply,

    Good question!

    Obviously, the biggies like cake, biscuits, chocolate, sweets of any kind, etc. Shop-made breads.

    No fruit juice. No baked beans. No jam. Natural yoghurt only, no fruit yoghurt as they mostly have sugar added as well as fruit. I do eat fruit, but probably not every day now, and sometimes have a fruit and nut mix.

    I cook everything pretty much from scratch, so no pre-made sauces, and don’t use sugar. I do use mayo to make coleslaw though, and there’s sugar in that (just checked! Less than 0.5g/ 14g πŸ™‚ )

    I do make biscuits at weekends, but not every weekend. And I do eat desserts when we’re entertaining or with friends, but rarely eat anything mass produced/ shop bought (it just doesn’t tempt me anymore, as I know it will be sickly sweet).

    I’m just lucky my tastes have changed with fasting, and it’s nearly always savoury foods I crave now.

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 Pentimento pranayama and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Interesting the focus it would appear that sugar and sweet treats align well for females but my problem was or my Achilles’ heel was beer and chips plus any greasy fatty yummy takeaway goodness. The plant canteen loved me I used to have an early morning snack then breakfast then smoko then lunch afternoon smoko when I got home from work I would go on my usual walk then have a 6 pack of beer and 1 sometimes 2 175g bags of cheese and onion chips these 2 alone was everyday beer 858cal & 65 carbs for 6 stubbies and 936cal & 13 carbs a bag. Of course dinner in the evening and a snack before bed as Nama once quite rightly pointed out lucky I was only 96kg I have always been a morning and afternoon walker so perhaps that was the handbrake at work there.
    Keep fasting keep challenging your individual eating window pushing it out for as long as you can get your 10000 steps in use the tools and apps that are available myfitnesspal is a must keep it simple. Find your own doable and do it keep on keeping on.
    The less you eat the more you lose.

    Hello everyone,
    Rt thank you for sharing.
    Jo-jo great job on not eating ice cream. My son made cupcakes and left them on the counter. They are as you say poison.
    HappyNow. I like your definition of added sugar.
    I really made it to 48 hours of fasting, and I am not hungry. I went to yoga and I do not even feel tired. Actually it seems like I have more energy than ever. But the wind is blowing over 30mph out side. That could be giving me energy. I really wanted to make it to 72 hours but that will be next time. I am going to go to bed so will not eat until the morning. So 50 hours will have to be it this time, it was a pleasant experience. I can see if planned out well we can do anything.
    Have an awesome evening everyone.

    Great job everyone, it’s a vital thread at the moment. Sucess by our team definitely inspires others. I really want to try a long fast again now, just water and tea. The perfect time is next Monday as I have a long weekend away in a hotel planned with my bowls club. This will be a full board experience and I plan to attend all meals but choose carefully very few alcoholic drinks, maybe one per day. I plan on recording intake so I don’t go crazy, definitely no puddings.
    RT – I am also a fan of cheese and onion crisps, it was my weekly treat, but no more. Your pre fast day diet sounds very high calorie you have done well to beat the bulge. I too like pastry but never been a big fan of chips( now roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, yummy). I don’t think I will ever totally cut out the roast dinner but it is a monthly event now not weekly.
    Scales stayed the same this morning so I am cutting to 800 on this non fast day. It’s all preparation for my BSD. Smithy is joining us too. Smithy – Did you realise that its 8 weeks without a glass of wine honey ? I know you and your partner enjoy an evening tipple together. But I know you are a rock when you have set your mind on something.

    I think that relaxation time has become inexplicably linked with wine and snacks. The Theatre last night was full of drinkers and snackers and not just in the interval but throughout the show. I know if I watch TV I get the urge to snack. It’s why I have taken up colouring, it takes my mind off ‘what can I have to munch on now’. I am sure my gravestone memorial will be ‘ I really fancy something nice but I am not sure what ?’
    It usually resulted in eating something with sugar in it or toast with butter. These days it’s a few almonds as we have no bread or sweet things in the house.

    Fasting is great but it doesn’t cure us of sugar addiction which is why I plan on seeing if BSD helps with this angle.

    Have a good day friends, may the force be with you. Keep moving!

    Very true Jo, cutting out sugar (and simple carbs that break down to sugars) is what cures us of sugar addiction…or at least allows us to control it.

    Don’t underestimate the power of the fast day though. When I eat sugar at the weekend, there is nothing like a fast on a Monday to put a brake on the inevitable urge to eat more sugar!

    Happy- I am not underestimating the power of the fast. It’s my lifeline. It’s been a two year journey after 50 years of failure to control my eating habits. I plan to carry on and beat this addiction to food and spread the word. Hopefully I will be a sucessful maintainer one day and dish out the tough love just like you. We all need to face our addictive demons- the fight is on.

    Morning/evening all,

    Happy thanks for the lowdown on how you cut out added sugar.
    I’ve given it up for Lent mainly as a way of saying no to cakes, desserts etc. I’ve stopped having chutney or sauces that contain sugar but am eating my FD sweet and sour chicken portions which contain a small amount tomato ketchup.
    As I’ve given up bread too it is definitely low carb although sushi rice is on the menu today. I’ve taken the decision to do this in order to get my non FD eating under control and so far so good.
    I’ve already given up fruit juice and flavoured yoghurts, I tried one on the plane 😝

    When I went into a shop yesterday which is set out so that customers have to walk through the bakery first, I found the sweet smell quite nauseating and it was easy to ignore everything whereas previously I would have definitely bought something and it would have been gone before I got home!

    I never snacked as I used to eat non stop until finishing dinner. I never got into the habit of watching TV in the evenings and grazing, and I’ve not bought snacks at the cinema since I was a teenager. I usually have a glass of wine or a G&T if I go to the theatre but apart from that I’ve never bothered because everything is so expensive.

    When I was on holiday, I was the only one who didn’t go into the shop at service stations and come out with a bag of snacks to eat on the bus. I was surrounding by the sound of rustling and munching usually followed by snoring πŸ˜†

    FD today but no gym as I’ve woken up with a stiff neck. It’s been a bit sore for a few days and I’ve been stretching it but a day of rest, a heat pack and some anti inflammatories are in order.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Dear 5:2 diary,
    I read your all your posts every single day as a kinda private therapy.
    I’m truly humbled at the dedication, hard work, self reflection and your brave transparent sharing of your trials, tribulations,failures and successes. When I have a weak moment I’m bolstered with an instant memory of the success some of you have achieved. I too want this success!

    I’m smarting after the loss of an international company, a major illness, divorce and an intercontinental relocation of my home; I seem to have lost some of my self-confidence along the way. I know that I must experience a success under my belt, one that I have complete control over achieving and to feel proud of myself again. Why not, eh? This 5:2/4:3 WOL is pretty damn wonderful. The fasting can be challenging sometimes but surprisingly my body now seems to crave it like it’s starting to crave exercise, if I miss a day of exercise I actually feel a bit low and my body is grumpy with me….interesting.

    As we cook nearly all our own food and buy nearly zero store-bought processed foods…hidden sugars and such are not much of a problem in the diet. But we USED to keep crisps, chocolates and frozen chips on hand for late night wine-induced munchies! Not drinking for Lent has made a huge difference, a dirty little surprise for me. This has become the single most massive awareness in my well being metamorphosis from a former ‘couch potato-new hubby-TV-wine-late night-snacking’ this activity alone could easily be a 2,000+ calorie consumption event. GEE WHIZ! So now for the last weeks it’s thoughtful eating, more exercise, no drink, lots of teas and water and a platter of al dente veggies always in the fridge seasoned with a light sprinkling of soya sauce for TV nibbles. BUT truth be told over the last couple of weeks…TV snacks are becoming less compelling. As night eating (& drinking) was just a ‘habit’ I wasn’t really hungry (or thirsty for that matter). Now I keep pots of interesting tasty teas at the ready in case my old ‘habits’ start to nag me. And tea no matter how tasty disappoints anyone’s ‘needy habit’ and the ‘bad habits’are starting to fade away from sheer boredom. Tea is just not yummy like a 1986 Pommard, no it’s not.

    Sun is out must stop everything and grab a walk while I can!

    Penti, your outlook and determination fit perfectly in this thread! I am a wine drinker and snacker at night as well. It’s a hard habit to break. I am changing my habit to drinking tea at night also, and finding some distraction…Jojo’s coloring or knitting are good because they keep the hands busy and you must keep your hands clean or ruin your work!
    Thanks for the detail, Happy. I will never get my husband away from his morning sweets, but I am not tempted by his daily doughnut, muffin, or cinnamon roll. He is annoyingly skinny despite this habit!
    I don’t do Lent, but I am giving up wine except for true social occasions, and Thursday night on the couch watching Scandal is not one! The next family get-together is on the 27th, and I will be bringing beautiful vegetable cruditΓ©s to snack on.
    RT, you have definitely conquered your snacking demons! I have never been a beer drinker, and choices of food to buy at work are not very tempting. It seems that folks used to bring leftover sweets from home to the break room so there was something there all the time, but that has become a rare occasion. Perhaps everyone is getting on the healthy bandwagon!
    Breakfast today is a low-carb Bircher, which I had never heard of, but it’s yogurt, nuts, seeds, and a few raisins. Looking forward to lunch of beet falafels, and a veg frittata for dinner!
    I’ve got two portions of veg curry with cauliflower rice, and 2 servings of the lamb for stuffed Aubergine in the freezer already for nights when I can’t cook.
    Have a great day everyone!

    I don’t do Lent either but 40 days is a good amount of time to try to cure a habit πŸ˜†

    I limit wine to weekends which works well, but it isn’t easy πŸ™

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB Tessy pen nib Iona72 Pentimento pranayama and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Genuine complaints received by councils
    1) My bush is really overgrown round the front and my back passage has
    fungus growing in it.

    2) … and he’s got this huge tool that vibrates the whole house and I
    just can’t take it anymore.

    3) … it’s the dogs mess that I find hard to swallow.

    4) I want some repairs done to my cooker as it has backfired and burnt
    my knob off.

    5) I wish to complain that my father hurt his ankle very badly when he
    put his foot in the hole in his back passage.

    6) … and their 18 year old son is continually banging his balls
    against my fence.

    7) I wish to report that tiles are missing from the outside toilet
    roof. I think it was bad wind the other night that blew them off.

    8) My lavatory seat is cracked, where do I stand?

    9) I am writing on behalf of my sink, which is coming away from the

    10) Will you please send someone to mend the garden path. My wife
    tripped and fell on it yesterday and now she is pregnant. We are getting
    married in September and we would like it in the garden before we move into
    the house.

    11) I request permission to remove my drawers in the kitchen

    12) …50% of the walls are damp, 50% have crumbling plaster and the
    rest are plain filthy.

    13) I am still having problems with smoke in my new drawers.

    14) The toilet is blocked and we cannot bath the children until it is

    15) Will you please send a man to look at my water, it is a funny colour
    and not fit to drink.

    16) Our lavatory seat is broken in half and is now in three pieces.

    17) Would you please send a man to repair my spout. I am an old age
    Pensioner and need it badly.

    18) I want to complain about the farmer across the road; every morning
    at 6am his cock wakes me up and its now getting too much for me.

    19) The man next door has a large erection in the back garden, which is
    unsightly and dangerous.

    20) Our kitchen floor is damp. We have two children and would like a
    third so please send someone round to do something about it.

    21) I am a single woman living in a downstairs flat and would you please
    do something about the noise made by the man I have on top of me every

    22) Please send a man with the right tool to finish the job and satisfy
    my wife.

    23) I have had the clerk of the works down on the floor six times but I
    still have no satisfaction.

    24) This is to let you know that our lavatory seat is broke and we can’t
    get Channel BBC2 on the TV


    Have a happy weekend all you beautiful losers πŸ˜‰
    Peace RT

    Hi Everyone,
    RT you are a bright spot on a cloudy day. Fast day going well, very busy though so will catch up on my reading later. We are picking up our grandchildren (boy 5, girl 3) this afternoon and bringing them to our home through Sunday. Very excited. They live in another town, and we haven’t seen them since early January. We tend to spend every waking moment with them when they are here (lol) so I will be mostly off-line, but wanted to be sure to wish you all a great weekend. See you next week.


    Good evening all,
    I visited the doctor today about my high cholesterol 6.7. She put my blood results into a calculator and recommended statins as I have a 10% chance of getting a heart attack within the next 10 years. I asked if exercise level is important factor. Apparently not, lots of athletes also have high cholesterol levels. Now I am really confused. I asked for a delay of 6 months to achieve more weightloss and work on my diet. I was given a booklet from the British Heart Foundation and told to look on line http://www.patient.co.uk. Cyber doctoring is the future I guess. I asked her what dietary advice she had for a Pescatarian on a low carb, low fat plus no sugar plan. She said ‘you can have everything in moderation’. I explained this advice is not particularly helpful as if I understood moderation I would never have become obese. Guess I will keep on doing what I do. I told her I fast 4:3 and am about to start – BSD ( cutting sugar and complex carbs) she said ‘I can’t really see that that will be detrimental to lowering your cholesterol so carry on with your plans.
    Ply- sounds like you are enjoying the plan.
    Penti- I don’t think it is very private therapy- ha ha but the thread helps lots of Fasters. Please continue to make your contributions. I too went through a major life crisis which included a marriage breakup, moving home and retirement. Trying to lose weight was particularly difficult through this phase of my life.

    Hi all,

    I Found an interesting article in the link below


    What do you think?

    Oh dear, RT, words fail me!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Hi Tasa,
    Couldn’t get the whole article without subscription can you give us a summary?

    Oh, Jo, you have really had a rough time of it with the medical profession of late. I think one of the major factors in high cholesterol is heredity. A dear friend of mine, always quite thin, lots of exercise, and really healthy eating (she was the one who told me about 5:2!) has always had high cholesterol. It will be an interesting “study of one” to see whether the weight loss and low carb/no sugar plan has an effect. More incentive to stick with it, at least!
    I find the “everything in moderation” advice infuriating.
    I am enjoying their plan immensely! just finished the beet falafel, which was delicious. Not the most appetizing thing I’ve ever seen, but neither is regular falafel, I suppose. I have another serving for the freezer. I may end up skipping dinner, since I had a very late lunch, so toady may turn into a good old-fashioned fast day.
    Enjoy those grandchildren, Prana! I am envious!

    Hi Ply,
    Yes the advice is silly, not of much use at all. I suspect it’s a genetic thing, my father died early and all my very slim brothers and sisters(4 of them)all very active, have the same high cholesterol results. Two meat eaters and two vegetarians. Just too much of a coincidence. Just read the booklet I was given. Obesity is my only risk factor, exercise way above the 30 mins recommended daily requirement as I average 2 hours with cross trainer and fast dog walk plus at least two hour bowls 5 days per week. I still do kettlebell lifts too but usually only at the weekend. My weekend walks are usually 2 hours. I still record food and exercise on Fitnesspal so I am keeping good records. Did you take measurements and record pulse rate Monday. I will do all that on 1st March.
    Awaiting surgical appointment now concerning gallstones but they are not giving me any problems on my fat free diet. But it does feel like having a ticking bomb inside me, you never know when they might flare up.
    Not all bad news though, my hip pain has been tolerable lately, no painkillers needed, I am very flexible, my shape is improving(dropped another bra size) and fairly happy with my lot at the moment. Feeling very confident that I will keep losing weight.

    Greetings, all you lovely fasters. Thanks for those, RT, but you can sympathise with those for whom English is a second language with the intricacies that we have learned from infancy.

    When I went in to the medical centre on Wednesday the nurse took my blood pressure – told me I had the BP of a twenty-year-old πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Jojo, not good news, but we are learning that cholesterol numbers are not as significant as they used to be, particularly as we age. Can’t fight your family history, though, there must be something there, as you say. Good and bad news on your health front. When is the operation?

    Our daughter arrived from Sydney yesterday with boyfriend and son, so I will also be doing grandparent duties for the next week or so. Love it, but at work today πŸ™

    Ply, what were the Falafels like? I though they sounded good from the recipe but haven’t tried them yet.

    Jo, the BSD would be a good one and cutting out starchy foods and sugar. But for a while it doesn’t help the cholesterol as your fat cells give up theirs so effectively it continues to be manufactured by you. Eventually it should help though. I’m hoping to lower mine, too, and especially the triglycerides. So on the other five days I’ve cut out starches ( though yesterday I broke that, had a banana and felt hungrier later)

    Hi Jo-Jo,
    Have you read Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore. It explains about statins and cholesterol, my doctor recommended it for my mom.
    Have a great evening.

    Hi all,

    Just popping in to say Hello to all you lovely fasters. We had a relaxing week away, now catching up with the washing! Reading back, the thread has been really jumping! So much interesting stuff to ponder.

    I managed to ‘maintain’ current weight, despite lots of social eating with family and old friends. No proper fasts really, but several meals missed to compensate and mostly sensible choices. The only meal I could not do this was a Chinese one, the food was fairly heavy. But as we were taken there as guests, I just did my best!

    Jo I think you are fairly safe from a heart attack, despite your family history. Your fitness level would be a good protection, plus of course when you get to goal weight that will be a huge help. I am pretty sceptical about the current fearmongering and marketing of statins, you did well to resist your doctors prescription. Its certainly a good motivation, as well as the diabetes, to keep you fasting well!

    RT I am worried about those poor children being bathed in the blocked toilet!
    Have a lovely weekend all, keep up the good work xx

    Morning/evening all

    Another sunny and frosty morning here.

    My neck is much better so it’s off to the gym this morning.
    Another FD today and then two days of normal eating (whatever that is πŸ˜‰ )

    I have genetically caused very high cholesterol and have been taking statins for over 10 years. Losing weight has not affected it.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Well I expect silvesta’s post will be removed for peddling diet pills, but I love the line ‘This is a diet pill that can be sued…’ πŸ™‚

    A good natural way to reduce hunger on fast days is psyllium husk. It also helps if the higher proteins on fast days have made you a bit constipated. Trouble with some pills, even natural ones, is if they upset the insulin systems you could have more difficulty in the long run eg by putting on weight again later, as getting fatter is caused by the action of insulin in your blood.

    That being said, capsicum is a high Sirtuin 1 triggering ingredient. Google Sirtuins, they’re quite interesting.

    Morning All,
    Nama – well done on the maintenance on holiday. Not keen on Chinese food these days (greasy) but love Japanese and Thai food.

    I agree that I am an unlikely candidate for a stroke or heart attack but I want to lessen the risk. We lost two bowlers in the last month both neither overweight or smokers, both daily players so reasonably active, both previously had jobs in the building trade. One aged 68 and one 72 which is youngish in terms of bowlers, average age 80.

    No idea what their diets were like but could have been poor. Many men in that generation were brought up on pie/ fish and chips or roast with pudding a daily must(even 2 portions). They weren’t even part of the beer swilling lot. Both were widowers and had lunch at the club a lot. Food is good there, plenty of veg served but very meat based. Often there is no vegetarian option at all.

    So you cannot be complacent about risk. One factor is enough and I have been obese most of my life albiet always active.

    Don’t fancy taking diet pills or any sort of pill really, hence avoiding statins until no choice. Often forced to take antihistamine, antibiotics or anti inflamatories but I don’t like it.

    Came across this recipe thought which I will try tomorrow.

    Called Green Goddess

    1 ginseng tea bag or tsp of ginseng tea
    5 fl ounces or 150 ml of boiling water
    1 apple, halved
    1 1/2 oz of rocket leaves

    Steep it for 4 minutes, ( remove tea bag) strain off the water into a mug, juice the apple and rocket then pour into tea. Serve warm or cold.

    Now the best bit – it’s an aphrodisiac and tonic for mood, helps liver and kidney function, prevents water retention plus appetite suppressant.
    No change on scales again today but keeping fingers crossed and lips zipped until tomorrow( fast day today then weekend break before three day water and tea fast) wish me luck! Hope it doesn’t effect my sleep too much. May try a late bath each night.

    Off to walk in the lovely sunshine today. Happy fasting, keep moving.

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