Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months, 1 week ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 11,101 through 11,150 (of 16,657 total)

  • Oh god I am in Festival Fast Food Hell. It’s everywhere! Spending a couple of hours at home resting before tonight. Weather fantastic, music foot tapping heaven. Fasting(Let’s not mention it)

    Just read back yesterday’s posts. Thinking of you Weemam- give Dad a hug from me.

    Emel- I don’t envy you at work at all. It’s Goodbye tension, Hello pension for me. I did 45 years if full time work and now I hope to have 30 years of leisure and pleasure.

    PVE and Nama- sounds like you are both having fun in very different ways. I love my gardening but not this week.

    I got some blisters on my feet on my walk today, sand in the sandals, always a risk, but too hot to wear shoes. Might be sitting not dancing when I am on duty tonight.

    Hi all, just a quick hello as I am running a little late. Jojo love your quip re retirement so very apt πŸ™‚

    Thinking of you all and reading all the posts, such fun in the sun for many of our nh members while others are still waiting for their summer to kick in. Hoping our wintry weather abates soon, had a warmish day yesterday but back to wet, windy weather today.

    Must run, catch up more later πŸ™‚

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Happy fast Monday team
    Oh Jojo that is sweet sweet wording 30 years of leisure and pleasure it’s my intention to work until 70 so that is 18 years away and that will make me 105yo im going alright at that minute πŸ˜‰
    Nama the footy was a great result not real sure how the form stacks up though last Saturday Sydney smashed us this week we beat Richmond who have beaten Freo and the Hawks the top 2 premiership contenders so time will. Third son very coy about things but they seem well suited introverted but happy in each other’s company.
    Your trip sounds amazing and I am envious but I am not a man of action more of your sloth maybe πŸ˜† Y-fee never keen to do anything so in holiday mode we are both relaxed and casual couch surfers or couch potatos and lounge lizards if you will… πŸ˜†
    Lets get our fast on
    Peace RT

    Howdy world fasters.
    RT- I love the words “lounge lizard” I definitely was lizarding around this weekend or proper English.. I was acting like a lizard.
    Jo-Jo wow! there are a lot of people in your town and now lots of visitors. I am inspired that you are learning the ukelele, I want to be a life learner too.

    Nama: Sorry no Strawberries, just lots of people, music, and camping. Check out the website. It talks about West Side, I am 500ft from the property. http://www.strawberrymusic.com/home.aspx

    Sorry I did not get to answer anyone else, I am going to bed. GET to get up to go to work tomorrow. Also starting a new exercise class tomorrow, I am excited about it.

    Good Night all.

    Love the enthusiasm, good luck with the new class. I returned home at 11 last night, very tired, so I opted out of the two hour late night dancing. Slept well so I am off to Tai Chi then Ukelele class. I have only learnt three notes so far so not a huge choose of songs to play but I am considering bringing it on my trip, lots of practise time. I am definitely a lifelong learner, it’s the best way to keep the brain functioning well. I guess I take on a new skill every three months, some I improve upon, some fade with the weather.
    I had a very handsome and available man join my walk yesterday, same age too. He has had a very rough six months since retirement losing girlfriend and both parents but I may see him casually to see if we get on well.
    The food has been a disaster this weekend. Must do better, fasting today.

    Seriously! Where is everyone?
    I have just returned home from a concert of the Spookymen, a group of Antipodean Gregorian chant singers and comedians. It was a really good gig, loved them. They were also supported by an English girl with a crystal clear voice sing acapello, she has travelled widely including Australia and New Zealand. She sang a Maori Song which was very haunting.

    I left home at 8 am this morning and have been out all day, it has been a whirlwind of activity. Tai Chi, Ukelele Lesson, Sea Shanty Choir, work, dinner then a concert. I fell asleep at my post this afternoon. My excuse was the heat of the tent. Luckily it was only a few moments and no one noticed, I hope. Fasting is not going well though and may need to be ditched until Saturday. It is just impossible with the socialising breakfast, lunch and dinner. At least I am trying to stick to seafood salads and omelettes.
    I start my cat sitting job tomorrow so I need an early night, it’s all go here.

    Weemam- how are you and Dad?
    Amazon- Have a great trip
    RT- PVE-Nicky- Hope the fasting is going better for you
    Sarah- How did the new exercise class go? What was it?
    AussieO-Sending you some sunshine, we have some to spare. Watering has become a full time job here.

    Good morning fellow-fasters everywhere:
    Emel, AO, RT and comespring in South Australia
    Nama in Victoria (currently in Queensland)
    Bay in ACT
    Purple in NSW
    Barata in NZ
    Jojo, Smiffy, HappyNow, Amazon, Hermaj, Lizzy, Wee, CakeyWakey, Tessy and Iona in UK
    Wiwi in France
    Applepie in Spain
    Ply, SAMM, Lori, HealthCoachB and Sarah103 in US
    DJ in Canada;

    Have been reading but no opportunity to post until now; internet problems at home and busy at work.

    EDIT: Good evening Jo.

    Nama and Bay, thanks for taking the time to post about your travels – love it!

    Emel, my near neighbour, well done on the promotion from beginner yoga. Is your class somewhere close to home? I go to a Monday lunchtime class at work but would love to fit another in if possible and Saturday would be perfect. Good news on finding your Fitbit charger.

    RT, when I got to 64 I was doing a fairly physical job full time and resolved to retire at my next birthday because my knees were so bad but with a new boss and hours reduced to 3 days/week I’m still here with 70 looming next April. My current boss keeps saying we should retire at the same time (he must be joking as he’s probably more than 20 years my junior) but keeps finding me interesting projects. Unless pushed, I plan to keep on until I have at least reached my weight goal – you can see how dedicated I am to my career πŸ˜†

    Good fast day yesterday following a moderate previous week. Saw my PB on the scales this morning so, unless something disastrous happens today, looking forward to a new result tomorrow. Boiled egg and kiwifruit (Chinese gooseberry) for my 3pm break-fast and low cal fish and salad for dinner. Still very cold here but weak sunshine coming through my office window, highlighting the crystalline purple flowers of African violets on my desk.

    Take care all and keep up the good work. n xxx

    Well done on the PB, Nicky. Does that mean you’ll be retiring before Christmas ;)P

    Thanks P.

    Retiring before Christmas? πŸ˜† πŸ˜† (wish I could do one of Amazon’s rolling around laughing smilies)

    Sadly still many kgs from goal (and retirement), as still in the upper overweight range but not trying to look too far ahead – small steps, small goals and celebrating each small achievement. Working on being well within the normal range by my birthday.

    avagoodone! n

    Oi, Nicky! You are sounding like Mr P….any excuse to stay at work! As long as you enjoy it, why not? Can’t say the same about teaching in the end. Too many pollies putting their spoke in πŸ˜‰
    Keep up the good work with the fasting and avagoodone yourself πŸ˜† P

    Hi Jojo,

    Just read you have a cat sitting job to start tomorrow, so have I! Joined a site, hoping to cat sit in France eventually, first job is in Oban. Second looks to be looking after a cattery in Surrey. Is yours thru a site or just for friends?

    Lurking as usual but keeping up with all your ups and downs – mostly downs I think, keep up the good work, you keep me going with your great chat!

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Five Undeniable Facts of Life :
    1. Don’t educate your children to be rich.
    Educate them to be Happy.
    So when they grow up they will know
    the value of things not the price

    2. Best awarded words in London …
    “Eat your food as your medicines.
    Otherwise you have to
    eat medicines as your food”

    3. The One who loves you will never leave you
    because even if there are 100 reasons
    to give up they will find one reason to hold on.

    4. There is a big difference between
    a human being and being human.
    Only a few really understand it.

    5. You are loved when you are born.
    You will be loved when you die.
    In between, You have to manage…!

    I was doing some research and in particular ADF alternate day fasting or put another way every other day v 4-3 and the reality is just one extra fast day a fortnight not major it just sounds like it. My TDEE for my current weight is 1851cal I don’t get close to that under the 19/5 and 5-2 of zero or close enough to it on a fast day so only 25 hours a week in feed mode keeps intake right down I skip breakfast and lunch and have just the evening meal and a light snack minimal and feel very confident that this WOL is a life changing life extending path to tread.Nicky yes I have a long wait but I enjoy work I have a good job if I was shearing sheep or digging holes splitting wood or a fencing contractor then it would be completely different but I look forwards to every day. Lucky I guess.

    Peace RT

    After a longish silence, hello again! I can see why this is the fast track thread- if you aren’t fast, you fall off the track!

    I have been in Rome and my wee grandie is not too ill according to the doctors. He may be prone to those chronic breathing problems, small children get in winter, but no CF.
    It was so hot in Rome. Good thing as pizza didn’t seem attractive.

    I got a bit off track recently as we have had house guests coming and going for nearly three months and I have been in the kitchen. Fortunately summer food is not too calorific, but all the same preparing lots of pommes de terre sautΓ©es (tiny potatoes just cooked slowly in a mixture of oil and butter until crisp and flowery inside) are my downfall. In this dry part of France, we have wonderful potatoes.
    Until two days ago it was still very hot and sunny.

    Ten days ago I did a very useful exercise and went back to first principles, read all the literature again and started again. For 10 days now, I have been strictly adhering to ADF ( RT in two weeks that’s 7 fasting, 7 eating) and I am in the high overweight range too, Nicky. On a bad day, I still hit BMI 30.

    Tomorrow is shooting stars night here ( in fact all over the planet). I love this light show, and I have arranged my fast days to fully enjoy this night. The weather forecast is not good and the sky may be covered. I recommend this as a wonderful experience if you have clear skies. The peak will be at 5am UTC on Thursday( great for Californians, Sarah.) Some meteors may touch the earth’s atmosphere, and the moon won’t rise until day break, so nice and dark.
    I love stars and I think the best place for them in my experience is Ukuru in Central Oz where they seem so close. But this show not put on for Australians due to timing.

    Must organize for today’s stargazing friends arriving. I will fast today and feel wonderful tomorrow.


    sorry, ULuru!

    Hi Wiwi great to see you back on the line πŸ˜‰
    Fantastic efforts 7 days out of 14 fasting
    whereas 4-3 is 6 fast days out of 14 what great return to the fast life welcome back
    awesome news the grandie l am sure everyone concerned is feeling the love right now
    peace love and happiness RT

    Hi Wiwi
    Great news re your grandson and fabulous to have you back on board.
    Your shooting star night sounds wonderful. Pity we Aussies aren’t included πŸ™‚ You must tell us all about it afterwards.
    Your petites pommes de terre sound yum. I just discovered a recipe for crumbed slices of zucchini (corgette). They are dipped in flour, egg and a mix of crumbs and parmesan. Certainly not a fast food, but really yummy with a glass of white in front of the fire in winter!
    Keep up the ADF, you know you can do it, as you have done it very successfully before. Cheers P

    Good Morning(Evening) Friends,

    Great to hear from you all, thought I had been deserted in Cyberland. Great news about your newest family member, those winter colds are horrible with delicate babies.

    Weather here amazing. Having a quietist day before work tonight. Off to sit on a cat, or is it cat sit? Let’s see what happens? It is called ‘Weed’ can you imagine me calling it in for breakfast? Here little weed!

    Have a great day everyone, I will try to be good

    Poor cat. Not sure what’s worse…it’s name or being squashed by the sitter!
    As I typed this, my cat just sat on me. Psychic? P

    Thank you all for kind words. I am so happy for my wee grandson.

    The courgettes are abundant, Purple. We shall have crumbed corguettes tonight

    Enjoy the cat-sitting, JoJo

    RT, I liked what you did a while back and put down all the web sites. It’s a very good reference, and I do love to know about the science of what we are doing.
    I think going back to first principles worked for me as I got sort of blurred around the edges. In fact I think what did it was trying to do 19:5 on up days. I could not maintain the strictness and got too hungry on fast days. A compromise is now 19:5 on down days and probably about 17:7 on up days. Basically 3 meals in two days.
    Anyway summer here again today with the garden veges looking so attractive.

    Bonne journΓ©e ou bonne nuit, mes jeΓ»nes amis. (Remember dΓ©jeΓ»ner from your French classes- = to stop fasting)

    Good Evening All, posting from mosquito watch, my duty on the performers gate, the bugs are attracted by the lights.

    The cat was very sweet, picture on Facebook, she loved me. I felt very guilty about leaving her. She is very attention seeking, no big surprise as the owners have left her for 10 weeks. She is 19 years old, seems very sad.
    I think I may do an extra visit in the evening.

    My brother is visiting so Zi am trying to prepare some nice healthy food. We had Salmon salad for dinner.
    Must get back on track, never thought I would miss fasting, it’s crazy.

    This cat sitting job is local not as exciting as France. It’s for a friend of a friend. I am being paid to feed it and make a fuss of it for 30 minutes a day. But I have considered house/ pet sitting as a profession. It is a very good way to see the world. Also I have cared for most types of pets in my time. My children and I are are animal lovers so pets have been a big part of our lives. We had a tortoise for 17 years(recently re-homed due to my daughters plans to emigrate to NZ. We have had many cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, mice and a rat. We have also cared for some exotic creatures like lizards, snakes, owls, cockatiels and spiders. At one time we had 18 pets but about 12 were rabbit and guinea pigs because we bred them.

    A friend of mine has a cat sitting job in France, she leaves next week. I assume she pays her own travel and food but gets accomodationl in return for cat sitting. I don’t think she is paid but I know there are agencies for this type of work. It’s minimum wages I believe.

    Hello fellow-fasters everywhere:
    Emel, AO, RT and comespring in South Australia
    Nama in Victoria (currently in Queensland)
    Bay in ACT
    Purple in NSW
    Barata in NZ
    Jojo, Smiffy, HappyNow, Amazon, Hermaj, Lizzy, Wee, CakeyWakey, Tessy and Iona in UK
    Wiwi in France – such good news about your little grandson.
    Applepie in Spain
    Ply, SAMM, Lori, HealthCoachB and Sarah103 in US
    DJ in Canada.

    Wednesday puns …
    How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it
    Venison for dinner again? Oh deer!
    I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest.
    Haunted French pancakes give me the crepes.
    England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool.
    I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.
    They told me I had type-A blood, but it was a Type-O.
    I changed my iPod’s name to Titanic. It’s syncing now.
    Jokes about German sausages are the wurst.
    I know a guy who’s addicted to brake fluid, but he says he can stop any time.
    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me.
    This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I’d never met herbivore.
    I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can’t put it down.
    I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.
    I didn’t like my beard at first. Then it grew on me.
    Broken pencils are pretty much pointless.
    What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.
    I dropped out of the Communism class because of lousy Marx.
    All the toilets in New York’s police stations have been stolen. As of now it appears the police have nothing to go on.
    I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough.
    Velcro – what a rip off!

    Jo, sorry to hear about mozzie central at your post at the Festival. Hope you’re keeping covered up and/or using repellent. The cat looks lovely.

    Pleased to report seeing a new low on my scales this morning. I can lose if I stay within target TDEE on non-FDs plus 2 FDs/week. My Fitbit reported 10,500 steps yesterday, including 17 floors, which translated to ~2,800 calories.

    Happy hump day all. n xxx

    No wonder you are in a good mood. Well done Nicky!
    Careful RT, she has a good joke collection πŸ˜†

    Hi guys, I’m feeling good after yesterday’s fast day, 500 cals on the nose! Husband was having fish and chips, so cruel, and the smell was delightful but I locked myself in the bathroom and took a long shower whilst he ate them! A few people have asked me if I have lost weight recently so even though it’s only about 5 pounds so far, needless to say I’m thrilled! I’m looking forward to a lovely ham sandwich at lunch today, probably chicken something for dinner then another fast day tomorrow. Have a good day, stay strong!

    Beautiful work Nicky I love a good laugh there where some doozies among st them good skills you πŸ˜‰

    Good morning All,
    I have just returned from my Ukrlele class, it was a doozy. All the experienced performers joined us. I just played the three notes I know, sang and danced to the beat whilst the others did the hard work. I have permanently numb finger tips now. I think much practise is necessary. It will definitely be travelling with me for my three month trip. At least I will be putting the time to good use when I an not site seeing, eating. Sleeping and visiting. A wandering minstrel I will be, playing rock on my Ukelele. Trivia for you- instrument originated in Spain and Portugal, used by sailors, made in Hawaii by settlers from Spain and named by them the ‘dancing flee’.
    After my fourth Tai Chi class I am getting the hang of the fluid forms but although meditative it doesn’t really feel like exercise to me. Not sure I will carry it on, prefer Yoga at least that makes you feel stretched and flexible.
    My cat is currently enjoying covering me in fur after being fed and watered. More concerts planned this afternoon and tonight.

    NickyF- well done you on the new low. I haven’t been near the scales for days and know I am not going to be happy with the result. Back to the drawing board again. I really have a mental on/off switch in terms of food control. But I resisted bread at breakfast this morning and focussed on scrambled egg with salmon. Stir fry prawns for lunch with zero noodles and no dinner as out for the rest of the day at work then concerts. Only drinking water and tea.
    Jokes were great too, if we don’t laugh we cry.

    Hi all from Noosa Heads in Qld – one of my favourite places to visit – reminds me of a little place called Carmel in California. Very green and lush compared to outback Qld and beautiful ocean as well (just for a change!)

    Well done Nicky & Iona and everyone else! Great to hear from you Wiwi and wonderful news re your grandson – CF is the worst diagnosis, such a life sentence, you must be so, so relieved.

    Jojo your comment about missing fasting is very telling – it would seem that fasting has truly become a part of your life now! A few detours on our path is ok, the fasting will still be there! I planned to fast tomorrow, but new plans for a nice lunch out have meant I will fast Fri instead when we are travelling. Love it! My weight is still stable and my new eating habits are really working, so liberating to see it working in “real life”.

    We have been using airbnb a bit on this trip and it has led to meeting some lovely people. At present we are staying in an apartment attached to the home of a retired business man (very social and very active still at 77) and his wife who is an artist. Such delightful people who we would never have met otherwize. I think the accommodation industry has reason to worry. Where we are is on a 3 acre property, 10 mins from heart of Noosa but backing onto a National Park – 10 steps to a bushwalk!! Its cheaper than an apartment and we have 3 times as much room.

    Cheers all x

    Hi Jojo, we crossed posts…does that mean you will be able to fund some of your trip with busking?? Drinks are on you!!

    Hi everyone, nothing so invigorating as a music festival like Jojo just the usual everyday stuff for me. Looking for a loss come tomorrow as have mainly kept on track, I know I will get better as the weather warms as I know I don’t drink enough water while its freezing cold and wet, so am happy with small losses through winter. Loved the laughs Nicky as did my OH. Have a great day/night everyone, catch up more later πŸ™‚

    I don’t think I will be busking this year or for the next 5 years. Also I think you need a licence or you get arrested.
    I have just got home from a late night party. The music was dissapointing at both the afternoon and evening concerts. Quite a bit of Indie music and weird stuff, they just sounded like they were tuning up for 45 minute set, horrible. Sadly I can’t leave when I am working but many of the customers did, very good taste in my opinion.
    My daughter spent three hours cleaning the interior of my car because she has sold her car and now needs to use mine. It was a state, dog hair and a sports equipment base. Now it is minimal and hair free. Some if us are tidy whilst others are not quite so concerned with our surroundings. My daughter and I are polar opposites in almost every way. My son is very similar to my, that apple did not fall far from the tree.
    I will weigh in tomorrow, it’s time to take control of things.
    Have a great Thursday everyone, I am going to enjoy a nice lay in.

    Hi everyone, just dipping my toe in this wonderful fasting stream of life. Dear wiwi I was so glad to read about your grandson, waiting and not knowing is so stressful. Jojo, cat siting is a great way to stroke your way around the world I feel πŸ™‚ you can come and sit my cat any day. She is our last cat, her sister sadly died earlier this year, she is so unlike her sister. Very nervous, not sure why. But she has to go into a cattery when we go away ( well prison really as she sees it) and she has a second sense about when we might be going, and disappears for days on end if she gets wind of an impending holiday!!! A disaster as you can all imagine:-( So we cannot start packing in any way until she is safely ensconced in the cattery! Sometimes she just catches sight of the slight fear in my eye that she may take off and she’s gone! Not good when you have a plane and a cat to catch πŸ™‚
    Well done on the new low Nicky and thanks for all the puns, I keep chortling to myself about ‘Velcro – what a rip off’ that has really stuck fast haha.
    I managed to see a few shooting stars wiwi, before the clouds came over, it was wonderful, hope you had a clear night to see them all.
    Happy fasting everyone, I am still plugging away, better day yesterday, had 3 very small meals, an egg, then banana and 3 Brazil nuts, then home made lentil soup, seemed to work well. I was fearful of opening up the sleeping piglet in me with breakfast. But it seemed ok. Will try this again, although felt like very few calories to manage on come dinner time!!! Go well everyone πŸ™‚

    Hello Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰ Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    I hope your fast day went well everyone mine consists of black tea,green tea,black coffee and a shed load of water about to head off on my usual 6km walk and I should be right for a zero day its actually blue sky and sunshine here today
    β€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    happy days are here again people.

    Peace RT

    Hi Tessy, I know what you mean about psychic cats. Mine always knows when I’m going out, or want to take her to the vet or on “holidays”. She even followed me along the street on my walk the other night and waited about 500 metres from home, up a tree, until I came back half an hour later. Don’t know what would have happened if I’d walked home a different way.

    Good one RT. I ended up having about 60 calories of salad at 4.30, as we are going to a play tonight and I am sick of coffee and tea. This way, I’ll survive the peak hour traffic heading back into the city! All strength to you. πŸ™‚

    Jo, you can get away with busking here without a licence. My adult kids have done it as uni students. Mind you, you have to pick your places and you have to be good! P

    Hi all,

    I am in awe of those of you who walk such long distances regularly! We are just back from a lovely day in Noosa Heads which started with an 8km walk, out to a beautiful headland in a National Park, known as “Hells Gates” at the end as the water can get rather wild there. Nearly killed us both! Recovered over a lovely outdoor lunch in very sassy Hastings Street, husband now snoring on the couch and I am not far behind him… I seem to be able to manage 3 – 5 Km comfortably, but 8 was just too much! Plus half of it was quite rough, so a bit slower I guess. The Fisherman’s Plate for lunch was lovely, swapped chips for salad but then ate half of husbands chips! So nice after about 6 months of not tasting one. Tomorrow we start the 3 day drive back to Victoria, so it will be a good day to fast off those chips.. I find if I have a “lash out” foodwize these days, its really enjoyable and satisfies me enough not to need to repeat it for a while. That is truly the magic of 5:2, its not forbidden, so I don’t crave it!

    Cheers all xx

    Good Morning PVE,
    That’s the other reason I will not be busking, useless beginner at Ukelele. I chatted with some player who started in previous years. They all said it took about 3 years to get anywhere near proficient so I won’t be rushing. I learnt violin at school, definitely didn’t suit me then piano as an adult which I enjoyed but didn’t pass beginner stage so I don’t have a great history of achievement. Can but try!
    Nama- I have some issues with walking as it causes pain in my right hip and knee but I feel it has benefits on the whole. Fresh air cannot be underestimated but joints are a problem at a certain age. Swimming is perfect for dodgy joints but it doesn’t seem to be as effective for weightloss. Not sure why? Very aerobic though tend to be good for general fitness. Thank goodness for fasting.
    Tessy, where are you? Do I need to travel halfway around the world to cat sit?
    Cat and dogs are definitely better off in their own home when we go away, I am convinced of that. I have a dog walker who comed in daily and family who care for them outside working hours. They have never been to a kennel. It seems there are lots of people who holiday sit pets but you have to be prepared to hand over your keys. That doesn’t sit well with everyone. I haven’t heard any horror stories about pet sitters but they are probably out there. I think it is a great way to travel and help others.

    Good news re scales, still at my lowest after all my lack of fast and indulgence this week. Seem the dancing has paid off. Hooray


    Good news that you didn’t gain any weight. Good luck with getting back into the routine of fasting.

    I’m afraid I don’t agree with your sweeping generalization (“Cat and dogs are definitely better off in their own home when we go away”).

    That may be your experience and your opinion, but it is not mine. My cats are attached to me, not the house, and are not used to being left for a night let alone a week or 10. We lock them in from dusk til dawn (safer for them, safer for wildlife). They are companion animals not independent latch key cats.

    So to have a stranger (or even a family member) come in for half an hour once a day to feed them is definitely not in their best interests.

    What happens if the cat is missing or ill? The ‘sitter’ doesn’t know the cat’s habits or where to begin to look for it. And doesn’t know the cat’s normal behaviours/ health well enough to be able to assess in half an hour (assuming they see the cat each visit) whether there are any potentially serious emerging health issues (as there could well be, particularly with older animals).

    In my experience, my cats are far better off in a cattery when I’m away. They’re safe. I have peace of mind.

    Sorry to offend you Happy,
    When I meant cat sitting, I meant staying in the home not just visiting but everyone to their own. I understand your point of view. I guess it really depends on your trust in the Cattery of Kennels, local ones here do not have a great reputation. My dogs are very old and don’t mix well with younger dogs so I am sure they are happier with my arrangements. My dog walker has known them many years so I am confident in his knowledge of their behaviour. I agree that the cat I am visiting is being neglected by a once per day feeding visit over several weeks, that’s why I have changed it to visit twice now. As there is a cleaner there for two hours also at least the poor thing gets three visits per day now.
    Storms expected here and sadly I am working at the Marquee tonight. Wellies and rainwear necessary. I am not going under those trees if we get lightning. My poor brothers house got struck a few weeks ago. His router was smoking, very dangerous, their electrics were put out for hours.

    Hi Jo,

    You didn’t offend me, I just thought I’d put my point of view forward for balance!

    I agree there’s a world of difference between popping in once a day and moving in, and you’re clearly a softie where animals are concerned πŸ™‚

    Also, you’re right, it’s what their used to that’s important. We tried to put an old dog of mine in kennels for the first time as an older dog. He hated it, pined and lost weight. Yet we’ve had some very sociable dogs who apparently saw it as an adventure and practically ran in to the kennels each time!

    A friend of mine has also used a service that places your dog in someone else’s house. So the sitter dog sits in their own home.

    I see there’s already been storms and flooding in the south today. Hot and humid here. I think we get the tail end tomorrow.

    Yes, you take care tonight! Definitely stay away from the trees… Wear rubber soles… Don’t use an umbrella! Hope it’s more enjoyable than yesterday.

    It has been a lovely day in NE England today, unusual for the south to have the bad weather! However the rain is heading our way overnight.

    Evening/morning all.

    I’m back from a fabulous few days in the countryside with my friends. Apart from Monday morning the weather was very kind and yesterday was glorious πŸ˜›
    I have eaten well but wisely so am not expecting any gains. My friends daughter is vegetarian and they have a very productive kitchen garden along with chickens and ducks so the emphasis was on using what they had and making it something that we could all eat. We always cook together and got a great deal of pleasure from producing interesting dinners from what was in the garden and the fridge. All we bought were two lemons and some mozzarella and we had four amazing dinners. I did make a huge blueberry pavlova which lasted us two days but apart from that it was all very healthy stuff.

    We went out every day and did a lot of walking. We were in the Forest of Dean yesterday and clocked up 21000 steps on our walk!

    I left this morning and came home via a pick your own farm. I have strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, cherries, plums and apples along with carrots, courgettes, runner beans, corn on the cob, cucumber, potatoes and red onions. I’ve never done it before and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
    I also stopped at a farm shop that sells locally produced food and have stocked up the freezer with meat and also bought local butter, yoghurt, cream, milk and cheese.

    On Monday when the weather wasn’t too good we visited a wholefood warehouse which is much cheaper than London and I stocked up on nuts, seeds, dried fruit and other organic staples. I also bought some spelt flour and potato flour. The bakery stall at my local farmers market sells the most amazing potato and rosemary bread so I’m going to give it a try, and I’m going to use the spelt flour for bread making and baking.

    Dinner this evening was delicious corn on the cob picked only a few hours before, followed by some cheese.
    I am now having a glass of vino and catching up with everything. I had such a good time but it is nice to be home πŸ™‚

    I wouldn’t mind being home now, it’s hell here and I am the only one properly dressed so on duty outside. No brolly for me rather get wet than fry.

    Well done on the weightloss Jo! Keep up the good work and don’t read Amazon’s delicious post πŸ˜‰
    Welcome back A. We missed you. I use 60% spelt with 40% wholemeal in my bread, with added flax seeds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Delicious.
    Happy, my cat nearly died when we put her in a really nice, recommended cattery. I’ve also tried a house visitor. Neither sit well with ‘madam’. We have had live-in minders a couple of times. She’s hell when I get back. We find it easier to take her with us, if we can. You are right. They are attached, emotionally, to their human family and don’t want to be parted. Bit of a drag, but my kids were the same πŸ˜‰
    Eating day for me today. πŸ˜†
    Happy weekend guys P

    Hi Happy, Jo and all

    I really enjoying my house and cat sit. Must say, having done catteries and had house sitters myself, I – ever so slightly – fall on the side of sitters.

    My bro in law and his wife cat sit for us – we also got the lad across the road, who had done a lot of odd day sitting for us, to come in to keep an eye on my kittens. Decided to take the holiday with hubby’s mum
    as his dad had just died.

    Got a phone call while we were in Italy from a neighbour saying my house was a tip – a surprise as I am not particularly house proud, though the drugs falling out of the bin was a new one.

    The brother left out of the blue after 4 days, not before taking every scrap of food and litter – enough to last two months, and all the cash I had left for emergencies, after refusing to take a kit to the vets.

    The young lad took over, moved in and the cats and house were pristine, except for the food laden dishes in the diswasher and the used litter tray in the cereal cupboard! Poor lad was mortified, hadn’t gone into my cupboard and hadn’t used the dishwasher.

    Remembering has me in a sweat, holiday with MIL was a disaster, but I do think cats are happier at home. Cats, far more than dogs, easily switch their allegiance to anyone who feeds them, and gives them cuddles. The downside of perhaps not knowing the routine, though with cats it involves a lot of eating, sleeping and cuddles, is offset by being on hand to administer medicine, and knowing very quickly if something is amiss.

    So both work – my next house sit is three separate weeks looking after a cattery and small holding, hopefully kittens too. Having just lost my last girl, I think Im a much better option, not sure if a cattery would accept kittens and stud cats.

    My friend has a dog boarding kennel, not sure if the constant barking is unhappy or communicating dogs – good job she is in the country.

    Hi Milena and P,

    It just goes to show that cats (and dogs) are all individuals too!

    We have one now who hates everyone but us. TBH I don’t know whether someone else could win him over with food as I don’t think he’d come home. He vacates the house when visitors arrive and we have to find him nightly and get him in for food. Grumpy pain in the ar…!! Him, not me πŸ™‚

    It sounds though that we’ve had lucky experiences with excellent catteries wherever we’ve lived.

    And having gone through the trauma of losing cats in RTAs, well, I’d rather know they were safe and are still going to be alive when I get home.

    I was sorry to read about Willow, Milena. It’s never easy to lose a pet, but it always seems particularly hard when you’ve nursed them.

    Hi Everyone, I believe that yes all animals, like humans, are individual. No two are exactly the same πŸ˜€

    Another 600g down for the week, so even though still on pain medication I’m at least starting to get the better of it and for me at the moment, any loss is a good loss πŸ˜€

    Hope you didn’t get struck by lightening Jojo … just goes to show that people don’t look ahead with things like weather/conditions, unlike yourself.

    Another cold, blustery day here out on the plains, hoping it will fine up for the weekend at least πŸ˜€

    No paintings for me this weekend, too much on. Will also need to get some more canvases ready too.

    Just started looking for alternative work as have been advised that my role here will be winding down with only an hour or two a week after Christmas which is not enough for me.

    Oh well, here we go … there are some interesting and suitable positions which I’ll be investigating. Chat later πŸ˜€

    Hi Fast Trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi in France & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA CakeyWakey Sarah103 HealthCoachB and Hello World (You All Know Who You Are) πŸ˜‰
    Confucius say:
    β€’ Man that is stuck in pantry has his ass in jam.
    β€’ Man standing on toilet is high on pot.
    β€’ Secretary not permanent fixture until screwed on top of desk
    β€’ Man who stick foot in mouth get athlete’s tongue!
    β€’ Man who live in glass house should not throw parties!
    β€’ Man that go to bed with itchy butt wake up with sticky fingers!
    β€’ When called an idiot sometimes is better to be quiet, than open mouth and remove all doubt.
    β€’ Man with glass house must dress in basement!
    β€’ Everyone has a photographic memory, some people just don’t have film!
    β€’ Passionate kiss like spider’s web, soon lead to undoing of fly.
    β€’ Virginity like bubble, one prick all gone.

    Have a great weekend you beautiful losers πŸ˜‰
    Peace RT

    Morning/evening all.

    Warm and wet here this morning so that is garden watering off the list of things to do πŸ˜‰

    I had two cats, siblings. When they were young I used to take them to the cattery and they were put together. She was a friendly cat and thrived, he was timid and turned his face to the wall and refused to eat so I gave up. A friend of mine who was a mature student living with her Mum offered to come in twice a day and feed them. On returning from one of my trips she said that she had stayed one night and hoped I didn’t mind. From then she always stayed and the cats were happy and content whenever I got home.
    When she got married my friend across the road started looking after them and she use to spend an hour with them every evening which worked well too.
    I don’t believe for a minute that they needed the company, but it gave my cat sitters the opportunity to ensure that the cats were in good health.
    I’m going to have a relaxing day at home. I might make a batch of courgette chutney if I can motivate myself to go round the corner and buy some root ginger.
    I am having roast chicken this evening and tomorrow will be making lots of nice meals for the freezer with the leftovers. I am planning on fasting tomorrow too if I can refrain from eating chicken while I’m cooking πŸ˜‰

    Have a good one everybody πŸ˜›

    I have not lost 2lb this week and have quite a few social events coming up, make try 3 fast days next week. Now that my dog is getting on in years he won’t walk far so my step count has decreased quite a bit, I need to alter my routine so I walk without him- but that seems very strange!
    Have a great weekend everyone, the weather is due to improve here tomorrow, here’s hoping!

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