Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

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  • Hiya all from a snowy blowy Scotland .

    Another wee story to give you a laugh. Last night when I came downstairs after trying on more clothes that were too wee but fit now 🙂 . I gave hubby a fright when I walked into the living room . He said he used to hear me come downstairs as the stairs creaked :). It seems they don’t creak now . silly but I love it lol xx

    I used to graze all day and all night .I don’t do that now either .

    I got a low fat version of cottage cheese by mistake last week and I didn’t like it .
    I would still have eaten it 6 months ago . I put it in the bin .
    I have always liked to dress smart . well smart casual ( you know what I mean )but now I accessories like nice scarves and it is amazing the clothes that were too were but fit now and have so much to choose from :).

    I still have ice cream now and again .I still have corned beef and boiled ham . IF I cut out too much then I would feel deprived and I would go back to my old ways . I love the way this WOL is with the way I am doing it and I am so so pleased that I found you lovely people to share with .

    My OH is a lovely caring and supportive guy but he must be getting so fed up of me running up and down stairs with ” look what fits me now pal” It is nice to come in here and share because you all understand .

    Thank you all for sharing in my fabulous journey .

    Wee xx

    Oh Weemam that’s hilarious, you will have to whistle as you come up behind your husband now! And I think all the females on this thread agree re the thrill of old clothes now fitting, I don’t think most of the blokes are that interested in what they are wearing. I hope you got your barrels sorted, are you talking about the door closing mechanism? I am really trying to picture you with a screwdriver….

    Amazon that’s so impressive throwing out home made cake. I could have helped you with finishing it! My sweet tooth for chocolates and desserts has miraculously diminished since on 5:2, wish the same thing would happen with cake!

    12.45am here so must get to bed, early start tomorrow.
    Cheers all x

    Love the creaky stairs story, Wee!

    nama yes that’s what I meant . Our youngest now has his own home and I don’t think he shuts any inside doors now lol . He has CP and he used to just push the doors closed and not turn the handles . so the lock in the barrel broke on one and we got stuck in the kitchen. It was like something out of a comedy film as I was running out the back and in the front and trying to get in with a screwdriver lol . They are mostly 15 pane glass doors so I though it better to replace all the barrels . feels good now 🙂 .

    glad you like the creaky stairs guys 🙂

    Wee xx

    Hello All,
    I swim a very restricted breast Stroke in the pool unlike my usual alternate speedy lane swimming( just so you do ‘t worry) In fact I am doing everything low pace at the moment. It suits neither my mood nor my nature, I feel very frustrated. This of course leads to eating I stead of fasting and basically a cycle of despair. I am talking myself into being more positive but I really need a kick up the backside at the moment. I played a shockingly bad game of bowls this morning, worst ever. Then I decided to cancel this afternoons game, seriously what was the point?

    I am a big fan of total diet change because there is nothing about my old way of eating that I want to carry forward into a new healthy food life. I can leave behing pork crackling, roast potatoes, Cornish pasties, bread and butter because they are what made me fat ‘simple’ I do not want to be fat ever again so they are gone. I have retained cheese and onion crisps as a once per week treat, that is my treat food, only that. If I had other foods in the house they would get eaten when I am down, so best to avoid them. I buy one packet of crisps, not one multi packet of crisps per week. They are usually eaten the day they arrive which proves to me I am not in control yet.

    Weemam – I have made cauliflower rice but not used it for pizza base, I avoid pizza, indegestion fodder for me.

    Amazon – sounds like you had a good birthday. I am making you a gift and will bring it along when we meet.

    Smithy – 1 lb to go hey, I hope it will be gone before we meet?

    The weather here is both windy and cloud bursts.

    I just thought you would like to hear what an I structure said at the gym yesterday.

    Sweat in just ‘burned up calories’, not sure I agree with the facts but like the sentiment. We certainly burned up some calories in her class even though I was limiting every exercise. me thinks I will be stiff as a board tomorrow.

    Rock Choir tonight and in the morning – learning their back catalogue before I perform at Wembly

    I will need to fast tomorrow as I failed today which means fasting Saturday too. There is always a price for being weak willed.

    My sixties outfit is here, looks great, even got the cool shades. Roll on sixties night.
    Not sure I will be doing the twist, locomotion or jive now though. Might need to stick to being a wallflower! Shame.

    Had to go back to read the post about your ribs JoJo.
    Not recommending anything to anyone , we’ll because it would be me just guessing any way. Perhaps return to 16/8 untill your bone issues are healed. Not sure how close you are to the macro nutrition ratio.
    But I would fast only from the carbs.

    My daughters silly cat , falls asleep on my back looking over my shoulder as I read from the iPad or type a post. He’s a long warm kitty, glad he’s there , cause my my heating blanket has went kaput. What snuggler he is falling asleep cheek to cheek.

    Hi All,
    Happy now, just booked 10 days in Turkey
    Sun, sun, sun

    Jojo you feel a wee bit under the weather pal . Not surprising as you are in pain . Just take it easy on the ribs please .

    I am not a pizza fan (Ross is ) But I just thought doing a veggie version would be something a wee bit different .

    SAMM I love all animals pal but sadly in the last few years I have become allergic to them . :(.

    Wee xx

    Afternoon all.

    My hearing has been restored but having them syringed by the ditziest nurse on the planet left my nerves in shreds. My fast has been abandoned so I’ll do B2B tomorrow and Friday instead.
    The upside is that I can go swimming again now and test out my new earplugs 🙂
    Jojo, sorry to hear that things aren’t going according to plan, I understand your frustration, and hope things improve soon.
    Did you know that 1 calorie is the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius?
    In other words burning calories produces heat, so the instructor is correct as sweat is produced by our bodies to stop our temperature rising.

    You are such a clever thing!
    Off to sing my heart out.
    I won’t even tell you what I had for dinner but at least I shared it with the dogs, guess they saved me about 500 cals.
    Not my best day, not proud of it
    Picking myself up, dusting myself off and planning an extra fast day.
    Love jojo xx

    Samm – thanks for worrying but I am sticking to 19/5 every day. My electric blanket is in use daily at the moment.

    A couple of hours of shoveling has to be the equivalent of several trips to the gym! Going back for Round 3 soon! My mantra: I am thankful for a strong and able body that allows me to do this work!

    I have done some snow shovelling in my time, bloody hard work.
    Thinking of you, don’t stay out in it too long.
    Warm wishes
    Jojo xx

    Wee love the creaky stairs story … lovely to wake up to such a laugh.

    Jojo please don’t beat yourself up, that’s the beauty of this WOL we can change things around to suit our mood/activity etc. Just restart in the morning, I do this sometimes daily 😉

    Smiffy, Jojo and any others with dogs, I hope your dogs are not getting too muddy with the weather you’re having.

    Ply my goodness I’ve never had to shovel snow but it looks darn hard work. I don’t know that I’d be able to cope with the cold on face that would occur in that weather as aircon here gives/causes massive headaches for me (not immediately but overnight).

    Another sunny day here in SA thank goodness and another FD for me. Weigh day tomorrow … I’ve been weighing every day/night for almost the past 2 weeks and daily for 2 weeks before that and even though I have Friday as my weigh day I’ve noticed that that morning is always the lowest of the week so at least I know I’ve chosen the right day for weighing (I know some say put the lowest for the week down I feel that if this shows to be one particular day each week after a while then use that day as your weigh day). I’m not going to weigh at night any more as I found no benefit in that plus I was likely to forget (which I did a few times).

    RT what great information you’ve shared with us today (I’ll need to go back over it as still waking up so to speak and some of it just doesn’t sink into the grey matter at this time of day).

    Amazon so glad your hearing issue has been resolved and you can get back in the pool 😀 … a bit scary re the nurse though Smiley

    Nama hope you got a good sleep 😀

    Hello to Smith2015 and welcome.

    AO, I would guess that the majority of patients just think the nurse is a bit eccentric, but as a former health service professional I view her rather differently. I’m sure she knows what she is doing but her demeanour and her strange way of explaining things do not fill me with confidence. She is also exceedingly slow……..

    Just beans for 600 today. Red beans for their antioxidants and sensitivities to the the full feeling.

    Hi SAMM you only weigh in monthly yeah that’s right isn’t it?

    Hi all, well I have basically been off line for the last week and thought I better check to see what is happening in the world. Can’t believe how many posts there has been on here. Let alone face book posts and over 300 unread emails I have. Boy do we all rely on the internet now. My partner was served with papers from his ex of over 6 years ago, claiming he owes her money. And making bogus claims and outright lies, like they brought a house for $187,000 about 20 years ago, I found proof that they brought it for $77,000, no where in the vicinity of $187,000. Don’t understand why someone would lie like that. We have been busy collecting proof and answering her affidavit. Looks really good though, she didn’t think he would have keep anything. Hopefully once she sees all the proof that he has, she will just back down. Thank god for the power of the internet. Anyway, the one good thing that happened in this horrible week was that I have lost 2 1/2 Kgs. Stress may be good for weight loss, but I don’t recommend it for anyone. Hopefully life will start to get back to normal now. Meeting a solicitor tonight to show the proof we have. Wish us luck.

    Hi everyone, was just reading all of your posts, i recently read a very interesting article about where the fat really goes when you lose weight and this says that it’s actually not so much in sweat as it is in the water vapour that we exhale. It also talked about two different types of fat which I found very interesting. Here’s the link to the article in case anyone is interested :


    So far my week has been good, much better than last week, tomorrow (Thursday) is a fast day for me so I will be having lovely butternut squash soup.

    Jojo lucky you! Turkey is a lovely place (so I’ve heard, never been there myself!) make sure to relax and enjoy and soak up plenty of vitamin D from the sun 🙂

    Just a big thank you to all of you for being so supportive, I may not post much but I am reading all of your posts everyday and they’re all funny and inspirational 🙂

    Good luck, Keirra. thanks for the article, Foodaddict. I have always wondered where the “lost” weight goes!! Took a lovely long bath in our gigantic jacuzzi. Worth a few hours of shoveling!

    Hi everyone

    Jojo, sorry to hear you were feeling down but, as AO says, the wonderful thing about this WOL is we can just get up and start again the next time without being completely derailed. A little backsliding I think helps to reset the resolve. Your trip to Turkey sounds wonderful to look forward to.

    Ply, like AO I’ve never had to shovel the stuff thank goodness. It would be very good exercise with the reward of a hot soak. A few years ago we were in Jasper, Canada, got off the bus about 6pm to -30C and windy. That was the first time I had ever experienced such cold, or having my scarf freeze solid from my breath.

    RT, you and SAMM are such good sources of information. Just by chance I managed the recommended nutrition before and after weight training – a small can of tuna and some strawberries about an hour beforehand, then a small grilled steak and salad for dinner afterwards.

    Very pleased to see the scales 1.5kg less than Tuesday morning after two days with total intake of 780C, although recognise that at least some apparent loss due to water held as a consequence of being a carb glutton in the lead up. Such a relief to fast and get back into routine. Now not having breakfast on weekdays, allowed myself a white coffee at lunchtime yesterday but still came in under 400C.

    Keep up the good work everyone. N

    Hi again everyone

    For my SA mates, regarding the discussion earlier on the price of fuel, there is a servo in Bridgewater that routinely sells diesel at least 10c/litre cheaper than anywhere else. Today $1.09/litre. Will supply more details if requested but don’t want to sound like a promo. We are regular customers, not part-owners or anything like that.

    Wee, had to laugh at the mental vision of you sneaking up on your OH by not making the stairs creak. Well done! N.

    Amazon, pleased to hear you’re in stereo again.

    Jojo, of all of us, you seem to be having a rollercoaster ride through life. You can’t have the highs without the lows…? These things are sent to try us? Etc…! Love the fact you just say b**ger it, I’ll have another holiday!

    Wee, you’re now in stealth mode!

    Ply, can’t compete with your snow or shovelling heroics, but…it has snowed here in the night, enough that I will have to shovel (scrape!)/ brush an area before the hens will venture out. Joy…..

    And on the subject of ladies, I hope you are enjoying yours AO? And starting to see personalities emerge.

    SAMM, I have cats now, but my boy who died 2 years ago was a regular fixture on my shoulder, to the extent that I would walk around with him draped on me and frequently woke up to find I was wearing a cat hat with him purring soporifically in my ear.

    And SAMM, I admire your restraint. Half a brazil nut? Really?! I can stop at perhaps 10 halves…

    Nicky, great that you’re back in the fasting groove and seeing results.

    I fasted at the start of the week and keep on with 16:8, and am still nicely at my maintenance weight. Won’t be long before you’re all be at yours.

    Happy the ladies are starting, very slowly, to show their characters. One is a bit feisty but I told her what would happen if she kept going that way (I wouldn’t but she didn’t know that, lol). I just need to remember to be myself and not get hesitant when with them. Just took them the veggie offcuts (eg sprout ends/leaves which I take off before cooking).

    3rd FD in a row today (yesterday only because I forgot to take my lunch to work 😆 silly me 😀 ) although I’m quite relaxed with this I don’t want to do this too often just yet at least, but will consider it for later if needed 😀

    Not a fan of brazil nuts myself so someone else can have my share ha ha ha 😆

    FoodA great article, thanks for sharing.

    Nicky when I read what you said to Wee I could just imagine her sneaking up on her OH and then blasting him with one of those footy hooters lol . Glad to hear also that you’re losing more 🙂 … I’m waiting for the morning to see how well (or not) that I’ve gone this week, but I would be very disappointed if there is no loss 😀

    Keirra agree that stress is not a good way to lose weight, but if I were you for this time I’d take it but try to make it a planned loss for next week 😀 as let’s face it there will be times when a loss just doesn’t occur on the scales … oh, yes, I hope you measure as well as often if the scales don’t go down the tape measure does 😀

    HI All. Thanks for the laugh wee about ‘sneaking’ down the stairs 🙂 I live in an old house that still creaks so I’ll listen out for the day when it stops… Maybe decibels could be another way to measure wt loss if the scales/tape fail to oblige?
    Great info, thanks SAMM, FoodA and RT – I will definitely go back and check it all out in more detail. Well done on the snow shoveling ply, it is damned hard work. And jojo: Turkey, fantastic, and you’ll be so much lighter by June – will you be at goal by then? Sorry to hear about the legal hassles keirra – hope the lawyer visit goes (or went?) well for you.
    FD today and I’m pretty hungry but I’m back at work now and FD’s on work days are so-o-o-o much easier. Seems before I know it its 5 pm and I’ve hardly eaten a thing. Sending resolve to all of you fasting today/night.

    Morning all.

    It’s a very cold but beautiful morning here. I’m tucked up on the sofa watching tennis, but will be venturing out to the gym after the match.
    Have a good day everyone, especially if like me you are fasting 🙂

    Thank you FoodAddict1, that is a fascinating article.

    I agree with Kierra about Mercola’s article FoodAddict, but there are lots of claims and counterclaims about the authors credentials. http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago…/Dr-Joseph-Mercola-Visionary-or-Quack/
    I have read a lot of his stuff and tend to believe he is a genuine voice and standing up to “big Pharma” but he seems to have the traditional medicos rattled! Interesting and thought provoking. Obviously the food industry is big business too and would not like what he says about processed food. The only thing that worries me is that he also has a vested interest in his claims and markets lots of products and pills! I guess we can all just keep reading and making our own judgements. He can’t be all ‘snake oil salesman’ if he is recommending fasting!

    We are out the door at 7am tomorrow as husband working a few hours in Yarrawonga, a Victorian country town on the Murray River, then we will backtrack an hour to our place at Jamieson. Hopefully things will be quieter up there now as school kids start going back from tomorrow. A nice relaxing weekend coming up. Scales looking much more promising thus far this week, I had better behave and not dine on coffee and cake tomorrow whilst the breadwinner is working! My camera is already in the car so that will keep me out of trouble!

    Jojo please take care and hang in there, I am sure the quieter you take things, the quicker you will heal. Hopefully your pain will improve quickly. It must be so very frustrating for you when you are such an active person.

    Great your ears are sorted Amazon, nasty experience having someone that didn’t inspire confidence poking around in your ears! I thought of you today when I saw ear plugs whilst picking out some new swimming goggles.

    AO you are so sweet, thanks for enquiring about my sleep! I will only get 6 hrs tonight but don’t seem to need as much now I am retired from shift work. Still it’s a three hour drive in the morning and I will probably sleep for two of them!

    Cheers X

    Good afternoon all .

    Pretty heavy snow last night and it looks gorgeous as the sun is shining . I ventured out today as I wanted to go to Lidl . I love that shop . Ross needed a new microwave . just a basic one as he doesn’t use it much . He needed a new George foreman grill too,
    I will insist on calling it George Formby lol.

    I bought myself a food processor as mine is about as old as I am lol .
    Our daughter in law just can’t make good rice so I bought her a rice maker . She is such a special person.

    Microwave was under £36
    Food processor under £14
    Grill £20
    Rice maker £10
    All have a 3 year warranty 🙂

    I then went down to see Dad and ??You have guessed it 🙂 . He was back in bed lol . I sat beside him and chatted for a wee while then gave him a wee kiss and cuddle and left him to sleep .

    The funny thing that happened today . My hubby and my 3 sons are all really smart but Only the eldest has a lot of common sense . Ross also has his HND in computing and normally great with anything electrical . He phoned me earlier to say he had no power on his TV . I asked him if he had put in the plug ( I was being sarcastic and laughing ). he said ” wait a minute” he went to look , sure enough he had taken the plug out to charge his phone . 🙂

    How can someone who is so clever be so daft lol .

    Well I am away to play with my new food processor . Any ideas what I can cook with the rice cooker . I as thinking fish and veg .

    Keep on loosing and posting my lovely friends as I look forward to reading all the posts every day

    Wee xx

    Hi Wee, I heard someone the other day talk about making oatmeal in a rice cooker!

    Afternoon all.

    Just back from the gym. It was sunny when I left home but when I came out of the gym is was very overcast and starting to rain, but it kindly stopped when I got off the bus until I was back home 🙂
    I spent an hour using the various machines in the gym, then went to the pool. I was swimming along and really enjoying myself as there was only one other swimmer and it was nice and calm in there when I rememebred I had forgotten to use my earplugs 😆

    I’m really hungry now, but have taken the edge off with two glasses of water and a mug of Bovril.
    Thai turkey curry with zero noodles and steamed veg tonight.

    My friend in Perth, Australia has a microwave rice steamer and she used it to make a mushroom risotto, which was delicious. When I got home I bought one and the rice is perfect every time.


    I love brazil nuts!
    But read the warning lable please!

    Another wAy to pUt It.
    Plants may be mindless . But trees have more evolved defences. The brazil nut tree is no exception. The nuts can be toxic if taken in large quantities. Just like cane sugar. A little bit is ok , but If someone were take 200 packets it would be a problem. Brazil nuts are likethat . Only good in moderation. Plus when I shop online for a whole month I want to buy more avocados and apricots than more brazil nuts that could be more harmful than beneficial. On days I don’t eat meat. I eat two!

    Oh. I. On feed day, but too tired to make the best of it. So tired , feet feel like black eyes. Laying down In my breath heated covers , Zzzzzz
    Will eAt wasbi deviled eggs when I wake up. Didn’t think this weeks experimental 4:3 could turn into 4:3 w/1 day 500 calories restriction . Enterering into journal and I’m closed eyed for many hours””

    Hope idont dream about being at work again , seems terreible waste of dream time.
    I like my dreams when I’ve had hummus – chickpeas, they’re. Hmm hmmm sweeter!
    Maybe just coincidence . Zzzzzz

    SAMM, I worked with ionising radiation for 40 years and for the latter part of my career I was handling radiactive isotopes. In my humble opinion I have nothing to fear from eating brazil nuts in the amounts that I do.
    I appreciate your concern, but there is nothing to worry about Smiley


    I think it may have been me with the dangerous brazil nut consumption not you… I haven’t worked with ionizing radiation or radioactive isotopes, so perhaps I should be worried. I am trying to curb my brazil but binging, I’m down to a bag of (maybe 10) carob covered brazil nuts in a sitting perhaps once every 6 weeks now 🙂

    On a serious note! I don’t want to poison myself. But I do wonder, as with the calories in nuts, whether the selenium in them is all available to me? If I can’t extract all the calories from a raw nut, it would seem to make sense that other things were similarly bound up/ unavailable?

    Good evening my lovely friends,

    Just a quicky, all well here. Rock choir last night and this morning were fabulous, I just love it. Can’t wait for big performances. Going to NEC Birmingham in June, National Meeting, 2000 voices, 10 year anniversary.

    Nordic walking on the beach today, it was amazing. Cold but sun shining. I am going to train as an instructor.

    Met with two friends after walk and they have asked me to help them Improve their diets. That’s three I will be working with now. This should keep me focussed.

    Playing cards tonight. Nice quiet activity. At the gym tomorrow but everything will be scaled down to alleviate rib pain.

    Excellent fast day today, very happy.

    Be good everyone. Sorry I haven’t got time to answer individually today, hope to catch up tomorrow.

    Jojo, you are amazing! I love how you share your knowledge and talents. A true educator!

    HI Fast trackers
    Nicky Emel comespring and Aussie O in South Australia Nama & Keirra in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) 😆
    Happy Friday EFB’s AO this weighing in business becomes a bloody nightmare at times so hats off to you daily morning and night crikey I reckon SAMM was a once a month or a fortnight guy when the body feels light and tight but the scales have stayed the same after a full week of committed fasting and exercise it is a big letdown 😥 Nicky you have hit the ground running with the fast lifestyle now down 1.5kg Since Tuesday I’m inspired good skills you.Thanks FoodAddict1 for the info link always keen to read something and to learn more I like it. Jojo cheese and onion chips OMG we are one I love em also fat thin crinkle 175grams of yummy goodness 😯
    I am making these tonight the mother in law dropped off an ice cream container full of eggs yesterday or “bum nuts” as my dad calls them 😆 2 ingredients which I love eggs and onions yummo 😆 I will critique the dish and report back fast friends.
    Peace RT

    I made a cranberyy-orange-almond bread using the boiled orange technique. I peeled the zest off before boiling, then boiled the orange for about an hour and ground it up in the food processor with the zest and added it to the rest of the batter.
    It turned out pretty well for a Paleo-friendly recipe. (no dairy, flour, sugar) One of my coworkers and also an old friend and her wife follow the Paleo diet, so I like to make them treats every so often. Like most Paleo sweets, it was very moist and dense, but the flavor was good!

    Happy, inorganic selenium in soil that is taken up by plants is converted into organic selenium, and any excess is excreted as with many excess vitamins and minerals. I would imagine that is the case with brazil nuts.
    The radium is bound and is also excreted.

    Jojo, your walk sounds fab, and I guess your two friends have looked at you and thought “whatever she’s on,I want some”

    For my next meal I would like some of RT’S egg and onion which I already know and love, followed by a slice of ply’s cake/bread.

    Good morning fellow fasters, you know who you all are 😀

    RT as I said it’s not going to continue morning and night weighing as too much for me … plus 9 out of 10 times I forget, however I am doing the every morning one as I like to see that I’m on track.

    Today 1.2kg down but that’s because I accidentally had an extra FD this week as even though I didn’t I could have eaten more later however chose not to because (a) I wasn’t hungry and (b) I really didn’t need anything more. Not sure how I went with the measurements as I haven’t logged them just yet, will let you know after … maybe … 😆

    Great going Wee with your purchases, always nice to get good quality for lower prices along with long warranties 😀

    Amazon I remember going swimming during winter in the UK as a child with my Aunt. After the swim and before we left the baths she always bought me a Bovril to “warm me through” – do they still have dispensers for this there? It used to be a coin operated one with a cardboard cup (from memory) and we used to wrap our hands around it and carefully drink it (it was very hot). Thinking of this also brought back memories that we also used to wear bathing caps too. Oh gosh I could also almost “smell” them as we got the thin rubbery ones, yellow from memory, and they were very inexpensive but would also only last a few sessions.

    Edited to add that overall there’s 3cm less of me this week … maybe last week’s measurements weren’t quite accurate, who knows, all I know is I also feel lots thinner this week and this seems to hold up that view.

    Hi AO, I’ve no idea what is available at the public pool as I swim at my gym. I too have fond childhood memories of plastic cups of hot Bovril after swimming.
    I used to have long hair and a rubber swimming cap was a necessity in those day. They were awful things!
    Well done on the continued loss. I’ve not been near the scales as I feel that I’ve been overindulging on non fast days. Having said that I’ve done 13 fasts this month so it can’t be all bad.
    Today was the perfect FD. Up to watch tennis with hot drinks for company, straight out to the gym after the match, Bovril when I got home, and a nice dinner. I didn’t think about food until I got home and then felt really hungry. IMO Bovril is more satisfying than tea or coffee when I’m hungry. I’ve also had a lot of water today.
    I’m going to fast again tomorrow and keep as busy as possible. I’ll probably go to the gym again.

    Hi All,
    You all inspire me.
    I want to inspire others, especially the over 50’s as their time is precious and their habits more entrenched.
    I have completely changed my life and I am benefitting from feeling healthy and vital, even young again.
    Life is good, let’s make sure we enjoy it
    Jojo xx

    Hi Amazon, I agree Bovril/Bonox is way more satisfying than water or tea/coffee when hungry (I will occasionally have on a FD for lunch if I get too hungry but always try the others first 😀 )

    Jojo you DO inspire others, ie all of us, many of whom are over 50 (including myself).

    Morning/ evening fts.
    We used to eay hot potato chips, dipped in ice cream, to warm up after a swim at the public “baths”. I tried to teach my granddaughter this delicious habit last week, but she is apparently too sophisticated 😉 P

    Jojo you inspire the over 70’s too 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Wee xx

    P, hot potato chips and ice cream?! Really? Sounds disgusting. Did you enjoy it? And did it warm you up?

    You bet Happy! And I’d gladly do it again, but only at a public pool. Wine is more suited to a post swim at home these days. 😉 P
    Gotta go…..sourdough loaf just finished. Smells DEVINE.

    Lots of food talk today, but had to share this. I made a cauliflower dish the other night and had a lot of leftover florets. I simmered them until soft and put them aside, not knowing what I would do with them. Tonight I was making chicken & broccoli Alfredo (my usual light version) for my husband, and decided to try using the cauliflower. I puréed the cooked florets in a blender with about a cup of water until super-smooth, then added it to a pan with garlic and onion that had been sautéed. Grated in a bit of Parmesan, some lowfat milk, and Voila!, lowfat, low cal “Alfredo” sauce! I have some more purée that I am going to use to thicken some chicken chili over the weekend.
    The cauliflower has very little tast and a velvety texture. Definitely going to look for more ways to use it! How I wish we all lived close together so we could share food and meals!

    Thanks Ply . I love cauli . I will try that xx

    I am probably overly excited because it was an accidental discovery, Wee, and my husband can be a little bit childlike at times when it comes to eating his vegetables!

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