Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 1 year, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 5,601 through 5,650 (of 16,657 total)

  • Good morning fast(ing) friends everywhere:
    AO, Emel and RT in South Australia, Nama in Victoria, Bay in ACT, Purple in NSW; Wiwi and Barata in NZ; Jojo, HappyNow, Amazon, Hermaj, Lizzy, Weemam, Tartan lass and Smiffy in UK and SAMM, Ply and Lori_PA in Nth America.

    Welcome prebaby and comespring. Comespring, you’re also in the Adelaide Hills?

    What a wonderful lot of posts to read on login.

    Lovely morning here – about 17oC on the verandah with sun shining and clear sky. Sunsets have been spectacular with all the smoke in the air.
    Sad about houses/other buildings/probably livestock lost in our bushfire. Thankfully no deaths or major injuries of humans. Locals who evacuated keen to get back but police keeping most out because of fallen power lines and falling trees – one fire appliance destroyed when tree fell on it.

    Nama, so right about bushfire being part of life’s reality for us Aussies. We plan and prepare as best we can but in the end, have to live with the consequences. When we moved back to SA and house hunting, we had two specific bushfire danger-related requirements: southern aspect (where our cool winds and rain come from for you Northern Hemispherites) and iron roof to make it hard for sparks to get in. We were lucky that the house we found also was in an area which had never been burnt since records were kept and had no roof space because of raked ceilings following the roof line. We also installed a house sprinkler system fed by a tank with enough water to run the sprinklers for 3 hours. Having been part of our work fire crew, I felt we were as prepared as possible, short of cutting down the trees, which was not an option, being the reason we like to live here.

    Purple, had to laugh at your hydration technique – sounds perfect.

    Wee, glad your back is gradually improving.

    Our dinner party went very well with minimum tempting leftovers. Everyone must have had a good time because they didn’t leave until nearly 1am. We just put the perishables away and left the carnage before falling into bed. Spent yesterday morning in leisurely clean up mode and first ate about 1pm. All public rooms clean and tidy so very calming. Visitors so good for the house. 😉 Nama, when I was about to pour the panna cotta into the moulds, had ‘bright’ idea of filling the bases with blueberries. After filling the first saw one, then another and another blueberry slowly float to the surface! They turned into ‘blueberry surprise panna cotta’ 😆 Still tasted good of course.

    OH gone off with son-in-law this morning to dump some old concrete, fortunately not to landfill – they grind it up and it’s used for roadbase &c. Sitting here with cup of tea checking out all you lovely people, waiting for washing machine to finish. Will wait for OH to get home before breaking my fast at lunch time-ish. No yoga during school holidays but weight training twice/week until I go back to work so not all bad wrt exercise, especially with gardening every day too.

    Keep up the good work everyone and stay safe. Nx

    Hi again, just saw further posts from Jojo and HappyNow.

    Forgot to say that I’m 1.63m tall and my target is 55kg (5’4″ and about 8st 8lb I think in the old money ) which is what I used to be until about 20 years ago. I don’t care about being thought skinny and wrinkly, better that than fat, unhealthy and heading to an earlier death than I’d want.

    Take care in the heat Bay.

    Hey everyone, it’s the end of my first fast day as I’m now in bed and going to go to sleep. I ended up having 600 calories even though I was trying to keep it to 400, but hopefully next time I’ll do better. Tomorrow I will try to keep to my usual 1200-1300 calorie limit. Can I ask what your TDEE is? I’m totally guessing but I’m thinking of Total Daily Energy Expenditure (that is probably way off because it was a complete guess lol, thought I might as well try hehe) thanks for the spicy parsnip soup idea, I can’t wait to try it out! And I also don’t go according to the recipe, I chop and change it to suit me but I like to have a base to work from lol. I love adding different things and experimenting with my food :).

    Good morning fellow questers,
    It’s so great to read all the posts this morning (and enjoy your humour!) as it’s a FD for me and I really need the motivation. I haven’t done a good fast for about 4 weeks, and I was brave enough to finally get on the scales this morning to find that 2.4kg is the damage in that time, so I’m a little nervous. On the plus side, I’ve swum my 20 laps this morning and that always makes me feel better about life and I’ve been around the house and thrown out a lot of the leftover/half finished rubbish food (chocolates, biscuits, chips etc) which are better off in the bin than in me 🙂 It does help that the last of my children/guests have now left.
    Yes, I do live near the Adelaide Hills (where the fires have been) and even now planes are regularly buzzing overhead. The smoke pall was still heavy yesterday but has eased today although the heat is returning, so fingers crossed from now till Friday and the next cool change with a chance of some rain. Sending out vibes for a solid fast to all of you on a FD today.

    Hi FoodA (using your familiar name, devised by AO) 😉

    Well done on completing your fast. Don’t fret about running over, as long as it doesn’t happen too often. It gets easier with practice – you gradually devise your own strategies as you get a better idea of what works/doesn’t work for you.

    Your guess about TDEE is spot on. You can calculate yours with the tools in the ‘How’ section at the top of the page. Some of us use the TDEE of our target weight as the basis of our non-FDs and 25% of that for FDs.

    I’ve been doing this for nearly a year now and am still tweaking my approach, having just last week decided to extend my fast from dinner in the evening to lunch time the following day. My main hurdle was convincing my OH I wouldn’t faint as he is one of many who subscribe to the ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ school. As we ate so late on Saturday evening with friends over, I decided to skip weekends and nearly, out of habit, started getting breakfast for both of us until OH asked if I was still planning to skip breakfast – done!

    Comespring, very strong to ditch all the tempting stuff. Our house is full of ‘naughties’ – my OH is built like a racing whippet with a huge appetite. We have a drawer in the kitchen (at least out of sight for me) packed with biscuits, potato chips – the grandies call it ‘Pa’s lolly drawer’ and make a beeline for it whenever they come over. The only rule we have is it is only for after meals so our daughter, their mother, can stay calm 😉 She remembers well her own grandfather having the same sort of stash and knows that children quickly learn that not all households have the same rules.

    Salad dressing alternatives.

    Well I ditch the sweet stuff, but dont like the bitter. Fat free stuff

    Found tomato sauce and mustard, sometimes little chili sauce with a bit of cheese sauce too.

    The mustard is usually very low in calorie I choose the honey mustard if is still low cal. Usually when people whom never tried honey mustard on salad are surprised it pairs so well.

    Then after the honey shas served it’s purpose Ive switched to other store bought mustards that are more expensive but have Intresting mixed them. Most grocery where I live have 30-40 types of mustard . I’m a shopper that reads everything on the lable trying to find the needles of health in the stacks of shelf life driven foods. Reading the labels. That’s me. The mustards are typically low cal. It’s a good bet that if you ave a favorite mustard, youll probably like it on your salad. Sometimes I simply wash the salad leaves in water that I’ve mixed mustard , and then use the sad spinner. So it’s not super strong, but gives the greens a kick. That’s typically when I use the spaghetti sauce on salad. Hunts makes a low sugar 24oz can at 275 calories. So it goes a long way as opposed to typical sauce at 600 per jar.

    Which takes me to a less favorited meal of turnip greens and 1/3 can of the low sugar tomato sauce . Technically that’s still salad ! 1 boiled egg in that mess and still only 200 cals. So it’s great for a second of three intake in 5hr window. Later if going all vegan for the day I can Finnish of the sauce can by eating a regular can of mixed vegetables. Flavor it with the same spices i would put into typical spaghetti. Garlic, onion, oregano, basil,and smidge of sage. I piece of mushroom . So that keeps me from hunger pangs on a 5hour window day. If I start at noon Finnish last meal at 5pm. I don’t start getting hungry again till 8pm. I may just go to bed. Wake up and break my fast with eating oat bran. At 250 calories when I wake up. But wait until 12noon before eating again unrestricted.

    Hi Fast Friends

    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) :lol
    Monday fast day our family continues to grow with some very funky handles or call signs hey 😉 welcome to comespring starfish1 Couscous AO Nicky and the fast trackers family thankyou for your well wishes all good in the hood.
    Bay very happy with your extra tips and tricks re sugar thank you so much and I have had some positive discussion with y-fee I however would like to “see a little less conversation and a little more action” cue hip swivel but hey baby steps right?
    A boiled egg is hard to beat
    Peace RT

    Glad you are ok Nicky 🙂
    Just had my fast late lunch…harboiled egg in a lettuce leaf with pepper. Yum but a bit sad when I spied a tiny bit of yolk on the floor and gobbled it down 😉

    Hi Nicky and RT and everyone else!

    Glad your dinner went well Nicky, the Panna Cotta is making me drool.. It’s 3pm here and so far I have had 2 coffees and lots of water! Good to be fasting though, I managed to slip back about one kg with all the seasonal treats! Pud is in the freezer for winter!

    RT it’s great your wife is tentatively considering 5:2 and yes I agree, baby, baby steps with input from you! Anytime my husband mentioned my weight, my hackles were vertical instantly and straight to the fridge! Amazon is so right, you are leading by example, she will get the idea soon enough. We all know one has to be in the right head space to tackle any problem, especially an eating problem that has been simmering for years!

    Food Addict good work on completing your first fast, soon you will be a Fast Addict! I promise it gets easier. It actually helps those of us on here to be reminded how hard our first month or so of fasting was. You sound like a very switched on young lady and very independent for an almost 17 year old, keep up the good work!

    Glad you apply the 5s rule Purple 😆

    Nicky Purple’s floors are obviously clean enough to eat off, as long as she wasn’t eating grains of pepper she spilt, now that would be sad!

    Hi Nama – same here wrt to pudding. I made two ‘just in case’ but the second one is in the freezer so as not to tempt me with a slice or two.

    Panna cotta is yummy and soooo easy. Felt a bit guilty about the compliments on Saturday night but did tell them how simple it is to make.

    Fortunately we don’t plan any more entertaining so back to earth now. Only having mini-fasts while on leave, skipping breakfast each week day and having FD-style dinners at least 3 days/week. As Dr M says, this WOL, to be sustainable, needs to be able to accommodate Christmas, holidays &c.

    I’d be very grumpy otherwise because it’s hard enough to stay away from all the snacks and only eating lunch and dinner. OH eats enough for both of us with 3 meals plus morning and afternoon teas – don’t know how he stays so thin 🙁

    Off to do my ironing now. Take care all and keep up the good work. Nx

    Hi again Nama – maybe Purple’s floors are so clean because she does lick up all the pepper grains 😉

    Just joking of course P.

    Anything to stall the ironing Nicky, maybe your OH has worms! (No offence OH)!

    Mmmm…peppered floors 😉
    OK. I’ve got ironing too! 😆

    Snap, PVE, my lunch (break-fast) was also the boiled egg and lettuce leaf – your suggestion, IIRC? Not off the floor, although for once the kitchen floor has just been scrubbed!

    FoodA, good to see you here. I posted a welcome when you first appeared on this thread, but it seems to have been lost in the ether.

    I had a very excessive evening yesterday, lots of bubbly and good company, and very oddly, found myself hunched over the porcelain in the morning (after a very good sleep – weird). No further after-affects fortunately. Have worn myself out stripping wallpaper – always need a project on the go.

    Wiwi, have you noticed there are more birds around that previously? I am seeing lots of kereru flying over, either breeding at Zealandia, or the increase in native growth at the top of Victory Crescent is tempting them in. And lots of young blackbirds in the last few weeks, too.

    All the post-Christmas excess reports are pretty positive, and excellent that everyone is gearing up to continue this great WOL.

    Hi NickyF, thanks for letting me know, I can’t believe I actually guessed that right! Thanks for the encouragement Nama 🙂 I hope I do become a fast addict! And Barata, I appreciate the welcome post even if it got lost 🙂 if it weren’t for you I probably wouldn’t have joined this thread (you referred me to it from another thread as I recall), so thanks for that! Also, just calculated my TDEE and it says it’s 1711 calories but I don’t think that’s right, I think on my non fast days I’ll stick to 1300 and see how it goes. Also, I seem to find it easier to fast when I do HIIT, for some reason I’m less hungry after I do intense exercise (maybe because the body starts taking from its fat reserves rather than wanting glucose for energy?) Does anyone else feel this? I’m hoping to add HIIT on my fast days to speed things up a little (and it also has other health benefits so that’s a plus!)

    Good morning fastrackers and welcome couscous and any newbies I have not personally named, keep posting so I get used to you, I am one busy mama, need a little repetition before the memory kicks in.

    Now then friends, I want us all to focus on our strengths and habits. This will help us beat the blues and change those habits that are undermining our efforts. Also we should accept a weakness and plan for it’s effect.

    My strengths are : positivity and determination, enjoyment of exercise and keeping busy.

    My busy social life( meals out, alcohol) and holidays( laying on sun beds, drinking milky coffe)lead to weight gain( but don’t get me wrong I love those things)

    Weakness – I eat when bored, lonely or unhappy. I have no real friends( I.e. Cyber only) that are on the programme or even in the least bit interested in dieting. This is why I started this thread. I originally joined others but found them full of people either losing very slowly or maintaining which took the focus off ‘progress’ and there were very few kindred spirits.

    My No 1 enemies are ‘milky coffee’ and ‘bread’ – so they are off the list until goal.

    I weigh daily each morning and record the result. If I am going to a social event where ‘holding back’ would be rude( friends cooking) I do one or two extra fasts that week, sadly two of my skinny friends are excellent cooks.

    I average two to three activities per day( retired so no problem) many free from charge e.g. Walking.

    I walk my dogs once or twice per day minimum 45 mins.

    I contribute to this thread minimum once per day, this is my inspiration source and fast buddies help me more than anyone else, day or night thanks to our international group.

    I truly believe we need to be honest with ourselves but we do not have to accept limitations. We can improve ourselves both in shape and ability to succeed. Will power increases with success, every compliment adds to your inner strength and resolve.

    Live long and fast pals, tomorrow we will be slim( tomorrow in six months anyway)

    P.S. the scales decided to not show the pound I lost yesterday but I know it will later, after so long I am very finely tuned to every ounce.

    Thanks for the update jojo – I’m an emotional eater too, so can certainly relate there, and thanks for keeping the thread so fresh and honest. Well done FoodA, sounds like your FD went really well! I too find I’m less hungry after exercise although I don’t do anything you could call high intensity 😉 I’m still too heavy to risk injuring joints etc but that day will come.
    And thanks so very much to all of you for your entertaining and informative posts (must confess to having salvaged egg yoke and other stray bits of wayward food from the kitchen floor on FD’s too…!!). You’ve really helped me to get through the day and back into the FD rhythm. It’s just on 8 pm and I’ve had a cup of soup (about 3pm = 100cal) and dinner was a small salmon steak (no skin)and low-cal veges at 6pm (300cal). Hungry but happy with the outcome so far and so pleased to have found such a fun group of fasters 🙂

    Our thread includes:-
    Annette52, Aussie O, Barata, Bayleaf, Bigmarie, Comespring, Couscous, Emel, Fastfastslow, FoodA, Happynow, Hermaj, Jojo, LoriPA, Lichtle, Lizzie, Nama, Nicky, Ply, Purple, Peeled wally, Prebaby, RT, Samm, Simcoeluv, Smithy, Supermam, Tangatawiwi, Weemam.

    Some of whom are still enjoying a well earned break but I hope they will return to post their current status and progress.

    If I have missed any names or shortened handles inappropriately pleas feel free to edit. No offence intended(ever – on this thread). 29 beautiful people sharing their experiences with cyber friends.

    Great work comespring! The hungry feeling is a reminder that you are shrinking, embrace it! I find evenings of FDs the hardest so I keep well out of the kitchen. I am a very keen gardener so have just spent an hour post dinner out feeding my plants instead of myself!

    It’s a beautiful evening here and I have some Tuberose bulbs sprouting that I hope will flower in Feb. They love lots of fertiliser and should produce beautiful white flowers with the most amazing perfume, one of my favourites! Estée Lauder sell a gorgeous Tuberose fragrance but it’s one of their top shelf ones and costs $250! I couldn’t justify that so try to grow my own! Sorry to bore the non gardeners!

    Now for a coffee and a relax at the new series of Madmen.

    Thanks Jojo, great work! And thanks for your boundless enthusiasm x

    Morning/evening all.
    I have a non fast day ahead of me after FD on Fri, 1000 calories on Sat and another FD yesterday. I’m going to the cinema this afternoon and then out for an early dinner so I’m going to have some yoghurt and fruit at lunchtime and have one course and wine this evening. I’m concentrating on what I eat on my non fast days as I know if I can keep the calories down a bit without feeling deprived I can speed up the weight loss a bit. My new exercise regime is coming together slowly. I am very wary about overdoing it and tweaking my back so taking it slower than my original, rather ambitious plan.
    I am also keeping away from the scales so won’t be reporting any losses until two weeks have passed.

    Have a good day/evening everyone.

    Jojo forgot me Smiley


    Maybe she mistook you for one of us “on a well earned break” Amazon! Or maybe Jojo is human after all!
    That’s a relief!

    Hi all, great job with all the names Jojo, I usually miss about 40 to 50% ha ha 😉

    FD for me tomorrow, had a semi-FD today … just under 780 calories. Tomorrow will be 400 or less if I can manage this.

    I’m commencing to weigh every day from today onwards, not putting online or anywhere just in a diary type of thing and putting down what I ate etc too, even though that info is in my fitbit but then I’ll also put how I’ve been feeling that day, if there were any temptations, what I did to get away from them or if I succumbed to them etc. Hopefully this will enable me to track where I go wrong. I am also starting to pre-plan more/different meals for FD’s as OH won’t eat chicken during summer.

    Must run for now, bed beckons … oh yes, I’m almost at the point where I’m actually WANTING to exercise somewhat, but still being cautious due to the fact I’m still very overweight/obese and don’t want to put too much strain on joints, particularly knees and ankles (due to ankle injuries and not wanting any knee injuries). Still it IS progress as before there is no-way I’d want to exercise per se (other than training our dogs and walking at work when needed).

    Good evening everyone.

    Jojo, your list of members is amazing. I don’t know how you remember them all.

    May I offer my apologies for missing out so many in my usual greeting. Please be assured that no offence was intended, just not so organised as Jojo. Should borrow RT’s ‘you know who you are’ as a catch-all.

    Well on the way to 11pm here so just off to bed. Nama, as another gardener, am very envious of your tuberose bulbs. They will be spectacular when they flower.

    Purple, did you finish your ironing? I had a huge backlog which is now done so feeling very virtuous. The reality is that I wanted to finish it before tomorrow’s heat.

    Sleep tight everyone in the SH; enjoy your day to those in the NH. Nicky x

    Hi Amazon
    We know you’re there. 😉 I really enjoy reading your posts. Long may they continue!

    For some reason, I fell off the thread. So have just been reading the last 25 or so posts. What a fun group! My first fast day went well. 😮

    Nicky, Glad your party went well. And the fires have stayed away.

    This evening I was waiting for the thunderstorm to end when I heard a huge screeching coming from the apricot tree in the back yard. I had netted the tree six weeks ago to ensure we got some of the fruit. A large white cockatoo was screeching at the top of its head to attract the rest of the flock. He was sitting on the top branch and pecking at the fruit through the net.

    Enter stage right one outraged apricot lover, complete with chair to stand on and bucket. 🙄 The cockatoo retreated to the power line in disgust as Apricot Haridan arrived on the scene. I picked 10 kgs of the ripest fruit, in the rain. Desperate times!

    Will pick the next 10 kg tomorrow. Estimate the tree has about 40 kg of apricots. Home grown Apricots are my all time favourite fruit, just a smidge better than mangoes. I am lightly poaching them and freezing them while I decide what to do next.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Oh. Oops Nicky…I didn’t even start the ironing 🙁
    But I have booked much of next year’s os trip 🙂
    Amazing how much you can do when not eating! P

    Hi Nama

    Looking forward to seeing The Imitation Game this week.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Oo, Purple

    That’s my next task tomorrow. Planning the overseas trip. NZ in early March. After the housework and the apricot picking. 🙄

    I am happy i had a really good fast day today. Must go to sleep now. 😉


    I’m coming to get some apricots before the cockies return 😉

    Hi Bay,

    You will love the movie. Try to read up on the history of it all before you go and you will enjoy it even more. Very sad but really worth seeing. I predict a nomination of some sort.

    Those poor cockatoos! I am so jealous of your apricots! You are so right, it’s impossible to buy a decent tasting one and real ones are heaven. We have a big espaliered fig in Jamieson as I also love figs and esp fig jam. But the birds get most of them as we are not there all the time (to brandish brooms/buckets). They just sit up there and peck them and look at me and laugh! And when I want jam I have to go to the market and buy figs!

    And Purple, when you finish yours, could you or Nicky please pop over and do my ironing? I despise ironing. Had a wonderful, reasonably priced ironing lady but couldn’t justify her when I retired. So the ironing just piles up and makes me feel guilty.

    I had a great fast day with 50 cals up my sleeve for supper. Enjoyed a few Brazil nuts then decided to check their calorie count ….. Yikes, 690 per 100 grams!!! Rushed for scales, thank goodness they only weigh 4-5 g each. Still an expensive snack, approx 70 cals for a few big nuts! I am nuts!

    Sorry to be still talking, but meant to say Thankyou SAMM for dressing suggestions.

    Also, RT, as you enjoy jokes so much, one for you to wake up to:
    What do you call a deer with no eyes? Answer: No idea.
    What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs? Answer: Still no idea.
    I am still trying to work out how to beat a boiled egg!

    Who are you kidding Nama? I’d do ANYTHING rather than iron! I hate such time wasting pursuits. My mil used to even iron bras. I hang everything up. It only gets ironed just before wearing if absolutely necessary. No pressure. They are in the wardrobe. 😉

    Ironing sucks!

    I’m off to the cinema now to see Birdman, and then on to Jamie’s (Oliver) Italian for dinner Smiley

    Just read over 30 posts but can’t remember who did what lol 🙂 .
    My back is quite a bit better but still sore when getting in and out of my chair . We don’t have any High backed or hard chairs no room in kitchen for table and chairs . I have the cushions of the 2 arm chairs both on mine at the moment ,I think I must look quite silly with my wee legs dangling in mid air lol .
    I am not usually a pill pusher but needs must at the moment and my brain has slowed down a bit :). Just wanted to let you all know I was still here .
    I have been doing AFD but weight is stuck , thought it might be the pills . Someone at door catch up later

    Wee xx

    I was going to say please forgive me but I am so jealous of your evening plans I can’t bring myself to be nice. Only joking. How could I miss you out? Really sorry, did I miss anyone else? If so apologies in advance. My memory is not what it was but as you know I have such a lot to remember, like what I am doing at what time or what day?

    My schedule is really scary now, makes the world of work look like a breeze. I am very happy though and constantly getting compliments about my weight loss. One lady at dance class today thought I must have been very ill to have lost so much weight. I said to her ‘Do you think I look ill, she replied, if you are I would like to catch it’ Ha ha!

    At salad lunch I convinced two ladies to try 5:2. They are very overweight and have spent 50 years dieting, how sad is that?

    Keep eating those Brazil nuts on non fast days, they are very good for you. I limit myself to three then fill up on almonds.

    I honestly believe that healthy eating is responsible for my truly amazing feelings of well being and energy. If you do nothing else get ‘sugar’ out of your diet, life will be very sweet after the initial detox period.

    Food window just closed while I was writing so I have missed my yogurt. Oh well I will have a cuppa instead.

    Can’t wait to weigh in tomorrow.

    Aussie O, do you swim? That was how I got back into exercise, then badminton. Now anything goes? Well almost!

    Have fun, take care, walking is of course the best exercise and you do lots of that.

    Hi Fast Friends

    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW WiWi & Barata in NZ and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Tartan lass Smiffy Lor_PA and Hello World (You know Who You) 😆
    Gee Whiz this thread is rocking this week hey?? Bay I did get a giggle out of the most eloquently put enter stage right outraged apricot lover brilliant and it so reminded me of the cartoon lion hardy ha ha and he always had the ‘exit stage left even’ comedy gold 😉 Nama how deeply satisfying to skip through a fast day on time and on calorie target with little or no difficulty the sign of the lifestyle and you as one I suspect. I love the tennis also poor Sam Stosur is not having a good time of it at all bugger confidence shot to s**t I suggest she may need a fast break cheers for the joke I return a cross court back hand did you hear about the man who had his entire left side cut off? He’s all right now 😆
    I had very clean fast Monday close enough to zero calories except for the 8cal Bovril in the evening I’m in a very Zen like state of mind right now of course I am unsure what that actually means 😳 but it does sound bloody awesome ok B2B I go have great day you efficient fat burners.
    Peace RT

    Just channelling the guru, Purple

    If I could do it, I would do the bowing emoticon. Hehe! Bay 🙂

    Hi Amazon

    When I go to smileys, I get less than symbol and a in HTML to use for all the emoticons. Don’t know where I’m going wrong. Hope you enjoyed the film.

    I accidentally taught myself to enjoy ironing, as I always played my favourite music loudly while ironing. It’s called conditioning. Hehe! 🙄

    Bay 🙂

    Good morning fellow fasters, FD for me today 😀

    RT always good to read your running commentary.

    Jojo yes I can swim, just no-where near a pool (at least 20km away) would love to get one here but not likely in the short term so walking will have to do for now and will try to intensify that when I can.

    Bay the visual you gave was gold … I could picture an operatic Valhalla type scene with broom in place of spear or maybe even a Ninja character Smiley

    Wee glad to hear you’re on the mend 😀

    Amazon, PVE, Nama & Nicky re ironing I hear you totally … No hope of me doing it, I managed to lose iron and board during the move over 4 years ago and generally I haven’t missed them 😆

    SAMM hope all’s going well for you too, certainly sounds like it is 😀

    FoodA good going re FD yesterday (well it was for me) it took me about a month or so to get down to 400 cals so don’t stress about it, even 500 is low enough for many for a FD.

    Time to get moving/ready for work … catch up later if I can (I’m out for a while this evening so may not be able to reply/respond/contribute anymore today but I will try to keep up with the posts).

    Hello Fasters and Losers

    I’ve just been trying to catch up on some posts – all very positive and determined. Hello to the newbies. You’re in the right place on this thread.

    Butternut squash is one of my favourites too, whether in a soup, or well seasoned and roasted in chunks with skin on. I like the idea of roasting it whole and then scooping out the centre – will definitely try that one.

    Jojo – I’ve said it before but I’m exhausted just reading what you are up to! Well done, you really deserve to succeed. We are doing a lot of walking daily – just over 5 miles yesterday and about 3 today. I’ve also been having a purge on cleaning the house as we have some friends coming to stay at the weekend. Hopefully, lots of calories burned. I included my least favourite job – cleaning Venetian blinds, but at least it kept my mind off food!

    A fast day for me – boiled egg for breakfast, Bovril at lunchtime and salmon tonight with grilled tomato and steamed curley kale tossed in a dressing of seasoned lemon juice mixed with a tiny amount of olive oil and in which I steeped a clove of garlic while the salmon was cooking. It was absolutely delicious and a great way to pep up greens.

    I laughed at eating the bit of egg off the floor – it looks like we’ve all been there! I also eat the leftover seeds that lurk in the bottom of an empty Ryvita packet.

    Bay – hope the apricots are all safely gathered in.

    Amazon – hope you have a great night at Jamie’s. I love Italian food.

    Purple – I hate ironing too, and tend only to do it when absolutely necessary. I hope our guests won’t mind crumply sheets – but at least they are clean! When I used to have to iron, years ago when my late husband and I were working, I always did it on Sunday mornings whilst listening to the omnibus edition of ‘The Archers’, which is a UK radio soap which has been running forever and is purported to be ‘an everyday story of country folk’. In reality it is full of scandalous goings on in a fictitious farming community. I was totally addicted!

    Wee – glad you are continuing to make a good recovery. Hope you’re firing on all cylinders very soon.

    Great ideas for salad dressings Samm. Honey and mustard is my favourite too.

    Nama – well done on a good fast day with calories to spare. And RT – almost zero calories! Virtue is a great feeling! Good luck with the B2B.

    Speaking of ‘zero’ I’ve just ordered some zero ‘rice’. Has anyone tried it? I hope I like it – it comes in a batch of 20 packs!

    Hi to anyone I haven’t mentioned. Have a good one – feasting or fasting, evening or morning.

    Smiffy x

    G’day FTs!
    Yes Smiffy. The rice style ‘zero noodles’ are the same as the others, just a different shape. We tend to only use “miricale noodles” in the winter to bulk up a bit.

    Wee, I was keeping an eye out for you when I watched Neil Oliver (be still my heart) investigating the actual site of the crossing where the battle of Bannockburn took place. Some lovely aerial views of Stirling and lots of locals helping with the dig. Were you part of it? Sorry your poor back is still playing up. Gentle hugs 😉 P

    How good is retirement, Jojo?
    I also have a frantic timetable. Just booked this year’s courses. I’m virtually never home. Forget about ironing or cleaning…I just go out! Keeps me away from food too 😉 P

    Hi everyone.

    RT, I am a keen tennis fan and Sam Stosur is one of my favourite players. I saw her play at Prth Arena in Hopman Cup on NYE 2013. She just can’t cope with home crowd expectation 🙁

    Bay, I love apricots and am very jealous as it is difficult to get hold of a decent fresh one in this country.

    I enjoyed Birdman, but it was full on with lots of swearing and we were both exhausted by the time it ended!
    Didn’t get to Jamies but had a pizza which was good. As I’m meeting friends for lunch next week at another branch of Jamie’s I’m not too disappointed.

    Jojo, I’ve remembered that there is a Japanese restaurant a few minutes walk from Kew, so I’ll take a look at the opening hours anf menu to see if it is worth a visit.

    Another FD on the horizon tomorrow. ADF is OK if I can sort my social life out, but I might have to do B2B as I’m going out to a social event on Thursday and will be meeting new people and really can’t be bothered to explain to everyone why I’m drinking water in a pub so I’ve decided to swap my fast days.

    Amazon talk of pizza reminds me. We experimented with the pizza oven while away. I bought some super thin rice wraps, used 3 together, brushed with olive oil between layers, topped with pasata, mushrooms, oregano, garlic, parmesan and left over Xmas ham (:( ). It was amazing…crisp and crunchy like filo pastry. Served with lots of lettuce and tomato. Much lighter than a normal pizza base. P

    PVE I live on the battle site . Did you see the BRUCE Memorial where he is sitting on the horse and all the fields beyond? Well!! if I were
    fit I could run to that in about 2 minutes . The Wallace Monument ..both my Mam and Dad worked there as caretakers at different times . There are about 11 battlefields can be seen from the top of the monument xx

    Stunning spot Wee. So much history. I’ve been there a couple of times. Back again this year, I hope. No more crazy housework girl! Take your glasses off and ignore the dust! 😉 P

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