Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

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  • congratulations all Fast trackers on a positive year 😆

    Fasted 4:3 last week and a total break this week.

    Have a Merry Christmas, all. Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi all,

    Well a lot of lovely thoughts and food going around … good going all around 😀

    We had Kris Kringle today and the person who bought for me got me silver/diamond (like) earrings … very nice too 😀

    Then we had the “raffle” of all goodies given to the company over the last couple of weeks from suppliers, receivers and others we have dealings with throughout the year. I was lucky enough to get a bottle of Tawny Port (for OH as I cannot abide the stuff) and a bottle of Chivas Regal 12 year old (insert happy dancing queen here … my favourite drop other than if it’s an 18 year old one ha ha 😀 😆 ) so that was a totally random pick. Each person had their name and when it was drawn out they got to pick a ticket which had a prize on it (sealed tickets so no cheating) and everyone had a ball as there were some “booby” prizes too and one of the higher managers’ first pick was a baseball type cap from one of the suppliers so everyone had a good laugh, then another manager (mine) received a pen holder in the shape of a big green bin and a stubby holder – more laughs.

    We also finish up 2 hours early today, so I chose not to have a lunch break.

    I’d best get back to work. Catch you all later 🙂

    Oh, before I forget … AWESOME effort from Wee and Jojo in halving your sizes 😀 … I’m hoping and working towards joining you with that next year 😀

    Just popping by to wish each and everyone of you lovely fasting friends a Very Merry Christmas! Also to take the opportunity to thank you all sincerely for all the warmth, support and guidance since I joined you all last September, one of the smartest things I have ever done. I must single you out Jojo for being the wisest of all the wise men on this thread : for cheering us along, for inspiring us with your example and for keeping us in line where necessary! I hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow and enjoys that great feeling of achieving so much with 5:2!! xx Anne

    Morning/evening all.

    Whatever I weigh at the end of the year, I’m going to look back at what I’ve achieved since August 11th with a big smile on my face. I’ve worked very hard to get back into 5:2 after falling off the wagon at the end of last year. The best thing that happened was finding this website, and more importantly noticing the eye-catching title of this thread.
    I might have got this far, but certainly not this quickly without Jojo and the rest of you wonderful and generous people. Despite our casual mentioning of doing 4:3, ADF, B2B, or giving up sugar, carbs, meat or alcohol, we all know how hard it can be, and as Nama says there is warmth, support and guidance in abundance on this thread.

    Merry Christmas everyone. I hope that 2015 brings you all you wish for
    …….and smaller trousers 😉

    Merry Christmas everyone
    Just back from our local carol singing. Just all the neighbours, wine in hand, walk and sing along our couple of dead end steeets. Really friendly and community building.
    Have a lovely Christmas Day and an even better 2015.
    Thanks for all the interesting chatter, information and wonderful support. Such a great gang, FTs. Thank you Jojo for initiating this wonderful thread.
    As RT says ” Peace”. Purple xxoo

    Hi All,

    I can’t think of anything wise or deep to say, so I’ll just second the wise words, and thanks, that have already been written!

    I hope you all have a happy Christmas.

    I think 2015 is shaping up (slimming down?) to be a good year for everyone? By this time next year you’ll hopefully all be old hands at maintenance!

    Popping in to wish you all a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

    You all have done so well this past year with the 5:2 plan. You are my inspiration! I’m planning a good start on Jan 2 complete with weigh in and measurements. OY! My goal for the holiday week is not to go too far overboard, but to enjoy & relax.

    I look forward to being among the losers at this time next year!

    Thanks again for all you share here on the forum.

    Wishing everyone a safe and happy Christmas. I’ll try to come online tomorrow … there will be just so much to do I can’t promise this 😀

    Have a wonderful day one and all … had dinner/tea tonight and had to leave 1/6 of the protein (ate all my veggies first 😀 ) and gave the left overs to the puppies … it was one of my most favourite FD meals but I just could not eat it – felt quite sick and sore BUT a couple of hours before I had some more CHERRIES 😀 about 1/2 dozen so maybe that was keeping me full up 😀 such a lovely thing when you just CAN’T over eat (as many times like many of you I was taught to not leave anything on my plate and it’s hard sometimes to get past that teaching and it’s so liberating when finally you just have to leave some).

    Awesome times are coming for each and every one of us 😀


    Good morning Fastrackers,

    I am nursing the sick( my daughter had a wisdom tooth pulled on Monday, still suffering badly, now on antibiotics so no alcohol. Said I would keep her company and save myself the calories. I have lots of fun without drink so no problem.

    Out dancing tonight, can’t wait.

    Quiz posted early for our antipodean cousins who get there before us. Do not post replies please until Boxing Day, UK time please – get your families to help, no googling though.

    1) Name the original eight reindeer from the poem ‘Twas the night before Christmas’ ?(no cheating one point per correctly named creature.

    2) Name Scrooges business partner in ‘A Christmas Carol’ ?

    3) In what film was ‘White Christmas first performed?

    4) What is the name of the boy lead actor in ‘Home alone’?

    5) Which country donates the tree placed in Trafalga Square, London?

    6) In what year’s were the Band Aid hit at the top of the charts – ‘Do they know it’s Christmas?’ Guess! One point per correct year, 3 of them.

    7) In which modern country is St Nicholas’s birthplace and hometown?

    8) Who wrote ‘How the Grinch stole Christmas’ ?

    9) Who is the official author of ‘old Lang Syne’?

    10) From which country does the Poinsettia originate?

    11) What does TDEE stand for?

    12) What are the three main benefits of fasting? One point per answer.

    13) How many calories in an average Christmas Day lunch? Roast and pudding?

    Enjoy this quiz, don’t take it seriously, funny answers accepted.

    Looking forward to reading your replies after I get back from a Panto. Aladdin, love going on Boxing Day, whole family, laughs then lunch – great.

    No fasting for me xmas day and Boxing Day then back on the slimming wagon. Luckily I lost 2 lb this morning which I expect to gain and then some.

    Thank you all for your lovely comments, I am so happy you are enjoying this thread. I also thank you all for being part of this positive, happy, like minded group of go getters. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your families!

    May we all be slimmer in 2015 and stay that way – we can and we will! No doubt about it.


    Great questions Jojo.
    Enjoy your Christmas, eat what you want for a couple of days, and come Saturday we’ll all be here helping each other to continue our journeys to slim and healthy Smiley

    I’m already working on calorie counted FD meals using Christmas leftovers!

    Merry Christmas all fasttrackers. It’s 2345hrs here and just about lights out. Have a wonderful day.
    Thanks for the quiz Jojo, will have a go tomorrow.
    Thank you also to you all for your inspirational support to everyone.
    In the immortal words of Jeff Fenech, ‘I loves youse all!

    Hello all

    Just HAD to quickly log on and wish everyone a very happy Christmas. Like everyone else, I’d like to say a big ‘thank you’ to Jojo for launching this thread, for giving us so much encouragement and support, and for bringing together such a lovely band of friendly, positive people.

    Thanks so much to all Fastrackers, and here’s to our continued success in 2015.

    I’m definitely off the wagon this week, but thanks to this WOE I know that any damage can soon be repaired once the festivities are over.

    Have a really lovely time everyone.

    Smiffy x

    Mwahh xx

    I can’t add much but thank you all for being so supportive through this wonderful journey . I am so happy that Jojo started this thread and I have come to know you all . Have a wonderful Christmas and have fun

    Love and hugs to you all

    lang may yer lum reeek 🙂

    Wee xx

    Good Morning Fast tracking Losers 😉
    Nicky Emel and Aussie O in South Australia Nama in Victoria Bay in ACT PVE in NSW and Jojo SAMM HappyNow Wiwi Amazon Herm Lizzy Ply Weemam Tartan lass Smiffy Barata and Hello World (You know Who You) 😆
    Just popping in before I spark up all the webbers to quickly say Happy Christmas to ALL my new Overseas International over the ditch and Interstate Fast Friends you know who you are 😆
    Have a cracker of a good day 😉
    Peace Love and Happiness RT

    Happy Christmas to all you losers from a drizzly Wellington. Santa’s been, the bubbly consumed, the carols played, but peace on earth not yet achieved. Darn!

    Thanks for the wonderful inspiration and support that you all offer, and I hope 2015 continues to fulfill your health and weight-loss aspirations.

    Happy Christmas Day to UK ers, posting after my night out which was cut short by my friend getting drunk as a skunk and falling over. She was a total embarrassment. But on the good news front a very charming man declared his interest in me.

    Life is full of up’s and downs is it not?

    I wonder what SANTA has put in my stocking this year.

    Hi Jojo the very charming man sounds nice :).
    I have managed a non eating fast today
    so quite proud of myself . I am having a day off tomorrow . Merry Christmas pal .

    I am off to bed now

    Hugs xx

    Wee xx

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my Fasttracking pals both intra & inter state, up top and across the waves, all corners (or curves) of the world.

    What a lovely, lovely day it is turning out to be. Lots of lovely messages from all of you in here (Smiffy good to hear from you, RT hope the webbers are fully cranked – yummo!) had some wonderful surprise gifts this year … a Big Shot Cover made by one of my crafting friends (she does this as a business – sewing, quilting etc) bought from her by another of my crafting friends (no wonder I couldn’t get an order in!!!), two BIG boxes of TRUFFLES (I am limiting myself to ONE per day due to the number of empty calories – NONE on FDs though otherwise I’d get no nourishment at all, but I would enjoy them), a BIG basket of goodies for OH and myself to share plus the Kris Kringle sparkly earrings (they really are beautiful and I’m wearing them now 😀 hoping that now I’ve gone through the change that I will be able to wear them without having to use clear varnish so giving it a go today – so far have been wearing them for an hour without any issue), plus the Whisky (12 year old Chivas Regal) and Tawny Port from work yesterday. Feeling very lucky and special this year.

    Everything’s in the oven, veggies will be steamed shortly, Ham is ready to eat, cherries available too, Christmas Pudding is ready to heat and custard (Birds of course) to be made – I have plenty of brandy available for flambéing (if I remember to do this first, lol).

    Have a wonderful day everyone, tomorrow we start our downward spirals afresh 😀

    Good Morning all. Have a lovely Christmas Day, UK Fastrackers and anyone else in our time zone. Hope you had a good one, those who are ahead of us!

    Jojo – that sounds like a promising scenario! Do keep us posted! How romantic would that be, to have a nice new man come into your life on Christmas Eve!

    RT, Barata and AO – glad you had a good one.

    Weemam – ma lum is definitely reeeking! Santa has been very generous and bought me a new ipad – I’ve more or less worn the old one out and dropped it a fair numer of times on a stone floor!

    Family get together at brother’s this morning as it’s also his birthday, then a cosy day at home with just OH and the dogs, which I am really looking forward to after the madness of the past couple of weeks.

    Festive love to all

    Smiffy x

    Merry Christmas to our international mob of fast-trackers.

    Here in Adelaide it’s getting on for 6pm. Daughter, SIL and grandies stayed last night. Better organised this year but still some last-minute rush for lunch today with we 6 plus SIL’s sister and her husband.

    Had prawns, oysters, sausage rolls and tiny parmesan and chive muffins for starters, with turkey, ham, roast potatoes, onions, carrots and pumpkin, steamed cauli, broccoli and peas, with gravy made from roasting pan juices and water from the steamed veg (so even the brassica haters got some of the sulphur-containing amino acids) 😉

    For those with room there was pudding with cream and/or Eton mess with strawberries and blueberries, then mince pies and shortbread with coffee.

    OH has made me yet another cup of tea and I won’t be eating anything else until a very light breakfast tomorrow. Haven’t been on the scales but will face the awful truth tomorrow morning, which will be my new benchmark.

    Boxing Day is very low key as I never cook. There’s always so much food, everyone forages as and when they feel like eating and I watch the Boxing Day cricket on TV and play with new toys. Best surprise this year was new CSIRO software for grass and Eucalypt identifications. Grasses are a near-mystery to this botanist so plan to improve my knowledge greatly in 2015.

    Excluding IF of course, which is no longer a challenge but part of normal life, the other challenge I have set myself is to imrove my piano playing by practising at least 30′ each day I don’t go to work, so every day while on leave then 4 days/week. I’m no virtuoso (or is that virtuosa Hermaj?) but it’s supposed to be good for brain maintenance, and I enjoy it too.

    Jojo, I echo others in thanking you for starting this thread and attracting such a fantastic bunch of interesting and encouraging losers. This is the 21st century version of pen friends, but we also have an underlying common interest in improving our respective and collective health through the practise of intermittent fasting. Congratulations everyone on this year’s successes and looking forward to next year of even more progress towards our goals.

    Keep up the good work everyone. Nicky xxx

    Merry Christmas FTs.
    I hope Santa brought you all joy.
    Mine was a Skype conversation with my daughter in South America. So lovely to hear her homesick voice.
    Great quiz Jojo. We’ll work on it as we travel tomorrow.
    Back to the couch to relax …P xx

    Good morning All, this is my first Christmas waking up in a place of my own, no family around me. I have to say it is delicious to have the peace and quiet and none of the worry of preparing a meal and house for guests. I am laying in bed with a book and cuppa. This is most definitely the life.

    Joining my family for lunch so I won’t have much time alone. I know that I will be on kitchen duty most of the day now but that’s fine, I enjoy it.

    Feeling very good, positive and ready to take on the challenge of ‘not’ over eating today and tomorrow. Definitely not drinking. I think my friend will be feeling pretty bad this morning, hangover and bruises from her fall last night. I have decided that I have spent my last evening in public with her, she made a show of herself and behaved very badly towards friends of mine. She is an alcoholic which is very sad. From now on I will just visit her at her place. This is not the first time she has embarrassed me but it is the last.

    Clear day, a little sunshine, time to walk my lovely dogs. Enjoy yourselves today whether it be your Christmas Day or Boxing Day. Don’t forget the quiz, looking forward to some silly answers.

    Knew it was too good to be true, my ex forgot to defrost the meat yesterday, huge beef joint. So lunch cancelled, it will be a late dinner now. Honestly!

    So looks like I am fasting on Christmas Day, it’s either that or risking food poisoning?

    I am cool with it, just a bit disappointed.

    Guess I could go mad and have eggs and bacon for breakfast instead?

    See you all later.

    Good girl Jojo. Positive attitude. Make a luxury breakfast. It doesn’t have to be breakfast food.!I had 3 star cheese biscuits ☆☆☆, 3 felafels ○○○ and tomato relish ♧ for breakfast this morning. With a glass of kefir ▲. Very Christmassy.
    Go ahead! Do whatever you like. “Christmas comes but once a year ….” 😉 P

    Merry Christmas everyone Smiley

    I’m waiting for the mince pies to finish cooking before doing my workout and then getting ready to go to my brothers house Smiley
    I hope everyone is having a great day.
    Jojo, fasting on Christmas Day is a novel idea, but I would be tucking in to a nice breakfast. Whatever you do, enjoy it Smiley

    I’ve been very good this year, I didn’t (couldn’t) overeat. All in all today (including the tiny bit of Xmas pudding and a dash of custard) I’ve consumed a grand total of 831 calories. Tomorrow is my regular weigh day, so I’ll check there too and see if I’ve made my next goal (so very close) or not. I’m not fussed if not as I am not expecting to be very good next Wednesday night on New Years as I intend to have a few drinkies and some lovely food (but will fast beforehand) and hopefully by next Friday I’ll be ready to commence with a new benchmark on the 40 lbs in 20 weeks challenge 😀 .

    So glad everyone seems to be having a good Chrissy (albeit a late meal for Jojo – but the chance of a delicious brekkie or brunch if that suits better 😆 ).

    Catch up tomorrow … I’ll try to give some “different” answers mixed in with some serious and maybe even some correct ones 🙂 but I know not to post until late tomorrow my time 😀

    Merry Christmas everyone . I wrote long post and it has gone :(..

    I will catch up with you all later . have a brilliant day /night 🙂 🙂

    Wee xx

    Enjoy your day with the family Wee. X
    Off to bed with gentle rain pitter pattering on our roof. Very pleasant. P

    Good morning all my fellow fasters. I’m happy to report that even with all the festivities I still managed to lose 300g … not much in the scheme of things but it IS a loss 😀

    Feeling a little tired today … checked Fitbit and now know why … only got 3 3/4 hours sleep with only one time having one uninterrupted hour. Now to start finding out why my sleep is so poor and fixing it. This lack of sleep is something I’ve thought I’ve had for a couple of years and now I can prove it so it’s nothing to do with this WOL just something I’ll need to sort.

    Today we’re expecting clear but windy weather so hopefully it’s not too windy as it gets very strong here (nothing much to break it so we’re open to all the elements just now. Trees will (& are) growing but it takes a while to be effective.

    I need to go have some water and/or coffee … chat later 😆

    Hi All,
    Hope you are all having a wonderful day. My day has been an unmitigated disaster but I won’t bore you with it. Finally had a meal, well half a meal because it was too much. Small helping of pud and custard with a mince pie for supper. Daughter still very poorly from wisdom tooth extraction so she has gone back to bed. My ex and my son are playing chess so I am amusing myself with Christmas puzzle activities. What madman invents these bit of bent tubing anyway. We will play a board game this evening. Santa brought me a new sewing machine to take in all my baggy clothes.

    OA, hope you get your sleep issue sorted, miserable being tired all the time.

    Nicky your day sounds very similar to mine Warner gone for a duck Australia 0/1 no tideal 🙄 4th son heading to the Mount with a couple of friends to watch the final Hobbit movie at the pictures Smiffy well fed and well water is the word phew no sign of poverty around here i must say 😉 AO ok you had me at 12yo Chivas Regal and TRUFFLES???? Are these the ones from the forest 😳 😆
    Peace RT

    Good evening all,
    Just back from celebrating Christmas Day. Sadly my daughter got a lot worse, very high temperature, vomiting, lots of very severe pain. Poor thing, she has had a miserable christmas. I didn’t get my fried breakfast either because there was no bacon in the house, fate telling me something? I had two slices of buttered toast with jam instead( luxury to me).
    So quiet evening playing a board games called the ‘5 second rule’ , easy quiz game but the timer causes you to panic finding three answers. I am hopeless at this game but my son’s girlfriend is very good. She always says the first thing that comes into her head which is just the right strategy for this game.
    I won’t weigh in now until I have done two fasts, too depressing. Loads of exercise planned over the next week.
    Enjoy Boxing Day whatever you are doing.
    I am planning a lay in, let’s hope I get one.
    Did everyone get what they wanted for Christmas?

    I had a thought today. What happens when you get to target weight and everyone is used to your new body. Does it become less motivating when you are not getting compliments? Do we really only do this for our own pleasure? I hope so!

    RT just about to check but they are DELICIOUS … getting one of the one kg boxes out (holds 2 x 500g packs) dusted in cocoa powder 🙂

    Okay it says Truffles De France natural dusted with cocoa powder on the edge says ALL Natural so now you know as much as me apart from they’re imported by Costco.

    How much weight do I need to lose to gain health benefits?

    Hi everyone,

    I hope you all survived the Big Day! Sounds like you take the prize AO, weight down?? That’s incredible, hope it lasts with those truffles from Costco. RT I think she is referring to the sweet confectionary balls, not the ones you need a pig or a dog to sniff out…now that would be a luxury, a kilogram of them! Then we would know that AO is related to Gina Rienhart!

    I hope your daughter gets well quickly Jojo, sounds much worse than usual Wisdom Tooth. A lot of people get severe nausea from oxycodone (called Endone in Aus) a strong narcotic pain reliever she could have been given, but not sure about the temperature. Poor girl, she must feel terrible.

    I got very spoiled with my favourite Verbena products from L’Occitane, some new non stick cookware (someone noticed the new healthier me!) and got bequeathed the older iPad as husband wanted a new Samsung tablet! I don’t mind second hand gifts, recycling is good and now I don’t need to queue for it!

    Had a lovely Xmas breakfast of fresh fruit salad and yoghurt followed by Eggs Benedict, made with help of both boys partners. Really lovely eaten out in the sunshine, despite the challenge of poaching 12 eggs all at once. Move over Jamie O! Then big lunch and lots of cheer with other half of family, way too much food of course so avoiding scales til Monday. Have run away to Jamieson to recover for a few days but had to have Croque Monsieur for lunch with leftover ham, now I really do have indigestion! Needed a remedial big walk along the river and it is so lovely to see all the holidaymakers out in full. This tiny town fills to bursting during holiday periods, happy kids on bikes everywhere and every second car is towing a boat. Bought some fresh local cherries on the way so plan to use those to counteract all the sugar and butter consumed.

    I hope everyone is also having a lovely, lazy Boxing Day. Give the scales a holiday too!

    Annabelle our posts crossed. The way I understand 5:2 is that the weight loss is a happy side effect. The health benefits come with ongoing fasting and they are still being researched. Of course it also depends on how overweight you are, if you are. If you are over the healthy range and lose any weight then you will benefit. Check out the rest of this site or read the 5:2 book. Or look up Mark Mattsons research, he is a neuroscientist with 10 years researching fasting.

    Jojo interesting thought re who we are doing this for. I think we are all vain re our appearance but also want to be healthy and live longer in good health. And I don’t think we would be sticking to this WOE long if it was just for pleasing others!

    Hi AO this is an interesting article from today’s paper re using blue light emitting devices before sleep.

    Morning/evening all.

    I hope a good day was had by all.

    Jojo, I hope your daughter feels better soon, and that you are not too disappointed that Christmas Day didn’t turn out as well as you had hoped.

    I had a nice time with my brother and his family, met my nieces lovely boyfriend and was home by 7pm full of food, although I didn’t go too mad. roast turkey etc, Christmas pud with a splash of cream and a couple of mini mince pies with half a glass of fizz as I was driving. I also had a couple of drinks when I got home. I ate less than half of the amount of dinner and pud than I used to eat and I felt uncomfortably full. I used to have breakfast and something to eat in the evening, plus graze all day long. I’ve no idea how I used to do it and not feel ill.

    It is cold and miserable looking outside so I’m having a sofa day today and then back to the serious stuff tomorrow.

    Have fun everyone Smiley

    Good morning All,

    Amazon, sounds like a plan. I had stomach pains during the night which I suspect was down to eating bread and meat in the same day( not used to either now). So I put Downton Abbey on iplayer and watched all two hours from 3 to 5 am. It was great apart from all the adverts.
    I was disappointed with the day but remained at least outwardly ‘full of good cheer’, always positive, no matter what, that’s my policy(at least publicly). I am thinking about next Christmas in Australia, keeps me going. Also planning to go to France around Easter for two weeks, Loire Vallley with my French speaking daughter, can’t wait?

    Today I am cooking so I will be busy. Nothing dramatic just jackets spuds with a variety of toppings- chilli, chicken tikka, green Thai veg.

    I will also be dragging everyone out for a nice long coastal walk after lunch. Have a great day. Really looking forward to visiting Kew and getting lunch at ITSU.

    Happy New Year everyone.

    Don’t forget quiz answers today, you can just pick one question to answer or all. I bet you all know how many calories the lunch was?

    Quiz answers

    1)Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Donner, Blitzen, Vixen, Comet and Cupid!
    2)Jacob Marley
    3)No idea
    4)McCauley Culkin
    6)1983, 2003, 2013
    11)total daily energy expenditure
    12)Three main benefits of IF, being able to face looking at yourself naked in the mirror, running up a flight of stairs without having a cardiac arrest, and buying that new dress because you’ll look so hot in it.
    Especially if you are RT or SAMM 😉
    13)The average is 7,ooo…………………. Smiley

    Hi Jojo, sorry to hear Christmas not as expected. Hope your daughter is recovering.

    Quiz answers – well done Amazon, more than me I think.

    1 as Amazon, from Bing Crosby’s version of Rudolph … learned as a child
    2 no idea
    3 Holiday Inn
    4 McCaulay Culkin
    5-9 no idea
    10 Mexico – should know the answer to a plant question 🙂
    11 as above, aka tweedledee
    12 improved self esteem with finally feeling in control of eating, getting another go at all the discarded clothes cluttering up the wardrobe, saving money by eating less
    13 if mine is any guide, at least 5 million

    Thanks again Jojo for the quiz.

    Hi Jojo,

    Afraid your quiz is way too hard for my tired and Xmas damaged brain. However, I do know the answer to 8, having two Seuss crazy children. Fairly certain Dr Seuss wrote the Grinch.

    And three good reasons for fasting:
    1. I want to be healthy and I am terrified of both diabetes and knee replacements! Fear motivates well.
    2. Fasting is by far the easiest way to achieve 1.
    3. I realize I won’t live forever but I want to be slim enough to feel great and to feel great about myself for as long as I can.

    Finally, calories in Xmas lunch….who knows and who cares!

    Thanks for the big effort you put in Jojo, sorry I can’t attempt more but I will learn from the others’ answers!

    Re your next Christmas, I can promise you will have more fun than this year. But I think it’s really a time for little ones, the magic isn’t the same if there are no young children around on Xmas morning… We just have to be patient and wait for grandchildren…

    Hello Amazon,
    Good job on the quiz, I will post answers tomorrow so everyone has a chance to contribute.
    Nama, I am not that keen for Grandchildren yet, spent the last 30 years looking after under 5’s. Christmas is usually a special time in my house, everyone in the same room for two or three days. However my daughter is still very poorly , back in bed now.

    I am wearing a lovely dress today that has sat in my wardrobe for two years waiting for me to slim into it. Finally made it with room to both sit and eat a full meal. Lunch was great, everyone happy. The Thai Curry would have blown your socks off, challenged even my son and he likes hot spicy food.

    Limoncello cheesecake for pudding, with vanilla ice cream. No alcohol today though, designated driving duty.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.

    How can you say Limoncello and then say you’re not having alcohol Smiley

    I’ve just eaten roast turkey and all the usual trimmings and am waiting for my Christmas pudding to be ready. I knew I had kept the jeans that fall down for a reason Smiley

    The Thai curry sounds like my idea of heaven. I love hot curries. When I was in Sri Lanka, a place that is in my thoughts today on this 10th anniversary of the tsunami, we had some mind blowingly hot curries which were delicious!

    Just a wee quick hello everyone . I watched what I was eating food wise but went mad on the ice cream :). went over to Ross today and he brought out some more . SOOO I have eaten it :). I will fast the next 2 days . We had a wonderful Christmas . Thank you all for helping to make it extra special this year . I lost track of all the wonderful compliments I got . was told I looked amazing For once in my life I actually felt amazing 🙂 . thanks guys and God bless you all xxxxx

    Wee xxxxxx

    Hi Wee X
    I received a few compliments too. Doesn’t it make you feel good 😛
    Enjoy your ice cream X

    Hi Wee and Amazon,

    It really is good getting so many compliments is it not?

    What will we do when they stop, resort to some plastic surgery?

    True, the cheesecake probably has some alcohol, must have some more now, yum

    Jojo xx

    LOl Jojo I have an apron now and bat wings (in my case empty hot water bottles). wobbly bits on legs (sorry if this is TMI guys) BUT . I can hide all of that and still feel good 🙂 🙂 , the compliments I LOVE lol . Merry Christmas all of you lovely people .Enjoy the cheesecake pal 🙂 xx

    Wee xx

    I have gone completely off the rails today, champagne, wine, dessert wine, a huge turkey dinner and Christmas pudding with rum sauce and clotted cream. But I’ve had less than half of the amount that I would have eaten before and I’ve not been stuffing my face all day with nuts, chocolates, cake, mince pies and anything else I could get my hands on.

    If my excess skin doesn’t shrink I’ll be in the queue for cosmetic surgery!

    When people start telling you that you are looking too thin, just ignore them because it means that they are worried you’ll soon be slimmer than they are 😉

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