looking 4 a different food pyramid having concerns on how much whole grain a day

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looking 4 a different food pyramid having concerns on how much whole grain a day

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • oops forgot 2 add

    USDA Daily Food Group Targets 1000- 2000 CALORIES A DAY

    Grains 5 oz-6 oz
    Vegetables 2 cup(s) – 2 ½
    Fruits 1½ cup(s) – 2 cup(s)
    Dairy 3 cup(s)
    Protein Foods 5 oz- 6 oz

    any healthy suggestions?

    How about no food?


    meant on nonfastdays 🙂

    just checkmarking
    Notify me of follow-up replies via email
    oh well i’ll go make my dinner & listen 2 a free book from my lbr
    on my super old mp3 😀
    while copy pasting ugh this reply 2 all
    now i wish i were a newbie 2 many 2do

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