Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 7,283 total)

  • Morning/evening all,

    Another cold but fine morning with blue sky and sunshine πŸ™‚

    Hi Nama, my knee is a bit of a worry but I know if I take good care of it all will be well so long as I give it time. There are a couple of other things going on that are dragging me down a bit which isn’t helping my mindset but my aim is rise above it all and lose some weight before Christmas.
    Reading the blog has reminded me why fasting is worthwhile so the plan for today is to kickstart the final phase of my weight loss journey (she says hopefully)
    I’m going to the cinema this afternoon so it is a good day to fast as I’ll be leaving at 11.30 and home around 5. I’m aiming for a food free day and if that doesn’t work out I’ve got the makings of a wild mushroom omelette and some salad in the fridge or a 350 calorie veggie chilli in the freezer so no excuses.

    Happy Monday everybody 😜


    I hope your fast went well today, and you saw a good film?

    I’ve fasted today too, it wasn’t hard but I’ve been cold 😨Just eaten and warming up by the fire πŸ€—

    Hi Happy,

    My FD went well thanks. We went for coffee after the cinema and I avoided the cakes, pastries and baguettes on offer. I came home, ignored the tempting smell from the chippy round the corner as I walked past and had veg chilli so I’m really pleased that I’ve got through a FD and hope that I can eat sensibly tomorrow. It has been very cold today and there was no way I could get through without eating anything as I wouldn’t have been able to get warm.

    We saw A United Kingdom which if you don’t know is based on the true story of a man from Bechuanaland (now Botswana) and the English woman he met when he was studying law in London in 1947. He was the future king and against the odds and much opposition they got married and went to Botswana. After many difficulties and political obstacles from the British government, the South African government and his own family, but with the support of the people they became king and queen and he eventually led the country to democracy and became the first elected president. Their son has been the 4th president since being elected in 2008.
    It was a fabulous film, a piece of history that I knew nothing about and a heartwarming love story ❀
    I’ve been to Botswana and it is a beautiful country but I knew very little regarding its history.

    Well done for avoiding temptation! Not easy on a cold day.

    I saw the actors interviewed on the One Show a while ago, together with a trailer/ preview of the film. I suspect I’ll have to wait for it on TV, no chance of getting OH to it!

    Thanks. After several days of not eating wisely it would have been very difficult had I not been in the cinema and as we were sitting there I was hoping that no-one could hear my growling stomach πŸ˜†
    I could eat something else despite my nice dinner but I won’t and I know I’ll be fine tomorrow.

    As for the cinema, my best friend often wants to see the same films as me and we go nearly every week through the winter months.
    We have a list of what we want to see.
    There is a film called Sully starring Tom Hanks which is based on another true story about the pilot who safely landed an airbus in the Hudson river in 2009 after hitting a flock of birds which took out both engines shortly after taking off from La Guardia airport.
    There are several others and I’ve no idea how we’ll manage to find time for all of them but we’ll do our best πŸ™‚

    Well done Amazon.

    OH and I saw Sully and it is a very enjoyable film. Based on your review I will try to see A United Kingdom.

    I’m fasting today (Tuesday) after Saturday’s last fast. It’s great to have a flexible system that fits in with life.

    β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ Going to be over 30C today, in the garden early to take advantage of the cool.

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺🌺🌺

    Post fast myself, Bay, but thought I’d get up early to have a swim and get the washing out before the predicted heat…but it’s grey and overcast outside. 🌫 Gosh we need rain for the garden.
    Have a top Tuesday fast. P 😊😊😊

    Bay, wow, 30… it’s going to -6 here tonight! ❄️❄️❄️ I’ll be the one defrosting my car in the morning, and hoping the lanes aren’t skating rinks.

    I’m off to bed to hibernate for a few hours πŸ›Œ

    My daughter had minus 3 last week, Happy…and she rides a pushbike to work! Madness!!! Keep warm. PπŸ”₯

    30 sounds good to me πŸ™‚
    It’s going down to 1Β°C here tonight and -2 tomorrow night πŸŒ¬β„β„β„ but that is mild compared to -6. Keep warm Happy.

    I used to cycle to work all year round unless it was very icy 😨

    Tough lot “over there”, Amazon! But I guess it keeps you warm πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰P

    I wouldn’t dream of doing it now!

    Yep. My daughter is young and wild (and super fit ). 😊😊

    Morning/evening all,

    another cold and frosty one but once again with blue sky and sunshine 🌞

    I slept really well despite being hungry when I went to bed which I know was due to carbs consumed over the weekend more than my fast.

    My aim today is a 4 hour eating window, low carb and below TDEE.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    We’ve had a nice refeed day. Cool enough to enjoy good food, but not so cold so that we would overeat. 2 lovely meals that felt like indulgence but were probably quite restrained. Love IF! P

    Morning Everyone,
    Bright but cold day here. Still very busy with social and gym engagements.

    Amazon- Have you tried walking with Nordic Poles, it uses 90% of your muscles and burns 40% more calories than walking pole free. Good cardiovascular exercise too. Great support for knees, back and hips, helps develop good posture. I have used them for a minimum of 30 mins everyday since my birthday in September. Before this I used cheaper trekking poles intermittently which worked well but heavier. They are inconvenient when cleaning up after the dogs but it’s a small price for the gains in fitness and muscle tone especially upper arms and shoulders. The feel good factor of being out in the fresh air daily cannot be underestimated either. Luckily we both have spectacular places to walk daily. If it’s any consolation I know where you are coming from. In terms of slow and even no progress, we have the added burden of no emotional support at home. Evenings are a trial for me. The Slimming Club I am at now is helping to keep me focussed at a very difficult time, meals out daily which is tough but I love the socialising.

    Have you thought of joining the University of the Third Age? They have a very broad range of interest groups social, intellectual and physical pursuits. Most are free or very low cost meet ups. My friend is currently learning Chinese in her group. I play bridge, games group, walking and foreign films.

    Happy- I often go to the cinema alone if I want to see a film, luckily as a senior citizen we have a cheap weekly offer and get a free cuppa too. Lots of single people at cinemas these days. I have just started watching my round of Christmas films starting with Home Alone 2 and then Love Actually- sad old girl that I am I love a bit of mush at Christmas.

    I have virtually stopped playing bowls ( well matches) now as I have made a stand over vegetarian meal options. I have refused to eat the one option of cheap cheddar cheese salad that’s on offer all winter. If other clubs can offer a hot meal it’s time for ours to get on board. The Manager is as stubborn as me so we have hit an impasse. (I should explain that it is a custom to pay and eat a meal after home and away games- compulsory in fact, meat eaters invariably get cottage pie with lots of veg as option). The manager has kindly said I can pay Β£9.50 and eat nothing if I don’t want cheese salad but can’t have a jacket potato with hot veg as an option because it isn’t on offer on the list yet jacket potato with salad and cheddar cheese is. Seriously! Offered to take my own quiche to warm up, refused point blank. I don’t think I am being unreasonable asking for a hot meal, do you?

    Really looking forward to Christmas as I have just completed my shopping( gift wise) and then I have NZ trip to look forward too in January. I am on course for getting back to lowest if I can avoid sweet stuff over Xmas. I am currently fasting 2 days water only and 23/1 on meal out days, seems to be working, drinking lots of green tea and water, constantly need loo. Keeping very busy in between, clearing out and tidying.
    Must go- Creative writing, swimming and bridge today.
    Be sensible, avoid sugar and carbs where possible they definitely make you store fat instead of burning it.

    Hi everyone,

    Jo, I think we’ve had this conversation before, I am not interested in Nordic poles thanks πŸ™‚

    Well done for making a stand against the cheese salad. No reason why you can’t have a jacket potato with hot veg if both are on the menu.

    I kept well under TDEE yesterday with a 19/5 eating window. I was aiming for 20/4 but forgot and only remembered when I was eating the two toasted brazil nuts left over from decorating one of my Christmas cakes πŸ˜†
    I’m fasting again today. I hadn’t intended to but I’ve been out all morning not thinking about eating despite doing some food shopping. I’ve been stocking up on dry/canned/frozen goods and non-food items so that when I do my final pre Christmas shop it is only perishable items.

    I bought a bottle of mouthwash today, something I don’t normally use but need as I’m having issues with my gums and I found one with the following information on the box “we don’t flavour our mouthwash as it is unnecessary but if you need it there is a sachet inside the box” I am so pleased as you’ll probably all know the flavouring sachet is mostly sugar, though I dread to think what it tastes like 😝

    I decided to give the gym a miss this week to ensure that my knee is fully recovered so I’m taking the opportunity to catch up on a lot of things that need doing at home and another cupboard is now tidy. I’ve also checked out the Christmas lights and decorations and as a result will be strolling down to the local garden centre shortly to their Christmas Wonderland……. to buy a couple of replacement angels as the current ones are now unable to fly due to wing damage πŸ˜‰

    It’s a beautiful day but very cold after a heavy frost last night 🌞

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Amazon,
    Sounds like you are well organised for Christmas. I got the last present on my list today so I am thrilled to have finished shopping before December starts. When I was teaching I had to do everything in the last week before Christmas as I was swamped with children’s activities until the end of term.
    I went to Cafe Rouge for lunch today, fish cakes , really good with salad. No starter or pud so not too bad. No breakfast or dinner either so all good. I did have a mince pie at Creative Writing Class which should probably have been refused.
    I bought a book written by Janet Menzies called ‘five two’ and it tells of the benefits of applying five two to every aspect of your life not just eating. I will let you know what I think.
    Fasting Friday and Sunday as busy tomorrow and Sat.
    Have a great time everyone

    Hi Jo,

    I’m always well organised as when I worked and did on call duties I was often working at the weekend so had to plan well or nothing got done.
    I’ve done a lot of on-line shopping this year which has made life very easy πŸ™‚

    I’ve bought everything I need to decorate the other two cakes so that’ll keep me busy next week.

    I bought some lovely new tree decorations today. I only have gold or silver apart from one small Father Christmas, and there was so much too choose from I had to stop myself from buying too much. Having said that, my tree has grown a huge amount this year after not growing at all in the five years I’ve had it, so there is more room for baubles πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„
    One thing that is rather irritating is that all the lights on sale are LEDs so it is impossible to buy replacement bulbs for my older lights which I ike to put round the fireplace 😠

    My FD has gone really well, I had a small jacket potato with ricotta accompanied by a huge green salad topped with avocado salad which is just chopped avo, tomato and onion with some lemon juice and chilli. It is delicious on it’s own, with a poached egg, with a green salad or on toast.
    The only issue is getting perfectly ripe avocadoes in a country that doesn’t grow them. Thank goodness for the perfectly ripe range πŸ₯— πŸ₯‘

    Jo, I love Love Actually too, in fact I think it’s the only movie I have seen more than twice πŸ™‚ Favourite books can be re-read, though.

    I’m having an extra day off work today as things are very slow, and it’s a FD but with visitors staying this weekend it will be easier to keep out of the kitchen as there’s lots to do. And a bout of Christmas shopping mightn’t go amiss too.

    Amazon, your mention of non-perishables reminds me that I really should stock up the pantry a bit, ready for any more shakes. Fortunately they are easing back a bit now, it’s been nearly a week since I have felt one. Take care with that knee πŸ™‚

    Hi Fast Trackers & Welcome New Fasters And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE)
    Amazon the evening meal of I had a small jacket potato with ricotta accompanied by a huge green salad topped with avocado salad which is just chopped avo, tomato and onion with some lemon juice and chilli. It is delicious on it’s own, with a poached egg, with a green salad or on toast.
    How delicious gee good food is easy to eat and ticks all the boxes for me some ideas stolen for the weekend there a fast day for yfee and I a trip to Adelaide in the morning for work then a bbq luncheon and a stay over at number 4 sons unit and home Saturday morning hire car needs to be returned by 11am. For those fasting I wish you well.

    β€œIt’s is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Glad the shakes have stopped Barata!

    Guys, when did jacket potatoes (hi gi food!) ever become a “healthy choice”? Very much only a “sometimes food” for people at goal weight, and even then, there are so many other delicious low gi foods to select instead.
    Keep the main goal in mind…eat low gi foods to avoid insulin spikes. Insulin causes us to store fat. Simple.
    Life can be so much fun if we eat mindfully all the time.
    Surely, Jo, at the bowls club you can order any of their dishes and only eat the healthy bits? We IFers don’t have to eat everything that’s put in front of us. 😊😊 Cheers P

    Potatoes aren’t a healthy choice. However you can have non healthy choices as an occasional treat. As long as your mindful and realise it is a non healthy choice. Its when you start believing it is healthy and start having it as a staple rather than a treat is when you get yourself into trouble.

    Indeed 😊

    Hi All,

    Must agree re potatoes, a rare treat for me these days, even though I love ’em!

    Jo I am surprised you mention giving up bowls – I thought that was one of your favourite activities! If the ‘compulsory’ meal (can’t believe that either!) is unsuitable, cant you make bowling days a fast day? If I can swim 40 laps of the pool without eating, surely you can bowl and fast?

    Amazon those roasted brazil nuts sound very yummy! I am curious about your xmas tree now – obviously it is a ‘real’ tree if it is growing, how on earth do you get it upstairs to your flat ?

    Just had a lovely lunch at 3pm – out and busy earlier but got home hungry enough to eat my arm off. Old standby of coleslaw (very fast to grab a handful) topped with a tin of sardines – really tasty NFD lunch. Slow roasted pork belly for dinner – trying a new recipe for xmas – so a tiny serve of pork with more salad will do for dinner later. Thinking of the pork made it easier to resist the yummy looking scones my friend was having with morning coffee!

    I have had an unusually ‘social’ week this week, seeing friends 4 days in a row! I was a bit concerned about staying on track, but its amazing how those scales motivate me. And the smug feeling of resisting rubbish foods gives me a warm glow that no amount of cake can do! Just off to polish the halo….

    And the halo suits you Nama. Very becomming.
    I had slow cooked pulled duck last week in a restaurant. The chef said he braises duck legs then cooks them for 2 1/2 hours in wine. I thought I’d try it for Christmas. P

    I’m sure I will have full forgiveness at a FD that has evolved into wine and chocolate (but apart from a scone, just the usual FD evening meal πŸ™‚ . After my last post I had a phone call from the hospital to say that my elderly aunt (92) had been rushed in by ambulance with a suspected stroke, and had died shortly after! She was surrounded by people trying to help her, was lucid and without pain to the end, and I have ordered my demise to be in the same league. My niece and I have spent the day since, passing time with my aunt, then beginning to arrange a sendoff for her (she was never married) with the help of a nice pinot gris.

    There is such glorious clear evening light outside, to welcome the first day of summer.

    Sorry to hear that Barata. A fine old age and a speedy end. Hugs. P

    Thanks, P. πŸ™‚

    Morning/evening all,

    Barata, hope you are coping OK, I know you were close to your aunt.

    Another cold and frosty one here.

    I like potatoes and I shall continue to eat them in moderation.
    The 5:2 diet does not ban any foods and that is because the reality is that it is nigh on impossible for the majority of people to go without the foods they like on a permanent basis. I have cut down drastically on bread, pastries and cakes, and use much less sugar in cooking, plus when I have the occasional potato, rice or pasta it is a much smaller portion. All of us who have lost weight have adjusted our diets and make better choices than when we started. It is all about balance and that varies from one to another and if some of you don’t want to eat spuds that’s fine by me.
    Bigbooty, I’ve had a few struggles in the past year but am still 66lbs less than when I started so on the whole my food choices are working very well for me. Potatoes are not unhealthy despite having a high GI. They contain Vitamins C, B6 and K and potassium plus are a good source of fibre.
    If we ate only low GI foods our diets would be unbalanced and unhealthy and that is a quote from the diabetic association website.

    Moving on, I’m off for a haircut and then meeting a friend for coffee. I won’t be having cake as I’m having some polenta with my dinner this evening.

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    So sorry to hear about your aunt, I know you’ll miss her.


    I see that Diabetes UK also advise that meals should be low in fat… Not sure how much trust I’d place in their dietary advice 😁

    Diabetes Aust is the same…and they still recommend lots of meals every day. They clearly haven’t heard of Jason Fung.
    Enjoy your haircut Amazon. P

    Barata so sorry to hear about your Aunt pal . Sending you hugs .
    It has been so busy here so many people to inform about funeral arrangements . so many things to do . Our eldest and our lovely DIL ( his wife Kate) have been amazing . ANYTHING t6he can do to ease the burden they have done it .

    5.2 hasn’t been a problem as I have hardly eaten since dad went into hospital . I always ate while sad or happy or busy or not but this has knocked me for six . I am down below my fighting weight now . .

    The funeral is on Sat morning at 10;30 and we are all leaving from my sons house and immediate family all gathering there and cars leaving from there and after the service at a local restaurant famous in the area for its steak pie ( family tradition )I will be having that. So sorry to go on but that lovely old man has left such a big hole in my life and my heart .
    jim and I are off out to have some time to ourselves and have a wee drive then a wee bit shopping . It’s sad the this is one of the few times that family and friends meet . neighbours have been amazing too .

    sorry for going on . Take care everyone and be good

    Wee xx

    Take care Wee πŸ˜‘ P

    Please look after yourself, Wee.
    As my old dad used to say. “Good people are scarce”. Hugs to you.
    Bay πŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸŒΊβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈπŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸŒΊ

    Barata, sorry to hear about your aunt. Bay 🌺🌺🌺

    Hi Wee, good to hear from you, lots of love XXX

    Happy, the low fat wagon is unfortunately still grinding along but that doesn’t mean that everything else said by those promoting it is untrue.

    I guess I’m a little tired of being told that foods such as potatoes are unhealthy which is untrue. If I were eating nothing else then that would be a concern but I am not.
    I won’t be mentioning it in future for fear of the potato police turning up again and attempting to chastise me……….

    I’m sorry Amazon, I wasn’t having a go at you for eating spuds! I just couldn’t resist having a look at what Diabetes UK are saying now 😁

    Re: the potato police… I guess they wouldn’t approve of chip butties then?! One of my (very occasional) guilty pleasures… 🍞🍟

    Hi Happy,

    I wasn’t referring to you πŸ™‚

    I’ve never been one for chip butties but I do like chips/fries/whatever you want to call them, although last time I went out to eat and had them I was forced to leave half as I was so full. In a past life I would have eaten the lot and had dessert, so I might have learned a thing or two……
    I used to enjoy a cheese and chutney sandwich with a few cheese and onion crisps squashed in for good measure, but I rarely eat crisps these days as there are so many other things I would rather have.

    I’ve just dressed the Christmas tree and the living room is now lit up by twinkling lights and shiny baubles catching the light from them.
    Dinner is in the oven, guinea fowl yum yum! and I have a glass of chilled SB by my side.
    I haven’t eaten all day apart from a spoonful of polenta that I was tasting for seasoning and so also if anyone asks, no I’m not drinking on an empty stomach πŸ˜‰

    Perhaps you should fit web cams in your kitchen and a head cam on yourself and then we could police you without having to ask…?!

    Hi Happy/All

    Thought I’d pop by to say hello. You were right about my tastes changing, though I could sure go for a chip butty. Not missing the mass carbs I used to go for quite so much. Still a long way to go. 19lbs down since early September but still 25 or so to go. I now believe that I can do that and maintain forever with this WOL.

    Ps Amazon, your meals sound lovely!

    Happy, you are very naughty……

    Hi Sarah,
    Good to hear all is well with you. I’ve been struggling for quite a while but am working hard to get back to losing weight for the first time rather than the same few lbs over and again.
    I love to cook and try hard to make every meal interesting so I’m less likely to be searching for something else later on in the evening.

    Barata, I am so sorry to hear your news, my condolences and hugs.
    Wee, I know how you feel, I was devastated by my mothers death, she was 90. I console myself that she had a wonderful life and was a very positive person.

    Amazon- I too enjoy potato and choose to keep it in my food plan, usually twice per week and portion controlled to egg sized, I certainly don’t think it is unhealthy. I don’t eat rice or pasta though but that’s a personal dislike. Bread is still a rare treat but has been modified to sour dough which I love. Try it toasted with green pesto and sun dried tomatoes(yum). It’s all about doing the doable as Sam used to say. On my Christmas meal out today I had prawn cocktail followed by grilled salmon in hollandaise sauce with veg. Brussels were over cooked but fish amazing. No pud, no alcohol. I too have lost 66 lbs- snap and changed my lifestyle both food and exercise dramatically over the last two years and am very proud of my success. Well done to you too.

    Happy- I haven’t had a chip butty in 3 years but I would love it. Maybe when I get to goal. Pretty happy with current progress slow and steady.

    Nama- I am still doing ‘roll up’s’ (practise) matches but not competitive matches where meals are compulsory and you are required to pay for them even if you don’t eat them(why should I pay) I am not going to eat the only choice of a grated full fat cheese(cheap cheddar) salad(mostly lettuce). I am making a stand for vegetarians who would prefer a hot meal in winter. It’s about equality and healthy eating.

    Not tackling Christmas decorations until later in December, only two rooms to do this year.
    Freezing cold here, had to walk very fast on my dog walk today, shivering when ?I got home yet I was wearing hat, gloves and several layers….Brrrrrhhh

    Amazon, Jojo58 – 66lbs each….if you’ve done that and crucially kept it off, you can certainly shift whatever else you want to in time. Totally brilliant!!

    Hi Jo,

    It is very cold and wintry here too but much preferable to rain IMO.

    I used to eat pasta at least twice a week and now I eat it once every couple of months. The same goes for rice which I eat as risotto or paella but not as a stand alone carb.
    I’m eating bread once or twice a week at the moment and it is enough. As I just said to Sarah, I’m working on making every meal really interesting so I don’t get bored and then start picking.
    I’ve learnt the hard way that cutting everything out is unsustainable and I end up consuming more calorie in pieces of cheese, handfuls of nuts, spoonfuls of peanut butter etc than if I’d had a sarnie or a slice of toast.

    My parents used to boil vegetables for 20 minutes. When I started doing the cooking I gradually cut the time down until they were cooked but still full of flavour and goodness. When my Dad complained I told him thats what his teeth were for πŸ˜†

    Dear friends, thank you for all the kind thoughts. She was a special lady, and the last of my mother’s generation (younger sister by ten years, and 20 younger than the eldest!) She didn’t fully recover from the chest infections over the winter and spring, and in the last weeks was getting visibly frailer, both physically and cognitively. She would have been pleased to have gone fast – I hold a ‘do not resuscitate’ document she signed years ago.

    Wee, will be thinking of you on Saturday. Enjoy your steak pie! πŸ™‚ It is important for family to get together for the happy times, as I told my brother in London when he rang yesterday. He won’t make the trip for the funeral, but I think is feeling a little guilty as he didn’t make it for our mother’s 30-odd years ago.

    The Christmas tree won’t be going up for another week or two – 11th looks like a good date, as it will have to come down before we travel to Sydney on 27th. And it only goes up for me – OH and son have no interest in such things!

    Hi Barata,

    I always thought I put the tree up just for me as most of my friends and family are from the Bah Scrooge Humbug mould. It always goes in the bay window. When I went to Australia for Christmas 2013 the neighbours were complaining that I hadn’t put my lovely tree up πŸ˜†

    Hello Everydoby,

    Barata I am so sorry too hear the passing of your Aunt! Also Wee luckily you have a good family helping you to sort things out. I can’t imagine how difficult that is.

    I’ve been reading ALL POSTS. For some strange reason i can’t just fast. I am very jealous of you Sarah lol… when you don’t go right the way back those creepy pounds start accumulating.
    I really want to go back Monday or Tuesday to my fasting routine… I am so stuck.

    We are not doing any Christmas decoration because soon we leave to Florida. It’s getting cold and my husband is freezing. Just now I was cleaning the gutters and he was blowing some leaves who are still around.
    To our family members we normally give them cash and some other girlfriends i would buy gifts… just about 3 and my husband sad no to gifts.

    Hopefully I can be more cheerful soon and go back to fasting. This yoyoing isn’t healthy.

    Sorry Amazon. Didn’t intend to upset you. 😢

    I was concerned about 3 people all saying jacket potaotes were a healthy choice. I’m very aware of the newer casual readers of this thread.

    My understanding of jacket potatoes (and I’ve eaten them in the UK), they are full sized potatoes, not small ‘egg sized’ spuds.

    I am a great believer in all things in moderation, but choosing highly calorific, high gi foods, over the huge range of more suitable foods, when all we should be eating is about 1350 calories on normal days, and a quarter of that on fast days, massively limits what else you can eat. Potatoes do not satiate so actually make you hungrier.

    As a fellow over 66 pound looser, and maintained since 2013, I understand the need to eat foods we love, but it is also great to find wonderful new foods to thoroughly enjoy too.

    I used to love chips (your crisps) but would never dream of eating them now and don’t miss them at all. I had to go cold turkey with them.

    Good luck with trying to change the bowls club, Jo. Probably not worth the stress ☺☺P

    Hi HCB
    We crossed over!
    You CAN do it. You’ve done it before. Back to basics, 2 x 1/4 TDEE fasts a week, goal weight TDEE on other days. No snacks. Mindful eating. Full fat/low carb to ensure level bloodsugars and satiation.
    You know it works. All the best. P 😊

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