Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 7,283 total)

  • I’ll have to send you some plants Nama. My veg patches are being overrun with parsley and tomato seedlings.
    Equine free zone here ๐Ÿ˜‰ and fasting. P

    I didn’t achieve anything on the office sweepstake, but on the way to the station I stopped in at the TAB, and managed to score the winner! (1$ each way, at least it covers the outlay ๐Ÿ™‚ ) However, son displayed his ticket on FB, $10 each way! Dinner on him when we get to Sydney in late December. My luck is pretty good with the geegees normally. I notice no no.17 on your list, RT ๐Ÿ™‚

    Back when I was a sprog we always had the bonfire on our farm (not sure why). We could never have a guy, as the farmer next door was named… One year we also had an unexpected end to festivities when a jumping jack jumped into the box of fireworks – sudden display, short evening!

    I wish OH’s palate would undergo some changes, but have realised that he has very sensitive taste buds, quite a different reaction to mine, and I cannot hold it against him (mostly). Hump (and pay) day tomorrow, team.

    Morning/evening all,

    I had an early night as I was very hungry last night after breezing through my FD. I slept like a log and didn’t wake until the alarm went off ๐Ÿ™‚

    It is a dull, misty autumnal morning, and the temperature has dropped to a more seasonal level. Winter must be on the way which I don’t mind so long as it doesn’t rain too much.

    Lots of fireworks again last night, a combination of extended Diwali celebrations and early Guy Fawkes.

    I’m fasting again today. I’ve set myself a mini goal for the end of November and as I’ve failed to get anywhere near the last few I’m determined to succeed this time.

    I’m off to the gym this morning and looking forward to it with fingers crossed that the pool isn’t too busy.

    RT, I hope your horse won ๐Ÿค“

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Unfortunately I don’t think RT hit the jackpot with the main race Amazon, still it was a full day of races so he may well be on his way to the Bahamas by now!

    I am fasting today and very cold and very hungry! I need to get moving and use the Bay technique of housework – no point in scrubbing floors though as son’s dog here and his four big fluffy feet are getting very wet in the back yard! Maybe some ironing would do the trick?

    At least there will be hot soup for dinner tonight! Small mercies…..
    Hope everyone is good!

    Good grief Nana! Not the ironing. Keep warm. Happy fasting.
    I doubt many of the ‘investments ‘ came to fruition yesterday ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š P

    Morning/evening all,

    We have a cold but beautiful morning with blue sky and sunshine ๐Ÿ™‚

    Two FDs done and dusted which is a good start and I hope I can keep on track.
    I’m out for lunch with the girls today ๐Ÿ˜‰ One of them doesn’t live in London so we are meeting in Windsor which is an easy train ride for me.
    I’m aiming to make lunch my only meal and a coupleof us are planning a stroll around town afterwards.

    Nama, I was also desperate enough to do the ironing to keep warm ๐Ÿ˜– You’ll be warm soon enough at this time of year whereas I’m contemplating winter woollies and comforting food. I rarely eat soup but at this time of year it is ideal for a healthy lunch on a cold day so I’ll be indulging. I’ve a great recipe that has four ingredients, a squash or pumpkin, a couple of red capsicums and a whole head of garlic. All are roasted in the oven and then blended with any stock or even water. Perfect on it’s own, or with some olive oil, pesto, yoghurt, herbs or cheese on the top.

    Time to get moving,

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Hi Fasters
    I am still having issues with my email account, but hopefully am with you again.
    I see the geegees are figuring. It’s just about Melbourne Cup time, isn’t it?
    Enjoy your Guy Fawkes days. Here in France we have burning cars everyday, so no need for any more bonfires. Numbers of burnt cars are now not published to discourage enthused pyromaniacs.

    By now dear Nama you will be sleeping and your fasting issues become ours.
    I am fasting today like us.

    Amazon, when we were in Kew 10 days ago and crossing a bridge over a lake up towards the oak collection, we looked up and saw 2 enormous birds which look like birds of prey. They were on top of a tree on the curvy bridge near the tree top walk.
    Do you know what they would be? I can put a photo on FB if that helps.

    We are back in France, and my daughter is suffering a bit less. She got an offer for a very good job in London on her first attempt at a job search, and is being interviewed for another today. She will be ok, but it will take time.

    Our last summer/autumn visitors have left, and the beautiful warm autumn went with them.
    Two weeks at home then we go back to Rome, then south America, Rome for Xmas and back home to France.

    I am maintaining 4:3 fairly well, but losing nothing. Non FDs are the issue.
    Keep warm, keep happy.
    xx Wiwi

    Good evening All,
    Very cold start to the day, ears freezing on dog walk which was done at 8 am, mistake! Must pack a wooly hat in future. But as the day wore on it became sunny and bright so I had a lovely outdoor swim.
    Fast 500 cals today, friend came to lunch as I was waiting for the boiler repair man all afternoon. Obviously he didn’t turn up! Really! It’s so frustrating, why don’t they ring you? We ate and played cards all afternoon in a freezing cold lounge.
    Wiwi- Glad to here from you and hear your news, especially about your daughter. Maintaining is better than gaining but I know your frustration. I am doing my best but lost the plot last week as I had a miserable cold. All good now though.
    Amazon- you have left overs? Shocking! Ha Ha!
    Wee- I am so sorry about making you jealous about the weather but I don’t have any mountains, not even one, flat as a pancake down here. Best we can do is white cliffs. I think we are at the end of the warm weather now so no more bragging.
    Let’s all try to lose some weight before Christmas, it will take the pressure off.

    Evening all,

    Wiwi, please post a photo on fb and I’ll take a look ๐Ÿ™‚

    Jo, cooking for one often leads to leftovers.

    I’ve already lost some weight since getting home from my holiday, so I’m feeling very pleased with myself and hoping it continues.
    I’m fasting again tomorrow and aiming for food free but will see how the day goes.

    I had a lovely time in Windsor. It was great to catch up with friends not seen for several months and we decided that it is a great place to meet up as it is easy for all of us to get to and there is such a huge choice of places to eat. Afterwards two of us had a lovely walk in the afternoon sunshine before catching the train home.
    We’ve now added Windsor castle to our ever growing list of places to visit!

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Well spotted guys in fact I had 6 selections in the cup and not one collected a dividend that is bloody hard to do ๐Ÿ˜‰ pick 25% of the field 6 horses to not run in the top 3 well played Bararta my link to the forum still defaults to the first page hey?? OK Thursday is fast day for us and I would be confident that Mr & Mrs P will be us may the force be with us today..Yfee already for seeing a gap in her life as this week brings about the last week of Aliya minding as future DIL placement comes to a close.. The dog will be happy ๐Ÿ˜† she gets some paid work next week but we will only have her 1 day a week instead of 5 days now ok lets get our fast onโ€ฆ

    โ€œOn a fast day refrain restrain divert and distract. Before you know it, youโ€™ve retrained your brain and hungerโ€™s off the menu.โ€
    Peace RT

    Indeed we are fasting today RTโ˜บ Habit of a lifetime, this fasting game!
    I commiserate with yfee. Big holes in your life without the little people, and bigger ones, not around. They are forever fascinating. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ŠP

    I loved Windsor, visited this summer, recommend the boat trips from there. I also didn’t have time to visit the castle but plan a return trip. I mostly cook for one too but either batch cook and put in freezer portions, rarely have left overs to be used next day. I am no cook though, nothing original in my cookery, strictly recipes, usually very simple vegetarian or fish dishes. Still living on salads but suspect these days are coming to an end, back to making more soup. ‘No food’ fast for me too tomorrow but out to lunch Friday and dinner Sunday. Chocolate biscuits were brought out at Bridge Club tonight, resisted by me and the skinniest woman in the room( she lives sugar free permanently for health benefits)Two others had SW chocolate biscuits. Other three all had a chocolate biscuit(one overweight and two average size). Some people can just eat what they want and burn it off.
    I am writing this in the middle of the night, can’t sleep, current book is dull so no comfort there. Made a cup of tea but probably should have made a milky drink.
    RT- sorry about the bets on the horses not being fruitful. Do you bet regularly or just big races. I often join a sweepstake for the a Grand National but I just select a name from the hat, rarely win. I know very little about choosing horses based upon their form. I don’t buy lottery tickets either but do purchase Premium Bonds monthly, it’s my savings fund, I win small prizes every three/four months. It beats our bank interest rate on savings and had adds a chance of winning big time. If I do win I will be very busy booking trips to places on my travel bucket list, so little time yet so many places to go? Wee- Scotland definitely on my agenda for next summer- 2 weeks at least, but of a tour with a Scottish friend whose son lives up there still. I will of course bring the weather with me, ha ha!

    Morning All, where is everyone?

    I had a failed fast yesterday, blaming freezing cold house and waiting in for the second day for a fitter that didn’t turn up. So cross. Now waiting until Saturday as I can’t face another 6 hour wait today or cancelling my plans.
    Good news though, I rented out my flat last night to a very nice divorcee. After 31 years of marriage she will be trying life on her own, big step. Doubly worse because she used to run a business with her husband.

    I am off to film club, lunch out and my last 100 word story workshop today then bowls tonight so very busy day. I will just have lunch and avoid other eating. No swim today but I am doing an extra half an hour walk, building up those steps for winter.

    Good Luck Fasters

    Last fine day here, and a fast day.
    I can feel a bit of tightness in clothes and the scales reveal my recent lax attitude, so a strict ADF for two plus weeks to try to get back my discipline. I will also be 19:5ing in that time. Yes, Jojo let’s lose it before Christmas.

    Bad luck RT with the horses. The Melboune Cup may bring better results for you.

    We leave for South America from Rome in two and a half weeks, and the only good news there is that they eat a lot of meat in Chile which I’m not keen on. The bad news is that they make wonderful cheese empanadas and toasted sandwiches. It will be warm though.

    Today we are off to Avignon to meet friends and go to Ikea. A quick in and out to pick up 1 article, not tourism in Ikea, but a bit around Avignon.
    Unfortunately the warmth usually associated with that part of France will be absent.

    Hope you are all in good form.
    Talk soon
    XX Wiwi

    Morning/evening all,

    I didn’t fast yesterday either. I had a dreadful night on Wednesday, woke up at least 20 times and spent the day feeling very out of sorts. I went to the gym and worked really hard, following it up with a 30 minute swim which made me feel much better but by the time I got home I felt horrible again so I decided to postpone my FD until today.

    I’m going to a birthday tea this afternoon and will not be able to avoid a slice of cake, but I’ll make it a small one and won’t have anything else. Not the healthiest FD but it’ll work just as well.
    I slept really well last night and feel back to normal (whatever that is….) today.

    I am watching one of the cookery channels where they are showing a series entitled 12 Chefs of Christmas. Some of the ideas they come up with are dreadful but there are often delicious recipes for cooking for two rather than the usual serves 12 ideas along with vegetarian options etc. Very useful ๐Ÿ™‚
    That might sound like torture on a FD but it doesn’t bother me at all.

    Have a good weekend everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Disaster meal out today but at least it was low cal. I had ordered nut roast but It was inedible, no taste at all, even the sauce was tasteless. I refused it so they got me some poached cod which was fine. I don’t think I will return to that restaurant.

    It’s been a good day otherwise.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Hi JOJO yes I follow the Victorian racing daily itโ€™s a passion I have dabbled in race horse ownership with a syndicate of friends and family much fun but zero profit I have shares in the the government owned totalisator so I combine my share portfolio investments with my betting with the mantra of never betting more than I can afford to lose I donโ€™t play lotto unless given as a gift. scratchies or pools nor the pokies and I am along way away from a casino but I donโ€™t like them either so I watch the races on the tv and really enjoy the intellectual challenge of finding the winners 3rd son went fishing overnight and landed a fresh gummy shark so its fresh flake and salad for dinner might do them in the sealed parcels that Nicky put me onto.BTW where are you dear SA Nicky long long time no see. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ hope all is ok.
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers ๐Ÿ˜†
    Peace RT

    Wow RT, dabbling in horse ownership? Now that is impressive. I thought that was mostly down to Royals and Oil Shieks, shows how ignorant I am? Sounds exciting though. I quite like to watch a race but don’t really have an interest in betting. My Dad was very strict about how money was spent. Alcohol and betting were not on the agenda. I suppose it did affect me because I have no strong desire to bet or drink much. Happy to drink water most of the time.
    Up early today waiting for the boiler fitter again, third time lucky?
    Big defeat at bowls again last night, out classed, but nice players and good music as there was a live band in the hall next door, 70’s. Night, loved it.
    Walking, swimming and a dance class on the agenda today.
    Guests this weekend so no fasting, but healthy options only.

    Have a positive weekend everyone


    can someone tell me please (excuse me for popping in again) how it is possible to lose 2 pounds a week on a programme that everyone one i know including myself (and i am doing ADFF) is finding it impossible to lose ONE pound a week on??? because i will do whatever it takes. i am already eating only 500 cals a day every other day. the scales have said the same for 5 weeks. i lost that 8 pounds in 5 days. they have not budged since then. so after 2 weeks i went up to 3 fasts a week. then after another one i started to do ADF no i am scared to eat at all. i am pretty sure i don’t eat over my TDEE and i know i don’t eat over my 500. i am sure i am doing everything right so what the cluck is going on! i have become very distressed about this recently. a spectacular start then NOTHING. for 5 weeks.

    so how do you guys lose 2 pounds per week? do tell. i will do it. then be happy again. it’s been weeks and it’s becoming another obsessive failure diet.

    cheerio ๐Ÿ™‚

    Evening/morning all,

    Quiet on here this weekend, is everyone watching fireworks ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hi whyamisoshy I think we have some confusion here perhaps in terms of 5-2 firstly this thread has the aim or objective of losing 2lb which does not mean that just happens week in week out. Secondly fasting 2 days a week at 500cal and eat normally five days a week at best for women maybe 1lb loss great information on the website is available for you here.

    โ€œitโ€™s becoming another obsessive failure dietโ€.
    This mindset will need to shift to This is a way of life and not a diet the less you eat the more you lose
    Good Luck!

    Well said RT xx

    Hi All,

    I’ve been away for a few days, catching up with old friends and visiting my Dad. Looking forward to a fast early next week ๐Ÿ˜€


    I heard a few fireworks earlier, enough to set the dogs shivering and looking for places to hide, but wasn’t even vaguely tempted to leave the fireside to look out a window let alone go outside…! In fact, I’ve just signed a UK gov petition…

    Bah humbug…and it’s not even Christmas ๐Ÿ˜€

    Morning/evening all

    Happy, I love fireworks and am always pleased to see them. However for the sake of domestic animals everywhere I hope that once this weekend is over that’ll be it until NYE.

    I opened a jar of piccalilli yesterday. OMG I am going to have to stop myself from eating it straight from the jar as it is so good. It will go really well with cold cuts, cheeses and salad during the festive season.

    Social events got in the way the last couple of days so my 3rd FD of the week is today. I’m going out for a walk soon while the sky is blue and the sun shining. It is breezy so might be cold but I can cope with that ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am a very happy tennis fan this weekend as Andy Murray is the new world no 1. He is playing in the final in Paris today which he should win, then there is a week before the World Tour Finals in London. I’m hoping he does well there and ends the season at the top. It’s been a long time coming but he has finally achieved it ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŽพ๐ŸŽพ๐ŸŽพ๐ŸŽพ

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Hi JoJo lol yes well Royals and Oil Shieks I am not but in a syndicate of 10 with the owner having a 50% share and we lease the other 50% that is a $1000 buy in and $120 pm training and vet feeโ€™s it is good family fun and great social action on a budget at country and provincial racing.

    In answer to an earlier question, I average 1 kg per week (which i think is just over 2 pounds?). How do I do it? Bloody hard work, between 0-200 calories on a fast day (I try to water fast but if I need something I’ll have lean meat and veg for dinner) and seriusly counting calories on a non fast day. Not estimating, counting and logging. And no chocolate or other treats except on weekends. I don’t , for example, eat chocolate croissants or tea and biscuits every day.

    And Jo-jo? You are a star for your inspiration purposes alone.

    Hi Elphaba,

    You’ve hit the nail on the head, hard work, keeping track of what we eat, making healthy choices and staying under TDEE.
    I’ve lost 28lbs in 14 weeks twice while doing 5:2 and it is really tough to be so disciplined every single day. I’m trying to lose 14lbs in the next 7 weeks but I’ve already been de-railed twice this week by social events. I’m going to have to be tougher regarding food choices or I’ll not succeed.

    Good Morning everyone,
    It’s been a very, very busy few days, guest for the weekend and firework party to attend last night. One person stayed with the dogs here and they had sedation, herbal type. Fasting was not on the agenda, jacket potatoes and veg curry to keep us warm. Several glasses of red wine sealed the damage.

    So we have been through the ‘ losing 2 lb per week debate’ several times. I can definitely lose 2 lb per week on 5:2 but not in its simplist form. I had to be very disciplined over every day, no sugar or carbs at all. Drinking 3 litres of water daily, either carbonated or still. Green tea, no milk, no alcohol. Fish and veg for meals almost unlimited really, 19 hour fast window daily, 5 hour eating window daily, so no breakfast, soup for lunch then dinner plus 2 fast days 500 cals max. I also do a minimum of 10,000 steps daily, dog walking using Nordic Poles. Most days I swim for 30 minutes too. But following this programme makes your social life very difficult and is only to be undertaken if you are looking at 3 months maximum. During the first three months of 5:2 I had symptoms of sugar withdrawal, headaches and bad temper. After I stopped following this programme I regained over nearly 2 stones over next year, now down 10 lbs of that, I was travelling for three months then returned and got quite depressed, never good for dieting and definitely not being strict about fasting. I am losing again now on a less tough route, about 1/2 pound per week(average). I have a very busy social life and activity schedule and needed to do something ‘more doable’. I am still down nearly 4 stones from original weight and pleased with that but I need to lose much more. Original goal 10 stone, now I would be happy with 12 stone as I have found the last year very depressing weight wise, lots of losses and gains. My food addiction was bread and pastry, and I still can’t resist it, now I just have it when I go out for a meal. I don’t drink alcohol except for some social occasions and this doesn’t bother me. I like the occasional pudding or cake but am not bothered about having these things. Basically the stricter you are with yourself, the harder it is to stick to the programme. My daughter lost 5 lbs on 5:2 then nothing for 8 weeks after that so she gave it up. She was about one stone overweight and a vegetarian with quite a healthy diet anyway, one weekly sugar treat. She reduced sugar but says she can’t cut it out completely and doesn’t want too. It’s a lifestyle choice at the end of the day. We also both do aerobic gym classes weekly, up to 3 hours, her pump, me dance/ weights so we are both quite active. I really don’t think exercise helps weight loss much but it does tone and make you more flexible and nimble. Being honest with yourself is the most important step, if you need support, join a slimming club or sports club, be amongst people that will help not hinder your success. I now attend Slimming World even though I don’t relate to many of their ideas and certainly not their fast food meals or treat bars but it keeps me on the straight and narrow in the lead up to Christmas.
    Keep Fasting, it teaches you to control your eating. It was lack of control that led us to being over weight.

    JoJo, I agree, it’s hard and not sustainable long term. For me, I have lots of treats on the weekend. That keeps me going. Also, I still have a fair bit to lose so it’s easier to lose. The best thing about this is that I’ve retrained myself somehow so when I go two weeks not doing the fasting and counting, I tend to maintain. And its so easy to get back to fasting. Previous diets were so restrictive that I would give up fast, and if I fell off the wagon, I stayed off it.

    I get through fasting and normal days by telling myself I can be more relaxed on the weekend. They can prize my wine from my cold dead hands!

    Morning/evening all,

    Cold and very windy this morning.

    I finally tackled a kitchen cupboard that I’ve been ignoring for far too long. You know, the one where every time it is opened it spills contents onto the floor ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜– It is supposed to contain the tool box and small gardening tools etc but also contained all manner of junk that had been shoved out of the way over the years.
    I now have a black bag full of rubbish and a tidy cupboard.
    The other side contains a fitted slide-out rubbish bin which is falling apart after 16 years of abuse ๐Ÿ˜‰ I looked on-line for a replacement and my namesake sells them so a brand new one is on its way.
    I also tidied one of my food cupboards. I intend to work my way through them prior to re-decorating the kitchen.

    I am aiming for 2lbs per week between my return from holiday and mid December. It is going well so far and that is because I’ve been so busy. The cupboard clearing is a great distraction and now I’ve started I’m keen to get every single one clean and tidy.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Hi Why

    I write to endorse what RT says, that this is not a weight loss diet. It is a way of life. I began 5:2 after seeing the documentary and reading Michael Mosleys and Mimi Spencer’s book. I began 5:2 for health reasons, as my dad had Alzheimer’s and fasting is good for the brain. Also my brother has type 2 diabetes, and losing weight is helpful in not developing that. I also thought that I would lose some weight. In the end I lost 17 kg in six months.

    So for me this was a way of life, WOL, from the beginning and the weight loss was a boosting side effect. From reading many posts on many different threads, I can see that those people who adopt this as a WOL have a greater success rate than those who use it purely as a weight loss. If you focus on rapid weight loss, then you are looking at unattainable goals.

    None of this is easy. We all need mental reasons why we are adopting a new way of eating. In the past we have all eaten too much, and way too much of what should be treat foods. Otherwise we wouldn’t be in this situation. Learning to like healthy foods such as full fat white yogurt and a few nuts, chia and berries instead of any form of sugar and flour dessert is one of the tricks to losing weight.

    You have stated that your goal is long term weight loss. If so, then long term change needs to happen with the portion size of what you eat. If you have any slim friends, watch how and what they eat. You will find that they focus on a bit of protein and lots of salads or vegetables. When we eat brunch together, my slim fit friends eat a poached egg and some mushrooms and spinach or smashed avocado for a treat. They exercise each day for their health, not weight loss. When confronted with a cafe menu or a buffet, they eat a small amount of protein and lots of vegetables or salads. Plus a lovely coffee.

    I lost 17 kg (37lb) in six months after starting 5:2 and I lost it in major steps and stairs, losing nothing for 3-4 weeks at a time. I didn’t have goals except to stick with the regular 5:2 and eat healthier foods. I weighed each morning and I recorded exactly what I ate. In this way I came to realise that every time I had a day with no white food or processed food, then I would maintain or lose weight. Every time I ate white food or,processed food, I would gain weight. I wouldn’t have dreamt of only eating 500 calories every second day. This is not 5:2 as set out by Dr Mosley.

    It is important to learn to stick with fasting on 400-500 calories a day for the two days a week, until it becomes second nature. I prefer my fast days as I have way more energy and accomplish so many things on a fast day.

    To speed up weight loss, many of us have found that giving up white foods, that is, no processed food, no rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, desserts assists in this process. Once you have restarted the weight loss, you can have a slice of bread or whatever your treat is on a non fast day. This is not 5:2 but combined with fasting regularly it produces results.

    With eating 500 calories every second day, you are really on an old fashioned calorie restriction diet. It is not 5:2. And it won’t be sustainable as a lifestyle. Most likely you will give up and blame 5:2. If you are serious about your long term health and weight, then you have to find the way that 5:2 can work for you. Go back to basic 5:2 and learn what foods suit your body. Regain your natural appetite and keep moving.

    All the best, Bay

    Amazon, I’m going to make some more piccalilli this weekend I think, so I can stock Dad up with festive cold cuts, cheeses and pie accompaniment. It’s too good not to share…although not the first batch…!

    Cold here today too, and with a yellow warning for snow tomorrow and Wednesday! All of a sudden it’s winter โ„๏ธ๐ŸŒจโ˜ƒ๏ธ

    I fasted today, but it was hard to keep warm. What I need is less sitting at the computer and more spring cleaning!

    Way to go, Amazon. ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒบ. One of the amazing side effects of regular fasting. ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡

    Pleased for you that Andy Murray has earned the top spot. ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

    One of the issues with fasting for our new fast trackers that bothers me is the day after the fast day. I think rather than flag a green light to graze and feast all day we need even more restraint and show greater due care and certainly use an orange light show caution. Perhaps suggesting 5-2 is you fast for 2 days and eat โ€œnormallyโ€ for 5 days needs more explanation or the EODD โ€œeat whatever you want the next dayโ€ which is where the pleasure trap lies โ€œcut back today โ€“ cut loose tomorrow!!โ€ or the LCHF mantra of โ€œeat when you are hungry and stop when you are fullโ€ also puts the pressure on the will power so over eating on a non-fast day is where yfee comes un stuck she has nailed the 500cal fast day quite well this time but will need more awareness of the next day. If anyone else is struggling this information may be very helpful.

    I am her coach so step 1) Was to get the fast day bedded down and we have now so time to gently put the brakes on the non-fast day TDEE has been adjusted to goal weight next step We are all built differently I prefer for example to have 0 calories on a fast day I follow the fast5 and 19/5. My work is a great structure for this Mon-Fri as I do not have anything to eat before 3pm each work day and 8pm the eating window is shut.
    I am quite happily full of zen ๐Ÿ˜† water , black coffee and green tea I have given my diet coke and pepsi max fix the flick now !! Saturday and Sunday I enjoy the option of just go with the flow with LCHF. This is my way of life or rhythm of life thanks Purple.
    Eat Fast & Live Longer
    Peace RT

    Totally agree, RT. ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

    I believe that many people haven’t adjusted to their non fast days and eat above their TDEE without realising it. I found it essential to record everything I ate or drank. Otherwise I would eat over my goal TDEE without noticing.

    Well done in giving artificially sweetened drinks the flick. I believe they interfere with the body’s ability to regulate its natural appetite.

    Cheers, Bay. ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒบ

    I completely agree RT and Bay. Today is the day after a fast. I’m a nice light weight, but as I’m not particularly hungry, why eat breakfast (despite the smell of toast from the others). Eat when truly hungry. Stop as soon ad satiated. P

    Hi everyone, lots of sound advice on the thread over the last few days, it’s hard to change a lifetimes bad habits but agree it’s the only way.

    Finally got boiler fixed yesterday, just in time for winter. Attended my Garden Club in the afternoon where we all discussed what we need to do in the garden to prepare for winter. So many more jobs added to the list. Monday Fasting didn’t go too well so trying again tomorrow. I am awake very early, just not tired, I seem to need less sleep these days, I think it’s because I am much fitter.

    If you are a daily walker I strongly recommend trying Nordic Poles. Effectively they help you use 90 % of your bodies muscles yet don’t put extra strain on knee and ankle joints, 30% lower stress on joints than jogging or running. It gets your daily step count done in a much quicker time because you walk faster, hips pushed by digging poles into the ground, and improves your heart rate, oxygen intake and immune system. It improves your stamina and coordination and releases tension from neck muscles. This is one part of my exercise routine that is now a daily 30 minute minimum habit irrespective of the weather. It is important to get the technique correct though, I read a guide by Geert Holshof. Originally Nordic Walking was used to keep Skiers in Finland fit during the summer months. It has been particularly helpful to my mental stability too, helped by choosing to walk in woodland area weekdays and coastal weekends, usually early mornings. I don’t know why there is a difference from normal walking in this respect but I am noticing a change. Personally this is a vital change needed to help me succeed at building a healthier life not just for weight loss but longevity. I have also restarted dance classes which I find lifts the spirits and helps fitness.

    I haven’t cracked over eating yet but keep trying to learn to control it. Baby steps! Don’t expect overnight sucess in this way of life. I have been working on it for nearly three years and still have a long way to go to undo 30 years of bad habits.

    Morning/evening all,

    A cold, frosty and sunny morning here.

    I agree with everyone regarding non FDs, it is so easy to undo all the good work by overeating. When I had a lot of weight to lose I didn’t have any issues but now I have to pay attention as my body needs less fuel. Constant vigilance is required which I’m hoping will eventually become a habit.
    The change to winter weather is making FDs more challenging so the jar of Bovril is back in action as a mugful helps fill me up and the saltiness makes it more satisfying.

    I’m also working on narrowing my eating window on non FDs. It isn’t something I want to do forever as it isn’t very sociable but it is a useful tool in keeping under TDEE.

    Gym this morning and I’m looking forward to it.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    PS, every time I go into the kitchen I open the door to my pristine cupboard.
    How sad is that ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜›

    Hello Fasters
    Yes the non-FD have been have been my downfall lately and it’s a timely reminder from bay Purple RT! I have let my BMI go up to 30 again by the non-FD overeat.

    It’s snowing here in the south of France(at 1000m), but it’s not settling luckily. It’s good to be warm at home for a while and since this is the first coolish weather we’ve had for a few years, I getting out wool to knit for the grandies. Wee Oliver will look lovely in a yellow and orange striped pullover.

    I am a bit of a lurker at present as I can’t get the messages on my regular email account since being locked out of it.
    I must do something today about that.
    Happy Fasting
    xx Wiwi

    I agree that it is harder to fast in cold weather or house. Managed a good fast today though, just kept on the go. Bowls, nordic walking and Kurling today. Dull evening at the computer though, paperwork and backing up chores. Still working on trying to empty my iCloud of 4000 pictures, deadline for removal is on 39 day count down.

    My diary is very full this week which should keep me out of the kitchen. My cupboards all need sorting but it’s not happening anytime soon, possibly Spring. Well done Amazon though, very efficient. I always take pride in a job well done and revisit it regularly to remind myself how nice it looks. I have been cleaning my flat between tenants, looks lovely at the moment. Took lots of photos as evidence.

    Wiwi- Can’t you just set up a new password on your email account? Are you walking and swimming daily now?

    Non fast day tomorrow and I am going to try 0 calorie on Friday as I haven’t managed that in first fast this week. I need to start planning more hot food now.

    Brexit, Trump…what next? Fly me to the moon…

    Morning/evening all

    What have the Americans done to the rest of the world? Woeds fail me…..

    It has rained all night and is still doing so, which is a good thing as there has been barely any rainfall here in the past few weeks and everywhere was looking very dry.

    Another date at the gym this morning but I’ll need a blindfold as Trump’s smug face will be all over the bank of TVs on the wall ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Jo, I’m re-thinking food free FDs n this weather as keeping warm is difficult enough on 500 calories.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    I want to crawl into a hole and stay there.
    Apparently according to FB, Canadian immigration sites are blocked today.
    As Purple said Brexit trump and …….

    I am happy to say it snowed overnight enough for the stuff to settle to a depth of 8cm.
    I’ll be walking on the treadmill only this morning and remain in my hole.

    It’s a fast day today and as Teresa May would say:

    No breakfast means no Breakfast.

    PS I got my replies back on my emails- just ticked the box ” notify me of follow-up replies”

    A beautiful sunny day in the South East of South Australia absolutely wonderful to be alive 10000 steps in the bank check Thursday fast day come at me lets get our fast on people.
    Eat Fast & Live Longer
    Peace RT

    Enjoy your Thursday fast, RT. Glad it’s beautiful spring weather in SA:
    My Wednesday fast has gone well. Pumpkin soup mainly, and a 2 hour window of eaing.

    No outside walking as it is too snowy, but 2 fast kilometres on the treadmill(only 3200 steps)

    Hopefully tomorrow back out of the obese range to BMI 29
    Happy Fasting.

    Evening All,
    Very depressing news both locally( 7 people killed in an overturned tram) and Internationally(election wise) can’t even bring myself to mention his name. I am rethinking my visit to the USA now.

    Amazon- yes it’s tough to fast when you are feeling cold, we don’t have heating again, more boiler issues so it’s freezing at home. Bought a portable electric heater today and using hot water bottles. Are you hitting you 2 lb goal?

    Did a circuit training class today and played bowls this afternoon. Played bridge tonight, learnt some advanced bids, so complicated, not sure I can commit all these facts and figures into my memory. My trick taking is improving dramatically now. I no longer play using instinct but base my decisions on probability and rules of play.

    Not fasting tomorrow but sticking to soup and salad.

    Good Luck on the scales this week Wiwi.

    Evening All,
    Very depressing news both locally( 7 people killed in an overturned tram) and Internationally(election wise) can’t even bring myself to mention his name. I am rethinking my visit to the USA now.

    Amazon- yes it’s tough to fast when you are feeling cold, we don’t have heating again, more boiler issues so it’s freezing at home. Bought a portable electric heater today and using hot water bottles. Are you hitting you 2 lb goal?

    Did a circuit training class today and played bowls this afternoon. Played bridge tonight, learnt some advanced bids, so complicated, not sure I can commit all these facts and figures into my memory. My trick taking is improving dramatically now. I no longer play using instinct but base my decisions on probability and rules of play.

    Not fasting tomorrow but sticking to soup and salad.

    Good Luck on the scales this week Wiwi.


    I can mention his name, just please don’t ask me to look at him!

    I can’t help thinking of Mrs Merton’s question to Debbie McGee: “So what first attracted you to the millionaire Paul Daniels?”

    I’m possibly fasting again today. I’m having trouble with my non-fast days this week!

    Morning/evening all,

    You know I’m not one for jumping on the scales evey five minutes, and we are only halfway through the second week. I don’t need them to tell me if I’ve kept to my plan or not and I would rather work hard for a few weeks and then weigh myself.

    It’s a cold and overcast day and I feel like going back to bed but am trying to convince myself to get out and do something.

    FD today and I’ve got veg chilli to look forward to for dinner ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

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