Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,401 through 1,450 (of 7,283 total)

  • Morning/evening all,

    Happy, you’ve reminded me I’ve got a couple of kettlebells in the cupboard that have only been used a couple of times😳
    I bought them and a DVD and my laptop died, then I began to have issues with my hip and was unable to use them. There was no hope once I joined the gym, but now I’ve started doing some muscle strengthening work at home I might dust them off and try not to swing them into anything breakable πŸ˜‰

    It’s a damp, dreary and drizzly morning here.

    We only have wood pigeons here which is odd considering I live in such an urban area. We also have lots of seagulls…….

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Yes I do use them with assorted success. I usually injure my back at the kettle bell classes unfortunately. I love the class but can’t figure out which exercise does the damage. I have a DVD package as well and that is fine. I do always worry that I might put it through the TV one day though. I started using them after I read a book about a lady who lost 6 stones by doing this and eating healthily for one year. More importantly her body was seriously toned, washboard stomach, no flabby bits anywhere. That’s pretty impressive after huge loss. But she probably had more elasticity than my poor old skin. I would love to improve flabby upper arms in particular. Nordic poles are helping but mostly shoulders and lower arms getting toned. I can lift some seriously heavy weights these days though, but am careful of back strain.

    Seriously overslept today, nearly late for a match. Ladies versus men. Girl power won the day by 4 points. Sadly My team don’t get the prize for biggest losers, there was another huge defeat on the same day 49 / 6. Must have been something in the tea Ha Ha! I did get teased today though, all in good fun. I just smiled and said ‘if you are going to lose you might as well try for the record books’

    My dogs have now been shut off from part of the garden, they are none too pleased. A man from the bowling club is going to fit some spikes(plastic) in my gutter so they choose to poo on my roof not behind my water butt. Let’s hope it works. I hadn’t even realised they have blocked my downpipe.

    PVE- I am really pleased you introduced me to Kefir, I feel really good after just a couple of weeks. Everything(if you know what I mean) is working much better. Now I think I had better start working on my brain(no comments please) I do my best, we can’t all be scientists and clinicians, some of us just chat, sing and draw pictures.

    Afternoon all,

    I’ve been watching kettlebell videos this morning and selected a couple that I want to try once I’ve done some practice on keeping my posture and not arching my back.

    I was going to walk but changed my mind as while I was out doing a few errands I noticed my foot is still sore from stepping on one of those pimpled paving stones yesterday. They are great for the visually impaired but not so good if you’ve had your sesamoid bones removed and I couldn’t avoid it as most of the pavement was cordoned off due to a leaking water main, and there was a huge puddle that needed jumping over 😑
    It was so sore I had to find somewhere to sit for a few minutes.

    Oh well, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger apparently…………

    Jo, have you read Brain Maker by David Perlmutter? He believes that our gut bacteria control everything including the way our brains function. It is a fascinating read.
    Which means that those of us who are taking kefir have a head start (pardon the pun πŸ˜‰ ) on everyone else πŸ™‚

    Now that is great news
    I have another book by David Pelmutter, can’t remember the title but possibly about gut bacteria.
    Are you noticing differences with taking Kefir daily.
    I am on Amazon now ordering it.

    Wise to stay in today, dogs and I are soaked after just 30 mins at the park.

    Jo, it is dry here after some drizzle first thing this morning.

    I’ve not noticed any difference since I started drinking kefir.

    Very much needed rain here today! Really poured. Meanwhile tidying the house fir the upcoming guests.
    My Monday Fast was interrupted by a last minute dinner invite. There was spaghetti, garlic bread, sausage … the typical Italian meal. I didn’t eat like crazy but that was a high carb meal. Also Sunday we had pizza … We never eat like this but happened. So on Tuesday I was curious to check the scale in which I said I wasn’t going to do. I was lighter 😱. I really don’t understand.
    Girls I consumed kefir, yougurt, saurkraut, miso soup for 2 years. I didn’t noticed any difference on anything. I still believe on its benefits. Donna Gates has a great book about it. She talks about candida as well
    What an interesting story about those pigeons protection and the not so healthy poop. Good to know.
    Good job RT and Jo and whoelse is losing or maintaining πŸ‘
    Amazon thanks about the info about arthritis. What is best? Heat, ice or both?
    See you later πŸ’

    Hi HCB,

    I often don’t lose weight immediately after a FD but a couple of days later.

    I use ice packs if there is any swelling and heat if there isn’t, but you’ll need to try and see what works best for you. Neither can do any harm πŸ™‚

    You’re welcome Jo. Although I don’t see any difference with me (particularly brainwork πŸ˜‰), Mr P swears by it. He feels it has allowed him to eat a far greater range of foods, including milk and wheat.
    Now that the weather is cooler, my fitness monitor is back on and I’m clocking up the miles and feeling good 😊😊. P

    I am having quite a lot of Kefir, milk version am and eve and water Kefir several small glasses per day. Digestion has improved dramatically especially output. I feel full of energy, never hungry and am sleeping well. It must be down to drinking Kefir because I haven’t made any other dietary or exercise changes. I think my gut bacteria was seriously in need of a boost but even I am surprised by the dramatic changes. I am a little concerned about the extra calories I am consuming but enjoying the health benefits. My dogs seem to be doing well on it too, they love it. I definitely prefer the less fermented product flavour, far too sour for me if left more than 12 hours. Using raw milk from a farm shop, now delivered here and adding single cream if too sour.

    Obviously your gut bacteria was in pretty good shape to start with. I am wondering whether this links to my being mostly vegetarian.

    I have no changes to report with my water kefir, inside or out, so not sure if it’s having any effect. There isn’t much fermentation, so I need to keep experimenting, will change the sugar and put in a little more to feed those grains.

    FD today, summer’s finally here !! πŸ™‚

    Morning/evening all,

    Jo, your gut bacteria have probably been depleted by illness and medication. You had so many issues with your digestive system when your gall bladder was causing problems, and a single course of anti-biotics can wreak havoc. Anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen and some other pain killers can have an adverse affect on the lining of the gut as can many other medications.
    Being mostly vegetarian would be an advantage as you are lessening the chances of ingesting anything from meat or meat products. It is one of the reasons why I buy organic or really good free range meat.

    An overcast and windy morning here with rain imminent. I think I might get wet on the way to the gym β˜Ήβ˜”

    Another FD beckons,

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    You are no doubt right about my gut bacteria but at least I am doing the right thing now, we live and learn. I think I may try to include more strong cheese too, may help. My husband has always had a good digestive system and he eats cheese daily. He has kicked his pork pie addiction since our NZ trip, discovered he can live without it and lose some pounds. Of course he has replaced it with sausage rolls which is proving quite a temptation for me. You know I love pastry, can even eat it on its own. When we were children my mother always cooked an extra tray of pastry as our pies had to be divided up between 8 of us, big family plus Granny.

    The wind here is galeforce so I will be walking housing blocks today not the park on the cliff top or coast. Chill factor pretty mean. We have freezing rain too so I am glad I am going to be inside most of the day. Rock Choir, Hotel Lunch and Gardening Talk this afternoon.

    Great FD yesterday, just prawn stir fry, far too many onions added which I regretted. Sadly up 1 lb from lowest this month, but not getting upset, still beat my 4 lb goal. Paying for over eating on the previous day. FD tomorrow and Monday even though away for a long bowls weekend. My hubby here to care for the pooches
    so all good.

    Have a great weekend everyone, signing off until Tuesday.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Calories vs Carbohydrates: Clearing Up Confusion Over Competing Obesity Paradigms
    Excellent Video!!
    Have good weekend you beautiful losers.
    Peace RT

    Have Russian hackers infiltrated our group of losers?? Gee vewey vewey quiet it must be said 😯

    ’tis. Must be enjoying Sunday 😊😊

    Hi All,

    Still alive… But possibly mentally unstable – I’ve dreamt about kefir two nights in a row, both variations on killing the grains πŸ™

    Nothing to report apart from kefir anxiety though. I ended the week surprisingly light (given that I broke my one fast with a bowl of pasta (OH surprised me by cooking that night! I couldn’t refuse), and ate too many homemade chapatis another night). I guess it’s part of famine and feast, but it still feels odd on those occasions when I burn more fat while eating more food!

    Good Mornibg,
    Where did everybody go? It must me all the maintainers without any news to report πŸ‘
    Not me, for sure. My shoulder was bad last night. It must be tendinitis, burcitis or something that ends with “’tis”. Today I will star a series of ice several times a day and just be quiet.
    Company arrives later on today.
    Have a good Sunday πŸŒΊβ€πŸ’‹

    Not a new lifestyle Zero Carbs Jojo just the end of a 4 week personal challenge now and glad I did it I learned a lot but I think I can comply much easier with these guys Dr Eric Westman Dr Stephen Phinney and Dr Jeff Volek all 3 championing leading LCHF WOL and which I did not know also published in 2010 and co wrote the β€œNew” Atkins for a new you based on Robert Aitkens strategy of low carb moderate protein and high fat.
    Diet Doctor Dr Andreas Eenfeldt
    1) Keep under 20 grams carbohydrate a day
    2) Eat real food
    Professor Tim Noakes has only 3 rules for healthy weight adopted from the Aitkens Diet published in 1972.
    2) NO SUGAR
    In April 2003, walking to work at age 72, Dr. Robert Atkins slipped on an icy New York sidewalk, cracked the back of his head open, developed a blood clot – slipped into a coma and died several days later. His untimely death came just as some members of the Medical Establishment were finally beginning to acknowledge that Atkins had been right all along.
    Very good presentation here.
    The Big Fat Surprise. By Nina Teicholz
    You don’t get fat eating fat

    We’ve just had the Trust Me episode with the kefir in it. That was a quick turn around….usually takes 6 to 12 months following the UK screening before we get it. P

    Morning/evening all,

    I nipped out to the shops this morning and as soon as I got home the heavens opened. How’s that for timing πŸ™‚

    I’ve had a busy weekend which was very enjoyable and disappeared much too fast!

    I’m starting 23/1 again today, and will be eating the last of the meat for dinner this evening and tomorrow before my vegetarian Lent adventure begins.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Sounds like a worthwhile experiment and is the only way to find out what works best for you.

    When I followed Atkins I was amazed at how the weight fell off but as I mentioned before it made me feel awful so was unsustainable long term.

    I’m looking forward to the meat free experiment and have a huge number of recipes I want to try, far too many for one person so I’m going to go through those I’ve selected and decide which are best for what is available at this time of year as my ongoing challenge is seasonal eating and only buying produce from overseas if it doesn’t grow here eg citrus and tropical fruit such as pineapple, mango.

    Amazon a meat free month I suspect like sugar free alcohol free or carb free is definitely worthwhile fasting is no different it is a skill that requires practice and patience. Having meat only with limited choice I am struck by having only a handful of ingredients how moreish meals are created. After a good 23/1 fast day yesterday 3 ingredients poached eggs 2 slices of bacon 1 avocado seasoned with sea salt flakes fresh cracked black pepper and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar was extraordinary.
    Have a good day

    Morning everyone,
    Back home and feeling fat,
    Gain of 4 lbs in 4 days and this included 1(500 cal) fast day, cancelled yesterday fast as lunching with tour, but 3 days of one main meal. Hopefully part of the gain is still the ‘old chestnut’ FOOD IN TRANSIT whilst the rest is just my own weak will of having a few G&T’s in the evening and 2 nights with 3 course meals on non fast days( just plain greedy). I definitely ate more than at home plus did much less exercise. Chose fish every night and stuffed mushrooms yesterday. I am confident the gain will go this week but I am NOT PROUD of my food choices. What did I do to cause this gain? Easy- bread with soup(Why)bread pudding( just can’t bloody resist it)sugary dessert( no good reason) pasty(weak moment), alcohol(to induce sleep in freezing bedroom with hard bed), crisps(snack at lunchtime as no soup/ apple available) (All foods I normally avoid).
    We also lost all three bowls games (out played) all in all a NOT so successful trip in terms of weight and bowls. On a positive note I danced all evening Friday and Saturday to live entertainment and played darts(got most of the blunt darts in the board plus 2 lucky bulls eyes) and played snooker(only potted one ball) but boy did I celebrate that achievement. The company was great and there was much laughter so no regrets I went on the trip.
    I can’t imagine what I would have gained if I had joined the group for breakfast and lunch. Crazy! I could not believe how much food and how often some people can eat? Some skinny but others really obese. I saw several people eat 6 times per day, meals and snacks. I probably wouldn’t have noticed this before I started 23/1. I probably was that foodaholic person 4 years ago.

    It’s good to be back home and ‘in control’, no more alcohol or puddings.
    Fasting today, liquid only, to speed up loss. Telling (praying really) to myself ‘quick gain, quick loss’

    RT – that meal sounds delicious. I am cutting potatoes from today. Yes I knew that DR ATKINS died as the result of an accident. I think low carb is a great plan. I didn’t realise you were just doing zero carb for one month though. Well done! Maybe I will try in one day, not sure I could afford all that high quality meat.

    Amazon – good Luck with new eating plan.
    Happy- how is the Kefir going, I fridgerated mine before going away Thursday so need to restart everything after buying some more full cream milk.
    PVE- glad you got to see the programme on Kefir, you have beaten me, I missed it as in NZ.
    Barata- how is it going with water Kefir? Weight loss? Wishing you well.
    HCB- hope you are feeling better, you have had a rough ride healthwise lately.

    Hi Jo,

    Your weekend sounds like fun! You won’t have gained 4lbs in fat, extra food in transit and water from the extra carbs you ate. I was 3lbs heavier on Monday than I’d been on Saturday, it’s my normal pattern with weekend eating and drinking!

    I’m on my third lot of milk, and the kefir looks to be doing something this time. Our central heating is only set to 15, and then on only in the evening, so I think it’s probably a bit cold for the poor kefir at the moment!

    Hi everyone,

    Happy, it took my kefir nearly 2 weeks to acclimatise to my cold kitchen but it is working well now and I’ve had to increase the amount of milk I’ve been adding.
    The first few batches were thin and quite tangy but now is is thick and creamy with a hint of sour and I’m really pleased with it.
    I decided to go with the less is more option and have rinsed out the jar only twice in plain warm water. I’ve also been putting the excess in a single bottle and not keeping daily batches separate and it has been fine.

    I’ve been drinking around 150mls every day and with the rest I’ve made soda bread, buckwheat pancakes and added it to porage and an omelette mix.

    Jo, shame that your room was not comfortable. I’m with Happy in that I doubt you’ve gained any weight at all. My weight can vary as much as 5lbs after a weekend of “normal” eating, especially if I’ve had alcohol and/or bread/pizza. The sooner tomorrow comes and you embark on your no weighing regime the better it’ll be πŸ™‚

    My weight hasn’t budged which is very frustrating but I know it’ll drop eventually. I’ve been doing a lot of resistance work/weights so that might be hampering it but no point in worrying about it. I’m embarking on my vegetarian Lent tomorrow which also involves counting every calorie I consume and after jumping on the scales in the morning not weighing until Easter. I’ll take some measurements tomorrow if I can find my tape measure and use them and my clothes to track my progress.

    The thought of trying out lots of new recipes is exciting and I hope it will help me stick to the plan and reach the mini goal I’ve set for myself.

    I’m going out for lunch at the weekend with my friend and her family and she was concerned about me getting something to eat as I’m giving up meat for Lent.
    I said that it would be fine as the main purpose is to try out vegetarian/vegan recipes and not because I don’t want to eat meat.
    We are going to either a Mexican or Italian restaurant and both will have meat and fish free options (although they might be full of carbs) so I’m certain it won’t be an issue.

    I need to cull the list of recipes I’ve selected as I’ll never get through all of them in 40 days, and then write a shopping list. I’m loathe to buy too much at the moment as the freezer part of my integrated fridge freezer is on the blink and I might need to replace it so I’m trying to use up everything in the freezer and not rely too much on things that need to be stored in the fridge.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I was very impressed with the modern fridges in New Zealand, they had huge middle sections for vegetable, perfect for me. My next fridge will definitely be this type as veg is my main foodstuff. The freezer is at the bottom which is fine as used less than the fridge. I now have an issue with bottle spaces as I have water Kefir, milk Kefir, semi skim milk, full cream milk and mineral water. That’s a lot for one door. Not a fan of laying down drinks.
    Barata- finally my Water Kefir is fizzy, it yummy ginger flavour. It multiplies much quicker than milk Kefir due to adding brown sugar. Already passing some to friends. Apparently 80% of the sugar is used in the fermentation process so not worried about added sugar calories. In fact I have reduced the sugar by one third. I am still not sure my milk grains were a good grade in the first place.
    Thanks Happy and Amazon I realise it’s a temporary weight gain but it was a bit of a shock today. I am going to work out the calories tonight(just out of interest) I wrote everything down each evening but didn’t have my Ipad/ phone so no access to MFP.
    I feel a bit hard done (refused sweet, chocolates, biscuits, breakfast, lunch but let myself down for alcohol, latte, desserts and bread pudding)by but I may not later after my calculations.
    My Choir have some great plans, another Bond Film Songs special and a Flash Mob on Red Nose Day.
    Liquid fast has gone well today as I have been on the go all day. I have a salad made up if I weaken.
    Actually I am really looking forward to ‘not weighing’ for March. I am also committed to 15 mins per day ‘waist reducing exercises’. Tape measure ready for the morning.
    Amazon- I hope this vegetarian plan goes well. I had delicious stuffed mushrooms for lunch yesterday.

    It will go well Jo as I’m doing the cooking πŸ˜‰

    I have a wine rack in my fridge, and the bottle shelf in the door is very generous. I’ve given up drinking mineral water in favour of filtered tap water, and the filter jug fits in the bottle shelf.

    The bottle shelf and the wine rack are two things I’ll need to check out if I have to buy a new fridge freezer. I’ve always opted for a model with the fridge at the top as it makes no sense to me to have it at the bottom.

    Ah Amazon,

    If only my OH would go away for a month I’d be on a vegetarian odyssey too. He does go away with work quite a lot, and I always enjoy the extra opportunity to not eat meat 😊

    Thanks for the advice re: kefir. I’ve strained it and changed the milk again this evening. It’s not yet thick and creamy, but does taste quite nice. I find this difficult to reconcile because a) I don’t actually like the flavour of milk by itself, and b) it’s milk that’s been out of the fridge for 24-36 hours, minus the grains I’d expect milk to be getting slightly rancid by that point!

    Just happily full at the end of a fast day. Not quite pancakes, but spelt chapati with spicy fried beans, peppers, onions, baby spinach, a little cheese and a small dollop of sour cream. It comes in a bit over 500 cals, but I’m feeling virtuous for not succumbing to a stack of pancakes πŸ˜€

    Yep I resisted the pancakes today too. πŸ‘πŸ½

    Your meal sounds delicious

    I love my vegetarian diet, I would probably like it more if I was an adventurous cook like Amazon and you.

    Now, I must find my Hula Hoop for tomorrow

    I had to take antibiotics last week, a very, very rare thing for me. Interestingly, I gained nearly 2kg within the week, despite skipping breakfasts, eating sensibly, daily kefir and fasting. Two days after stopping, I am right back at my normal weight, even with eating 3 meals yesterday for the first time in ages. The answer: a slowed system, creating excessive “food in transit”. Nasty stuff, antibiotics!

    I was not too worried as I do weigh every day (or whenever I am naked in the bathroom). I always find it interesting how much one’s weight varies within every day and every week. It has allowed me to easily monitor longer term trends rationally over the past 4 years. Ignoring weighting is the very reason I ever became overweight.

    Regarding kefir and room temperature… when the room is cooler, I use slightly more grains and less milk and I leave it for up to 36 hours before sieving and stir occassionally to allow the grains to get at all the milk. When the weather is very hot, I reduce the number of grains and time and increase the amount of milk. They are living organisms, so respond differently to changing environments.

    It IS interesting, Happy, that we would never drink milk left out on the benchtop for even hours, yet the wonderful kefir grains allow growth of good bacteria and kill the bad. I guess it proves their benefit for our internal health. Long may they live.

    Have a happy March everyone. First day of Autumn here. πŸ™ P

    I’ve been weighing (almost) every day for the past few weeks and it has been an education.

    I’m really looking forward to trying a different way of eating and can hardly wait to get cooking but first there are a couple of frozen veggie FD meals that need to be eaten and then I have to replace the freezer before I start cooking.
    I’ve spent a couple of hours looking at fridge freezers and decided which one I want. I should be able to have it delivered on Monday which gives me time to get organised.
    I’ve got some frozen apples and plums that can be defrosted on Sunday, cooked and re-frozen and some bags of stock that can be boiled up, cooled and re-frozen so I might only have to chuck out a bag of peas or I might make them into soup and freeze it πŸ™‚

    Beautiful weather here and this time guestsnot too demanding. They are so pleased just to be caching up, enjoying the scenery and getting away from their own surrounds. The boat trip yesterday led everyone extremely tired.
    Jo your trip sounded like so much fun. That bed situation is unforgivable. As I know so far you won more than lost with your bowls… the weight is something that you will be back on track quick.
    My aches, I hope, looks like ice is very helpful. Not using my bike or even walking. Just moving slowing around and Sasha. My left arm I am avoiding any stress. Training the other arm to do the work.
    Best of luck to those of you starting any challenge this March, Happy Fall to Purple and get well soon.

    We thought our fridge was dying recently, Amazon. It gave me an opportunity to actually clear the contents out, then it decided it would come back to life. Fingers crossed we get a few more years.
    The revelation for me was to start freezing meal sized portions in super flat, labelled zip lock bags. I am amazed how much more user friendly my relatively small freezer can be. Never out of a healthy homemade meal option…2 minutes in the microwave or an hour on the bench and instant meal.
    Like Happy, I’d join you in the vegie month if it wasn’t for my carnivorous husband. You’ll enjoy all those new culinary experiences. P

    Hi HCB
    We crossed over! Sorry to hear your arm is still troubling you. Luckily you have 2. πŸ˜‰P

    PVE- yep antibiotics, anti inflamatories, anti histamine and pain killers- same result for all- fluid retention and constipation.

    Good news my 4 lb gain already gone after fluid fast yesterday(although I did include chilli soup last night to aid digestive track) it really worked. Sorry too much information, I know.

    No more weighing this month to bore you all with, just exercising. Focussing on relaxing 😎

    Have a good ‘bump’ day everyone, goodnight SH, sleep well.

    Hi everyone,

    First day of March, first day of Lent, first day of my latest and hopefully successful approach to reaching that elusive place known as “goal”

    I’m really hungry today as I’ve had 5 succssive non FDs but am feeling determined and optimistic.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Good morning,
    While the coffee gets brewed I say hi to The Tribe.
    I never gave given up a think for lent in my entire life. Would be interesting if I could not let myself fall into temptation πŸ™Š
    I love March! It’s my birthday month, beginning of spring here and autumn in Brazil. My two favorite seasons.
    Enjoy your day and keep strong there everyone πŸ’

    Good Luck Amazon, enjoy


    I don’t usually give things up for Lent but thought it was a good amount of time to get to grips with a different way of thinking and eating, with an end date to aim for.

    I like March too as the lengthening hours of datlight remind me that summer isn’t too far away and I love spring flowers. It is also when we begin to see new season UK vegetables appearing in shops and markets.

    My arthritis is playing up at the moment and I am suffering from back, knee, hip, foot and thumb pain. Everything else is just fine πŸ˜‰

    Thanks Jo, I’ve been calorie counting recipes and so far they could all be eaten on FDs without dishing up a miniscule portion which makes me very happy indeed 😎

    Our hump day was yesterday Jo…Thursday here now, so on the slide down to the weekend 😊
    Your achy old body sounds like mine Amazon. The wet always does my joints in πŸ˜‘
    What fun having 2 seasons in your head all the time HCB ☺
    Keep mindful folk. P ☺

    Greetings, all you lovely fasters.

    No weight loss, unfortunately. These two kgs are proving very stubborn. I will address them seriously next month when hopefully the work pressure is off. I’m definitely not giving anything up for the month! I have no energy to push the boundaries at the moment.

    The next batch of water kefir is on the bubble. No metal contact this time, just plastic, so I will see if this helps to get a more spritzier result.

    Well, folks, that was summer – last week! We are back to the weather systems sweeping up from the southern ocean. Autumn, and tonight was the first time this year that I have had to use the hose on the garden – no shortage of rain to date. The veggie garden has performed excessively poorly, and I am so glad we don’t rely on the output as our sole food supply.

    Morning All,

    Sorry to hear you are stressed Barata, at least the end is in sight. Stress is a major factor in weight loss, get OH to give you a nice massage.

    I am focussed on relaxation this month, I wonder if it will work. Not rushing about too much. Still walking and playing bowls of course but only doing the gym twice per week now. Early nights and late mornings planned. The challenge will be ‘not weighing’, I am so used to jumping on the scales daily. RESIST! Focussing on healthy eating.

    Well I lost 8 lb in Feb (so a Fast Tracker again)so I have joined March Challenge, (over 120 fasters are on it, crazy) saves me going to SW and seems to be working. Still on 23/1 but stopped eating potatoes. Hula hoop already proving a challenge, five minutes spent picking it up mostly Ha Ha.

    Have a great day all

    Morning/evening all,

    Purple,I find the combination of cold and damp weather always brings painful joints. I slept really well last night and everything feels much better today after several days of discomfort.

    FD went well yesterday although I was very hungry.
    I’m fasting again today,

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    With me, Amazon, it is the February humidity and build up to rain that is the worst. The cold and wet in the UK last winter didn’t worry me. I was clearly built for your climate. πŸ˜‘

    Well done Jo. Keep up the enthusiasm. Obviously the gain with hoops is the bend and retrieve motion!

    Barata, we seem to have swopped weather patterns. We had an exceptionally dry summer with plants dropping dead from heat stroke, but in the last week we’ve had torrential rain. Nothing in half measures apparently. Don’t worry about those kilos too much, you are still well within your wriggle room. P 😊

    Hi Purple,

    I think the recent increase in my exercise regime might have contributed to my joint pains so I’ll need to curb my enthusiasm and take things a little slower over the coming weeks.

    I sailed through my FD again which is very pleasing πŸ™‚

    Every time I do something different physically I suffer Amazon. Headache from a strained neck last night from lugging the cat in her carry basket up 3 floors. 😢
    I also breezed through yesterday’s fast, but no drop in weight this morning. Funny how much it varies. P

    Suffering here too ouch! Bloody Hula Hoop
    I really hope it’s worth this torture, my ribs hurt and twisting isn’t much fun either and that’s after the first day of waist exercises.
    I can remember when my waist was too small to get good fitting jeans( no it wasn’t because my bum was too big) I was a size 10 in those days. The good old days!

    But I set the challenge so I will stick to it for March- it’s only 15 mins per day.

    PVE- What’s wrong with your cat? Hope it’s nothing serious.

    My dogs are doing well, they love their daily Kefir, do you give your cat some?

    15 minutes of twisting like that would kill me. I’ll stick to reading under a tree at the beach 😊😊 Only brought water down with me and no money, so no temptation, other than the waves.🏊

    Jo you make me laughter! You kidding me?
    The first day and here you are already doing 15 minutes…. God bless you 😱
    You go Girl πŸ‘

    Not doing 15 mins hula hoop, only 5, goes quite quickly. Now managed 10 revolutions before dropping it. I really think I need a smaller hoop. This one is huge and weighted plus foam covered. I am doing 5 mins side stretches, that’s 150, 75 each side. Then 100 side twists with a kettle bell, 50 each side. It’s an experience. I play my rock songs to practise my words. Only one week to go before our recording at Abbey Road Studios. Should be fun.

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