Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 701 through 750 (of 7,283 total)

  • Morning/evening all,

    It is a very cold and heavily frosted morning here in London.
    My FD was postponed yesterday as I still needed to take medication which wasn’t sitting well on an empty stomach, and I find it much harder to divide 500 calories into two meals than not eat until dinner so today is the first FD of 2017 for me.
    I am feeling well today and my cough is much improved. I was tempted to rush off to the gym this morning but have decided to give myself one more day before starting my new exercise regime.

    I am very impressed with how well everyone has done over Christmas and New Year, and it is a great example for the rest of us.
    I’ve not been near the scales but I can tell by my jeans that I’ve gained.
    It’ll go as quickly as it arrived if I knuckle down and I’m very keen to do so.
    The only Christmas leftovers in the fridge are fruit, veg and cheese so there is nothing to tempt me to nibble. I do have a Christmas cake but these days one small slice is sufficient and it can be my weekend treat if I stick to my FDs.

    I’m watching Hopman Cup from the Perth Arena which reminds me of my last trip to Australia as I went on NYE 2013 and saw Aus v Italy πŸ™‚

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    God morning all .
    I am feeling a lot better today too . still feeling a wee bit sickly but not been sick again . I still don’t feel much like eating but that is OK . I am having another lazy day . The sun is shining and though it is still really cold it is nice sitting here with the sun coming through the window . keep well everyone .

    Wee xx

    I have been away from fasting for over a month and that combined with the dreadful carb heavy-vegetable light diet in Chile/Argentina, it’s great to get back home to better food.

    New Years Day “feast” was veges, eggs and noodles, and I am back on 4:3.The first yesterday went very well. I am trying to get my head into the space that I am beginning IF and that the time to get to goal is now 18 months. I gained about 3 kilos from the trip to S America and Christmas.

    It’s been a difficult moment for some of you, and sorry to hear about losing family members, Wee and Barata.That makes all the festivities a lot less brighter. I am catching up with 7 weeks of the thread. It seems to be the season for colds in this half of the world, and allergies in the south. I hope you all feel better soon.
    Good resolutions, Jojo. 23/1 works well. I did not quite manage it yesterday, but will try again tomorrow.

    It’s good to be back on board. January for me will be a simple carb free month with minimal wine. I must lose the 3 kilos gained before the middle of February.

    Talk soon
    XX Wiwi

    Hi Wee,

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. I’m doing the same as you, enjoying the sunshine from inside!

    I’ve taken down the decorations and packed them all away and vacuumed everywhere to get rid of pine needles and glitter that seems to have spread itself into every room πŸ˜† The tree is on the back step getting acclimatised to frosty weather after a month by a radiator.
    That has kept me out of mischief for a couple of hours and more cleaning is on the agenda later and if get get really bored there is some ironing to be done πŸ˜–

    My Christmas presents have re-stocked the bathroom shelves for the forseeable future which makes me happy as I love receiving gifts to pamper myself with. It must be five years since I had to buy myself any hand cream πŸ˜‰

    Interesting article regarding the perils of detox regimes and drinking too much water

    Hi Wiwi

    Nice to hear you had a good trip to South America. You will lose the extra in no time. β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ

    Purple, ordinary green cabbage from a younger smaller cabbage, sliced and diced very finely and one small Pink Lady Apple grated. Yummy.

    Cheers, Bay 🌺🌺🌺

    Thanks for the suggestion Bay! I use cabbage, carrots, celery, red capsicum, finely sliced red apple and a red onion – its quite a performance to shred all this so as most of you know, I make a bucketful and without dressing, it keeps for at least 5 days. Occasionally I run out and get desperate enough to use the supermarket (horrible) stuff! You have given me a great idea for those times..I think the secret is a sweet cabbage, harder to find in summer.
    Purple I have tried the purple cabbage and prefer green, just personal I guess. Just as in, I could live on basil but gag on coriander!!

    Thanks girls.
    Hi Wi! We miss you ‘down here’ this year. ☺P

    I agree that drinking ‘too much’ water is dangerous. I am careful not to exceed one 8 oz glass per hour for 8 hours. We had a local woman actually die through drinking an excessive amount of water but I don’t think the newspapers reported what quantity it was. It caused a heart problem. Another friend blames her heart condition on drinking too much water as part of her ‘ lighter life’ diet. Of course she can’t prove it. They do recommend water with added electrolytes now.

    I know that drinking water and green tea makes fasting easier and makes me feel great. My skin is more hydrated too. I also think it improves energy levels because it flushes out toxins. Probably no medical evidence to this effect though. I don’t use herbal remedies but I have found them useful in the past and several friends prefer them to prescription drugs. Apart from Gall Bladder and occasional stomach upset I have been very healthy over the last two years. I have had my share of muscular injuries from sports though.

    Wiwi- Good to have you back with us. You are an excellent faster and will soon dispose of that gain. I am working very hard at the moment but it is very tough. Fasting 23/1 tomorrow 500 calories – mushroom omelette and veg.

    Thanks for the coleslaw recipe Bay. I tried it out for lunch today when Barata and family came. Excellent simple, tasty.
    Barata is looking great and enjoying her time in Sydney.
    Cheers P

    Morning All,
    No change in the scales today but I did have an ice cream at the theatre last night. We were front row and really enjoyed the fun of the Panto. I had my last meal out of the season last night, it was mostly good. The veg was far too salty though, inedible. Salmon great and pork even better. I guess my new decision to eat whatever looks good in the menu when out to dinner means I am no longer a pescatarian. At least it’s better than paying for food that I don’t enjoy.
    At my retirement club yesterday we had a talk from a recently retired Breast Radiographer. The advances in technology have been amazing over the past 10 years. But she said there are still thousands of women in this country that refuse their free screening checks. I am due mine next week and plan to continue to have them done as long as possible. Apparently you can request them ‘free’ even after the set age limit. The new machines can take cross section scans which find deeply buried tumours. Our group presented them with a fat cheque to go towards their next scanner. NHS funding is rarely allocated for this purpose as it is used for technology to support the whole community not just the women. I think it’s great that the retired community invest in preventative medicine, catching tumours early means far less invasive surgery and treatment. We are very lucky to have free healthcare in this country, who knows how long it will last?

    Barrata and PVE- glad you had a meet up and shared a cyber recipe treat.

    It’s freezing here now, woolly hats and gloves are absolutely essential but at least it’s still mainly dry in the SE.

    Fasting today and Friday before weigh in on Saturday, fingers crossed, mouth zipped. Have a great Bump Day.

    Morning/evening all

    Being dehydrated doesn’t do anyone any favours and many people especially the elderly don’t drink enough but drinking water does not flush out toxins, that is what your liver excels at along with help from your kidneys, intestines and skin.

    The main reason I posted the link was the fact that these detox diets have finally been labelled as potentially dangerous and that it is easy to buy over the counter a combination of “herbal” remedies that taken together can kill you. I know that none of us are likely to fall for such spurious claims but so many do, especially at this time of year after a couple of weeks of excess and decide to take drastic measures rather than a sensible approach.

    Jo, breast screening is a contraversial area so far as risk/benefit is concerned due to the fact that every mammogram delivers a dose of radiation (and cross sectional imaging usually means a greater dose).
    Did the recently retired radiographer tell you that less than 1% of cancers are diagnosed by breast screening, and 3% of women are over diagnosed?
    IMO it is essential for women who have a family history of breast cancer and several other groups of the population who are not “body aware” but the most aggressive breast cancers usually present in pre menopausal women who are too young to be part of the screening programme.

    I’m still coughing so no gym again which is rather depressing but there is no point in going until I can work out without cughing and spluttering.

    I’m fasting again today,

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    You are a mine of very useful information. I wish I had known those facts yesterday before the presentation. Very interesting. She didn’t give us any facts figures unless to promote getting screened. As there is breast cancer in my family I will continue to get the check done but I will do some more research on the subject. It’s definitely the time of year for slimming programmes to push their products. If what you are saying is true about detox I guess that green tea is not recommended either!

    The gym was heaving today, all those January resolutions. I had to do a different Yoga class from my usual Wednesday one but it was good in terms of the format.The instructor was a pain though, never stopped talking throughout the entire class, even relaxation. Luckily I had a thirty minute relaxing swim in my own lane after, peace.
    Fast going well today, always helps me to keep active.

    Good health everyone


    Such presentations can be very educational and very persuasive when given by a good speaker. I’m sure that everything you heard was true but the purpose was to promote breast screening and make money for a new machine.
    I am not against it and would never suggest to anyone that they shouldn’t attend but I think that many women would be surprised by the small number of otherwise undiagnosed cancers that are detected and the fact that 3% of women are falsely diagnosed, which just goes to show how difficult it can be to read x-rays.

    You are absolutely right in wishing to participate in light of your family history and if I were in that situation I would do the same.
    I don’t attend because IMO I’ve received more than enough occupational exposure to radiation over the years and am averse to anything that would increase my cumulative dose unless it is absolutely necessary.

    Lots of people across the world drink green tea all the time and I doubt it is unsafe but there are a lot of so called natural remedies that can have drastic effects and which are unregulated.

    I’ve had a good day today. I decided I should go out and get some fresh air so I went out and bought quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat flour, tofu and more lentils for my experiment in vegetarian/vegan cuisine.
    I also made a really nice FD meal of mixed veg cooked with some garlic, chilli, smoked paprika, soy and peanut butter. Sounds weird but it was delicious as the pb gave the sauce a lovely creamy texture. It reminded me of satay and was very filling πŸ™‚

    That’s 2 FDs done and dusted this week. I’m looking to do another on Friday.


    Thank you for the post. I remember reading an article about the benefits and risks of breast screening, and have just googled the subject again. Wow, another example of the NHS and established medical profession continuing to promote something to the masses on the flakiest evidence. I guess if you’re the one person ‘saved’ by screening you’d be pleased, but the evidence suggests that at the population level it causes more harm than good.

    There is a history of breast cancer in my family, but would they have developed it in later life if they hadn’t been repeatedly screened…. oh dear! I really hope that blood screening is available before I get called for a mammogram!

    Good morning All,

    Still no movement on the scales today, irritating after perfect fast yesterday but I am hoping it will come off tomorrow. Final fast this week on Friday.

    It’s my daughter’s last day here before returning to NZ so we are having a nice long walk along the beach with the dogs and may stop for a cuppa.

    No gym today but plenty of housework, bedding to wash, floors to clean, carpets to hoover. Dull but it’s a workout.

    Food has been planned and purchased so there is no excuse for over eating for the next week. Lots of fish, eggs, veg and some pulses. I particularly like spicy soup during winter but miss the bread I used to have with it.

    Amazon- tried anything exciting from your new cookbook? What’s next?

    HappyNow-The Breast Screening issue is a worry. However both my mothers and a close friends breast cancer were discovered at their first screening so definitely not caused by screening. It would be interesting to see if any statistics backed up your point. I am going to ask them for more information when I go next week. The brochure states age 50-70 age group and repeatedly says it’s your choice whether you wish to have the test done. I am therefore due 3 more before I reach 70. I guess it it just very important to do your own lump checking frequently.

    Sun is shining today, have a good one everybody.

    Morning/evening all,

    Jo and Happy,
    The breast screening issue isn’t a worry. You cant’t get breast cancer from having a few mammograms. My point was that whilst it might be saving lives, a very small percentage of those screened have a previously undiagnosed cancer and the majority are unaware of that as it isn’t presented in that way. If you have a family history it is vital that you have regular mammograms.
    As Jo says, the important thing is self examination something that many women do not do and it’s importance should be shouted from the rooftops.

    I worked in an x-ray department for 32 years and then spent the last 9 years of my career in Nuclear Medicine where the doses of radiation we came into contact with were high enough for me and my staff to become classified workers so I am possibly overly cautious so far as my cumulative occupational dose of radiation is concerned, something that is irrelevant for the majority of the population. Having said that, any x-ray should only be carried out if absolutely necessary which is why I get so annoyed at people on this site suggesting DEXA scans for those wanting to know if they have belly fat!
    Don’t concern yourselves about it, as the benefits for both of you far outweigh the risks.

    I guess that my post of yesterday can be seen as a timely reminder that there are invariably two sides to every story and (knowing what we do about the healthy diet that has been peddled for years by the medical establishment and their food industry cronies which is in fact leading to disease and death) we shouldn’t take such information on face value however persuasively it is delivered.

    It is a coldm frosty and sunny morning here. I am feeling well today and in good spirits, a combination of finally shaking off the virus and having nailed B2B FDs πŸ™‚

    I’mmeeting a friend for a walk along the towpath and maybe onward to Kew Gardens which will be interrupted by coffee or I might go mad anf have a hot chocolate πŸ˜‰

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I forgot to mention the breast cancer website which is a mine of information and it includes the statistics.

    Hi Amazon,
    Yes I discovered that site this morning. Seems obesity and drinking alcohol are risk factors along with ‘the pill’ and hormone replacement. Guess it’s another incentive to get these pounds off especially as I already have the family cancer link. But it does say physically active lifestyles lessen the risk so good news for me.

    The weather was brilliant on my walk today, we were actually able to remove coats and sit outside the cafe in the sun. Lush.

    Heading off to the gym after all, can’t resist swimming when the sun is shining.

    Weirdly not hungry at all today yet starving all day yesterday. I wish I understood why the body behaves so strangely. Is it just the mental process of knowing you are on a fast that triggers hunger? Seems so!

    Hi Jo,

    I’ve been out today, the first time I’ve been well enough to do much since last Tuesday!
    We went to Kew Gardens as it was such a beautiful day and had a lovely walk plus a good laugh at the ducks etc slipping and sliding as they walked on the frozen surface of the lake 🀣

    We went to a bakery that specialises in spelt products for our lunch and had chicken and avocado sarnies which were delicious. My friend wanted to look round the shops so we wandered up the high street in Richmond and I came home with a new coat which was a real bargain and fits perfectly 😎 I had no intention of buying anything……..
    I can now get rid of the coat and jacket that are falling off and stop going out resembling a bag lady.

    Hi all,
    Its so strange to hear you Northerners enjoying the sunshine and buying new coats! I am sitting under a ceiling fan enjoying my first coffee at 8.30am, wishing the current heatwave would just go away! Low to mid 30s already 2days and forecasting another few consecutively. 36 tomorrow, not my favourite weather. Only compensation is I dont freeze whilst fasting! And of course swimming is much more enjoyable, as you say Jo.

    Christmas indulgences are melting off thank goodness. 4:3 this week and next should restore the correct numbers on the scales.

    Spent a lovely day with granddaughter yesterday, what a delight. Son and DIL trusted me with her whilst they went out for a coffee and DIL was quite amazed that I managed to get bub to sleep… Funny how we oldies actually have a few life skills!!

    Jo I actually feel hungrier on a non fast day. I think eating on those days is much harder to control, still a struggle at times to avoid sugar. I am aiming to ‘do a Bay’ and eliminate added sugar every day, definitely makes cravings easier when minimal carbs eaten. Fast days are much easier for me, except after my light dinner, once my appetite has been ‘woken up’ anything can (and does) happen!!


    I have a lovely mental image of you as the now-ex bag lady! I’d always pictured you previously as stylishly attired in the metropolis, but now find that you feed the pigeons and have a bottle of sherry in a paper bag πŸ˜€

    I have a couple of bags of spelt flour in the pantry, you’ve inspired me to make a little loaf for the weekend. The only problem is my willpower! I find it far harder to resist spelt/sourdough/soda than white sliced (the only bread OH will eat!).


    Our posts crossed! I agree with you totally on struggling with hunger, and eating, far more on non-fast days. It’s not sugar for me, usually raw nuts or cheese…Maybe I was a mouse in a previous life πŸ˜€

    Happy surely you could bake a small loaf and freeze half for another weekend? Half a small loaf spread over a whole weekend would be ok… I find Spelt bread tends to pass thru pretty quickly anyway! Maybe thats just me!

    And they crossed again Happy! I struggle with all food on a NFD, I was obviously a labrador!

    I make my sourdough spelt loaf once a week or 10 days. I usually have a piece when it is fresh, the rest goes in the fridge in a plastic bag. It keeps beautifully for toast. I’m incapable of slicing it, so Mr P has the rest…2 small slices at a time. I find bought bread too difficult to have in the house as, unless it is frozen, it “has” to be eaten. 😢
    I’m a mouse too Happy….nuts and cheese. ..yum.


    It’s a cunning plan, but I’d have to eat something out of the freezer first to make room… Maybe those meringues…Or the uncooked coconut cookie dough…?!

    And my eyes lit up as I started reading ‘Half a small loaf spread…’ with what? With what?! Dripping butter? Peanut butter? Nooo!! OVER a weekend 😞

    Hi P, fellow mouse! That Mr P’s a useful chap isn’t he? I just can’t make mine do what I want!

    And you think I can? In your dreams…

    Hey Gang,
    It’s been a very busy day. I made my daughter and me a Spanish Omelette for lunch, it was huge, I made far too much filling for two, using up half used peppers, onions and over ripe tomatoes. Nice change from fish though and the dogs were happy to polish off the leftovers.

    After my daughter left I decided to do my packing. I want to keep it light again but not just hand luggage this time as posher hotel stays. No long to go now.

    Nama- Glad to hear you have sorted those Christmas pounds.

    I was obviously a pig in a former life because I like most food types but particularly bread and I really enjoyed wallowing in mud when I was in Turkey. Strangely nuts, cheese or sugar based foods would not be tempting at all. We are all so different.

    Think I will get an early night and read my book as I need to get my mind off food.

    Hello from the hottest place in the world today no not really that’s just the front page sensational news in the local paper πŸ˜‰ 42 yesterday 43 today 40+ Sat and cooling off to 30 Sun. All good for me but my family do not share the good vibe and look like the cat and dog laying on the slate floor in front of a bowl of water panting. If we all agree that hunger is a state of mind and not a state of stomach that we at times eat when we are not hungry but at the sense of occasion and that we will not die if we skip a few meals or a day or two and that it is in my view essential to prove that to ourselves I think become your own evidence from your own study of one and keep on keeping on.
    β€œIt’s is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Come on Nama, who spreads peanut butter on anything? In this house it usually goes from tub to mouth!

    I really enjoyed the spelt bread I had today but that’ll have to be my weekly bread treat. I don’t have any in the house at the moment and am aiming to keep it that way as I ate quite enough baked goods over the festive season.

    When do you go away Jo?

    Happy, I’m not really a bag lady and I keep my sherry in the fridge πŸ˜‰

    Good girl Amazon! You wouldn’t want to corrupt the peanut butter with bread! πŸ˜‰
    After over 40 years of taking up space on my various kitchen benchtops, I made the momentous decision to get rid of our historic stoneware canisters. They are labelled Sugar (the big one), Rice, Tea, Sago and Currants. We basically don’t use any of these ingredients any more. Thanks 5:2! I now have more space.
    PS Mr P has stored them away for…?…posterity?
    Back to the cricket….

    You are stronger than me Purple! I have some stoneware canisters I was given as a wedding present nearly 44 yrs ago, cant part with them but they live at the back of the pantry these days! Are yours big enough to plant some herbs in? Or Mr P could always take them to his garage and store nails/screws etc in them!
    I even keep the toaster in a cupboard these days – getting too tidy!!

    Ours are apparently family heirlooms Nama. He has packed them very carefully and stored them in the wine cellar. The kids will find them when we pass on..😊😊

    Morning/evning all,

    Well I’ve finally managed to get out of bed before 9am πŸ™‚
    Another cold one with a heavy frost,brr!!!!!

    Someone pass me those canisters I need a home for my new grains and seeds πŸ˜‰

    Food shopping this morning and I’m going to buy stuff for a weekend of Anna Jones recipes which excites me as I love prepping and cooking new things almost as much eating them πŸ™‚
    Not looking forward to scraping the frost from the car windscreen πŸ˜–

    FD today

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Well it’s foggy here, with the promise of heavy rain layer. Give me cold and frosty anyday! (Except during spring, summer and autumn πŸ˜€).

    I had a good fast yesterday. Woke up hungry 😞 But aiming to not start eating until lunchtime as I really want yesterday’s fast to stick!

    I’m planning some HF-W and some AJ (meat on the side for OH!) meals next week too.

    It has turned into another nice sunny but cold day here.

    I ate at lunchtime yesterday and had a few brazil nuts yesterday evening so a very good non FD but I’m hungry this morning. I might be drinking a lot of coffee this afternoon.

    I’ve made the chilli and it tastes good. I like to leave chilli and curry to sit so that the flavours have a chance to get to know each other which will have happened by dinner time. The flat smells divine πŸ™‚
    The recipe feeds a crowd so I’ve made a half portion which will give me 4 x 350 calorie servings so I’ll stash the other 3 in the freezer for future FDs.

    I’m going for roasted roots with quinoa and bay and saffron roasted cauliflower for my weekend dinners.

    It was quite difficult to make a decision as there are so many tempting recipes, but I’ve got to eat dinner every day so I’ll work my way through them. I love new cookery books πŸ˜„

    I wish I enjoyed cooking like you but it really doesn’t float my boat especially if it’s just for me. I don’t mind it if I am entertaining. It’s probably all about confidence and allocating time.
    I do make soup weekly but otherwise I grill or light fry and steam veg. At least everything is fresh, rarely use tinned, packet or jars of food. In the dim and distant past I frequently relied upon convenience food after finishing work.

    I store all my lentils/ pulses in Ketler Jars, large ones, airtight. My ceramic storage jars are full of flour and wild rice but they don’t get used much. I have stopped buying pasta too.

    I played bowls this morning, first time in weeks but it was good. Not much energy left for dance class afterwards but pressed on anyway. It’s very cold today and not much sun but the dogs are still keen to get out so I need to dress up in lots of layers.

    Had a bad night, back pain, so looking forward to an early night tonight.

    One more week before I head for New Zealand but lots of cleaning to do for my house /dog sitter. She has very high standards which will be good when I return to a deep cleaned house. I will be glad to go out walking without a coat. So two more weigh ins before I depart but it’s not going well at the moment.


    You’ve mentioned having back pain quite often recently.
    Three things to think about,

    you’re overdoing it

    you need a new mattress

    you need some new bras that fit and support properly (I’m saying this as I know you’ve lost a lot of weight and have mentioned needing some new underwear)

    Any one or a combination could be the issue.

    As for cooking IMO the most important person to cook for who needs and deserves good food every day is me. I do enjoy it and find it relaxing but it is much more than that, it is about ensuring that I eat good well prepared healthy tasty satisfying food and eat a varied diet to help me keep my head out of the fridge.

    The chilli took 15 minutes to prepare and put togehter before being left to simmer. It was delicious, filling and very tasty and all I need to do next time I want some is stick a tub of it in the microwave for a few minutes.

    I am definitely injuring my back at Yoga. It’s just low strain but uncomfortable at night. I try to ensure I stay within my own flexibility limits and feel no strain in the class and then ‘feel’ the strain the next day. I feel that Yoga benefits me in terms of ‘mental’ health and suppleness.

    I always ensure that I have well fitting bras, as you say essential to back health. I also bought a new ‘topper’ deep one, two years ago which definitely improved my ‘hip’ problem and is very comfortable. I really miss it when I stay anywhere else.

    Chilli sounds good. I am tackling a Thai Green Curry Recipe tomorrow, wish me luck?
    I am working very hard on maintaining a healthy diet and very focussed but results are not happening on the scales. Just need to be patient as I know results will come eventually. Fast day today is going well, digging in to that will power well.

    Hope everyone is healthy and happy

    Maybe you should talk to your yoga teacher who could then keep a close eye on you and maybe she’ll be able to help you get it right so you aren’t straining your back.

    Thai green curry is not too difficult but getting the balance of flavours right can be tricky. Once you’ve added everything you just need to taste the sauce to see if it needs more lime or fish sauce which is what I find usually needs adjusting.

    My FD has gone well. I’ve had a good week so far and I hope I can get through the weekend without eating too much or giving in and opening any wine.

    Morning All,
    I always report injuries to Yoga teachers before the class and follow their advice for alternatives to benefit back sufferers. I am not sure it’s the bends that are causing the issue. There are lots of strong twists in yoga and whilst they feel comfortable to do they are not twists you would do as part of a normal life. But twists are supposed to improve muscle flexibility and strength in the back, viscous circle. I may see a specialist chiropractor to get to the root of the problem. It would be nice to avoid injuries yet get the other benefits of Yoga,

    Half a pound off today so I am feeling a bit more positive. Like you Amazon I will try to keep my non fast day’s under control this weekend. Not doing anything special so no excuses or temptation. I have some Limoncello that needs to be used up, can’t decide whether to ration it or bin it. I will check out the calories first. I am still finding 23/1 is a good solution for me. One meal per day gives me more scope. Most days hunger is not an issue unless I don’t drink enough water or tea.

    Walking, dancing, swimming and SW weigh in today.

    Surely, Jo, limoncello has no use by date. Put it in your booze cupboard for Ron (later on). P 😊

    Morning/evening all.

    A much milder and damper start to the day, in fact it is so mild I don’t need the heating on.

    I’m with Purple, Limoncello doesn’t need to be used up, just put the lid on tightly and store in the back of the cupboard.

    Yesterday I ate my FD meal at 2pm yesterday and the chilli was so filling I didn’t get hungry before bedtime πŸ™‚

    I’ve just been out for the Saturday newspaper and there is a huge supplement entitled “New Year New You” I had a quick flick through to see if it was destined straight for the recycling and have decided I might read it as it has an article about low carb diets.

    Jo, I am positive that I’ll be able to eat well and under TDEE this weekend as I have exciting new recipes to road test and lots of other pleasurable things to do plus I don’t have to put any calories aside for alcohol (halo choking me as I type)
    My mood has lifted now I’m feeling better although this cough is a determined hanger-on.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend 😜

    Hello All,
    Good news, the SW scales, they recorded a whole pound down so happy days. There were some very impressive losses bearing in mind it is post Christmas and New Year. Three ladies had lost 1.5 stones in 6 weeks and another hit the 5 stone marker today, go ladies. There were lots of Newbies, post Christmas depression about their weight.
    Sadly I had to listen to the Consultant telling everyone to ear ‘free foods’ all day if they want so long as they don’t exceed their syn’s allowance.
    I have just enjoyed my Thai Green Curry, delicious and three helpings in the freezer.
    Glad you are feeling better Amazon.

    The Limoncello dilemma is resolved as a friend from dance class pinched it to make a celebration cheese cake. It did have a use by date of three weeks after opening and it suggested keeping it in the fridge after opening.

    Watching Once Upon a time on NetFlix, strange because I was watching this series at the beginning of January last year when recovering from gall bladder inflammation.

    I hope everyone is doing well?

    Hi all,

    Well done on another pound Jo, SW seems to give you the competitive element you need. Whatever works I say. Dont forget to pack that willpower in your luggage, it would be such a shame to undo all your recent hard work. I find it easier to fast for a’special occasion’ (having had 3 weddings in 11 months!), so know how you feel at the moment with your imminent holiday. The main thing is, we now have new tools (eg 18/6 or 23/1 etc) to help us stay on track!

    Melbourne still sweltering, not my idea of fun. Nicky has promised me a cool change from Adelaide, but its not here yet! We beat the heat yesterday by going to the beach! Also not my usual idea on a hot day, but we went to a magnificent, unspoilt part of Victoria known as the 90 mile beach – a continuous stretch of pristine coastline. Even with holiday crowds, it was comparatively quiet (off the beaten track, 2.5 hrs from Melb) and it was 10 degrees cooler than Melbourne with the sea breeze. I think we walked about 10 kms in total of the 90 miles (obviously named pre metric Aus!). Only mistake was some sunburn, first for a long time, Purple’s doc would not be impressed!

    Easy to eat salads only in this weather! An interesting link on another thread talks about cold, cooked potatoes being one food that is classed as ‘resistant starch’ie, doesn’t break down into glucose and is good for gut bacteria. Needs more reading I think….
    Would be nice to have chilled potato salad in this weather!!

    Thanks for the link Nama wow now I love a bit of controversy I will be checking this information out in detail BTW where did Nicky post the weather update I haven’t seen my fellow SA faster for yonks.

    Hi RT,
    Nicky posts on Facebook sometimes, maybe you need to join our Fastrackers Private group?

    Greetings, all. Back from a lovely break in Sydney catching up with children, grandchildren, and our very own P and Mr P. Nice to be home, working through my list of things to do before going back to work in a week, but seriously distracted by the 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle from DIL πŸ™‚ Nearly finished!

    A good (bad) one and a half kgs up from ideal weight, and OH’s weight has bounced up, but FD tomorrow so hope for improvements after that.

    These days my potato salad is mostly kumara (sweet potato), that I call the kitchen sink salad as it includes everything except… herbs, red onions, spinach or small silver beet leaves, nasturtiums, grated carrot, cherry tomatoes. peppers, cucumber… you get the idea.

    When’s your ETA, Jo?

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