Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 6,901 through 6,950 (of 7,283 total)

  • Great news and progress, Amazon. Settling down for the Lions v Japan now, to be followed by the big one

    I’m also very fond of the Scandinavian countries in general, but today it has to be Cymru am byth!

    Definitely supporting Wales here – a number of my ancestors were from the Principality.

    Polly, the U3A in town has been going for a good number of years, and membership is over 200. We have 36 interest groups at present, from art, music, language, to science, book clubs and social. I am currently in TED talks, History of Medicine, Wonders of the Solar System, and starting next month, Geology with an emphasis on local and NZ. It’s something that has fascinated me for a good while, so looking forward to it including field trips.

    Cheers, all.

    Hi everyone.

    The day began warm and humid and it has cooled somewhat. Heavy rain forecast for later on which will be very welcome in my small garden.

    I’m having a lovely lazy Sunday. After walking to the newsagent I made coffee and a bacon sarnie, put on some music and put my feet up.

    I was very surprised to look at the clock to discover it’s gone 2pm.

    I guess morning and lunchtime physio will have to be done in one go ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    So that’s the first vaccination done. No effects, except arm slightly tender where the needle went in. Jab, followed by hot drinks, biscuits and sandwiches. As the bloke beside me said, if you want to keep us Maori fellas waiting their 20 minutes, feed us! Now a three-week pause before the second one.

    Another gentle winter’s day after another cold morning. It’s nice to know the days are gradually lengthening – albeit very slowly!

    Well done England ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good morning, or pinch, punch first of the month as a colleague used to say!

    You are doing well, Amazon. It’s very easy to pass a Sunday with the papers and forget the physio!

    Barata, great news on your vaccine! We don’t have a biscuit and a drink here, just instructions to sit for 15 minutes. I think those who had their jabs at a doctors’ surgeries were told to sit in their cars. I’m not complaining thought – the vaccine roll out has been excellent here, especially in Wales. Btw, we’ve had country status since 2011. Most of us won’t refer to our stadium as The Principality Stadium. I think I recall you saying your ancestors came from here. Sadly the match was a disaster. Ah well! It’s only football.

    Your U3A at 200 sounds ideal. We are over 800 now. Same sort of groups: fun and learning.

    I’ve tried to be disciplined this week, but OH has bought beautiful Pembrokeshire new potatoes. Small portion, but too often.

    Ooops, my post is a series of disconnected thoughts. I’ve just got up. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

    Morning/evening all,

    After week of cooler and mostly wet weather the warmth and sunshine has returned today which is most welcome.

    I went to see my surgeon on Tuesday for a post op check. He said I’m doing incredibly well, much better than most and he’s very pleased with my progress.
    He also said the hip joint was “well worn out” and replacing it was definitely the right thing to do.
    He then said I don’t need to have any formal physio AND he can’t see any reason to see me again unless I have any concerns and wish to see him.
    So I found myself discharged 12 days after a total hip replacement.

    I then did a 15 minute walk to my hairdressers with a big stupid grin on my face ๐Ÿ˜

    You can all imagine how happy and relieved I am.

    I’m going out this afternoon for proper high tea. Sandwiches, scones, cakes and of course tea.
    Tomorrow I’m starting 2 weeks of ADF. Having managed to get through a couple of FDs fairly easily I’ve decided it’s time to get back into a proper routine and I’m definitely in the right place mentally.
    I’m also walking every day. I didn’t want to do so until I saw my surgeon as I knew I was doing well but was wary of pushing myself too far too soon but I’ve been given the green light to do as much as I feel I can.


    Did you ever think you’d be so happy to have a vaccination?


    Nothing wrong with a small portion of new potatoes, I find the amount of butter that goes on them is what pushes the calories count too high ๐Ÿ˜†

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿคช

    “Just football”, Polly? That doesn’t sound like our proud Welsh friend!! ๐Ÿ˜„ We were offered coffee and biscuit, post vaccine, but would rather leave my mask on for the 15 minutes! Nice to be fully vaccinated now though!
    Alternating sunny/cold and damp here, but enough time for long walks. 2 week stay at home here, but not bad for getting books read, being quiet. ๐Ÿ˜Š
    We’ve been so busy with hoise guests, I managed to lose weight!! Obviously less in between nibbling. ๐Ÿ˜ P

    Fasting is a good idea to lose weight. It also improves the overall fitness of body. What are your thoughts on drinking detox teas after done fasting for the whole day? Will it be additional benefit to lose weight or it will be harmful?

    Purple, well it’s not rugby is it? ๐Ÿคฃ.

    Amazon, you’re afternoon tea sounds fabulous. I want one!

    Detox tea? Does anyone believe in such a thing, really? I’m very sceptical.

    Polly, I like to pretend I know nothing about all “football” codes…soccer, Rugby Union, Rugby League or AFL. All boofy, overpaid men chasing a ball while yobbo crowds yell. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…
    I’d always prefer to play sport than watch it.
    You must be made, Amazon, with Wimbledon on and your recovery well under way.
    Hope you are making progress too, Wi. P

    If we needed detox tea everyone would be drinking it all the time but we don’t as our liver, kidneys and gut do the job.

    Ignorance of how the human body functions on a day to day basis is the reason companies make millions out of detox products, weight loss tea/pills etc, vitamin supplements etc with no benefit to those who are daft enough to buy such products.
    The only time vitamin supplements are required would be if a deficiency has been detected and they are prescribed by a medical doctor.

    People need to learn what a sophisticated machine it is and recognise if they eat a poor diet it won’t function properly.

    (steps down off soapbox and puts it away)


    I’m happier than I’ve been for a very long time and I didn’t realise until after the surgery was done how much it had been bringing me down.

    As for Wimbledon, it’s always a joy to watch grass court tennis and Andy’s heroics last night were incredible ๐Ÿ˜

    I suspect if your liver isn’t functioning properly, then no amount of ‘detox’ tea will fix it…

    Polly, I’m with you. Having grown up in Wales, I thought football was a game that only other nations played! And yep, it’s the Millennium Stadium ๐Ÿ˜

    Amazon, fantastic news on your hip! Phenomenal progress, no wonder you’re chuffed to bits.

    I stayed up later than planned to watch AM. I wasn’t hopeful part way through, but pleased I did!

    I’m having a few days off and the weather has been glorious. I don’t think I should have to work at all when the sun is shining. Summer or winter ๐Ÿ˜

    Would that give you a couple of extra days holiday each year, Happy? ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

    Ho ho!! You’re funny ๐Ÿ˜‚ This year it would give me several weeks! (But yes, some years I might owe them days…!)

    I am making progress, but not as quickly as you, Amazon. I am happy for you. My brother had a hip op in early May and was back on his bike after 3 weeks.
    I am still using 2 crutches, but surer.
    My physio sessions start on Monday.
    It’s been terrible weather here with snow and enormous swells.
    Still no Covid jab yet, unlike for Barata, but we can’t travel overseas before October anyway so no problem.
    Have a great weekend.
    Xx Wiwi

    Hi Wi,

    As you no doubt are aware, knees are more complicated than hips and take longer to heal after joint replacement.
    Good to hear you are making progress and I know you’ll be losing those crutches in no time at all.

    I guess winter weather in NZ is a bit of a shock to you after all those French summers.

    Yesterday’s high tea was delicious and we had a wonderful time. It’s a tiny place with only 6 tables at the moment and we were the only customers which was great for us as we got to chat to the owner who is a fascinating woman with a history in the theatre, acting and directing and is still involved in one of our local theatres as a director.

    The cafรฉ is a quaint old fashioned place with 1950s music and an incredible collection of vintage linen in the form of tablecloths and napkins, cutlery and china of many different designs. Some of the individual pieces are stunning and it was almost as much fun waiting to see the design colour and shape of the next plate/teapot/bowl as eating the food.
    It was a wise decision not to eat beforehand and I didn’t need any dinner last night.
    Lovely fresh sandwiches, a platter of mini cakes served with a bowl of huge strawberries and the biggest scones served warm with clotted cream and 3 choices of jam plus an endless supply of tea.

    I’ve just been out for a walk without my crutches and managed three laps of the little park round the corner. Just over 3,000 steps which is not bad for the first one. I’ll aim for 5,000 tomorrow and will need to get out early unless I want to walk wearing wet weather gear as the forecast looks dreadful ๐Ÿ˜†

    Have a great weekend everyone ๐Ÿคช

    I am not saying after hearing someone. I’ve read it somewhere. Let me share it with you people

    Sounds fabulous, Amazon. Well done to you and to Wi for your determination to recover.

    Lindel, no one believes the detox tea hype!

    No thanks Lindel. We are a 5:2 fasting group.

    lindel didn’t take the hint yesterday and has now been reported.

    Fabulous news on your recovery, Amazon. And your description of high tea was mouth-watering ๐Ÿ™‚

    International rugby season here, so ABs play Tonga this evening.

    Wi, it might be worth you doing a bit of research regarding vaccination availability in – shall we say – the lower socio-economic areas of Wellington. Are there any health trusts in Porirua offering jabs? That’s what we did. The results were timely and efficient.

    Glorious winter’s day, top temp of 15, out to deal with more weeds and moss in the lawn.

    Stay well, everyone.

    So – England into the final! Well done. ๐Ÿ™‚

    It’s all suspiciously quiet… Tennis is over, European Cup also – where are you?

    I am looking out of the window at the rain, and watching more approach on the rain radar, remembering this time last year – 17th July – when we suffered a one-in-one hundred downpour. Must be due for another ๐Ÿ™‚ .

    OH is doing his first stint as security in the local hospice op shop. What sort of low-lifes steal from charity! There’s always some.

    Horrible news around the world with Covid. So many countries are suffering again, or still. Son in Sydney is working nights as the children are remote-learning with the latest lockdown and need hand-holding, and he is so busy with his job.

    Stay safe, everyone.

    Hi Barata
    Rain here too with blasts of wind to 140km/hr.
    You can’t beat Hokitika for rainfall, which had 620mm of rain yesterday.

    5 weeks after the op now, and I am down to one crutch,aware they will take the crutch from me in 10 days.
    Building up muscles is tiring but I am making progress.

    Are you in good spirits in Oz, Purple? It’s a difficult time for you.

    No tennis but glad Italy won the Euro Cup, one British grand daughter and OH,and two Italian grandsons, I was a bit divided, though the Italians were calmer.
    Have a lovely weekend.

    No, not competing with Hokitika – nor with Wellington for the wind!

    Glad you are continuing to improve. When does the marathon training start? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Glad to hear from my Kiwi mates! Your progress is pleasing Wi. I hope the cold isn’t worrying you. Similar very windy weather here!
    We are fine here. The lockdown isn’t effecting us much and we are both fully vaccinated, so we’ll wait it out. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Just finished watching a Kiwi film “The Breaker Uppers”. Hilarious! ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi everyone,

    Greetings from sunny London where we are finally having some proper summer weather.

    If I was a believer I would be praying we aren’t going to be in another lockdown in a few weeks. I’m hoping the US Chief Medical Advisor suggesting our government’s decision to open up is “murderous” and the WHO stating their behaviour is a threat the to rest of the world might make them sit up and take notice but I’m not holding my breath.
    And there have been plenty more comments suggesting their decision is shall we say unsafe………


    Good to hear you are making progress.

    I’ve had a busy week including meeting up with the family at a local bakery for breakfast and a walk, lunch with friends I’ve not seen since last year and several walks and it’s been so enjoyable to be able to do it all without any pain or struggling to walk.

    I’m doing so well and still pinching myself. I walked 7kms on Tuesday with no pain or after effects and without the need to sit down every 10 minutes.

    Other daily activities are now much easier and I even managed 75 minutes of work in the garden yesterday as everything including weeds has gone mad over the past few weeks and needed tidying.
    There’s more to do but I decided to stop before I became tired.

    I should be able to drive again in 2 weeks and am looking forward to my annual trip to Herefordshire in August and hoping the weather is kind to us.
    Last time I visited in August it was scorching.

    Have a good weekend everyone ๐Ÿคช

    Great news regarding the summer and your movement Amazon! You must be thrilled.
    Regarding Boris and his bloody minded determination to have open slather and rising death tolls, what can you say? Until most of the World’s population is vaccinated (with a vaccine that works, unlike Cinovax!), we will continue to have a rampant pandemic with more and more variants, deaths and long term health damage. Utterly, utterly irresponsible and classic populist politics.
    I’ve made myself some Mexican blackbean soup for dinner…ideal in this freezing weather. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚

    Yoohoo. Where is everyone? Have you all been following the Olympics? It turned out to be a mostly successful event, and our little country had its best results yet!

    We are hunkering down under a wintery blast across the country. Stay warm, Wi. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Cheers, B.

    Good morning, Barata! I’ve been feeling too guilty to post here! I’ve little discipline and am stuck on 131lbs, trying to convince myself that my face looks better. Secondly, being stuck at home means there’s very little to say! Having said that, I’m worried about OH, whose weight is stuck on that regained 2st! He’s all aches and pains.

    Being on the other side of the world meant time was bad for watching the Olympics, so we saw few things all the way through and live. Sadly our local girl, Jade Jones, went out straight away. Too much pressure on her and high expectations for a third gold. I loved the mixed relays and the mixed triathlon. Those BMX girls up the air! Wow! I imagine that Australia’s athletes were bad,y effected my covid, as they often dominate in many sports.

    We’ve enjoyed the Lions v South Africa tests in spite of losing and having to pay for a flipping Now subscription. A number of questions re reffing, though.

    Hi Barata and Polly
    As you say, Pol, not a lot happening.
    Re the Olympics…I can’t stand watching commercial TV, so, even though the timing was perfect for us, we watched very little. We have very low Covid rates in Australia and our athletes had the best results ever. And we came 6th overall. Impressive!!! We were beating GB for most of the time. You caught up in the end.
    I was amazed by the freestyle BMX riding and the climbers. And always proud of our 470 sailing team. We used to own a 470, but certainly couldn’t reach that level! โ˜บโ˜บ Our swimmers and kaykers are always successful too. I do both those sports too. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Fasting today and freezing cold. Despite plenty of walking, I couldn’t get warm. Looking forward to dinner time soon.
    Cheers to all, P

    Morning, all. Miserable weather has led to good clearing of garage – keeping occupied rather than eating from boredom. I can’t knit now because of aching hands and the jigsaw app won’t load anymore.

    I looked back at my weight from last summer – exactly the same, 130/131. I’m thinking that I’ve probably settled at that now and should not bust a gut to get down a couple of pounds. The odd dessert when we eat out is a pleasure, especially when in company.

    See that New Zealand’s borders will be closed for a year. I feel sorry for any families who can’t get together. Victoria and NSW seem bad, too. Things are easier here, but masks have to be worn indoors in Wales. England no.

    Hope everyone is well.
    Pol. ๐Ÿ˜„

    58kg Polly? I wish I was back there! My weight just keeps creeping up, despite 2 fasts a week and 6km walking every day. ๐Ÿ˜’
    We in NSW are treading water with Delta while desperately trying to play catchup with vaccinations. Mr P and I have been fully vaxed since June, but with limited supplies, they have only just got to the younger groups. The good news is that noone who is double vaccinated has been in ICU. The vaccines do as they were intended…reduce serious illness and death, if not transmission.
    We are in our 2nd lockdown (the other was in April last year), but it doesn’t change our retired lives hugely…except seeing family.
    We certainly live in a different world now, don’t we? P

    Yep, we do. Just out for a walk with U3A, should have been last week, but workman ran over time. We’re risking wine group tomorrow. Still a bit apprehensive, but we have to start somewhere. There will be a few less than usual, so a bit more room. And more chance of drawing one of the tasted bottles. ๐Ÿฅ‚

    Wine us something we definitely won’t run out of!! ๐Ÿท๐Ÿท

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve been concentrating on recovery and it is now two months since my hip replacement and all is well.
    I am able to walk as far and as often as I wish and am back to doing my workout and am able to do all the exercises properly and the complete the requisite number of repeats of each move, something I’ve been unable to do for at least 2 years.

    I’ve been away for my annual pilgrimage ๐Ÿ˜‰ to Herefordshire and had a wonderful time despite some rather wet weather. Lots of walking including farm tracks, fields, steep hills and uneven ground, all accomplished easily and without any after effects as were the long drives there and back.

    We did 2 walks in places not previously visited and re-visited 3 formal gardens and worked out it’s 15-20 years since we first visited 2 of them and about 5 years since we visited the other one.
    It was interesting to see how the gardens had changed and the plants and trees matured
    As usual there were lots of laughs and too much cake and wine and a very nice steak lunch featuring Hereford beef in a lovely old pub ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    I arrived home with a carful of goodies, eggs and veggies from my friends, plants (there are always plants from my friend’s garden and one or two purchased from a garden visited) local honey also from a garden we visited and I did my usual stop at the farm shop for fresh produce ie local milk, yoghurt, cheese, meat, more veggies and berries.

    I’ve been back for a week and have been busy with various tasks I was unable to do during my recovery and some socialising.


    I’ve decided to go out for drinks and/or something to eat but to continue to keep my distance as much as possible and wear a mask where appropriate.
    We are supposed to be wearing masks on public transport but when I took the bus on Saturday I was the only person wearing one.
    Someone without a mask got on board and wanted to sit next to me (my bag was on the adjacent seat) and I said “no as you’re not wearing a mask” so she got one out of her bag and put it on ๐Ÿคฌ
    When did people become so selfish and arrogant?

    However I’m not going to allow other peoples behaviour put me off going out and enjoying myself but I’ll not be taking the bus again for a while, I’ll either walk or drive.
    I am also going to see as much as I can of my friends and family.

    I met a friend yesterday and we had a lovely long walk in Kew Gardens followed by a visit to a local cafรฉ for coffee.

    I’m fasting today. I’m finally (I think/hope) in the right frame of mind to stick to the task and am planning on 3 FDs this week.

    Time to get back to rearranging the furniture….

    Ho Amazon
    So pleased you are completely mobile again and able to enjoy your summer.
    I wonder how Wi is progressing? P

    Thanks Purple,

    I still can’t believe I’ve had surgery and recovered so fast and easily.
    The other morning I woke up and sat on the side of the bed half sleep and was wondering if it was going to be a painful day or not then remembered I’ve had surgery and it was not going to be a problem to stand up and get on with it ๐Ÿ™‚

    I hope Wi is doing OK, knee replacements are tougher to get over and take longer than hips.

    I’ve nailed B2B FDs so far this week and rather than pleased with myself am relieved I can actually do it as it’s been a long time since I’ve had any success at all.

    I’ve got friends coming for dinner tomorrow and there will be leftovers so the next FD will be Sunday as although I entertained thoughts of making today a 3rd successive FD decided I might be pushing my luck.

    We’re having fine warm weather but with a mix of cloud and sunshine which is preventing it from becoming too hot. Walking is a joy in many ways.

    You always amaze me, Amazon, with your back to back fasts. I’m a girl who likes routine in fasting…24 hour fasts Monday and Thursday…anything else just pushes me too far, I’m afraid. I’m off to bed now after my Thursday fast.
    Re walking, we have our best walking weather at this time of the year. Sunny and mild temperatures. Our enforced local walks are still enjoyable as we try to find different routes around the neighbourhood each day. The beginning of spring brings camellias, azelias, wattle blossom and blossoming fruit tress, as well as the wide variety of bird calls. With the lack of traffic due to lockdown, we can cross main roads easily and hear the birdlife more distinctly. Nodding at others as we pass on opposite sides of the road is our only human interaction. ๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜ท
    Cheers P


    That’s such great news on your speedy recovery from surgery and fantastic to hear how mobile and pain free you are.

    I always love reading about your Herefordshire pilgrimage too, and the fresh produce and subsequent kitchen adventures. It’s been a funny growing year here. Plenty of onions, carrots, peas, cucumbers and courgettes, but not much else! Very sparse flowers and fruit on the tomatoes and only just beginning to ripen, and chillies are small and late too.

    P, the absence of traffic was definitely a lockdown highlight here too. Clearly the majority didn’t agree though, judging by the numbers who couldn’t wait to get back behind the wheel and into a traffic jam!

    No fasting here at the moment, I’m in a maintenance zone without, so I’m not… I’m assuming it’s the regular running (6-10k), which will tail off a bit when winter arrives (hopefully not for a while!!), so I guess I’ll need to get back on the fasting wagon in autumn.

    Double entry….

    It’s great to hear that you are recovering so well, Amazon.
    Your positive attitude has paid off well.
    From total lockdown in NZ, your descriptions of what you are doing in the UK make me quite envious, Polly Happy and Amazon.
    Your walks sound attractive Purple. I see you are in lockdown until the end of September. We might just be there too ourselves.
    We are on day 3 in NZ with 30+ cases of Covid in the country.
    It’s sad as we are in our sunless flat. We should have gone to our sunny house before it was too late.
    I am still have problems walking on slopes. I can walk uphill, but as we live on a hill, only downhill is possible at the beginning. I will try anyway tomorrow.
    I am positive 9 weeks after the op, and I do an hour of resistance training everyday to try to build up my muscles after the years of pain.
    Except for the sleepless first weeks, I don’t regret having done this op.
    xx Wiwi

    Pleased to hear you are feeling positive about your progress, Wi. I am still having significant after effects from my injury 9 months ago. Time heals all wounds, apparently. Or is that, time wounds all heels? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
    We are heading into week 9 of this lockdown. Days slip by like Groundhog Day. I hit rock bottom today when I realised I now have to cancel my significant birthday and our very significant wedding anniversary celebrations. Crying and raging doesn’t change a thing. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜’ P

    You’re making good progress, Amazon and Wi. Knee and hip replacements seem to be developed to a fine art now. One of my friends had her knee replaced a few weeks and was back in Tai chi after a fortnight. Wi, are you living in a hilly area? Cant avoid slopes here and I’ve heard stories that Wales and NZ have that in common as well as the rugby.

    I’m impressed by your fast discipline, Amazon. I have very little and console myself with a Magnum, or Lidl’s equivalent which has nicer chocolate, at the least setback! Yesterday it was we will prob need the conservatory roof replaced. This is because it was designed badly, but the alternative would have been more expensive. Some serious negotiations will be needed.

    We’ve not ventured on public transport yet, although we have book tokens to exchange and want to browse in the big Waterstones in Chester. That’s an hour on the bus.

    Happy, I’m envy of your produce. Our courgettes have not done well, again, but I’m reassured that your tomatoes haven’t ripened. Not just ours then.

    Hi everyone,

    So much activity on this thread after months of quiet……


    Good to hear you are maintaining. I think I’ve turned a corner with my B2B fasts this week and I’m going to fast tomorrow and Monday.

    My pilgrimage to Herefordshire is a cross between a retreat and a holiday and I always return home feeling wonderful (apart from last year when I had a slipped disc AND a painful hip),

    My friends have lots of tomatoes, courgettes, cucumbers, a good amount of French and runner beans, huge cabbages, lots of spuds and a single carrot! They have red clay and carrots don’t do well but they manage to grow parsnips. They had a good crop of onions and garlic
    They also have lots of flowers on their aubergines and she is growing melons for the first time and while I was there she was thrilled to discover 4 little melons growing.

    I can’t put into words the joy of being able to walk for a couple of hours with no pain and not need to stop every 10 minutes and it made the walking and the garden visits even better.

    Great to hear from you and I’m glad you are making progress and feeling positive.


    Sorry to hear you’ve got to cancel celebrations, I empathise especially after not being able to spend time with my family last Christmas and watch the little ones opening their gifts or celebrate the youngest’s second birthday.

    This pandemic is tough for everyone but I keep telling myself to count my blessings and I certainly have reason to do so at present as I’m feeling great, I’m healthy and so far Covid hasn’t directly affected my nearest and dearest.


    After my experience on the bus last week I’ve not been on public transport but was heartened this morning when I went to the newsagent to see everyone at the bus stop was wearing a mask.

    As for my fast discipline, if I don’t lose some weight RIGHT NOW I’m going to need new clothes in a larger size and that is not going to happen.
    I hadn’t realised how much my hip problem was affecting my mental state until after the surgery and I’m feeling much more positive about life so it’s time to seize the moment and get some weight off.

    Yes, we have missed Christmases with family, too, and several little people’s birthdays, never to be replaced.
    Yesterday, when they announced another extension to our lockdown, the reality all got too much: after Christmas 2019 being swallowed up by bushfires, 2020 by Covid restrictions and now 50 years of marriage will have to pass like every other day since June, just we 2 at home. ๐Ÿ˜. And we will never get another. ๐Ÿคจ
    Also, I’m sure I’ll be too old to party on my next decade birthday. ๐Ÿ˜‘
    C’est la vie.

    Amazon , I’m with you on the clothes point. I haven’t had occasion to wear my ‘good’ size 10 trousers, so do admit to a little trepidation about them fitting.

    Oh, Purple, your big birthday and Golden wedding need a worthy cerebration – just defer them! That should make you feel younger anyway. I saw an irate post from a lovely ex-pupil, now living in Melbourne with with family about the anti-lockdown/precautions demonstrations there. It seems to be going round in circles. The doctor son of my friends, who went to look after toddler while he and wife worked for their exams, has had them cancelled yet again.

    Yes Polly. The whole world appears locked in a holding pattern.
    How stupid are protesters? All they do is extend the lockdown by further spread. And, frighteningly, they vote! No wonder we have such useless leaders.
    Re clothes, I have risen ever day for the past 9 weeks (and longer) and donned sneakers, jeans, a black merino thermal and one of my woolly jumpers. It doesn’t take any thought, but so sad to have nothing to dress for. The only variety is my choice of earrings! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Sorry to hear that your celebrations are on hold, Purple. You have been in limbo for a long time now.
    We are on Day 5 of lockdown only but I am too automatically putting on the same clothes.
    I’m enjoying taking time to use the lovely fresh produce available. Today a coleslaw with smoked salmon, later avocado with feta, basil and my favourite new spice Za’atar.
    I am making music, playing scrabble, watching Al Jazeera and films, reading, doing my hour of resistance exercises and walking a bit. I am going to get my sewing machine out and continue to make clothes for my wee grand daughter.
    I think I can keep this up for 2 weeks. Longer than that may be difficult in this small space.
    We are giving up the idea of going to Europe in October. It’s too soon to have any kind of overview of the world. It’s sad that my grand children are so far away, but this is collateral to the pandemic. We will have to celebrate all the missed events with a big one. Maybe in a sunny spot in Southern Europe if possible.
    Bye from a silver grey morning in Wellington.
    xx Wiwi

    Your day sounds similar, Wi.
    Making music, viewing,reading, sewing for grandkids. Some of mine are only kilometres away, but I haven’t seen them for months. Others, on the other side of the country, unseen since early 2020. They grow up so quickly. Luckily we have video calls. My great grandmother, in England, had nothing but letters to get to know her Aussie grandkids. She never met them. We must count our blessings.

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