Just started today!

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  • My hubby and I have just started this today. I’ve previously done SW and it is quite an enjoyable ‘diet’ but no longer lends itself to our lifestyle. We have 16 month old twins and work full-time over a condensed week so sometimes it just doesn’t fit in having to plan for a full weeks’ worth of meals. I also have PCOS so think that this new way of eating will be beneficial to my health as well as help us both lose weight. It seems more realistic in terms of being able to actually stick to it. Today we both had a banana and blueberry smoothie, though I missed out the yogurt. We’re having macaroni cheese for dinner. We’ve decided to fast on Tuesdays and Thursdays and just eat the same meals on those days and alternate week-to-week.

    Good luck.
    Like you I have had success with slimming world in the past and lost quite a lot of weight, four stones on my first attempt! The problem is that whenever I stopped I put on all the weight I lost and more besides. Every time I started again I was about heavier and found it a bit harder.
    I started the 5:2 this time last hear and in under 6 months lost almost 2.5 stones, life conspired against me ( I know any excuse but it was pretty awful) and I fell by the wayside and started to gain weight. Fortunately I have woken up to reality and for the first time in my yo yo dieting history I haven’t regained the whole lot and am still 16lbs lighter than I was this time last year so somewhere something has clicked with me despite not sticking to the plan.
    I started again yesterday and already feeling happier and more energized……. I feel I am in control again. Now I am a realist and have tried weight loss programmes enough to know this feeling won’t last for ever but when the going gets tough I will come here looking for support.
    I hope your plan goes well, I am sure it will help your PCOS, my DIL also suffers with PCOS and after much persuasion started the plan in Nov,and is already feeling the benefits.

    Hi Mrspinksnoopy ( lovely lol )

    well done on choosing 5.2, and wishing all the luck to you both, happy fasting and am sure your health worries will improve with this WOL!

    happy fasting 🙂

    Leahashleigh – congratulations for returning to 5:2 !! Life does get in the way at times, but your persistence is fantastic. So many of us are former Yo-Yo dieters and this way of eating/life is proving to be our saving grace.

    You’ve already proven to yourself how dedicated you can be. I’m not familiar with Slimming World as I’m from Australia, but losing four stone doing anything is absolutely amazing, regardless of what happened later. You’ll find this way so much easier and it’s definitely for the longer term. Do hold on to the fact that you kept 16 lbs off after embracing 5:2 last year.

    Look forward to hearing how it goes for you on your second attempt with 5:2. Unlike “diets”, this 5:2 plan really does work so do let go of thinking that your better feelings won’t last forever. Life does throw up new curves every day, but these Forums are so brilliant to return to when the chips are down. There are so many inspiring posts to keep us going. I wish you well.

    (BTW I don’t receive notification of follow-up replies via email, even though I’ve requested help for it. So I may miss any replies due to time differences. Anyone else having this problem?)


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