June 2020 monthly challenge

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June 2020 monthly challenge

This topic contains 694 replies, has 47 voices, and was last updated by  stitchincarol 4 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 696 total)

  • Day 11 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    I’m later than usual with my post today because I had to race out the door this morning to my one-day-a-week job as church secretary as I had more than usual to do today.

    I sort of failed and succeeded, both, yesterday with my lunch out. I didn’t have a salad, but I didn’t have a burger either (I had broccoli quiche). I did, however, give in to a beer. But when I got home, I had just a bit of veggie rice cooked with an egg in it, and no beer, so the net calories for the day can’t have been too awful. Plus, a salad sounds so healthy, but once the goodies have been added, I’m not so sure but what my quiche had a similar calorie content to the salads listed on the menu. Regardless, it was a lovely time, and I feel no guilt.

    I’m doing fine on today’s FD, and by the time the real hunger kicks in, I’ll be teaching three piano lessons, so I should last fine until our 500 calorie supper.

    @judyjudes, keep up the good work; you’ll have a whoosh one of these days, I’m sure!
    @northgeorgia, I have no hard data on how long my plateaus last, but I’m certain they wouldn’t last as long if I didn’t give in to food cravings that sabotage my goals, so just keep on keeping on, and I’m sure you’ll start moving down again–and trousers that are threatening to fall down around your ankles sounds like success to me!
    @suki2, how lovely that you finally got to see your DD!
    @basyjames, curious why you’re doing 5 LFD in a row? To jump start serious weight loss, or some other motivation?
    @penz, I’m guessing you’re already asleep as I type this, but I hope your headache went away!
    @i-hate-lettuce, I’m so curious to hear what your second delivery was! 🙂
    @jaifaim, you are the only one who knows if daily weighing is bad for you, but I have weighed myself just about every day for the past 40+ years. I use it to celebrate after a FD, I use it to motivate me when I’ve eaten too much (I know that I haven’t actually gained 2 pounds overnight, but the sight of a higher number is enough to remind me to behave that day), and I use it to understand what sorts of changes are normal through the week. So if you prefer weighing every day, don’t let yourself feel somehow guilty for it.

    My favorite way to treat myself? That’s a challenge, as I tend to think in terms of food, LOL! Treats are something I only aim for with weight loss goals. For example, I wanted a particular dress for Easter (even though it was only my husband and me, LOL), but didn’t want the size that would camouflage my midsection rolls, so I didn’t even allow myself to try it on until I’d moved from 165 to 159, and been there for at least three days. It worked, and I adore that Easter dress. Sometimes it’s new clothes, sometimes it’s a new pair of earrings, sometimes it’s Starbucks (but only a nonfat latte–I don’t ever order the high calorie things so that I never know what I’m missing!! LOL), and sometimes it’s an ebook that I have to pay for because it’s not available as Amazon Unlimited or from my library.

    Good luck with a laser focus on today’s goals!

    Pocket List – Day 11 🍏

    DD List – Day 11 ☕️

    Day 10 UK FD
    Day 11 UK FD

    Sticking with FD during the week and so far so good! Looking forward to the weekend when I will relax a bit. Busy all day at work so no time to even think about food which is good!

    As regards ongoing rewards, trying on the ” thin” clothes which fitted, then didn’t, and now fit again! The trick is to ensure that’s the way they stay!

    This forum is my best aid to staying on track. When I don’t post it’s because I’ve gone “off piste” and eating everything that’s not nailed down.. I’m getting better at not doing that and hanging on tight to my seat on the wagon! So a big thanks to everyone!

    Day 12, NFD, Aus

    Yesterday’s FD was a bust. My mojo seems to have disappeared. Next week!!!

    @EmmaTaylor – DD was Dry Drinkers. I’ll be back with you on the DD list on Monday. Promise!

    Oooh @bellyblast, a massage!! What a great treat idea. I miss those. And pedies (actually someone had a pedi recently but now I forget who). A nice bath is another easy treat, @erikaa67, @suki2 – some great ideas here. (And hope you start feeling better soon, erikaa67, michelinme.)

    Fabulous results in the trousers department, @northgeorgia and @shinything.

    @michelinme, and any others, have you got some recommendations for a meditation site / you tube / pod cast? I’m thinking it might do me some good to incorporate that into my morning routine.

    Lots of self-confessed word nerds on this forum. I’m sure we all forgive each others’ occasional mistakes, because overall, I have to say, I think we’re a pretty literate bunch!

    Today’s question: what’s your favourite exercise?

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Day 12 – Japan – WFD #46

    About halfway through the fast.

    @penz – I think I would choose bicycling as a favorite exercise. I’m not thrilled with any exercise, but at least with bicycling I get to go somewhere.

    Day 11 Ohio, US — NFD
    Day 9 — NFD
    Day 8 — NFD

    Spent last evening preparing to take a day trip —- something of a big adventure now since the pandemic set in. This morning I packed up the car, got in, and voila! no electricity! So I called AAA and they jump-started the car. Then without turning the car off, I called my mechanic and made an appointment. Fortunately they could get me in right away, so instead of my day trip, I had a trip to the dealer’s waiting room where I spent the whole afternoon. All the employees wore masks, but almost none of the customers did and almost no one, including people wearing masks, observed social distancing. While I’ve thought about how not to expose myself in public areas, I had never considered something like this happening.

    The upshot of all this is that my usual Thursday FD was postponed because I would be travelling, but now I’m not really sure if I should fast tomorrow or not. I think I may just wait and see how I feel in the morning.

    Hope you all had a quieter, safer day!

    Day 12, Emden Germany, CD

    @penz I like doing planks and some stretching exercises. I also dance 3 times a week.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 12 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    I got the job!!!!!! I was asked to meet HR yesterday morning and they told me they were very impressed with my interview and work experience and offered me a permanent role in a new department. Yay!!!!!!!

    Delighted. It puts a bit of security now onto my future, I am not broke or anything like that, but it’s good to know I have a salary and pension and benefits until I decide to stop working again.

    Some may remember that about two years ago I walked out of what was supposed to be my dream horticulture job due to the intimidation and bullying from the boss. I was even going to take an action against him as it really was nasty. I spent a couple of very stressful weeks worrying, no job, stressing….when I contacted my friends asking if they had anything going where they worked, there was a temp job in one p,ace for 4 weeks….two years later I am still there covering different roles….and now I am being made permanent.

    And I didn’t blow my FD by celebrating with wine either!!! Today I am 2lb down from Monday and an inch less on my waist. Tonight I meet my girlfriends for champagne for the first time since Lanzarote in February 🍾🍾🍾

    @penz my treat to myself is usually time alone, in the garden, or a bath, often though it’s 🍷
    My favourite exercise…..well, I love walking, however I have really got into those Leslie Sansone power walks, I love how every muscle is used and it’s not a killer for ladies of my age….so that would be it. Introduced to me by this forum ☺️

    Have a great Friday. Love you all ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

    Day 12 – Lake District UK- NFD

    Good morning everyone,

    Weigh in day today, no change this week, but that’s fine, it hasn’t gone up!

    @daffodil2010 – Congratulations, enjoy your celebratory fizz this evening!

    @penz – Easy answer this time, walking, either a MOAM walk or a long amble with my better half.

    Funny how things go round in circles ! Bit of ‘one for the lads’ on here, but I know a lot of ladies who like a glass of good beer! Hope you’re not too bored with my interest of many years.

    Some 20+ years ago we moved house, I started growing most of our own vegetables on a nearby allotment. Not only that I took to baking our own bread as well. The next thing I had started brewing my own beer. Not the homebrew of the 70’s, this was proper Craft Beer. The Craft Brewing movement was just getting going, nowadays Craft Brewing is thriving, micro breweries are plentiful and there are a lot of followers worldwide who are enjoying a damn good pint of ale brewed with care and attention. Not a kit that makes ‘head banging juice’ this stuff, it’s all made properly with simple ingredients, water, grain, hops and yeast! The only sign of chemicals are the sanitizer to keep everything spotlessly clean.

    When we moved to our present home, there is a rather nice workshop attached to the garage, my ‘Den’ and there in a corner, sat shiny and waiting the brewing kit! I haven’t brewed for the last 4 years, the bottle store is full of empty bottles, the store cupboards are almost bare, so, boiler and mash tun checked over, all the gear is there, an online visit to an old friend of mine and yesterdays delivery ….Malted grain, 6 Kg Maris Otter 4 kg Pale Ale and 1kg crystal malt, …100g each of East Kent Goldings, Fuggles, and citra hops … and the ‘engine’ 2 packs of Nottingham yeast.

    Next week, going to set aside a morning for brewing, hope I’ve not to bored you too much, but it’s surprising how many visitors, when offered a drink, wine or whatever, ask if I’ve got a beer!


    Take care all

    Day 12 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Well, I reached my June target already; scales show exactly 71kgs this morning. It wasn’t much of a goal though, a half-kilo loss. I’ll just carry on for another week, but I may need to increase the calories on NFDs. The extra walking is definitely making a difference.

    @daffodil2010 – Great news! Congratulations!! 🍾🥂

    @penz – I’m not crazy about exercise. My favourite part is when it’s done; that sense of accomplishment you get when it’s over. In the good old days when we could go to the gym, I always headed for the elliptical machine; I would do around 40 minutes on there before heading to the weights. But I’ve got to have my music playing. Nowadays I settle for walking & yoga.

    @northgeorgia, @daffodil2010 & others who mentioned being stuck on a plateau: I thought you might find this useful. I found it in my email yesterday, courtesy of the My Fitness Pal app. They refer to a ‘Set Point’, but I think it’s the same thing? ‘8 ways to change your set-point weight’. After you click on it you need to scroll down a little. The article is under ‘Further Inspiration’. https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/?p=38411

    Day 12 – Ireland – CD

    @stitchincarol you’re so right… and that’s pretty much what I’ve done to date but I’ve found recently that there is so much bobbing about around the same weight it just bothers me more than inspires me 🙄
    I thought a LFD would be like a magic potion this week but no real change… Will try again next week 👍
    Ps… I’m still wrecking the scales 😂😂 obsesses or what 🥴
    @mia239 I too do the trying on of thin clothes… 🎉
    @matpi enjoy your outing! Very exciting!!!
    @penz without a doubt cycling is my favourite exercise and those if you who know me now know I can happily go out and cycle 100km solo just enjoying the ride and my thoughts … love it 💕
    @daffodil2010 hurrah hurrah hurrah I am absolutely “delira” for you!!!!! Enjoy the fizz 🥂
    Off home to mum and dad again tonight so much best we’ll today!!
    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 12 NFD. London

    FD went fine yesterday, and my hipbones are back. Haven’t seen them in a while….
    Went to the supermarket with DH last night, and found lots of really good tomatoes on offer, so made gazpacho with them. Will have some today when I finally decide to eat. One big plus of lockdown is I’m being forced to cook ( not really ‘cook’ with gazpacho) and I find I quite like it. Never been that interested before.
    Well done on the job @daffodil 2010. I remember when you had to quit your other job. I think things usually work out in the end, if you’re a decent person!
    @ihatelettuce – please tell us how the beer making goes. I was a huge wine drinker, then had to stop for a couple of years cos I liked it too much, and now, ( thank you @penz!) I’m a dry till Fri beer drinker. I love beer. I bet yours is great….

    Oops… that’s “checking” the scales 😂😂😂

    Apols for typos… a friend called to the door as I posted 😂😂

    Day 12, UK, FD?

    I was sent home from work on Wednesday with severe back pain, it was so bad at one point I almost fainted. I managed to speak to a doctor and got an emergency prescription for hard core painkillers. My poor DH, had to source a late night chemist and has spent the past couple of days looking after me. I think at one point I shouted at him to just give me the drugs!

    I haven’t eaten much as the tablets made me feel really sick and drowsy. Went to bed last night at 8.30 and surfaced this morning about 9. Feeling a lot better. So I’m not sure if I’ll try for a FD, or just go with my normal Friday CD, allowing for a glass of wine later.

    My new scales have arrived, as of this morning – first time I’ve used them, I was 3lb higher than the old ones. I felt really disappointed but I know I was trying on clothes at the weekend that didn’t fit 6 months ago so I’ve decided to take it on the chin and move on.

    @daffodil 2010 great news re your job, they obviously appreciate talent when they see it.
    @i-hate-lettuce let us know how the beer brewing goes, my OH is a craft beer fan and is always finding new varieties to try, though I haven’t found one I like yet.
    @jaifaim, I’m a daily weigher. I have tried not to be but I feel I need that daily reminder. We do what’s best for us and you know what works for you.

    Happy Friday everyone.

    Day 11 – UK – CD

    Hi Peeps

    Yesterday’s FD ended at 725. Not as low as I intended but feel ok about that. Having a CD today to compensate and aiming for 900.

    @jaifiam Thank you. You had a fab reason to have a tipple … celebrating a friends birthday is a legit reason 😊.

    @stitchincarol I do hope you’re right. I’m done about 1.5lbs since the 1st June. My goal is 4lb for the month, so a way to go yet. I’m also a daily weigher and find it motivating rather than defeating.

    @daffodil2010 Congrats 🥳 on your permie job! Great news.

    Take care, stay safe.

    Done = *down. Silly spell check.

    Day 12, London, UK, NFD

    I didn’t post yesterday as I was up & out early because, wait for it ………………………………….. I had a dental appointment!!! 😁 🍾💐🍾!! ………………. Here, I need a firework emoji!!! Anyway, I called on day 10 and after some discussion, I wrangled an emergency appointment for yesterday morning, unfortunately the infection had spread and affected my jaw bone, so the tooth couldn’t be saved. Treatment 5 weeks ago would have saved me some blood, sweat and tears, not to mention my bloomin’ tooth!!!!! Anyway, a stressful super PPE, visit and I rested well yesterday and today, the swollen lymph nodes are painful (worrying!) but I hope they’re going down? Of course yesterday was a WFD, and not too much water since I was being careful of disturbing the ENORMOUS hole in my mouth!! Today’s plan is yoghurt & soup & sleep!!!
    @penz, my favourite way to treat myself is shopping, I don’t really treat myself after a FD (just a little patting myself on the back or some halo polishing!!!). When I started this journey, I had a list of items I would buy at a special milestone, leather bag, leather boots, jewellery ………………….. the Tiffany cuff is still on the list (that’s a goal weight treat!!) In answer to today’s question, Leslie Sansone walking, Pilates & yoga, those have kept me busy and trimmed 5+ inches overall during this lockdown phase, so I’ll be sticking with them!!

    @emma-taylor ……………” Very unBritish to barge in at the front.” ……………… so true, so 😂 😂

    @i-hate-lettuce, you are sooooo lucky I’m only catching up on yesterdays’ posts today!!!! The suspense over your delivery would have killed me!!!! Happy brewing!! 🍾

    @suki2, that’s some dangerous stuff right there, I only clicked on for a few minutes and woke up 20 minutes later!!!! ………………. It may have just been the programme content though, a similar effect to cricket or golf!!! 😂 😂

    Congratulations @daffodil2010, 🍾🍷 🥂 💐 🍾you deserve it!!!……………….. I can’t believe the ‘greenhouse situation’ was 2 years ago!!!

    I’m off for another nap!!! Happy Friday folks, stay strong!!!

    “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” – T.S Eliot

    Day 12 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Yesterday was not the most successful FD ever. I was struggling with going ahead and doing my planned 480 calorie meal as opposed to acknowledging I have a TON of leftovers in the fridge that need eating. I googled calories in cooked rice, and so I did fried rice with a cup for each of us, lots of carrots, an onion, and 2 eggs each. I needed almost 2 tablespoons of oil for it unfortunately. It was yummy, and my calorie computations say it was right around 650 each, but the scale didn’t go down the usual 2+ pounds. My itch to snack, which wasn’t entirely controlled, didn’t help. But, hey, I made a dent on the leftovers! LOL

    @daffodil2010 CONGRATULATIONS!!
    @IHateLettuce My DH and I also brew beer. We’re relative newbies, relying on kits so far, but we’re slowly learning, and enjoying the journey! Our next step is to take a Brew In A Bag class when it’s scheduled.
    @saffy420 Serious bummer on the back pain! I hope it is resolved ASAP!
    @flourbaby So sorry about the loss of your tooth; I hope complete healing is rapid!

    Wishing you all laser focus on your goals!

    Day 12 Oxfordshire, UK CD
    My favourite exercise is yoga. Something I’d always wanted to try but never found the right class. About 14/15 years ago I had a chest infection, off work for about a month in total. Recovered yet still very congested so had some acupuncture which really helped. Whilst at the clinic saw beginner yoga classes advertised. I’ve never looked back. I practise twice a week minimum and its the only exercise I’ve ever prioritised.
    During lockdown its been a saviour.
    @daffodil2010 – big congratulations on your job success.
    @funshipfreddie – thanks for the article. I think the NEAT is a way forward for me. I’ve tried to do this on and off but never realised the significance. I iron in one room and hang the clothes in the next room, walking between each item ironed. So just have to be more creative.
    @flourbaby – oh dear, I’ve not tried him yet 😉

    Day 12 UK NFD

    @daffodil2010 well done 🎉 on the job news
    A big ouch for @flourbaby and @saffy420 Hoping it’s a swift recovery for the both of you

    Looking forward to hearing about the beer @i-hate-lettuce I’ll be sampling a few myself this evening ( but aiming to keep it to just the 2 )

    Back in the pre Covid days I really enjoyed visiting the gym particularly classes but thanks to Youtube I’ve now got new Yoga and Pilates buddies and the best find of all Leslie Sansome – who have thought it ! Just off to do a quick 3 miles

    Have a good Friday all

    Day 12 Canada NFD
    A great FD yesterday and feeling like my balloon is deflating. Going to look up the facial massage, sounds wonderful.
    @penz xc skiing is my love

    Day 12 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Pretty much OMAD yesterday, but that one was indulgence in a Steak & Shake garlic double burger and fries. Sure was a nice splurge. Scale still okay today.

    @matpi – hope the day at the service department wasn’t too expensive to fix your car.

    @daffodil2010 – congratulations on the new position! Yes, I was around back when that toxic environment forced you away from the old job. Hope this works for you for as long as you wish!

    @flourbaby &saffy420 – let’s hear it for recovery from pain and anguish for both of you.

    @brightonbelle – re exercise: our Silver Sneakers gym has opened up for us, class is spaced out over 2 indoor tennis courts where before we crammed about 40 of us into a much smaller space. Many from the class are not back yet, but hopefully will be. During the lockdown, we did Facebook live videos that worked amazingly well for most of us. It seems much of our workouts are like Leslie Sansome.

    Happy brewing to all of you who enjoy that activity and drink!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 12 UK CD/NFD?

    Woop woop for a whole week back on the waggon – and in a sticky seat at last! Forgot to weigh in first thing but mid morning showed I’ve lost 2lbs, BMI edged into healthy range at 25.0! Next goal – get below 11 stone/154lb 70kg #takeyourlearnings

    Yesterday CD came in at 880 calories despite containing rather a lot of chocolate custard so delicious it could have been a standalone pudding. Which it was. (2tbsp each Custard powder, coconut sugar, raw cacao; 500ml light coconut milk, microwave 2 x3 mins, stir halfway)

    Decided to leave panel talk/prep polishing in favour of sleep, got up early this morning and uncharacteristically worked well first thing. Filled with a wonderful calm and perspective after yesterday’s meditation sessions; how i have missed this feeling of being able to practice the pause. Lively panel session on zoom went well, glad it’s done!

    Lovely late lunch of baked sweet potato with cheese & onion and massive salad. Looking forward to the last of the fresh pineapple, blueberries and apple which are waiting to be eaten up. Might even make my old treat friday night mug cake to have with last of the chocolate custard later 🙂

    @penz The sites I use include wildmind.org who run free 28 day courses using buddhist ideas & practice. Although it’s centred in Buddhism it’s not at all proselytising. I’ve found it hugely helpful building skills like awareness of breath, forgiveness, compassion, acceptance. Deepak Chopra & Oprah Winfrey have some hugely accessible meditations on particular themes (eg hope in uncertain times). they run them as free courses when new, all the old ones are available for sale choprameditation.com

    My favourite form of exercise used to be cycling but can’t any more. i still rejoice in doing occasional exercise-biking and have a particular passion for swimming, even tho it usually wipes me out for a week. Adapted yoga has been a godsend, centring me and enabling small but consistent progress in stretching and strengthening muscles and learning to listen more attentively to my body.

    @northgeorgia i was on a plateau for 9 months without losing a lb! But lost tons of inches, and went down more than 2 dress sizes. Our bodies are doing something useful with the fasting even if it’s not something we can see or are measuring 🙂

    @daffodil2010 HUGE congratulations! Fabulous news! Well done you!!!

    @i-hate-lettuce i love beer! Preferably a good real ale by the pint or three. Delighted you are brewing, look forward to hearing more about your crafty journey 🙂

    @saffy420 hope your back is better v soon

    @flourbaby You poor thing! I’m sorry about your tooth. Hope this settles down superspeedily and the infection is treated without any more adventures xxxx(i actually said out loud to the screen ‘o no Flour Baby!’ Clearly been here too long!)

    Had a lovely hour catching up with posts, now need to hit the end of day deadline for last thing of the week. Early start tomorrow w monthly community gathering then that’s it for commitments for a while.

    Enjoying lightly- planning bday ‘outing’ next Tues if possible – ie around chest x-ray trip if i’ve got a negative coronavirus result by then! Plan: come out of hospital, drive further down A3, look for lovely countryside spot to picnic…. After 10 weeks only in my home & garden xc ambulance trip last week, it feels like a wild adventure!

    Day 12, UK, NFD

    Even though yesterday was a good FD, I don’t feel any change today. This sure is a slow process for me 🐢

    @daffodil2010 congrats on the job and on weight/inches loss!!! 🍾👏🎉 Really happy for you! 😀

    @funshipfreddie thank you for that article about set point weight, will definitely read it 👍

    @saffy420 I hope your back feels better, sounds serious? Do you know what was the cause of pain?

    @flourbaby I am sorry to hear you had to lose your tooth 😔, but at least you are not in pain any more, and I’m sure those swollen lymph nodes are just a reaction to the trauma and they are doing their job and healing 🙂

    @penz my favourite exercise is pilates, I find it easy to do and it does wonders for the body. I do like yoga too and used to practice ashtanga but I had an injury and had to stop for a while, and it was never the same after that.

    I hope everyone who is awol are doing fine and just lurking 🙂

    Have a lovely weekend everyone 🌼

    Day 12 UK FD

    Another successful FD completed and have managed to resist the very strong urge to raid the crisps and wine! Think I’ll head to bed and avoid the kitchen. Will relax the fasting a bit over the weekend and try not to sabotage my efforts this month!
    My currrent exercise is walking to Leslie Sansone’s programmes. I sometimes do a couple back to back and combine with walking outside when it’s not pouring rain as it’s been today!

    Congratulations @daffodil2010 on your new job! I do remember your experience in the previous one. I hope all goes well for you.

    Day 13, Emden Germany, FD

    @daffodil2010 Congratulations!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 13 – Ireland – NFD

    @saffy420 and @flourbaby you both have had such a rough time with pain! I hope you are on the mend…. @flourbaby I’m so sorry you had to lose the tooth… ☹️

    @michelinme it was great to read your post yesterday – I can feel the energy emanating from you so hopefully you are back on the good track with your health 👍

    @i-hate-lettuce I love beer but don’t drink so much these days as I’m mainly on the dry but my brother brewed some stout and I tasted it last week – yum. hope it turns out well…👍 sounds like yours is the place to be! 🍻

    @daffodil2010 I’m so happy for you! Well done! I would have been really disappointed if they had made any other decision after your commitment to your job over the past three months.. see.. you ARE essential 😊

    @shinything thanks for scooping me up and popping me back on the pocket list on Thursday 👍 . I’m still plodding along too🐢 one foot in front of the other – just as well it’s not a race 😂

    @songbirdme that Steak & Shake garlic double burger sounded pure DELICIOUS 😋

    @snowflake56 you’re up early! Good luck with your Saturday FD 👍

    A gentle weekend with my parents is on the cards and now that we can travel we might get out for a drive 🤞although it’s set to be raining for most of the weekend…

    Have a lovely day!
    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 13 Melb Aust TDEE
    Day 12 FD800

    Doing okay – down 0.3 kg this week, which is not a lot, but it’s still a loss. Like many here, I prefer to weigh daily, as then I can apply correction if the scales start to move in the wrong direction.

    @i hate lettuce, hope the beer brewing is successful – let us know!

    @funshipfreddie, thanks for the link to the set point article. Interesting reading.

    @flourbaby, great that you finally got to a dentist, but what a pity you had to lose the tooth. Hope the lymph node swelling goes down quickly. I presume you’re on antibiotics for the infection in the jaw?

    @michelinme, crossing my fingers that you receive a clear Covid-19 result. Glad that you’re feeling better. Sorry to tell you (not really 🙂 ), I am down to 70 kg as of this morning, so you have some chasing and catching up to do.

    @saffy420, hope the back pain has settled by now. Is it lower back pain? If so, have you been checked out for kidney stones? They are VERY painful, and can make the back go into spasm.
    With a kidney stone, it’s almost impossible to stay still because of the pain, and you can’t find any position which eases the pain. If that sounds familiar, maybe get it checked out?

    @jaifaim, have a lovely weekend with your parents

    @penz, favourite exercise? Has to be walking. Love gardening, too, but it doesn’t come under the specific exercise category.

    Anyone have any suggestions about losing measurements around the waist? When I lost weight in 2009, my waist was 2 inches less than this time at 70 kg, other measurements around the same.

    @ciren2, hope you’re doing well, and are quietly lurking. Miss your postal exploits.

    Onward and downwards everyone!

    Day 13 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone,

    Bit of a gloomy start to the day but that’s OK, have a few jobs to do around the house and the ‘kids’ are going to video call today as it’s Mrs IHL’s birthday tomorrow.

    @funshipfreddie – Now you can get out and sounds like you’re enjoying and feeling the benefits of getting out walking again, I would have struggled with a total lockdown you had to endure!

    @stitchincarol – BIAB beer making, the next step to ‘the dark side’ as Craft Brewing is sometimes referred to, it’s not difficult though, just need the right recipes!

    Surprising number of you have commented on my hobby, my main job today, brew beer!

    The boiler will be on soon, get the malted grains weighed out, it’s a simple process, just need to get timings right. Put grain in mash tun, pour on water, wait.
    After 90 mins sparge water through mash tun, basically, it’s a big warm vessel full of soggy porridge with a filter in the bottom. Pour more water into mash tun which acts like a big sieve, open tap at bottom and collect 25 litres of dark sticky liquid ie wort.
    Put the wort into boiler, slow boil for an hour, add hops at various intervals, early ones make beer bitter, mid ones add flavour, last 15 mins add aroma.
    After an hour in the boiler, cool the wort, then drain into fermenting vessel, add brewing yeast, then wait. Leave to ferment for around 5 days, let it settle a little longer, then bottle. There you go, simple!

    It seems to go against the grain …. To brew beer when on 5:2 but no different than any other food or drink, (there’s roughly 200 calories a bottle) don’t drink (alcohol) every day, when you do add the calories onto your daily intake, win win, that’s why I like 5:2 and can manage the lifestyle!

    Take care all

    Day13 NFD

    So have fasted 4 days this past week and the scales have not moved one ounce! Will try to be super vigilant over the weekend and hopefully next week will show a result!

    Having our usual weekly Zoom family quiz tomorrow set this week set by one of my sons. Such good fun and in the absence of actual “in the same room” contact does help to keep us connected.

    Good luck to everyone today and stay safe.

    Day 13 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @ciren2 – like @betsylee, I was thinking about you too. I hope all is well in Gloucestershire.

    @flourbaby – uurgh?!! I feel your pain! So sorry for your lost tooth; feel better soon 😟

    @i-hate-lettuce – enjoy the brewing! I’ve never been much of a beer drinker. My Dad wasn’t either, but he loved brewing the stuff back in the ’70’s.

    I like reading biographies/memoirs, & I spotted this book review yesterday; ‘This is Big – How the Founder of Weight Watchers Changed the World’. About Jean Nidetch, & written by Marisa Meltzer. The price is ‘Big’ too though; US$20 for the Kindle edition?! https://www.pressreader.com/uk/scottish-daily-mail/20200612/281827171004811

    Have a good weekend everyone! 🌈 ⛅️

    Day 13 – Japan – NFD

    Water fast was easy. Too much snacking today, I need to stop that.

    Day 13 NFD Ire

    Hello, only did 1 FD this week but not going to beat myself up over it. I was doing training all week via zoom for my new job and am exhausted . I’m trying to get into a new routine and include exercise and get some house jobs done. The weather is terrible and can’t get into my garden , annoying. I’d love a glass house but nowhere to put one unfortunately.
    Is lovely to hear everyone’s different treats for themselves. Mine is usually go to the garden centre and buy plants and have coffee and a scone or breakfast in their fab restaurant. I really miss meeting friends for breakfast.
    Going to keep busy today. Take care everyone . Thanks for your support.

    Day 13, London, UK, LFD

    Thanks for all the well-wishes for my tooth, I just regret it wasn’t treated sooner. The 2 rounds of antibiotics and bucket loads of painkillers have done nothing for my once thriving gut biome!!! I hate taking pills or drugs of any kind, but the toothache I had could have driven me to seeking out something illicit!!!! 😳 😳

    @saffy420, the miracle of pharmaceutical pain relief!! 😂 I hope you’re with me on this road to recovery, go gently!!

    @betsylee, I’ve already had 2 rounds of antibiotics and they said the tooth infection had weakened my jaw bone, hence the extraction, so hopefully there’s no more infection and I just need to heal, fingers crossed.

    @songbirdme, is it wrong that even with my remaining mild jaw pain & despite my inability to chew ……………………………… I REALLY REALLY, want one of those burgers!!!!!!!!! 😂🍔🍔😂

    Have a great weekend folks …………………………………

    “When you’re at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on.” – Theodore Roosevelt

    Day 13 Second post

    @flourbaby – fingers crossed with you!

    Day 13 Oxfordshire, UK NFD
    Yesterday’s CD turned into a NFD 🙁
    Never mind today is another day.
    Stay strong everyone.

    Day 13 – USA/GA – NFD

    Starting my 3rd NFD in a row and headed into the weekend. I told myself yesterday, “don’t snack out of boredom. Just eat when you’re hungry and don’t eat when it’s close to bedtime.” I’m down a few ounces, still weighing in at 261. Folded up and put away the “big boy trousers” yesterday. May still wear them if I have a tighter belt, but probably won’t if I can fit into the next smaller size (where did I put those at?).

    @michelinme and @funshipfreddie Yeah, I try not to worry too much about plateaus. Eventually my body will hop back into the lift and say, “going down?”

    Good luck to everyone!

    Day 13 Canada NFD
    Off for a few days and will try to control my eating 🙏🤞
    Will catch up on posts on the way.
    Have a great weekend 😊

    Day 13 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Checking in. Hope you’re all well —

    Onward and downward.

    Day 13 UK NFD

    In the sun enjoying the day A very small celebration- I set myself a target of 2 beers yesterday and stuck to it 🎉 Hoping to emulate today Have a good weekend all

    Day 13 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Had a great night with my friends last night, social distancing indoors, but enjoying champagne together and catching up, it all felt so much like normality and was good for the soul.

    Thank you all so much for your kind wishes re my permanent job, I am so delighted 😄

    @flourbaby OMG the tooth had to be pulled. Poor you. I hope the pain subsides. Try acidophilus for the gut biome.

    @i-hate-lettuce I love reading about your craft beer making…..in my previous career I worked for a brewery (very well know Irish brewery) and on a humongous scale I was familiar with mash tuns, crystal malt, the particular smell of the roast house …..I even completed a general certificate in brewing, fascinating…..but I still prefer to drink beer than make it. Think I will have a nice IPA this afternoon with DH…you have inspired me. 😄

    Having a coffee now…and I was naughty and picked up two chocolate biscuits that were remaining in a biscuit tin since forever….and guess what…both fell out of my hand and onto the floor….so I took that as a sign to bin the biscuits 😂

    Have a great weekend

    Day 13 UK NFD

    Really tired today as hardly slept last night. Got up early for monthly community gathering then spent the afternoon v gently repotting courgettes, chillis & peppers. Just sunflowers & calendula to go & that’s the last of my seedlings grown up 🙂 Considering this started as a ‘use up the seeds in the back of drawers’ lockdown project I’ve learnt lots & may even get some veg out of it!

    I got a text this afternoon to say coronavirus test was negative, which was what I expected. Delighted that I actually managed to do it properly (!) and can now go for chest x-ray on Tues & GP appt on Thurs.

    @betsylee You are a whole lb ahead of me – thank you for the motivation!

    Day 13 – UK – NFD

    Hi All

    I’ve been on track, losing slightly so that’s a welcome improvement. Drinking minted water this evening and will have a fruit tea later.

    We’ve indulged and ordered a KitchenAid Artisan Power Plus Blender. As well as making veggie smoothies it can make nut butters, nut milks, flours, sauces, veggie soups etc. Looking forward to it arriving and experimenting.

    Have a great weekend.

    Take care, stay safe.

    Day 14 Melb Aust TDEE

    Just plodding along for the weekend, trying not to indulge too far (keeping strict account of my calories).

    @michelinme, so glad the Covid-19 test was negative. If you had it a few months ago, it should be negative by now. An antibody test would be interesting, though many of them have proved to be unreliable, so maybe not.

    @north Georgia, how satisfying for you to be able to put your “big boy trousers”.

    @dee22, definitely don’t beat yourself over the head for “only” doing one FD this past week. This is a WOL that fits in with people’s lifestyles and events.

    @flourbaby, hope the pain has settled completely now.

    @saffy420, hope your back pain has settled, too.

    Onward and downwards everyone!

    Day 14, Emden Germany, CD

    had to change yesterday’s FD in a CD as the lovely 6 y.o. from next door came over to play and brought home made muffins with her. You can’t turn down something like that but I took the smallest one.

    @flourbaby and @saffy420 I hope you both feel better and can enjoy your Sunday.

    @jaifaim I always wake up early but I don’t get up. I always drink coffee in bed and read a book before getting out of bed.

    @i-hate-lettuce I don’t drink beer often but it’s interesting to know how the process goes.

    @michelinme I’m glad the test was negative.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 14 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    It’s warm and sunny here already, got to be out early I think, then lazy day in the garden.

    The brewing day went very well yesterday, forgot how much I enjoy my beer making! In fact had a thought about future brews. Do more ! however I normally brew 23 litres at a time (which is 40 bottles) However go to smaller batches, more brewing, less weight to throw around, more experimentation, less time bottling, time to experiment with 20 bottle batches.
    Forgot how brewing at this time of year changes things, the warmth, this batch started off in the fermentation vessel within hours! The yeasties were having a real party, the airlock was bubbling away nicely last night, this morning it was nearly empty, it had blown most of the liquid out of the airlock, ‘the Den’ really did smell like a brewery this morning!

    Take care all

    Day 14 second post – Oops! @northgeorgia – put AWAY your “big boy trousers” I meant.

    Day 14, London, UK, NFD,

    Another successful LFD yesterday, I’m a little late to the LF party, but it really is soooo much easier for me to only consume a small amount of milk in my one coffee of the day, then just water or peppermint tea to (easily) drown any roaring 🐉!! I KNOW I’m a real ‘All or Nothing’ kind of gal, but I’m having a true “Doh!!” moment, I’m not sure why I haven’t tried this before? Anyway, my plan from now on is your bog standard 5:2 or 4:3 if the mood takes me, with one exception …………………… Liquid only FDs <100cals!!

    @daffodil2010, I’ve resumed my acidophilus supplement now, no point when on antibiotics as they kill ALL bacteria, I’m just waiting for the wound to heal some more (still twinging & throbbing a bit 😟😳) then I’ll be back on the sauerkraut & pickled ‘anything’ that I love so much!!

    @northgeorgia, I’ve had times where I’ve had to take myself off to bed at 7pm just to avoid snacking or raiding the kitchen cupboards!! I try to tell myself the kitchen is closed, locked and bolted at 7pm and that’s that; It doesn’t always work!! Some try toothbrushing or keeping their hands occupied ……………………………. Perhaps you could take up knitting?? 😂 😂

    @michelinme, so pleased the test was negative, now to find the cause of your problems!!!

    @snowflake56, you definitely couldn’t turn down that muffin, there’re so few selfless acts of kindness out there that we really can’t refuse them!!!!

    Have a great S🌞nday everyone!! Stay strong🌈

    Day 14 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    So far so good this weekend. I had just three small glasses of red wine last night after dinner, & really didn’t want more! Which just goes to show, I really should keep off the hard stuff.

    @flourbaby – I must confess I’ve never done a LFD. I suppose coffee, water & a couple of glasses of wine would be a no-no? Dr Mosley would definitely disapprove anyway 🤔

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Day 14 – UK – NFD

    I was very good yesterday. Didn’t over eat, no added sugar, no alcohol, kept within calorie allowance. All good. Intend to repeat pattern today.

    Have a great Sunday.

    PS doing short post as screen increasingly unresponsive so typing takes an age.

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