Day 4 Tas Australia NFD
Sorry made a mistake yesterday I think and said it was day 2 again.
This topic contains 1,893 replies, has 168 voices, and was last updated by Onahealthyhigh 6 years, 6 months ago.
Day 4 Shanghai, China, NFD
Thank you for hosting! I am enjoying reading others’ stories. And loving to hear what you are all eating on a FD – particularly anything for an evening meal of around 350 calories.
3 months in, 5.5kg down. So happy with the way things are going as now I feel I am in a routine. I hope this has become a WOL for me.
NFD today but skipping breakfast as now find I don’t really need it. How did that happen?
On a FD what works for me is espresso in the morning and lots of fizzy water. Home made veg soup for lunch and then, more often than not, a piece of salmon (or a salmon patty whizzed in the processor) with spiralised veg and cauliflower rice. The fish patties I make with a bit of Thai fish sauce, splash of soy sauce, ginger etc.
Also am enjoying cooking a white fish fillet in a parcel with thai spices and some light coconut milk (20 mins in oven). Tried Shakshuka this week (Hairy Bikers) which was super-filling and nutritious.
I look forward to my fast days and am finding recipe finding and food shopping much more interesting now than before.
I am a teacher, so am concerned that I will find the long vacation difficult to stay on track. At school I am so busy that I don’t notice the hunger. How do other 5:2ers manage on holiday? Particularly those who are fortunate to have a long holiday (we are off for 6 weeks).
To: lagrandebouffe
Re: vacation eating
Surely you have some projects you planned to finish during your vacation? You know: cleaning the closets? painting the guest bedroom; gardening. I am a retired teacher and I do understand your concern — it is so much easier not to eat when you are engaged all day in educational matters.
So, find a project which will take about 2 hours. Set the kitchen timer and stick to it . Not finished? Work on it tomorrow too. Get some exercise: swim, bike, walk. Anything to keep you away from the cookie jar.
These things work for me and I hope this will give you some ideas.
Day 4 UK FD
179.2lbs. Finally a successful Saturday fast:) Not much to show for it, but I did it. Working again today so will try for another. I feel more motivated again with a healthy BMI now within reach and fasting seems less difficult. I don’t know if this is because my body is adjusting or because I am covering all the nutritional bases better with my food choices. I make certain to get my 5 a day every fast day, as colourful as possible, and eat beans for fibre and protein and seeds/nuts, cheese and yoghurt for fat and protein. It goes above 500 but is under 800 and when combined with the Med type diet on NFDs this works fine. Of course if you want to continue to eat carbs and snacks your fast day calorie count needs to be lower. When I left the beans out my calorie count was lower but I felt less satisfied and was more likely to then splurge.
My son is fine of course. There are millions of people in London. Our best protection is our numbers. We are far more likely to win the lottery than get caught up in one of these things especially in a country like the UK where emergency services are so with it. They shot the men within 8 minutes!! We should not let them win by becoming obsessed with it and letting it disrupt our lives. I shouldn’t have posted about it last night and I don’t think the media should give it so much coverage. I just saw a terrorism expert give what amounted to an instruction to discontented young on how to cause maximum chaos without being stopped beforehand. Not good. They shouldn’t have broadcast that but they feel they have to fill the air waves with it and just keep talking and speculating and is very hard not to listen:((
Day 4 – Finland – NFD
Day 3 – NFD
My thoughts to everyone in the UK & London. This string of attacks on civilians is truly saddening.
Today’s weight (starting weight for the challenge): 60.3 kg
Not too satisfied about today’s weight result, but not too surprised either with the lack of sleep and overeating yesterday. I do see changes in my body though, so I’m assuming this increase of the scale number is just temporary.
My goals for the month:
– Weight: below 58 kg (overall target)
– Fitness: go running at least once a week (increase the amount gradually); strength training at least twice a week + take part in outdoor fitness classes
– Eating: less sugar, more healthy fats, vegetables and protein, less dairy and wheat products; at least two fast days per week
– Other: better skin – commit to a skincare routine both in the morning and the evening
@snowflake56 I’m sorry to hear you haven’t been able to find a ballroom dance group that’s at your level. I think it’s great that you’ve managed to now find something else that’s keeping you active (and probably also beneficiary to your other dancing hobby) until you have the possibility to dance again. And I absolutely understand your interest in house hunting (I tend to occasionally engage in the same myself) – a little unsurprising as it’s so closely related to my (future) profession. I also do understand the appeal of moving – a new place always feels something of a new start – despite it being a lot of work.
Day 4, Germany, NFD
My heart and thoughts so out to everyone affected by the attack, take care everyone.
@chumi I think in ballet I have found a good alternative to ballroom. The great thing about ballroom is the dancing together with my husband and having a lot of fun while doing it. I now remember you study architecture, don’t you? Do you know the Milwaukee Art Museum designed by Santiago Calatrava, it looks so spectacular when the sunscreens slowly go up.
@ciren2 did you manage to add something on the spreadsheet?
Day 4 UK NFD
Successful FD yesterday. Was a challenge it being a Saturday but I kept on, and it’s nice feeling when u get to the end of the day and you “stuck to your guns” and did it. Yay. Next one Monday/Tues/Wed gonna do a B2B2B whilst the determination is high, and I’m busy.
Plan for today, have a good NFD, visit gym 🏋🏼♀️,drown the dragon 💦🐉as always.
Decided I will have one day treat day, and Sunday is it, lovely little bag of chocolate peanuts sitting in the fridge for tonight.
@europabug, yes every time you write a post I’m doing squats, you just made me do three! 😂😂😂
Have a good day all 🤘🏻
Day 4, London, UK, FD.
Sticking with ADF, so far so good. Yesterdays’ NFD just above TDEE………. I slipped and fell mouth first onto some chocolate……….. honestly!!!!
Sickened again, by the intolerance of man. Thankful that guns aren’t readily available in the UK, this could have been sooo much worse!
Stay safe and positive everybody, we’ve got this!!
Day 4 Notts UK FD
Reasonable FD yesterday and another pound of fat eradicated. Going for another FD today to see how I can cope.
I agree @fatrabbit too much media time and going over and over what has happened gives those responsible what they want they feel they have won. Yes people need to be informed but not over and over again – leads to more panic I feel. Thoughts go out to those killed/injured.
Onwards and downwards – bon chance everyone and be safe.
Day 3&4 UK NFD’s
I have had too much fun socialising this week and the scales are showing it. I’m trying to keep myself motivated by saying how this is a WOL and we have to be able to find the balance and not miss out on living life to the full while we try and get to a healthy weight. However it is frustrating seeing the numbers go up despite fasting. I suppose it would have been so much worse if I didn’t do any fast days. I am getting close to the point where I give up and put ‘it’ all on again, so I need to be very vigilant and make sure I stay focused. I am hopeful that this lovely forum will make the difference as it is so nice to read everyones stories and know we are not alone in our journeys.
@lynzm – love your idea of exercising while reading the posts.
@bert1802 – love the grumbly gut advice, it really is quite liberating once we master the hunger
Happy Sunday everyone 🤗
To: @fasting_me
Re: vacation
Thank you!
I like the idea of a timer. Probably a good idea to get out of the house too (and not take any money with me …). I am building up a bank of podcasts to listen to on walks.
Your retirement activities sound lovely! Gardening, swimming, biking!
I hope I will continue the healthy eating into retirement as well.
Day 4: Gloucestershire, UK NFD
Last entry-day before I go away, so I won’t be here until 16th.
For all who’ve tried to help me….every time I add to the cell on the spreadsheet next to my name…it never, EVER, stays there. All I’m trying to do is put my location in the first cell. The cell is ALWAYS blank again when I go back after leaving the page. Why?
Technology HATES me!!!!
@ciren2 – not sure why it “hates” you but I have just put in your location and I think it’s there if you check 🤗
If it makes you feel better I had just done a whole post that has disappeared……….and I forgot to save it before I pressed the submit button 😢
Now go and enjoy your holiday – have a fab time and I look forward to hearing of your adventures when you return xx
Day 3 – Cumbria UK – NFD (Birthday overindulgence!)
Day 4 – Cumbria UK – CD (controlled day I hope!)
I just lost a whole post I had done and unfortunately forgot to save it before I submitted it…………
2nd attempt….
Woke up this morning to the terrible news of yet another terror incident – this time at London Bridge then in the nearby Borough Market. Just too many lives are being taken by terrorists set on inflicting pain and suffering on innocent people. My thoughts and prayers to all those involved directly and indirectly in this dreadful attack……….the effect are unfortunately much wider………I hope that no-one on this forum is directly affected – Stay safe everyone.
I had a lovely day yesterday celebrating my birthday with my family and it was a beautiful sunny day. I was thoroughly spoilt by friends and family and some lovely flowers kept turning up during the day – felt very loved 🤗
DD had arranged with her Dad to have me for the day – Her OH turned up with flowers and they both took me out for lunch in the sun with plenty of proseco 🥂being consumed and then we went to see the latest Pirates of the Caribbean – DD and I had seen the other 4 films together so this was a must in her book – light hearted escapism but it’s worth wondering if Disney would be better off letting Jack Sparrow rest in Davy Jones’ locker after this ……….The proseco we had consumed helped…….LOL
More wine was consumed with a lovely meal at home with OH in the evening – cooked by his own fair hands too………OH is helping me celebrate next weekend apparently but presented me with some beautiful Murano Glass jewellery he had found on line and ordered from Venice and a bottle of Champagne – he knows me well 💑
Thank you to all on here for your birthday wishes, virtual flowers, cakes and presents – @okeydokey @Strawberriesandcream @debster251 @lou Belles @coda @flourbaby @snowflake56 @metatauta @ciren2 @redrockgirl302 @bert1802 @annemarilyn – sorry if I missed anyone xx
As you may have guessed yesterday was DEFINITELY not a controlled day – today will be a controlled day getting me ready for a strong FD tomorrow, no ifs or buts…….
@Strawberriesandcream – thank you for hosting us in this June 2017 30 Day Challenge – you are doing a fab job 👏
Off for a walk soon so no time to catch up on all the posts but would like to offer encouragement to anyone struggling – stay with it and you will get there – Remember – “The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you’re not wiling to stay where you are” and you have made that first step by joining this WOL!!!!!!
Day 4, London UK, NFD
Think I’ve finally got a plan for my fast day sorted! Think I did well yesterday but eating my first meal alot later in the day at 12pm with a veggie smoothie and then a meal of grilled chicken and shed loads of rabbit food at 3pm which kept me full all evening. Got home at 9 and still had some calories left over so delved into a bit of pineapple.
NFD today so first meal just now, which means my fast day was 37 hours, with my veggie smoothie and out for my mum’s birthday! As much as I want to eat everything, aiming to be sensible and have had a scan through the menu to see what dishes I can enjoy and keep me under TDEE. Well…that’s the plan anyway lol!!
Went for a meal last night with DH. We shared a starter then both had steak, mine came with a baked potato which I managed to eat only a quarter of and I didn’t steal a single chip. In my book this is progress beyond measure. So was feeling fairly pleased with myself. Promptly spoiled it all by going home and splitting another bottle of wine, ending with a g&t nightcap. (Pocket winos I didn’t give you a thought☹️)Not feeling quite so virtuous this morning.
Woke early to find out the world is still going mad,
Next FD is tomorrow, start of our break in Wales. No scales for almost a fortnight- I could take them with me but this supposedly sane 55 year old woman can’t cope with the thought they’ll read differently on a different floor😀. So will log everything on mfp religiously and will visit this forum daily, just to keep holding onto the wagon by the fingertips.
@at sounds like you had a great birthday yesterday.
Day 4….Florida…..NFD
My prayers out to those effected by the violence that is plaguing our world as of late.
Fat rabbit……. during the election and after math, I did some research on the media. Here in the states there was so much backlash for our media, the president, non winner of the election broadcasted, then news outlet retracting stories, I wanted to know more.
I discovered that it’s not so much about the story as it is about viewer attendance. So, the news during events, still try and keep the viewer engaged. So, the run with stories unverified and off the cuff. Which leads to stories that scare the people.
Also, all of our news channels here in the states, not so sure about in the U.K. are biased based on their political affiliation. So, that is why, we some outlets that have made Clinton a mayrter and Trump the devil.
I found out so much about the media, I have tried to not put much stock into it and only believe what I can verify. If that makes much sense.
Well, yesterday was a bust for me, the only good thing is that I made it a 19 hour fast. I tried to rearrange my schedule yesterday which through me into a loop, I had a time getting out of, so I won’t be doing that again! I did manage so stay under my TDEE, so today I marker it as a NFD, but with pretense of staying at about 800 calories for today and tomorrow and an FD on Tues. All in the hopes of getting the nasty scales to give me a better number when I step on it.
I’m off, we had some terrible rain last night, so the garden took a hell of a beating, so it needs some tender loving care and if the ground isn’t to wet, I’m gonna pull the potatoes out. Then off to put all the herbs, I’ve been drying into their rightful containers which means pulling them from their stems, crushing them and getting my herb cubby restocked. Hell a lot of fun, I tell you what!
Surely, NOT everyone was Kung-fu fighting!
Day 4 Newcastle UK NFD.
Filled with Sadness for the families who have lost their loved ones in London and anyone struggling with the loss of a loved one too. Life goes on which is why their efforts to alter our way of life are futile.
20 mile bike ride this morning and soon off to the allotment to do some gardening. My weight this morning 189.5 lbs. Small bowl of fruit and fibre with extra nuts and sultanas for dinner with spaghetti bolognese for a late evening meal sugar free jelly strawberries and 30% less fat ice cream for pud with lots of liquids. Not bad for a NFD.
Good luck to all. I’ve just had the first your face is looking gaunt,not sure if that’s a compliment lol keep at it people.
Day 4, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD
Hello fellow fasters,🌻🌺🌸
Today will be the hottest day of the year so far. 35 degrees Celsius.
Up at 5:30 am, already 21 degrees C, coffee, now taking my dog 🐕 to the nature park🌳 across the street, then gardening🌱, afterwards grilling at 1pm. Fasted 19 hours by then. Food window until 6pm. Pork chops, asparagus, butternut squash, broccoli and cauliflower. Drink will be lots of ice-cold sun tea.🍵
Have a great Sunday! 😊😊😊
Day 4 1st post Huntingdon UK NFD
So today as well as the 10,000 steps am fitting in some fairly vigorous gardening… at least my body is complaining that is hasn’t used this particular set of muscles in a while !!! Can only be good as long as I don’t strain anything and the garden is looking much improved.
A meal that I rather enjoy for my fast day evening meal is a bed of lettuce with a mix on top. The mix consists of 6 cherry tomatoes halved, a chunk of cucumber chopped, half an avocado chopped , 2 rashers of lean bacon fried and cooled and 1/2 dessertspoon mayo mixed together . I usually make double this amount for myself and partner….Avocado can be a bit high on calories so sometimes make sure i get a little less of this and also a little mayo can go a long way so i try and keep that to a minimum too. Probably using a mayo light might be good.
I think it usually works out at between 275 and 300 calories so gives you a few to play around with on a fast day . I like it so much that I have it on both my fast days at the moment as mine are spread out between Monday and Friday .
Keep on keeping on !!!
Day 4 – USA (Illinois) – NFD
Off to church shortly and will say extra prayers for all who have dealt with violence and mayhem of late.
I got an email from @coda and will be meeting her and her OH at Chicago O’Hare on Tuesday. They fly in from Dublin, stay in Chicago for a couple days, then they head off on a train trip to the US West!
SO EXCITED also to meet @chitowngirl later that day for food and fun! @metatauta – oh so sorry you don’t still live in Chicago! I love how our virtual world intersects with reality.
@safarigirl – your mix to put on lettuce sounds just wonderful! I know avocado is good for us, but I usually can’t find a place to use it. That recipe certainly works! Anything with bacon…. ha ha! 🙂
Onward and downward!
Day 4 – USA – NFD
So sad to hear of another group of terror attacks in London. I personally think that if more people responsibly were allowed and willing to carry self-protection in the way of firearms, these types of situations would be nipped in the bud. I know it’s a touchy subject, but here in the U.S., many people in certain states are raised to use, handle and respect firearms from a very young age. @bert1802, you have observed correctly re: the mainstream media in this country. Journalists are not objective anymore.
Another successful fast day yesterday; hoping to get back into the discipline of 2x a week between 500-800 cals, but I prefer to stick with 500, don’t know why…I tried the method of water/fizzy water all day and then one meal in the evening and it worked; slept very well with protein in me. Love being able to try different tweaks and see what works. Weighed in today: 181.4, 1 lb. up from last week. My BP still a mystery, monitoring it a few times a day to see if there are any patterns; bottom number is fine, the top is too high.
@at Sounds like a wonderful birthday, and I add my wishes that the joy of it extends-birthdays ought to be a season, after all (okay, except for, perhaps, the Cal and booze!). Anyway, glad it was a good one
And as I reflect on the attacks in London, I am again grateful for this group and the personal connection it provides us, around the globe. I think the caring and support we provide one another is more important than ever, and the Way of Life is good as well🙂
Best to NFD and FD folk. We can do this!
@strawberriesandcream and @at
THANK YOU for putting the right stuff on the spreadsheet for me….maybe it’s something to do with MY computer….strange, or what?
See you back here after my “holiday”. I will start back on 5:2 then.
Day 4 NFD Country West Australia
thoughts and prayers with all in the UK. Another example of humanity’s inhumanity to humanity.
Have been on a carb feast for the past few days – crumpets, bread, doughnuts, risotto, roast and mashed spud etc etc etc.
Hoping to curb the carbs after lunch tomorrow ( cooking roast pork with all the trimmings for YS who is visiting and needs a good feed).
Night all.
Day 4 Lancaster, PA, US NFD 16:8
Prayers and Safe wishes for the people affected by the violence and destruction in London.
In March when I first started fasting I did complete water fasts. Focusing on the health benefits of fasting. Here is a link… in my mind it shows the minute by minute positive health benefits while fasting. Here is the link if your interested. It and reading about Dr. Fungs findings kept me calm and motivated for FD’s.
Interesting things I learned through experience as well as research. Sugar feeds bacteria… I’ve had a chronic ear ache for 8 years now. When I do a water fast for 2-3 days. It goes away. Inflammation throughout the body goes away. Asthma and chest congestion lessens the more I fast.
I began losing weight … 14.5 lbs in March, while I was focusing on getting healthy. It didn’t matter to me that non educated people would be taken aback by my dedication to fasting.
Fast forward to May… I began thinking more about my weight and less about fasting for my health. I noticed it became a struggle in my mind, my motivation changed from wanting to be healthier to weighing less and being validated by extended family members who clearly stated fasting is not good for you. So feeling a struggle of … is this really the best thing for me krept in.
Luckily for me…haha 😅The pain of inflammation when I’m stepping over the line into sugardom. Reminds me why I’m fasting in the first place. And I pull myself back into the main reason why I’m fasting in the first place… My life, better health and vitality.
Yes I’ve gone down 3-4 sizes in clothes. A total of 24lbs since last year. But my motivation is for my health and if I want this to work. I need to remember, it’s not about getting approval from my extended family members. Proving how much weight I’ve lost and focusing on the lbs and the kgs. While trying to explain to my extended family still eating “the way we believed was healthy in the past.”
✨It’s about clearing excess, fat, carbs, sugar, and proteins that can cause inflammation, distress and pains from my body. Fasting is the fastest way to detox from environmental toxins as well as other excesses in the body. I am going to remember that as I move forward on my journey for life and heath.
✨Thank-you everyone in our group for sharing your journey also.✨
I’m so happy there are so many returning people and new people here in our group in June.😀
I love that we’re sharing more under 300 cal recipes now… good ideas✨
@ciren2 I see @at and @strawberriesandcream have you updated on the spreadsheet. Have a happy Holiday!😊
@saffy420 I love how you put it. I also will be holding on to the wagon by my finger tips starting on the 9th -through the 27th. I’m very glad to have company…. 🤞👌🤝Wishing us well.✨
@bert1802 I agree I don’t see how everybody was 🥋Kung fu fighting✨ 😅
@lynzm drowning that dragon 💦🐉with you today!
✨Together we are Stronger✨
✨Keep on, Keeping on!✨
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12:23 am
4 Jun 17