Day 18 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD
It’s very quiet on the forum these as…still on the same page 10 since Monday! Guess lots of us are on holidays, taking a break, busy, busy…..
Good NFD yesterday. There was a quiet whispering from both the half empty/full (not sure which suits description best ☺️) bottle of white wine and the half empty/full of red…leftovers from the weekend (and BTW, back in the day there would rarely be ANY leftover wine from the weekend)….but I resisted and had a cup of dandelion tea instead.
Having my 2nd FD today. Normally it’s Thursday but with DH being off tomorrow we will probably have a meal together. Will keep it CD though tomorrow.
I gave looked back on my Wednesday morning weight for the past few weeks and I am at 128lbs every Wednesday. I could almost be maintaining, but not yet, need to push a few pounds more into the low to mid 120’s
So, @emma1202, I feel chuffed that you consider me an inspiration, I am just struggling along like all of us I guess. I see you also keep your weight on the spreadsheet and we are closely matched. Let’s do this 👍
@slacknz Please don’t allow a mere 700g make you feel gutted. If you ha e not been to the toilet in a while that is almost certain to gave something to do with it. I call it “food in transit” issues, or if being flippant, “releasing the hostages” (😁) .but whatever, whenever I am bunged up my weight also reflects that. I would take plenty of water and a laxative tea to assist. Our body is doing things that we don’t know about but keep at it and any gain will eventually be lost.
@penz good for you for talking down that pesky inner negative voice. I had it yesterday too…but I ignored it. Sometimes I don’t, so it’s a result when the negative voice is slain successfully and the positive voice prevails. You are already a better you, just have the confidence to believe in your better you. Hugs 🤗
Rightio…off to another busy day in work. Who is eating all these edible flowers?…we can barely keep up with demand ha ha 😄
7:28 am
18 Jul 18