July 2017 31 Day Challenge

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July 2017 31 Day Challenge

This topic contains 1,994 replies, has 126 voices, and was last updated by  Chitown Gal 7 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 1,996 total)

  • @penz – Pocket Winos is our pet term for those of us who indulge in any or all kinds of wine. You will discover that there will be Pocket Fasters too, a term that began quite a few months ago for people who put an actual or imaginary list of fellow fasters on a paper in your pocket for support. The term really began for a B2B (back to back) list of fasters recognizing that is a more significant challenge.

    Happy to be a part of the July challenge. Thank you so much for hosting, Coda. No need to add me to a spreadsheet or anything, I am just along for the fun of it…..

    Day 1, USA, Missouri Ozarks, NFD

    My goals shall be,

    maintenance (my starting weight is 142)

    drink at least a gallon of water a day

    exercise, exercise, exercise,


    post daily with this supportive group.

    Lost a few days at the end of June due to power outages due to storms !

    Day 1 Massachusetts USA 2nd post. @coda Not sure if you saw that I want to be part of the July challenge? I lost 10 pounds in 6 months and have 4 pounds to go to reach my goal. Thanks again for hosting!

    Day 1,Ottawa Canada NFD
    My goal is to lose 5 lbs this month. I am currently 156 lbs.

    I did a 5k race this morning in pouring rain. It took me 36 minutes. I also ate pretty decent for a weekend. I got 18k steps.

    Happy Canada Day.

    DAY 2 UK NFD

    Thank you @awilson, @coda, @strawberriesandcream and @at for my birthday wishes.

    A busy NFD week ahead, but hopefully mindful eating and hope to slip in the odd fd when I can.

    I am quite excited at the thought of knuckling down and getting a few lbs shifted again..it will come…it might just take a bit of time. I realise, now that my hayfever has gone (I suffer every Spring and early summer ) that it was dragging me down and probably the reason for my despondency and lack of motivation over last few months. My optimism has re-surfaced! Off to the races tomorrow (another “treat” – I am not a gambler)..perhaps I may win a bob or two! Although £1 each way won’t make me rich!lol.

    Day 2 UK FD

    172lbs, 78kg this morning. I seem to have hit a really good patch. The last few days weren’t even fast days! The main difference is that I have been eating lots and lots of fruit most of it straight off the bushes/canes/trees in the garden but some melon yesterday too which I pinched when I was feeding the guinea pigs. I got so carried away I had to give them some carrots to make up for what I had eaten. It is a good thing they were too busy eating to notice what I was doing or I would have got shouted at! I only ever feel like eating fruit in the summer. I also had some cooked raspberries with brown sugar in them, the first sugar that I had had for ages. I wonder if that triggered a whoosh.

    Day 2 Belfast NFD

    Happy belated birthday Jarbia
    @krisnia happy wedding anniversary
    @laurealice I love your word ‘gutsiness’! That just describes what happened last night!
    @lynz – maybe we should have a pocket tortoise group? I’d definitely be a member!
    @lisalily82 – never feel shame. Here you will find lots of kind words and support. By the sound of it, you’ve already done really well and have developed a sound routine. Good luck on your journey.
    I’m off now for some heavy duty gardening. Have a good day everyone.

    Lovely summer’s day here! I’m hoping to lose 6lb this month (currently 160lb, aiming for 140lb) after losing 12lbin past 2 months, but hit a serious plateau this last fortnight. So I’m going to experiment with 16:8 concept daily…

    Day 2 Newcastle UK NFD.
    Lost 0.5 lb this week I’m counting that 🤣 my weight loss has really slowed down now think I need to look at my food intake on the NFD. Not a lot going on socially after the wife’s birthday today in this month so I have no excuses.
    Have a great day everyone.

    Day 2 UK NFD 🌈

    Successful FD yesterday, haven’t eaten since 4pm, now 10am (will be by the time I eat) Fast hours 18 hours, good enough for me, apparently anything over 12 is Fat burn, is this correct does anyone know?

    As I have been on a plateau and then over indulged recently thought I might try the longer Fast periods.

    So my FDs will be one 500 cal meal a day. Also going to try ADF (alternative Fast Days) for two weeks, I know some in this group have been successful with that.

    Happy Sunday all xxx sun is shining here 😀

    Hi. I’d like to join the July Challenge. I did the June one and kept to 2 FD a week, but I don’t weigh myself and I don’t worry if things go wrong.
    I’m in the UK. First FD tomorrow.

    Day 2/NFD/Perth Australia

    Oh Dear! I can’t remember if I’ve posted today. I’m also having trouble with the notify follow up and I’m not receiving emails. Anyone else experiencing difficulties? I’m so far behind in reading posts.

    Have a great day everyone

    @coda it’s my habit to plant he next day the night before and the weeks ahead on a white board or two.

    Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

    I even put out my clothes the night before in case I change my exercise mind.


    Morning all from Co Down UK day 2 nfd
    Welcome to
    I have you now on the list @mogaman you put day 1 on our June thread lol old habits eh
    Have a good day everyone – have you your plan ready for the coming week? ‘Fail to plan, plan to fail, just saying lol
    For the newbies and others who may be resetting (me) – you are all fired up raring to go – right? Remember this feeling, remember this buzz. 2 weeks down the line you may need to recall that feeling and remember why you started this challenge. Write it down and don’t forget to tell yourself each morning – you can do this, it is only 31 days and you’re worth it.

    Ha ha @rainbowsmile just saw your post – we must have been on same wave length lol

    Got you on the list @emma taylor

    @onahealthyhigh I never sign in for the reminders but just log in daily and either go to recent posts or my bookmark for this thread and scroll back to my last post. Btw only have 1 post each from you on day 1 & 2 x

    Day 2 UK NFD fasting tomorrow and really aiming to get back into some good habits – going to up my exercise and hoping for something me good weather as I’d like to get outside more

    Day 2, London, UK, FD.

    Feeling ok today, after yesterdays’ NFD which was at TDEE; I seem to have found my missing mojo!!!

    Welcome to all the newbies, It’ll take a little getting used to this fasting malarkey, but the rewards, health-wise or weight-wise are immense!!!!! Our host for July @coda, has kindly posted a guide to the monthly challenge…… Post 1 on day 1……. There’s no ‘official’ joining procedure, but following the guidelines, we’ll all be on the same page.

    Good Luck everyone………… who’d have thought I would have Cake, Wine, Chocolate, Fast food (naughty!) and never feel deprived….AND still lose 30lbs since Jan??? That’s after an overindulgent Xmas to forget!!!….. Now I try to indulge, just not overindulge!!!!!…………… I did say ‘try’ though!!!!!

    We’ve GOT this!!!!!!

    Day2 UK NFD

    Sun’s out here in Cheshire, friends coming round this afternoon so hopefully a barbecue is in order. I might have a chance of keeping to TDEE with some chicken and salad. I’ve appropriated my oh’s fitbit (he’s a very annoying slim fit person who doesn’t need it at all). I don’t know how accurate it is but looking at calories used during the day has been an eye opener. I’ve always thought it was between 2000-2500 for an adult. I haven’t done any real exercise in the last week and some days I’m only just over 1800 cals used. even when walking over 10000 steps it doesn’t get much more that 2200. My TDEE is about 1800 cals and I was thinking there would be a deficit on NFDs but apparently not really. So I need to up my exercise, the treadmill is calling😳

    Good luck everyone.

    Just joined

    Day 2 – Woking, UK – NFD
    250.6lbs again today, exactly the same as yesterday. Yesterday was a good NFD 1250 kcal including a cheeky glass of Gallo Summer Wine with dinner. Also did a lovely 2.5 mile walk on Horsell Common in the sunshine.

    FD tomorrow.

    Day 2, UK, NFD

    The wine found me again last night, or was it the other way round? Either way, up 0.4kg today, so not a good start to the month.

    Day 2, Newcastle UK, NFD

    Today our home is officially a snack free zone. OH understands that I am not buying any more biscuits for him if he goes and decides that he needs to lose a couple of lbs and refuses to either eat them or put them in the bin. Well we all know what happened to them – and the dog didn’t get a look-in!

    New day, new month, new start. It doesn’t matter how much or how little we are individually wanting to downsize – we’re all in it together – facing the same devils and dragons. I thought I had my healthy eating regime licked – but oh how easy it is too slip back into old habits when complacency creeps in.

    So back to basics for me which means counting calories on both FDs and NFDs and more importantly – cutting out the crap – again. I am also in dire need of joining the pocket winos group as that particularly nasty habit has wheedled its way back in.

    My plan of action for July is:
    FD B2B Monday/Tuesday – this worked well in the early months and was a great reset after the weekend.
    16:8 NFDs Wednesday/Thursday/Friday – calories between BMR & TDEE figures.
    Enjoy social occasions and weekends and focus on making good food choices with sensible amounts of alcohol.
    No alcohol Monday to Friday (unless at a social event)

    @lorky35 – I read you asked for advice – so maybe go back to basics yourself – reread the book if you need to. Whilst Dr. M. says we can use up to 800 calories on FDs, I think generally people seem to find it easier to stick to 500 or less. Maybe 800 just stokes up the hunger dragon.
    @fatrabbit – go girl!! It doesn’t seem five minutes since you were aiming to break into the 190s from the 200s. And now you’re banging on door of the 160s. You are a continual inspiration 🙂
    Congratulations on your fantastic achievement to date @lisalily82 – and thanks for joining our challenge. You’ll help us as much as I’m sure we’ll help you.
    @lynned – I have found 16:8 or even 20:4 on NFDs have helped me regulate the amount of food I have. I no longer miss breakfast – that was a habit because we were led to believe it was the most important meal of the day. The longer I can wait before eating, the longer the hunger dragon is kept penned in. I only have one meal on FDs around 5.30pm.
    I also didn’t receive any notifications this morning @onahealthyhigh – must be a blip in the system. I’m sure our wonderful techy JJ will sort it out.

    Finally – and yes, this has been one of my longer than usual posts – I just want to shout out to some folks I’ve been missing. Let them know I’m thinking of them and hope to ‘see them’ soon. @pissupoosa, @pashaw, @and…exhale, @johnnyr, @scs, @schatziii, @jojo58, @lilymartin, @tillysmum, @lany36, @erika45, @missymoomoo. @happymargo, @okeydokey, @fordprefect – hello – how’s it going?

    I just have to finish with a brilliant quote from @xrox at the end of June – it’s going to help me be more mindful than I have of late:


    Day 2 – UAE – NFD
    Day 1 – UAE – NFD

    Thanks @flourbaby for the tip for water consumption, especially the 1 litter drink just after waking up. It works. Day 1, I was able to drink 4 litters, Day 2 so far 2.5 litters and the day still young.

    I started this fasting for weight lose from the begaining of February, but in this forum challenge since April 2017. I lost 13.5kg so far and I this month will be my second month on maintenance.

    My plan of action for July is:

    1) Maintain my weight under 80kg
    2) Fast Mondays and Thursdays every week and may add more days in between
    3) Walk at least 10,000 steps daily
    4) Drink at least 3L water and no breakfast 5 times a week
    5) No food after 21:00 5 times a week: I don’t have a kitchen door to lock as @at quoted someone in the forum who has a policy to lock his/her kitchen door, so I will have to a virtual lock to my mouth!

    Day 2, Wales UK, NFD
    So far so good…but its very early days for me, began this approach to dieting on 26 June with 3 FDs at 800 cals and at the weigh in on 1 July had ‘burnt’ 4lbs – so happy, even though I’m enough of a diet veteran to know most of the first weeks loss is water! I was 10.25lbs at birth and have had a weight problem ever since…..peaked at almost 16 stone. Few years ago got down to 9 stone 12lbs (low fat diet & daily calorie counting) which felt healthy but last year proved difficult – sick relative, house move, menopause (as I write this it feels like I’m making excuses) anyway life and red wine caused my weight to rise to 11 stone 5lbs. Life is now less stressful so its time to flick the diet switch.
    I’m going to do FDs on Mon/Thurs at 800 cals initially because some years ago I tried 5:2 at 500 and turned into an angry, tearful wreck but so far coping well on 800 – if the scales don’t move in the right direction I’ll try to go lower.

    Has anyone got experience of 800 cal FDs?

    Happy Day 2 everyone!

    2nd Post

    I was cleaning out the sheds this beautiful morning when I decided to put the space to good use – the rabbits have more room to move in their accommodation than we humans do because my mum hasn’t crammed every available inch with furniture as she has in the house. After cleaning out the bottom shed and having a smooch with Ozzy who is the friendliest rabbit we have. I decided to try a plank. It was great, plenty of room to extend my legs. Ozzy was bemused. He peered into my face tickling me with his whiskers then hopped underneath me then tried to jump onto my back and fell off. Rabbits are not cats, they don’t land on their feet. He landed in an undignified heap. But he picked himself up and glared at me. I carried on and did another. This time he got up there. Having a rabbit on your back is good motivation to hold the position for longer and let it down gently when you can’t any longer. He seemed to like it up there. Had a nibble at my hair and gave me a massage by hopping around. Then started scratching and finally nipped me. That hurt and was the end of what was probably the most enjoyable exercise session I ever did. Rabbits make good exercise buddies!

    For newbies, I run an animal sanctuary and have 90 rabbits and 20 guinea pigs and I know some people find my posting about them amusing even though sometimes it is off topic, although today it wasn’t.

    @Strawberriesandcream it only feels like 5 minutes to me too. I am feeling like if I pinch myself I’ll wake up and this will turn out to be a dream and I haven’t actually changed shape so much.

    What a great post to read on starting my day! Thank you fatrabbit, you made me laugh and I have a wonderful mental picture of your Plank With Rabbit (frame it!)

    Sunday is my weigh day. No weight loss (mega unhappy face) but I did also take my measurements which I’ve not done for some weeks. And I’ve lost quite a few centimetres so that was a major mood improver.

    I had a ‘bad’ Friday and Saturday night, esp as my OH (who has been on the bandwagon lately) decided to join me in a martini and a bottle of two of plonk. Yesterday I had breakfast – not because I was hungry but because there were some enticing looking leftovers in the fridge. Today I have read this forum for inspiration before even opening the fridge door. I’m not hungry – really! – so I will be content with my morning coffee and consider having something to eat later in the day when my body tells me it needs more fuel. I need to listen to myself more.

    Day 2 Post 1 Huntingdon UK NFD

    Lovely to read the posts from everyone joining the July Challenge.

    Beautiful weather here in East Anglia today and have been for a walk across the fields…. May go for another later to reach 20,000 steps. My fast days are Monday and Friday but am finding that the sunny days help with the calorie intake reduction as am happily eating salads on NFDs so most of them are more like CD days .

    I have the occasional treat of a shandy especially if I do a 5500 step walk across the fen to a hostelry and then 5500 back !!!! Am hoping I have as much success meeting my goal this month as i did in June as it is my son’s wedding in August and I like the idea of looking as svelte as possible for that !!

    Keep on keeping on !!!!

    Day 2 NFD. But controlled!

    Planning a very controlled NFD as out for dinner last night and slightly over indulged…. on the first day of the challenge too!! Have the meal plan all sorted for today and plan FD Monday and Tuesday too.
    @fatrabbit, loved the story of your gym partner!
    Have a good day 2 everyone.

    Day 2 – UK – NFD

    @ziggyb1 – another tip, I find it is easier to wait as long as you can to start eating your 500 cals as I find once I start eating I want more.

    However it was harder when I first started fasting so I had porridge made with water at lunch time but now I can last until 6pm before I have my meal. I do drink loads of tea made with skimmed milk. Also it’s strange but the hunger pangs do come and go. Once you realise they are not going to get any worse it does become easier. A lot of it is being in the right mindset and make the right choices on your NFD’s so you don’t sabotage your good FD’s. Easier said than done I know but we are all here to encourage you.

    Good luck

    Day 2 USA-WA NFD
    @fatrabbit We were doing planks in my yoga class the other day and talking about all of the “specialty yoga” that are really “in” in the US right now-As a yoga teacher, I’ve been asked to teach cat yoga, beer yoga, high yoga, of course hot yoga, goat yoga (my family has goats, so there is a big push there!), mimosas on the mat … but it never dawned on me to do bunny yoga-Seems like you might have inspiration to hold the plank to avoid the poop!😀

    I’ve never used a calorie/ macro counter before, but I’m exploring it now that I’m being intentional about carbs. There sure are a lot of options!

    Day 1 – Scotland – NFD
    Day 2 – Scotland – FD

    Hello everybody, you may remember me from the previous monthly challenges. Sorry I disappeared just after the first two weeks. I have been away in England and then abroad, eating everything that was edible and unable to stop even when I got back home on the 25th. As soon as we got back, my 9 month old baby developed chicken pox (you may remember that my 3 year old had it 3 weeks ago as I kept complaining about my sleepless night) and the stress and lack of sleep make me very week and seld-indulgent. Anyway, I had reached my “goal of the month” two weeks in advance around mid-June (56.9), but when I decided to face the scale on 28th I saw 60.4!!!! I really admire those who say that this WOL managed to shrink their stomach, this will never happen to me! Anyway, today I’m 58 kg and I think I should consider this my start weight for this challenge. I hope to see 55.9 by the end of the month.

    I also wanted to apologies for disappearing without any notice. Coda, you are so right saying that this not in the right attitude/spirit of the challenge, so I hope this month I’ll be able to win one of those “virtual medals” awarded to people that “keep on keeping on”, whatever result they may reach on 31st of July.

    And thanks again to Strawberryandcream for you work in June. And to everybody for being so inspiring and supportive!

    Day 2 – USA – NFD

    Day 2, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD/CD

    Hi all,

    Not even 8am and it is already quite warm. ☉🌝🌞 Better get my act in gear as I want to take my dog 🐕for a hike to the creek.🏞

    I started to eat Mediterranean diet again yesterday after having pizza the day before. Once in a while I need this, I at least think, but my body was unhappy about it. Today I feel much better after zucchini noodles, broccoli, cauliflower, basil tomato marinara with a bit of extra lean ground beef and parmesan yesterday. Food window closed at 4pm. Today I will eat my first meal at 2pm, that will haven given me 22 hours fasting. Grilled chicken breast and romaine salad with tomatoes and more broccoli and cauliflower today! Yummy! Kitchen will close again around 4pm.

    It is our long weekend and it will be ok until the 4th of July. We are invited for dinner at 7pm in the beautiful backyard of a dear friend. She cooks always for an army and I have to think about how to politely decline these huge amounts of food. Physically I cannot put so much food in my stomach anymore. Will be an interesting challenge.🤔🤔🤔

    Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!😊😊😊

    Off to the creek!🐕🌄😁

    Day 2 – USA (Illinois) – NFD

    Happy Sunday everyone! Off to church shortly. Yesterday was about as controlled as i could make it. Helping daughter pack for her move next Saturday, so we all indulged on Kentucky Fried Chicken for supper since no one wanted to cook.

    I so enjoy reading all your escapades and adventures! @fatrabbit – you continue to amaze me with your tales of bunnies and hutches.

    @redrockgirl302 – enjoy your hike along the creek! I know your dog will enjoy it.

    Onward and downward!

    Day 2……Florida……?

    Big fat ? on what today will be, only because next week is going to be a little lopsided for me. I work Sat and with the holiday on Tues. The schedule played out to having every other day off until next Monday.
    I told my boss, that it either looks like they are trying to get rid of me or she wants me to become lazy….. I just wasn’t sure which one. I really don’t think it’s either, it’s just because I happen to be the most flexible employ she’s got. I come to work everyday, have never called out and I’ve always picked up days and hours when needed.

    In the end, it’s going to work out very well because my OH, has the same days off and it’s shopping week here. I only grocery shop every three weeks and shop for house hold items every 6 weeks, so, it’s going to be great to not have to rush through it.

    So, today is going to be a matter of deciding which days are going to be what. Today, is treat day, Tues. the holiday and Thurs. is shopping day and we always have lunch out that day. So, it seems as if there is going to be a massive amount of food selection this week. Not to mention, all the junk food which will be serve on Wed. at work!

    Okay, I think I’m just rambling this morning!

    At any given time the urge to sing “The lion sleeps tonight”, is only a whim away, a win away, a whim away!

    Day 2 California, USA NFD

    Day1 NFD
    Day2 NFD
    Sunny Cornwall
    FD for me is Monday/Thursday 5:2 is working for me and hubby we both lost 9kg so far and hope to loose 3kg this month can you please add me to the July challenge. happy weigh-in to all in the July challenge.

    Hi Coda can you add me to the July challenge

    Hi @coda!

    I’m back in for July. Lost 3kg in June and have 4kg more to go so I’m in for the next couple of months, depending on how things go! Took a while to settle into the routine but I’m there now and already seeing the benefits!

    Good luck everyone!

    Day 2 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    Lovely indulgent and sunny Saturday – good food, wine and company! sounds a bit like my Friday 😈but at least I did some exercise on Friday! 😉

    Today has been a more restrained Sunday ready for my usual FD tomorrow – OH did the Skiddaw Fell Race in Keswick this afternoon – 15.4km/961.6m (9.6miles/3154ft) – he is a bit mad! I went along to support and ended up watching a local cricket match whilst he was out running – very civilised!

    @steffieagle – lovely journey so far – so glad to hear that you are continuing on the 5:2 WOL and seeing where it leads you……
    @rainbowsmile – When going through tough times the words of Winnie the Pooh comes to mind -“Promise me that you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think” Your cyber family here will always be available for you to offload and get support with no judgement 🤗
    @ziggyb1 @lisalily82 and others new to the 5:2 WOL – Welcome – no shame and you have made the first and most important step i.e. finding this WOL and this forum!!!!
    My advice would be to stick to the basics for the first month and see how you get on, then if you want you can start tweaking things around but the basic diet works.
    A good trick is to calculate your TDEE for the weight you want to be not the weight you are.
    Increase your water intake to around 2L/day.
    Regarding when to weigh I would suggest weekly only and on the same day each week for consistency. Some people who had a lot to lose have tried the 800cal diet – Link :- https://thebloodsugardiet.com/
    then switched to 5:2, but the 5:2 way of eating does work!
    The following link by @simcoeluv might prove helpful and answer a lot of your questions:– https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/
    Also remember that this is not a Diet but a permanent Way of Eating!

    @annemarilyn – enjoy your vacation by the ocean
    @penz – lovely to have another pocket wino in the group – I see that @songbirdme explained the meaning 🍷
    @lindasue – maintenance is the game!
    @lorky35 – I remember you from our March Challenge – lovely to see you joining us again
    @dellanic – you disappeared at the beginning of the June Challenge – lovely to have you back with us

    Welcome @mirandash @matron65 @pamelaid @sabina @emma Taylor @hbomb51 – sorry if I have missed any one else new

    For those new to the forum – Signing and checking in daily – reading the posts and joining in is a brilliant way to give us accountability and encouragement – there is no judgement on this forum only support 🤗


    Day 2 California USA NFD

    65.6 today, up from 65.3 yesterday. But yesterday’s weight was coming off a 2 day B2B so it’s expected. Ate mindfully yesterday. Tonight is dinner with our neighbors at my favorite Italian restaurant. My favorite is Eggplant Parmesan which is loaded with cheese. Maybe I’ll order it and eat half. After all, this is a NFD. I’ll eat lightly during the day.

    @krisnia, beer or goat yoga?? Yoga seems to have come a long way in the US. (Maybe heading in the wrong direction?) I’m sure some great yogi must be turning over in his grave picturing this! Hot yoga always made me picture menopausal women doing tradition yoga without air conditioning. 🙂 Mimosas on the mat? Perhaps I should look into yoga classes!


    After 30 years following the conventional wisdom on how to treat type 2 dabetes, I am convinced that diet and exercise are the only way for me. So I thank God that I ran into this July 2017 challenge and I accept it. Thanks

    Day 2: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    My dear daughter forced me out on a shopping trip in town today. She is graduating in her PhD on Thursday and wants me to wear a nice outfit!! I’m usually very good at embarrassing her. No hobbit trousers and no crocs, I’ve been seriously warned.
    So we trawled the shops and found a “suitably smart” dress and jacket (size 12, I swear, larger these days, than the 12s of my youth). A bit tight on the waist, but I’m told I look fine in it. The little jacket distracts from any tightness on the waist anyway.
    As a postlady I am more used to shorts and T-shirts,….dresses and smart clothes….NEVER!
    So I must watch what I eat at least until Thursday….right?

    Day 2 McMinnville Oregon USA NFD
    I had a successful FD, I took everyones advice and skipped breakfast and had my morning shake at noon and then an evening meal of scrambled eggs.

    Todays goal is to track what I eat and stay in control, remembering that I’m the boss of me. I’m also going to make a low cal quinoa salad to have on hand.

    It’s a beautiful day here in the Willamette Valley, really feels like summer. 😎 Happy Sunday everyone

    Day 1 USA NFD
    Day 2 USA FD
    My plan for July is to maintain and to start exercising to firm up muscle lost. I finally made my goal of 125 in June. This is the point where I usually fail. In the past I’ve worked hard, then gradually gained all of the weight back when summer ends. This month is crucial. If I can maintain through July, it will be a good start for continuing this WOL. I have been a yo-yo when it comes to my weight all of my adult life. I would like to find someone else who has had a similar experience and is at the same point of maintaining, so we can help each other this time to never go back to old habits. Who needs a buddy?

    Day 2 Massachusetts USA NFD I really need to check in NOW as this holiday weekend at our vacation cottage is in danger of triggering old habits (holidays meant chips, ice cream, cupcakes etc.) I’m already up to 800 calories mid-day and my TDEE IS 1200. Fortunately, we’re having shrimp tonight and I’m making myself accountable to my fellow Fasters. It’s harder to plan for tomorrow’s FD with extra family around! We do have lots of fruit in the house and salad makings. Here’s to good healthy eating 🦐🍏🍌🍉🍇🥕!

    Day 2 Israel NFD

    Even though this was a NFD I tried 8:16 for the first time. It was great, had a big brunch at 11:00 and just little bits and pieces until 19:00.. Tomorrow will be my first FD, I plan on eating a boiled egg for breakfast and then have carrots and maybe some fruit until a salad dinner+tofu.
    I have a question- what do you mean when you say “controlled” NFD? Do you mean something specific like 8:16 or just being mindful about eating..?
    Anyway I thought I weigh 64 kgs but actually I weighed myself again first thing this morning and it was 63.2 🙂 so that was nice… So I’m aiming to reach 61 kg by the end of the month, hope that’s a reasonable and healthy expectation.
    Thanks everyone, I really enjoy reading all of your posts!!

    Hi Coda
    Great to see your monthly challenges are still going strong.
    My part time job is fast becoming a full time job! very little time for anything else. I’m still maintaining although the last month I have managed to increase a little by two pounds. Still aim for the 9 stone mark and my size 12’s are still a comfortable fit.
    I have been contacted through Little Voices again my MJMJ. I will try to steer her in your direction knowing she will get the support you can give.
    Best wishes to you all – TTL

    @mirandash, I take “controlled NFD” to mean eating normally but not stuffing myself. Or eating what I want without counting calories and eating til I feel full and not more than that. I find that my perception of “fullness” has changed since being on the 5:2. It seems to take less to make me feel full. And that’s a good thing!

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