Joint Hypermobility

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Turnip 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi folks!
    I was wondering if anyone had this condition and noticed any changes after fasting for a while?
    I’ve only just started, but I do have several problems associated with this condition. Being overweight doesn’t help, but I’m hoping the inflammation in my joints calms down and makes it easier to do the exercises to strengthen the muscles and keep my joints in place! Most of my family have this condition, we all seems to have different symptoms though, and different recommendations from physiotherapists! I have a knee problem, my knee cap travels up the outside of my knee instead of up the front causing pain and a horrible grating noise. This is because I walk funny, and as such a have a very over worked muscle on the outside of my thigh that pulls my knee cap over. Squats were a big part of my recovery physio, yet my sister was banned from doing them because they aren’t good for her knees!

    Hi VerityBlip, I found all kinds of inflammation healed when I went low carb, particularly when I quit grains, that made a huge difference. Never had many problems from my hypermobility though and the older I get the better it gets.

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