I've no idea what I'm doing!!

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Purplegranny 11 months ago.

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  • …either on these forums or with the diet generally really. I’ve made myself a promise that 2024 will be the year I get going, lose some weight, get healthy, all of it. 2023 was rubbish, bereavement, surgery, job loss, break-up. Not fun.
    So 2024 I’ve just jumped in and decided it’s now or never. I looked at a few diets and a friend recommends this one so here I am, bought the book and signed up here. Help!

    Hi Stella, I think some of these forums have gone a bit quiet. If it helps, I can tell you my experience –
    I actually started this in 2012 when the original Horizon documentary came out – btw if you haven’t seen it, it’s a great way to understand the thinking behind 5:2 and also inspirational.
    I actually found 5.:2 quite easy – the thing to remember is that the hunger pangs don’t last long and if you can distract yourself they do go away. Other things (which I’m sure you already know)

    Try to stay hydrated – being dehydrated can give you a headache and also make you feel hungrier
    Choose days when you’re busy but not stressed
    If you usually eat a lot of carbs, you may get cravings or even feel ‘out of it’ but that does get better
    Use the recipes (or variations) from the recipe book – balanced meals will help a lot
    I discovered that I’m very caffeine sensitive – 24 hours without coffee resulted in a mega headache so weaning yourself off caffeine is a good idea if it affects you

    Good luck – it really does work.


    Ps the documentary is on Vimeo (I think), not YouTube

    Hi Stella,
    Sorry, the documentary is on Daily Motion (but it will come up if you just Google) and it’s Eat, Fast and Live Longer
    A x

    Thank you purplegranny it does seem a bit quiet. I’ve not done well so far, fasting has seemed ok but the other days I find it really difficult not to “compensate” so although I’m a single pound down, I don’t feel very inspired.

    Hi Stella, in the documentary one of the scientists studying IF found that people did compensate for fasting days but not by that much. 500 calories is about 1/4 of daily calories but although people compensated on non-fast days, they didn’t eat 175% of calories – more like 110~125% so over time they still had a calorie deficit.
    The other thing that might be of interest to you is work by Dr Chris Van Tulleken – he has written a lot about Ultra Processed Foods (UPFs) – the evidence is very strong that UPFs cause overeating, food addiction and a wide range of diet related diseases. People who get UPFs out of their diet often have weight loss and improved health. Dr Tulleken has several videos and podcasts on YouTube too.
    Keep going – fasting takes longer in some people than others.

    Thank you. I’ve had to work at my diet as I was diagnosed with coeliac disease a few years back, that’s been a journey. I’ll def look up dr Chris Tulleken and I’ve found the documentary with Dr MM and got that lined up to watch too. 😀

    Oh and also, I’m the same if I give up coffee, I can’t do without it, so that’s staying for now. Small steps!

    I feel for you. I’m not gluten sensitive and I’m lucky that I can eat most things. Just be aware that food sold as ‘gluten free’ may well by UPF so although you won’t have the effects of gluten, whatever is used to replace it could be just as bad and scupper your fasting.
    I gradually weaned myself off caffeine by slowly reducing the amount over about a week so I’m pretty much caffeine free these days although I drink decaf tea and coffee. I actually love my morning coffee so even on fast days I have a cafe con leche with a little sugar to start my day.

    Hi, another really useful resource I have discovered in the last few days is a book by Xand Van Tulleken (Chris’s twin brother). It’s called How to Lose Weight Well – it’s a really good guide to starting out, planning, knowing your challenges + some really nice recipes. Xand talks about fasting because it’s something he does and also (of course) reducing UPFs.

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