I feel your pain Annette. I am in a phase of grazing, I just can’t seem to stop eating between meals and it’s not even good stuff I’m having 😡
I’m really not happy with myself and must get my act together before I get overwhelmed.
This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by annette52 1 day, 9 hours ago.
Hi Annette and Iona!
Sorry to have been away for so long. I’ve just been discouraged, and a little ashamed to say that I’m right back where I started. Sigh. I went to the doctor’s for my annual checkup and there was the weight, as well as elevated cholesterol and blood pressure. I promised him I would do what I could do lose the weight again, which should help the other markers, and check in with him in six months.
So my goal is pretty much like yours, Annette. I’d like to lose about a stone by New Years, and then another half stone by the end of February. Like you, I’m walking more now that I have a new dog–2 to 3 miles a day. And cutting back on carbs, wine, and my addiction–cheese. You seem to have had good results with skipping the evening meal, while I’ve been skipping breakfast. I may try your route instead.
Take care, everyone.
Hi all,
I’ve managed to maintain my weight but totally relate to what you said annette. My problem are the ‘treats’ I think I deserve, so need to figure some non-food treats. I did read something yesterday that said you can have quite a lot of fat on your body, let’s say BMI of 30, and still be healthy, but you won’t be healthy forever. That worried me because I’ve spent quite a long time stuck. starting a new fast today and will keep you posted!
Onwards and upwards!
Hello everyone, good to hear from you.
I got a nasty shock the other day. I was reading the stuff my Practise Nurse referred me to about my kidney disease and there was a link to calculate your heart age and CVD risk.
My heart age is currently 7 years more than my actual age which really gave me a jolt. However if I enter my weight as 5kg less, it brings the heart age down. That has given me an incentive to be mindful of how much I am eating and to actually make more of an effort to lose some weight.
Iona and Annette, it looks like we’re all in the same boat. My blood pressure and cholesterol readings were up and I promised to get them down by the new year. I’ve been good about walking for an hour a day, but I can’t say my diet has been all that great. Yesterday my students brought crisps to class. I thought I could avoid them, but ended up snarfing down a small bag after class was done. 🙁
Oh well, always we begin again . . .
I seem to be stuck at a weight I don’t like too Annette, seems so easy to put it on and impossible to get rid of afterwards.
I have joined the gym again, I won’t be doing a load of cardio but I think it will be good to do some strength training again. Everything is looking too floppy!!! Will it help with the weight loss, probably not, but at least I can blame it on increased muscle!
16 hour Fast today and try to eat low carb, is anyone making any progress?
Hi Annette and Iona. I think I’m making a little progress. I haven’t gotten on the scale, but I can feel a difference in my clothes and my tummy lies flatter when I’m in bed and on my back. I’ll get on the scale one of these days.
I attribute it mostly to being back on campus, where I have longish walks from building to building. And on my new dog, who gets at least a mile every morning and sometimes more, then at least two more half-mile walks. So I think I’m walking about 3 miles a day. Also trying to increase my veg intake, which is pretty easy with all the fresh stuff that’s in season now. I have neighbors with big gardens so am getting a lot of free tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.
But now I start two weeks of travel to give talks, then two more talks in November so we’ll see if I can keep it off while eating at restaurants, etc.
Best of luck to you both. I agree with the sad fact that it’s so much easier to put those pounds back on than to take them off.
I think you can Annette!
Wondered if anyone wants to ‘join forces’ and do a weekly weigh in or measure in? I’ve got about 15 Lbs to lose before Jan, and need some accountability.
I find FDs harder in my ‘old age’ (just hit 60) so for me it’s about finding some kind of balance which isn’t too harsh on my body.
Anyone fancy choosing a day of the week when we all check in?
Have a good w/e everyone!
Hi Amiya, Sorry for the delay. I only get very occasional notifications for this forum for some reason. I am happy to check in each Friday as I always step on the scale before the weekend!! Yesterday I was delighted to be a pound down after being stuck for ages! I’m still skipping breakfast most days and trying not to eat between meals and be aware of portion size. Good luck on your journey to January 👍🏼
Friday check in
Surprisingly my weight remains the same this week despite very little fasting. I’m not really being sensible in my choices at the moment but not sure why that is. I’m cooking meals from scratch but also eating desserts, I need to put a stop to that, I’m struggling to rein in my sweet tooth. My sister has recently started counting calories on My Fitness Pal and has suggested I do the same. As much as I would like to support her I really can’t be bothered trying to work out everything I cook.
I have been enjoying going to the gym again and getting out walking every day it’s been a lovely mild week with lots of autumn colours in the trees.
Hope everyone is doing ok, drop in and keep us posted.
Friday check in (on Saturday)
No change to scale but tape down half an inch and trousers feel better!
Annette – it’s just recording a few things on the app each day, mood, hunger, eating window; next week it’s a 14 hour fast each day and recording again how you feel etc I’m looking forward to the challenge but no milk in drinks is allowed during the fasting window I will find the difficult!
Hope you are all better than the weather, it is miserable here today.
Happy new year X the number that I’ve been absent.
New year, new intentions.
I may be inspired to know why fasting now is so much more difficult than it was for me in August 2012.
August 2012 to July 2014 was so easy – fittest I had been in my whole life.
I am going to simulate the work commute – which used to be: brisk walk to the station; train journey; brisk walk to work; work – then in reverse: walk; train; walk.
Those walks used to be at my top speed, rather than at a sustainable social stroll speed.
So am doing a half hour walk blast before work and another after work.
Results are already like in 2012, with, comparably, huge differences in weight loss and a lovely buzz from endorphins – trousers are loose already. In 2012 I did not yoyo, I maintained the fasting with no problem – I did get to a BMI plateau, but TBH being stuck at 13st7lb then seemed ok, I think the BMI said that I should be 12st13lb – don’t think that that would have been healthy – basically, not worried about the weight coming back on, so long as I maintain fasting and “commuting”.
Since relocating in 2014, I’ve not had the forced opportunity of the lucky health benefits of the power commute walks – having a longer, slower walk after work has been difficult for me to maintain and that means I’ve been discouraged too many times and I can see why I’ve not maintained fasting/exercising for long periods.
Will see how long I can pretend that I am commuting to work from home – and as I do not work on Friday – not sure whether to “commute” on that day?
Good to see you still here @annette52
HNY everyone.
I’m quite pleased that I’ve only gained a couple of pounds over the holidays. I have still been missing breakfast most days or having Brunch and don’t eat (snack) in the evenings after about 8pm at the latest.
My sister has commented that I don’t eat much so I think I’ve finally made progress with portion control.
Looking forward to getting back in the groove and trying to shift a bit more lard this year.
I dislocated my finger just before Christmas so that is limiting what I can do in the gym to mostly cardio when I would prefer weights. I got an Apple Watch gifted from my husband so I’m now addicted to fitness numbers and data!!
Keep strong we can do it! 💪🏼 Onwards and downwards ⬇️
Hello Annette, Iona, and Snedger!
A happy New Year to everyone. Sorry to have been silent for so long. I got discouraged. Was doing 16:8 every day and very little sweets, no junk, but still bounced right back to the weight I had been before I started. I decided that was simply the weight my body intends to be. It’s not huge, but is 15-20 lbs above where I was most of my life. Sigh.
There’s little low hanging fruit to eliminate from my diet, so I’ve decided to add instead. I’m now making sure I get two fruits and at least four veggies a day and beans/lentils/etc. at least four days a week. In other words, eat healthier and not pay much attention to the weight. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Rome sounds like a great goal! I’ll be on your side of the pond three times this coming spring, as I, too, have reached those 60s and am starting a phased retirement. So I’m not teaching this coming semester. Just writing and speaking stuff. Looking forward to the lighter schedule.
We’re getting buried under snow. About 8″ so far yesterday and today and still coming down. I feel like I’m in the movie Dr. Zhivago! It is beautiful and I’m thankful that I don’t have drive in it till the plows come.
Hello Annette
I’m struggling to get back into routine and also eating too many empty calories. Scales haven’t moved in a few weeks and I measured the fattest part of me yesterday and no change but I feel like I’m on the brink of a downward spiral so I really need to get my act together!
Hopefully the weather is a little milder now and we can get out and about more.
Keep in touch👍🏼
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