I am having a wobble. So cuppa out in the garden in the sunshine, busy pruning plants. Just 2 hours to go.
This topic contains 3,857 replies, has 216 voices, and was last updated by annette52 3 days, 4 hours ago.
Good to hear Annette! 😃
I feel full of energy this morning, dog got me up early so we’ve had a long walk, really pushed myself to a fast pace up all the hills! My Fitbit strap snapped yesterday and I feel lost without it (awaiting a replacement) so I could not check my heart rate.
Another fast day planned for Wednesday.
Glad to report no after effects of cutting down the hazel yesterday, not even a twinge! I’ve moved more snowdrops today that were almost invading the lawn to a spot where there were none -so all looking a lot better. Can’t wait for spring 🌱 🪴
Good work, everyone! I managed 23 hours yesterday. Back at work, I hardly noticed the fast at all. Which was the good part of the day. Teaching 3 hours was exhausting and standing from 9:30 till 4:30 made my feet ache. Got to get used to it all over again.
Congratulations on the 2 lbs. Annette! That’s great!
I envy you both the advent of spring. And flowers! Still a long way off for us.
Fasting again on Thursday. Hoping the scale will go down a bit after that one.
It’s going really well thanks. Had another successful fasting day yesterday and feeling good. I’ve been out walking this morning and have loads of energy still! The sun is shining so I’m off to pull out some weeds before much gets established in the borders.
I will be skipping breakfast tomorrow and may do the scales instead of Saturday.
A couple of years ago I bought a pair of jeans in a size smaller, they were reduced to £3 I loved them and that was the only size left. Needless to say they have never seen the light of day since!! However I am making them my goal so I’ll dust them off and try on in the morning!
Hi all. Well done, both of you. Iona, I hope those jeans fit. I did the same thing with a pair of black jeans. Not sure if I’ll ever fit them, but I do hope.
I’m at 17 hours right now, but start teaching in a half hour, for the next three hours, so should easily get to 21 hours before I’m home and tempted. I’ll be happy with that.
Scales were kind this morning. Down half a pound.
I have not ventured to the darkest depths of the wardrobe yet, maybe over the weekend?? However the scale was down 2 pounds this morning ~ Hallelujah!!! Hoping I’m not going to mess things up over the weekend. I have got Tuesday and Thursday earmarked for fast days next week. Back to work on Tuesday for phased return to work….mixed feelings, I could happily not go back!
I’ve joined a local litter picking group! At the moment it is solitary picking but when lockdown ends we are hoping for some group meetings to tackle difficult areas. It’s amazing how many cans and bottles are out there. Doing my bit for the planet.
Hi Annette and Iona! I’ve been back at work a week now. Teaching a 3 hour class each day has been just exhausting. One week down, seven more to go. It does make fasting easier, however. I find if I just skip breakfast and go to the office I’m so busy I don’t even think about food till it’s 4:30 or 5 and time to go home. I’m hoping to knock off 5 or 6 lbs in the next 7 weeks, though I seem to only lose half a pound a week with two fast days, so it might be only 3 or 4. That’s ok.
We finally got a bit above 0C for our high! Spring won’t come till April but it’s sure an improvement on -20.
Fasting Monday and Thursday next week. Congratulations of the 2 lbs, Iona!
Annette, what good news that you got your jab! It looks like I won’t get it till late April or May, though with a third vaccine now approved maybe that will speed up a bit.
The scale jumped down a pound today! I assume it will inch back up a bit in the next few days, but it sure felt good to finally see a new number.
Now back to grading.
Good afternoon
Great news on the vaccination A, I’m hoping to hear about mine soon being in the 50’s age group.
I tried the jeans on, and several other trousers I had forgotten I had. I can get them all fastened but some look awful, causing a big roll to spill out around the middle! But it’s progress from last time I tried. So I’m spurred on to lose enough to make them comfortable.
I fasted for 15 hours until lunch (salad) today. Tomorrow I am back at work so will do 20+ hours of fasting.
Goal for March is to shed 5 pounds.
Stay strong and keep in touch.
How did the fasting go today, everyone? I’m at 21 hours and struggling. Hoping to make it to 23 hours but those last two are hard, aren’t they! It is easier to do at work. I’m taking a break from the three hour class right now and know once we’re back in session these last two hours will fly by.
Iona, I had the same result with my blue jeans. Got them on, but barely and had quite the “muffin” on top. But hey, we got them on, which I couldn’t have come close to 16 lbs. ago.
Annette, as you know, my weight loss has slowed down too. The lighter we get the harder it is to lose those last ten. My goal is about the same as yours. 2 lbs down in each of March and April will put me just one pound above what I weighed for most of my 40s. My doctor said at that time that I was 5-8 lbs. overweight. Still, I was comfortable there so I might move to maintenance. Or take a run at those last five. We’ll see.
We’re doing well!
I had a good day yesterday -just one meal after 23 hour fast. Didn’t feel hungry at any time during the day but had a sore throat for a couple of days. Missing breakfast today and fasting again tomorrow. Sneaky peak at the scale this morning- no change, happy with that for now.
Weather looks just like yesterday foggy and low clouds all day. I’m just about to go for my walk but would enjoy it much more if the sun was shining!
Well done you two on your fast days. I’m doing dinner today until dinner tomorrow🤞🏼
Annette you can come do my cleaning anytime ~ I hate it. All that spring cleaning in the first lockdown all needs doing again now. This weekend we start on our bathroom update. I will be filling fast days with painting.
If I can’t get in the garden I would much rather be knitting/reading/colouring all while listening to YouTube!!
Iona, that’s what I’m doing today–dinner to dinner. It doesn’t come to exactly 24 hours, but should be somewhere between 22 and 23. Right now I’m at 21 hours.
And I’m with you on the cleaning. I live in a log house and wiped down the tops of all the logs (for the first time in years!) last spring when we first locked down. Just the other day I noticed they’re all dusty again. Sigh.
Fasting today, with you two. Hope it is going well for you.
My day is over-full so should pass quickly. I need the fast. Over the weekend I made real English scones and blueberry jam for a friend. They were lovely, tall and light. And the two of us ate the whole batch! They added a pound back, but were worth it.
Annette – Great news about that skirt!!
MM – Those scones sound delightful, glad you both enjoyed them.
I am between belt holes! Another half inch will see me in a hole on my belt that I have NEVER used! I can’t actually believe it.
I have struggled with longer fasts the last couple of days and have fallen into a 17:7 routine, however I don’t want to get complacent so will try again tomorrow for a longer fast.
I notice I am not getting sugar cravings lately and I’m getting used to smaller portions so I feel like this is good progress even if the scale is slow to move. Husband offered me chocolate yesterday and I quite easily said no thanks. Unheard of!!!
Hi Annette and Iona! I managed 23 hours yesterday. It wasn’t really all that hard. I got hungry around lunch time but worked through it and the hunger went away. Being back at work makes a difference. So glad you’re enjoying being back, Annette.
This morning the scale said I gained half a pound. Ah well, it does that sometime after a fast. Maybe I retain more water on those nights?
Iona, I generally do a 17:7 or 16:8 most days. I no longer get hungry in the morning, so put off eating till after 11. But I do find that I only maintain with that, at best, so really do need the fasting days if I want to shift anything.
Take care, ladies.
Not a bad day for me today. Possibly a little generous on the portion size but not too many carbs. I’m feeling motivated for a good weekend and some longer fasts next week.
Not going to be the most exciting Mother’s Day but hey ho it could be worse!
Got my vaccinations booked now, first one on Mar 21👍
Hi all!
Well, no second 20+ hour fast for me this week, but I did skip lunch yesterday and breakfast today so hoping they kind of add up. Feeling lighter in my clothes these days and hoping that’s not just that I’m wearing a layer or two less as it finally starts to warm up here!
So glad you are getting your vaccinations. I’m not eligible yet here, but our president did say last night that he hopes they’ll have enough of the vaccine so that everyone is eligible by May. Maybe even a bit sooner? I hope. In the meantime, I’m swamped with teaching, and that does make the days pass quickly.
Happy weekend to you both.
Mothers Day yesterday (in the UK) brought a White Choc and Strawberry cake!!! I had a medium slice yesterday and another at lunch today!! As much as I enjoyed it at the time, boy did I feel sick afterwards. I will be working all week now to deal with the effect.
No change on the scale this morning, luckily, and I have had the belt in that next hole all day without any discomfort! Small gains. Plan to fast from 7pm tonight until dinner tomorrow. I didn’t manage more than 18 hours last week so I need to prove to myself that longer can be done.
How are you all?
Hi all. Great news on the belt, Iona!
I’m fasting today. It won’t be quite 24 hours since dinner was a bit late last night, but I’m hoping for 22. It may be a bit of a challenge. It’s snowing and they can’t decide if we’re getting 1″ or 4-5″. At the upper level it’s hard to get in and out of my place (big hill, small car) so I’ve decided to teach from home today, or at least stay home till noon and see how things progress. So, food will be calling me from the kitchen. 🙂
Good luck tomorrow, Iona.
It is so nice to have someone else to talk too, I have certainly enjoyed that as a benefit of going back to work.
Good fast yesterday and skipped breakfast today, trying to keep the carbs down and the veg up! I am starting to notice changes when I look in the mirror now which has not happened for a long time and it is spurring me on. I may try on the summer dresses in the next few days. One I wore to a wedding last year in particular as all day long I was sure the seams were about to burst open!!
How is the weather MM? Sunshine here today, I just want to be pottering in the garden and get some seeds planted but I fear we still have some frosts to come yet up north, still a bit early.
Hope you are all feeling strong and motivated, talk soon.
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22 Feb 21