Hi everyone, and welcome to all the new peeps.
I’ve been keeping busy and sometimes I’m too tired to post. I don’t get home til 8:30 PM after being on the computer for 8 hours…sometimes a girl needs to rest! I’ve put my house on a “diet”. Meaning I’m doing a lot of spring cleaning, buying and hanging new curtains and rods. Really, I should have taken out the trash when I got home, now it’s rolling thunder. We have a lot of rain here, too! Pretty green, lots of trees.
If you are holding water, and you probably are, you can take an Epson salt bath. Two cups of salts, one cup of baking soda, in very warm water for about 20 minutes, twice a week. I always weigh more in the evening than in the morning by as much as two pounds. Also drink dandelion tea, it’s a natural diuretic. Don’t get crazy on this- you need some water!
Everyone, quit drinking milk in your coffee and tea! It ruins the antioxidant benefits of the drinks, and I’m not sure that it doesn’t muck up the benefits in the milk, also.
PVE- I don’t know what TFT is either!
Everyone, it takes a while to get a rhythm. Some fast days just breeze by and others are hard. I try to save up for evenings now, but I always used to eat breakfast, and still do on nonfast days. I hit a rocky patch about 4 months in, and just maintained for about another 4 months. The thing is not to give up. And do not turn this into a starvation diet. Eat a reasonable, not excessive amount, and the occasional blowout might even be good for you.
2:23 am
11 Jun 14