HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 12 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,551 through 1,600 (of 7,330 total)

  • Speedy: you were a trouper. Came through in good spririts it sounds like. Hope you get pleanty of R&R and regain your strength. Anesthesia does funny things to your sleep cylce. Will take a while to feel like you again. So glad you are home and doing well.

    SharATL: I lift my glass (sadly filled with only water at the present time ) to your 21 lbs/ 1.5 stone! That takes real stamina. It is good to feel you are not at the mercy of the food monster any longer.

    Echoing what others are saying here, one of the big changes I am fiding in my relationship with food, is I am no longer tied to my old obsession with “a solid square meal”. I am so much more flexible now with what I am willing to call a meal and don’t panic if dinner is not going to be available at some arbitrary precise time. Now I pack some nuts in my purse (those little bottles that the fast food places have for milk for the kids are perfect….and in a pinch I will order and drink the milk as well….the bottle is the extra prize). So I gnosh on a few nuts if I am hungry. And I eat just enough to not be hungry, not the entire lot. This is a revolutionary concept for me. It is very liberating.

    ply24mp & LUVTCOOK–thank you for your kind words. Yes, many new habits forming on our way to eating/living differently. I do the nut thing too; I eat a few almonds when I am really hungry. (I also read somewhere that people that eat a daily serving of nuts live longer, so cheers to that.)

    Last night, I was struck by the most overwhelming (and out of the blue) food cravings. I decided to indulge a little and eat some popcorn–okay, lots of popcorn–then helped myself to some of my teenage son’s pizza! It felt like “the old days,” when food cravings and nighttime snacking were a regular part of my life. I decided not to worry too much about it and when I woke up this morning to discover that my very irregular period was back again, it all made sense. Duh. I am actually looking forward to the time that it doesn’t keep showing up unexpectedly, like a bad boyfriend that you just can’t break up with. Those of you who are further down the path–and beyond hot flashes–give me hope. The scale had also popped up a bit, (no surprise there, either), but I recognized the pattern and knew that it was only a temporary blip on the screen. I stuck to my exercise regimen, fasted today and already feel better. I’m very tempted to indulge in a cramp-settling glass of wine but thoughts of that new dress hanging in my closet may have the desired effect of staving off THAT craving at least…

    Goodnight, all. If you were fasting today, I hope you’re feeling good about your efforts.

    Hi PreciousBooBoo and all the other LOACA’s … the LOACA lurker is still here!! I confess (sheep-ish grin) to having been a complete piglet over the Easter weekend. I was given an extra thick Hotel Chocolat egg and I just couldn’t resist! I chomped my way through it over a period of 4 days, so there’s going to be some serious fasting over the coming weeks.

    I’ve lost heart a little over the past few months as I’ve been stuck at the same weight, and getting onto one day a week maintenance seems like a far off dream. However, having read about the resolve and determination of so many other LOACA’s, even through ill health and separation, I’m going to ‘climb back in saddle’ from today and ‘get with the programme’.

    I do enjoy reading this thread, although I don’t post very often. It’s so supportive.

    My very best wishes to all LOACA’s who post here … Keeeeep fasting!

    Hi @luvtcook, thank you. xx But I don’t feel like a trouper! Saw lots of people really ill in medium care and felt like a bit of an imposter only having a kidney stone and being monitored for sleep apnea.
    It all stems from the excess weight. THe hospital staff were not at all judgemental.
    Last few days Im feeling like I’ve fallen into a sudden depression. Seen Dr Google of course and it seems to happen sometimes after an anaesthetic. So been taking lots of Rescue Remedy as @preciousbooboo advised and waiting for it to pass – as I know it will. I’ve read it often happens especially if you are single and was v. nervous beforehand as I was.

    @lindyw, thank you for your post. It struck a chord.
    When I go back for my next clinic appointment I’m going to take some (non diet!) goodies to the medium care staff for their coffeebreak. But for the surgical staff, I don’t even know where the department is. Directions are never posted up to the operating theaters so those staff – who were so kind- and literally at the cutting edge – I don’t know where they are to thank them!

    “Jojo58 it’s a lovely video. xx

    Is it OK to use the @… thing here to make names stand out?

    Hi All,
    Back to work today. Loved seeing all the children. Announced my retirement officially so lots of tears, from parents not children. Made it a tough day, emotionally. Why did I decide to fast today, must be crazy, but not giving up on it. It’s my review at the gym tonight, measurements and scales – please let them be kind. I need to admit that I haven’t been following the programme ‘ I despise circuit training, it’s so dull’ but I did start ballroom fitness which is pretty full on twice per week and I now bowl for an hour a day, that’s got to count for something. Why am I worried, like they will care, just another blobby to them.
    Ok enough negativity, I need to sort myself out and go in there with all guns blazing. I am paying them and I want a programme that I will enjoy.
    Not weighing in until Saturday this week even though fast ends Thursday, I know how to mix it up. I think this may give me a better chance of reaching my 2 pound target even though I am out of Friday night, incentive to keep to (water only).
    I had my hog roast roll yesterday and it made me feel awful, bloated. At least it kept me off food for the rest of the day.
    Still not drinking enough, need to discipline myself to consume 3 pints minimum, the biggest losers are the biggest drinkers(water that is) it’s all in print.
    Good Luck all, off to enjoy some sunshine

    @jojo58 my plan that I’ve thought up to remind me to drink is I’m going to get one of those frogs (or any other creature) that say ‘ribbit’ as you walk by it. Place it somewhere central in the kitchen where you walk by many times a day and keep a glass of water near it. Then everytime it croaks, take a good swig.
    Without a purpose they quickly ge very irritating but as a reminder to drink I think it will be useful. xx

    “that say ‘ribbit’ as you walk by it. ”

    That’s hilarious!

    Shouldn’t it be saying “drink it?

    So far I’ve only seen the ribbit variety! 🙂

    Hello delightful people. Took advice I read online about changing up exercise programs monthly. Wow, all of the sudden I’m sore again! I’m a believer, although I was attached to, and fond of, my comfortable exercise routine. My body must have been as well. For most of us in the Northern hemisphere, weather is getting warmer and I hope we are able to experience many lovely moments in nature this week. Keep moving! Jean

    to sharATL: from one further down the path, yes it gets much much better. Have not had hot flashes since passing 55 or 56. Occassionally would get too warm at night and throw off covers a few years more beyond that…..but that was about it. And then you won’t have to shave your legs any more. But keep your tweezers handy for crazy granny hairs showing up on your face. Yulk, hate that. Full time job keeping after those.

    It is so odd to be to be a 42 year old trapped in a 63 year old body. I put on my snazzy jeans (wearing the slimming NYDJ…not your daughters jeans…good dose of spandex to hold it all in) and my Clarks clogs, put on my small silver hoop pierced earrings, and think as I look in the mirror that at your core you are the same person. Just a 42 year old in disguise. But it is the circle of life. C’est la vie.

    A Special Hello To Speedy

    Goodness Speedy, you couldn’t make it up with you! I really feel for you and no wonder you have sunk into a depression; who wouldn’t? Only someone with absolutely no compassion at all for others, would not totally appreciate that. Please do not feel as if you cannot say what you want to about your fears, negativity etc on here; you do not have to ‘pretend’ about how it really is on here.

    This thread is for all LOACA’s at whatever stage they are at in life.
    However nice and uplifting it is to be positive about everything; that is not the reality for all of us – all of the time! And the night in ‘medium care’ cannot have helped with your anxieties in the first place…..

    The only ‘good’ thing that we can say about this set back; is that you have been through it once now (successfully) and hopefully your level of fear will be much less.
    Do you think that might be the case now?

    I hope we will all be sending you healing vibes to allow you to release the stone naturally; so you don‘t have to go through it all again.
    I’m so pleased you had kind, caring staff who understood your real and natural fears and concerns. I have very definite views on a great many medical staff in this country (UK) and they are not at all complimentary (which are based on my own experience and those of others I have spoken with) but I do know there are many dedicated, caring and professional staff thoughout the medical profession who do a sterling job.
    (I do often think of LindyW when I am stating my own views on my experiences with the medical profession and trust she doesn’t wrongly take offence (I have found more than once; it is very easy to take offence when you are just reading some statement in black and white….) If she was; I can only say I apologise but I have to speak as I have found. However this is not meant to ’tar all’ the medical profession with the same brush and it only applies to those who it applies to – I would now put a smiley emoticon thingy here if I knew how to!).

    Yes, definitely keep taking the RR but, though we know it works, it is not a magic wand to just release all your accumulated fears and concerns. I do think my ‘mist’ spray suggestion would be well worth a try and the bath one too. Or you could soak your feet daily in a dish with some RR drops in it and perhaps some nice smelling essential oil.

    Was your faithful companion pleased to see you back home?

    BooBoo xx

    Good day, LOACA’s! Very busy Easter weekend and travel days after, but I enjoyed reading all your posts. This truly is a great forum! Just in from a soggy run, but happy to have it over with. My current plan is 4:3, with fast days Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. I feel like there is something beneficial in back-to-back fast days, and it is not very difficult, at least for now. Just enjoyed some leftover Easter ham and an English muffin with butter, and looking forward to lunch out with my handsome hubby! I am traveling again tonight to do presentations Thursday and Friday. I have been amazed at how clear-headed and energized I feel, even though I am “performing” all day on a fast day. I would not have believed it before.
    I am still wondering about the science of calories in/ calories out. Even with 3 fast days, I am not creating nearly enough of a deficit (3500 calories per pound) to lose the number of pounds I have been losing. I think there is enough information, and more coming all the time, to support the theory that not all calories are equivalent. That is, your body does not treat 100 calories of cake the same as 100 calories of broccoli. I think we will be seeing more information about he idea that calories over time consumed in an IF program are not equivalent to the same number of calories consumed in a traditional eating plan.
    Whatever the reason, I am quite happy with the plan and the results! Have a happy day!

    Hello ply24mp,
    What are you on girl, it certainly isn’t the same food as me. My second fast day yesterday was a disaster for my brain. I took two wrong turns in the car yesterday on a journey I make weekly, went miles out of my way. I had a splitting headache at choir practice and woke up at 3.30 a.m. absolutely starving, so I had breakfast and went back to bed. Really enjoying my food today but not going too mad, eggs, sardines, cheese(very strong purchased at the food market)salmon fillet and miso soup. What are you eating or not to make you feel so great, I want some! Please tell! I need some of your energy please, feeling exhausted today, I am in need of an early night, an undusturbed night, no toileting or hunger pangs.
    I hope the recovery is going well?
    How did you back to back fast go? Tell all! Did you eat the chocolate or resist?

    I saw my trainer yesterday, not personal one, just gym staff, she is thrilled with my weight loss and has decided I can now cope with more intensive cardio. She has put me on a version of ‘HIT’, I will let you know how it goes. At least she cancelled my circuit, I told her I hate it and rarely do it, so she agreed I need more sociable cardio activities like classes or sports. True.

    Loads of jobs to do, must get on, bye for now

    @preciousbooboo, many of the things you say are spot on. And many of the things I’m feeling are more relevant to my being a LOACA than anything to do with 5:2.
    I know I’m very lucky that at 55 this was my first stay in hospital. It seems like through going through a door you can’t go back through!
    I know a lot of my more miserable thoughts get a hold because because I live and am often alone – that’s OK but I am also often lonely.
    And as to my faithful companion … she more or less ignored me when I got home!
    I expected it. I’ve had one other night away from her (to go to a funeral) and she was really off with me then. This time it was worse! I wish I could tell her that leaving her had been one of the hardest things; how I’d made a list of cascading care for her in case anything happened. But of course you can’t! Not sure she has fully forgiven me yet. Almost maybe but not quite 🙂

    I think I’ve always been a perfectionist and I saw being overweight as mainly a physical or cosmetic thing; outside the medical world. Somehow I always thought I’d lose it before it did me any medical harm. It will sound odd I think, nothing really has actually changed in fact but now I have – or have given myself various medical labels. It also shocked me how quickly you become a patient with a medical gown – open at the back! Though as soon as I could go, though I was grateful for the excellent care I’d had, I tell you, I was dressed and out of there!!!

    I think having been through it will help next time – but I’m not sure until just before. There is a bit of a an internal struggle between my ‘up’ and ‘down’ sides. I’m surprised to feel down really but I’ve read it’s not uncommon after an anaesthetic.

    I’ve concentrated on the RR in drinking water and in the bath so far – because I have to drink so much water to try to shift the stone! I’ll try the mist too. Love homeopathetic Bach; don’t have to wonder about the interactions with the other medicines.

    Another friend recommended something called Bonusan Twistle as a sort of cleansing herbal liquid. I was wondering if anyone had heard of it?

    Writing is so useful. I’m aware I’m very and too inward looking at the moment – but that will pass I know. xx

    Hi there ladies

    Returning to the fray after a week’s travel, then a week holidaying in the country. Tell the truth, I was feeling a bit disheartened as the weight was staying at the ‘upper end of the new normal’ if you know what I mean.

    But loads of gardening at Easter got the metabolism cranked up again I suppose, and I’m ready to start again. Fasting today, with a cup of herb tea by my side.

    JoJo – congratulations on going up a gear at the gym. I’m amazed to hear you don’t feel you have much energy – just reading about all the activities you have going on makes me exhausted! Hope you get eight hours of peaceful sleep tonight to recuperate!

    Speedy – a friend of mine had a kidney stone, and was absolutely knocked back by it. Sounds like you are doing amazingly well in the circumstances. totally understand what you mean by ‘once you are through the door’ of going into hospital or whatever, there’s no going back – every time I get a twinge now, or notice a change in skin texture, or find I can’t eat something I used to enjoy, I think ‘oh here we go, better get used to it’. When you are younger, you assume you’ll bounce back to mid-season form in no time; now, I just set the bar a bit lower… But I meant this to be cheerful rather than depressing, and I’m so glad you are sharing your experience with us. Keep writing.

    Take care all. I’d better earn my salary now. 🙂

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    Hello and Welcome to rockyromero and yoginell.

    Hi rocky – I don’t know if you’ve posted on this thread before but if you have it’s a long time ago.

    Hi yoginell – Hopefully reading through this thread also kept you away from goodies like chocolate etc over Easter. It does help enormously, we find, to read about countless other LOACA’s experiences with the fast diet.
    It helps too to get involved with the discussions. I don’t know why but many of the LOACA’s who post for the first time on this thread; never bother to post again…..which I think is a shame really.
    I hope it’s not because they don’t get an immediate response when they first post; it’s generally just not possible for that to happen. We are all on this forum at different times of the day or sometimes not at all in the day and we have to make an effort to ‘catch up’ with what has been posted since we last visited.

    Interestingly, I did read on another thread the other day; where the author was saying ‘if the thread was an old one and had established members on it then they didn’t want to post on it‘…..They didn’t explain why not; could they not be bothered to join in? Did they feel they wouldn’t be welcomed?
    Anyone reading this thread will find detailed discussions going on but new people are welcome to just jump in give their two pennoth worth; as long as it is in a pleasant vein.

    Anyways, ho hum – big bum (as jojo58 once wisely said…..)

    Speaking of…….Well jojo – I’m on day one of my BB and feeling a bit glum; one of the things that gets me through a long fast day is the fact that the next day I can eat ‘normally’!
    As for your detox thoughts; I would think this is the optimum time to carry out a detox. The Chinese believe Spring is the best time for this kind of cleansing. You are cutting out so many unhelpful foods/alcohol from your WOE anyway; it seems the prime time to me.

    As for the ‘Chocolate Orange’ debate – It is still lurking in the fridge; I managed to resist which is strange because normally ‘I can resist anything except temptation…‘ as Oscar Wilde said.

    I don’t think you have noticed just how difficult it is for me to lose weight jojo; 2lbs in a week – you are joking! If you read back to what I said when celebrating getting below 11 stones (11.04.14); it can take me over two weeks easily to lose ½lb! And that is only if I have not put some back on out of nowhere to further exacerbate the problem.
    I’m going to try BB as an experiment but I’m not setting my hopes too high – I would however love to be proven wrong!
    Don’t mind that at all, no sirree.

    Oh and hog roast…yum

    Hey LUVTCOOK – I awarded you THIS WEEK’s STAR LOACA AWARD and you didn’t even mention it! Do you not read back since you last posted? Shame on you. Come down from the top of the class and go and sit on the Naughty Step!

    Ha Ha Lulu01 the LOACA LURKER! – Caught you in mid-chomp! Did you feel suitably guilty when you read my post to you? Having said that you are human – just like the rest of us and don’t blame you in the least for scoffing the Hotel Chocolat (extra thick!!!!) Egg.
    Who bought you that? You need to have words; some things just cannot be given away or worse, thrown away.
    Who wouldn’t? It’s a no-brainer.
    I for one, totally understand your ‘loss of heart’ Lulu – it’s that human thing again.
    Why don’t you join our Back to Back club? Have a look at jojo’s and LUVTCOOK’s posts recently – might be worth a try?
    I’m in….

    Hi hermajtomomi – (That is one hell of a username to type out-where does it originate from?).
    …….Well that’s you told regarding the chocolate scoffing and supposed ’pigging out’ on Hot Cross Buns! And you have succumbed TWICE!
    So we have another human in our midst……that’s good to hear because whilst I didn’t succumb to the Chocolate Orange – I did succumb to having wine on Monday night too! And I did so want to be good but you know; it tasted good and life can be way too short for too much deprivation.

    I actually seriously agree with you that it can be beneficial to give in to a ‘pig out’ now and then. As you so rightly say; you now know that your body doesn’t react well when you do it.
    I think we should applaud you for ‘taking one for the team’ as they say on ‘Big Bang’…..

    Furthermore, on emotional eating; Secret Eaters (my almost favourite show at the moment) did some research on it with a group of football fans. They put out food after the match for both ‘winning’ and ‘losing’ fans in separate rooms; telling them they were there to give their views on how the match went etc.
    The research scientist predicted that the ‘losing side’ fans would eat more in general and guess what? They did! They ate considerably more of the stodgy and sweet stuff too which has a more ‘comforting’ effect on our emotions/hormones etc.
    So again, I say ho hum – big bum…

    Wow ply24mp – I really do envy your feelings of ‘clear headedness’ and of ‘being energised‘. I haven’t done this weeks BB yet but in the past when I did; I felt no better whatsoever. I have never felt better in myself or had more energy in the 10 whole months I have been on this WOE……
    This, I am convinced is the difference in how scrambled or not our hormones are; which is why I started the ’In the weight loss scales-All menopausal women are not equal’….thread.
    It does what it says on the tin really
    Well done you though ply; please don’t think you have to curb your natural enthusiasm and delight. WEIGH TO GO GIRL.

    We had four whole days of sunshine, over Easter, up here in Bonny Scotland. Which is saying something indeed because it rained solid for 3½ months when we moved here last November.
    There was a really pesky cold wind though which marred my time in the garden and then over the weekend; I have gradually been coming out in midge bites which are red and pulsating…..
    There’s even one on my mouth which is really not a good look; I look as if I‘ve been punched in the mouth……….
    Don‘t say it anybody…………I feed you these lines because it makes me chuckle a bit to myself.
    Only on a practical level; I am thinking am I going to need to douse myself with some kind of repellent every single time I step outdoors?

    Onwards and Downwards Ladies!

    Thanks, PBB! You certainly are welcoming to all on this thread; new, old, and intermittent lurkers! I don’t really feel better on Day 2 of back to back, just amazed that I feel up to working and talking to an audience on any sort of fast day! Yesterday was Day 2, and I spent it on my couch, but more due to a very busy weekend, late nights, and lots of driving. But anyway, I am positive by nature, and never want to make light of anyone’s struggles (I have very close family members who suffer with depression and anxiety, so I know how very real it is)

    Jojo, I will second Yipyop: for a woman with low energy, you sure do accomplish a lot!! Good for you for your gym successes!

    Just twigged that BB = Back to Back. I’m in awe (even more than usual :-)) of you PBB and ply24mp if you can do that. It’s only the thought of a decent breakfast tomorrow that’s getting me through the rest of today.

    Also, PBB – I’m very sympathetic about the midge bites. On holiday a couple of years ago, I got so badly bitten on my legs and arms that I spent the whole holiday totally covered up because I looked so terrible. Since then, I’ve doused myself in toxic chemicals – not a great solution, but natural remedies just don’t cut it.

    Home now to a Waitrose low cal chicken noodle soup. Living life to the full, eh?

    I just have a moment before I’m back at work, but I want to convey good thoughts to Speedy. Hope you are recovering nicely. Wishing you strength and positive endorphins. You make a good point — when you find yourself in a hospital gown is does give you pause. Sending good thoughts your way. My best to all of the lovely people on this thread.

    Love the jeans, luvtcook [not your daughter’s]. Those jeans will put a spring in your step!

    Hello all,
    I seem to have confused everyone again, what’s new?
    I have low energy today due to lack of sleep and now I think about it probably my mind is not at it’s best most fasting days. Driven by food obviously, it’s still my best friend. At least now I’m not permanently cold, constantly headachy and irritable to the point of becoming a mass murderer. Not an ideal set of traits for a teacher.

    As you all have noticed I am the sort of person that is not content to be a couch potato even though I look like one. I have activities Monday to Saturday with Sunday off for good behaviour(make that bad behaviour). Sunday is my feast day, I don’t count calories, I have what I want. Saying that I am very lucky because I don’t have a sweet tooth and I have given up alcohol for 2014 and maybe 2015(at least until September – big birthday – 60).

    I truly believe we need to learn from each other and adapt our eating and exercise to achieve our goals. I refuse to accept one pound per week, I will do everything I can to make sure I lose 7 lbs per month(average). It may be unrealistic and I may be setting myself up for failure but I need to do it. I cannot diet for two years, it must be lost by next summer.
    When I was on weight watchers I was a slow loser even though I followed the plan 100 % , I blamed my body I now know it was their diet! too many carbs and they actually promote sugar products in their own range – madness. Their diet record is shockingly bad, large percentage of their clients regain the weight, they have learnt nothing.
    Ply24mp – how much have you lost now? In what time ? You are my inspiration!
    LUVTCOOK – seriously, you wear spandex? I can barely suffer tights! Join you on the hooped earrings though. Personally I love Celtic or Art Deco jewellery, actually Art Deco everything, I was born in the wrong era and probably country.
    Speedy- thanks for the suggestion, I couldn’t get a frog so I borrowed a lobster which sings Elvis, very irritating indeed, but working(what we do for our diet – 3 pints of water down today – hick glug) would you like me to send it to you to speed you back to full health?
    Just for fun I bought a pair of size 18 white leggings, that should be a sight? Don’t worry ‘big bum’ won’t be on view, long black top, should look like a penguin.
    Just had some really spicy, skinny soup, phew – may need another pint of water!
    Enjoy your evening ladies
    PreciousBooBoo – I am counting on you to lose 2 pounds, positive thinking honey.

    Hi PreciousBooBoo,
    Tips to keep midges at bay.
    Drink marmite, use teetree body wash and shampoo, or use Nivea moisturiser which is a good insect repellent apparently used by the armed forces.
    Bought zero noodles, will try them with some King prawns tomorrow, what sauce shall I use LUVTCOOK?

    I would like to turn the clock back to 10 am this morning, I started fasting and thought I would also try to keep to proteins if I could. What a disaster, I had nuts and cheese small banana (I know it’s not protein,). WW chicken noodle soup. I had two coffees I totalled cals about 1 pm and found I did not have many calories left and I can honestly say this is the first time I have broken my fasting day once I have started it. Now I have really blown it and I want to eat anything I lay my hands on. I should have come on here and stayed out of the kitchen. Tomorrow is another day and I will go back to my 500 cals. I have still only lost the 3 lbs that I lost in the first 4 days of this fasting 5-2 3 weeks ago but I know I can get back to it tomorrow I will not give up.

    Hi, I used to be the one who was bitten to death on holidays but a few years ago I started taken garlic capsules and it has done the trick, it’s down to the odd bit and I can get away with no bits at all. They are 99p in the chemist for 60. Hope you find one that works for.

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    How are you all doing? As opposed to what I have just read and digested…

    Hey yipyop – I cannot take credit for the BB club; you have to read back at what LUVTCOOK and jojo and ply were contemplating (separately!) and some of us have jumped onto that bandwagon (Lordy, I hope it’s a big wagon….).
    Hell, I’ll try anything once or twice….

    The thing is, regarding my monstrous and red and sore midge bites; I live here now, I don’t want to dose myself in chemicals everytime I go out of the house….They didn’t touch my husband….well, who would?!!!……
    I’m sorry, didn’t mean that at all. I love him dearly but I do like silly old jokes (there I go again…!).
    And yes, I too, have tried the natural midge repellents and they didn’t work sadly.

    Hi jojo – If positive thinking had any real affect on me; I wouldn’t have gotten fat – no, seriously curvy – in the first place!

    Hey Speedy – I cannot think of anything to help with your feeling lonely (sometimes) without saying something fatuous, except come on here more; there is usually someone about and they are a kind bunch.
    You sound as if you might be apologising for feeling down; I say again, who wouldn’t? It sounds perfectly natural to me to be affected with the anaestetic still washing around your system. I think you can be a little hard on yourself Speedy; try and be a little kinder.
    You reminded me how dogs do take offence when you ‘abandon them’ when necessary; I had forgotten that curiousity. Our’s used to ignore us too, on the rare occasion we had to leave them and we got to the stage that we didn’t go abroad anymore so they could always come on holiday with us.
    The holidays were never as good anyway without our precious pooches…I remember one lovely (of many) camping holidays in the Lake District; we lugged along PreciousBooBoo’s large hard plastic ‘bed’ and it took up half the packing room in the car.
    But nothing was too much trouble for our beloved pet…. I have a wonderful photo of her lying supine on our bed (of sleeping bags and blankets etc) and the dog bed cast aside literally!

    I can never understand people who don’t really love animals…
    Anyways, Onwards and Downwards!
    (Forgot to mention; my favourite Secret Eaters is on! Oh and it’s a fast day aswell – so it will be harder than usual to watch them scoff for England!)

    Just saw your mesage JIP – I already take garlic capsules…..but thanks for trying to help.

    Hi PreciousBooBoo,
    I assure you I am both positive and fat, the two are not exclusive you know!
    In fact I would say there are quite a few dieters who are positive.
    I love my pooches too, nothing is too much trouble to have their loyalty.
    They don’t give me the cold shoulder when I have been away, they go mental and won’t leave my side.
    I did have a cat that used to snub me though, he was a card, actually used to turn his tail towards me and swish his tail as if to say ‘ I don’t care’

    Hey jojo
    And some humans say ‘animals are dumb’!….I tend to think they are actually much smarter than us homosapiens. I mean look at how well they communicate with us without saying a word?…..
    I’m really going now; we watch Secret Eaters when we’ve finished recording it!

    Hi booboo, thanks for the lovely welcome. I had day one yesterday, I did ok, it was a busy day which certainly helps. Didn’t eat a lot today either which was weird! Lets see what day two tomorrow brings.

    ” there are quite a few dieters who are positive.”

    What? Who?

    Let’s round the rest up and make sure that they see the positive light.

    Some thoughts on beasties. Midges! They love me, heaven alone knows why. As a kid, I used to spend summer holidays with an aunt and uncle who lived close to a river. Within a day of arriving, I’d be covered in gnat bites, so much so that my aunt would bandage up my arms and legs to stop me scratching. Then while at uni, we were required to spend time in Portugal, where the little so-and-sos flourish. I took the necessary precautions and smothered my self in anti-mozzy cream, avoiding eyelids and lips as instructed. No prizes for guessing where the critters bit me. I looked like I’d gone 15 rounds with Muhammad Ali. I’ll have to try some of your suggested remedies.

    As for jojo’s snooty cat, he sounds a lot like our old moggie from whom I take my nom de plume. Tomomi was mad, bad and dangerous to know. Like all cats she was motivated by self-interest, preferring hubby to me – probably because it was usually him who opened the tins of catfood for her and her “nice but dim” twin, who she outlived by 6 years. In her latter years – she made it to her 21st birthday – she sat around looking queenly and wise, hence hermaj. We still miss her.

    Speedy, it’s absolutely understandable that you are not the happiest bunny in the world right now. You’ve been through quite a physical ordeal. The depression may be exhaustion, at least in part. I’ve sometimes found it difficult to distinguish between depression and extreme fatigue. Your reference to “ribbit” made me smile, as it reminded me of that totally non-PC but nevertheless hilarious 70s movie Blazing Saddles, in which the bad guy loses his toy frog in the bathtub.

    I agree with jojo, you can be positive and fat – especially when at least some of the fat is lowly but surely disappearing. Fat(ish) we may be, but I bet there’s not a single one of us who hasn’t some small thing about him or herself to be justly proud of.

    Hello all from the Naughty Step. PBB: missed my award and now I find myself at the bottom of the heap. You know they say the higher you fly the harder you fall. Ouch.

    Speedy: I highly recommend you just give yourself plenty of time to feel in the dumps and have a good wallow in it. Time to be a little extra nice to yourself and give yourself some TLC. There are times I love a cold rainy day….good excuse to DO NOTHING ….hot soup, watch an oldie but goodie movie and break out the cocoa. Give yourself a little love and know you are not alone, you have US.

    Note on lack of energy and fuzzy head on fast days: I am mixing and matching my diets and trying Atkins’ Fat Fast on my fast days this week (wrapping up my BB as we speak…heading into dinner soon). Recent stuff I have read suggests keeping fats higher on fast days results in even more weight loss that straight fasting. We’ll see. They suggest you keep total calories under 1000 and that 80-90% of calories is fat (cream cheese, nuts, olives, salads with generous olive oil). I have to say I am not hungy per se….feel empty, but not hungy and not fuzzy headed. We’ll see if the weight loss is equivalent, worse, better. I no longer believe what works for “everybody else” is going to work for us LOCAS. Proof is in the pudding.

    Jojo: King prawns, how lovely. Might you fancy a ginger sauce on your zero noodles? Sweet & Sour? A nice curry with coconut milk and squeeze of lime? Endless possibilibies.

    I myself am off to a half an avocado and 3 oz of chilled shrimp, a dressing of olive oil, lime and chipotle chile. And all eaten while watching the latest taped episode of Call The Midwives. I wonder if all you Brits have any idea how much of your BBC shows we have snapped up over here. Best stuff on TV. I love the murder mysteries (Inspector Lewis a personal favorite, along with Scott & Bailey, and loved Luther. Ditto Foyle’s War). Fine stuff. Thank you very much…keep em coming.

    luv to all. Must go diet now so I can get off the Naughty Step.

    Hello all
    I love reading all the posts. 🙂
    PBB, You make a smiley face by typing a “colon” followed by “closing” bracket. The system converts it to a smiley face. I do admire the way you respond and encourage each of us as individuals. Hi Jojo, same for you. You will recognise responses to comments along the way.

    I would not be able to lose weight at the speed I have done without some form of exercise each day. For instance, on my fast day today, I played 9 holes of golf with friends. I really admire those who cannot exercise and are still sticking to the 5:2. Over Easter we ate and drank with friends, but because we also golfed each day and ran around the bush orienteering on 3 days, I gained no weight. And then I lost some on my fast day on Tuesday. I am fasting again today as we have an Anzac Day holiday tomorrow. Off to see The Grand Budapest Hotel this evening.

    Jojo, Sugar is linked with plaque forming in the brain, and the theory is this will cause cognitive problems. Eating sugar also gave me hot flushes when I was going through menopause. Then I read David Gillespie’s book on Sugar and how it causes weight gain, and that the culprit is not dietary fat. All in all, that convinced me that sugar is the enemy. When I indulge on my non-fast days, if there is any sugar in the food, I put on a little weight. I am not saying we are all like this, but a large proportion of people have the same reaction to sugar (this includes sweeteners).

    If I want to speed up the weight loss, I give up all processed food on all days of the week, and have some form of exercise. Sorry, I can’t take gyms, but walking the dog, golfing, cycling or orienteering are another matter.

    I am so happy with my 9 kg gone that I don’t look for weight loss each week. I check on my BMI and love that it has gone from 28 to 25.5 and my shape has come back, with 13 cm (roughly 5 inches) vanished from my waist, and lots of cm gone from my trunk and top of legs. Yeehah!! Even when I don’t appear to be losing weight, my body is rearranging itself. 🙂

    Contributing to this post is good for my maths, as I have to dredge up long gone Imperial measurements. Australia converted to metric in 1974 (when I was 27 with two small kids); and the only residuals in my front brain, are an inch and my height. Crazy, hey!

    PBB and Jojo, Thank you for your welcome and kind attention. Because of you two, I am contributing. Some may wish I am not 🙂 I am usually a lurker!! I am trying not to dance on anyone’s down feelings. Maybe it’s the sunshine this lovely Autumn, or maybe I am just so relieved to feel “in charge” of my appetite again, after many years. My experience has been so positive, that I encourage anyone who comments to me on how much better I look, to read Michael’s book and have a go.

    Best wishes to all. May you feel better soon.

    I did the wee ‘test’ thingy on the home page where you put in your weight and age as well as your activity level. I love that it tells you what your TDEE is, albeit approximate. TDEE=Total Daily Energy Efficiency? Or did I just make that up? 😉 So basically, it lets you know from those details how much calories you should be eating on your non 500 days. I love that. So for me, it’s approx. 1900 calories. That suits me just fine. I cannot imagine I’d shift much wait without exercise though but I know people who have done so with the 5:2. I guess as long as energy used is above energy taken in, then weight will be lost!

    Today is day 2, I’ve had my morning coffee and cereal bar which usually keeps me going until dinner but alas, I’m on a rare home day which is going to make this a tad difficult. I’ll be changing the days next week, the pesky holiday Monday has thrown me out of kilter.

    Hello All Ladies Of A Certain Age!

    How are you all today? What was your weather like? We had the best day we have had so far since moving here and there was no pesky wind to spoil the sunshine; but of course, I was very cognisant of how I might be being bitten to death as I pottered around the garden.
    (I haven’t got to the shops yet to buy some toxic chemical midge repellent….). The bites I got last weekend are worse today and looking like some kind of leprosy…it’s not boding well for the enjoyment of my time here. It’s not even Summer yet.
    However, on a much more positive note; the farmer who owns the land around our home let his bulls into the field that totally surrounds our house and we had them right up to the fence as we gardened….
    It was absolute bliss.

    Hey jojo – I’m more than a little miffed with you and I really don’t want to be involved in anymore dissent on this forum BUT regarding ‘fat/curvy people not being positive….’.
    I didn’t say that; you need to read what I actually said and not what you actually think I said. I probably would have just ‘let it go’ but now other posters, who have also not read what I actually said, have taken up the mantle…
    ……Thank you for the midge suggestions.

    Hi JIP – You know I told you I already take garlic capsules? Well I was telling my husband about your recommendation and how we already took them and he said ‘We don’t now; I stopped them a while ago…‘
    So I am going to buy some tomorrow straight after the midge stuff.
    If you hadn’t mentioned them; I wouldn’t have told him and I would never have known we stopped taking them (he gets the vitamin tablets together for us to imbibe). So thank you for that.

    It was a shame about you having to abandon your fast because you went over and got the munchies but JIP, that is the wonderful thing about the FD; if you mess up one day for whatever reason, then you just re-schedule another one tomorrow! Or another day.
    Don’t beat yourself up and please read back; about the lack of weight loss on the scales but clothes getting looser. Just do what I have done for ten months now; just keep going whatever the scales say and you will be pleased you did I’m sure.

    Hey bayleafoz – Well done you on your ‘re-arranged body’; I wish I could re-arrange mine! I am touched to find that you are contributing to this thread due to mine and jojo’s ministrations and not ‘lurking’ in the ether; not that there is anything wrong with that either. Lulu01 always says she lurks but she doesn’t really.
    There are a few folk on this thread who for the first time in years ‘feel in charge/control of their appetite/eating’.
    That is really enormous when you think about it-Well done you 🙂

    Hi yoginell – Your TDEE is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Roughly translated; it means the total calories you need in a day to function without gaining weight.
    Good Luck with your first week’s loss.

    Hi LUVTCOOK – You can come down from the Naughty Step now.
    Glad you Yanks like our British programmes; we love your American comedies. Absolute favourite of all time FRASIER; closely followed by FRIENDS, THE GOLDEN GIRLS, ROSEANNE, CHEERS etc.

    We haven’t heard much from thintoartinCal for a bit? How are you doing?

    This is the second day of my B2B fast and I woke up very hungry and have stayed that way all day. I managed to wait until 7.00pm for my dinner which is a first. Whether I get any sleep at all tonight though will be the deciding factor.

    Good Luck to us all this week on the weight loss score.
    Onwards and Downwards Ladies

    Hi Everyone, I am new to your forum. What a fabulous lot. I chuckled my way through the posts, especially when JoJo described the white tights and black tee shirt. Thankyou all for being so positive. I am struggling with my weight. I am 66 years, a dog lover and still work as a cook and catering manager. My OH is also a good cook so I am educating him what not to have around on my fast days!! I fast Mon and Thurs but find I can easily overindulge on feast days. Any advice for all days greatly appreciated. I live in NZ and we are just heading into Autumn.

    To PreciousBooBoo,
    Very, very, very sorry oh Queen of the thread, I did misread your comment. I often speed read and therefore take something out of context. I am not getting at you or anybody else EVER with my comments HONESTLY. Let’s not fall out, accept my unreserved apology 🙁 Everybody on here knows you always have everyone’s back, oh learned and considerate one. Enough grovelling – confession time.
    I have had a few ——– days, diet not going well, work not going well, ex not playing ball with me, kids not being supportive, dogs being particularly annoying and today I dropped my new bowling ball and it broke in half, luckily avoiding my toes due to my athletic jump backwards to avoid it. HELP!
    On a positive (dare I use that word) note I tried drinking my water out of a pint glass and for some ridiculous reason it works, I drank 4 pints by four pm, no issue, teas and diet drinks too. Another sucessful idea gleened from this thread, give it a go girls!

    Hey PBB, do you drink miso soup? I am getting used to it and it’s less calories than ww soup (not as nice as the chicken noodle but tolerable 2 days per week) I have my fingers crossed for you this week, my toes too cos if you do Yoga you can do that, teehee.
    I may fast tomorrow to make up for my disasterous week then again I may not, I will decide in the morning. Some good news from the rest of you might encourage me!

    Hey Pamie, welcome to this thread and good luck. For your information the white leggings were too small, wishful thinking, maybe next month, ho hum still fat bum.
    Where in NZ, My daughter spent two years in Wellington (loves it there)and plans to emigrate there next year. She is an adrenalin junkie unlike me. NZ seems a great place, looking forward to visiting Christmas 2015 for 6 weeks, cause I will probably be too slim for my size 18 leggings then! May even be a size 12 !

    Do you have different clothes sizes over there, if so, sorry. I must get with the kilos, pounds, centimetres at least in brackets, I feel I am letting the international brigade down. Must try harder! ( used to be on my school report all the time) still applies.

    I wish one of you lot lived in East Kent it would be great to meet a kindred spirit face to face. Maybe we might not be quite so honest if we knew each other! Who knows!

    Another weekend approaches, lots of exercise planned. Good Luck all, keep in touch

    Hi Pamie. Welcome aboard. There is also a Southern Hemisphere thread. Soups are good. Vegetable, miso, chicken soup ( no noodles) using no thickenings. I make mine with celery, leek, carrot and tomato. No starchy vegetables. Then flavour with whatever herbs and spices take your fancy. Near the end of cooking, I add little bits of organic chicken if it’s a chicken soup. Good luck. 🙂 Enjoy the ride and don’t expect weight loss to be either steady or regular. It seems to some of us that we can lose a lump of weight, and then stay steady for some time, while we maybe rearrange the curves. Exercise helps. I am in Canberra. We lived in Wellington for two years and loved it. Happy Anzac Day to you.

    Pamie, a warm welcome from one of the Yanks. We are working hard to span the globe with chubby menopausal ladies, arm in arm, facing our next challeng with sheer endurance and some good humor.

    bayleafoz, rockyromero,& Yoginell: so glad you have joined us and that I am seeing repeat posts from you. Hope to get to know you all in due time.

    A round of applause for me….off the Nauty Step. Lesson learned. Will not sin again.

    Speedy: hope life is looking up a bit for you day by day. I bought myslef the moslty lovely big punch of yellow tulips for Easter and they are still smiling at me. A bit ragged on the edges but I admire their spirit.

    Saint Boo: had to look up what midges were. I think they are what we have in the south as “no-seeums”. The state of Georgia is divided by the “gnat line”….north you can enjoy life on a screened porch in the summer. South of “the line” the no-seeums will get you.

    JoJo: I hope that in 3D life we would all be as “what you see is what you get” as we are on the thread. A think the lesson is that when you are honest about yourself, others reciprocate in kind. No pretenses. Just honest ladies. Life is too short to do otherwise.

    Will fill you all in with my weekly results….tomorrow is the big scale day. Oh joy.

    Ref cholesterol. My nurse practitioner over here says statins are not recommended with level under 10. She also said level is genetic and you can only decrease it by 20 % maximum. My colleagues on this thread think that is bollocks. I did get mine down to 5 by becoming a vegetarian for 6 months. I did this as part of a health kick but I got skin condition so went back to fish and eggs, cleared up fine.

    Hi bayleafoz, I was going to ask whether you were in Canberra – the references to autumn weather, orienteering and cycling pointing strongly in that direction. I used to orienteer quite a lot until repeated sprained ankles made me decide that running on relatively flat surfaces such as trails on mount ainslie was the sensible thing for me. Amazingly, we also spent two years in Wellington, my son was born there and still takes pride in travelling on an NZ passport.

    I so agree with all those saying how important exercise is. I’ve had two weeks where a combination of weather and other obligations meant that I had to drive rather than ride my bike to work as I usually do and I have gained a kg. 🙁

    Hello Ladies Of A Certain Age! I love reading your posts. They give me heart and encouragement. I have been on the fast diet way of life for three months now. Your posts make me feel that I am not alone in my weight struggles and I often fast back to back especially with Easter and Anzac Day today. I have contributed on the Southern Hemisphere forum but as I am in my late 50s have related to you ladies. I am on a fast day today and am off to see a football game to take my mind off food with a large bottle of water. Cheers!

    Hello Ladies! Pleased a a punch to have another week behind me, at least the fasting days! Loving seeing new & old contributors to this wonderful forum. Been experimenting with just one evening meal on fast days, with just some morning coffee and lots of water all day. May be a little easier than trying to split 500 calories between 2 or 3 meals?? Anyway, we will see what the scales say! I am coming up on the 8 week mark.
    Happy day, everyone!

    Hi everyone,

    Tonight is my second fast day of B2B and I’m doing okay. Only an hour and a half to go! I’ve been paying attention to my weight in a loose sort of way, but I think I’m getting my mojo back. Stomach issue is sorted, I’ve started swinging kettlebells, even meditating a bit. I’m happy that spring is on the move, my cobwebs are getting cleared and just in general ready to take the next steps.

    Boo- I haven’t put anything on the vision board yet. I don’t want it to be just junk, I want it to mean something when I do. I’ll let you know!

    About the mites, I’ve had allergies for years and noticed that I don’t get bitten as much as I used to be, but I put it down to the antihistamine that I take. Even if you don’t normally have allergies, the itch from the bites are sort of an allergic reaction of their own. You wouldn’t have to take them forever, but they may help with your itchiness.

    Speedy- hope you’re feeling better everyday. Keep posting! I really like hearing from you!

    Every person on here has helped at least one of us, and we can do this ladies and gent!


    Ooh! Patchstar. Are you off to see Essendon play Collingwood? While not living in Melbourne, we follow Essendon and hoping this year can only get better for the team. I’m on Southern Hemisphere thread as well, thinking I may need support during Winter.

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. JoJo I live in a little place called Te Aroha in the North Island. My son and his family live in West Wickham. Is that very far from you? We visited 3years ago but its so expensive to travel now isn’t it? Yes good wishes on Anzac Day for the kiwis and aussies.

    Hi Anto58. Sorry about your sprained ankles. Not worth it if you can’t then ride to work. Nowadays, I only ever walk very quickly through the bush when orienteering. We are lucky to have lovely bush very close to the city to walk in. It was cold at the Anzac Day service this morning. Since two fast days done this week, we treated ourselves to a cappuccino and a half of a small lemon tart. Thanks to IF for getting me to the point of genuinely thinking that half of a small lemon tart is indeed a real treat. 🙂

    Hi luvtocook. Luv getting your posts. They make me chuckle. 🙂

    Hi Pamie,
    Thanks for your reply, yes I know West Wickham, when I lived in Shirley, near Croydon I used to drive through it daily to get to work, nice area. However I am on the SE coast, near Dover(ish) so West Wickham a good two hours from here. My daughter travelled in NZ extensively so I will ask her if she knows your area. World is getting smaller on this thread, internet is great is it not?

    Hey PreciousBooBoo, did you send one of your ‘midges’ down here to get me, woke up with a huge ‘tennis ball size bite’ on the back if my knee this morning, it’s itching like crazy. Antihistamine for me possibly even antibiotics, it looks really angry. Must have got it at bowling yesterday, must have bitten through my trousers, blood sucking little sod. Taking my own advice now, off to buy marmite and teetree body lotion today, also taking odourless garlic for good measure. We can beat them.

    Loving the supportive threads everyone. So agree that ‘treats’ now are seen very differently. I too had a ‘latte’ last night ( 2nd only since I started diet in January)after seeing ‘the Vikings live download’ at the local cinema. British Museum needs to ‘up’ it’s act if it wants to make money from these events, nearly fell asleep, dull, dull, dull – which could not really be said of the Vikings themselves – real ‘go getters’ they were – although somewhat ruthless.

    Hey Piper,
    I swing too, only in the kettlebell sort of way. It’s a great toner and calorie burner and you can do it whilst watching you favourite show or to music. I like to do it to female power ballards.
    Are you aware that swinging has a totally different meaning down south?
    Just a warning!

    Hi All,
    I have just worked out my calories for fast days this week, way(weigh) over, so I am going to add a fast day today. All part of my prevention is better than gains, although weigh in is not until tomorrow. I have an active day planned so what the hell, go for it. It does however spoil the five feast day run which is rather sad, coz that is what I really like about B2B fasting. Getting a handle on water consumption should help, now on 4 pint glasses plus hot drinks.

    Thought we should all do an update on progress, how much( in stones, kilos and pounds) and how long? Inches(centimetres) lost around waist and hips? Saves reading back – I will post tomorrow after weigh in.
    Maybe we should add ‘what has worked best’ and ‘what hasn’t worked at all’. Might be interesting? What exercise we do or don’t! It all helps to analyse successful strategies.
    Enjoy Friday whether it be fast( probably bloody slow) or feast( luxury). Thinking of you all xx

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