HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

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HELP! All ladies of a 'certain age'-please respond

This topic contains 7,289 replies, has 660 voices, and was last updated by  Opal Shine 1 year ago.

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  • Well done Blue Thistle on finding out what works for you. As fasting_me says what you eat on NFDs is important too. Tracking calories is a great way of finding where you are “spending” your calories. Calorieking do all the work for you as regards adding up calories and My Fitness Pal contains a scanner so you can quickly add items in. Ginalee it is frustrating to keep putting on weight and I have only found 16/8 and 5/2 work out of anything I have tried over the last 5 years. The secret for me is being able to have a couple of treats on NFDs, it makes everything bearable. I have been losing weight since March this year, only 1 kg per month but it has stayed off!! I recently got into some pants I hadn’t worn in years, so that was a great feeling. Stomach rumbling now, roll on NFD tomorrow. Fasting_me, any tips for those of us approaching our first Festive Season on 5/2? Thanks

    Hi everyone!

    Checking in and hope to post more regularly now. I’ve been sick with the flu and the only silver lining is that I lost 10 lbs. in 10 days! Couldn’t eat much at all, so it was a forced fast. But, it’s the jumpstart I needed to keep it going…I don’t even want anything sugary and my appetite seems to be smaller. I’m more mindful of what I’m eating. I don’t recommend this as a way to lose weight, but it did give me a much-needed reset.

    I have a birthday this Sunday–my 66th–so it’s a good time to start new, healthy habits!

    Hope you are all doing well and enjoying the holiday season!

    RubyRed, my tip for you is to continue to be mindful of what you eat on Slow Days. Put some extra Fast meals into your week. Ex: if you know that you have a holiday party tomorrow night, treat the rest of that day as a Fast Day. Eat a Fast Breakfast, no lunch, no snacks, lots of water and go to the party.
    Also, if Monday is a Fast Day, on Tuesday have your normal breakfast but no lunch and then a Fast Dinner. This plan reduces your overall calorie intake for the week and you might break even instead of gaining weight. I’ve been doing this in the past 2 weeks and my weight is staying at my Target. And I have eaten my share of cookies! Hope this helps.

    Happy Birthday, north rancher. Good luck with your new, healthy habits.

    Happy Winter Solstice [Summer, to some of you]. For breakfast we enjoyed a ScrOmelette with prosciutto and mushrooms. Yummy and rich and earthy. For dinner we will eat buckwheat Crepes with chicken, chèvre, and mediterranean vegetables. AND our son will be home today! Good day all around.

    Ginalee, I’m 68 and have lost 26.4 pounds since starting the 5:2 on May 10th of this year. My thyroid is normal and I’m past menopause. I have eaten about 500 calories on each of two FD per week without fail. I count calories on FD but never count them on NFD, but I usually try to eat mindfully. (Never mind the leftover Halloween candy massacre on 2 separate days or pizza overdoses on some movie and pizza nights.) I try not to bring trigger foods into the house, like Kringle, cakes, chocolate and ice cream. If I do, I try and make sure they’re frozen or out of site. I’ve been known to throw half a chocolate cake outside in the trash when it wouldn’t stop calling out to me by name. I’ve managed 5:2 around many business trips and meals out, usually by scheduling FD’s around them. I eat lots of carbs on NFD but try to eat a lot of protein along with them on FD to keep from feeling hungry. I would say my activity level is: Total Slug. I need to get more exercise. 😁

    In the beginning I was losing about 2 pounds per week. After a month or two it went down to about 1 pound per week. There were plateaus, even early on. Some were weeks long and it took a 3rd FD to get off of them. As I’ve gotten closer to my goal, it’s been increasingly hard to lose, but I have. The plan has been very easy to follow and I’m 1.6 pounds from my final goal of 128. I’m 5’5” I plan to make this a lifelong plan to maintain, possibly going to 1 FD per week if I continue to lose. It has never felt like a diet to me. I just wanted you to know that age doesn’t have much to do with it. If I can lose, so can you!

    BlueThistle, so glad this is working for you.
    Oldemoster, glad you have moved downward off the mark.
    Ginalee, good attitude. Keep kicking! 52 qualifies as being ‘of a certain age’, so you are one of us.

    Merry Christmas to all. Join me in meal-time restraint for the next few days and a real Fast on Tuesday.

    Hi Everyone, hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. CalifDreamer, congratulations on being so close to goal! Know what you mean about having to throw out or freeze treats! Making marzipan, icing and truffles on FDs was hard but it was an extra incentive not to binge! Hopefully you will be able to go to one FD for maintenance – my goal one day too. Northranger hope you have a good birthday. Fasting-me thank you very much for your tips, I will be using them over the coming week. Managed to fit in my 2 FDs before the festivities and will do the same next week. FDs had to be consecutive days unfortunately but was rewarded with a .4kg loss! Now to keep it off with fasting-me’s tips!

    Hi, everyone! Hope your Christmas weekend is off to a great start. I’ve maintained my 9 lb. weight loss from being sick with the flu & plan to at least hold steady & continue being mindful of what I eat during this holiday season. I made fewer sweets. We are hosting both Christmas Eve & Day dinners. My highest calorie day will be on Christmas–shrimp cocktail, brie en croute, rib roast, Yorkshire pudding, garlic mashed potatoes, peas and my daughter is making a sticky toffee pudding for dessert. (This was her fav treat when she was a grad student in London). After this meal on Monday, I’ll be fasting Tuesday and Thursday next week. I really feel like I can go into 2018 wth more disciplined eating habits. For a refresh & reinforcement, I’ll re-watch Dr. Mosley’s video and re-read the book.

    I have all gifts purchased and will wrap them tomorrow and put them under the tree. All our kiddos are healthy & home for the holidays. And, yesterday my daughter landed a new job with a 25% salary increase, so we have much to celebrate and be grateful for!

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Hooray for all of your successes.

    Happy New Year!

    Hi Everyone. I’m back and back to IF. I started last year and had some minor success. I was traveling for family business and it got too difficult and I quit. This week I am starting again and am fasting M&W. I did ok this week although I had a glass of wine on my fasting days. That’s difficult for me. Hopefully next fasting days I will be able to do better. I am also dealing with a diagnosis of being pre-diabetic. I am looking at Keto diets but being a vegetarian that gets weird too. Looking forward to interacting here.

    HI Pattiger – I am also a vegetarian doing the fast diet. if your pre diabetic you need to knock the wine on the head and use your fast days as your non drinknig days – I find its so much easier when i am at work and go to the gym after so i keep busy until its bedtime – usually have carb (and calorie) free noodles with soup for dinner as late as possible, a almond milk home made protein shake for lunch and a hard boiled egg at 4pm.

    Hi all; Initial few days on IF have gone well. I’m 61 and have had menopausal symptoms for years following a total hysterectomy at age 50.
    I’m hoping to be successful in my endeavours to lose weight and become fitter. I’ve had 2 fast days which have been more comfortable than I imagined they would be. This evening I took a 40 minute walk with several bursts of fast walking and after only 500 calories found it remarkably easy! Long may it continue. Off to bed now and looking forward to a regular day of tasty food tomorrow.

    Hi Binks – I know you are right about the wine but more for the calories. According to Dr – Red wine is not contraindicated for me. Carb and calorie free noodles?Do tell. I work from home and wait until as late as possible to have a HB egg – usually around 10:30 or 11 then a protein shake for lunch and cottage cheese as late as possible for dinner. May have a tofu dog in there for a snack. All under the 500 calories. This was my first week back on the diet. Doing better on non-fast days too. This is my year!

    Roosy, good job as you dip your toe into Fasting. Walking/exercising is a good way to occupy yourself when not eating.
    Patiger, working from home must make it difficult to stick to any eating routine, so more power to you. My friend with diabetes was told by her PCP to ditch the red wine and drink only white. But she’s not Fasting. I’m with Binks: ditch the wine on Fast Days. Save that 5oz for Slow Days only. When you hit your target numbers, you can resume the wine. What’s in the protein shake? Might a homemade shake fill the bill? This is your year! Good luck

    Still Fasting here in rainy yet snow-covered New Hampshire. There is some stubborn weight that stays on, just as it did in September. Haven’t been below my target weight in days. Will have to track calories for a few days until it works.
    Happy Weekend.

    I weighed myself today and I lost 3lb in 3 days!!! (I know it’s likely to be water but nevertheless I am HAPPY! and incentivised. (Is that even a word?)
    Non fast day today. Met friends for lunch. Had a glass of prosecco and savoured each mouthful of food! Lovely risotto and mixed salad.

    Hi, fasters of a golden age,
    I am 68, started 4:3 last year, but moving to my country after 27 years of living in China last summer disrupted my efforts. Now I am ready to try again after yo-yoing for 40 years and being on every imaginable diet in the world. Do let me join your group and share my ups and downs with you. Encouragement would be vital! I am starting on Monday, wish me luck!

    Happy New Year to all ladies of a ‘certain age’! Welcome to the fun, bjanna!
    I am sure you will do well. I’ve been on this diet for about 18 months but had to come off for a short while last year.
    I find this diet stops the yo-yoing for me so even with all the goodies at Christmas and New Year, my weight now is the same as it was in the middle of December. I have a bit more to go before reaching my target weight but it’s worth persevering – I feel so much better, my clothes look good on me and there are lots of compliments and encouragement from folk who can now see I’m losing weight. Onwards and upwards…or should that be downwards!

    Bjanna, welcome to our merry band. Good luck with your Fasting on Monday.

    Roosy, good job with that 3 pounds. I’m trying to shake 2 pounds that latched on to me in December. I was being so good and then WHAM. Surely it will go away, but the sooner the better.

    Jeatherj, congratulations on your compliments! isn’t that nice.

    Patiger, Binks: how goes it?

    Hi there everyone,

    Pattiger – I dont know where you are based? Im in the UK, they are called ‘naked noodles’ – can get them at morrissons – they are white noodles made from a type of seaweed – so great to feel full on a fast day!

    fasting me – thanks for asking – i am still doing 2 fast das, but not weighing or watching intake on the other 5 as recent family bereavement. Just figure that with two fasting days i can stop putting on too much weight!

    Heather J – I have about 6 stones to lose (oops) , I cant wait to get to that point so i can use 5:2 to prevent me ever putting the weight back on again – I have already lost it twice – im a classic stress eater, and i have had a lot of stress in the last 5 years !

    Bjanna – good luck – how much to lose?

    Roosy – well done you!! thats amazing!!

    Binks, sorry to hear about your recent loss. You have the right idea: find a reason not to turn your sadness and stress into weight gain. Keep your eye on the big goal and don’t compound grief with more weight.

    We haven’t heard from northrancher since before Christmas. how goes it?

    Fasting tomorrow!

    Thanks to all for wishing me luck with the diet. Today is my first FD with just a cup of coffee with a little milk for breakfast. Lunch will be ignored, too, to save me the calories for dinner. I need/wish to lose 20kg (3 stones), but future will show if this wish will come true. My husband is very supportive and usually joins me, even though he needs to lose just a few kilos. We do have some wine with dinner (I’ll try to skip it on FDs), but hopefully will compensate with eating less calories during NFDs. I plan to weigh in every week, as even the smallest gain discourages me. I am Bulgarian, fled the capital for some peace and quiet in a mountain area. It’s snowing now and very beautiful (watching it from the window of a warm room), but the next few days predict above zero temperatures. Vey warm winter so far.

    Hello Ladies. Thanks Binks – I will look into the naked noodles to see if I can find something here. I know everyone is right about the wine – I’ll I can say is I will try. It’s a new week here. I am changing my FD this week to T-Th because today is MLK day here in the US and my family is home from work and I have a seminar to attend on Wednesday. Best to everyone.

    Patiger – they are made from something called Konjak flour

    Called barenaked noodles in uk

    Lists origin as China ( as everything ) so I’m sure you can get similar in US.
    100g has only 12 calories !!!!!!🤣😂🤣😂and 0.9g net carbs – again 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣
    They don’t fill you up for long , but if you have a late dinner your stomach won’t know because you’ll be asleep!!

    0.8kg down in a week. Not enough, but still something. I hope to continue shedding weight, though these days we are visiting the children and it’s mostly wining and dining. I’ll catch up with the diet next week (hopefully), will try to be more patient with myself and enjoy even the smallest weight loss. It’s going to be a long and bumpy road to the slimmer me (sigh…)About the noodles,
    I used to order shirataki noodles, which are only 15cal/portion (you can find them in the US, also Skinny pasta).

    Hi everyone – newbie here starting my first day to a new me 2018,I have over 3 stone to lose and blood pressure to lower. I am a kick in the butt off 50 and finding it hard to get motivated to lose weight or lose weight in general , I am beginning to think that ladies of a certain age find it more hard to shift the weight or i,m just not doing it right.

    I find it hard to do it on my own and have found this great thread of “all ladies of a certain age” love that and hopefully will get me motivated enough to get my booty moving again so to speak. I did managed 6 weeks on the NHS couch to 5k but was not feeling very well just before Christmas so have not been back out running, but I need to follow that up with healthy eating as well. So hopefully all you lovely ladies will help me get my mojo back…

    Hello All,
    You don’t need luck but you do need to commit to change what you eat/drink and when. Aim for full fat everything, avoid anything that is processed and avoid sugar. If you are going to have a glass of wine then remember that equates to a large piece of cake.

    This is not a diet, it is a new way of life. A change to how you view food and what you eat/drink and how often.

    You can’t outrun your fork!

    I dived in convinced that it wouldn’t work for me almost 5 years ago. I lost 26lb and 26 inches in the first 8 months and have continued to make changes along the way to improve what I eat and how often. My dear friend has lost 5 stone to date and not only fasts twice a week but also avoids rice, bread, pasta and potatoes…and I do too.

    Have a look at Robert Lustig and Jason Fung and see why shakes/fizzy drinks/sweeteners are best avoided and what will help nourish the body while trimming it too.

    I started at 52 and now at 57 I have a much better shape and eat far better than when I was 40. So many things that I wished that I had known then. Ho hum.

    No luck required Ladies, just make the changes and you will see the body change too.

    Thanks bjana. I will look for the skinny pasta. I had a bad week last week and gained back 1 lb. I’m back on it this week after my daughters birthdays. Do most of you eat the same things on your FD’s and do you follow a meal plan?

    Greetings to Highland. Stick with us, kid, and you’ll go far. I found it easier to lose weight and keep it off at 65 much easier than at 45 years of age. It will become a lifestyle if you let it.

    Wise words, Annette.

    Patiger, my ODH likes variety, so we mix up what we eat. On Mondays we have some sort of baked egg [1 egg/person] or an eggless breakfast. For dinner on Monday, seafood or meatless [Feta Nicoise Salad from the Fast Diet Book]. On Thursday, a 3-egg scromelette between the 2 of us — so many different recipes for the fillings. For dinner, meat or poultry, with lots of veg of course. I counted today: I have 50 different recipes for baked eggs. So you see, we plan a general outline, but how we color it in varies from week to week.

    How are you doing, binks?

    Have fun with the kids, bjana.

    Greetings to All,

    I came across this forum through one of my friend, I’m 34 Years Old and live in Atlanta, GA along with my husband and 2 beautiful children a 9 Year old Boy and a 16 month old Girl, I have been gaining weight because of my poor eating habits. I’m 162 Pounds and 5 feet 7 Inches Tall, My Goal is to loose 20 Pounds and maintain the weight for ever. Today is my first day of Fasting and i did pretty well, I had total of 500 Calories 2 Cooked Eggs with Onions and Brown Rice and i exercised for about an hour loosing 430 Calories. What can i do to stay away from sweets and how can i be mindful in choosing food during lunch when i’m outside? Please advise, any input is truly appreciated. Thank You and cheers to all

    Read Michael Mosley’s book and decided post menopause this may be my only hope to shed some kilos. I go to the gym 6 days a week, cardio 3 days resistance training on the other 3. My usual diet is low in carbs and sugar.

    Am into my 4th week and have not lost any weight. I am prepared to give it 3 months but am finding it a bit disheartening.

    Any words of wisdom?

    Hi JAM JAM, Welcome here.
    I think the best success with 5:2 comes when you can make it a sustainable way of life. That means making it so easy you can just keep doing it.
    I lost 15 kg with 5:2 (without exercise as chronic illness keeps me sedentary) but once I got down near the bottom of my healthy weight range, I keep doing 5:2 because otherwise the weight would creep back on. So I do recommend it as a lifestyle change for longterm health, rather than a quick way to lose excess weight.

    Given how disheartened you feel, have a read of this. I hope it gives you a giggle and the extra heart to keep going:

    JamJam, you said what you don’t eat, but what do you eat on a Fast Day? on a Slow Day? Words of wisdom will flow when we know better what your are ingesting.

    Mishty, hide the sweets and treats. You’ll know where they are, but hide them. Plan your meals for Fast Days and also for the other days. As for lunch, do you usually eat a large lunch? At home/at desk/ or at a restaurant with colleagues? How many calories do you want to allot for lunch? If you ate bigger lunch than your dinner, it would promote weight loss. But you probably eat dinner with your family, right? At a restaurant, ask for/look for the grilled fish or poultry. Eat the vegetables, not the pasta/rice/bread. Take your own salad dressing or eat the salad naked. If you brown bag it, eat lean protein and some fruit.

    Dear Jam Jam, I have tried to lose weight on 5:2, but it didn’t work for me as well. Up the effort and do 4:3 and if you can, skip breakfast (tea or coffee only) and lunch, and have a 500cal dinner. It’s what helped me, give it a try. I fast Mon, Wed. and Fri., so the weekend is carefree. I even use 300cal dinners (Google 300cal recipes, some really great ones). A vegetarian quesadilla, for example, is about 200-250cal and quite satisfying. Good luck and let us know if it works for you!

    I’m in my third week of 5:2 and 50 years old. I lost 2.5lbs the first week. In the second week, I weighed myself the day after a fast day and saw that I had lost another 2.5 lbs, but when I weighed myself on the regular weigh-in day (two days later) I hadn’t lost any since the first week. Is it typical to have no weight loss on any given week? I guess I thought it would be steady progress each week. I wonder if I ate too much on my non-fast days.

    HI fasting_me,

    Thank You so much for your input, Yes i’m planning meals for fast and non fast days but i have difficulty concentrating (especially with a 9 ear Old and an 16 month old) if i dont eat carbs at all for ex:- rice or wheat though i strictly eat brown rice in very smaller portions may be a small bowl of rice. As you mentioned i eat bigger portion for lunch usually sauted veggies & protein and eat limited portions for dinner. I try not to eat processed foods at all though i cheat on home made treats & desserts on a non fast day. Fasting Days im trying to be very strict by limiting my calorie intake to no more than 500 Calories

    Hi Everyone!

    I had my annual exam yesterday and all my blood work improved significantly!! My total cholesterol dropped by 45 points and I’m no longer pre-diabetic. I owe this entirely to the 5:2 fasting and changing the way I eat…more (organic) vegetables, fruits, whole grains, chicken & almost no red meat, soda, sugar, starches. I only lost 10 lbs (no exercise), but qualitatively I’ve improved my health. My doctor is the one who recommended the fast diet and it’s a life changer, even without exercise.

    I struggled with it over 1 1/2 years, dropped it and bounced back and forth, but the end result was remarkably good. I was surprised with the outcome, because I wasn’t consistent. But, for anyone who is discouraged, hang in there–you don’t have to be perfect. Just keep getting back to it whenever you detour for awhile.

    I hope to add exercise into my daily life, because I do think we need to move our bodies to stay healthy at any age, but especially in one’s 60’s. One step at a time!

    Northrancher, congrats on the inspiring results! Hope to follow in your tracks, have high blood pressure to fight and a persistent lower back pain, and both should improve with weight loss. Keep up the good work!

    Northrancher, congrats on the inspiring results! Hope to follow in your tracks, have high blood pressure to fight and a persistent lower back pain, and both should improve with weight loss. Keep up the good work!

    Northrancher, Congrats on the inspiring results. It definitely brings a lot of motivation for people like me.

    Hi Everyone

    Congrats to all of you who have lost weight and for those of you who haven’t don’t despair. This is a great health and weightloss way of life. I have lost 9kgs since I started a year ago. Gearing up for year 2 and hope to be around 50kgs in a year’s time, currently 59. I have had occasional weeks of no weightloss, weight gain at Christmas (only 0.7kg – thanks for tips fasting_me), plateaus and far more weeks of steady weightloss. For a little effort I have lost weight and kept it off for the first time in years!! I encourage everyone who is not losing to use home page tools to calculate, bmi, tdee and track for a month what goes in your mouth using an app, you will be surprised at where you spend your calories and once you have a handle on this you are can just calculate fds only. I love annette52’s “you can’t outrun your fork” – classic! Bjanna, 4:3 is probably a good way to go if you want fast results, me I love losing and keeping it off and having some treats on nfds – we are all different. Good luck everyone.

    I am new to this site and just read your post. It was great to hear what you had to say. I will be 68 this year and want to lose 10 pounds. I am thinking to make fasting a life style rather than a diet after I reach my goal weight. So far this plan is working for me! I also exercise doing person training 5 days a week and yoga twice a week. Besides wanting to lose weight, I am looking forward to the health benefits I read about. Good luck to you!

    Northrancher: FANTASTIC results!! Hooray! Good words of encouragement for us all.

    coco: I just turned 69 and have been doing this Lifestyle for 4+ years. Welcome to our world. You can lose the 10 pounds and be healthier than before AND keep the weight off, too. Start it and stick with it.

    RubyRed: great job — especially with keeping the gains low over the holidays.

    CSLB: stick with it. Weight goes up and it goes down. As long as over a period of time [1 month] it goes down, you are fine. What you eat of Slow Days does matter, so check the foods you eat and how much of them. That can make a big difference.

    Thanks fasting_me. I am really looking forward to seeing where this journey takes me I’ve been doing this for two weeks and mostly been working on how to control my eating on non fasting days. My fasting days don’t seem to be a problem. I am hoping that while doing this, I will teach myself some healthy eating habits to continue down the road and maintain my gains I read that this is important if I don’t want to wind up back where I started. I am considering the Mediterranean diet. It seems to make sense.

    Thanks for the support, Fasting_me! I’m sticking with it! I’m changing my days from Tues/Thurs to Mon/Thurs. It might be nice to have two days between fasting.

    Hi, everyone! I was just reading some of the older posts and it made me think! By the time we get to our 60s, we carry a lot of baggage from life in general, some of which helps to contribute to our weight problems. Since some people on here are in there 50s, I began to think about my 50s. When I was 54, I lost my mother and my husband the same year. My son had gone away to college and the next year my daughter went away to college. The following year my father died and for the first time in my life I found myself alone. I really didn’t know what to make of all that, so I spent my time trying to make sense of what my life was supposed to be now. With the stress of it all,, I dropped down to 90 lbs. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, which can be caused by stressed. I was very embarrassed by how thin I was and tried to hide in my clothes. One more stressor. Now I am in hypothyroid mode and medicated and have sorted out things but for the first time in my life I have to watch my weight. What a bummer! Both my children have since married, so that has become a new mountain to climb. When my daughter married last year, I looked at the wedding pictures and couldn’t believe how old I look!!! Well, I finally decided that I need to do something about that, too, so here I am!! LOL I feel like I have now entered a new decade of my life and need a new me! I am on my way!

    Dear Coco, we all have our mountains to climb, I do agree that stress is a major contributor, but with the age number going up gets more and more difficult. I have fought my genes and sweet tooth since I was a teenager, piled a dozen kgs during pregnancies and it was somehow OK until my 50s. Then another 5-6kg came out of nowhere with the weight becoming uncontrollable after 60. Let’s try and do it together, this group of young in spirit ladies is very supportive and I do hope I’ll be motivated enough to keep up until the very top of the mountain. I have a dress from my 30s that fits my granddaughter who is 14 and I often look at it and try to imagine how I looked in it. Hope to put away my baggy clothes that I hide in and enjoy the image in the mirror in a couple of years. Keep up your determination, you have my support!

    Thanks bjanna! I find this website to be very encouraging and I enjoy everyone! I, too, hope to look in the mirror again and see something better! I do my personal training and yoga and know that will go a long way to help me. I just started the Mediterranean diet for my NFD and I love it! 🙂

    Thanks to the people who responded to my frustration on the 5/2 diet. I did enjoy the humorous link Cinque sent and will try some of the ideas and see how I go.

    Have never been a fan of pasta or rice and always have salads without dressing and don’t have a sweet tooth. Don’t drink tea or coffee just oodles of tap water.

    Will consider a 4/3 or just dinner on fast days if I have no success after 3 months on the 5/2
    I do believe after menopause though that I have to battle my body to down size. We’ll see who wins.
    in the end.

    Have a good weekend, Ladies. Don’t over-eat too much at the Super Bowl party. We’ll need a Fast on Monday.

    Hi, JAM JAM: I was just reading your post and it made me think. Besides being post menopausal, I have hypothyroidism. I am lucky, though, because my medication has my thyroid well under control. I exercise and I am watching what I eat. I love the Mediterranean diet I am on. So healthy! But I am really annoyed by the one thing I can’t change. When we age, the shape of our bodies change, our waistlines get bigger, even if we don’t put on weight. Even exercise isn’t going to bring back the waistline I had pre-menopause. Bummer! It really does impact how our clothes fit and is soooo annoying. Haha! It doesn’t stop me from trying though! I am also after the potential health benefits of fasting that I read about. In fact, they are my biggest incentive, especially if they actually do impact autoimmune problems. That could take six months to a year. I am willing to give that a try! Good luck and have a great day!

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