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  • Hi I am chillie and just embarking on the 5:2 diet. I plan to start next week with Mondays and Thursdays as my fast days. Looking for lots of support and ideas form this website.

    hi Chillie! (love the name lol)

    I am new here too, joined today but have been doing 5.2 since July, for me it has been slow but it does work and have lost over 10 lbs so far…
    My fast days are Mondays and Fridays, I don’t see it as a diet but more of way of life now, you do get used to it and although it can be challenging at first your body will adjust 😉 I didn’t start loosing right away though, so don’t worry if nothing happens at the beginning, because it will!!

    anyway good luck and happy fasting next week!! 🙂

    Hi Chillie, Welcome!! you CAN do this. just wander over the forum and read as much as possible. there are lots nice helpful folks here.

    Angie had some good advice. sometimes you may not see a big loss at first, but stick with it and you will see results. some folks do better with two meals on fast days, others like myself do better with one meal in the evening. be sure to drink lots of water and you may do better with less carbs.

    good luck and happy fasting. Phyllis

    Thank you for the support and I haven’t yet started. It is all very encouraging. For me the secret is to plan ahead for my fasting days and know exactly what I shall eat. I will probably do 2 meals to start with and see how I get on. chillie

    Hi there Chillie

    that’s a good plan you have, always great to plan your meals ahead, I am very boring and tend to eat the same things lol 🙂

    I spread my calories though, I really admire people who can skip breakfast and lunch and just wait till their evening meal! I use a little under 100 cals in the morning, then another 100 for lunch and keep the remaining for the evening.. you will find something that works for you and you are confortable with!
    good luck again!! 🙂

    …I’ve just responded on a lot of threads started on the 30th that it’s ‘been a long time’. I’m telling you honestly thought that was almost 2 weeks ago (so the 20th). Not got much sleep tonight… x)

    Anyway, hey Chillie! When are you going to get started? I’m eager to learn how you get on ^^

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