Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Thanks Lizzy. Well done resisting the many temptations – as you say, you can just start looking forward to what you can have the next day.

    Great job Transcend. You’re doing everything right. Fantastic results Charlie G.

    Jaschloe – 2kgs in 3 weeks is a good result. There’s nothing wrong with looking at recipes on the FD, I often spend quite a lot of time in the kitchen preparing mini ‘meals’ on fast days. It’s good training to learn not to lick the spoon – I used to have it in my mouth before I’d even thought about what I was doing. I’d also be cleaning up everyone else’s plates because I hate waste. I don’t do that now.

    Thanks Lizzy3 you are right, when I’m busy I don’t think of food as much, although the rumble in my tummy is a constant reminder, I guess the key is to stay busy. I did buy the book and found it to be very helpful. Not sure I can do without lunch just yet but it is only my first week so fingers crossed.

    DSD123 make sure you choose foods that are low GI and high in protein to keep you feeling full on fast days. Also know that hunger does pass without eating food; that’s something I didn’t know until I started 5:2. In time, your body will learn to eat smaller portions even on feast days. When you get the rumbles, go and drink another big glass of water. Go for a walk. Treat yourself to some new Twinings tea flavours (count the calories of course) and re-use the same tea bag throughout the day. You can do it!

    Thanks thinatlast, luckily I adore my tea and have always drunk it black with no sugar…will try some fruit flavours and I love the ‘use the same teabag’ tip. 🙂

    What a great gang you all are – so supportive & with so much great info. So many amazing results as well. It’s inspiring!

    Hi all, young and old fasters alike,

    Thanks for the US food tips, I’m sure it will be fine now that I know what to look for and choose to keep everything small, unprocessed and simple.

    Now I’m just crossing my fingers that Brisbane airport isn’t too badly affected by cyclone Marcia for us to leave the country today….. So far, yesterday and early this morning haven’t been too bad here, hope that those closer to Marcia and the bigger one near Darwin are holding up ok! I’m hoping no serious damage occurs, or lives lost. Stay safe people!

    My early morning weigh-in shows 26.3 kg lost!! YAY! Only 1.7 until I’m at my final goal weight of 60 kg. these last few kilos are slower to shed, but I’ve also had to put up with OH ‘helpfully’ buying triple choc ice cream, sweet biscuits, pastries and Belgium chocolates over Christmas, new year and Valentine’s day….ARHHHH!

    It’s a good thing I love him. He still gives me this innocent look when he offers me these kinds of treats on fast days, and I have to remind him I’m doing 5:2! After nearly two years of this WOE, is it asking too much for him to remember?

    Sorry about the rant.

    I can’t wait to see what the doctor will say next month for my checkup. After twelve months on this WOE, I lowered my BP, blood glucose and cholesterol, as well as losing 14 kg, can’t wait to see what a difference another twelve months will make to my health. I know that I’m feeling so much more cheerful, energetic and positive. And things don’t worry me as much anymore. I don’t hate having photos taken, or even looking in the mirror…which were once such painfully, anxiety-filled moments for me.

    Now I’m even looking forward to wearing my size 10 bikini in public! Scary, but true!

    So here’s hoping that the plane will take off safely, and I get to do the hula and a experience a traditional lomi-Loma two person massage.

    I’ll be thinking they of you all while I’m away,
    Aloha and please stay safe.

    Have a wonderful trip ihaw. You will look stunning in your bikini with your new trim bod.
    Have fun. Purple 🙂

    Thanks Purple, if we get to leave today, I’ll be a happy woman! Marcia has become a 5…eeek!

    Ihaw, probably better to be grounded at this point 🙂 I do hope Marcia doesn’t caused too much damage. They are certainly bracing themselves for trouble. Good luck! P

    IHAW, have a wonderful trip. Hawaii is so relaxing and beautiful. 🙄 Wow! Size 10 bikini. Go you lovely woman, go! 😉 Cheers, Bay

    Hi everyone

    Have a lovely trip ihaveawaist – well done on all that you have achieved. What an inspiration you are 🙂

    Week 6 and happy to announce I’m now 69.9kg (started at 75kg!) – so I’m thrilled I’m in the 60’s now – 63kg is my target weight!! Woo hoo. OH lost again this week (after being disappointed he gained last week) – he’s now down to 87kg from 94kg!!

    We’re feeling better in our bodies, self-esteem is improving and we can’t believe how relatively easy this WOL is 🙂

    Onwards and upwards… or should I say downwards 🙂

    Stay safe everyone in Darwin and Queensland x

    Ihaw – enjoy your holiday.
    Jaschoe – I don’t think there is anything wrong with checking out recipes on fast days either.
    I felt a bit insecure and nervous about counting calories correctly when I started this WOL. So I bought the official 5:2 recipe book. I just pick out 1 breakfast and 1 dinner recipe which have calorie counts that add up to 500. Then I add extra fruit for OH to make his up to 600 calories. Not only have I had no trouble working out what to eat, but I have cooked things I would not usually cook. It has been quite a culinary adventure – lots of fun – new tastes. We even feel confident make carpaccio now!

    Well done, Aussie and Transcend, inspiration for the rest of us. Cheers, Bay 🙂

    That it good advise to keep it simple. I have lost another kilo, now 3 altogether so I am motivated now and I did go and by the book Fast cook. I would like to find aussie recipes though. As some of the UK ingredients are not to my liking. My next fast day is Monday so my goal is to try and not put the weight back on. I find I am eating less on the non fast days as well. this is the first diet that I seem to be able to drop weight with so I’m impressed!
    Rain Rain and more rain on the east coast so I hope those that a nearby are keeping dry.

    jaschloe-Calorie Counted Curries is an Australian based website that has a special page for 5:2 fast meals. Please check it out here http://caloriecountedcurries.com/5-2-meals If you have a favourite Asian dish that is not currently on the website, please let us know by replying to this post or by using the Contact Us form on the website. We will do our best to develop a low calorie version for you.

    Topsy is at the moment rising from her sponge. The weekend hasn’t quite gone to plan, so her expected debut for lunch yesterday has been postponed, but she’s on target to provide a tasty breakfast tomorrow.

    It’s been cousins weekend. OH’s cousin’s wife is currently participating in the international disabled bowls competition here in Wellington (she came 4th in her blind category for the singles), and my recently separated cousin came for dinner this evening.

    We have friends in Yempoon, are thinking of them!

    Hi Barata
    All the best with Topsy. Enjoy your weekend. P

    I’m cooking another recipe from the 5:2 recipe book for dinner tonight – and it isn’t even a fast day – lol!!!! I’ll add wine to the menu so I don’t waste away by eating fast food on a non-fast day!

    However, the recipe is for 6 people, so I’ll freeze 4 serves and will have 2 instant meals for a fast day in the future.

    Boy, I love this WOL.

    It certainly introduces you to a whole new world of foods, doesn’t it, Transend? One of the great spin offs. P

    IHAW: Congratulations! I hope you’re enjoying a fantastic holiday in your size 10 clothes. Well done.

    Same to you Aussiechick, Transcend & jaschloe, great results, keep up the good work!

    We’ve just completed another Sunday fast day and I’m pleased to say I’ve only consumed 350 cals today. Topped it off with a lovely smoked salmon, poached egg & asparagus dinner. It’s that time of a fast day when I start to indulge myself thinking about tomorrow’s flat white coffee.

    About to walk down to the Swan river, spread out a rug and listen to Paul Simon & Sting (a repeat of last night’s entertainment which was excellent). Perth has been spoiled what with the Giants last weekend and two great singer-songwriters this weekend.

    Hi Auzzies,

    I’m a NZer, I hope you’ve all been watching how we are kicking arse in the Cricket 😛 Since it’s not about Rugby, I thought you guys would be proud of us haha

    I’ve never posted in a blog before but I thought maybe this would help me with my *hopeful* weight loss journey.

    I am a doctoral student in my late 20s. I am very overweight. I have tried many diets before and have achieved great success only to put it all back on again (and more). Hardly an original story, I know.
    I am short (152cm) and weigh 83.6kg! Throughout my life, and into my early 20s I was always slim, around 53-58kg without thinking about how much I ate or exercised. As the weight has been creeping up I keep thinking to myself, “oh, I haven’t been fat for long, it will come off quickly”. However, I have been very overweight for around 4 years now. I have tried Atkins (and got right back to 58kg), the HCG diet (got back to 64kg), Weight Watchers (got back to 57kg), and yet somehow managed to pile it all back on and more.
    I know I can be successful in losing weight when I put my mind to it, I just seem to have an issue keeping it off. As I mentioned, I have never written about this publicly before, so I’m hoping that this will be the difference between me losing and keeping it off. Lately I am lacking will power so have not been interested in trying to lose weight. But I now feel officially “ready” and I have loved reading everyone’s stories for inspiration. I am on my second fast day and will weigh myself at the end of my week 1 (I started on a Wednesday for some reason).

    Today I am obsessed with the thought of food and am getting bugger all work done. Hopefully this goes away as I get used to fast days. I am not hungry per-se, just obsessed with reading these stories, finding out info etc.

    Any tips/tricks of the trade etc would be much appreciated. I am aiming to get down to 60kg one day…so have a LOT to lose.

    Thank you all in advance 🙂

    Hi JGF,
    Your story matches nearly everyone on this site. Firstly well done for taking the first step and starting fasting, however there are a few things that go with this.
    This is not a diet, it is more a new lifestyle, most of us wanted to loose weight yes, but we also want longer term health benefits, weight loss is just a side effect.
    You need to read the book on how this lifestyle came about, and you need to measure yourself all over, as for this past week I lost no weight on the scales, but my measurements have still reduced.
    Drink at least two litres of water on fast days, as this gives you what you would normally get from your food.
    Many of us on this site have found that we need to remove or heavily cut down on processed carbs, and also your sugar intake, but by doing this the weight comes off more quickly.
    Look forward to hearing your progress.
    Cheers, Charlie.

    JGF, well done for taking the first step. Like you, I have lost dramatic amounts of kilos over the years – and always put them back on. Also like you, I started at 83kgs and am now only 7kgs from my goal weight of 60kgs. You will get plenty of help here and it sounds as though you’ll have no trouble getting it off. My advice for keeping it off is to think of this as a new way of eating for life. It’s a new journey that all of us here are taking & learning about together.

    Hi JGF. Firstly welcome & I truly believe you’re on the right track. This is the start of my third week. FD today. I’m down 2 kg. it’s so easy once you make the commitment. I’m a foodie & I won’t live the rest of my life eating rabbit food. As its only one day restricted calories you know that tomorrow you can have normal food (within reason). I’ve found, as many others have, that on non FD I’m eating less as well. It really makes you more aware of what you’re putting in your mouth. I agreed with CharlieG (no relation!) that the book is even more motivating. I’m only reading it now. The girls & guys on here are so inspiring & helpful to us all when we need it. So good luck. We know you can do it. x
    Thinatlast – we’ll have to meet down at the Swan River one day!

    Hi JGF and welcome to your new way of life = WOL.

    I am cheering on the Kiwi cricketers, they are doing a great job. Until they play us 😉

    Please read the Michael Mosley book to understand the background to intermittent fasting, drink the two litres of water a day, and think about the nutrition of the calories you do choose to eat.

    I personally find that starches and sugary foods are addictive in that I want more and never quite feel I’ve had enough when I eat them.

    All the best, Bay 🙂

    Charlie’s Mum: That would be great fun. Bring Charlie and we’ll give him a good walk along the foreshore while we discuss the merits of 5 and 2. I usually walk along the foreshore in South Perth or meet friends to walk around the Canning Bridge area – happy to travel and meet halfway for a walk and/or a coffee. My fast days are Sunday and Wednesday & I’m not free on Tuesdays. Over to you!

    Hi all.
    Spending so much time reading posts all over this sight, and enjoying fellow Southerners updates this week.
    Week 2 and OMG falling off chair moments….the OH talking about doing a 4:3!!!
    Saying am I SURE I am only feeding him 500 cal dinner as there was so much!!! (Chicken breast & ratatouille style vegs…we have heaps of tomatoes still coming on even though its been such a humid/ damp summer) On non fast day feeling bloated when he went to have a second beer!! Not interested in weighing himself after fast “Don’t call it a diet as its not JUST about loosing weight”!!!.’Maybe we should have fasting type of meals on non fast days’!!!! (Pointed out we often do as I loosely follow CSRIO wellbeing all the time) Ye gods when will this honeymoon period end !!!!!

    Hi everyone, I’m Perth based & have been on the program since 28th December. I originally started to support my husband, who needed to lose 15 kgs – he’s lost 8.5 of those already. I just needed to lose 5-6 kgs and I’m about half way there. Are there any other vegetarians doing this? I’m finding it difficult to get in enough protein on fast days as a lot of the veggie protein foods like nuts, seeds and cheese are high in fat and calories. Atm I’m eating 1 egg for breakfast and having some feta on a salad. I think my weight loss is slow as I can’t do much exercise and I’m small (60 kgs), so I have to be careful not to overeat on the other 5 days too.

    Hi waveggie
    Bite Me brand veggie patties are made with chickpeas so contain a fair bit of protein and only 21 cals, if you don’t want to make your own. Great on a fast day. They are available at Thomas Dux and some IGAs. All the best PVE 🙂

    Welcome WAveggie, fellow Perth faster.

    Type in ‘vegetarian’ in the search box above and you’ll find threads dealing with vegetarian foods for fast days. A couple to get you started:

    All the best with it!

    Awesome thinatlast and Purplevegieeater thanks for the advice!

    Thin At Last: That’s great! I’ll come to you. How’s this Thu outside Boatshed Restarant? You name the time. I’ll be the one with the hairy cocker spaniel!

    CharliesMum, you couldn’t have made it easier for me! You nominate the time since I only have to walk down the road. 34C forecast so as early as you like – or evening is also fine with me. Lots of drinking water available for pooches on the route.

    Hi JGF,
    Also a newbie but just sharing a tip that has worked for me these past 3 fast days. I love my tea, using pot and leaves at least at brekkie time. I still make a ” production” at brekkie time and take the time to have my 2 cups of black tea….just not eating with it. It’s working as I feel like I have eaten, mind over matter me thinks..My biggest challenge will be when I fast on a work day as I am part time ATM but will be filling in 5 days shortly…only thing it’s in a cafe!!!! Can’t find any threads on this forum in helpful tips as its full on 8 hours and although I only eat salad on my break I am starved at end of shift at 4 pm and usually need a snack….any ideas fellow S.H ers ???

    CM: sorry, 28C for Thursday so anytime is good!

    Secret Poster: I find planning ahead really helps me so, on your work days, make sure you know (and have ready) exactly what you’ll be eating when you finish your shift. Tough break to work around food – but on the other hand, you’ll know that the next day you can have anything they have to offer!

    Topsy turned out tasty, in spite of her interruptions. She was a bit flat, full of wholemeal flour, and I understand why it’s called SOUR dough. Got used to it after the first slice, and yummy. Oddly, grandson tried it today and said he found it sweet! No sugar went anywhere near it.

    Have just checked our friends in Yeppoon, and they survived Marcia okay. Mostly wind, not much rain, power out for nearly two and a half days but they got it back sooner as they are on the hospital grid.

    Well done, all of you. So impressive reading the postings, and so satisfying to know the word is spreading.

    Well done Barata. You can vary the taste by the length of rising and flours used. 50% spelt is yummy.
    Glad your Qld friends are safe. P 🙂

    Thank you I have had a looked at the site.

    Hi all,
    Week 4 and it was much easier for fast day today. I made egg white and tomato omelette for breakfast. 50 mils milk in a coffee for lunch, then Thai prawn curry.
    I think I may have eaten too much curry because I feel so full. I planned for today. I found recipes that I liked last night, saved them all to paprika recipe app. It was a UK site. I notice my weight goes up on non fast days but overall weight loss is 3 kilos. Very motivational I will be sticking with this way of eating. Even on my next day after the diet I don’t feel like eating much so it’s great

    Corn couscous report. Was it PVE or Bay who turned me on to this? Well, I found some and cooked it tonight (non fast day). I thought it was OK. Quite a nice alternative actually. Teen claimed it tasted like someone had opened a can of corn, left it in the sun for a year and then ground it up like gravel before boxing it to sell. Hmmm. OH didn’t comment. Well, I’d have it again so thanks for the tip. I think.


    Twas me, thin. I make a salad with yhe corn cous cous…onion, apricots, cranberrieS and nutmeg (something like that) 🙂
    Yes Tess. Miracle noodles are wonderful bulkers! 😉
    Eating day today! Woohoo! P

    That sounds tasty PVE – lots of texture, thanks again!

    Thin: Back up to 31 now! How’s 7.30am? To Early? The hairy one (& me) feels the heat.

    CM: Same here. 7.30am is fine – or could postpone until Friday (28C) if that suits you better? (In which case, I can still do 7.30am).

    Thin. Yes, let’s do Fri….cooler. Same time. If I’m late it’s it’s cos Canning H/way a mess! Looking forward to it.

    Love all the Perth talk girls. I’ll have to join you next time I fly over 😉 P

    OK CM, it’s a date. No problem if I have to wait. I guess it would be rude of us not to invite other Perth losers. So, if anyone would like to join Charlie’s Mum, Charlie & me for a walk & maybe a coffee afterwards, meet us at The Boatshed, South Perth this Friday morning 7.30am. Please keep in mind that ‘thin at last’ is a pseudonym!

    PVE: I’m sure your name will come up 😆

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