Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Hi all SHs. Weather has settled down here today.
    Any reports fro Adelaide or Melbourne?
    Have a happy day. P

    It is good to read this thread. Many of you have done so well, which is comforting for us beginners.

    Did pretty well my FD yesterday. Think I will be sticking with no breakfast, which is huge for me, as I always had to have breakfast otherwise I felt sick. Having a green tea instead seems to really help.

    Purple Vegie Eater, thank you for your reply and congratulations on you acheivements. It is inspiring to see what you have achieved. I didn’t mean to come across as using my age as an excuse, I just meant that I am finding it harder than a few years back. 3 years ago I lost 33kgs on weight watchers but have found that what worked for me then, doesn’t work for me now. I understand that I have to eat less now and work that bit harder, than I did 3 years ago. I mentioned the ladys of a certain age site, as it reasured me that even though a slower weight lose may be normal, it is still acheiveable. I also wondered if others found it harder when the symtoms were at the worst, whether that be hormonal or just because you are feeling depressed and therefore finding it harder to stick too. But reading the wonderful results that yourself and a lot of other woman have acheived, I know that it can be done. I just have to try a little harder and as you said be patient. Congratulatins again on your weight loss, if I can do even 1/2 as good, I will be very happy.

    Have faith in yourself kierra. You CAN do it AND maintain it with this wol. Cheers P

    Hi everyone, new and old alike.
    I just wanted to add my twopence worth in…this is a steady way to return to better health, and in so doing things may look variable in the short term, with fluctuations in weight, hunger and energy levels….but as you continue, refusing to let the small things get you down, then you’ll be able to slowly see the magic results of this strange and revolutionary way of living, called intermittent fasting.

    The great thing is there’s no real good and bad foods, but when you stick within your specific caloric needs then it all happens…..the exception for me is very salty foods (causing fluid retention), for others it is alcohol or artificial sweeteners, and some it is chronic hormonal imbalances, eg POCS, or sensitivity/allergic reactions to medications, environmental factors, etc which may tend to make you bloat up regardless of the calories you eat.

    However, the important thing is to continue along with 5:2 anyway, and looking at things which you might not have been counting as important, or worthy of examining. Like me and cheese, olives, sauces, crackers, etc which are all salty, making my tummy suck up water and hold it for a day or two.

    This is why a diary of all food and drink, when and where you eat, how you are feeling, and so on can be a wonderful tool for the first few weeks of 5:2. When you read back, you can often see patterns of behaviour around food, habits you didn’t know you had, and then it’s easy to find ways to switch things around a little, or to ease back on the one area you really didn’t see before….because it was ingrained.

    Cheese and crackers with visitors yesterday, left me bloated and the same weight as I was before I fasted. I’ll just remember to mindlessly munch on carrots next time, instead! Haha, after 18 months, you think it would be second nature! But visitors staying for hours with emotional dramas, seem to be my complete undoing food-wise.

    Went out for lunch today, away from the house and any sneaky unexpected callers. Ate a delightful marinated octopus salad….delicious, and no moaning visitors there to make me crave a decadent dessert!


    G’day ihaw
    Very eloquently expressed. Thanks.
    We all have to remember we are changing habits that took many years to instill. They are not going to disappear instantly, but at least this wol seems to change our tastes and if we keep discovering all the delicious ‘suitable’ foods (like the octopus salad), we can change our lives permanently.
    Beautiful evening. Out for a healthy dinner with the old man 😉 P

    Well said, IHAW. We’re here for the long haul, not for super quick weight loss. I’m off to eat Thai prawns and vegetables tonight with a beer. No rice needed. Cheers, all. Bay 🙂

    BTW. IHAW, I still occasionally have some bread that is not GF with butter. Like you, afterwards with bloat, I think, why did I do that? Because we’re only human and once in awhile is ok. 😆 Bay

    I still keep a diary of food eaten, because I need to prod myself to drink enough water and green tea. Plus I want to reinforce that I do indeed feel revolting after a sugar indulgence or a non GF indulgence. Mad, ha?

    Happy fasting or non fasting, as the case may be. Feasting it is not. 🙂

    Thanks PVE for your post, I will rethink the oats.
    I liked having the porridge in winter with the blueberries. I have noticed that the greek yogurt and some skim milk add the cals. I usually have 100g of the greek yoghurt and some blueberries on my fast days in the morning.

    I guess I am just impatient in my weight loss.

    I am 55 and when younger I could loose a kilo a week but not now. I think menopause does make it harder, also the waist does thicken and things shift. Hormones , they can be a pain.

    Happy fasting everyone and enjoy life as much as possible. It is spring after all.

    How awesome is My Fitness Pal’s new barcode scanner? I haven’t calorie counted for a while and the scales crept up. This update is making it much less tedious to log my food. Looking forward to tomorrow’s weigh in. 🙂

    A bit of a dilemma with the Connoisseur ice cream on sale at half price yesterday. It used to be my undoing. I’d been too scared to buy any for months and months. I can’t even remember the last time I had ice cream. Went down the freezer aisle several times before giving in. Snuck it inside the house and buried it in the freezer so no-one would notice until I brought it out it at a time of my choosing. I’d planned to get it out after my weekly weigh-in tomorrow as a mini-celebration. But, alas, I was weak and decided to have it last night.

    I put two scoops in each bowl. That was it. No-one whinged (much) about the portion size. No eyeing up each others’ bowls to make sure no-one in the family got a gram more than anyone else. I felt as if it was plenty. To be honest, it didn’t even taste as good as I remembered it, a bit on the lardy side. There’s plenty for another night. Maybe two nights. We actually have ice cream in the freezer and no-one cares. When I confess that in the past we have literally used a knife to split the Connoisseur tub, you will see how obsessed we were.

    I feel as if, for the first time in my life, I’ve just exercised some control over food instead of it controlling me. It’s as if with the ability to ‘eat what you like’ on feast days, comes the realisation that ‘what you like’ is no longer what it was. Portion sizes are put in perspective. Forbidden foods are no longer forbidden and, with that, they lose their power over you. Fantastic!

    OK, that’s enough talk of ice cream. I am off to have my turka dahl (137 calories) lunch.

    That’s a great story Thinatlast! I hope you also enjoyed your dahl.

    Hi all
    Thinatlast thankyou for your icecream story.I totally agree with 100% of what you said.

    I found myself in the same situation yesterday. Eccles cakes are my weakness. I haven’t felt the need to have one until then.I was feeling relaxed,and wanting to reward myself . I stopped myself just in time.I told myself that it was at least 1000 calories and would I prefer that then the wonderful stirfry which I had been looking forward to with satay tofu.(I checked out the calories later they were 400)I decided that both choices were OK. I gave myself permission to choose. Power and control back to me.

    I am on week 7 and I find myself looking forward to the weekly fruit and vegi shop.

    My sweet tooth has changed as well.I also find I only need 2 mouthfuls of cake to feel satisfied now. I don’t feel I have to eat a whole slice anymore. But if your offering a mango….well that’s a different matter!:)VM

    Like you, I look forward to weighing in tomorrow MelbourneMum (and yes thanks, the dahl was delicious, what there was of it). Vegiemumma, I read your other posts and see you’re also in Perth. Are you SOR or NOR? Agree about mangos, a lovely thing to have for lunch.

    Notanothernick: I’ve just spent a lazy hour reading previous posts and learned that you’re on a cruise ship, not cruising on your own yacht! I misunderstood. So, it’s not exactly sacks of potatoes and tins of baked beans then. Hats off to you – I couldn’t trust myself on a cruise ship.

    Good morning SH mates.

    Quite a few days since I posted – work and a bad cold got in the way.

    Despite feeling dreadful, still managed Mon-Tu b2b. Only spent an hour at work on Tuesday then came home to bed. Never trusted myself to fast at home before but just had multiple cups of tea (supplied by OH), slept lots and then silverside and salad for dinner prepared by OH. Scales the same as last week but you can’t have everything, another cm gone from waist – sometimes scales up or steady for no obvious reason. As IHAW, Purple, Bay and others have said, this is a long journey not a short-term fix and the general weight trend is downward with lots of other health benefits.

    Like others, my relationship with food had changed and I can look coolly at cake and bread with a take it or leave it attitude. I’m now the boss!

    Keep up the good work everyone – so good to hear everyone’s progress.

    Hi Nicky

    Sorry you’ve been poorly. Look after yourself. Just my curiosity, did you have a flu vaccination this last Winter? I had my first ever flu vac and managed to get through this year without a cold or flu. Fingers crossed. I have no idea if it was just a coincidence.

    Although I’m not losing weight, I’m still shrinking, as yesterday I bought a size 10 Sportscraft silk shirt. Even if we allow for the resizing of clothes that occurred in the 1980s, then I am the size I was at age 40 over 25 years ago. 🙂 pinch myself. Happy dance, IHAW. 😆 I am packing away a few size 12 shirts that I bought in May. This IF is proving to be an expensive and life changing experience. Haha!

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Get well soon Nicky.

    Bayleaf, that’s wonderful. Maybe we should start a 5 and 2 re-cycling shop on here. I have four sizes of clothing in my cupboard such has been my weight fluctuation over the years. When I’ve lost weight in the past, OH offered the following advice, ‘don’t give the clothes away, you’ll grow back into them’. He’s going to be eating his words now. I don’t seem to have lost much around my middle – one inch in the old money over 11 weeks – and a heck of a lot more needs to come off to be in a healthy range. But today I’m down 5.5 kgs which delights me. Like you, I’m pinching myself. This WOE should be called, “I can have my cake and eat it too”. Not that I want any cake.

    Well done Bayleaf. Enjoy your silk shirt.
    Hope the bug is beaten quickly Nicky.
    Thinatlast – get rid of those too big clothes. All of them.

    I’m happy with my weigh-in today. Most of the excesses of the past few weeks have gone now, and I’m feeling much better and in control again. I’m in a good mindset to get me through this weekend – Halloween to Melbourne Cup. Even though the race isn’t till Tuesday, Melbournians tend to make it an extra long party weekend.

    Well done MM. Enjoy your looooong weekend! I hope your horse wins.

    I’ve been on the FD for about 4 weeks now and seem to be slowing down in losing weight. I don’t follow the diet fastidiously but do 2 day fasts on Mondays and Thursdays. I am better when I don’t have breakfast. I drink lots of warm water on fast days. I think I have lost about 7 kgs now. It is nice and warm here in Canberra, the capital of Australia.

    Hi Mel,
    I am over in Freo! On my 2nd day of fasting, sitting here at work and have just finished my small mandarin.
    I too, am quietly optimistic.

    Morning one and all,

    It’s great to hear how everyone is doing. I hope the dreaded lurgie disappears soon Nicki, just rest up as much as you can. I rekon that letting your body rest properly is one of life’s great healers.

    Bay, the silk blouse sounds lovely, good for you being size 10! The dilemma around what to do with perfectly nice clothes, which happen to be too big is an issue. If I like something enough, I attempt to use my basic dressmaking skills and take them in. If not they sit in my wardrobe until I have yet another clear out of unworn items, which happily make their way to my local op shop.

    I like the idea of a 5:2 clothes swap-shop, but how to do it when we live all over the wide brown land, and beyond?

    So Zan, I saw you’ve lost 7 kg in 4 weeks, that’s a lot! If your body slows down in dropping weight, then that’s a normal event where physiologically, you are adjusting to your new shape….sometimes it becomes a slower steadier process after the first few weeks. Keep measuring your other areas, like waist, hips, legs, etc. and keep it recorded, so that you can see where you have been and where you are going. It really is a fantastic way of motivating yourself and celebrating the changes you have made over time.

    As for me, I ate less than 300 cals yesterday, and worked really hard massaging heaps of great clients, but have managed to put on 200 grams, which may seem to be a problem, until I saw that there was a decrease in my percentage of fat and a gain in my muscle mass. It’s something to note, record and understand that this is a slow journey, towards increased vitality and good health. And I’m celebrating the loss of fat and increase of muscle, as it sure comes in handy as a remedial massage therapist!

    I hope that my small scary callers, dressed up as spooks and witches tonight forgive me when I hand out origami cranes, rather than sweets! Last year the looks on their little faces were priceless when I gave them little paper butterflies and owls! Haha! The joke was on them, but some of them loved them anyway and I didn’t feel bad about contributing to rotting teeth and lifelong sugar cravings.

    Hope whatever horse you bet onTuesday wins! I might make myself an origami headpiece to parade around in, with my nice new op shop dress!


    Hi there, Im a newbie, from Adelaide. Have just finished my first week and am doing Monday and Thursday fast days. Scales and measurements have astounded me this week, but to be expected with fluid loss etc, so I wont expect the same this coming week. Still its a very nice kickstart and extremely motivating.
    Have to say that the first fast on Monday was reasonably easy although I was glad when it was over, however yesterdays fast was a doddle. I had a crappy day where everything was getting on top of me, yet I did not feel like turning to the fridge or grabbing a quick sugar fix. Not at all. I am amazed. Feeling very centred and in control.

    I refer to IHAW post 24/10 and have been AWOL since April (I think) and as a 68 yr Male remember IHAW having all sorts of grief issues initially with this diet and weight generally….WELL what a revelation and pleasure to read that post….this is what it’s all about.
    I started 12 months ago after seeing Michaels Documentary and like IHAW reckoned it was necessary to do something positive for my body and the 110kg max but avg of 105kg needed to be reduced.
    Only a week of 5:2 initially but with Myfitnesspal and a Fitbit in my pocket hit 93kg in June fairly easily and now am 92.5 and reckon there is a good weight position to balance my diet of calories in v’s calories out !
    The XXL have gone and L is the norm….visit to my Dr yesterday had him over the moon with my blood pressure etc and he attributes my general good health to the loss of those kilos.
    I am a Pilot flying Angel Flights regularly in my retirement in my own Aircraft and my Medical is vital to continue to do this vital voluntary service….a hidden incentive helps.
    Finally, it does not matter why you want to lose weight but both IHAW and me are testimony to the fact it can be done and more importantly keep it off !!!
    So, keep positive and the loose waist syndrome will arrive,
    Peter (Sydney).

    Hi Everyone, have been reading the success stories religiously everyday and inspired by postings. Have come to the decision that ‘we lot’ take the fast days on as ‘pretty much a routine thing’ for our weight loss and health into the future.

    However, it has only just started to dawn on me that we need to all give ourselves a collective pat on the back as a group. Why? In my 6 weeks on 5:2 (5.3kg loss to date), like a ‘reformed smoker’ that harps at everyone that smokes, I have tried to get everyone that unfortunately comes across my path to commence 5:2. I have ‘converted’ at least 12 people to start the program and you know what?….not one has lasted more than one day!!! No one outside of myself and ‘assigned partner in making my life a misery’ (aka: my beautiful wife). Everyone has said, “too hard”, “starved”, ” was good till lunchtime”, blah, blah, blah. In short, it seems as modern day Aussies living in a consumer driven, self gratifying, quick fix society that we really have lost the one thing ‘we lot’ have in bucket loads and the key to any weight loss (short or long term)….willpower.

    Sure, I get hungry when the morning teas come out at work, when the BBQ next door wafts over the fence and when the kids say “Dad, do you want ice cream?” but “I hold on”….we all do here (on fast days).

    So, honestly guys we are in (from my experience) a pretty small minority group… People who can simply commit to calorie restriction 2 days a week while the rest of the world around us continues to ‘bog into the trough’.

    So, if like me you have had the ‘odd bender’ since starting 5:2, I would not be too worried as I think you all are better than the average Joe out there because of the commitment of willpower made to be on TWOL…Be proud of that.

    P.S. Had a ‘classic’ run off the rails day this week and must relay story to you all shortly.

    Hi OzzyLass. – also new at 5:2 and aiming for the same FD’s as you.

    Wow prc46, those are some great results.

    Bigkahunadad – brave trying to convert others. I tend to be quiet these days about anything I am doing. I think it is one of those things that people need to come to themselves and then they tend to stick to it a bit better. I struggled last year when I first tried, but I did not have my heart in it.

    Waves to all the other Southern 5:2er’s

    Well I finally have a loss!!! 4 fast days down and after an initial gain, I am down!!! So feeling pretty good. Fast days are up and down, sometimes the hunger pangs get quite strong, but then I have moments where I go wow I am not feeling hungry.

    Hi SH 5:2 fellow practitioners.

    Firstly thank you all for get well wishes, feeling much better. Interesting question Bay about flu shot, did not have one this year despite GP going on about ‘older people’ blah blah. The past three I have had them due to OS travel requirements, bird flu scares and the like.

    May have had a cold/year but nowhere near as many as this year. However could also put it down to the fact that my grandson started kindy and picked up several bugs which he kindly shared with the rest of the family. Who knows? As a scientist am very cautious about attributing causal relationships where none exist.

    BKD you’re such a good advocate for this WOL. Like Astrid, I tend to keep quiet about what I’m doing unless someone raises the topic, like ‘you’ve lost weight, what are you doing?’ or I turn down a lunch offer on Mon-Tue. I didn’t even let on to OH for about 3 months, eating a small breakfast and dinner with him and nothing in between while at work. I only ‘fessed up’ when he commented that I’d lost weight.

    Bay, well done with the shirt. I went shopping yesterday to the Sportscraft shop in DJs. OH had to go to the dentist so I nobly went along in case he needed driving home 😉 Had a lovely time but resisted beautiful silk shirts, which I love but detest ironing so my extensive shirt collection mostly lives in the sewing/ironing room and I get about in T-shirts &c.

    Hi Ozzylass, another 5:2 recruit from Adelaide. Do keep telling us about your progress – we all learn from and support each other with our experienes.

    Keep up the good work all.

    Hi all, well I still have a way to go before I reach my goal of 60kg but have lost to date 4.2kg. The majority of this I’m tipping would have to be fluid but the muffin top IS shrinking. I didn’t take my measurements before starting, should I still do them do you think?

    Cheers from country NSW

    Hi all from the Gold Coast,

    Ive been going now for 6 weeks and have dropped about 6kg. I rode a record 37 .61km yesterday on a packet of Pop Corn and 3 coffees. It burnt 1238 Calories. Pleanty of water in there as well!! I must say I enjoyed my Prawn Salad at 7pm 🙂
    P.S – I use Runkeeper to track my excercise and its really good.

    Keep up the good work!


    Hi biggles69, take it from me, anytime is a wonderful time to start measuring!

    I first only had a notebook and a set of old scales to keep me going when I first started. Then got sick of bending down and squinting to read the stupid small numbers and went out to buy a newer digital scales. Since then I have a lot more interesting data to record, and put it all down on a long sheet of graph paper with coloured textas.
    (kind of like an everlasting school science project, haha!)

    Now there seems to be a plethora of great easy ways to document your 5:2 journey, including the tracker here on this site.

    Hey bigkahuna, good to hear from you. I only tell poeple who ask me about my weight loss. I have had quite a lot of interested people who’ve gone on to get all inspired and plugged into 5:2. It seems that often it takes a serious health scare or confronting anther traumatic issue, for poeple to consider switching around their eating habits permanently. I guess that’s why doctors across the world have a hard time enforcing any notable changes in their patients, particularly those concerning poor lifestyles and eating habits. As more often than not, they will just shrug their shoulders and continue on doing exactly what made them sick in the first place.

    On that fun note, I’m off to try and get my dear hubby to waltz with me…..now just the thought of pulling that feat off makes me smile! Cheers!

    Hi Everybody

    I’ve enjoyed reading all of your posts, so thought I better say hi.

    I’m in Melbourne and started this journey on the 19th of September this year after hitting 97Kgs. With the 5:2, a vivofit and MyFitnessPal to track calories, I am now down 11.8Kgs and feeling much better.

    I find it quite easy on the fast days, and if I feel hungry, i just go for a walk. My BMI no longer considers me obese, just a bit over weight now. For my height and frame, I need to get into the 70kgs area.

    So here’s to the epic journey we have all decided to undertake.



    Hi Sassy
    I’m in Melbourne too.
    I heard about it about 2-3 years ago from 2 English friends in an online slimming support (yahoo) group. They had seen the documentary and easily lost loads of weight (& kept it off it transpires) after years of failure to do so.
    At the time I refused to do it bc it was contrary to other research about deprivation dieting and hunger and having been the classic victim of classic “famine reaction” (lost 16 kg in 16 wks on Rick Gallop’s GI diet→ went into famine reaction → regained 22 kg !!!!)I felt I couldn’t risk and didn’t dare do anything that whiffed of severe deprivation or hunger.

    Then a naturally extremely slim consultant doctor at work said she did it for health reasons. I didn’t know about all that – the UK friends didn’t mention those. I thought it was purely the usual benefits of being a normal weight – nothing about all the stuff in the documentary. So I looked into it. Became more aware. Then a colleague at work told me she was doing it and loved it and was loading weight easily. The dots were joining up. On Wednesdays i never had time to eat anyway and thought to myself “you’re half doing it already”.
    Around that time my mum was diagnosed with dementia and I felt I HAD TO try to give myself the best shot at minimising the risk in myself.
    So I started. ONLY THEN did I get the book and dvd !

    Hi Dragonfly
    I have brunch when i feel distinctly HUNGRY – usually 1100 -ish and tea around 7 pm.
    Is working for me. Most of the fasting is done whilst I’m asleep. 😉
    Losing weight – 6 kg in 10 weeks. Don’t want to be too fast or any faster as skin will be baggy and crepey !!!! 🙁
    As it was last time I lost all my weight but too quickly. 🙁

    Don’t be so sure Dumpling.
    Average age for menopause in Oz is 51.
    I’m 54 shortly and I’m still going.
    Friend was 56 and friend’s mum was 60 !

    Hi guys.

    I haven’t checked in for a few weeks, been doing night works with no time off for the three weeks leading into last Friday. I skipped three fast days during this period, but maintained gym routine and resumed fasting regime on Thursday/Friday (I fast after Thursday lunch).

    Jumped on the scales this morning and was quite surprised to find I have lost just under 3kg bodyfat and added 400g lean mass! Also happy to see my weight back in double digits (99.6kg) for the first time in many years. So, in ten weeks I have lost 4.9kg in total, 5.4kg bodyfat (according to my weight watchers composition scales) despite missing 4 fasts in total, and increased my lean mass by 400g.

    I cant really see much of a physical change when I look in the mirror, but I have dropped a size in work pants and an inch from my waist line. Mentally however, I m finding it sooo much easier and even enjoyable to control my food intake. I cherish my newfound freedom from sugar, and enjoy spending time in the kitchen preparing food for my wife and son and lunches for work. Lately I spend much of my spare time researching nutrition-which may be driving my wife a little crazy (She has taken to calling me Michelle Bridges)-and consider it a major achievement I can now, without eating the same foods two days in a row, hit all the nutrition targets in MyFitnessPal.

    Looking forward, I’m going to try and push the limits of my body’s metabolism using the knowledge I have gained in the last ten weeks: I’m going to try and increase my lean mass by 1kg whilst decreasing my body fat by 5kg. I hope to achieve this by combining heavy weight lifting and surplus food consumption on non-fast days with HIIT and slow-release protein consumption on fast days. Also, I want to set myself up to reach my long term gym goal next year: match 40yr old Hugh Jackman’s 1rep deadlift PB of 210kg (my original motivation for weights).

    Brilliant progress skinny plumber!
    Keep up the wonderful journey, supporting yourself and your family in healthy living. You have a most inspiring story that many men would love to hear!

    prc46 Hi Peter, I read your interesting post last week but had to ask my OH (who’s also a 68 year old pilot here in Perth) what Angel Flights are. Just read all about it on the website. That’s a wonderful programme and passing the medical is a great incentive to keep your weight down & stay healthy, as you say. Congratulations on your loss.

    Thank you thinatlast….yes the Angel Flight Charity is wonderful if one is lucky to acquire toys with which to play in retirement and this is the best way I have found to do this.
    I own both Fixed Wing Cessna 210 and a Robinson R44 and use both to do my Angel Flights…my next Flight on 10th November will be No 70 !!…all the Pilots seek the magic No 100 !!…getting there.
    And keeping the weight off and stable has been very important to maintain the Aviation Medical.
    We all have our reasons and as long as we do it does not matter,

    Hi Nicky

    Re silk shirts. I never iron them. I wash my shirts in cold water by hand, never soak, never wring, and hang them on a hanger to drip dry in bathroom on shower rail. The whole thing takes about 2 minutes per shirt.

    Must be cold wash, cold rinse, no wringing, no soaking. They wash n dry in about an hour. I roll them when packing. They travel well. Four of them weigh almost nothing. So no creases to iron from either packing or washing.

    Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hi Southern friends.
    prc46 you are one of my heros. It is people like you that make this country so great, and for that I thank you. Well done getting a good result on your medical.

    Last couple of weeks have seen tiny amounts of weight deciding to leave me for which I am very happy, being helped by the fact that I am able to get back into HIIT as my leg injury has finally healed.

    Thanks IHAW for the big hug over the loss of my baby girl (furry) and thank you thinatlast for your kind words as well, I tend to care for my babies too much, hence it hurts so much when things go wrong.

    Things are busy here on the farm at present, we are harvesting fodder in the form of silage to feed out latter in the season, when we wean the calves from their mothers in early December.

    Hubby is busy spraying weeds In the paddocks and each weekend we are flat out in the veggie garden, the result is we are eating our own lettuce, spring onions, leeks, and have corn in silk, tomatoes with heaps of flowers and the odd small fruit, eating lovely strawberries and raspberries. Many of these things are three to four weeks early. We also have lots of fruit coming in our orchard and heaps of blueberries coming as well.

    BKD, I spent yesterday with another girlfriend that has seen my weight go down and wants to have a go for herself. Like so many others that have asked me I am not sure she is in the right headspace yet, but I showed her the doco online, and I have left her with “fast diet” & “fast exercise”. I have had lots of people start, but they seem either unable or unwilling to stick at it when things get hard, so I agree most people actually need a scare of some kind to stay with it.

    We have just gone back into a cold snap for a few days but back to summer by mid week.

    Have a great week everyone


    Hey Charlie, it’s great to hear things are going well on the farm, our veggies are springing forth with the zucchini taking over rapidly, and the feral tomatoes on their last legs. The strawberries are nearly done for now, but will have another burst later, and our blueberries are coming into fruit. Sadly, the peach and nectarine trees have been eaten clean by fruit bats….the greedy little buggers! Luckily they don’t like any of the citrus, or the figs….yet, so there’s hope I’ll get some of them soon.

    Prc46, thanks for following my journey and all of my various ups and downs. Keeping those medical assessments passed and clear is vital for pilots, well done! My hubby had a period where he got the flying bug and I remember all the annual checks he had to pass. Do you need to own your own plane to be in angel flight? Or do you just need to be a current pilot with access to a suitable plane? Do you pay for the fuel and other expenses out of your own pocket when you are flying on these important missions? Thank you for performing such a great service for our community!

    I just logged my new week’s starting weight, and my salt intake has made me go back up again. I had a slow weekend work-wise, and ended-up feeling in need of some junk food….with soy sauce added on for good measure….silly me! But am planning on staying well away from my nemesis for a few weeks to get back on track, before the excitement of Christmas, new year and the general holiday eating-frenzy starts.
    Last Christmas I seemed to be fine, so I guess I’ll plan some more seafood, salad and fruit arrangements for the big day. I’m hoping to have both kids at home for once this year, can’t wait!

    Have a lovely week everyone! Rodger, over and out!

    IHAW, no you do not need to own your own but the criteria to fly for them is strict…as it should be. I used to claim Fuel which is all they reimburse but about 10 flights ago decided to not even claim that any more….it is a Charity and allows me to contribute and receive in more than equal proportions….I get much more out of my involvement than the costs associated.
    Mentioning Ice Cream, I get to manage my diet with a dose nearly every day….Bulla Vanilla and Milo….or Rhubarb made by my wife from our garden…..and today we are going for our 36th Wedding Anniversary to Kim’s Beachside Resort at Toowoon Bay and if any of you have been there you will appreciate the comment I now make……bugger the diet until next Thursday !!!
    The food they serve there is to die for….and if I die there I will die very happy !!!

    Hey BKD, awesome post!

    Been thinking about it all morning, and it draws to mind an analogy from the movie “The Matrix”:

    We’ve awoken from an artificial dream engineered within the parameters of our animal fears and desires to maintain our participation as substrate to a non-human entity, to find ourselves in possession of feeble bodies and weakened minds, hunted by Smiths for elimination or reintegration to the Matrix.

    We have awoken from consumer-addiction driven by powerful marketing engineered within the parameters of our animal fears by corporations, to find ourselves fat and facing slow diabetic decline, and addicted to high calorie corporate produce, hunted by incessant marketing machines, merciless powder and pill peddling false prophets, and seemingly invincible exercise enterprises (omg cross-fitters are Smiths!).

    Heh….Michael Mosley = Morpheus.

    Hi fellow Aussies, I live in FNQ and am starting week 6 of 5:2. My partner and I watched a segment on tv about the diet and he actually suggested we do it as he though it would be easy for him to stick to. So here we are 5 weeks later and I have lost just over 3kg’s with very little effort at all. My size has dropped more than my weight and it is very inspiring to try things on from my wardrobe that haven’t fitted for so long and I can now get into them. I would love to be back to 65kg by Xmas which leaves me 7kg to lose between now and then 🙂

    hi Ali n Ken. Well done. Keep it up and you will get there for Christmas. Cheers, Bay 🙂

    Hey BKD and Tubby P, well done both of you. Love the story. Cheers, Bay 🙂


    Hi All – just starting 5:2 after a year out after realising it is the only think that has ever really worked for me – just tossing up between Mon/Thurs OR Tues/Thurs (Mondays are bad enough as is sometimes!!) – anyway any advice would be great!!

    HI all,
    I’ve been out of the loop for a couple of weeks when fasting suddenly got very hard. My willpower disappeared and I found myself wanting to eat junk, which made dealing with cravings when fasting just impossible. I wonder sometimes if the junk food satisfies genuine nutritional cravings, eg. chocolate being a source of iron? The only thing that was unusual is that I had a couple of G&Ts made with diet tonic – could that have contributed?

    Anyway, I resisted the junk aisle at the supermarket and made some healthy food on the weekend so hopefully I’m back on track for spring.

    I’m curious how everyone is going with the weather warming up – fasting is easier but exercising harder when it’s hot so what’s the best approach?

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