Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Hi Neil,
    as well as age, people have skin that stretches and rebounds according to their genes (hope you are lucky there) and also health plays a role. This article may be helpful https://www.menshealth.com/weight-loss/a26424334/loose-skin-after-weight-loss/
    I’d be optimistic, you have two decades on me and even my flappy bits are gradually reducing, and you are eating well and exercising to keep your skin healthy. It will take time though.

    Thanks for the link Cinque, I’ll check it out this evening. I guess if loose skin is the only downside to rapid weight loss then I’ll take it.

    Good morning, 55.9kg today. That’s the upside. The downside is loose skin. I look fine with my clothes on though. Reading that article, Cinque, didn’t give me any hope since surgery wouldn’t be something I’d consider and I don’t have youth on my side. I never had stretch marks thankfully and I’ve learned to live with excess skin around my lower torso. People I’ve met since 5:2, such as the bridge club members, say they cannot imagine me as a large person.

    Quacka, thanks for asking. I do see a light at the end of the tunnel. The secret must be to keep moving like Penguin. Previously, I would have scoffed when told that moving house is one of those stressful ‘life’ events up there with divorce or death. How hard could it be? Very, it turns out. I’m savouring the last couple of weeks before DD flies the nest which will be tough. Nevertheless, I intend to keep fasting regardless.

    Betsy, LJ, we played bridge with the big kids for the first time in weeks yesterday. We didn’t come last. We were 7th out of 9 pairs and my partner couldn’t wipe the smile off her face when reading the names of the two grumpy pairs we’d beaten.

    PerthGirl, I loved reading your post. Shame you didn’t write a book when you had all those clever insights all those years ago. My only regret about this WOL is that I was 58 when I discovered it. Youngsters like Anzac, Neil, etc can take full advantage of that and make significant changes to their health and longevity. And skin.

    Post 2 Good morning everyone,

    A nicer day today, here. šŸ™‚ Hope you can bounce out of bed today Aurorin.
    You are so right about how we lose our natural sense of hunger and satiation.

    Quacka, a lovely big post from you yesterday. Thankyou. And I love Brussels Sprouts so much more than I did when younger, that touch of bitter savouriness is a delight now, it used to appall me. And also we only ever had them boiled or steamed.

    Perthgirl, I SO agree that the habits and guidelines we put into place for our long term lifestyle is more important, in the end, than how well we manage to diet in the short term. So important.

    Penguin, serendipity indeed. I wish they would put his series on here, we have a couple of channels showing non stop cooking shows but it is mostly manic, cheaply made competitions that I can’t stand. I will keep a look out though.
    What a great kitchen!

    Neil, another wonderful milestone passed. Magnificent.

    I’m having a day before fast day today as I am babysitting this evening, it works better to fast tomorrow. A nice pottering around sort of day (which I love) and the movie ‘Toast’ to watch when I need to rest.

    Best wishes all.

    Hi Thin, ha, you could always try micro-needling therapy! So could I. (But I won’t.)

    Woot re bridge, AND the light at the end of the tunnel. Yes re the stress of moving house. I moved 5 times during my daughters childhood and with each on my health got so much worse. It was only when I got into this stable home that I could start slowly recovering.

    I don’t consider I lost weight rapidly (a kilo a month) but I still managed to get flaps, Neil. My poor old skin. But it is doing the best that it can.

    Okay, off to do stuff. Cheers.

    Good Morning everyone

    An awesome job, Neil. Congratulations!

    Well what a difference a day can make. Little Miss “I feel so empowered” and “I’m in the right frame of mind” fell off the wagon yesterday. I ended up at just under 1000 calories (so not a FD by any means) and the food for the day was only 400 calories of that. There was an unexpected celebration which entailed some beers and so I ended up blowing the FD. Oh well, can’t change yesterday, can only look after today. And tomorrow. Weight was still 100g down from yesterday…..

    The really bad thing is that I just don’t want to do a FD today. Am I self sabotaging I ask myself? Yes, probably. I am going to call on my inner stubborness and (hopefully) get through today. I don’t think I will be seeing the 65’s this week so I’m moving that goal to next week now.

    Oh well, I do this to myself so I can’t complain too much. Luckily this WOL is for the long term.

    All the best everyone x

    By the way Neil, I am 41 but have had no problem with loose skin. I have lost about half the weight you have and in triple (or almost quadruple) the time so much more slowly than you. It’s probably just that your skin hasn’t quite caught up with your weight loss. Give it some time and you will probably see a difference, especially with the exercising.

    Neil, Iā€™m old and only had about 12kg to lose, but some of the saggy skin went away after a year or two. Moisturizer creams and exercise are good for small bits but the places like upper arms seem to be here to stay. Wearing clothes that hide the problem spots are the least painful and expensive ways to deal with it.

    Anzac, I think positive reinforcement for dogs is the first thing to try, but if Maxx has been allowed to get away with jumping on people in the past, or if OH is inconsistent with his training, then you may need something more. The spray makes a loud noise and gets the dogā€™s attention. That seems to work well on a lot of dogs. We ordered a collar for Cooper that works with a remote control. It has a little box that sits just beneath his chin. It holds either water or citronella cartridges. When he barks at OH or DS for no reason I just press a button on the remote. He hears a beep and then gets a small spritz of water. We havenā€™t had to use the citronella. He dislikes the water enough because he doesnā€™t know where it came from. It works over the home WiFi. I think I mentioned it here before. I also tell him st stop at the same time. It only took a few times for him to learn. Actually I have no doubt that he knew all along but was stubborn and barked at them out of force of habit. (He doesnā€™t do it to me.) Maxx probably knows not to jump too. But doing it is fun and a habit that there arenā€™t always repercussions for.
    Think of it like this, do you always respond to positive reinforcement? I donā€™t. If itā€™s something I really want to do (like overeating for example, or spending too much time on the internet) I weigh the outcomes. If they arenā€™t too bad and itā€™s something I really want to do, (or can get away with at least some of the time) Iā€™ll likely do it anyway. If you keep doing what youā€™ve always done when Maxx jumps, heā€™ll keep doing it just like he always does. A loud spray from a can or a spritz at his nose from a collar, are not painful or harmful. But they should get his attention.

    Cinque, Iā€™m sorry to hear the CFS is taking a toll on you lately. Maybe a few more rest days would help. You seem to have a lot of busy ones with the Littles and visiting lately. And your weather has been cold. I know you are already eating well. I hope it helps over time. Iā€™m finally going to make your Mung Bean soup recipe tonight. Iā€™ve had the bag of mung beans sitting on the bench since I bought them last week.

    Quacka, after I looked at your link for the bread on Imgur last night I saw another post there with some of the most amazing moving picture loops of what looks like China and maybe some from Japan. https://imgur.com/gallery/MtUh1Qq I spent the next half hour looking at them and then saw a comment about a BBC produced show called Wild China with some of the most amazing sites in China. I was up watching that for at least half an hour. Iā€™m so easily distracted!

    Good evening everyone

    Cali, thanks for the link šŸ™‚ It distracted me for a while this afternoon when all I could think about was eating. Such beautiful scenery and amazing shots. The platform built around the side of that mountain (rock?) was just wow – it was so high! How on earth did they build that thing!

    Itā€™s 7pm and Iā€™ve just had an omelette and salad for dinner and feel very satisfied, in my belly but also in my head for getting through the day. All psychological fighting today but itā€™s done now at 531 calories.

    Hope you are all ok….. been a little quiet in here today! Not that I was checking every 5 mins……..nooooooooooo šŸ˜‰

    Neil, I am 75, so I am probably stuck with the floppy bits.

    Cinque, that CFS sounds a real nuisance. I have no doubt that you will fight it. Simon H was on again at lunch time today, unfortunately on a channel my elderly and basic system will not record. I read somewhere that the stress of moving house takes six months off your life. Which after my 40 plus houses sounds a little dubious to me. I do, however, understand the joy of being in one place and accumulating all of the resultant junk without worrying about packing it. It will take a considerable amount of pressure to get me out of here.

    I now know that summer is upon us. It is hot and sunny, thunderstorms at 1am last night. Tomorrow is forecast to be the hottest day on record. OK, I accept that 40C is not hot by Australian standards but it is more than we are accustomed to. To reinforce the feeling of summer, the Postie has just delivered a number of Autumn catalogues from firms I have never heard of.

    The youngest of my grand daughters arrived today, accompanied by grand dog. Usually we have two or four. One will be different, so I’ll get out the Canadian canoe and the tent and have a little one to one time with her. She is currently a pescatarian. She is off meat but will eat fish, which is fine with me because a paper I just read suggested that eating fish, oily or white but not shellfish, three times a week radically reduces the risk of color-rectal cancers.

    I don’t usually put on the TV in the afternoon, but our new PM should be back from seeing the Queen by now and it will be interesting to see what he does next. His historical success / failure rate is very mixed and he has said things which seem to have offended half of the people on the planet, but he is usually entertaining. Is it not the Chinese who say “May you live in interesting times” when the old English would have been “Damn your eyes”?

    I read the article and it said that surgery was the only solution for those that had lost a lot of weight, so I might have to settle for looking like the saggy baggy elephant (1 2 3 kick)

    Penguin – I donā€™t know what your opinion of Boris is, but I was having a laugh at Trumpā€™s take on him. When asked what he thought about Boris Trump said ā€œThey call him Englandā€™s Donald Trump, thatā€™s a good thing, they really love me over thereā€

    Anzac, no point doing the same thing and expecting a different result with Maxx. Like with weight loss, it’s a question of how badly you want it to happen. So, I’m still recommending you try the Dazer. I’ve used it personally for over 35 years now. I imported it into Australia for many years. Not harmful to dogs, inaudible by humans, it gets the dog’s attention so you can re-direct undesirable behaviour. Disclaimer: I no longer have any financial interest. IT WORKS!

    I love an eccentric parliamentarian and now there’s an eccentric PM. The victory speech that had me laughing so hard after Australia’s most recent election was Barnaby Joyce’s, “You could’ve been in government you losers but you focussed all your efforts on ousting one man”. As for the ‘offended by everything’ half of England, they need to toughen up. We have created a weak and wimpy race. We must not be afraid to have adult discussions about adult matters.

    Have a laugh about the absurdity of political correctness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHMoDt3nSHs Start at 3.30m

    Another quick post, I had my 6 month checkup with the doctor this morning. He ordered my bloods to be done and took my blood pressure (120/80, perfect BP, yay). The bloods were non-fasting so I actually had to eat something for breakfast. It felt really weird actually eating in the morning when I haven’t done it for the last 6 months. I made a quick cheese omelette and hopefully that won’t screw up my eating later in the day.

    Morning, another sunny day in Sydney. 20 degrees. They said on the news that we have now had 7 consecutive days of 20 degrees or warmer and that equals the record. If it does indeed reach 20 today it will break the record. The question is ‘is July the new September?’


    I’m working hideous hours, surrounded by junk food and take away but I am still grimly hanging onto the 84’s. Whilst devastated that I’m not losing, I am also proud to not be shovelling food into my mouth at a rate of knots as a stress relief. 84.9 this morning so well up from my 84.4 but I’m more prepared today with lots of very healthy snacks like carrot sticks, strawberries and a handful of raw almonds to nibble on when I feel the need to stick my head in a bag of chips. So far I have avoided that!

    Quacka, you are so inspiring with getting through tough FD’s. I hope I can return to normal 5:2 soon.

    Neil, you made me laugh about your saggy baggy elephant quip. But it is still much better than having the loose skin tight across a fat body right?

    40 degrees in the UK is awfully hot Penguin. You aren’t used to it so it must be brutal. I hope you enjoy your time with grand daughter and grand dog and it sounds like you have lots of fun activities planned. I read that your new PM is nicknamed BOJO. Funny, because ours is nicknamed SCOMO. I also saw a very funny caption of Donald Trump and BOJO dressed alike gazing adoringly at each other. Good luck! We are a bit panicked here (at work) at his determination to get Brexit in by 31 October. It is a HUUUGE project here and they are running behind and are desperate for it to be delayed. As bad as my project is, I’m glad I’m not on that one

    Thin, bless you, for putting me in the ‘young people’ bracket. I’m not you know; I’ve got 10+ years on the true youngsters Quacka and Neil šŸ™‚
    I went to buy a Dazer when you first recommended it but hubby was dead against it. I could see an argument looming so I left it. We still haven’t managed to fit the nose bridle properly (he pulls out of it) so at training on Sunday we will either ask them to show us the proper way to fit it or give it back and try a different type. I think this will work (please God)

    Thanks for the dog advice and information Cali. We are very much almost at the stage of trying a citronella collar. We will get this bridle fitted properly and try that and if that doesn’t work the collar will be the next step. I do hope we don’t have to though as I hate the thought of scaring him. OH just called with his morning ‘walk report’ and apparently Maxx was an angel. The reason? Leftover chicken schnitzel as treats! We agreed that we needed to ‘fade the lure’ and stop treating him every time he did something right but I didn’t realise he had practically stopped treating altogether and way too quickly. So no blooming wonder Maxx suddenly regressed. So now he is back to treating regularly and will fade it slowly. Men! (Sorry Penguin/Neil)

    Glad it is warmer Cinque and I hope babysitting went well last night. I look forward to when I will be able to babysit my great-niece. Gosh she is a cutie and LOVES LOVES LOVES her food. Hmmmmmm – where did she get that from?

    Gah, must get to work as I am experiencing an avalanche. I do need time to chat with you all to keep me sane though! Hi LJ, Betsy, Intesha, Gday, lgbran, Perthgirl, Crazy, aurorin and anyone else who I’ve missed. Have a great day

    Good morning all

    NFD for me today so a big yay from me too! Weight this morning 66.3kg, so tantalisingly close to the 65s. Next week I will definitely get there if not earlier.

    It’s nice when you go to the doc and get some good news, Neil. All your efforts are paying off nicely and I bet your blood tests come back great too.
    I also had some omelette for breakfast (leftover from last night’s). I have been reading about the Egg fast on other threads and it’s quite interesting how it works. I contemplated doing it but I think incorporating eggs into FDs and even NFDs might work better for me. I would miss my veggies way too much.

    OK, keeping my post short this morning. Hope everyone is doing well and I hope the FDs go easy for the Thursday fasters. To us on NFDs, let’s have a nice healthy one.

    Good morning everyone,
    Fast Day for me!

    Quacka, I think you might be right, Neil’s skin will catch up with him. Neil, you will just have to enjoy being the saggy baggy elephant while it lasts.

    Penguin, I hope everyone can keep cool in that heat, and the garden survives too. Are you going fishing in the canoe? It will be a wonderful time for your granddaughter, those one on one times are special.

    I used to think two years was a long time to spend in a place, and I mostly remember events by where I was living, so time has become weird with 15 years in the same place!

    Eccentric is a good adjective Thin. I’m inclined to think both the US and the UK have now jumped the shark, but I am watching the Boris dancing to see what happens next.

    Wo Anzac, thinking of the work happening to try and prepare for Brexit… no wonder people are panicking.
    Ignore all that disgusting junk food!
    And what a relief to work out that it is the treats, or lack of them, that explains Maxx’s bad behaviour. You’ll have him back under control before you know it.

    Babysitting did go well!
    I am taking it very easy, and doing all the things that I know are good for me.

    Also making mung bean soup! We can sup in tandem Cali.

    Neil, 120 over 80 is textbook perfect BP. Beautiful.

    Quacka enjoy a lovely fast day with lovely food, not too much. (Go veggies!) And yay for 65’s next week.

    Lovely to hear a quote from Margaret Fulton (vale) talking about portion sizes. She said lamingtons were meant to be small enough that they could sit on your tea saucer beside a cup of tea. And so was a muffin or cup cake. Teeny weeny,

    Cheers all.

    Morning SHs!

    Tuesday FD went smoothly. Being on the road helped as I went to various appointments across town. Did have a handful of nuts in the late afternoon when I was stuck in peak hour traffic on M1 going home. Managed also to squeeze in a brisk 2.7km walk before it started to rain. Had a cup of veggie broth in the evening with my family while they had chicken with rice. I resisted temptation to sneak in a few bites. šŸ˜‚

    Yesterday was NFD. Ate a light lunch of canned tuna in springwater mixed with cooked frozen vegetables. Family and I had a Groupon for a meat platter at a Greek cafe that we planned to used in the evening so I didn’t want up blow my TDEE with big lunch. Turned out I couldnt eat much for dinner anyway. Was feeling quite satisfied with a skewer plus bits of dips/pita bread so I stopped.

    Start of another FD today. Going to be another day of appointments with offsite clients.

    Weigh in at 68.4 kg this morning from start point of 89.9kg in Feb. 3.4kg to go to reach healthy BMI. Its amazing to think I have finally gone back to my pre-pregnancy weight after 11 years (also tinge of regret that it has taken me so long to do something about it). It was surreal when I had to dig through my pile of clothes that I put away for the Salvos in Dec to find something that fits me now. I remembered feeling disgusted at myself and depressed at the time when I was at my heaviest and had to go buy size 16 clothes. Now pulling out my old size 12s and finding them bit loose on my body nearly made me cry. It’s been an emotional moment.

    Okay.. I didn’t think I was going to write long and wanted to respond to a couple of posts. Guess I went bit off tangent. Will try post another since I have some time this morning!

    Post 2!

    PerthGirl,read your post to LGbran and it makes so much sense. Past diets have never worked on me because I work to reach a target and then my weight rebound once I go back to “normal eating”. It is changing our relationship with food to have a sustainable WOL that seems long term results. Starvation mode is a real thing. Earlier on when I started IF, in my desire to see quick results, I was cutting off food even in NFD. I thought less I eat, more I lose. Predictably my weight loss plateaued as my body fought against being starved. It was a very helpful lesson. Now I eat on NFD, just ensuring I eat till I am satiated, following my new body’s rhythm. Worked lots better. Occasionally I change up the rhythm by swapping FDs or do two consecutive days of 24h fast when my body get too used to 4:3.

    Neil/Thin, same issues of loose skin too. Mostly on my belly and underarms but I can live with it by avoiding sleeveless clothes or exposing my midriff. šŸ˜‚ I am 43 this year and I think there’s still hope to tighten up the loose skin by targeted exercise to tone those parts of the body plus heaps of moisturiser.

    Cinque, I am typing this in bed so…. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I do love my bed so much on cold days. I practically leave it only when I have to in the mornings. But once I am out, I am good and busy for the rest of the day. Hope you are feeling better and glad to hear babysitting went well! Those links for recipes were very interesting.. I just need to get my partner on to trying some. Hahaha! I am with you on a FD today!

    Penguin, I have only just gathered that you live in the UK. Yes.. Interesting times ahead with your new PM. Hope that you are enjoying your 1:1 with your grand daughter and grand dog.

    Quacka, no doubt that you will reach 65s soon. I think I need to Google what an egg fast is. I love eggs, in all forms. Best is if they are in the form of scrambled eggs with heaps of butter on toasts. I wonder if that qualify for the egg fast.. I will happily eat that for days. šŸ˜‹

    Cali, love the Wild China docu! Been backpacking through China on a couple of trips before kiddo was born and I have extended family there. Its beautiful once you step away from cities and big towns. There’s lotsa commercialisation in the last 10 years to promote tourism in places with cultural significance which unfortunately, not all are done well. Now it is almost the norm to build those glass bridges and walk ways to any mountains to attract tourists. Hmm..

    Anzac, work sounds moderately horrid and I am sending you lots of good energy from Melbourne. Your prep of veg and fruits /nuts sounds much better than junk food and takeaways. I hope that things get better on the work front. I am not much into dog training but wondered if its similar to parenting, you know, both parents having to be consistent? I am thinking teaching anything follows similar basic learning principles of consistency, scaffolding, and appropriate reinforcement. Hopefully Maxx learns quicker if he gets the same consistent message from you and your partner.

    Anyway I ran out of time and should skaddle out of bed and get ready for work. I probably miss out on responding to some others that I had wanted to… I am bit haphazard with my posts. Still, all the best to those on FD, and those on NFD, enjoy!

    Good afternoon all.

    Thin & Betsy
    I’m just home from my very first session of playing scored bridge in the novice supervised group. I didn’t have a partner today so I had one of the supervisors as a partner – needless to say that was somewhat of an advantage and we came first with 72%! (I seriously doubt I’ll manage that again with a genuine novice partner.) What surprised me as I moved throughout the tables during play, was how long some of these people have been in the supervised novice group – most did their beginners classes 1-2 years ago. I have so much to learn – I kept leading the wrong card. I’m also shocked by how tired I feel. Normally I’d have to race off to babysitting now and I’m not sure if I can manage that long term so I might have to rethink Thursdays as bridge day.

    Neil, I have lost over 50kg twice in my life (the same 50+ I might add). The first time was in my 20s and with a couple of years of gym effort the majority (but not all) of the skin firmed up. Over the last 5 years I did it again, but as I’m now in my late 50s my skin has most definitely not shrunk back and I’m under no illusion that it will. I am planning to just live with it, as I don’t want the risk or cost of the surgery option. I also find the loose skin is a good reminder of just what I’ve done to my body that I never intend to repeat it.
    My conclusion was that youth and exercise – especially toning with weights – are the two key things for firming up loose skin.

    Anzac, I’m sure you’ll find a solution with Maxx. The teacher should also have more ideas if you can explain what isn’t working.
    I think staying in the 84s with all that stress and food temptation is an achievement to be proud of.

    Penguin, that sounds like a lovely time with your grand-daughter. I never did things like that with my grandfathers. The only 1:1 time I remember was helping my Pop pick fruit – especially raspberries. It was lucky he didn’t object to me eating more than ended up in my little bucket!
    Penguin, take care in that heat. Although I’m sure you’ve seen it before in Portugal, British homes are not designed to cope with that sort of heat.
    Good luck with the new PM – for your sake I hope he has talents that he’s kept well hidden until now.

    Cali, are you having a heat wave over there too?
    I’ll probably be pulling more mung bean soup out of the freezer for my FD dinner tomorrow so it will be a mung bean party!

    Aurorin, good to hear it was an straightforward FD. I too find that a busy day is easier. It’s a good thing that you didn’t send those size 12s to charity. I sent each larger size to charity as I grew out of it so I am determined not to regain weight as I really would have nothing to wear – maybe a dressing gown.

    Quacka, you did well sticking to your FD despite the mental messages. I think they can be harder to deal with than genuine hunger.

    Time for another cuppa now.

    LJ, we were up to 38 here today so I spent a lot of time in the air conditioned indoors. Those temperatures arenā€™t unusual here, but weā€™ve had a very mild summer up until now. Penguin, your 40 degrees beat ours. That sounds very hot for the UK. I was going to ask you about a link for that study on fish and colon cancer but when I Googled it I came up with many studies showing the same. I wonder though how much fish one can eat before mercury becomes a problem? I always thought it was supposed to be limited to 2 – 3 times per week.

    Cinque, that mung bean soup turned out great. But does it really take 500 grams of spinach? I used a little less but it seemed like a lot. I have to remember to soak the beans next time. I made them in the Instant Pot without soaking. They were well cooked in 15 minutes. But they produced a great deal of gas throughout the night, even though Iā€™m used to eating a lot of beans and they donā€™t usually cause much. They are really a nice type of bean. They were really creamy, similar to lentils. I will definitely buy more.

    Anzac, I donā€™t think the spray collar scares Cooper. He seems more surprised or annoyed than scared. We have been able to use the water spray cartridge rather than the citronella. The collar came with one of each. We would have used the citronella if the plain water didnā€™t work. It was very effective, much more than I expected. We only put the collar on him in the evening when we expect the bad behavior. We donā€™t even need it most of the time now. The voice command works without it.

    LJ, congrats on your bridge score! Regardless of who your partner was, it sounds like you are learning the game quickly.

    Aurorin, youā€™re doing a great job with the weight loss. And because this has become a way of life for you, you should be able to maintain by sticking with it from now on. Thatā€™s the beauty of it.

    Neil, great news on the BP! I will be anxious to hear how the blood tests come back. I bet you will see a lot of improvement.

    Penguin, now our countries both have leaders with bizarre hair styles of dubious color. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2019/07/24/trump-boris-johnson-jeanne-moos-pkg-ebof-vpx.cnn

    Cali, Heavy metals are a problem, made worse by the uncertain origin of some fish. A couple of years ago some of the cod on sale in UK turned out on closer examination to be an Asian catfish that when cut up looks and tastes similar. I haven’t fished for years but I still have my old fly rod, so I’ll try for the local trout. They should be OK.

    The fun (?) has started with BoJo. He has set a new record for sacking Cabinet members and replacing them with his own people. The comparison with President Trump is inevitable. They are both overweight, sloppy dressers who need a haircut and have enough women in their past to keep the press interested. I think it stops there. Boris hides it well but he is actually intelligent. He also has a serious problem that the President does not – he may have won the Conservative Party but his power base in the Commons is tiny. He needs to get this right quickly or he could set another record and be the shortest serving PM ever.

    A warm day here already, and this week we are on the cooler side of the country. A little further inland they are saying that 40C air temp will translate to 50C or more at track level so the trains are on a slower schedule. Grand dog enjoyed his morning walk, as did I. There is a community of dog-walkers and their animals into which he naturally fits so it was a morning of “hello old friend”. Grand daughter, of course, is still asleep.

    Penguin, love the BoJo moniker. It sounds very “celebrity”, which completely fits my limited view of Boris.

    Cali, glad you got that cooling system fixed when you did, you’ll need it this week.
    I always pre-soak whole mung beans. They have quite a strong waterproof skin and I usually find I need to pour hot/boiling water over them to make sure they all soak – otherwise there a are a few stubborn beans that remain hard. This time I bought cracked mung beans – they are broken roughly into halves, but the skins are still there, so no fibre lost. They soaked very quickly and required little cooking – it was a really good texture for a soup. These didn’t cause any gas issues.

    I don’t think I need to worry about mercury poisoning. I’m not a fish fan and struggle to get to one serve a week! That’s why I continue taking fish oil – I know I’ll never manage to eat enough of it for good health.

    Yummy NFD dinner tonight. Lamb shanks with the last of the cumin roasted vegetables. I’ll be fasting tomorrow.

    Hi folks,
    another day of 500 kgs or less,
    I plan to weigh myself every second day.Was watching the idiot box this arvo and a dr came on re:Dietry myths.It was only short but it just reinforced what you guys are doing. Basically give yourself 13 hours between your last meal and the next the following day. Eating 5 small meals a day doesn’t make you loose weight. A few minutes of exercise a day and preferably just before you eat makes a big difference. I hollered out to my wife , Yay Im on the right track. I weighed myself last night and either id lost some more weight or had it recorded incorrectly and it stayed the same. I’m ok with it. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Ive lost 25kgs in the past and will again. Someone mentioned excess skin. I had a bit when i lost weight previously but that’s further down the track. Im only having one meal a day and its working fine.Hopefully with some common sense once i loose the weight will adopt a more sensible approach.

    Anzac 65, I’ve got a 5 year old Mini Foxy. He’s my training partner and hyper as but a delight,
    Im allergic to bees. In my vintage years there’s a bit more body mass to absorb the venom if stung
    but would rush to hospital if stung.
    Cinque not related to Ljoyce. a Carlton supporter through and through but have mellowed as I’ve gotten older.Will fire up my airfryer on the weekend. Glad i didn’t get a large one as this is large enough, not so in cooking size but in the room it takes up in the pantry. Going to make some scones and from what i can gather its easy as. We will see. Cinque looking forward to trying some of your recipes.Going to wake up earlier tomorrow as a cold front arrives and my dog loves his walks

    Hello All

    I’ve been avoiding checking this forum because, frankly, I’ve been quite dispirited by my lack of progress on the 5:2. In a nutshell: my first FD was on 18 March; after 2 months I’d dropped 2.0kg (from 66 to 64 kg); weighed 62 kg on 21 June, and am still that weight as of today (25 July).

    I’m 157cm tall.
    I’m keeping to under 500 cals on FDs (often way under), and under the TDEE for my goal weight of 58kg.

    When I first started the 5:2 in late 2016, I dropped from 70.5 kg to 63.5 kg in 13 weeks, so expected to follow a similar trajectory this time.
    If any of you have any advice or suggestions, would be very grateful to hear them.
    Thanks and Cheers

    Chatelaine, sorry to hear you have been having such a tough time of it. Given that you’ve said your FDs and NFDs are both under the calorie limits I’d suggest I have limited advice to offer.
    It might just be that your body doesn’t want to be your goal of 60kg but is happy at 62. This can happen – I got stuck at 79kg for 5 months before my body finally relented and allowed me to lose the remaining 4kg to get to my goal of 75kg. After 3 months I had actually given up losing any more weight and was just using 5:2 for maintenance when my weight finally started shifting again and gradually went down to 75.
    Unfortunately we don’t control the scales. The only things you are in control of with this are:
    – the calories you consume
    – the type of food you choose to eat
    – the activity you do regularly
    As you have the calories managed perhaps look at the other options.

    For some people the type of foods they eat can make a big difference. The main issue that comes to mind is insulin resistance. For people with this problem it isn’t just the calories that effect weight it’s sugars and the types of carbohydrate that the body can easily convert to sugars. (I know someone who was insulin resistant and was unable to lose weight on 800 cal per day unless she also limited sugars and most carbs and also took Metformin – a medication for pre-diabetics.) If you can’t get your weight to shift by making changes, then it might be time to have a talk to your GP and/or a dietitian.

    Hi all, checking in before the pumpkin hour, as I’m (finally!) trying to adhere to a more reasonable sleep/ getting up schedule. I see the doc tomorrow, so will find out what all my blood test results look like, plus the MRI result for my right knee. Not expecting any major dramas, except maybe a fight re Lipitor. My BP this morning was 112/72, so we might need to discuss if I really need the BP meds.

    Chatelaine, many post-ers have commented on how hard it can be to shift those last few kgs. You seem to be doing all the right things, and your previous weight loss was from much higher to about where you are now, not down further. It’s much easier to lose when you’re much more than your ideal weight. Just don’t give up on yourself. One possible suggestion – try a couple of water fast days a week rather than 500 cals, to try to shift those stubborn last few kgs (that means fluid with little to no calories, not just water, so black tea/coffee, diet sodas, mineral water, bouillon, are all allowed).

    Speaking of water fasting, there are a couple of youtube videos I’ve seen with Dr Jason Fung on water fasting and its benefits re preventing loose skin accumulation – maybe you could look those up, neilithicman and penguin?

    Anzac65, I totally failed at my B2B2…. but I hope your FD went well. You seem to be managing extraordinarily well, with all the stress from work. Well done you for maintaining your losses!

    Aurorin, as you can see from the above, didn’t manage the FDs, but…. I have finally been feeling well over the past couple of days, which is such a change, and actually have some energy again. Unlike you, I eat very little pasta, which helps with reducing the carb intake.

    Quacka, well done in freezing the sourdough; that’s exactly what I do if I buy bread or rolls – straight into the freezer, and only take out a limited quantity when I want to eat some. Actually, I have 3-4 loaves of sliced bread in the freezer taking up space, and they’ve been there for several months. Might have to try to eat a little more, to start clearing out the freezer.

    Perth girl, your description of your weight loss in the 80s sounds really sensible, and you’re right, “normal” eating isn’t normal, if people would just look at their daily TDEE needs.

    Neilithicman, congrats on the continuing weight loss; you’re an inspiration!

    thinatlast, great bridge result, 7 out of 9 is a good effort, and you’ll keep improving!

    Speaking of which, aya LJoyce, well done! Even if you did have a supervisor as a partner, it’s still an excellent result.

    Penguin, hope you and everyone living around you survives the expected heat. That’s REALLY hot for your part of the world, and especially for older folk, they really need to be checked up on. Lots of frequent, cold water!!! Hope you had a great day with your granddaughter.

    aurorin, you seem to have lost weight sensibly and well – good for you!

    CalifDreamer, so glad you have a working air-conditioner now in the summer heat. Re fish, the recommended amount per week is about 3 times a week, so that fits with the limitations due to mercury.

    And time to go. Keep on keeping on everyone, especially those who’ve not posted for a while. Hope you’re doing okay – including GDayfromSA, Intesha, Merryme, etc.

    Chatelaine. When my weight plateaued I went to water fasting, or more accurately fluids – I permit myself coffee and tea. There are lots of people who will tell you that zero cal days are not a good idea, but most of them have never tried it. My longest is four days without food, the routine is two, whenever I feel the need. When doing this and immediately after I feel really fit and bouncy, with no energy problems.

    I think I have just been round your house. I took my grand daughter for an NFD lunch at our local castle. This part of the world was fought over by the Romans and Britons, Saxons and Britons, Normans and Welsh, Normans and Normans and pretty much everyone else for about 1700 years, so there are lots of castles. Ours is pretty knocked about, they picked the wrong side in the last of our civil wars and Cromwell’s boys gave it a serious hammering. Whilst passing through their shop I remembered that some years ago I bought a bottle of mead there and I still have it un-opened. That may change.

    Evening all,

    I lost my post when I was almost done typing it out as my phone run out of power. That’s frustrating but I guess will just try to do another (abbreviated version). šŸ˜­

    Chatelaine, I tried changing my fasting days /routine when my weight loss plateaued. Included HIIT into my exercise routine for the week and that seems to help too. Hopefully one of the many suggestions here will help you. Don’t give up.

    Penguin, envious that there’s an actual castle near where you live. Must be fun for your grand daughter!

    Betsy, sometimes plans change and that’s by no means a failure. All the best with the doctor appointment tomorrow!

    LGbran, I am one of those crazy people that weigh myself morning and evening. I thought that will give me a better understanding of how much goes in and out. Then I realised lots of things can affect weight fluctuations such as water intake. But I think I am too used to this routine now. šŸ˜‚

    Cali, thanks for the encouragement! I feel optimistic with this WOL and will stick to it. šŸ˜Š

    LJ, there’s a tiny bit of me that goes “what if” and wondered if I will regain the kgs i lost. But you are right, I need to not give myself that option and move confidently forward. Those oversized clothes are in the bags and out in the next collection.

    Today FD was okay though not a water fast. I had a small meal of tofu with veggies in the evening. I had a long day and did a 5km walk so felt like something bit more substantial than fluids.

    Anyway, off to bed now. Till next time, here’s me sending everyone positive vibes! šŸ¤—

    Good morning everyone,

    Chatelaine, lovely to hear from you, but so sorry 5:2 is so frustrating at the moment.
    I am also a few kilos above the weight I would prefer to be (which is right at the bottom end of my healthy weight range). However I am aware I often eat a bit more than necessary on NFDs, so I am mostly glad I have the fast days to stop me putting more weight on. It is only slightly tongue in cheek that I suggest you move house, like Thin, or try to start a cafe, like I was when I was so busy and weight dropped off.
    The comforting thing really is that you haven’t put any weight on, and hopefully 5:2 has been sustainable in your life.
    Very interesting to read everyone else’s observations, I hope there is something in them that sparks a solution.

    Has anyone else noticed a greater drop of weight on weeks that you overeat on one of the days? I have found that recently, when I eat a consistent amount of calories most days of the week, I get modest weight loss. On weeks that I eat a lot of food on Saturday, as long as I don’t have too much sugar, I get bigger weight loss. Perhaps my body gets used to receiving a certain amount of calories and adjusts, then a big day of calories kick starts my metabolism and makes my fast days more effective? I might give it a try this weekend and see if I get a decent weight drop again next week.

    LJ, great score. I love being paired with the gurus. Except that they always make us swap sides if they win a contract so that we have to play it. That makes it even more tiring. When I started supervised, I was also surprised by how long some had been in the group, thinking they must be quite thick to stay there 2-3 years. Now I’m approaching 2 years myself! Although, we did at least venture into the dark side after a year.

    Penguin, interesting Boris observations. He hadn’t been in office 12 hours when our ABC came down on him like a ton of bricks, all negativity and gloom. How unpredictable. They can’t wait for him to fail. Why is no longer possible to simply report the news rather than try to influence opinion? Well, my thinking is that, if they hate him that much, he will be good for Britain.

    Chatelaine, welcome back. I must have missed your earlier return to the forum as I can’t read everything just now.

    Anzac, you are a youngster. But, you’re quite right, I did forget to include Quacka in that category.

    Cinque, how is Yam Daisy coming along?

    Neil, fantastic results. You must look and feel terrific with all that weight gone. You are our 5:2 pin-up boy!

    Second post (post coffee šŸ˜‰ )

    Good fast day yesterday. Lovely porridge for breakfast this morning.

    I didn’t make the mung bean soup as I need to buy several ingredients (will do this morning!) So my beans will have a nice long soak time.
    Cali, your poor tum. I was reading the other day that legumes have so much of those prebiotic wonders, that even healthy micro-biomes find it hard to cope. When soaking, some of the (soluble fibre maybe? or resistant starch?) leaches out and makes them easier eating. You might need to eat the rest of your batch in small serves.
    Do just go by what you like re the 500g spinach, the original recipe might have meant a 500g bunch of spinach that then had stems cut off and ended up less. I will notice today how many greens I put in! (but I do love lots of greens and they do shrink down greatly).

    Re fish, I find it so hard, between mercury and overfishing, to find what I can eat. I know mercury is more of a worry in big fish, and that sardines are good ones to eat!

    Aurorin I loved your chatty posts yesterday, and yes, I am putting a positive spin on having to take it easy and so I am enjoying my rests. I spend so much time wishing I was healthy and could work, and yet when I worked I used to imagine just being able to stay home and rest!

    Penguin, scary to see all the temperature records broken these last couple of days.
    I am like LJoyce in that I have no lovely memories of time with grandparents. It is a great pleasure I can spend quality time with my granddaughters.

    Lgbran, isn’t it nice when a doctor comes on TV talking health issues and we can say yes, yes, doing all that šŸ™‚ Enjoy that air fryer.

    Betsy, sympathy that the B2Bx4 didn’t work, but I imagine it would need to be number one priority to make it happen, and you have a lot of other things on your plate. Hooray that you are getting your bounce back and good luck with those blood test results.

    Aurorin, so annoying to lose that post, thanks for writing it again. I hope you are having a lovely morning after fast day, like I am. It is the best.

    Neil, an interesting scientific experiment to run! Write down your results so you have good data.

    Thin, YamDaisy is in recess. I have got further with the business plan but have decided that rather than try and start a community food grass roots organisation to get it off the ground, it would be more effective to contract some YamDaisy meals, maybe through one of the social enterprises already in existence, to get YamDaisy started. This means rejigging my business plan again. Sigh. But I might still get there in the end!

    Not today though. I am going to catch up with my daughter and the littlest little one to do some shopping and then make that soup. That’s it for one day. Sigh, I only live about 20% of what normal people manage. Enjoy your 100% those of you who have it!

    Cheers all.

    Morning all.

    if I can chip in about Boris. We’ll have to wait and see, I guess.
    Maybe, Thin, our ABC read this article?

    Cinque enjoy your day with your daughter and the littlest one. What a balancing act, to live your life well, while not causing yourself harm. But….seeing family and making soup sounds like a great day, nevertheless, and I hope you enjoy it.

    I have just had a bundle of pyrex storage/cooking containers delivered. Stage One of my challenge t give up Gladwrap totally. It’s a useful but dreadful product, so I’m going to try to do without it. Maybe in a decade or more I will have learned how to make wax paper from the hive, but in the meantime I think it will be a challenge. Any tips?

    Zipping off now to have lunch with my brother and SIL before they head O/S on Tuesday, so no time to respond to all posts.
    Back later.

    Hi all

    Lgbran. Welcome to another Victorian. Hats off to you for doing OMAD, that would challenge my resolve. Glad you have support at home, more important than your GP. I also usually go for the best I can afford but I figured that with the air fryer I didnā€™t want to invest a large sum on something i mightnā€™t use. I have only had mine a few days and I can see it should be a very useful gadget. Sweet potato chips were delicious.

    LJ Your wonderful endorsement of airfryers has boosted sales quite a bit, pity you arenā€™t getting commission. I am going to try kale chips soon, I tried doing them in the oven once and only a few were nice and crisp. The air fryer should work better. Have you tried Brussel sprouts in the fryer. I did them with balsamic vinegar and they were very tasty. You are such a practical thinker, flattening the box is a great idea and it does solve the storage problem. Well done at bridge, even with an experienced partner you wouldnā€™t have come first if you hadnā€™t played well. You might find it gets less tiring as you get used to it, knowing you had to keep up with an experienced player probably took more mental energy than if you were more relaxed.

    Aurorin. Another Victorian, welcome to you to. Iā€™m a Monday/Thursday faster so we will be together. I like my breakfast though so trying to fast all day is beyond me. Miso soup midday does get me through from breakfast though which still surprises me. My mother loved playing the piano and sent me for lessons but it didnā€™t take for me. I admire those who are musical.

    Thin. You will look back at this time and laugh, and how much easier it will be to keep in contact with DD now than when you set off from home all those years ago. Bridge players are very competitive it seems, I guess that is what keeps driving you on.

    Neil. Congrats on your 6 months. Itā€™s amazing to look back at the old you and marvel at the changes you have made in such a short time. ā€˜A little poochā€™, it used to be a large ā€˜poochā€™ Iā€™m sure and you will either tighten the muscles with all your exercise or your skin will bounce back because you are still young. Us older people just dress cleverly and if our wing flaps etc show, wear our wrinkles with pride because we earned them. Canā€™t comment on the weight loss conundrum as Iā€™ve managed to be fairly controlled every day. I bet your blood tests results will be outstanding.

    Lindsay. The best honey I have tasted was in South Africa where the hotels had a breakfast buffet with a large piece of honeycomb which dripped into a bowl and you served yourself. The complexity of the flavours was a revelation. There is a Conversations podcast on 9th May about Australian bees which sounds very good. You seem to be back in good health, I hope your brain has adjusted to your new vision.

    Cinque. All those moves must have kept you very uncluttered, it must be so much nicer to just stop. I miss your mung bean soup, I could make it but the quantity would be a bit much and I donā€™t have a big freezer. It must be hard to balance your different health needs, I hope you are maintaining your energy levels ok. Any cafe you ran would have had some lovely food.

    Calif. I can just imagine the puzzled look on Coopers face when he gets that spray, it sounds like a very gentle way to train him. I know of people who use water spray to train cats not to jump on tables etc. Another mung bean soup convert, I didnā€™t use a lot of spinach in mine partly as it would have been very costly, it is about $14 a kilo here, I still liked the flavour.

    Betsy. Glad you are finally getting your energy back, and trying those sensible sleep hours, Iā€™m a bit of a night owl too but I generally can sleep in at the other end. Great numbers for your blood pressure, hope the other numbers are not too bad. Thankfully, doughnuts especially the cream filled ones donā€™t tempt me, you will just have to think ā€˜white noiseā€™ thoughts next time you see them. Yes, I would love to share our mutual birthday with you and Cinque, looking forward to it.

    Crazy. Hope you are ok now, nasty bugs are not good to have. Iā€™m sure you can think of appropriate words which fit DD when the girls gang up on you, in the nicest way of course. Re weighing, do you have any medical appointments where they have chair scales? Could you use something like that at regular intervals to chart your progress?

    Penguin. You sound like a perfect granddad, I bet those kids love visiting you and Mrs P. Love the story about your wedding, those years donā€™t count for much now. Stay well in the heat, I might be Australian but donā€™t cope well with high temperatures. We have ceiling fans which help a bit but hot nights are the pits.

    Quakka. You are showing great determination these days, if you ever need inspiration in the future, you just need to read some of these old posts to get you going again. Have you got far to go, I think Iā€™ve asked this before and have forgotten the answer. You must look good where you are now especially if you donā€™t have any loose skin, MIL probably doesnā€™t realise that you are still on the way down.

    Anzac. You have lots to be proud of, handling all that stress, being exposed to junk food and staying under 85. Well done. When I did dog training, they said training the dog was easy but training the trainer was the hard part. OH no doubt would be sad if you had to part with Maxx so he needs to do his bit too. How rude for someone online to criticise what you are doing, I hope you can get the bridle to work but the water spray collar sounds like a gentle way to get him to behave. I grew up in a time when a whack with a rolled up newspaper was the training aid of choice, it made a loud noise but didnā€™t hurt.

    Chatelaine. I can understand your frustration, there is lots of good advice out there. Iā€™ve read about egg fasting on another thread and that seems to be an effective way of breaking a stalemate. You seem close to goal and maybe your body is happy at that weight. We all arbitrarily pick a number and there isnā€™t always a sensible reason for it. Do you feel well and energised, do you look good in your clothes, are your health markers good? Maybe this is the right level for you. Only you can answer that question

    We have now moved to Tin Can Bay, east of Gympie on the coast. Itā€™s a little fishing community with a large marina and not much else. Just over the horizon is Fraser Island, hi Lindsay if you are over there. It is odd because it has no swimming beach, just huge sand flats when the tide goes out. A pleasant caravan park, well laid out walks along the shore with lots of information boards about local fauna and flora and not too far from Gympie, Maryborough and Hervey Bay for day trips. It also has a great fresh fish outlet and we have already had beautiful snapper and a seafood platter, fits in well on a FD. They also have a dragon boat team here and free try out sessions, I have toyed with the idea of trying this so I might go down and have a go. I canā€™t swim well and donā€™t relish getting wet but they assure me you donā€™t end up in the water, often. There are also wild dolphins which come in most mornings and volunteers give a very informative talk and you can feed them (the dolphins). 65kg this morning, 31 weeks WOL, 24.8 BMI. This was my original (wishful thinking) goal. I now want to get to 63kg, should be able to get into my wedding dress then. When I get there Iā€™ll do a happy dance and start managing maintenance. Who would have thunk it.

    Hi folks,
    just waiting for the rain to arrive. Managed a quick 7k walk with m pooch.Quick for me as the youngsters
    go past. My wife doesn’t quite agree with the purchase of the Air Fryer, as she said we have an oven.Some home made scones will win her over. re: apps as i like keep track of what i do.

    I was using zero (iPhone to keep track of time between meals). Have been using My fitness pal to keep track of my daily intake(iPad . Its good and its not to happy with me being below my daily recomended KJs.
    Last but not least i use my fast (iPad) which allows me to keep track of time fasting and eating.Looking at into 19hours have elapsed since my last meal, 86% of daily goal. I know there’s a lot of apps out there but that’s what im using. Have a great day

    Hi folks, just popping in briefly. Good to read all the posts.

    Klondikekween, sounds like you’ve arrived at a beautiful place. Will you stay there long, or do you tend to move on every couple of weeks? Like you, I am free to sleep in, but I really need to work on my doctorate data, so can’t really afford to waste so much of the daylight hours. I find it more difficult to settle to the study at night.

    Cinque, Saw the doctor today and managed to brush off my slightly elevated cholesterol ā€“ to be tested again in 3 months, and Iā€™d better eat better until then. He was actually far more concerned about my right knee MRI ā€“ Iā€™d told him my knee was a problem but I donā€™t think he really realised how much of a problem it really was until he read the report, even though he was around when I had the bicycle injury and was repatriated from China. Result ā€“ immediately referred to an orthopaedic specialist. However, not necessarily to have surgery, first to get an opinion. I mainly manage to keep the knee stable by consistently doing strengthening exercises of the muscles around the knee.

    From today, will be eating more mindfully. I have a few treats around, but can space them out so there are no excessive NFDs, and letā€™s hope I will maintain the slight loss shown so far this month.

    Have a great weekend everyone, but eat mindfully! šŸ™‚

    Lindsay, very amusing article thank you!

    Saturday morning, and I am feeling very pleased as I had a particularly good sleep last night. If I knew how I did it, I could do it again!

    I made my mung bean soup yesterday, and enormous saucepan full so I had a (small) second helping last night and still have a container in the fridge and two containers in the freezer.
    I did use lots of greens, but from my garden, and I didn’t weigh them. I do guess they were equal to a big bunch of spinach as sold in my greengrocers, which google tells me weighs up to 500g but half the weight is in stems.

    Lindsay I LOVE pyrex containers with good snap on lids. I have more than a dozen in different sizes and use them all the time. Only tip: remember to use them! My only worry was that they are so heavy in my freezer drawers, but all is well so far. I hardly use gladwrap, I must have had my roll for three or four years and there is still plenty on it. (I do a lot of balancing plates or saucers on bowls, as a cover, if I am not using my pyrex containers). Good ones last so well.
    I am keen to try those waxed wraps, but haven’t yet.

    Klondi, ha yes, LJoyce would have got some great commissions for all those new air fryers! (Lgbran I hope those scones work!)

    Re clutter, I do try to avoid it, and moving so often helped. When I was first moving around I could fit all my belongings in the boot of a car. Motherhood changed all that! Now I brace myself at the door not letting anything come in! Ha. Grandchildren turned my home into Tim the Toyman’s (shop in the city when I was young), and YamDaisy means I have a pie warmer and a cold display unit in my loungeroom and a stack of large containers full of kitchen things in my spare room. Poor guests! At least my new YamDaisy plan means I can clear them out.

    Tin Can Bay sounds wonderful. Sand flats have their own beauty (and not too many sand flies I hope). 65kg is wonderful. Can’t wait for 63, celebration time!

    Betsy, well done, it is very comforting to have cholesteraol levels in the safety zone. So glad you are getting some professional help for that knee. What happened on the bicycle? It must have been dreadful.
    Good luck today with your sensible snacks.

    And good luck today to everyone!

    Good morning all.
    I awoke before 7am with a sore neck and headache – must have slept in an odd position. After using a finger press treatment on the top few vertebrae the pain eased off considerably. Unfortunately an early start usually means my hunger kicks in earlier than usual. I’ve just had a bowl of muesli with bran, kefir and almond milk.

    I went to bridge again yesterday afternoon as I’m trying to work out which supervised session will suit me best. Yesterday was much quieter – half as many tables and few people there other than the supervised group. Also a few more real newbies like me. I found that much less stressful. My partner was a lady visiting from Port Lincoln – we came second.
    At bridge there were some food challenges as it was a FD and several people had bought afternoon tea. I managed to escape having plates trust under my nose to tempt me by selecting one small thing that was no more than one large mouthful, but nibbling it slowly to avoid more offers. I reduced my evening soup by 200ml to compensate. If I want to keep fasting on Fridays I might need to consider taking an afternoon tea platter – either a fruit platter or dip with raw veg. I don’t mind refusing food occasionally, but to do it every Friday feels rude to me. Perhaps I can shift my FD to Thursday sometimes as well so I’m not always saying no.

    Betsy, I hope the orthopaedic surgeon has hopeful news on your knee. It’s worth remembering that the only remedy that surgeons do is surgery so you sometimes have to prompt them for possible less invasive options.
    Good luck with the mindful eating. I have a bad habit of scoffing half of what is on my plate before I remember I’m meant to be eating it mindfully.

    Lgbran & Klondi, I hope you are getting the hang of your airfryers. I usually make scones in the oven as I make a whole tray of them, but I have occasionally make a small batch of cheese scones to go with soup for lunch and the airfryer is perfect that. The other thing I tend to do is is bake scones in the oven until they are just cooked through but not as brown as I like – that makes them perfect for freezing and then reheating in an airfryer.
    Klondi, I have roasted sprouts in the airfryer, although more commonly I use the new kale-sprouts as I prefer the flavour of those – the base stays tender and the leaves are crisp and crunchy. I find trying to create kale crisps can be tricky because as they dry out they become very light and the strong airflow of my airfryer has list them up so they tough the element – which burns them. I have done eggplant and zucchini crisps. Which reminds me – if you are putting cheese on top of something in the airfryer it’s safer to use thin slices rather than grated as the small grated particles can become airborne. I find this is more of an issue with my new much larger airfryer as it has a more forceful fan than the little model did.

    Lindsay, very interesting article on BoJo.
    Good luck with giving up plastic wrap. It got e thinking of the ways that I tend to use it and whether there is a more sustainable alternative.

    Cinque & Cali, previously when I made the mung bean soup I’d just buy a 100g bag of baby spinach and tip it in at the end. This time I had the luxury of home grown spinach and I used both stems and leaves from a large bunch. This batch of soup definitely has that a more irony spinach taste, but I quite like that. When I’d used the bag of baby spinach in previous batches I couldn’t taste it.

    Neil, mixing things up when it comes to eating patterns can have an impact on your rate of weight loss. My theory is that it keeps our bodies guessing. If we consistently undereat perhaps our body is trying to be more efficient with limited fuel – an indulgent day may break that cycle. (None of this is science, just my own hypothesis.)

    Hello to everyone else. I have to get moving so have run out of time to personally to respond to the rest of our group.

    Have a nice weekend.

    Neil, I agree with LJ, that mixing things up with eating patterns can often help with weight loss. When I used to plateau, sometimes for a couple of weeks, I sometimes got exasperated and just ate a bunch on one day. The next day I often broke the plateau. The thing you have to be careful of is limiting to a single day. More isnā€™t better in this case. šŸ˜
    LJ, that finger press treatment on the back of my neck always seems to help, sometimes a lot, sometimes just a little. Thank you for telling me about it.

    Klondi, Tin Can Bay sounds like something out of a Jimmy Buffet song. I would love to see and feed a live dolphin! What a wonderful time you must be having there. And thereā€™s nothing like fresh seafood, right from the ocean. And after Penguinā€™s reports on the benefits, it should make them taste twice as good. Have you tried fish in the air fryer yet?

    Betsy, youā€™re already eating quite well. Short of going on a vegan diet, itā€™s very hard to bring cholesterol down significantly through diet alone. Iā€™ve tried.
    Can you wear a brace to support your knee along with the exercises? It sounds like it may be quite fragile. Could your doctor prescribe physical therapy for it? I hope you get a better idea from the orthopedic surgeon, but like LJ said, surgeons like to operate.

    Thin, hope your packing and downsizing is going well and it will be over soon.

    Cinque, I usually add the stems from spinach to stews unless they seem very thick and tough. How long do you heat the stew once the spinach has been added?

    Anzac, maybe itā€™s time to sit down and have a talk with OH about Maxxā€™s training. The water or citronella spray isnā€™t cruel. Labs are water dogs, after all. It would be cruel to have him face the consequences if he jumped on someone and injured them. The nice thing about the spray collar is that you donā€™t have to chase after him to use it. I can be way across the room, it has about an 18 meter range. When Cooper looks at me with that confused and startled look, I look back at him with an equally confused look. ā€œGoodness, what was that??ā€ And the best part is that I donā€™t get the blame. ā€œWow, the gods must be angry!ā€

    Well, time to say goodnight before this iPad battery quits on me.

    Lindsay. I just read that article. Unfortunately it is accurate. Sometimes I suspect that Boris is a believer in Albert Einstein’s: “Only two things are infinite – the universe and human stupidity, and I am not entirely certain about the universe”. Certainly the areas of UK that most supported Brexit are the ones that are likely to be hardest hit by it.

    To take this forum back to where it started. After a casual and therefore weight gaining summer, I am down 2 kg this week.

    Hi all

    Lgbran A quick 7k walk, thatā€™s not possible, is it? Cā€™arn th Blues (an AFL footy term). Iā€™m a Doggy supporter myself. How did the scones go,? Surely anything which gets you in the kitchen is to be encouraged. I always get a smile when MFP (My Fitness Pal, Crazy) slaps me over the wrist for under eating.

    LG. Thanks for those tips, I hadnā€™t seen that one about cheese but I did see one about light ingredients flying around and getting burnt. I cooked a sausage for OH tonight which was cooked well then I reheated some pizza for me and was pleased with the results. I have some chicken drumsticks I will soak in kefir (instead of buttermilk) tomorrow and they should be nice. Do you always preheat your fryer or does it depend on what you are cooking?

    Calif. I didnā€™t try the fish. It was $20 for the two fillets and if I had spoilt it, it would have been a very expensive mistake and I didnā€™t have a backup plan. I definitely will when I get home or if I have cheaper fish.

    Penguin. I hadnā€™t really taken to much notice of BOJO so that was very informative and seemed fairly thoughtful. He seems a very complex person who could turn out truly wonderful or an absolute disaster. Best of luck

    Betsy. We tend to move every couple of weeks. Some grey nomads like to plonk themselves down for their entire winter sojourn but we like the opportunity to see new places or favourite old ones. One benefit this year is op shop tourism. I have found a nice variety of bargains and some really well set up shops. Not sure whether to donate while Iā€™m here or take my too big clothes home for house clothes What a problem

    Klondike. Your summary of Boris matches the national view. It is a binary situation – he will get the hook or the ovation. He will be the clown who got us into this mess and didn’t get us out of it or the hero of the hour. As I live here I am hoping for the latter!

    A doggy supporter? There is a village in the north-east of England that has a proper name but is know locally as Doggy. I hope your team got it’s name for better reasons.

    According to the step counter I’m over 13000 steps today. My aching knee and back agree – I overdid it. A walk to the beach and back, stopping for a cuppa with a friend and then a walk to the green grocer for some fresh fruit and veg. I think it was carrying the heavy bag home that did the most damage.

    Klondi, my airfryers have only required 3 minutes to preheat so I don’t bother. I just put the food in before I turn it on and allow that extra 3 minutes as part of the cooking time.
    Something I discovered through experimentation is that you can use things like foil or silicone paper to help. For example if I put a small casserole dish in the airfryer to bake and it has grated cheese on top I’ll tightly cover the top in foil for the first 5 minutes or so. By then the cheese will have melted and I can safely remove the foil and it will brown nicely. Anything with a wet/sticky surface, I will sometimes wrap in silicone paper when I begin the cooking, which I remove once it has set enough not to stick to everything else in the airfryer. For example something I’ve crumbed myself, or something wrapped in filo that I’ve defrosted – there can start off sticky. Much of this is trial and error, as something doesn’t work well I try to think of a solution.
    The chicken should be lovely. I do tandoori chicken pieces which involve a mixture of spices and yoghurt smothered over the chicken. It’s as close to a real tandoor as you’ll get at home. Also glad you got to see what it does to sausages. Through normal cooking methods they seem to get dark stripes and pale patches, depending on where they touches the pan/grill. In my airfryer they end up evenly brown all over. Is your airfyer easy to clean? I found that if it got messy, the quicker I filled it with hot soapy water to soak the better.

    Penguin, well done on the weight loss.

    Cali, the headache didn’t return so the finger press exercise worked a treat this morning. I agree sometimes it works really well and others it just tides me over until I can get to the physio for a proper treatment.

    Cinque, glad you finally got that soup made. I don’t weigh the veg either, I just use what I’ve got and what I like. Good that you have some frozen – always handy. After the excess of soup making I did a couple of weeks ago I have nice little stash of soups in the freezer which I always find reassuring.
    If I have soup and toast, and maybe a boiled egg, I have dinner covered any night I don’t want to cook.

    Time I headed off to bed – hopefully to sleep in a better position tonight so I don’t irritate my neck again.
    Goodnight all.

    I made bread today, something I do as required, perhaps every week or ten days. I hate store bought bread, it has no body or flavour and I have no control of the additives. My mix varies. This morning I used 400 grm stone ground whole meal and 600 grm strong white because that is what was open from last time. It came out of the oven at about 2pm and I sliced it and froze it at about 8.30pm. Because quality control is important, I tried three slices with butter and marmalade. It was to my liking. Tomorrow morning I may regret this, but the reality is that if necessary I can live without pretty much any kind of food, even the wines of the Rhone or the single Malts of Islay but good bread is an essential .

    Another FD has rolled around. I’ll be making a lentil sauce on Slendier spaghetti for dinner. 56.4kg.

    LJ, congratulations on coming second. Personally, I’d switch the FD just so I had full mental cognition but I wouldn’t consider it rude to refuse food. It’s a perfect opportunity to educate everyone about the merits of IF.

    CalifD, thanks yes, we’re nearly there. OH’s Klepper folding kayak was sold to a fella in Sydney yesterday & has been shrink-wrapped for courier collection. Two of our lizards went to their new home yesterday, the other two today so it really does feel like the end of an era now. Thankfully all four will have vet owners so we know they will receive good husbandry. If we had any misgivings about leaving, the past three weeks of school holidays have helped to dispel them – the trampoline was moved to the back garden.

    Have a great weekend all, what remains.

    Penguin. My team is Footscray , named for the suburb where it is based and there is a British connection. The colours are red, white and blue and its symbol is a British bulldog hence the DoggIes. We are not very successful having been Premiers only twice in 100+ years but we hang in there. Our theme song is also sung to the tune of an old British Navy song ā€˜Sons of the Seaā€™

    Lg. So far it has been very easy to clean but I havenā€™t tried any wet things yet. Good idea re the preheat. I have had to remember that metal etc is ok to use unlike in a microwave.

    Morning everyone, from beautiful sunny Brisbane where the temperature will get to the mid-twenties today. Perfect for some gardening … we went to Bunnings yesterday and came away with a trolley of flowering plants. This is to to on top of the basket-full from a beautiful garden shop in West End called Mappins which does smaller pots at a very good price. The girls don’t seem to have problems foraging – the hive is thriving – but I want some insurance. Most of our garden is flowing shrubs and trees, so something closer to the ground won’t hurt, even it just lets us see the bees close up, collecting nectar.

    And Cinque, though normally you are right about most things, you are not right about my bees … they don’t love me at all. Quite the reverse.

    Cinque just read the article about loose skin. Another endorsement of this WOL, given that it’s unlikely to lead to sudden weight loss but rather a sustained approach that allows our skin to adjust with us. And I am not sure which is worse – the loose skin or the scarring from surgery.

    How’s the heat Penguin? BTW, 40 is hot by ANYONE’s standards. Here is Brisbane, in the sub-troplcs, we start moaning when it hits 35, which fortunately it only does a couple of months a year. Good luck with not over-heating, and also keeping the garden going with the extreme weather.

    Aurorin, great achievement. Take a bow. No wonder you felt emotional …. a good response.

    Chatelaine, I’m just catching up with posts and have just seen yours. Sorry it’s tough for you. Just a couple of thoughts. Can you cut your carb intake to almost zero, for a short period (eg a fortnight) to see if that shifts that plateau? And do you eat your first meal of the day fewer than 12 hours from your last calorie intake? I’m practising intermittent fasting, which means I only eat in an 8 hour window. Appreciate that may not suit, but I always, always, even when travelling, leave a gap of minimum 13 hours from my last calories of the evening, to the first of the following day.

    Klondi, that honey from the buffet sounds wonderful. I’ve never seen it served like that. I think the rate my hive is going, I’ll be harvesting more soon. Mr nearly 5 has done a fabulous drawing of a bee, complete with stripes and yellow body and little legs, and my designer son is going to do my labels. I don’t think I will be putting Woolworths out of business, but will be nice to give to friends. (Here’s my secret – I’m not really a honey fan).I’ll check out that Conversations podcast, thank you. And thank you also for the inquiry about my health. Yes, I am finally over the flu/pneumonia and my vision is improving. I had a great day in the garden last week, and noticed how much I enjoyed it. Sometimes you don’t realise how sick you’ve been, until you feel better.

    Brilliant, you are enjoying this holiday so much Klondi. Good for you, for getting to the low sixties. It must be a wonderful feeling. That was my weight when I got married – it seems a way off now, but I’ll struggle on. Isn’t Tin Can Bay a lovely spot? So peaceful and unspoiled (our holiday house is on Stradbroke and it’s much the same).

    Betsy, great news from the doctor about your blood tests. Hope the knee is okay. Have you tried myotherapy? They work on muscles and I think I’ve mentioned before how amazing mine has been in resolving back/hip issues that I’d had for years and years.

    Cinque, LJ I’d seen so much plastic wrap washed up on our beaches, that I felt I had to give it up. Greaseproof paper, glass containers, paper bags are my new ‘go to’.

    OK I’ve caught up. Hope your Sunday is relaxed and sorry to posters I’ve missed (Anzac, Cali, how are you doing?) and to non-posters (Intesha, Merry, G’day, you ok?) And for the very long post. It’s like a short story.

    A wintery morning here,


    I’ve just been listening to a podcast about sleep ( https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/bigideas/why-do-we-sleep/10948290 ). They talk in it about how lack of sleep relates to obesity ie we feel more hungry, we make worse decisions about food and we don’t metabolise food so well. I knew all these things but it was good to have the reminder of why, with my bad insomnia, I struggle so much. So I thought I would remind those of you who also struggle with insomnia.

    Cali, The bunches of spinach I buy have the roots attached, so even using most of the stems, a fair bit of weight is cut off. https://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server3700/fxxw4to/products/160/images/4596/Spinach_English__18823.1469876958.500.750.jpg?c=2
    I made a note on my recipe that well soaked mung beans take 20 mins to cook, and that works for the potato too, so I do the first cook (when I add the beans, potatoes and water/stock) for 15 mins, add the tomatoes and greens and cook for another 10 minutes. This time I upped the chili and was generous with the spices and it was so good I didn’t realise I had forgotten to add the lemon juice at the end, until later!

    Penguin, that must be a lovely feeling to be down 2kg. Hurrah!

    LJoyce, I hope you recover quickly from overdoing it on the walk. Sigh, we can only work out our limits buy overdoing things, but then we have to take the consequences. And fingers crossed you slept in the right position.

    I have been thinking about the feeling it would be rude not to eat anything at a social occasion. Is it because people have put a lot of work into making things? Would you feel slighted if no one ate what you brought? I’m inclined to think you would be a good role model by not eating anything. You can still be appreciative of the work they have put in, but just say that your health is better if you don’t eat between meals.

    Penguin I absolutely, completely, wholeheartedly agree with you about bread. It makes cutting cakes and biscuits etc out of my diet so much easier because I love good bread better than any of them. And good bread means home made with plenty of whole grain šŸ™‚

    Thin, hello fellow faster, and how exciting to be nearly done. Farewell to that dear home that brought you so much pleasure, and woohoo for the next step.

    Best wishes all.

    Post script, Hi Klondi and Lindsay, lovely to read your posts.

    Maybe the bees just don’t know that they love you yet Lindsay šŸ˜‰

    Adding to the pyrex containers discussion, I mostly use them when I have made a bulk meal, decanting into them gives me appropriate serving sizes (eg enough for one or two or three meals), and helps cool it down ready to go into the fridge and then freezer.
    I do think the microwave is a bit hard on the lids so I don’t heat from frozen, I thaw frozen things overnight in the fridge (or over 2 nights in my new efficient fridge!) and then plate up and microwave my serve.
    I have mixed things in them and I love them for things like roasted peppers that I place in a container and put the lid on so they steam and then the skins come off easily.

    And one more thought on that eating socially, that LJoyce mentioned, it would be fascinating to look around and see if there is anyone else who doesn’t eat. I suspect that there would be quite a few.

    Bye now.

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