Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • LJ, I really feel for you. I’d be sweating that too. One ‘indulgence’ thing a week is all my 2 FDs can accommodate. Did you have much say in the planning? I probably don’t have as active a social life as you but I usually manage to control the week’s eating opportunities primarily by having one weekend FD and then sticking hard to my Weds FD unless it’s something really, really tempting. I’m afraid a junk food lunch wouldn’t sway me to change, in fact, my Sunday FD would provide me with exactly the excuse I needed to decline. Could the Sunday and Thursday people be persuaded to postpone until the following week, assuming you know them well and the other two events involve groups of people and not possible to change? If not, I know you’ll make the best possible choices.

    I won’t be fasting on Sunday this week which will seem very strange indeed. We’ve been invited to a luncheon gathering. I’ll be fasting on Saturday in lieu – and I’ve since had to turn something down for that day. And DD wanted to treat OH and I to breakfast at a beach cafe so I’ve asked her if we could do that next week now. People are just used to me doing this so they take my FDs as seriously as I do and it usually all works out well for all.

    Good luck!

    FD yesterday and today for me after the indulgent weekend. Pleased this morning’s weigh in was back to Fridays weight. 458 calories yesterday and today I will end up closer to 500. I’m busy at work too so a quick post

    Weigh in day tomorrow, it’ll be interesting to see how I went. I had a bit of a carb session after my tramp in the weekend and a couple of beers, but I wonder if the exercise balanced it out. One way to find out…bring on the scale tomorrow morning!

    LJ, how about eating only the meal out with family or friends and fasting the rest of those days? Then try to choose healthy food as much as possible. It’s great that you’re having such an active social life. And with all the new clothes you bought last week you’ll have a lot of choices of what to wear.

    Turnabout and Minka, great to hear from you both again.

    Today was my Monday FD and it was a pretty easy one. It always seems like Monday’s are easier. Maybe it’s because I’m still full from the weekend. 😁

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

    A quick pop in to say hi. Life is extraordinarily busy at the moment, but I hope I can get back to a good read and chat in a couple of days. Sending good wishes until then.

    I’m so mad , I posted a really long reply to everyone at 5.00 am and it has disappeared! Please come back !

    Well, my FD today became a CD, but could have been much worse. I was near a specialist chocolate shop and wanted to buy some chocolates to take to friends in Adelaide later in the year (better than Haigh’s, believe it or not – only just, but truly! 🙂 ). Well, me and chocolate just don’t do well together as it has this siren call that isn’t easy to resist. Well, at least it stayed as a CD, so not a total disaster.

    Thinatlast, thanks for the suggestions. In fact, I’m a teetotaller, and rarely eat carbs such as rice or pasta. I do sometimes have a rye/light sourdough roll at lunchtime, but only maybe twice a week. It’s not those carbs. I know I splurge on ice-cream more than I should, or sometimes chocolate or potato crisps (which are really high carb, though I count the calories).
    However, any time I’ve lost weight in the past, I’ve always plateau-ed about every 3 kgs down. My shape changes, but the weight doesn’t shift, which does frustrate me. All the same, last night I tried on 3 pairs of winter trousers which are all going to the op shop as they’re now too big, and four pair which had been too small now fit, so I’ll have something to wear as the weather gets cooler. Two pair are comfortable wear-round-home pants, and the others are jeans. That was all very pleasing. Still some which are too small, but that’s probably a good thing, as I’ll need some smaller clothes once the weight starts dropping again.

    Another (good) problem I’ve had recently has been with my sleep apnoea – the CPAP machine had become unbearable to use, maybe because I’ve lost 10 kg in the past 3 months. I consulted with the place which monitors the machine, and in consultation with my respiratory doctor, they instructed me to turn the setting down a bit – feels much better, and I can use the machine again. I’ll go back in two weeks to ensure it’s still doing it’s job at the lower setting, but it seems like progress. The ultimate goal, of course, is to no longer need to use the machine. Not there yet!

    Anzac65, are you getting a small holiday as you hoped before the next job starts?

    Lots of wonderful descriptions of caravans. Not for me, and cats don’t tend to travel well, but to explore Australia would be a real adventure.

    Okay, need to close. One happy cat curled up on my lap. but it’s getting late so he’ll have to move. I’ll be trying for 3 B2B FD800s for the next 3 days, to try to make something shift (and no visiting chocolate shops! 🙂 ).

    Small loss this week, just 0.7 kg but still heading in the right direction. I’ve now lost a total of 16.4kg in the last 9 weeks. Last time I tried to drop weight I hit a wall around this weight, combined with the coming autum/winter when it always seems to be harder to drop weight, I think I’m going to have to work a bit harder and be stricter with my eating to break through the wall

    Hi guys I am going to reply in small amounts as I lost a massive all in one post yesterday.
    Thin, the caravan show was at the Claremont show grounds.

    Well done with your loss Neil. I have found it impossible to have wow amounts of weight loss more than a few weeks in a row. Sometimes it would be a 1.7 kg loss and other weeks a 200 g loss even when my 5 fast days were identical. The body is a strange thing indeed.

    Hi all. Weight is continuing to head downwards each day. The pants I put on this morning which are normally a bit snug fitted quite comfortably. I’m seeing a difference in the mirror too, slimmer hips and flatter tummy. Have been going for a power walk every day during my lunchbreak now the weather is cooler and the dreaded heat waves are gone. Happy Wednesday every one

    Good Morning everyone

    It’s a FD for me today and I am looking forward to it. I have some lovely tamari stir fried veggies and konjac noodles that I will have with chilli sauce for lunch (probably about 3pm when the hunger really gets to me).

    Neil, congratulations on the weight loss and also Betsy for needing to send more clothes to the op shop and fitting into those smaller pants. You will soon be needing the next size down!

    LJ, my feeling is why not just enjoy this week of eating out with family and friends? Life is too short to not enjoy it and I’m sure you will make the best choices from the menu that you can. FDs will soon fix any ‘damage’ to your weight and I feel the benefits will out weigh the negatives. As long as you don’t have similar weeks planned for the next few weeks I’m sure any gains won’t be permanent.

    The electrician came to look at my oven on Monday morning and said he would need to order some parts which would probably be in by next week so then he could come out and repair it. Then he called me later that day to advise the parts are not available until early May! He said to contact the company and ask them to replace the oven which I have done and am now awaiting approval. I am so tired of not having an oven that works properly. I have taken things out of the freezer to cook and had to put them back in when I remembered that the oven is faulty. Lol

    OK, I have a busy few days ahead. We are still getting winter stock in and I know there is a big delivery on the way. I will have to take a photo of a new style we got in that is really wow! I actually love it and am considering buying a pair. They are pretty out there though.

    Have a great day everyone x

    Betsy, that sounds like progress indeed. My OH had to try that Cpap machine for a while, it was cumbersome so it will be lovely when you can finally eliminate it. Yes, I thought you’d mentioned before that you don’t drink alcohol as I was writing that but couldn’t remember if it was you. Get rid of those potato chips, ha ha! I’m sure you’re doing fine especially if your shape is changing. Many people report this when their weight isn’t shifting. I’m a strictly scales girl for measuring progress.

    Betsy, guess what? I played bridge in the ‘novice’ group yesterday, I was terrified leading up to it. Amazingly, we came 2nd out of 10 pairs. I still can’t believe it. That was my 3rd time playing outside ‘supervised’. I made lots of silly mistakes under pressure but I suppose others must have too.

    Bad luck Rosy. It’s very frustrating to lose a post. Oh, Claremont, that’s why it escaped my attention. They used to hold it down by the river every year.

    Cinque, thanks for the pop in. I hope all is well with you and your busy time is all coming from fun things.

    FD for me. Of course it is, it’s Wednesday. 58.6kg so I only 200g gained over the 2 NFDs. As I’m fasting again on Saturday, I only get 2 NFDs in between each fast this week. But then next week, I get 3 NFDs in between both fasts.

    33C today. Summer is hanging on but the nights are cooler now.

    Quacka, hello, our posts crossed. I spent too long writing mine. I thought it was only in WA (Wait A While) where we’re always told the part is coming from the eastern states and will take 6 weeks.

    So, LJ, you now have three completely different takes on next week’s social activities. I found the range of ‘solutions’ interesting in themselves. You’re a pro so I’m sure you’ll tackle it well.

    Just had to add my new PB after walking today, 58.2kg. Not really sure what’s happening as I’m definitely not trying to lose more weight. Perhaps I need a better social life! Or Minka, could it be that my body is ready to try a few months back on 6:1?

    Noon Wens, Adelaide

    Hi everyone
    Thankyou for the ideas of how to manage next week’s food challenges. It wasn’t until I scrolled through the whole week on my phone calendar that I realised just how many things had ended up in that week. I’d usually try to plan it better than that. It was easier pre-iphone when I had a filofax as I could see the whole week at once.
    Anyway I think I have found a solution that will work for me without cancelling time with friends and family, which I’m not prepared to do. Skipping dinner is good in theory but I know myself too well – I can easily skip lunch and go out to dinner but I never seem to manage the reverse.
    I have asked the neighbours whether we could do an early afternoon movie session and then have coffee and a leisurely chat afterward – they preferred that idea and it allows me to reduce the challenge of one lunch to a simple pot of tea – which also means this can now be a FD.
    The 3 lunches can’t be changed for various reasons – I’m not looking forward to the fast food, but it’s a treat for my great niece and nephew after the Lego movie – I might be able to just order a cup of tea and pull a banana out of my bag while the kids eat their nuggets.
    While I find B2B FDs at <500cal very difficult, I don’t find B2B FD800 days difficult. So the plan is to do 4 FD800s next week – Mon & Tues and then again Fri & Sat. The reason FD800s are so much easier for me is that a FD500 means I only eat dinner, whereas I also get lunch on a FD800 so it feels a lot more like a normal day.
    I’ll be interested to see how this works because it’s useful to have options for those challenging weeks.

    Niel, weight loss is rarely a simple linear progression. I think Rosy is right on this.
    The suggestion I would make for getting through the colder weather is vegetable soups. Once autumn arrives I usually have one pot in the fridge that I’ve just made as well as a variety of single serve containers in freezer – for variety. I try to keep my FD soups to about 100kj (24cal) per 100ml or less, which makes it very easy to have a cup if you need it, or a generous bowl full for a meal. I rarely add any meat or fats to my veggie soups but I do often include legumes as it makes them much more filling.

    Thin, it sounds like you are being quite controlled on your NFDs (apart from the Baileys). I am not unfortunately – a bit to much snacking for liking.

    Quacka, I hope that replacement oven gets installed pronto. Given that it was faulty a replacement was always your right under the law.

    GDSA, sounds like you are recovering quickly from your weekend away.

    Rosy, commiserations on the lost post. Sometimes they appear a day or too later once the tech support has time to review it.

    Betsy, I had a bit of an issue with chocolate this week too. I bought the easter chocolates on Monday and as I was dividing things between the gift bags I set some “spares” aside for myself and ate then them. Thankfully the gift bags are all tied up and hidden in the spare room out of sight.
    Glad to hear you are now getting into clothing that didn’t fit before.

    Csli, glad the Monday FD went well. I always feel that way about a Sunday FD when I can do one.

    FD for me today. Thankfully we are having a couple of milder days before a cold wet weekend. I do find it challenging controlling my eating in cold weather, particularly when the change is sudden. I’ve taken a container of cream of zucchini soup out of the freezer for dinner.

    I haven’t mentioned my lent mindful eating challenge for a few days but I do continue to notice things. The habits are really quite persistent. I still catch myself about to snack when preparing food. I also have had to get up off the sofa a few times when I’ve sat down with food in front of the tv without thinking.
    One thing I’ve also noticed is how seldom I have a totally quiet house. There’s always the tv or music on. I think I started doing this after the divorce so the house didn’t feel so quiet – it helped me to not feel so alone. I need to break this habit too I think, silence is nothing to be afraid of. I’ve been actually enjoying the peacefulness that comes with those quiet times.

    Have a good day everyone.

    I just noticed this healthy eating quiz on the BBC website:
    I was doing well until I got the the question about oily fish – I’m hoping my 5ml Melrose fish oil daily is an adequate substitute otherwise I’m sitting on a big fat zero for that one!

    Hi all,

    Sounds like everyone is having pretty good FD’s amid a couple of plateaus, funny things those, seems no logical explanation!!

    Someone asked where in NZ I am, sorry, can’t remember who now, OH and I have finally sold our hospitality business down in Central Otago and are now renting an apartment in Methven, just outside Christchurch and loving it. It is probably more flatter here than we are used to but so close to the mountains it doesn’t seem to matter much. I was bought up in the Fens in the UK, surrounded by fields of wheat, barley, apple orchards and berry crops so feel quite at home here. I do feel such a connection to the land and the changing seasons and feel our diets should reflect this too. Again I was bought up eating what was being harvested at the time, it just feels so right.

    We are both doing the Fast 800 continuously and really enjoying it, just two meals a day is more than enough!! Amazing the amount you have lost in 9 weeks Neil, well done, I think I still have that amount left to go! Hahahaha

    Out walking in the sunshine earlier, now its cloudy and feels more like winter than Autumn, good job the steak is in the oven!


    Turnabout, what hospitality business did you own? Being from Dunedin, we spend a lot of holidays in Central.

    If you’re now in Methven I hope you manage to get up in a hot air balloon sometime, it’s spectacular. We shouted my parents a trip in one to celebrate their 60th birthdays several years ago

    I have well more than my 16.4 kilos left to go, but I’m steadily chipping away at it.

    Eek! Today, instead of a FD800, has been a disastrous NFD – too much chocolate around. Not quite the Easter chocolate, LJoyce, but oh dear. I just find this time of year really really difficult and I’m not sure why.
    But – back on the wagon! Tomorrow is another day. All the chocolate has been stored away (out of sight, out of mind!), and I’ll go for two consecutive FDs tomorrow and Friday, then see what the damage is on Saturday when I weigh-in. At least I did a stack of exercise and gardening today, which may make up for a little of the over-indulgence.

    Thinatlast, yep, the chips have to go, too. I didn’t used to eat them, then started to a few years ago, and now I’m trying to get out of the habit again. At least now I often don’t finish the packet, just have some, then crush the rest and throw it all into the bin. Need to not buy them, I know.
    Oh yes, and congrats on doing so well in the novice group at bridge – a second out of ten is a great result. Your bridge is really coming on well.

    Neilithicman, great weight loss – keep up the good work, even if it slows.

    Need to stop now, but keep on keeping on everyone, and I’ll try to do the same 🙂 .

    Good morning all. Well happy dance for me this morning. 66.9 and it’s an FD. Couldn’t believe my eyes. I had set myself a target of losing 2kg a month until July when my daughter arrives from the UK. My first 2kg was marked down for 15 April and then every 4 weeks but I am two weeks ahead of my first goal.

    I have been keeping a daily diary and write everything down. I am eating to my TDEE of already being 60kg. So NFD’s are just over 1500 calls and FD’S 382. I still get cravings but I have managed to not bring anything into the house that will send me over the top.

    Easter will be a challenge as it is also Mum and Dad’s 70th wedding anniversary on the 14th and Dad’s 92nd birthday the 16th. I am going to make a cake and of course cookies but I will take most of them to the nursing home.

    Thin you are really living up to your name. I think your body has found its level now. I have a personal theory that anything major or traumatic in your life takes 5 years to adjust. It took me 5 years to come to terms over my marriage breakup and 5 years to accept my current circumstances. So it must be 5 years since you started 5.2 😳.

    LJoyce life is for living and if we worry and stress every day about things we know we can have some control over it’s not a life. Enjoy your social life and be thankful you have it. We need to have fun and you now have the knowledge of 5.2 to guide you.

    Anzac, Cinque, Quacka, Cali, and everyone else, hi and hope you are all doing well. Merry miss your posts.

    Bye for now.

    Well done on your weight loss Intesha. Sometimes we are trying to explain why are weight hasn’t moved and just as often we are amazed by how much it has ! My massively long post still hasn’t appeared. Intesha, My marriage break up was ten years ago and it still hurts even though I have the happiest life second time around! I now have a revenge body! The last time I was so light was when I was 30. The only reason I remember that is it is recorded on my obstetric card as I was 3 months pregnant.

    Klondi is a walking encyclopaedia of caravan knowledge! She has been email me the most amazing advice. thank you ?
    Betsy, I was reading that potatoes are one of the worst foods for weight loss as they turn to sugar and don’t have much else in them that helps. I guess that’s why they have kept the Irish poor from famine in their past. They have to be a once I. A blue moon food unless you are doing more than 2 fast dayside week.
    Turn I bet you are glad you don’t have to work near food now. What does your 2 meals a day, Fast 800 look like for you ?
    LJ from where do you buy your Melrose fish oil?
    Thin congrats on your new low weight. See that Baileys was a well deserved treat, not self sabotage ! I had Baileys on the weekend too, it is up there with Prosecco in my opinion. If I were you I would keep with the 5:2 a bit longer, so you can have the odd well deserved treat ! Which beach side cafe is DD taking you to?
    They do have a 4wd and camping show at McCallum park annually in Nov. I hate it because it’s usually boiling,dusty, not enough toilets, seats or food outlets and full of freaks. The caravan and camping show in Claremont is purpose built, civilised with plenty of toilets , shady seating, food outlets and no ferals. I have to get ready for work now so sorry anyone I haven’t spoken to but I did in Tuesday’s massive, lost post.

    Betsy, potato crisps and chocolate are a couple of my downfalls too, but ic cream is the big one. We don’t usually have crisps and ice cream in the house, but usually have big bars of dark chocolate. It’s the milk chocolate that’s my binge food. I can eat a small amount of the dark chocolate and then quit.

    Thin, congrats on the bridge and on the weight loss. I need some of that weight loss to rub off on me! I’m in the 61’s, even after Monday’s FD. Stress eating.

    Neil, you’re doing a great job of losing weight. This way of eating seems to really agree with you. You must be seeing a big difference in your clothing sizes.

    Intesha, congrats on your weight loss too! You must be getting pretty close to your goal weight. For your parents anniversary, just keep minimal amounts of cake in the house after the big day. Your FD’s should take care of a day or two of eating.

    Rosy, potatoes 🥔 are a good source of potassium, much more than a banana. Potassium is good for high blood pressure among other things. But you’re right about them being full of starch and carbs. And like bread, it’s usually what you put on them (like butter and sour creme) that adds to the calories. Sweet potatoes have more nutrients.

    Anzac, look what they teach them in puppy school: https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=share&v=GT3HuQY9p74 I think Maxx could easily learn this. 😁😆

    8am Thursday. I’m home today as MissD is feeling unwell. Hopefully I will get the chance to catch up on some study.

    Some comments on the discussions –

    Potatoes. Yes they are a sometimes food being a starchy carb. Interesting research lately shows that carbs such as spuds, pasta and rice have a lower GI and carb level if they are cooked and eaten cold, or reheated and eaten.

    Chocolate. I can’t eat milk chocolate anymore I find it too sweet and I no longer like the taste. I love dark chocolate but don’t eat it often.

    Chips. I don’t buy them because I will eat the whole packet,especially Cheese twisties. I used to eat chicken chip white bread sandwiches with loads of butter – yummo but I don’t eat them anymore because I probably wouldn’t stop at one.

    I’m on track for another weekly average weight loss for Sunday’s weigh in but not sure I will get my goal of half a kilo. The weekends indulgence will impact I’m sure.

    Time to grab my second coffee for the morning and get motivated. Happy Thursday everyone.

    Morning all, another 4.30am wakeup, oh boy it makes for a long day. I’m enjoying my coffee and a read of posts while waiting for daylight. Also doing battle with a persistent mosquito. It was an easy FD due to having leftover Mexican chicken soup from Sunday’s FD and lazily feeding the OFMs tacos which I no longer consider a food option but they still love.

    Intesha, you’re on a roll. I prefer your ‘life is for living’ mantra to ‘life is too short’. To the latter, I always want to add, ‘and it will get even shorter if you eat that rubbish’! How is your mum doing these days? Looking forward to seeing the cake you make for their anniversary. Have you designed it yet?

    Betsy, thank you. It was probably more down to my partner than anything I did! By ‘this time of year’, are you referring to the approach to Easter? You must be strong to put chocolate out of sight and have it go out of mind. When I was an after dinner snacker, the only way I could get that forbidden food out of my mind would be to eat it. I don’t buy any junk food at all now. The OFMs have dealt with it well and now just snack on nuts or fruit. I can’t seem to wean OH off the various sauces and ‘things in a jar’ that he smothers on everything from sandwiches to salads but it’s his insulin, not mine so I’ve stopped worrying about it.

    Turnabout, it sounds like you’re thriving on retirement (I’m assuming that’s what it is now that you’ve sold the business). And fast800. Wonderful to have your OH also participating. Unfortunately, my OH is not like-minded when it comes to eating for health. I doubt he even tastes his food.

    CalifD, sorry to hear you’re stress eating and hope the cause is soon resolved.

    Neil, you must be getting so many positive comments from people around you.

    Daylight’s arrived and I finally got the mossie, but not before he got me 3 times. Off to walk.

    GDSA, I posted some research on resistant starch and cooling/re-heating carbs a couple of years ago but I can’t find it now. I’ll ask my GP neighbours for it again as they’re the ones who sent it to me.

    Cinque, Lindsay, hope all’s OK with you both. Have a wonderful day all.

    On the chocolate topic. I’ve never been the one that gets cravings to go out and buy chocolate because I was always more or a savory snacker (Chips, snacks, sandwiches, scones, etc.) but if it was in the house, I’d definitely eat it. My wife is the chocolate fiend, but she has been a lot better with it since I’ve started eating better. These days I keep a 100g block of the Lindt 90% cocoa chocolate in the cupboard. When I feel like something desserty I’ll have a square or two. It makes me feel like I have a treat but has pretty much no sugar….also because my wife doesn’t like dark chocolate I know it’s not going to disappear when I’m not around.


    Hi everyone
    Here’s the link for the snazzy boots I mentioned. The turquoise ones are the ones I like. What do you think??

    Morning, quick update

    My FD yesterday did not eventuate as I stayed home with an impending cold (no surprise, the girl next to me coughed all day on Monday and Tuesday and does not have any concept of covering her mouth. Grrr). I was going to try doing my first ever FD at home but hubby cooked toast and that was the end of me. However it was a very controlled day and I still managed to knock off a couple of hundred grams. Have had to come to work today as they are having a leaving lunch for a few people leaving in the next week or so but I don’t feel well and the thought of Mexican for lunch (they did not even ask me if I liked Mexican food – and it’s my least favourite cuisine!)is not sitting well. GAH!

    I have read your posts and congrats to the losers 

    Will try and post more soon…..this working business is impacting my special forum time!

    Hi everyone

    Glad you worked it out LJ and you can still enjoy your time with your family and friends. I have a funny confession to make. I never eat Maccas and very rarely eat KFC as it always makes me feel so sick afterwards, probably from all the oil. The confession is that I have a massive craving for hash browns. I know they are full of oil and salt (the salt is probably why I like them) and probably GM potato (or potato like substance lol). The funny thing is I have had this craving for around 18 months!! There have been numerous times when I have almost succumbed but I know how I will feel after, so I don’t do it. That’s not to say that I will never though.

    On the subject of potato crisps – I love them. I refuse to have them in the house as I know I won’t be able to resist them. Sometimes the girls at work buy a big bag and everyone digs in but I just can’t stop once I have started. I’m really glad it is usually a FD when they do that 🙂
    G’day your chicken chip sandwiches made me laugh. I am glad I never tried anything like that as I think it would have been something I would have once liked too. The closest I have had is hot chip sandwiches with tomato sauce of course. Ugh,I can’t even imagine eating that now.

    Chocolate – well I’m no saint regarding this but I don’t really crave it. OH loves chocolate and we always have it in the house but it doesn’t bother me. Sometimes I will have a couple of squares but that usually is enough and it is only sometimes that I even feel like that much. Don’t get me started on cheese……

    Intesha, well done on your weight loss and you too, thin. I can report that I am just staying around the same weight at the moment of high 65s or low 66s depending on what I have eaten. I am still happy with that. Rosy, I keep your idea in mind of the bucket full of water. My weight loss is slowing right down now (water trickling out of the bucket) but as long as I am not putting it on I’m ok.

    Well I better go and do some more work. Last day of work for the week and tomorrow I’m off to the hairdressers! Yay for my hair, boo for my wallet!!

    Take care all x

    Hi everyone, Thursday afternoon here in sunny NZ!

    I’m with you on the chocolate one here Neil, however we did indulge in a Magnum ice cream yesterday, it was so hot after we had been walking, it just felt like the natural thing to do, but I really didn’t enjoy it! It was milk chocolate and so sweet and the milk ice cream tasted almost slimey. Quite pleased I had it really, cos I certianly won’t rush out for another!! My OH has the sweet tooth, cakes, pastries, bread, but even he his saying he isn’t missing the bread anymore, he does sneak in a muffin/scone now and again though (in fact most days when we have our coffee out!!!!) I have the savoury tooth, crips, nuts, and have to eat the whole packet. Tried a different flavour of the new pea snacks out but still prefer the wasabi ones.

    Our business was Lake Roxburgh Lodge in Lake Roxburgh Village, below the dam, strange, not missing it almost as much as I thought I would, well over it now and thoroughly enjoing retirement!!! So lovely just having to think about us! Am missing the climate though, the weather there was fab! Just glad we’re not on the west coast eh???

    Rosy, our 800 days are usually a brunch/lunch of either porridge/fruit/kefir, sometimes egg & bacon muffins, two egg omelletes with anything in, tinned mackerel or sardines on rye, avo’s smashed on rye, (now they are off season though so no longer eating them), and too expensive!! Dinner is usually around 6-7 and is a potein with either salad or veg, the chicken and lentil curry from MM’s book I love and have adapted it to our liking using Thai red curry paste. I have lost a large amount of weight before years ago but when I think back, a lot of that was not eating much and not real meals, I have found out to my cost that this is unsustainable for me so we have to have proper meals just less of them and less of ‘it’. This seems to be working for both of us, another 100gms dropped from yesterdays weigh in!

    Finally invested in a set of travel scales, can’t bear the thopught of undoing all this hard work once we get overseas for another three months again as has happened in the past, so frustrating, makes me feel so weak willed. Plus the cycle begins again!!??

    Best go and get some porridge before our walk, looks like it’s turning into a lovley day.

    Enjoy a lovley Thursday everyone,


    Rosy, I forgot to add, that after our evening meal we ususally have two squares, about 10gms, of dark chocolate, usually Whittakers, Dark Ghana and a glass of red wine!! Drink around 2 litres of water, lots of fruit teas and a couple of black coffees a day!!


    Rosy, you can find Melrose fish oil at Chemist Warehouse. It’s $20. I’ve been taking it for 15 years and that’s the cheapest I’ve found.

    Turn, I never leave home without my travel scales! Essential tool of the trade!

    Quacka, I love those boots.

    Turnabout – Ah yes, I know the area well. I picked fruit in Roxburgh for a few summers while I was a student (many years ago now), and we go there every year after Christmas when they have the cricket playing in Alexandra. We usually camp in the Miller’s Flat motor camp and then drive over the dam and up to Alex for the day, then spend a few more days relaxing, spending some time at Pinder’s Pond and wandering round Roxburgh. One of my goals when I get a bit fitter is to do the Clutha Gold trail and bike from Lawrence up to Roxburgh Village and back. I’ll need to get a bike first because my last one broke down, but I’m putting in some miles on the exercycle at home so hopefully by next spring/summer I’ll be ready for it.

    Yes, definitely glad not to be on the West Coast, it’s hard to believe that the bridge will be back up and operational within 7-10 days after seeing the footage of it washing away!

    Neil – Yes, all the students used to come and pick the fruit in the summers, it was almost as though the cherry harvest was a rite of passage for the university of Otago students out of Dunedin! The town used to be rocking of Friday nights with live bands and lots of young folk, it’s almost a ghost town now, no bank, no PO, only one garage instead of two and 1 and 1/2 pubs!!! Times change i know but it was such a shame, think thats why I’m enjoying Methven, lots of youngsters and young families, the town is really growing.

    The cycle tracks are a bit of a life line for the valley and they have bought in a lot of tourism which also in turn produces a lot of positive spin offs, and they are great to cycle too, do hope you enjoy them. We might just do that trip to Lawrence and back end of May as we need some practice before heading overseas, doing another cycle trip in Europe this holiday, haven’t even got a bike at the moment!!!! Hahahaha

    I think the bridge building is a bit of a dream, must be devastating.

    Thin – I remember you buying yours and how you researched them, wish I had bought them way back then!!!! Looking forward to getting them, haven’t arrived yet. I certainly get to hear if OH can’t taste his food! Lol He’s totally on board with this WOL which is great, his father was Type 2 and totally abused it and his auntie, who’s around 90 odd has been diabetic for years and years, he reckons he’s never felt so good/healthy and sells this WOL and MM to people whenever he can!!

    As do we both, can’t thank Dr. M enough


    12:30pm, Thursday, Adelaide
    hello everyone

    We have lovely mild autumn weather here today (27C), I hope you have something pleasant where you are too.

    I’m a bit behind in my posts but I’ll do my best.

    Rosy, I shop around for the best prices, but of the shops I can get to here, I usually find Chemist Warehouse is the cheapest – Melrose Fish Oil in 500ml bottles for just under $20.
    I also use some of the online pharmacies too as most offer free postage if your order is $100 or more. In addition to the supplements I mentioned taking on doctor’s advice I also have a number of medications I need to use daily that are not on a script (eg claratyne, rhinocort spray and eye drops and gels). I find it very easy for my pharmacy order to get above their free postage level.
    I have used the following and found them to be trustworthy as online retailers: Chemist Warehouse, Pharmacy Online, Pharmacy Direct, Your Chemist Shop.
    I started using these online retailers when I was on the VLCD a few years ago, as they were a cheaper source of the meal replacement products that I was using at that time. I noticed it was a cheaper way of buying my other pharmacy non-script items too.

    GDSA, I hope your daughter gets better soon.
    I have the same issue, I do not buy chips as once opened I don’t stop until I’m at the bottom of the packet.

    Intesha, thankyou for your words about enjoying life and not stressing. The not stressing is always easier said than done. But foregoing time with people I like is never a good idea as it’s all too easy to become isolated.

    Thin, well done on the new low weight. Are you going to be setting a new target now or are you perfectly happy around 58?
    I decided a while ago that I would resume taking the fish oil on FDs too. I figured I could afford the approx 40 calories for 5ml now because most FDs are well under 500cals these days. I know that you keep your FDs to 1/4 of your TDEE which is a much lower target so it would be more difficult.

    Betsy, commiserations on the chocolate blowout, I find the easter chocolate difficult too – it’s everywhere. I have put my purchases in the spare wardrobe, and I do find being out of sight is enough most of the time. I had one memorable year where I bought all the easter chocolates and then had to buy them again because I ate the first lot. It was a few years ago, but not something I want to ever happen again.
    When I got to my goal weight in 2015 it was just before easter so I took an approach to dealing with chocolate that really helped. It had been something I denied myself so when it was in the house I binged. I told myself I could have chocolate any day that I wanted it but no more than 15g (about 80 calories). Initially I found I did eat it every day but amazingly I stuck to the 15 grams (about 2 squares or 2-3 scorched almonds etc – I even broke my easter eggs up into roughly 15 gram shards). After about a fortnight I found I didn’t want it every day. It’s now something I eat occasionally and I rarely crave it anymore and I find it much easier to stop before I’ve eaten a lot of it. I think there’s something about foods that we try to avoid that makes it harder not to binge on them when we’re confronted with them.

    Cali, Aaw that is one cute dog!
    Yes I can identify with all the danger foods you listed. I also don’t buy most of them either but am happy to have dark chocolate in the house as I’ll just have a square very occasionally. The other I struggle with is nuts. Because of the huge calorie count I can eat my entire days TDEE in about 15 minutes if I’m not careful! I found keeping raw nuts that I roast as needed is the safest option.

    Turnabout and Neil, it sounds like all our New Zealanders are going extremely well on the fast track version of Fast800. Well done. Turnabout, I image being out of the food business now makes it a great deal easier to eat better.

    Quacka, I agree, the third pair in the photos in that beautiful green are my favourites too.

    Things have moved along a bit on the food challenges next week. The movie & fast food lunch with my 5 & 7 yo great niece and nephew has now been postponed to the school holidays. That suits them better as they get desperate for babysitters during school holidays. That means no lunch challenge on Sunday. As I had already changed the Tuesday lunch to an afternoon cuppa after the movie it means I just have Wens & Thurs lunches out now. I feel a whole lot less worried now and can choose what I feel like from the two menus without worrying about calories. I will still aim for the planned 4 x FD800s as I’d like to see how well it manages my weight with meals out.

    Have a lovely day.

    Quacka – love all three pairs of boots but the first ones would be my favourites!! Haven’t owned a pair of boots for years, never here in the winter!!!

    LJ – I can’t believe how much different my life is not having to think about food all the time!! Although I do still think about it but in a totally different way!! I always thought I had a healthy relationship with food, but this WOL certainly reveals our strengths and weaknesses. I still get a bit carried away in the fruit & veg dept in the supermarket but I’m getting better!! Off to the Christchurch food show in a couple of weeks so know I’m still a foodie at heart. Being in command of my own hours in probably the bggest change for me, and eating at the correct times has helped enormously, I don’t feel guilty at all for skipping brekky!

    Great to hear that your food challenges are going to be a little easier this coming week, funny how you never think how difficult menus are until you can’t/don’t want to eat food groups, good luck.


    Up at. 4.30 am again, just like Thin.
    Quacka, I 100% agree with you with just being happy our weight is not going up and even 100 g loss is better than nothing. I think our bodies are clinging to its last bit of fat. I have decided that I will continue with my rule of liquids only on a week day till My bmi is right smack in the middle of a healthy weight range, it is a tiny bit over halfway at 22 point something. I am determined to not stop until the job is finished. I have stopped so many times in the past too soon. If not now, when ? I want to be finally free of extra fat. I will also be pleased that I will have been able to accomplish something at 61 years that I have never been able to before. 5 th day of btb fasting and weigh in day tomorrow. I haven’t done any exercise since breaking my wrist on January 20, so if there is no movement on the scales, I will make myself do some, even though I am working very long hours at the moment.

    Good morning, everyone,
    I’m listening to the Christchurch memorial as I type, so very beautiful.

    My busy time is settling down, but the more I do, the less it takes for life to be too busy (thanks CFS) so I am still having to be careful. Hoping to catch up here now.

    Thin, say hello to the frog from me if it is still around. Congratulations on that new low of 58.4, do you feel and look like it might be your new normal? I found that if I lost weight quickly my face would go thin first and make me look gaunt, but just losing weight bit by bit it adjusts and looks fine. (Comparatively 😉 ).
    I very much enjoyed that Ricky Gervais clip.

    Minka, so sorry to hear of the work stress, and hoping it is being dealt with at the appropriate level now. I hope the conference is fun and that there are some good food choices you can manage while you are there.

    Turnabout, lovely to hear that all is going well for you and Mr T. I love that philosophy of eating proper meals, just smaller ones and with good spaces between them!

    Betsy, you might feel better if you can put your scales in the cupboard while you get through that ‘I might be getting to a plateau’ stress. You are watching your shape change, and throwing out clothes and needing less force on your CPAP macine, so no need to take notice of those crazy scales giving you smaller increments!
    (Just saying.)
    PS Congratulations on being 12 years clear after your frightening cancer experience. Hooray for every day.

    LJoyce, so glad next week is settling down so nicely!

    Quacka, I am like you with those chicken nuggets type junk food, I need to be very hungry to be prepared to eat any of it, and always wish I had another choice. I do love potato chips, but the last few times I have bought a packet I have felt horrible after, so the temptation is decreasing.

    I LOVE those turquoise boots!
    How about you buy them, and if you don’t like them you donate them to an opshop in Melbourne’s inner NE and let me know which one!

    Cali, I do hope the stress eating has stopped, especially if it means the stress has stopped. Sending best wishes.

    Intesha, yay for getting out of the 67’s. I am sure your will manage Easter and the family celebrations with style!

    Neil, I loved the photos. I hope you are philosophical about a less than extraordinary weight loss. You are doing so great!
    We used to make scroggin for bushwalks, cross country skiing trips etc when I was lucky to be studying with friends doing the Outdoor Adventure course in Bendigo in the 80’s. I looked it up and it appears that, like pavlova, it is a NZ or Aus word, disputed, and an acronym that includes several things we never added to it: http://bushwalk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=19413
    Ours was mostly nuts, with seeds, pieces of dried fruit and squares of chocolate added. So good when you get hungry in the bush!

    Gday hooray for your excellent downward trajectory towards your healthiest weight.

    Rosy, so glad you are having the happiness you deserve. What a fab caravan.

    Hello to anyone I missed and special good wishes to others who haven’t been able to post.

    Turn, what does half a pub look like? Like you, I’m eternally grateful to DR M. for 5:2 even if he has moved on! He graciously left us with this forum which is another huge bonus.

    LJ, glad you eventually postponed one of the eating events. (I hope you didn’t think when I suggested it that I meant cancelling it). I hope you enjoy the others. I have no plans to strive for 57kg although I have noticed that the oblique ‘fold’ of skin I always had on both sides of the base of my abdomen which become a ‘crease’ at 60kg has now almost disappeared making me completely streamline. It’s unlikely that I will stay at 58.2kg where I am this morning – I’m sure Sunday’s feast will see to that.

    No, I can’t afford the calories of the fish oil on a FD and my very first question when I joined this forum was exactly about that. Some clever person replied that they use it to cook with on a FD. It took me some time to persuade Melrose to reveal the calorie count to me. As it turns out, my 25kg weight loss resulted in the elimination of all knee pain and I’m now really only taking it out of habit and because it’s supposed to stave off dementia. I’ve been thinking of giving it the flick.

    Rosy, I bet you’ll be at that ideal BMI in no time. You are tenacious!

    Cinque, I’m concerned. Are you well?

    P.S. Oh yay! There you are, Cinque. Our posts crossed. So good to read yours. Glad that you enjoyed Ricky Gervais’ take on The Bible. I could never get into ‘The Office’, just couldn’t understand it, but I do love his stand up comedy. We haven’t seen Robert the frog for 2 days. Hoping he’s still around.

    Good morning all.
    The weather has turned into a gloomy drizzly day. It matches the way I feel at present as I awoke with the definite signs of a lung infection. Thankfully I always have the antibiotic on hand and have started them immediately. Usually this means it clears up quickly and I only need one course of antibiotics. However my poor gut bugs are going to be very unhappy with me. I’ll need to make sure I get a generous amount of kefir and inulin even on my FDs for the next couple of weeks.

    Turnabout, Where do you go in winter?
    I am the same with fruit and veg. Although I eat quite a lot of it, I still seem to buy a bit too much. It’s not a problem in winter as I can turn the excess into soups for the freezer, but in summer I usually end up throwing away some salad veg that’s well past its prime. I think this last summer was one of the few where the excess wasn’t an issue as it came from my veggie patch rather than my grocery shopping. Thankfully with home grown veg the neighbours and friends are all more than willing to take any excess off my hands.

    Rosy, good luck with the weigh-in tomorrow.

    Quacka, I hope you get the ankle boots if you love them.
    I find really nice shoes make me very happy. My favourite ever shoes were Italian made purple suede with a silk bow on the front – I bought them heavily discounted at the end of the season (they would have broken the budget before that) and wore them for many years. When bows went out of fashion I carefully removed the bows and continued to wear them. Unfortunately when the RA started I found most of my shoes were too painful to wear so all my lovely heels and narrow fitting fashion shoes went to charity and I had to start again with “sensible” footwear.
    I bought a pair of EOS leather calf height, ankle boots a couple of years, ago and they are still my favourite winter footwear. Amazingly comfortable and high enough that I can wear them with my maxi length winter skirts and with jeans and it’s not obvious that they aren’t a full height boot. I got them from a store called Grundy’s which has fittings for difficult feet. Even though I have a fairly narrow size 7 foot, most fashion shoes put too much pressure on my toe joints and are painful to wear. I end up with price extremes in my wardrobe – cheap second hand clothes and orthopaedic shoes that cost hundreds of dollars.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Hi Thin & Cinque – crossed posts.

    Cinque, I hope you get through your busy time without too many consequences.

    Thin, I didn’t change Sunday because of your comments. It started because I was meant to babysit that day, but then they didn’t need a babysitter after all. So I suggested that it might be better if we postponed the outing to school holidays when they would be desperate for babysitters. So it worked out well for everyone. Thankfully the kids hadn’t been told they were going to the Lego movie on Sunday, it was going to be a surprise – it still will be.

    Good morning. Lovely sunny day in Sydney today….28 degrees. Rain coming tomorrow apparently – up to 25mm according to BOM

    LJ, I am so sorry to hear you are unwell and a lung infection is serious. I hope the antibiotics do their thing and quickly. Sending healing thoughts

    Thin, that really is very thin! It must feel great but you might need new clothes if you keep going downwards. I had a good laugh at your ‘half a pub’ joke. What did you mean by Dr M has moved on? I haven’t been keeping up with him, where has he gone? 

    Potato chips….sigh….I adore them so they are rarely in the house. Hubby (and Maxx) love them too so if they buy some and open them they know to give me a small plate with a few on them and I eat them very mindfully and slowly 

    Rosy I honestly don’t know how you go without any food for 5 days. But it is working for you so hats off.

    Cinque, please take it easy as I know whenever my good friend did too much when she had CFS it really knocked her around.

    Cali, that video of the police dog was so amazing! I wish we could teach Maxx something so clever but seeing we are struggling with the basics I don’t think so!! I must say that he has really matured in the last 4-6 weeks. He is now 17 months old and my the good people of the Labrador friends forum have assured me all through the rough times that he should calm down around 18 months. How clever they are! He is a long way from well behaved but we are getting there. I was so proud to see how nicely he is now walking with hubby. He still gets over excited when a dog is approaching but if we get him into a sit and say ‘look at that….look at that’ he has learnt to sit there calmly. Well mostly.

    Quacka, love those boots! You must get a pair and hopefully you get a nice staff discount?

    Sigh, I have run out of time as I must get back to work. A big hello to everyone else.

    Oh dear, I’m confusing everyone this morning! It’s the trouble with hastily written text I find. Too easy to give an unintended meaning.

    Anzac, Dr M. is a medical journalist making a living from the latest science. So, 5:2 can’t be his holy grail even if it is for all the people on this forum and all those who are not posting but continue to practice 5:2. By ‘moving on’, I meant that he has to keep coming up with something new, e.g., Fast800.

    LJ, no I realised that I don’t wield that much influence over anyone’s plans! From your first response, it seemed that you thought I’d suggested cancelling two of your events when I’d actually suggested postponing them. I just wanted to be clear that I’d never suggest backing out of a commitment. Probably not worth belabouring!

    I also just wanted to say that no-one should feel bad for finishing a packet of potato chips. That’s what they’re designed to make us do. The food manufacturer’s job is to keep us addicted to salt and sugar. Our job is to fight back. My solution is to never buy them in the first place.

    Thin – Hahaha, took me a while!!!! Half a pub, it’s only open 2 nights a week!!!! It almost makes Pub status!!

    LJ – Lucky you with your own veggie patch, I bet your neighbours love you?? When we had acres to plant our own we never had the time to tend to one, now we are officially nfa I shall sorely miss having the option. I think I might have to have my own herb garden near the kitchen sink and tie it down so it doesn’t move in transit!!!! I certainly miss having a compost bin, breaks my heart throwing eveything in the bin, including the coffee grinds! In the winters we head to warmer climes, this year we are flying over to Europe and cycling from Prague to Budapest (about 17 days) before hiking the last section of the South West Coast Path in southern England (about 17 days), that will be that one finished, all 650 miles! Then we’ll be catching up with friends and family all over the country! My parents are still alive and are based in Norfolk so we plan to spend some time with them, only get to see them every couple of years, and they are getting older??!!! Back home first week sept! By which time its usually springtime and OH’s favourite season!!! Keep up with those antibiotics to keep that infection at bay, it sounds awful, and plenty of chicken broth!!!

    Cinque – It’s all about what works for us as individuals and sustainability isn’t it? We were on 5:2 before and loved it, we felt healthy on it, but are feeling so much more comfortable with 800 calories. I don’t count them at all, only when I use a new food and am not sure of its calorific value, I never weigh or count calories of salad or vegies, and use olive oil to cook with and dress salads. I certainly have halved our protein portions though and enjoy eating 16:8.

    Enjoy your Friday everyone!


    Although I’ve already done 2 normal FDs this week I’ve been overdoing the high fat/sugar snacks on my NFDs so I slipped a Fast800 day in today to try and steady my eating this week.
    I thought it might be useful to provide a visual of the difference between a Fast800 day and my normal FD:

    Fast 800 includes: 3 pots of tea (with 250ml reduced fat milk), a small plum (60g), a small banana (100g including the skin), 50g grilled tandoori chicken breast with 6 mini roma tomatoes, a bowl of cream of green veg soup (zucchini, spinach & sorrel), 70g wholemeal sourdough, two 45-50g boiled eggs (these are the 600g cartons), a cup of cocoa made with 1/2 cup skim milk and stevia.

    Normal FD (which is usually 350-400cals): 3 pots of tea (with 250ml reduced fat milk), a small plum, a small banana, a bowl of cream of green veg soup, one 45-50g boiled egg.
    Although I haven’t photographed it, there is also a teaspoon of fish oil both days and I would have 3 pots of tea (6 cups) across the day. I may also include 1/4 cup kefir.
    On both of these days I have a few calories to spare if I get desperate.

    It feels like I’m eating all day on a Fast800 day, as opposed to fasting all day and wishing dinner time would hurry up on a normal FD.

    It was good to see that despite the cold weather today, doing a Fast800 day was actually very easy – I had not thought this would be the case. This bodes well for when I need this option on colder days. I still plan to do 4 Fast800 days next week.

    The one thing I’ve really struggled with during the fasting is making sure I get enough protein. I read in the fast 800 book that you need to make sure you eat 50-60 grams of protein a day or your body can start eating up your muscle mass to make up the difference. But I’ve discovered biltong. It’s a South African dried meat snack and just 40 grams is only 100 calories but has like 25 grams of protein. I picked up a whole lot of beef from the butcher and made about 300 grams of it for snacks

    Ha ha love everyone’s thoughts on the boots. I will definitely donate them to some Melbourne op shop if they make it that far (and if I get them), Cinque. Our op shops here are really not great. I am truly amazed at the clothes you find in your op shops (especially you LJ) as ours are really dismal.

    LJ, take care of yourself and get well soon. Get that chilli into those soups 🙂

    Neil, just saw your post. I make beef jerky (I’m assuming very similar to biltong). It is so yummy but I’m all out of it at the moment and need to make some more. I discovered this recipe in a ‘beer’ cookbook and have modified it a little each time. By beer, I mean foods to eat with beer. It doesn’t contain any beer. This jerky is amazing, so much work, it is really amazing.

    Unfortunately I can’t cook any thing in the oven at the moment. Well maybe jerky would be ok as it is only heating up to a max of 125 degrees. So I called on Monday and the lady said she would organise a replacement….. lalalalalala. By Thursday I hadn’t heard anything from them so thought I would check. Yep, she had filled out the required forms etc but had failed to submit them for approval. Lalalalalalala
    The new lady I spoke to assured me she had submitted them and that it would take 48-72 hours for approval and then who knows how long for the oven to get out to the electrician who is supposed to put it in.

    Argh, cranky quack.

    I’ve been desperately trying to do a CD since my ‘FD’ on Wednesday which I did not complete. My body is protesting at this and I have been waking up really hungry both days since. I have decided to cut my losses and just do my FDs (successfully) next week.

    Got my hair done today. Really happy with it. I just wish I could train my OH in the right things to say! Lol

    Oh dear, I’ve said too much. Time for sleep now. Good night my friends and I hope you all have a lovely weekend x

    I Quacka you make me laugh and tonight I need it.

    My day started out going with my Dad to see the knee surgeon. He is very reluctant to operate because, his words, Dad is not a well man. He has had numerous appointments the last few months with a cardiologist and a vascular surgeon as well as the knee surgeon. Dad is nearly doubled over with his walking and pushes his walker with his arms as he cannot grip with his hands. The surgeon now wants him to see a spine doctor.

    Because Dad is DVA he gets transport to and from his medical appointments which saves me from driving and having to find parking close to the Drs rooms.

    Arrived home and Dad was putting his walker into the boot of his car, he has three walkers in various places. He can’t reach the button to close the boot so I was standing behind him to press the button when he lost his balance, fell back on me and we both went crashing onto the driveway. I cushioned his fall but I hit my head very heavily on the concrete. I really thought I had split my head open but luckily I only have a huge lump.

    Had to call the ambulance as I cannot lift him and there is never anyone around to help. They gave him a very stern warning and said he should seriously think about going into care. They wrote a note for him to give his Dr.

    All very upsetting and traumatic. You never know what life has in store and it happens in the blink of an eye.

    So will probably gain tomorrow after a couple of scotches and a bowl of ice cream 🙄🙄

    Anyway hopefully will have a good nights sleep as I am planning a cooking day tomorrow.

    Goodnight and hope you all have a lovely weekend.

    Oh Intesha, you poor poor thing – how absolutely terrible. How is your head this morning? Should you see a doctor? Your Dad should think about going into care; can’t he see it is now dangerous for you both? No-one wants to do it but there comes a time when it is inevitable. You are a saint for looking after him so well to date. I’m sorry if I’m being too blunt but your post scared the life out of me. Enjoy your cooking day and don’t worry about the scotches and ice cream, I would have had more than that.

    Quacka, I would be a cranky Anzac without an oven, especially as that idiot woman stuffed you around even longer than necessary. Seriously, how hard is it? I hope it gets replaced soon

    It’s been raining here all night and Maxx is sitting on the upstairs balcony looking wistfully out at it as we haven’t been for a walk yet. It is supposed to stop so we will wait as I am a bit sniffly so don’t want to get wet.

    How are you feeling today LJ? Did the lung infection take hold or did the antibiotics kick it away?

    Maxx is now standing in front of me with his ball in his mouth look at me with pleading eyes so I better go and play chase around the house. I will post some more later. Happy weekend all

    Hi Intesha , I’m with Anzac, your dad is getting too much for you. Can you get visiting helpers? We have visiting careers called silver chain and they helped wash and dress my mum and put her to bed at night. It sounds as though your dad shouldn’t be driving anymore , cruel as it sounds.

    Quacka I feel your pain re oven. A few years ago we had our entire kitchen ripped out and did a major Reno which included new floors, kitchen cupboards and appliances. We went with a very upmarket and expensive brand of appliances as we thought that saying it was a ——- kitchen would be good for resale in the future. The only appliance out of 7 that wasn’t this very flash, expensive brand was the ice and water fridge which is Electrolux as we couldn’t get the style we wanted in the posh brand. Well that fridge is the only appliance that has worked properly. The coffee machine has been replaced 4 times, the microwave repaired, the oven repaired, the dishwasher has broken bits etc ironical isn’t it ?

    Saturday morning scream time ! I am very happy to say that I have lost another 500 g which is a total loss of 20.9 kg and I weigh 62.8 kg, my height is 169 cm. My bmi 22. Would probably like to lose another 2 kg.

    Quacka what did you have done to your hair? I can’t believe how cheap men’s hair treatment is compared to women. Also, I have finally found a hairdresser who isn’t scissor happy. I get the ends trimmed every 6 months as I like long hair.Mine is dark and about half way down my upper arm.

    Anzac I don’t go without food for 5 days but it is all liquid. I am so busy at work, I wouldn’t have time to eat much anyway. You never get a moment’s peace, it is all go,go, go. On rising I have 2 skim milk cappuccinos, sip my favourite, mint/ lemon/ lime/coriander and cucumber flavoured iced water, have another coffee on arrival at work, then 2 bouillions (chicken stock cubes in boiling water), then another shake sized iced, flavoured water, then slip slowly throughout the day my define protein shake as it thaws. Once I get home, I have another flavoured water plus a massive drink of Metamucil containing a range of effervescent vitamins and msm powder. I am ever hungry. On Sat and Sun, I eat whatever I want as we are always out and about. This morning I have eaten some Brie and olives.

    This avo we are having a twilight beach picnic and I will take Prosecco, battered chicken and slaw. Re potato chips I never buy them except for parties . Once they are open, I keep eating them too and like Quacka, I love hashbrowns also but never buy them. I also love spring rolls, curry puffs, prawn crackers and crumpets but would have them once a year.

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