Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Well done patsykona, I can’t imagine what it’s like to be able to run 5 and a half km. This morning I did a brisk walk, jog, walk, jog for four and a half km and that warmed me up on a frosty morning. I had a terrible fast day on Monday, not because of the fast but because my fitbit zip wouldn’t wake up – waaaah, it was like a pet dying. The previous night the battery was showing as half full but thought I’d try a new battery and didn’t have one. I finally got a battery yesterday and the poor little fitbit was awake again but totally confused about the time, when I synced with the laptop at home my busy shopping day steps were allocated to Monday and my yesterday evening steps was all I logged for tuesday. So, new fitbit zip users, have a spare battery handy just in case your battery level icon is as unreliable as mine.
    bayleaf – I know the feeling of disappearing magic numbers, I saw 56.9 for a moment last week and after Monday’s fast thought it would see it again but the numbers were higher than before the fast (all that water perhaps), then this morning I saw 56.3 – I know it will disappear again but the general trend is still going down. I haven’t been under 57kg for more than 15 years (and mostly over 60kg). I’m 5’2″ and when I started 5:2 my bmi was just entering the overweight area.

    Here’s a video of some alfresco dancing:

    I have to join in!
    cheers, VM

    Hi all.

    Such good work VM and patsykona!

    What a pain about the fitbit battery VM, and your efforts not recorded correctly.

    Mine is a Fitbit flex and it plugs into my computer for recharging or into the 240V if I use the adaptor which came with my phone. I previously had a FB One which also recorded stairs (our 100m up hill driveway it used to record as 5 floors) but the battery died within 6 months and I accepted the flex as a warranty replacement because it’s waterproof. Suspect that was the problem with the other one because I used to wear it clipped to my bra and I think the sweat from weight training did it in.

    Like patsy, have almost forgotten what 60kg was like except I have a photo as my computer wallpaper from my 40s when I weighed about 55Kg to keep me inspired.

    Fasting for me today and have only had small water-only porridge for breakfast and LOTS of black tea but not ravenous, just that slight ache in my tum. Feeling plenty strong enough to resist passing hunger pangs.


    Hi all, today is my first fast day and the FAST diet. Feeling a bit peckish at the moment and drinking lots if water. I’m tossing up whether to do 5:2 or 4:3, I’ll see how the first week goes. I might mix it up a bit. I need to see some progress. I’ve stacked on a lot of weight over the past 12 months (20kg) due to various issues, which has hit my self esteem hard. So I have about 30kg to lose all up. I am dreaming of being able to move my body freely again, without straining under my weight. I have attempted so many different diets and have become so confused, and my weight has continued to increase! So this is it. It sounds good. It sounds reasonable. It sounds right. So I will focus on the health and the psychological benefits and hopefully the weight will come off and by Summer I can hit the pool with my kids. That’s my plan.
    Good luck to everyone starting today.

    Hi Nicole

    Welcome to this thread. Have you read Dr Mosley’s book ? He gives you the science and the reasons for why intermittent fasting is good for your health. He pretty much advises only doing 5:2 until you find out how your body responds to intermittent fasting. Better to start out with 5:2 and find out what is sustainable for life for you. 🙂

    Enjoy whatever you do. There are lots of supportive people on this thread, who all seem to have a great sense of humour. We laugh and dance with each others’ successes. 🙂

    Welcome Nichole
    I totally back up everything Bayleaf says. Start with 2 days a week, arm yourself with knowledge and understanding it IS definitely doable.
    We are right behind you. PVE

    Well done Patsy. 🙂 specially on a fast day. 🙂

    Hi all
    Re Fitbits….I have stopped wearing mine. I have a very good handle now on energy in and out and like not being controlled by having to enter everything. .
    They serve a very useful purpose short term, but you soon get your head around how much exercise you need.
    I have blisters from running through the city this morning but I know it burned lots of cals 🙂 P

    Purple and Bayleaf thanks re Harrison’s book and Booktopia. Must admit I still like a well thumbed volume and today managed to pick up copy of the fast exercise in Bookworld who passed the comment that the fast series was flying off the shelfs as fast as they could stock it. Theres a pun in there somewhere.

    Finally got to see some of Drs Fungs vids very interesting.

    Purple do you know if ” simcoeluv ” over in main forums has a medical back ground?
    He seems to have good background knowledge although one of his posts I strongly disagreed with.

    Patsykona, good on you for running and on a fast day too.

    To Thursday fasters hope you all have another successful day


    Hi Tim
    Re Simcoeluv, he/she is the mystery of the site. Seems to be able to grab references from all over at the drop of a hat, reads and gets involved in all the threads, but never gives anything personal away. S/he has been asked by others in the past.:( to no avail.
    Come on, Simmo (Aussie abbreviation ) how about coming clean?
    All the best fasting tomorrow folks. P

    Hi Purple, I read something on another thread that made me think simcoeluv was a medical person. However, would any man willingly put luv at the end of his name? 🙂 B

    Hi all, we sure are a mixed bunch who are free to express ourselves behind our pseudonyms, which makes these forums so very interesting and entertaining.

    I’m freeing myself of old clothes at the moment, and yesterday gleefully chucked out four bags full of things I had shrunken out of (rather than grown out of), looked too old for me, or never wore in the first place because they made me feel too dowdy and depressed.

    It’s so strange, because up until now I’d thought those old clothes were ok, maybe even great, but now I thnk they are just plain ugly, strange or just ‘not me’….isn’t it fascinating just how our tastes and opinions change as our body changes? Is it a sort of metamorphosis? A strange variety of ageing in reverse? Mutton trying to dress as lamb? Or is it that my true self is slowly and actively revealing herself, after being asleep or missing in action for so long?

    Whatever the cause for this sudden change in my tastes and need to clear the decks of the old, it’s a cause for celebration and hope, knowing that my life IS worth living, and I have a happy future ahead of me!

    Happy fasting! Cheers my dears!

    Time to celebrate ideed, waisty!
    You are a beautiful butterfly emerging from your (fatty) cocoon.
    Enjoy the new you. Go ahead…fly! 🙂 P

    Go, IHAW, go! Long may you dance 🙂 B

    Any Aussie males out there?? I have now been on 5:2 for 3 months – what a ride! Down almost 10 kg to a below 70 kg weight I just could not even consider achievable before. Spending (almost) more money on taking trousers in than new slim fit shirts and figure hugging suit coats. My formula has been 2 consecutive fast days (to coincide with my wife’s two work days) and one other fast day per week (normally Monday)PLUS 3 or 4 days of fast exercise a week – 4 x 90 seconds flat out on rowing machine with 60 second breaks in between. Now wondering when to stop the weight loss as I am approaching mid range of healthy BMI but still have some very hard to get rid of tummy flab. Any tips????

    Great work Graeme
    My Aussie male is also below 70 now AND spending a fortune on new stylish clothes. He works full time so doesn’t post. I give him a second hand report from here.
    Tim (Tarkeeth) is a regular. He’d enjoy your participation I’m sure.
    Have a good Thursday. Purple
    Typing this on the station in the sun as I mucked around adding recipes to the LOACA recipe thread and missed my train:(

    IHAW – enjoy exploring your personal style. Your body is now totally different to the one which wore those clothes, and will suit different styles and fabrics. Time to try everything on and see what you love on your new bod.

    GrahamE that’s a fabulous result! I remember you posting here when you were starting on 5:2. I still haven’t managed to make the exercise part a habit, even though the HIIT does seem like my kind of exercise plan.

    MelbourneMum – I am actually finishing my exercise sessions 20 minutes earlier using fast exercise than before yet getting much more benefit for my time (and effort). I see so many at my early morning session working out for 30, 40 50 minutes at a moderate pace and know they are not achieving their goals as they all are failing to lose weight. I just go, warm up for 10-15 minutes at their pace then do my “real exercise” in the final 10 minutes – 90 seconds full blast (= whatever that is to you personally), 60 seconds rest then repeat 3 more times. I have built up to this over the last 3 months – when I started it was 20 seconds full blast on a stationary cycle – 1 minute rest and repeated twice, then three times. Then 30 seconds full blast, repeated twice, then three times and now I am up to 90 seconds repeated 4 times and don’t feel the need to do any more.
    My tip, do whatever you feel comfortable with, run, row, cycle, elliptical, and do it flat out to your own ability for 20 seconds – if you don’t have a sweat after 3 repetitions, you are not going hard enough.
    Everybody fasting today, have a great day tomorrow and over the weekend – if you are Sydney Harbour on Saturday, look out for me between Fort Dennison and the Heads as we do a full day training for our Hamilton Island Race Week next month.

    Good question Purple regarding the mystery person. I wonder whether he ‘luvs’ his coeliac artery or something akin to that. Note the ‘coel’ part of the name. The coeliac artery is a good one to love as it supplies the liver, spleen and pancreas, part of the stomach and maybe part of the intestine – can’t quite recall. As none of these are paired organs and are the ones that maintain our dietary health and immune system amongst many other things, it’s a good artery to love!!

    Just a thought.

    My clothes change too, IHAW. When I’m slimmer, I’m more into struttin’ ya know? Hur-hur! Love getting into some of my old and hardly worn clothes from a more slender time. Sad I gave a couple of things away too.

    Had a good fast day yesterday, and was very proud of myself. Had a friend over for lunch and kept myself well within limits whilst putting out a sort of ploughman’s lunch spread complete with (home-made) toast and cider for my friend. I had just a pile of salad and about 60g lean ham with soda water to drink with lemon. Never mentioned anything about fasting and it all went very easily.



    Forgive me if this is all stuff you know already…

    If you lose weight too fast, it takes seems to take more time to fit your skin. It’s important not to put your body into starvation mode with too many fast days. Starvation mode is very different from fasting and can promote weight gain by slowing your metabolic rate. Perhaps the exercise will mitigate against that.

    Skin health (the flab bits) is supported by reduced or no alcohol, vitamins A, C, and E and some say that probiotics are a good idea too. Youth is helpful as well – the more collagen in your skin and the more elastic it is, the better. Otherwise patience is a virtue.

    For my part, it’s a bit sad about the youth bit. 😉

    Good to know another Sydneysider faster Graham!
    What do you sail? You sound enthusiastic re exercise.Well done! I tend to run up Martin Place, stairs two at a time and the Domain. 🙂

    Read Michael’s piece re ‘starvation mode’ on the home page. It is a myth!

    Good on you Ros, serving your lovely bread and not eating it. One fast day I went to an oyster bar with a friend. Just had oysters and undressed salad. Drank water. It IS possible to socialise and fast, isn’t it?

    We lost our initial 20 kg very quickly and found rubbing moisturiser all over helped our skin. I think the glow of success makes you look good 🙂 Purple

    I rub moisturiser in after my shower. It is a dermatologist recommended cream. Literally, by my sister’s dermatologist. 🙂 skin and hair are full of dry dust. I wiped all our plantation shutters and walls and cupboard doors. We had sheets and towels over the benches. 🙂

    You poor thing Bay! How are your lungs? Purple

    Oh my word Bayleaf, the dust is drying indeed. I spent five months travelling in the desert with a tent and learned a bit about that – and you live with it. The moisturiser is certainly a daily application for me too.

    Purple, now you mention it, I do recall Michael writing about the myths, and that the metabolic changes are a myth. I must say I was speaking from experience rather than research, and I went through a period 25 years ago of eating way too little for nearly a year. It took a loooong time to recover from that and then I went overboard without really being aware of it. Hmmm.

    Thanks for the pointer.

    Hi Ros
    I hope you’ve got your head around it now. 🙂
    I have found 5:2 fabulous for resetting my portion sizes on normal days (smaller) but I would never undereat….I love food too much…eg tonight 😉
    Have a great weekend. P

    GrahameE, are you looking to lose weight or get fit for the race? I have been unsuccessfully trying to lose weight using Interval training, 10 min warm up
    30 sec flat out, then a minute normal pace repeated 3 times with 5 mins cruise
    between 3 sets and cool down. It looks as though the ” flat-out ” is as the Irish say I have a weakness.

    The 5/2 diet and members of this forum have help me get back on track.

    Only got the fast exercise paperback this week and am still working my way through.

    Did you find help on any of the other forums? What I’ve explored so far has given me a couple of heads up but there really is so much out there it hard to sort.

    Its good to have some male company in the group because there are some crasy females around, they dance, sing, discuss blouse and trouser sizes, swap recipes, walk, run and skip and they are likely to break out at any moment through one never knows 🙂


    Hi fellow Southern fasters! I’m having a better week this week yeeha! Have stepped the exercise again with 2 runs either side of my Wed fast and 3 long dog walks. Feeling much better and haven’t overdone the calories on my non-fasting days. We’ll see if i can keep it up until fast day on Monday:-)

    Well done, Patsy

    Hi Purple, Knock em dead today 🙂

    Thanks everyone for your sympathy. ThE dust is in and on everything. Like fasting, I’m trying to focus on the end goal. Off to paint the skirting boards. 🙂

    How much did you eat at the Xmas In July last night Bay? Painting skirting boards is extreme exercise! 🙂
    I’ll be cold in my outfit. But the legs look good ; ) P

    Interesting at the Christmas in July. I hadn’t eaten much during the day in preparation. I probably ate only my TDEE over the whole day, plus an extra red wine. So feel fine this morning. The meal included small portions of Turkey, ham, tiny piece of roast potato and kumara, gravy, fruit sauce, green beans, Xmas pudding, cream. Starter was lovely and maybe could be adapted. Does anyone know calories of Gorgonzola?

    Wholemeal pita bread spread with around 200 grams of Gorgonzola, as if you’re making a pizza. Then cut thin slices of fresh pears with skin on, eg, Williams or Packham pears. Lay pear slices on the Gorgonzola so they overlap. Then bake in 180 C oven for 10 minutes. Tasted divine, and light.

    My mouth is watering B! I don’t plan to overeat or drink today either. Just pick out the very best. Happy days! P

    Hi All,

    It’s good to find a time-zone friendly thread! I’m newly diagnosed with moderate hypertension which is very scary and I have 35 kg to lose. I’ve lost at least 250kg in the last 25 years but it always seem to find me again and bring along a few friends (as many others here probably already know). I’m not overly hopeful to be honest but not trying is the ultimate failure, so here goes. I’m starting on Monday and aiming to do Mon & Thurs so keen to read up and learn from others experiences. Cheers.

    Hi ensit and welcome
    Read as much as you can. Get the books, they are really worth reading, and be patient with yourself.
    We are all here to support you in your new venture. PVE 🙂

    Hi Purple
    How did the family do go? I painted gage skirting boards that had received the rough treatment. OH did the sanding etc. I did the washing etc. 🙂
    Off to homemade pizza with the grandchildren. B

    A agh. Autocorrect again. I painted those skirting boards that had been damaged. 🙂

    Hi B
    Good work! I never sand. The old bloke does that. I believe painting is to change the colour. He thinks it is to finish surfaces properly. Just a difference of opinion!
    Lots of positive comments today. Makes it all worth it 🙂 Restricted myself to one wine, fish and veg. Proud of myself AND had a good time. Even had a long walk afterwards to make up for all the sitting. One has to have balance.
    Enjoy your pizza. P 🙂

    Hi ensitu, lovely to see you coming into the 5:2 family.
    Everyone on this site is helpful, friendly and good at chatting. We celebrate and commiserate each other’s ups and downs.

    Tips to help you are-

    Read the book, it’s easy to download if you can’t get a hard copy.

    Measure everything before you start, hips, waist, chest, etc, as well as weight, then go onto the section that calculates your total daily calorie needs, BMI, etc.

    There is also a new helpful tracker section on this site, which looks really good, I haven’t tried it but as a new person stating out, it will assist you keeping an eye on how you are travelling.

    Write down everything you eat and drink for the first few weeks, so you can get a feel for when, what and how you consume, as well as the calories involved.

    When fasting and the urge to eat strikes, first distract yourself, drink water, breathe deeply and dance around to your favourite music….then see if you still feel hungry….or it was just a passing wave…..you might pleasantly surprise yourself with how well you do.

    In the end, this is a way of life, a slow and steady regaining health and well being, rather than a race to the quickest weight loss, which as you know can’t be sustained, and is ultimately fruitless and awfully frustrating.

    I really wish you all the best with this way of life, and for myself, I’ve found that it not only works, but has made me feel and look like a new woman. I plan having this as part of my future, for the rest of my life.

    All the best, and keep us all posted as to how things are going!

    Thanks so much for the welcome PVE and ihaveawaist 🙂

    So far I’ve ordered the books, have read some great threads for newbies and some excellent advice on what to eat/do when fasting and will definitely add the dancing to the tool kit! My GP does 5:2 and has recommended it to me based on other patients’ success as well (I’d seen it on TV a year or so ago).

    I’ve put all my measurements into the tracker (GULP) and I’m trying not to get too obsessive about every last calorie (although I appreciate the fast days need to be just that) so hopefully it will be something I can sustain. Am now feeling quite virtuous having just written out my shopping list for tomorrow 🙂 and ready for the challenge – wish me luck!

    Good luck ensitu, but I know that you won’t need it, you’re already on to a winner!

    All the best ensitu. Follow ihaw’s advice. 🙂 Purple

    Welcome ensitu, I endorse all of IHAW points. Drink at least two litres of water on your fast days. Drink water whenever you feel hungry. The first two weeks are the worst, in that you don’t know what to expect. Go well on Monday, and remember the mantra. “It’s only a day. Tomorrow I can eat”. 🙂

    Hi ensitu, I notice you mention moderate hypertension. I have had my BP medication reduced by one third since losing 16 kg on 5:2. A really good reason to persist with intermittent fasting. All the best. 🙂 B

    Welcome ensitu, I would only add the very good advise above that it helps me to drink all that water if I have silver tea (boiled water but without tea or coffee flavouring added). My cold water is so cold with all these frosty mornings I can’t drink it straight from the tap!
    Good luck with your fast tomorrow, you will have lots of company 🙂 VM

    ensitu – welcome!!
    Violet May – “Silver tea” I love it! The tap water is super cold at the moment. Might try some silver tea when I’ve had my share of black tea.

    Super cold water burns more calories 🙂 P

    Hi Tim. Key motivation was to loose weight, side benefit was to get a bit fitter – not that I am that unfit when considering as a lawyer I sit around in an office all day – have always been willing to get up earlier in the day to ‘create’ some time for exercise – hence my 5.10am wake up alarm to be at gym when it opens at 5.30.
    With you exercise format, I have not read the fast fit book but know my format works (at least for me). I agree with your 10 min warm up and as a starter, 20 or 30 seconds flat out with no more than a minute recovery time, repeated 3 times, sounds right. Not sure what you mean by your 5 minutes ‘cruise between 3 sets’ means – I don’t believe you should be having any more than 1 minute rest between your intense periods and if you are then this may be the reason it is not working. Remember, it is intense interval training – with the emphasis on the intense, not the interval – the interval is to ensure you have just enough time to recover and then to go flat out again. As I said before, I started off on a routine of 20 seconds flat out followed by 60 seconds of recovery and repeated this 3 times – when I started, this was quite exhausting. Then you just add 10 seconds a time to the intense activity and then start increasing the number of repetitions. It has taken me 3 months to work up to my current 90 second intense, 60 second recovery routine and I still look forward to stopping at the 90 second mark – it is hard – but you should NEVER look at taking too much of a recovery rest – I find 60 seconds is more than enough and this enables me to finish my ‘real’ exercise each day in less than 10 minutes.

    10 min warm up
    30 sec flat out, then a minute normal pace repeated 3 times with 5 mins cruise
    between 3 sets and cool down. It looks as though the ” flat-out ”

    Such enthusiasm Graham!
    Keep in mind our dear Tim is 79. He has not been long on 5:2 and has done brilliantly. Go Tim 🙂 P

    Is that right! Very impressed with your efforts then Tim – but remember, flat out to me will be different to flat out for you Tim (or any body else). This is why Michael’s idea is so great – we all have our individual concept of ‘flat out’ but as long as you find it, the benefits of Fast Exercise can be yours.

    Hi… very newbie just 2 fast days in – but would love a direction to fast recipes for the antipodes please?

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