Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • LJoyce thanks for the hint about white carbs, but I did not have any bread with it

    Thin, congrats on the 58.8! I was 59.1 this morning, the same weight you were yesterday. Tomorrow is a FD, so hopefully I’ll be back in the 58’s on Friday.

    Julie and Sybs, so nice that you can get together for walks and that you have so many things in common. Walking always goes faster when you have company.

    LJoyce, so nice that the cabinets are getting put in now so you can enjoy them for a little while before you move. Was your target date some time in May to put it on the market? I can’t remember now what date you said.

    We have a big winter storm blowing in here tonight with wind, rain and hopefully not snow where we are, but a possible 2 meters or more in the mountains. I just hope we don’t lose electricity. We need rain, but not the winds. I’m cold already!

    LJ that must be so satisfying – along with all your other accomplishments. I do hope your new home will be ready to move into without too much work being required!

    OH passed his stress test within 10 minutes of arriving (on his bike) and decided to go for a 2hour bike ride afterwards. Not too shabby for a 72 yo.

    Sybs, I never had this as a goal when I embarked on 5:2 and chose the name thinatlast tongue-in-cheek. I was 83kgs and just wanted to lose 10kgs as a measurable goal. It was probably 40 years ago that I was last this weight as an obsessive runner in California pounding 5 miles a day. Setting short achievable goals is a good way to approach this. I’m not sure if you’ve told us how much you have to lose to get to 65kgs. I haven’t tried very hard to get below the 60kgs I’ve maintained for 30 months. I’ve just made some changes like ‘eating mostly plants’ which I prefer anyway. Stopped snacking a long time ago and I don’t really enjoy alcohol these days – the changes just happened naturally with this brilliant WOL. They will for you too!

    TBH, I really don’t fancy that roo meat tonight but I’ll give it a try. I won’t be having the bread.

    Hi Cali, our posts crossed. I ditched the chicken in my miso soup this week. One less thing to prepare and probably 150 fewer calories.

    * sorry, that’s for two portions, so more like 75 cals less per FD.

    CalifD, my copy of ‘Longevity Diet’ just arrived. It reminded me that I owe you an email.

    thin – I need to lose about 20kg – however, I am not too worried about how much weight I lose, I just want to fit into the clothes I was wearing at 67 kg. So, I am not weighing myself. The other reason for starting 5:2 was that my cholesterol started creeping up. Now that I am cutting back on all fats, but especially saturated fats, I hope to get this under control – plus I have started walking again. Even after less than 1 month I can notice changes, so I’ll just keep on going – it’s so easy. I am not looking at 5:2 as a quick fix, but a way of getting back to eating the way I used to, which is not all that difficult, since I have always loved veg and salads.

    Sounds like the perfect approach, Sybs!

    It is the first day of Spring. It is snowing again and forecast to be really heavy later. With the wind chill we have minus 14 C. Today I am supposed to be outside preparing my kayak and other kit for the weekend. This may not happen.

    This is the kind of day that a green salad does not excite me.

    Cali – a target in May sounds nice. Unfortunately my target is the end of March – 30 days and counting.

    Penguin – I think spring’s a little late, you may need to break through an ice layer to find water for the kayak. I think you are rather brave tackling a green salad on such a cold day. It’s soup weather!

    Sybs – I agree, small achievable targets are good. One big target can feel too daunting, but chipping away at it in small increments eventually gets you there and keeps you more motivated I think.

    FD for me. No idea how many calories I’ve eaten but I’m pretty sure I’m well under 500. Through the day I had 3 pots of tea and 1 very small banana. For dinner I had one heaped spoonful of vegetable gratin with a side serve of mushrooms and zucchini.

    Just noticed “The Diet Testers” on SBS tonight at 8:30pm.
    Cinque – it’s hosted by Dr Xand.

    thanks LJoyce – could be worthwhile watching

    LJoyce. Sound judgement. A large pot of soup is on the stove – beef stock from the freezer, root veg and lentils. The sort of thing that can be re-heated on the camping stove when the power goes off, as it will with this much snow.

    Enjoy that soup Penguin! I hope that cold blast doesn’t cause too much damage.

    I did watch Dr Xand diet testing show, and enjoyed it, nice and straightforward information and feedback. I had no idea there were so many diets! I’ve missed the first two of this series, which is a pity because apparently they looked at 5:2 in the very first one.
    When I went to their show Dr Xand talked a bit about the series and basically said all the diets led to weight loss, but the trick was what happens after you finish the diet (surprised anyone?). He showed an unflattering picture of himself as he hasn’t coped well with all the touring and shows and has put on a lot of weight. He was disarmingly straightforward admitting he just messes up his eating as soon as his life becomes stressful and chaotic. (Hopefully he is now able to follow his own advice again).

    Your kitchen sounds wonderful LJoyce! Hopefully it is all downhill from here.

    Autumn is my favourite Season! I wilt in summer and shiver through winter. Such a small range of comfortable weather these days, but this is the season for me 🙂

    Hooray Sybs, another non-weigher! I get lonely here sometimes!

    Thin, have you started reading it yet? Congrats to Mr Thin, what a full-on day!
    How did the roo meat go? Keep your shorts up! You may need a new pair for next summer. 🙂

    JJulie, so glad your hip was so much better yesterday. Hope it is better again today and stays good now. You keep your shorts up too! haha. So lovely to have loose clothes.
    I’m impressed at your room cleaning but (drumroll!) I made inroads to all the papers on my desk yesterday! Woohoo!

    I had an okay fast day yesterday. Ate an unecessary amount in the middle of the day. Thursday afternoon will be my big opshopping day I think, it distracts me wonderfully. I got a good haul yesterday, including some good winter clothes for Miss 3. (I just should have left after my bowl of soup! No worries, it was still a fair fast day.)

    I’m minding my darlings this afternoon. The three year old loves Batman so I will impress her by wearing a (cheap) black tshirt with a gold beaded batman symbol on it! No maybe I will just give it to her, I think the neck is small enough that it won’t fall off her. It can be a dress up.

    I want to do some cooking first. An Indian red kidney bean recipe and a pot of ragu. Better get going so I have time to rest before grandma duties start!

    Best wishes everyone!

    I got here early but there were no posts for the day so I finished my book first. And now here you are Cinque. Enjoy your post FD today. Ha! So you were op shopping! I have started reading the LD book but I’m only up to the part I’d already read on-line. The roo meat was OK – sliced very thinly and cooked on a very hot grill – but still not a favourite. Have fun with the little ones.

    Stay warm Penguin, I read that there’s a gas crisis looming.

    I had to drag myself out of bed this morning – very tough to get going and I still have an irritating headache. I can’t take the day off because there’s lots of cloud cover, so it’s perfect for working on the external woodwork. I’m currently trying to revive myself with a pot of Melbourne Breakfast tea.

    Cinque, the new kitchen is looking good, although covered in plastic at the moment to protect it from the dust – I spent yesterday afternoon patching and sanding walls where old cupboards were ripped out and aren’t being replaced (I changed the layout). Unfortunately I discovered missing skirting boards behind these, so something else I have to repair.
    I missed the first 2 episodes too – basically it wasn’t until the program started that I even noticed it.

    Penguin, that sounds like a perfect winter soup to me. Hot and hearty. Although I eat lots of veg all year round, I have a bit of a demarcation line when it comes to cold salads – if the temperature is less than 30C I’d rather have hot veg.

    My FD went well and today I’m planning a controlled day. I think some high fibre cereal and a banana for lunch and a veggie omelette for dinner.

    It has been snowing again all day and it is forecast to get heavier overnight. There is a spade just inside the door which I will need to use to get out because, although I keep clearing that area, there is about 2 feet/60cm of snow against the outside. The snow is very powdery and has not stuck to the cables, so we still have electricity. When we are stuck indoors and have power OH tends to bake. Today it was fruit loaves, lots of fruit and mixed spice. My weight loss plans have been sabotaged.

    FD for me today. I had some Manhattan Clam Chowder at around 2:00 and just had a pound of frozen broccoli with some lemon juice and Tobasco sauce on it. (Hot sauce). The rain stopped for a while and the sun is out. But just started the fireplace because it feels cold in here. I often feel cold on FD.

    We watched a couple more hours of Outlander last night. There are 2 episodes left in season 3 and I’m going to be sad to see it end. We have lots of other things to watch, but I’ve really enjoyed that series. I think they’re still writing season 4.

    Hi Cinque – I just watched the earlier episode of Lose Weight Well which had a segment about 5:2 – sorry to say, although somewhat entertaining, I did not think it was worthwhile watching.

    Hi everyone
    So glad we’re now into Autumn – cooler days ahead. OH is happy that the Neurologist and Cardiologist are both happy with his current health status – they don’t think it’s life threatening, which is wonderful, just have to ‘wait and see’! Hopefully, we can both start doing more exercise with no after effects on his part – all good news.

    JJulie and Sybs: so glad you are both enjoying your walks and getting to know each other and also that you have things in common

    Cinque: hope you enjoyed your opshopping yesterday and found lots of nice things – I’d like to do the same one day soon.

    Calif: our garden club is very interesting – our area can get very hot in Summer, and very cold and frosty in Winter with snow about one hour away in the Barrington Tops, so all the shared information is much appreciated. Best wishes for today when you step on those scales!. Keep warm with all that weather of yours

    Thin: congrats for being under 59kg. Our garden club meets monthly in a members garden – we all take food to share for lunch; there’s a trade table to buy home grown plants; a raffle; a members draw; a guest speaker; Q and A time; discussions on what to do/grow in our gardens each month. Very friendly and sociable group of like minded people! Much like this forum. So glad your next door dilemma has finally settled – wishing you much peace and quiet times ahead!

    Penguin: thinking of you in all that bad weather and hope it settles for you real soon – keep very warm inside, and enjoy the warm and hearty soups

    LJoyce: so pleased for you with the new kitchen – it’s all coming together nicely for you. Will be so nice for you when all is finished and the ‘For Sale’ sign goes up!

    Hi to all those reading but not posting.
    Hope everyone is enjoying whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Penguin, great planning to keep the spade inside. Or possibly learned from experience?

    LJ, good that your CD is going well. Cinque, did you have a great day?

    CalifD, so pleased that Outlander has given you and the OFMs so much pleasure.

    Arel, that garden club sounds absolutely delightful! I’d love that. I was still 58.8kg today even after yesterday’s NFD but I suspect that will change soon as we are meeting friends for lunch at a winery tomorrow. Oh well, Sunday’s right there to catch me and set me back on the right path again. What a great WOL!

    2nd post today:

    Thin: so pleased for you being 58.8kg – it’s been many years for me being in the 80’s, now in the upper 70’s, with a long way to go, so waiting patiently! I really enjoy this WOL!
    Maybe there is a garden club in your area OR perhaps you could get a group together and start one! Just a suggestion and it is great fun.

    I’m fasting today and also on Sunday – was going back to Monday and Thursday but life got in the way – so glad 5:2 is so flexible!

    I received my new book from Dr’s Phinney and Volek on low carb/high fat living mainly for my insulin resistance. Haven’t read all of it yet. Part of me feels it may be too much of a change in diet, the other part says ‘give it a go’. I believe in the science behind it and wonder if any of you have tried it, and if so, successful or not! The book mentions the Atkins diet. If I do try it, then 5:2 would still be part of what I’d do as well, as fasting is also a part of it. Any suggestions or ideas would be much appreciated and thank you in advance for any comments.

    Have a great weekend everyone and bye for now!

    Only another few inches of snow overnight. I have dug out the front door and a path through the three feet/90cm of snow to the garage, where we keep the canned goods. Then walked up to the road – snow about 18 inches/45cm deep on the road and the plough hasn’t been through yet. I don’t think we will be going anywhere today.

    The forecast is that it will get warmer on Sunday – not warm but warmer. Normally I would not be worried, but we are supposed to be flying out of our local airport at 7am on Monday, which means leaving here at about 3.30am. That may require a re-assessment.

    Good morning SHs, welcome to the weekend.

    I had a rough night and was awoken with joint pain. That’s unusual, as I’m usually ok once I get to sleep. I think it’s just a bad day as I woke this morning with the pain levels about the same – nothing some strong analgesics won’t deal with. I suspect my body is in league with the painter! – Confused? I’ll explain.
    The painter came yesterday evening to quote for the painting that I wanted done (gutters, barge boards, eaves and ceilings). His fee is the cost of the paint that he has to supply (about $200 as I already have some) and $40 an hour. When he described how quick the various painting tasks would be I was astounded. I had planned to do the external windows myself – it would take me at least another week to finish. He can do the same painting in just a day. So it got me thinking about how much of the painting that I have left to do myself, that I might just hand over to the painter and pay for him to do it – it will still cost less than I had budgeted for painting and save me so much time. That’s why I think my body was conspiring against me last night, trying to get me to throw in the paint brush. Not that that’s the end of the reno tasks, there’s still other things to do: tiling, grouting, floor polishing…

    Penguin, could you stay near the airport Sunday night, so that you don’t have to get out of your place in the early hours? Is there a hotel or B&B near the airport?

    Arel, you might want to read Michael Mosley’s “The Blood Sugar Diet” (or just have a look at the website for it). I think he goes through the Mediterranean diet as the best option for those with insulin resistance. This would offer a broader range of food which might be easier to sustain longer term. I know it doesn’t help with so many different ideas around on how to eat to deal with the same issue – if the experts disagree what hope is there for the rest of us.

    Thin, glad to hear you stayed in 58 territory. Enjoy your winery lunch today. I don’t need to remind you that you can enjoy today and fast tomorrow – you will see 58 again.

    Cali – I’ve never eaten clam chowder but it always sounds inviting. I always think of it as a creamy hearty soup – is it? Or is that just my imagination.

    Cinque – I agree about autumn. It’s always been my favourite time of year for gardening. It’s also really pretty here in autumn as I live in an area that was heavily planted out with european trees a century or so ago. So the autumn leaf colour is just magnificent. People actually drive up from the suburbs just to look at it. It’s one of the reasons I thought autumn might be a good time to sell – people will be distracted by how pretty the town is in autumn and really want want to live here!

    I’m doing a FD today as I’m going to bunch Sunday with family. It’s one of those mornings where I’ve finshed one pot of tea and am seriously considering going back for another. I think I just don’t feel like starting work yet and am prepared to do anything to delay it. I have some small fiddly jobs that I might try to get done today.

    Hi Lovelies.

    31C today, I wish I could send 10C over to you Penguin, although maybe it would just melt the snow enough for it to stick to your cables and bang goes your power. Hope you get out on Sunday okay!

    LJoyce, I hope you are feeling a lot better this morning. Sending good wishes. I have woken up feeling a bit like a grasshopper that has gone through the windscreen, so I hope that means you are feeling fine. My turn. Just pottering today so I will get through.

    Nice meal Cali, Tabasco is well known here. Very hot sauce! That will help you beat the chill.

    Hmm Sybs, re 5:2 on the Diet Testing show. They do only give each diet a brief outline so I’m not surprised it wasn’t very useful.

    Arelkade that is such good news about Mr Arelkade. And about your Garden Club, what a lovely community group. Good luck working out a diet to help your insulin issues.

    I had fun with the kids and the beaded batman tshirt was such a success that Miss 3 wore it on top of her other dress the whole time and was hot, plus annoyed that she didn’t have me to herself as usual, so quite a lot of tantrums, especially when she had to go home. Miss 1 just trotted along quietly letting us know exactly what she wanted (and throwing away her sun hat at every opportunity). Lovely time. So exhausted at the end!

    Day before fast day.

    Best wishes to everyone for a good weekend.

    Your post came in while I was writing LJoyce. Yes! Give the painter the job! Have a lovely fast day today and brunch tomorrow, and may the hip pain go away quickly!

    Cinque, as you can see I’m still on my laptop employing delaying tactics and watching the foreign news broadcasts I recorded in the early hours. Sounds like a nice but tiring day with the grandies. A grasshopper going through a windscreen sounds pretty dramatic, I hope you get a quiet recuperative day.
    I’m going to be my usual stubborn self and do a few things around the house this afternoon at whatever pace I can manage. I get tomorrow morning off as I’m going to brunch with family, so I’ll count that as a break.

    I just noticed this advice in Germany. Penguin, you may need to head over there and give lessons on how to walk on ice: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/04/penguin-walk-german-doctors-advice-slipping-icy-paths

    LJoyce, I vote for paying the painter. His estimate sounds pretty reasonable to me. Oftentimes painters are faster because the use paint sprayers rather than brushes or rollers. They do a good job of coverage and are efficient. The good ones that don’t easily clog were pretty expensive when I looked at them years ago. You really had to paint a lot to make them worth the cost. And painting eves, gutters and ceilings? That’s more like cruel and unusual punishment than reno work! Get that painter in there! 😁 Your joints probably just need a few days off. You’ve been working hard for a long time getting the house ready.

    The clam chowder that I like, Manhattan Clam Chowder, has a tomato base rather than a creamy one. It’s lower in calories and I like the flavor better. Here’s a typical recipe for it: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/manhattan-clam-chowder-recipe-2102639

    Cinque, I had to giggle about Miss 1 and Miss 3 leaving you like a grasshopper blown through a windscreen. 😆 Little kids do seem to have an endless supply of energy and curiosity. But they make up for all of that with their cuteness. 😍

    I see that Tobasco sauce is sold there too. http://www.usafoods.com.au/McIlhenny-Tabasco-Sauce-12oz So many brands are available around the world these days. I
    put it on a lot of diffferent things and in soups and sauces. I add it to my own plate only as OFMs don’t like food overly spicy. I think my taste buds have gotten weaker as I get older.
    The penguins in the photo from that article are so cute, Cingue. They do seem to have an easier time than humans with walking on ice.

    Penguin, that is an unusual amount of snow this year, right? I didn’t think it snowed there often at all, just rain in the winter. If you can stay near the airport, that sounds like a good idea for such an early morning flight. And a lot less stressful if the weather is bad.

    Arel, I’ve never read that book, but I’ve read at least one of Dr. Atkins books in the past. I never felt good when eating a low carb diet so I never stuck with them for very long. But I know other people who have lost weight on high fat/low carb diets. I like fruits and vegetables too much.
    I’m glad OH’s doctors are happy with his progress. Are there meds he can take to help even out his blood pressure or heartbeat when needed?

    I’ll be anxious to hear thin’s opinion on the LD diet book. I think she just started reading it.

    Enjoy your warm SH weather. Think of me in 2 layers of Cuddl Duds trying to stay cozy!

    Oh, LJ, I’m still enjoying the T2 teas. I can’t decide which I like best, but OH has the French Earl Grey every morning. The tea really does seem to go a long way. I see they have a sale going on until Monday and trying to decide if I should get more now or wait until I’m almost out.

    Cali, I am planning to take advantage of the current T2 sale as I have to buy some tea for a cousin’s birthday this month – I’ll add enough of my own teas to the purchase to make sure I’m over the free postage threshold. If you are wondering how often the cheaper T2 prices are offered – T2 do have sales and special offers throughout the year. However they are mostly aimed at specific products that are cheaper. The 20% discount currently offered is one of their better price discounts and it isn’t offered often. The only better offer (about once a year) is 3 for the price of 2 – providing you only buy things that are of a similar value then that’s a 33% saving.
    I think tabasco sauce is well known anywhere in the world that they make bloody mary cocktails. When I was very young nobody that I knew ate chilli in Australia. But you could still buy tabasco – for ages it was the only chilli sauce we knew. When I first started making chilli con carne it was what I used to give it heat. When chilli first started to appear on the shelves it was the 1970s when we had more migration from Asia and things like sweet chilli sauce appeared.

    That clam chowder looks very nice, but not at all like I was imagining. It’s essentially minestrone but with clams instead of legumes. The only chowder I make is in one of the Moosewood books and contains lima beans – the only thing I ever cook with them.

    I started work so late today I didn’t get much done. However, I have finished patching the plaster and paintwork in the bedroom (a small area of damage created by the electrical work that I knew I’d have to deal with). I have also finished cutting in the wall paint in the kitchen and will paint the walls with the roller tomorrow afternoon. I’ve decided that I will finish the walls in the kitchen and lounge and I’ll do the doors and the painters can do everything else.

    CalifDreamer. I think there are a few places that rarely see snow but most of us get it in January. This much this late is unusual – there are daffodils under that snow. In the fifteen years we have lived here there has been one without much snow. When we lived in the north we just expected it, which is why there was a spade in the house.

    LJoyce. I lived ten years in Germany. They are not as organised as their reputation but always seemed to be prepared for winter. Pay the painter – there are things that you can do with the time that are more fun!

    Good morning.
    Sunday fast day.
    Still scraping myself up from the windscreen, but managing to cook the veggies, before they go off, and do some tidying, so that is good.
    planning a fasty fast day.

    Cheers to everyone.

    I’m with you today Cinque. I’m taking the easy miso soup option for dinner. No chicken. I didn’t think FDs could get any easier yet they are.

    Arel, sorry I can’t help you with that diet. This is the only ‘diet’ I’ve ever embraced. All my previous weight loss efforts involved starvation & deprivation followed by resumption of all the old habits & quantities! It’s good that Mr Arel (the KD part of Arelkade?) has a clean bill of health.

    CalifD, to be honest, I’m not finding Dr Longo’s book a page turner.

    The latest guests next door are here for a girls’ long weekend. I had a chat with one of them who came round to ask about parking options on the first night. She was already swaying & wreaking of wine. Good move on her part though because, although they’ve been very loud well into the small hours, having met her makes us feel less inclined to ask them to hold the noise down. Knowing that tonight is the final night of this operation is helping us to grin and bear it.

    It was such a good day in the Swan Valley with our friends yesterday. The food platter was a very generous offering and of good quality and variety. I drew the line at the pork pie which held no appeal. There was a time I’d have scoffed that down without thinking. The platter came with a bottle of wine between two. After tasting two wines prior to taking our table, I’d had enough. I was driving anyway. I skipped breakfast and dinner so the damage seems to have been absorbed fairly well. It feels perfect to be fasting today.

    Penguin, it’s a good thing you’re a penguin able to cope with all that snow. Safe trip. Portugal? Summer has arrived in Perth. Tuesday is forecast for 38C.

    Hi all,

    Went out to brunch with family this morning and as I wasn’t fasting I actually had brunch rather than just a pot of tea. I ordered the mushroom stack which was several field mushrooms on a slice of bruschetta with a little feta pesto and rocket. It was dressed with a drizzle of olive oil and pomegranate molasses. The flavours worked so well together. I’d definitely order it again.

    Thin, I suspect you are sending your Summer revival over our way shortly. We have mid-high 30s forecast by the middle of the week. Really glad that you enjoyed your winery day. It sounds like a fun day out.

    Cali, did you see the advert from T2 about a hot cross bun flavoured tea, just in time for Easter! I normally don’t buy these special event teas as they are usually really overpriced. By the way, my vote is with your hubby – I love French Earl Grey and have it every afternoon, lamington I like, but for me it’s an occasional tea when I’m in the mood. I actually enjoy the lamington tea more in colder weather.

    Cinque, well done finding enough energy for a spot of cooking and cleaning. I hope your day is mostly relaxing.

    Penguin, hope you find a way to make it to the airport. Although can the planes take off or is icing a problem?
    I watch the BBC news every morning and I saw an interview a couple of days ago with someone complaining that every time it snows we are never prepared and the whole country comes to a halt. Sounds like Germany and other places in mainland Europe are better prepared – although perhaps widespread snow is more common there, which makes it easier to convince the population to plan. If you believe it’s an unusual rare event (as I suspect most of Britain believes) then you don’t plan. I noticed that only recently have we in Oz accepted that floods are an almost annual risk in some parts of the country and are no longer rare events. It’s certainly affected flood insurance premiums and changed the type of rebuilding that happens.

    I came home from brunch and got the first coat of paint on the kitchen walls. Because of all the cabinets there was masses of cutting in (that I did yesterday) but the paint roller was a very quick task. I’ve stopped for a cuppa and light snack and will do the second coat shortly. I’m glad I can hand over the remaining painting to the professionals on Tuesday.

    I’m planning to fast tomorrow and Wednesday as they are the days I am busy with appointments and I find they make good fast days as I’m not home near food.

    For those fasting today , hope you have an easy day.

    Hi everyone
    Thank you LJoyce, Cinque, CalifD and Thin for all your comments in regards to LCHF diet. I know, from past experience, that it is difficult to cope with strict limitations then the ultimate return of old habits – so LCHF is not for me. I’ve always thought if everyone followed the Mediterranean diet, we would all be a lot healthier, especially diabetics: so maybe I need to put my thoughts into practice, along with 5:2 and know it can be done for life! Thank you all once again.

    Penguin: best wishes for getting on the plane on Monday – maybe it’s already too hard to get out of your home, drive on the road, and be closer to the airport. Fingers crossed your weather will settle quickly

    LJoyce: your painters quote sounds extremely reasonable – enjoy the spare time you will gain from his expertise!

    Cinque and LJoyce: hope you are both feeling a lot better now, and as close to being pain free as your conditions allow – my thoughts are with you

    CalifD: my OH takes 2 medications only which seem to be working now, thank goodness, and his energy levels are returning slowly. So all is looking good! Keep very warm in your current weather – hope Spring comes soon for you

    My Dad has come home for a couple of days, so enjoying being with him – maybe it could happen regularly – have to wait and see!

    Must go. Enjoy whatever you are doing and bye for now!

    Thin, happy to hear that you had a nice time at the winery in the Swan Valley. We have lots of wineries nearby as well and it’s always a fun day to go when the weather is warm. It’s too bad you had to come home to another noisy group next door. Well, thankfully that’s the last one.

    LJoyce, I did get the ad from T2 about the hot cross bun flavored tea and added that to my order. I have a question about the Melbourne breakfast tea. Is that a good one? Or is it just an ordinary vanilla flavored black tea? We usually drink decaf teas and have some plain decaf black teas but find the other ones I’ve ordered, like the French Earl Grey, not too be too high in caffeine. I’m thinking about the Creme Breulee because it sounds good and the Gorgeous Geisha because we need to drink more green tea, but most green teas just taste grassy to me. I’m hoping with all their interesting flavors, that might be a good one. I want to get a tin of the French Earl Grey while it’s on sale. These orders add up quickly, even on sale!

    Cinque, hope you’re feeling better as the day goes on. It looks like you have lovely weather there and not too hot. Good for a leisurely day.

    Penguin, hope that snow melts and you don’t get more before your drive to the airport. Traveling to warm weather will be especially nice after all of that.

    Arel, glad to hear you’re staying with the 5:2 rather than some of the other weight loss schemes. It does seem to be the only one I can stick to for maintenance. And that’s the important part, to be able to maintain once you’ve lost the weight. Losing may take a little longer, but if you can get in your 2 FD each week, it is dependable.

    I’m doing a Sunday/Monday FD this week because of traveling midweek. I don’t like doing B2B, but it seems the most practical for this week.

    Morning all. Quick check in, there is much to do today. Weight is up this week – to much warming comfort food. The airport is operating but yesterday’s flight to Funchal was cancelled because of bad weather in Madeira! Forecast for tomorrow is good at both ends. We have dug a path up to the road and arranged to be picked up there.

    The reason most of the country isn’t as prepared for this weather as much of northern Europe is purely cost. We don’t get it this badly often enough for that kind of expense to be high up the priority list. We are also getting more flooding, and that is often enough for some money to have been spent.

    Minor panics yesterday – a couple of locks stuck at locked but they were only frozen and a bit of minor plumbing to do but we will be ready..

    Penguin, I have everything crossed that you make it down to the road, to the airport and to Madeira without incident. Enjoy your holiday in a hopefully milder climate.

    Cali, The T2 Melbourne breakfast is a normal black breakfast tea with a hint of vanilla flavour – that’s why I like it first thing in the morning. You could make a decaf alternative by simply putting your decaf black tea in a large jar with a vanilla bean and leaving it for a couple of weeks – I have done this and it does work. Creme brulee does actually taste as its name suggests. I used to drink it a lot but I’m off it at the moment – I seem to go through phases with tea preferences. Another one you might like is New York Breakfast tea – it’s a black tea base with a hint of pancakes, maple syrup and cinnamon. I agree with your comments about the grassy flavour of green tea – another one I have to be in the mood for. Gorgeous Geisha is one of the few green teas that I like – it contains freeze dried strawberries – one of those teas where the flavour is nice but the aroma is truly heavenly. Enjoy your purchases. I have ordered 3 foil packets: 1 of Melbourne Breakfast and 2 of Morning Red (one of which is a gift for someone else).
    Cali, just remember that green tea does have caffeine, although I think it has less tannin than black tea. I think the lowest caffeine of proper teas (as opposed to herbs) is white tea – which is very expensive so I rarely get to drink it.

    I’m just taking a quick break in washing the lounge room walls, better get back to it, only one more wall to do. You don’t realise just how much soot clings to the walls from a slow combustion heater until you actually have to get up there and scrub it off. Each section of wall seems to need to be scrubbed 3 times before I stop getting black soot on the sponge.

    Good morning.
    Day after fast day for me.
    When I wake up (I noticed this morning) I am not hungry. By the time I get up I am starting to be hungry, and within half an hour I am ravenous. That’s about 7:30! No wonder I don’t do back to back days!
    Anyway, I have had my yummy breakfast, and I’m getting organised for a full day.

    Hope Penguin is happily out of his country and sitting in the sun. And that LJoyce’s walls are all washed. And Cali got her T2 order decided (I remember my surprise when I tried green teas that they gave me a bigger caffeine hit than coffee!). And Arelkade has had a lovely couple of days with her dad.
    Thin, we are getting the remnants of your hot weather at the end of the week. 30, 30, 32.

    I am feeling better and also have my fridge under control (nothing wilting in the veggie drawers), and my freezer quite full of delicious things. Lovely. Off to do some tidying. Cheers!

    CalifD, I will be thinking of you and your B2B fast. Do you like to keep your weekends fast-free?

    Morning Cinque, good to hear that you’re feeling well and with an organised fridge. I’ve been experiencing slightly more FD hunger without my protein in the evenings but I seem to be dealing with it better. It’s funny that I don’t seem to wake up hungry and can last until late morning before needing to eat even after feeling hungry towards the end of a FD.

    I’ve just read in Dr Longo’s book that breakfast should never be skipped because doing so is associated with cardiovascular disease. Well that’s one piece of advice I won’t be taking. I’m definitely not eating when I’m not hungry and I know that when I do eat breakfast at breakfast time, it sets me off for snacking all day. My GP’s last tests a year ago revealed a less than 3% chance of CVA and that, he said, was primarily biological age-related. (Don’t write in, I realise that Dr Longo argues that could be off-set by 30 years with his Longevity Diet!).

    LJ, I have just looked up white tea. It doesn’t appeal to me at all but I think you should have it if you enjoy it. Hang the cost! You live alone, work hard, eat a lot less than you used to – I say you deserve it!

    36C today, 38C tomorrow. I can handle two stinkers knowing that it’s back to 30C for the rest of the week.

    Good Morning SHs,

    I was up early to paint the cornices in the lounge. I have a GP appointment late morning, so I’m hoping that by the time I’ve been to that and then run some errands I can get on with painting the walls. This should be my last day up a ladder with a paint brush – that sounds good.

    Thin, I feel exactly the same way about breakfast. If your body tells you it’s not hungry why would you ignore it – I did that for too many years. It usually causes the same all day snacking for me too and it doesn’t matter whether I eat carbs or protein for breakfast. I think it’s the act of eating that suddenly wakes my brain up to the possibilities of more food. I barely have breakfast eaten and I’m looking for the next thing to eat. What is interesting is that on the rare occasions that I eat breakfast because I am hungry doesn’t trigger the same binge – not that I get to test this often as it’s a rare day when I’m hungry before 10am.

    Cinque, I think your wilting vegetables have made their way to my fridge. Yesterday I soaked and cooked a pot of white beans and tonight I’ll turn those veggies into a big bot of pasta-less minestrone with the addition of the beans. That should take care of a few FD dinners and some lunches on NFDs as well. I’m just annoyed that the weather is turning hot again as I enjoy soup much less in hot weather. Unfortunately I’d planned the menu and bought the veg before I knew that Thin was sending her hot temps east. Tomorrow is our last mild day then it’s mid-high 30s until Saturday. As the painters will have taken over that job from me tomorrow I might delegate Tuesday as a gardening day, that would make a very nice change. It’s timely too, as despite cutting and poisoning all the blackberries just a few weeks ago, they are already making a comeback.

    FD for me, I’ve just finished my first pot of tea for the day. Providing I find the time and enthusiasm to cook it, minestrone will be dinner.

    Hi everyone

    Had a lovely couple of days with Dad being at home, always lovely being with him, I cherish each moment. Went back to NH at 9am after a good rest.

    Then had a lovely day with very special school friend (from year 7) and her husband – it’s been ~ 18 months since last being together and we just pick up as if it was yesterday! Love her dearly. Both beautiful people!

    Weighed in today – expected to be up as haven’t been too serious lately: surprisingly was down to lowest in a very long time – 76.6kg, I’m happy! Down 5.9kg from November: slow and steady…

    All the flavoured tea talk sounds delicious – have fun choosing!

    Fingers still crossed for Penguin getting on your plane – a holiday sounds very relaxing, enjoy your time away and the better weather.

    It’s overcast here with rain expected – the gardens love it and so do our farmers.

    Hope you all have an enjoyable day with lots of happy moments.
    Bye for now!

    Sunday night here and the end of the first day of my B2B FDs this week. I don’t usually like to fast on weekends because there are often things going on with OFMs where food plays a part. Monday and Thursday are my normal days. But traveling this week beginning Wed and some business meals, so hard to have to count calorie calories. Today was kind of a tough FD. I usually don’t feel very hungry on FDs but food was on my mind a good part of the day. I made poached salmon, brown rice and mixed broccoli, cauliflower and carrots for dinner. I weighed out the salmon and stuck within my 500 calories. Skipped the rice. Tomorrow will likely be easier.

    Count me in with thin and LJ as one who’s rarely hungry at breakfast time. Once I start eating I’m turned on the food and snacking for the rest of the day. I eat a lot more throughout the day when I eat breakfast. Nope. No plans to start eating breakfast.

    Arel, the flavored teas, or just hot drinks in general, keep me feeling full. I drink a lot of tea on FDs. T2 teas are some of the best teas I’ve tasted. I ended up ordering the Creme Brulee, the hot cross bun, Georgeous Geisha and a tin of French Earl Grey. That should keep us in tea for a while!

    Cali, glad you got that tea order sorted. Good luck with the B2B FDs, hopefully you’ve had your hungry day and tomorrow will be easier. I’m a bit like Cinque, my hunger does kick in the day after a FD, making B2B difficult. I find the flavoured teas a high point on FDs, they help me not miss food.

    Arel, sounds like a nice few days spending time with people that matter to you. What better way to spend your time.

    I did actually get minestrone made and have eaten a big bowl of it for dinner. Plenty left to keep me going a few days and probably a container for the freezer too.

    The Penguin has migrated. Up and about at 2.50am and by 1040am on an island in the Atlantic about 1500 miles southwest. From dragging a suitcase through two feet of snow to sitting in shorts and a tee shirt drinking pastis and eating chourico. We are a contented pair of birds.

    This is a mix of self catering and eating out, and we have been known to come back lighter (but not often.)

    Good morning SHs,

    Up early as the painters are due any moment and the plumber (who didn’t get here yesterday as planned) is coming at 8:30. Just trying to wake up with a cuppa.

    Penguin, you created a wonderful image. I’m imagining you both reclining on deck chairs, drinks in hand.

    My task for the morning is gardening – which I’m looking forward to. This afternoon I have to put in a few pieces of missing skirting board and door jam trim in the kitchen. I might also attempt the tiling in the kitchen if there’s time – haven’t tiled in 30 years but I hope I still remember the basics.

    FD was OK yesterday, although I spent too much time last night, when I should have been sleeping, thinking about food.

    We woke to a fabulous downpour. Short-lived but welcome. Temp downgraded to only 36C.

    Arel, it’s lovely that you have that special relationship with your dad. Enjoy it all. And your weight is coming off so nicely. Happy dance for you!

    LJ, all the best with today’s chores and supervising others. Today you can not only think about food but decide what’s on offer.

    Penguin, do you and Mrs P. continue fasting while on holiday? Have a wonderful time eating and drinking whatever those items you mentioned might be.

    CalifD, good luck with day two. I’m sure you’ll cope admirably.

    Good morning Cinque for when you get here. And everyone else who’s decided not to post for now. Hope you’re doing well.

    Hi all, Morning Thin,

    I am very slow this morning. I had a good day yesterday and then decided to stay up to the early hours watching the fourth and final series of ‘The Bridge’ on SBS OnDemand. It felt so decadent and exciting as I am usually trying all the sleep hygeine things.
    I got the midnight munchies and cooked some pappadams to munch on.
    I got to the end of the series and then started criticising it.
    Oh dear, I am really too old for such things. I regret eating in the middle of the night, I regret missing out on early sleep, and really, the series wasn’t worth it. But I did enjoy it while it was happening! I felt young again then.

    Arelkade, a whisker off being 6 kilo down! Woot.
    And what a lovely social time with your school friend, as well as your dad.

    Cali, more good luck with day 2. And with your busy work week. Hope they are nice meetings.

    Cheers to Mr and Mrs Penguin, lazing in the sun. No bringing back the flu this time!

    Cheers to LJoyce, project managing! Good luck tiling. Enjoy your gardening too!

    Hooray for rain on gardens (no sign of that here 🙁 ).

    Going shopping with my pal. Will try to buy only a few things, or there will be more veggies migrating to LJoyces fridge, to wilt there mournfully. Two coffee dates today! Will have fun dressing up.

    All the best, all of you 🙂

    Hi Cinque – have you watched “The Bureau”? Also on SBS on Demand – I completely binged on that.

    G’day everyone. Cinque, it sounds like you had a fun time watching “The Bridge” and making midnight snacks. It’s nice to get out of your regular routine sometimes, you shouldn’t regret it. You can always catch up on sleep.

    Penguin, glad you and OH are in a warmer place for a while! You’re still on your 5 day fast, right? I lose track of the days without going through back posts. I hope you’re having a wonderful time. And I hope the snow will be gone when you get home. Bring the sun with you! 🌝

    Thin, even a short downpour is good for the garden during hot weather. It’s still cold here with the highs around 13 during the day and 4 or less at night. I’m sitting near the fireplace tonight with a fleece blanket over my lap and fluffy bunny slippers on. 😁

    LJ, you are tireless! Glad you’re taking a break from the painting. What are you tiling in the kitchen, floor or wall? I would love to try putting porcelain or ceramic tile down on our bathroom floor but not sure I could get it to lie evenly. And we’ve never tried cutting tile, other than the vinyl kind. It seems like that would be challenging.

    Arel, congrats on the weight loss. Keep doing the fast days and it will come off. The 5:2 can be slow, but it’s pretty dependable. Glad you had a nice visit with your friend and with your dad.

    Hey Sybs, good to see you!

    The 2nd half of my B2B fast days went very well today. It was a busy work day and I didn’t have a chance to eat until 2:30. I only had plain coffee and tea in the morning. Today was as easy as yesterday was difficult. I wasn’t hungry at all today. It’s funny how that works sometimes. My weight yesterday morning was up over 60. This morning it was 59. I should be back in the 58’s tomorrow but I need to slow down the snacking, especially nuts. We have some out on the kitchen island and I end up eating a few every time I walk by. (On NFD).

    Hi all, the plumbers left and then the painters left and I now have a quiet house to myself again. I also have a connected sink, tap and dishwasher in the kitchen, painted eaves and partially painted gutters and facias.
    I ended up not tiling today, I felt it was too late to start once the plumber had finished. I gardened this morning and then I painted some doors and fixed the wood trim in the kitchen this afternoon.

    Cali, I am just putting 2 rows of 100x100mm plain white mosaics on the wall above the bench as a splashback. http://www.beaumont-tiles.com.au/All-Products/Product-Details?pid=1007455&group=1&groupname=Tiles&catid=MOS&catname=Mosaic+Tiles&tileColour=whi&pspid=1 They come in 3 x 3 sheets with a flexible mesh backing that can be cut – I’ll cut off one row as I just want it to be 2 tiles high. (I have to use these as they match the cooking alcove.) The only reason I’m doing it myself is because with my bench measurements I won’t have to cut any tiles. That makes it a very easy task. Just put adhesive on the wall with a notched trowel. Place the tiles. Then add spacers to make sure they stay where I want them and have even joints for grouting. Once the adhesive has dried the gaps between the tiles have to be grouted and the wall corner and the bottom edge next to the bench needs a line of silicone to waterproof the join. I have tiled before, but I only feel confident with wall tiles and they are thinner and more easily cut by the amateur, although I tend to break more than I cut so I hate this task. You need an electric saw to cut floor tiles as they are much thicker. It can be difficult to lay them perfectly flat. That’s a problem with floors as they are a trip hazard if uneven.

    Cinque, a midnight feast and tv binge sounds like a decadent treat to me. I hope you mostly enjoyed it, despite your issues with the series you watched.

    Thin, If you are sending the hot weather over my way, can I have the rain too please. My garden really needs it.

    Hi everyone
    We are having some beautiful, steady rain with 23’C temp today – just delightful, and the dams are slowly filling up. Good bye Summer – though maybe not!

    Calif: I just might check out the T2 tea website – the flavours you ordered sound irresistible. Enjoy your second FD. Thank you for the nice comments

    LJoyce: it is lovely being with people who matter to me, but living 2 hours away means it doesn’t happen often – so glad Dad is so close: 1.3 kilometres! Can see him whenever I like – which is often. Enjoy looking over all the wonderful work you have achieved – you have done so much – very inspirational, but I’d never come close. Your enthusiasm is contagious. I just need to find the non stop energy – very pleased for you!

    Penguin: I also image both of you sitting in recliner chairs, drinks in hand, munchies on the side, enjoying the warming sunshine – have a great holiday

    Thin: thank you for your lovely comments re: Dad and recent weight loss. I’m forever thankful to 5:2 and all the advice and wonderful support from all of you special people. I’m happy dancing with life just now – all is good

    Cinque: so glad you enjoyed your marathon series watching, midnight munchies, missing sleep and, best of all, feeling young again – makes it all worth it! And thank you for your nice comments.

    Hi to all those who are maybe just reading – hope you get back here real soon.

    Have a great week all of you. Be kind to yourselves. Bye for now!

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